`Page 1
` ___________________
` ___________________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` __________________
` Case IPR2022-00118
` U.S. Patent No. 10,804,740
` Wednesday, July 27, 2022
` 9:50 a.m. Pacific Time
`Stenographically Reported By:
`Lorie Rhyne, CSR No. 12905
`Job No. 5237
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` Haynes Boone, LLP
` 6000 Headquarters Drive, Suite 200
` Plano, Texas 75024
` (972) 739-8663
` Lombard & Geliebter LLP
` 230 Park Avenue, 4th Floor West
` New York, New York 10169
` (212) 520-1172
` Conducted Remotely
` 9:50 a.m. Pacific Time
`Page 5
` having first been duly sworn, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` Q. So, Dr. Phinney, please state your name for
` the record.
` A. My name is Joshua Phinney. Should I spell
` it?
` Q. No, that's okay.
` And you've been retained by the petitioner
` in this case, IPR 2022-0118; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that relates to U.S. Patent
` Number 10,804,740.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Can we refer to it as the "'740 patent"?
` A. Agreed.
` Q. Thanks. Great.
` (Exhibit 1003 was marked for identification.)
` //
`2 (Pages 2 to 5)
`2 3
`3 4
`7 8
`DATE: Wednesday, July 27, 2022
`TIME: 9:50 a.m. Pacific Time
`LOCATION: Conducted remotely with all
` parties appearing via Zoom
`Page 4
` I N D E X
`Joshua Phinney
` Mr. Papageorgiou 5
` Mr. Jarratt 63
`Exhibit 1001 U.S. Patent 10,804,740 5
`Exhibit 1002 U.S. Patent 10,804,740
` File History 6
`Exhibit 1003 '740 Phinney Declaration 6
`Exhibit 1004 Phinney CV 7
`Exhibit l005 Patent Application Pub. No.:
` US 2009/0021212 A1 (Hasegawa) 7
`Exhibit 1006 Patent Application Pub. No.:
` US 2007 /0069961 Al (Akiho) 7
`Exhibit 1007 Patent Application Pub. No.:
` US 2014/0306656 Al (Tabata) 7
`Exhibit 1008 U.S. Patent US 8,384,263
` (Hiramatsu) 8
`6 7 8 9
`6 7 8
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` Q. The -- so you prepared a declaration marked
` Exhibit 1003; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And this is the document on screen
` right now; is that correct?
` A. Yes, that looks like it.
` Q. Okay, great.
` (Exhibit 1001 was marked for identification.)
` Q. And in addition to Exhibit 1003, there's
` also Exhibit 1001.
` (Calmann Clements joins proceedings.)
` Q. Let me get the front page there.
` Do you recognize that document?
` A. Yes. It's the '740 patent.
` Q. Great.
` (Exhibit 1002 was marked for identification.)
` Q. Exhibit -- this is Exhibit 1002 shown on the
` screen right now.
` Do you recognize that document?
` A. Yes, the -- the file history for the
` '740 patent.
` (Exhibit 1004 was marked for identification.)
` Q. And Exhibit 1004, that is your CV; is that
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` (Exhibit 1005 was marked for identification.)
` Q. Do you recognize Exhibit 1005?
` A. Yes, this is Hasegawa, which is the --
` the -- the reference for the -- the ground in the
` petition.
` Q. Okay.
` (Exhibit 1006 was marked for identification.)
` Q. And this document shown on the screen right
` now is marked Exhibit 1016 [sic].
` Do you recognize this?
` A. I do. I -- I call it Akiho.
` Q. That's fair enough.
` (Exhibit 1007 was marked for identification.)
` Q. And there's a -- also Exhibit 1007 shown on
` screen now.
` Do you recognize this?
` A. Yes. I -- I call this Tabata.
`Page 9
`Page 8
` (Exhibit 1008 was marked for identification.)
` Q. And, finally, there is Exhibit 1008.
` Do you recognize this?
` A. Yes. I call that Hiramatsu.
` Q. Okay, great.
` Did you review your declaration,
` Exhibit 1003, in preparation of this deposition?
` A. I did.
` Q. Did you review any other documents?
` A. Just the documents cited in my declaration.
` Q. Great.
` A. Oh, and I should say I -- I also did see an
` institution decision, and I saw patent owner's
` preliminary response.
` Q. Thank you.
` Now, you're currently employed with
` Exponent, Inc.; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is your role with the company?
` A. I'm a principal engineer, and my role is
` to -- to lead technical investigations I would call,
` like, failure analysis, trying to figure out what went
` wrong with something. And about half the time, I'm
` involved in -- in intellectual property case of some
` type that could be trade secrets or patents.
` Q. Have you been retained for this particular
` petitioner in other matters? I know there's a few IPRs
` going on. Are you working on those as well?
` A. There should be -- I -- I -- perhaps a
` testimony list that you saw, and, yeah, I have been
` retained by petitioner in other matters that I've
` already testified on.
` Q. Okay. The matters related to the same
` patent owner? Have there been any other patent
` owners -- let me rephrase that.
` Have you worked on any matters for Apple
` that do not involve this particular patent owner?
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. Okay. And those are on your list?
` A. Those -- yeah, they should all be on -- on
` the -- the list. Those are publications, but my
` testimony list should have that.
` Q. So you indicated that you've provided
` testimony in other patent cases as well. The
` approximate number, more than 10, more than 20?
` A. Yeah, it's probably more than 20, could be
` more than 30.
` Q. Do you recall that in any of those cases
` whether you've given opinions on anticipation in the
`3 (Pages 6 to 9)
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` 35 U.S.C. 102?
` A. I -- I have.
` Q. How did you become aware of the standard for
` anticipation? Did you read any cases, for example?
` A. No, I -- I don't read cases. I tend to have
` a -- a section of any report I do on a patent matter, a
` section I usually just call Legal Understanding and,
` you know, it just has a lot of paragraphs that say,
` I've been informed by counsel that, and that just
` reflects what I -- what I learned in the course of
` doing this type of work about anticipation and
` obviousness.
` A. That all of the elements would be obvious to
` a -- a person of ordinary skill at the time of the
` invention.
` Q. Right. So it's -- it's a combination of --
` of references plus a rational basis for combining those
` references to yield the claimed invention; is that
` correct?
` A. Well, if I could look at my --
` Q. Sure.
` A. -- Legal Understanding section here.
` I'll just -- so I -- I think you asked a
` question about obviousness, and then you asked if
` your -- your way you said it was -- was correct, I
` Q. So it's fair to say that, basically, you've
` learned about obviousness and anticipation based on
` what you've been told by counsel?
` A. Yeah, I think that's -- that's a fair way to
` put it.
` Q. Okay. Now, in this particular case here in
` your declaration, we're principally concerned with
` obviousness; is that correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Now, what -- in terms of obviousness, you
` understand that, in essence, that the requirement to
` show that the -- the claim is obvious requires that all
` of the elements be in the prior art; is that correct?
` believe.
` Q. Okay. That's fine.
` Now, would you agree that it's not enough to
` merely show that components are in the prior art to
` prove obviousness.
` Would you agree?
` A. Well, I -- I tried to end the -- end my
` analysis in each -- of each claim element with a
` concluding sentence that would say -- it would say
` something to the effect of, you know, Thus, this
` teaching would render -- would render obvious the claim
` element.
`Page 13
` And, so, yeah, I -- I basically would show
` some, you know, reasons from -- from Hasegawa and then
`Page 12
` conclude with that type of sentence, that that
` element's obvious in view of that.
` Q. Okay. Are you -- has the -- the concept of
` impermissible hindsight ever been explained to you?
` A. It has.
` Q. Okay. What is your understanding of that
` concept?
` A. My -- my understanding is that using the --
` using the -- the patent itself as a template for
` arranging the prior art would be an example of
` impermissible hindsight.
` statement. That's that concluding statement that I
` have at the end of every claim element.
` Q. Okay. So to confirm, you did not conclude
` that the '740 patent is anticipated by Hasegawa or any
` of the other references?
` A. I -- I really handled this as an obviousness
` analysis, a single -- what I would maybe call a single
` reference obvious anal- -- obviousness analysis.
` Q. Okay. At paragraph 27 of your declaration,
` you have an excerpt pulled from the '740 patent, it --
` (Stenographer clarification.)
` MR. PAPAGEORGIOU: Sorry. Give me one
` Q. Okay. Now, the -- as we discussed briefly
` earlier, the -- you cite a number of patent references
` in your declaration. Did you do the search and locate
` those references or were they provided to you?
` A. So Hasegawa -- I can't recall where Hasegawa
` came from. I did search and find Hiramatsu, Akiho and
` then Tabata.
` Q. Okay. Now, in your declaration, it is your
` position that the '740 patent, at least the claims that
` are at issue, are obvious in view of Hasegawa,
` Exhibit 1005; is that correct?
` A. Yeah, I think that's a -- that's a fair
` second.
` Q. Okay. So back to -- to paragraph 27.
` Do you see that -- the -- the quote from the
` 7- --
` A. I -- it -- it -- it dropped out on my side.
` I -- I think I heard the last sentence -- the last
` words, but I'm not sure.
` Q. All right. Sorry. Let me repeat. Can you
` hear me?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Now, I'm referring to paragraph 27 of
` your declaration, you have an -- an excerpt from the
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` '740 patent.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. You understand that this
` paragraph is not prior art; is that correct?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` Q. Let me rephrase.
` So that paragraph that you quote from the
` '740 patent, do you understand that that passage is not
` prior art?
` A. I guess I'm not quite sure how to answer
` is -- at least your statement is not prior art?
` A. I -- I guess in the sense of being a
` reference that I'm relying on affirmatively defined
` claim elements, I -- I guess I'd agree with you that
` way.
` Q. Okay. At paragraph 32, you indicate that
` the listed elements there are well-known components; is
` that correct?
` A. Yes, that's what I say there.
` Q. Okay. Now, again, in terms of obviousness,
` it's not enough that the components themselves are
` well-known; is that correct?
` A. That makes sense to me, that it's not just
` because I have heard something called Apple can --
` admitted prior art where statements that a patent owner
` might make talking about the state of the art at the
` time, sort of, are -- are taken to reflect in a way
` what was the prior art.
` So I'm not -- I guess I'm not quite sure how
` to answer your question.
` Q. Okay. Well, we'll move on to the next
` paragraph.
` In that paragraph 28, you refer to more
` recent devices?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. And that's not prior art either
` finding certain things in isolation is, in a way, not
` enough. The -- the -- so at least in that sense.
` Q. Okay. Going a little further down to
` paragraph 35, you note that The specification does not
` provide additional details with respect to these
` spatial relationships between the connecting unit and
` the receiving space in the adhesive layer 710.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. You -- do you understand that the
` specification itself is not the only part of the patent
` disclosure?
`Page 17
`Page 16
` A. Yes. My understanding is that the
` disclosure also includes the file history as an
` example.
` Q. Do you understand that the drawings
` themselves are part of the disclosure?
` A. Yeah. My understanding is that -- that the
` drawings are -- are part of what I call a
` specification. Maybe -- maybe I'm wrong if they're
` distinct from that. But I'd always thought of things
` before the claim as being the specification, including
` a written description and the drawings.
` Q. Okay, yeah. Generally, they're considered
` A. Yeah, that's my memory. I can check if we
` want to be sure.
` Q. Okay. No, that -- that is correct.
` And 130 is the receiving space. Do you see
` that?
` A. That is my -- that is my recollection. I'm
` just looking in the patent. Yes, that -- that makes --
` that makes sense.
` Q. Okay. Now, reference numbers 210 and 220
` are the connecting terminals, and they are located at
` the ends of the coil 200.
` Do you see that? So 210, 220 and those are
` the ends of 200.
` separately, but as long as your understanding is that,
` you know, they do -- the drawings are part of the
` disclosure, that's fine.
` Now, at paragraph 33, you include Figure 26
` from Exhibit 1001. That's the '740 patent; is that
` correct?
` A. Yeah. Did you say I include Figure 26?
` Q. Twenty-six, um-hum.
` A. Yes, that's what's shown here in
` paragraph 33.
` Q. Now, I just want to go through a few of the
` components shown there. So 710, that's the adhesive
` layer; is that correct?
` A. Yes. 210 and 220, I believe, are called the
` first connection terminal and the second connection
` terminal. Yeah, it may appear to be shown at the ends
` of that -- of 200.
` Q. Okay. And that's consistent in the other
` drawings as well. So I'm -- I'm displaying Figure 1 in
` Exhibit 1001 now. That's the same configuration in
` Figure 1; is that correct?
` A. Yeah. Just looking at that coil, it --
` it -- it pretty much looks like we saw in Figure 26.
` Q. Okay. And I'll just go a little lower to
` Figure 11. And that is a similar configuration as
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` well; is that correct?
` A. I would agree that it's -- that it's similar
` as it depicts 200, 210, 220.
` Q. Okay. And finally, we're looking at
` Figure 14 in Exhibit 1001, and that too has the same
` configuration?
` A. I think I'd agree with that where it shows
` 200 and 210 and 220 the same way.
` Q. Okay. Let's take a look at the -- the
` figures again, except this time Figure 2.
` Is it fair to say that the -- that the
` connections terminals 210 and 220 are connected -- only
` those portions of the coil, those reference numbers 210
` A. -- can be helpful to sort of look at that.
` Q. Okay, yeah. So if we're looking at that
` cross-section at Figure 3, for example, you'll see that
` 220 and 210 are at the opposite ends there, and those
` are the -- the points that are connected to 300 -- or
` 330 in this instance.
` Do you see that?
` A. And if I could just hear the last part of
` your question. After you said 210 and 220, those are
` the parts that, and I just -- if you just repeat that
` part, please.
` Q. Right. So it's -- those connection
` and 220 are connected to the terminals on reference
` 300, which is the connecting units? So looking at
` Figure 2.
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` Q. If you understand the question, Dr. Phinney,
` you can answer it.
` A. I guess I'm not quite sure what you're
` looking at, and I would also just say that some of the
` side -- the side views so, like, along that -- along
` that cross-section, line AA --
` Q. Yeah.
` terminals 210 and 220 where the coil connects to the
` connecting unit, and I think the -- the connecting unit
` is 330 in Figure 3.
` Do you see that? Maybe I could zoom in a
` little for you.
` A. Yeah. I -- I -- yeah, so there's this -- I
` believe it's called solder 10 and 20 that is -- goes
` down through a via and it -- that connects sort of
` to -- to the 220 and 210 and --
` Q. Okay.
` A. -- is then, in turn, connected to 320 and
` 310.
` Q. All right. Yeah. So the -- if I'm not
`Page 21
`Page 20
` mistaken, so 220, connecting terminal 220 is connected
` to terminal 320 on the connecting unit in Figure 3; is
` that correct?
` A. Yeah, that, I think, is correct. They're --
` they're connected through that solder connection. So
` through sort of a filler metal, you might say, in
` between the two.
` Q. Got it. And that's the same with 210,
` reference number 210 and 310 at the right side of
` Figure 3; is that correct?
` A. Yeah. I would give the same answers for
` those.
` A. With respect to the -- sort of that aspect,
` yeah, I'd -- I'd agree. I think it's drafted, I think,
` pretty much the same way with the same reference
` numerals.
` Q. Yeah. Let's take a look at Figure 16. Now,
` that -- Figure 16 also has reference numbers 210 and --
` and -- 310 and 220 and 320, and 210 and 310 are
` connected via the solder, as you indicated previously,
` and that's the same case with 220, connection to 320;
` is that correct?
` A. I'd say it's certainly quite similar. 220
` and -- and 210 are -- are sort of buried in a trench.
` Q. Okay. Let's take a look at another -- at
` You know, so they're made -- they're constructed a
` Figure 8.
` Similar configuration; is that correct?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: You know, if we were looking
` at that -- the relationship of 220 to 320 through the
` intermediate sort of solder connection, that aspect of
` it, yeah, I'd say that those really show that -- the --
` the same way in Figure 8 that we had just looked at.
` Q. Okay. And then Figure 9, again, only
` with -- in respect to 210, 310 and 220, 320, Figure 9
` shows the same configuration; is that correct?
` little differently, but I'd agree that as far as those
` connection elements with the solder, I think it's
` drafted the same way that we've been looking at and
` with the same reference numerals.
` Q. Okay. Figure 21, same question. We have
` reference numbers 220 connected to 320 and 210
` connected to 310. And, again, it appears as in the
` previous figures that the connection occurs via some
` solder; is that correct?
` A. Yes, I'd agree with that, the same type of
` depiction of that connection that we've been
` discussing.
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` Q. Okay. Let's take a look at Figure 28. Now,
` Figure 28 is -- is a little bit different
` configuration. But I'd like to bring your attention to
` reference number 300, which is the -- at the top right
` of the figure.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that's the connecting unit; is that
` correct?
` A. Yeah. If you don't mind, I'm going to just
` look at the -- the name given to it.
` Q. Sure.
` A. And yes, I'd agree with you. It's --
` it's -- and just to be clear, you -- are you referring
` just to the --
` Q. Just to 300 for -- for this question or
` right now.
` A. Okay. Yeah, so the reason I'm pointing that
` out is just that the -- the terminals 310, 320, 340,
` 350 that --
` Q. I -- so we'll get to those parts in a
` minute, but I just want to confirm that 300 is the
` connecting unit?
` A. Yes, it is called the connecting unit.
` I'm -- I'm just saying that it's frequently discussed
`Page 24
` Maybe that helps you.
` Can you see that okay?
` A. Sorry. And -- and your specific question
` as being a collection of things --
` Q. Right.
` A. -- in both the claims and how it -- how it
` describes 300 as encompassing several other parts.
` So I just -- I'm just trying to be clear
` there's not necessarily just the -- the one empty
` rectangle part that's there.
` Q. Okay. But generally in the patent when
` the -- we see the -- the term -- the reference
` number 300, the word that precedes it or the words that
` precede it is connection terminal -- or connecting
` unit, excuse me?
` A. Yes, that's -- that's -- that was my read.
` I -- I think it was consistent that way.
` Q. Okay. Now, 320 -- do you see that? That's
` on the -- our left end of 300.
` Do you see that?
` A. I do.
` Q. Okay. And then 340 is closer to 300.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And 340 and 320 are also referred to
` connection terminals but those are the connection
` terminals on the connecting unit; is that correct?
` Well, let me just show you both 27 and 28.
`Page 25
` A. Yeah, I would agree with that.
` Q. Now, Figure 28, they -- it also includes
` reference number 220 and 210 and 310 -- let me get back
` was -- oh, that 320 and 340 were connection terminals
` on the connecting unit, I believe, is what your
` question was.
` Q. Yes, that is correct.
` A. I'm just quickly looking at the text.
` Q. Sure.
` A. Yeah, I think that's -- that's right. In --
` in the specification they're -- they're sometimes, you
` know, enumerated so that 320 can be called the -- a
` second connection terminal, and 340 can be called a
` third connection terminal.
` But, yes, they're both connection terminals,
` which -- yeah.
` Q. And those connection terminals are on the
` connecting unit 300; correct?
` A. Yeah, I think that's -- that's -- that's
` true. And -- and what we sometimes see as, like, the
` 300 will be given a -- a brace, which will be shown to
` subsume other sub-elements.
` Q. Um-hum. Yeah. I see that in some of the
` other figures, but just those parts, it looks like
` the -- you know, that 320 and 340 are on 300.
` to the 310 here.
` That is -- so 310 is another connecting unit
` on the -- another connection terminal on the connecting
` unit; is that correct? And that's the same case with
` 350.
` So in this Figure 27 and 28, there are
` actually shown four connection terminals on connecting
` unit 300; is that correct?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm just going to take the
` last part that you asked there just in case there --
` I'm only responding to that last part of the question,
` which it was, I think, if there's four connection
` terminals on this -- this connecting unit 300 as
` depicted in Figure 27 and 28, for instance.
` Q. Yes, yes.
` A. Yeah, I think I'd agree with that, and --
` and they're -- they're actually called first, second,
` third and fourth around -- in the specification around
` column 15. I'm looking around line 57.
` Q. Okay. Now, back to 210 and 220.
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`Page 26
`Page 27
` Do you see those in Figure 28, reference
` numbers 220 and 210?
` A. Yes, I see those.
` Q. And 220 and 210 are connecting terminals, as
` we discussed in the previous -- previously. Those are
` the connecting terminals on the coil; is that correct?
` A. That -- that makes sense to me, that even
` though they're not called out in Figure 27, they're
` sort of right under them, right under the -- 320 and
` 310 as an example.
` Q. Yep, okay.
` Now, in -- again, in Figure 28, it --
` Figure 28 depicts 320 connected to 220, and there's, it
` looks like, what is a solder joint at 30 in between
` them; is that correct?
` A. Yes, I think that's right. Solder 30 in
` each of those instances.
` Q. Okay. Now, in each of the figures that we
` discussed earlier, which is Figure 1, Figure 11,
` Figure 27, it appears that the connection occurs at
` the -- between these components, the -- the terminal
` connections 220 and 320 and 310 and 210. It occurs
` mentioning?
` Q. Yeah. Yes. Yes.
` A. So as an example, solder 30, in forming that
` solder joint between 220 and 320, it -- yes, appears to
` be at the -- the end of a coil as one example.
` Q. Okay. Yeah.
` Do you know if there's any other examples or
` do you recall if there are any other examples in the
` '740 patent where the connection is other than at the
` ends of the coil?
` A. As far as being depicted that way in
` figures, I don't -- I don't recall a situation like
` that where a -- a 220 connects to a 320 except as, you
` know, through a solder connection that -- that it
` appears to be at the -- near the end of a coil.
` Q. Okay. Now, referring back to Figure 28,
` there isn't a reference number in that Figure 130 for
` the receiving space, but is it fair to say that the
` receiving space would be approximately where the
` connecting terminals are located? So 320, 310, 350 or
` so.
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` that that connection happens at the ends of the coil
` 200; is that correct?
` A. So referring back to that solder like I was
`Page 28
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Yeah. And then when we look at 27, that's
` an unexploded view; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And then -- so in Figure 27, it would
` appear that the connecting unit 300 is in the area of
` the receiving space.
` Do you see that?
` A. That's -- that's a -- a way to interpret it.
` Q. Well, is -- is there -- you know, can you --
` if you interpret it differently, you know, let us know.
` A. So one thing I would bring up is when we
` look at Figure 28, we have the adhesive layer, I
` believe, which is 710.
` Q. Um-hum.
` A. And so in our Claim 6, for instance, we're
` talking about a receiving space in an adhesive layer.
` Q. Correct.
` A. So -- so, you know, in that case, you know,
` I think it -- I think it could depend on -- on where
` precisely the receiving space should -- should be.
` So if we -- if we look in Figure 28 and now
` go to the right, that if the receiving space is only to
` have the width of the adhesive layer, in that case,
` Q. Let me display Figure 26 for you, and you
` could see where 130 is.
`Page 29
` only terminals 320 and 310 and 350 -- those are the --
` the things that enter that receiving space but not 300.
` Whereas if -- if the receiving space is to
` be taller or have more thickness or extend upward and
` actually be the -- the -- the thickness of the entire
` magnetic substrate plus the adhesive layer, you know,
` then -- then you could say that that blank rectangle
` 300 --
` Q. Okay. Okay.
` So in Figure 28, is it then fair to say that
` the connecting unit 300 is vertically above the
` adhesive layer 710?
` MR. JARRATT: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I think there you could say
` that 300 would be -- overlap the receiving space in a
` vertical direction perpendicular to the adhesive layer.
` So I'm not sure if that answers your
` question.
` Q. Yeah, that does. That does. Thank you.
` Now, referring back to Figure 28 again. The
` coil 230 is depicted on adhesive layer 700.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes. It's o

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