legaltranslations. biz
`(Division of Nelles Translations)
`20 N. Wacker Drive - Suite 1408 - Chicago, IL 60606 - 312-977-9772 Fax-866-61 5-8606
`This is to certify that the foregoing translation of the patent document Hl0-232992 entitled Mobile
`Terminal Device was made from Japanese to English from the document by a competent translator
`well acquainted with both languages, and that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, it is a true and
`complete rendering into English of the selected text.
`Date: April 17, 2017
`Donald W. Hanley, CEO
`ZTE-H itach i-0088932
`FORD EX. 1024, p. 1


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`ZTE-H itach i-0088933
`FORD EX. 1024, p. 2


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`ZTE-H itach i-0088934
`FORD EX. 1024, p. 3


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`ZTE-H itach i-0088935
`FORD EX. 1024, p. 4


`( 4)
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`ZTE-H itach i-0088936
`FORD EX. 1024, p. 5


`( 5)
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`Mlffa~~n. ~6cm1±~~~-?ffa~~n~o w [0041J~s.*~~%DwM***B~c~~tt
`FORD EX. 1024, p. 6


`( 6)
`~--~T~~~o~~tt©~h~. DGPSB~12
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`ZTE-H itach i-0088938
`FORD EX. 1024, p. 7


`( 7)
`*¥005¥ 1 0 - 2 3 2 9 9 2
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`.lJjiiij i t.::tt § ilE.lJ
`c ~ '.iE
`ZTE-H itach i-0088939
`FORD EX. 1024, p. 8


`(19) Japanese Patent Office (JP)
`(12) Laid-open Disclosure Public Patent Bulletin (A)
`(11) Publication number
`(43) Publication Date: September 2, Heisei 10 (1998)
`ID Symbol
`(51) Int. Cl. 6
`G08G 1/005
`G01C 21/00
`G08G 1/09
`G09B 29/10
`H04Q 7/38
`G08G 1/005
`G01C 21/00
`G08G 1/09
`G09B 29/10
`H04B 7/26
`109 H
`(21) Application Filing Number:
`Tokugan H09-35219
`(22) Application Filing Date:
`February 19, Heisei 9 (1997)
`Request for Examination: Not Requested
`Number of Claims: 4 OL (7 pages total)
`(71) Applicant: 000003207
`Toyota Motor Corporation
`1 Toyota-cho, Toyota-shi, Aichi-ken
`(72) Inventor: Akihiko Nojima
`c/o: Toyota Motor Corporation
`1 Toyota-cho, Toyota-shi, Aichi-ken
`(7 4) Agent:
`Kenji Yoshida, Patent Attorney
`(Plus 2 others)
`Mobile Terminal Device
`OBJECTIVE: There are some functions that cannot be implemented due to the lack of capability
`to automatically estimate the mode of travel that is currently used.
`MEANS FOR RESOLUTION: An absolute-position computation part 22 calculates the current
`position based on the output of a DGPS device 12. Additionally, a dead-reckoning-navigation
`computation part 20 calculates the travel speed and travel direction, doing so based on the
`outputs from a triaxial gyroscope 14 and a triaxial compass 16. A travel-mode assessment part 24
`travel mode currently being used, doing so based on
`the data
`in a
`map/transportation system database 18 as well as the current position, travel speed and travel
`direction. Then, an information-delivery control part 26 creates information with contents that are
`in accordance with the travel mode, and provides [the information thus created] to the user.
`Additionally, the communication control part 28 28 switches the communication means according
`to the travel mode.
`ZTE-H itach i-0088940
`FORD EX. 1024, p. 9


`JP, 10-232992,A
`A mobile terminal device, which has a current-position detection means and a map-information
`storage means so as to thereby provide information associated with the current position on the
`map, said mobile terminal device being characterized by comprising:
`A travel-mode-data storage part, which stores the travel mode data pertaining to the
`passage route for each travel mode;
`A travel-data acquisition means for acquiring the speed and direction of the travel motion of
`the device itself; and
`A travel-mode assessment part, which discerns the travel mode currently being used by the
`user (i.e., travel on foot or by car, train, etc.), doing so based on the current position, travel
`speed, travel direction and travel mode data.
`The mobile terminal device according to Claim 1, said device comprising a guidance creation
`means for creating guidance information that is appropriate to the travel mode as discerned by the
`travel-mode assessment part.
`The mobile terminal device according to Claim 1 or Claim 2, said device comprising:
`A communication means that supports multiple types of communication media; and
`A media switchover means for switching the type of communication medium to be used,
`doing so according to the travel mode as discerned by the aforementioned travel-mode
`assessment part.
`The mobile terminal device according to any one of the claims 1 through 3, said device further
`comprising a triaxial gyroscope and a triaxial compass.
`FORD EX. 1024, p. 10


`JP, 10-232992,A
`The present invention pertains to a mobile terminal device that comprises a current-position
`detection means and a map-information storage means and thereby provides information associated
`with the current position on the map. The present invention also pertains to a device consisting of an
`integrated combination of the above-mentioned mobile terminal device and the communication means,
`such as a mobile phone, PHS (Personal Handy Phone), etc., which uses a cellular communication
`Portable GPS (Global Positioning System) is a well-known example of such a mobile terminal
`device that provides information on one's current position. Portable GPS detects and displays the
`latitude and longitude of the current position through the use of satellite navigation. Another example
`of the mobile terminal device includes the mobile navigation device disclosed in JP,8-68643,A. Said
`device detects and displays a trajectory of the movement from the start point to the current position at
`the end of a travel motion with a certain gait, doing so through the use of autonomous navigation that
`utilizes a gait sensor and direction sensor.
`Yet another known example includes a mobile terminal device that stores map information in
`conjunction with GPS, etc. This type of mobile terminal device uses the current-position detection
`result and the map information to detect the current position on the map, and thereby provide
`information accordingly. For example, it displays (on a display unit provided in the main body) a map
`surrounding the current position, doing so together with a current-position mark. It also displays (on the
`display unit) or outputs (from a loudspeaker) various types of information, all of which is pre-stored as
`the map information.
`The mobile terminal device is accommodated within a compact main body so that the user may
`carry it around. The user may carry a mobile terminal device while traveling through the use of various
`modes of travel; for example, by walking, traveling by car or riding public transportation such as a
`railroad train. According to the conventional technology, the user needs to input the name of the travel
`mode before the mobile terminal device can acquire information as to what kind of travel mode is
`ZTE-H itach i-0088942
`FORD EX. 1024, p. 11


`JP, 10-232992,A
`currently being used by the user. Or, the route and the travel mode used to reach a destination must be
`preset prior to travel in order for the mobile terminal side to be able to identify the travel mode currently
`being used by the user. However, the conventional mobile terminal device does not have the capability
`to discretionarily estimate the mode of travel that is currently used by the user. Consequently, there are
`limitations in the functionalities that can be implemented through the mobile terminal device.
`Particularly, the conventional mobile terminal device cannot provide appropriate information according
`to the mode of travel. Information that is useful for the user varies from one mode of travel to another.
`For example, information such as the road map and the travel direction becomes useful while driving a
`car, whereas information such as route maps and the names of the stop stations becomes useful while
`riding a railroad train. However, in order to identify the information that is specific to a particular travel
`mode, the user must manually input the name of the transportation means and call up such
`information or use other information sources. As such, the information that can be provided to the user
`is limited in the case of the conventional technology.
`Additionally, a mobile terminal device consisting of an integrated combination of a GPS (or the like)
`and communication means has been proposed in response to the demand for the miniaturization of
`information machines and equipment. And, another proposed example
`is provided with a
`communication means that can support multiple media such as a cellular-system mobile phone, PHS,
`etc. Now, the answer to the question as to which communication medium is preferable to use will vary
`not only according to the place in which communication is executed but also according to the travel
`mode currently being used by the user. A PHS may be conveniently used while walking. However,, it is
`impossible to use a PHS while traveling by railroad train, and therefore the user needs to use a mobile
`phone of a cellular communication system. With a conventional device, the user must achieve such a
`switch of the communication medium
`through a manual operation. Hence, when using a
`communication means, the user must take into consideration the travel mode currently being used and
`accordingly set the communication medium that is suitable for the travel mode concerned. However,
`such a task is not only cumbersome but also presents the risk of failure to achieve the desired
`communication in the event the user sets a wrong medium.
`The present invention was achieved in light of the above-mentioned problems and is intended to
`provide a mobile information-provision device that has the capability to discern the travel mode,
`thereby improving the functionality of the device.
`ZTE-H itach i-0088943
`FORD EX. 1024, p. 12


`JP, 10-232992,A
`The mobile terminal device according to the present invention is a device having a current-position
`detection means and a map-information storage means, thereby providing information associated with
`the current position on the map. And, said mobile terminal device comprises the following elements:
`A travel-mode-data storage part, which stores the travel mode data pertaining to the passage
`route for each travel mode;
`A travel-data acquisition means for acquiring the speed and direction of the travel motion of the
`device itself; and
`A travel-mode assessment part, which discerns the travel mode currently being used by the
`user, doing so based on the current position, travel speed, travel direction and travel mode data.
`It should be noted that the current-position detection means is configured to detect the current position
`through the use of a satellite navigation system, autonomous navigation system, radio navigation
`system, etc.; and said methods may be used in combination.
`Examples of the travel mode data include data such as road geometry, geometry of roads dedicated
`for cars, railroad train route geometry, names of train routes, positions of train stations, timetables,
`airline routes, sailing routes, pedestrian roads, etc. In the present invention, necessary data is selected
`from such various types of data according to the intended usage and the like, and the data thus
`selected is stored as the travel mode data. It should be noted that a portion of the travel mode data
`may also be used as map information when appropriate.
`The mobile terminal device can be used in a portable fashion and is therefore used during the use of
`various travel modes. According to the present invention, the travel mode that is currently used by the
`user is discerned based on the above-mentioned travel mode data, the current position, travel speed
`and travel direction. For example, when the current position is located on a road indicating a slow
`travel speed, the travel mode is determined to be on foot, whereas it is determined to be by car when
`the travel speed is fast. Also, for example, when the current position is located on a train route with the
`travel direction following along the route, the travel mode currently being used is determined to be a
`railroad train. Therefore, [the present invention] is convenient because it allows the user not only to
`determine which travel mode is used, but also to eliminate the need to perform operations associated
`with the mode of travel. As such, according to the present invention, the mobile terminal device is
`easier to use, thereby ensuring improved functionality.
`ZTE-H itach i-0088944
`FORD EX. 1024, p. 13


`JP, 10-232992,A
`The device according to one aspect of the present invention has a guidance creation means for
`creating guidance information according to the travel mode discerned by the travel-mode assessment
`part. Therefore, it can provide the user with information suitable for walking while the user travels on
`foot, or it can provide information suitable for driving while the user travels by car. Furthermore, if the
`user is traveling on a railroad train, it provides [the user] with appropriate information, for example, on
`the stop stations, etc., doing so in accordance with the route being used, and also according to the
`types of the railroad train (i.e., a stopping train, an express train, etc.). In this event, the content of the
`information is automatically switched according to the mode of travel. As such, the present invention
`can provide information suitable for the travel mode that is currently used by the user. Therefore, the
`user can utilize the mobile terminal device more conveniently.
`The mobile terminal device according to another aspect of the present invention further comprises the
`following elements in addition to the above-mentioned configuration:
`A communication means that supports multiple types of communication media; and
`A media switchover means for switching the type of communication medium to be used, doing
`so according to the travel mode as discerned by the aforementioned travel-mode assessment
`Thus, the content of the communication medium is automatically switched according to the mode of
`travel. Moreover, information can be obtained in real time through the use of an appropriate
`communication medium according to the travel mode. The user no longer has to perform an operation
`of setting the communication medium by taking into consideration the travel mode currently being
`used by the user. Therefore, the mobile terminal device is easier to use and can prevent errors in
`setting the communication medium.
`The mobile terminal device according to yet another aspect of the present invention further comprises
`a triaxial gyroscope and a triaxial compass. This makes it possible to accurately detect the amount of
`movement, etc., regardless of the direction in which the mobile terminal device is situated. Therefore, it
`becomes possible to provide accurate information to the user while enabling the correct switchover of
`the communication means.
`The following is an explanation of a preferable embodiment of the present invention (hereinafter
`referred to as the "embodiment") with reference to the drawings: Figure 1 shows the overall
`ZTE-H itach i-0088945
`FORD EX. 1024, p. 14


`JP, 10-232992,A
`configuration of the mobile terminal device. The control device 10 is connected to a DGPS device 12, a
`triaxial gyroscope 14, a triaxial compass 16 and a map/transportation system database 18 so as to
`thereby control the entire system.
`The DGPS device 12 combines error information (which is supplied via FM multiplex broadcast, etc.,
`and is stored in the GPS device) with the position data obtained from the GPS device (which detects
`the current position through the use of signals from satellites) so as to thereby detect the current
`position more accurately.
`The triaxial gyroscope 14 is a sensor that detects the acceleration rate in three axial directions (i.e., the
`x, y and z directions) in space. It further integrates the detection results, thereby calculating the relative
`travel speed and relative travel distance. Additionally, while the user is traveling on foot, the output
`from the triaxial gyroscope 14 is also used to calculate the number of steps taken by the user based on
`the pre-stored data on the length of stride and the detected value of the travel distance, thereby
`making it possible for the subject mobile terminal device to also function as a pedometer. And, the
`triaxial compass 16 is a sensor that detects the absolute orientation. Thus, the posture of mobile
`terminal device is identified based on the output from the triaxial compass 16.
`And, the map/transportation system database 18 stores data, such as a national map (including road
`information), address designations,
`the names of
`intersections, etc. Furthermore,
`map/transportation system database 18 also stores data on public transportation, such as railroad
`trains, including, for example, the route maps, locations of stations, station names and diagrams
`(timetables), etc.
`The control device 10 comprises a dead-reckoning-navigation computation part 20, an
`absolute-position computation part 22, a travel-mode assessment part 24, an information-delivery

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