`Europäisches Patentamt
`European Patent Office
`Office européen des brevets
`Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give
`notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in
`a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art.
`99(1) European Patent Convention).
`Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)
`EP 1 103 117 B1
`Field of the Invention
`[0001] The present invention relates generally to wire-
`less communications. More particularly, the present in-
`vention relates to the integration of voice and data serv-
`ices provided to a mobile wireless device.
`Background of the Invention
`[0002] Wireless communication devices, such as cel-
`lular telephones, are becoming increasingly popular. As
`is well known, cellular telephones communicate with a
`cellular communication network via cell sites which are
`located throughout a geographic serving area and which
`contain the elements required for wireless communica-
`tion (e.g. radios and antennas). Each cell site serves a
`geographic area, called a cell. One of the major advan-
`tages of the use of a cellular telephone is mobility. That
`is, a cellular telephone user may continue to use a cel-
`lular telephone as the user travels within the geographic
`area served by the cellular communication network. As
`the cellular telephone moves from one cell to another,
`the call is "handed off" from one cell site to another cell
`site. Such mobility management of cellular telephones
`is well known in the art and is effective for providing con-
`tinuous voice communications as the cellular telephone
`travels within the geographic serving area of the wire-
`less communication network.
`[0003] Wireless devices other
`than cellular
`phones are also becoming popular. For example, wire-
`less modems are available which allow mobile comput-
`ing devices to transmit and receive data via a wireless
`communication network. Such mobile computing devic-
`es can receive packet data via packet data networks
`such as the Internet using the Internet Protocol (IP) for
`data communication. However, mobility management
`for such mobile computing devices presents a problem
`because IP was originally developed with the assump-
`tion that devices would be connected to the network at
`fixed locations. As such, a device would be assigned a
`unique IP address, which would define the device's
`physical connection to the network. Since a mobile com-
`puting device is not permanently connected to the net-
`work at any single point, an IP address associated with
`the mobile computing device does not define the de-
`vice's physical connection to the network, thus violating
`an important assumption of IP addresses. Various tech-
`niques have been developed for mobility management
`as it relates to these mobile computing devices. One
`such technique is described in U.S. Patent No.
`5,159,592 which uses a nameserver and pseudo-IF ad-
`dresses to associate fixed names of mobile units with
`the pseudo-IP addresses. Even though the pseudo-IP
`address may change, the current pseudo-IP address of
`a mobile unit can be determined by looking up the fixed
`name in the nameserver. A technique called tunneling
`is described in U.S. Patent No. 5,325,362 which uses
`special routers to store current locations of mobile units
`in tables. When a router receives a packet for a mobile
`unit, the packet is forwarded, or tunneled, to the appro-
`priate current location. U.S. Patent no. 5,708,655 de-
`scribes the assignment of temporary IP addresses to
`mobile units such that the mobile unit can provide the
`temporary IP address to another computer to effectuate
`the transfer of data between that computer and the mo-
`bile unit. These techniques provide some level of mobil-
`ity management for mobile computing devices.
`[0004] Currently there are devices, referred to herein
`as wireless voice and data devices, which combine the
`voice functionality of wireless cellular telephones with
`the data functionality of mobile computing devices. For
`example, AT&T Corp.'s PocketNet telephone combines
`a wireless cellular telephone with a mobile computing
`device. Such a device can be used to place voice tele-
`phone calls, and can also be used to communicate
`packet data via the Internet. For example, although
`somewhat limited, the PocketNet telephone is capable
`of browsing the World Wide Web (WWW) using its data
`functionality. Although these wireless voice and data de-
`vices are capable of combining the features of a cellular
`telephone and a mobile computing device, service pro-
`viders have not taken advantage of the integration of
`these different services. Currently, voice and data serv-
`ices are provided separately by wireless service provid-
`ers, and there is little, if any, interaction between the two
`operating modes. As a result of this separation of the
`voice and data functionality, the full benefits of such de-
`vices have yet to be realized.
`Summary of the Invention
`I have recognized that by integrating voice and
`data services provided to wireless voice and data devic-
`es, substantial benefits can be realized. In accordance
`with the invention, a network node receives a voice net-
`work identifier of a mobile unit via a voice network. The
`network node performs a database lookup to determine
`the data network address of the mobile unit based on
`the voice network identifier. This data network address
`may be a permanent data network address or a tempo-
`rary data network address. The network node may then
`transmit information to the mobile unit via the data net-
`work using the data network address.
`[0006] The network node may request the information
`to be transmitted to the mobile unit from a data network
`service provider. Further, the information may be re-
`quested upon receipt of a request for information from
`the mobile unit, which request is received via the sign-
`aling portion of the voice network. The network node
`may also enhance the request received from the mobile
`unit, such that the request sent to the data network serv-
`ice provider contains information in addition to that re-
`ceived in the information request received from the mo-
`bile unit.
`EP 1 103 117 B1
`[0007] These and other advantages of the invention
`will be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art by
`reference to the following detailed description and the
`accompanying drawings.
`Brief Descriplion of the Drawings
`Fig. 1 shows a high level block diagram of a com-
`munication network in which the present invention
`may be implemented;
`Fig. 2 is a flowchart of the steps performed when a
`mobile unit registers for service with the communi-
`cation network;
`Figs. 3A and 3B show user profile records;
`Fig. 4 shows an exemplary temporary IP address
`table; and
`Fig. 5 is a flowchart of the steps performed when a
`registered mobile unit requests information via the
`voice network.
`Detailed Description
`[0009] Fig. 1 a communication network 100 in which
`the present invention may be implemented. A mobile
`unit 170 is communicating with a radio base station
`(RBS) 160 via a wireless communication link 162. The
`mobile unit 170 is a wireless voice and data device
`which can provide both voice communication functions
`and data communication functions. An example of such
`a device is AT&T's PocketNet telephone. The RBS 160
`is connected to a mobile switching center (MSC) 120.
`The MSC 120 is typically connected to more than one
`RBS, where each RBS provides wireless communica-
`tion to mobile communication devices operating within
`the geographic area (i.e., cell) served by the RBS. The
`MSC 120 controls the functions of the RBSs connected
`to it. Only one RBS 160 is shown in Fig. 1 for clarity.
`[0010] MSC 120 is an intelligent switching device
`which operates under control of a computer processor
`122 executing computer program instructions. The MSC
`120 also includes memory 124 and database 126 for the
`storage of computer program instructions and other da-
`ta. Although not shown in Fig. 1, one skilled in the art
`would recognize that MSC 120 would also contain other
`components in order to provide the switching functions
`typical in a wireless communication network.
`[0011] The MSC 120 is connected to a home location
`register (HLR) 110. The HLR 110 is an intelligent net-
`work node which functions under control of computer
`processor 112 executing computer program instruc-
`tions. The HLR 110 also includes memory 114 and da-
`tabase 116 for the storage of computer program instruc-
`tions and other data. Database 116 is used to store user
`profile records for subscribers of wireless communica-
`tion services. The database 116 and user profile records
`will be discussed in further detail below.
`[0012] The HLR 110 and the MSC 120 are connected
`to a Signaling System No. 7 (SS7) network 150, which
`is an out-of-band signaling network used in telecommu-
`nication networks. These out of band signals convey, by
`means of labeled messages, signaling information re-
`lating to call setup, control, network management, and
`network maintenance. SS7 networks are well known in
`the art and will not be described in further detail herein.
`MSC 120 is also connected to other telecommunication
`networks, such as the public switched telephone net-
`work (not shown).
`[0013] Also connected to the SS7 network 150 is serv-
`ice node 130 which performs certain of the functions re-
`quired for the integration of voice and data services in
`accordance with the invention. Service node 130 is an
`intelligent network node which operates under control
`of a computer processor 132 executing computer pro-
`gram instructions. The service node 130 also includes
`memory 134 and database 136 for the storage of com-
`puter program instructions and other data.
`[0014] The HLR 110, MSC 120, and service node 130
`are also connected to a data network 140. In an advan-
`tageous embodiment, the data network 140 is a packet
`data network such as the Internet. As shown in Fig. 1,
`HLR 110, MSC 120, RBS 160, and SS7 Network 150
`are components of a voice network which provide voice
`services to the mobile unit 170.
`[0015] One skilled in the art will recognize that for pur-
`poses of clarity, Fig. 1 is a high level functional block
`diagram of communication network 100. The detailed
`architecture of such a network is well known in the art
`and such details are not important for an understanding
`of the present invention. Such details have been omitted
`from Fig. 1 for clarity. Further, various alternate embod-
`iments are possible. For example, HLR 110 may share
`components such as database 116, processor 112, or
`memory 114 with the MSC 120.
`[0016] The steps performed in accordance with the
`present invention will be described in conjunction with
`the flowcharts of Figs. 2 and 5. The flowchart of Fig. 2
`shows the steps performed when mobile unit 170 regis-
`ters for service with the communication network 100.
`When mobile unit 170 is powered on, it performs step
`202 and sends a registration request to MSC 120 via air
`interface 162 and RBS 160. The registration request in-
`cludes the electronic serial number (ESN) and mobile
`identification number (MIN) of mobile unit 170. The ESN
`is a unique serial number assigned to the mobile unit
`170 during manufacture and cannot be changed. The
`MIN is the telephone number of the mobile unit 170 as-
`signed by the service provider and can be changed. The
`ESN/MIN pair is a voice network identification and
`uniquely identifies mobile unit 170 to the voice network.
`Upon receipt of the registration request, the MSC 120
`in step 204 sends a database query to HRL 110 to de-
`termine if this mobile unit 170 is authorized to obtain
`service from the network. HLR 110 determines whether
`the mobile unit 170 is authorized to obtain service from
`EP 1 103 117 B1
`the network by accessing the user profile records stored
`in DB I 16 of HLR 110.
`[0017] Fig. 3A shows the user profile records stored
`in DB 116 of HLR 110. Each record contains the follow-
`ing fields: ESN 302, MIN 304, Permanent IP (PIP) ad-
`dress 306, identification of the current serving MSC
`(MSCID) 308, and Temporary IP (TIP) address 310.
`Fields 302 (ESN) and 304 (MIN) are the key fields and
`together they identify a unique user profile record. The
`PIP address is a permanent IP address which is as-
`signed to a mobile unit upon provisioning of service by
`a service provider and is permanently associated with
`the mobile unit. The PIP address uniquely identifies a
`mobile unit to the data network 140. Field 308 contains
`an identification of the MSC which is currently providing
`service to a mobile unit. Field 310 contains a temporary
`IP address which is assigned to a mobile unit upon reg-
`istration with a particular MSC, and is only assigned to
`that mobile unit during the time the mobile unit remains
`registered with that MSC. The use of the user profile
`record in accordance with the present invention will be
`described in further detail below. It would be understood
`that in practice a user profile record may contains fields
`in addition to those shown in Fig. 3A. For purposes of
`clarity only those fields necessary for a description of
`the present invention are shown in Fig. 3A.
`[0018] Assume for purposes of the present example
`that mobile unit 170 has an ESN of 123ABC456, a MIN
`of 425-123-4567, and a permanent
`IP address of
` The user profile record for mobile unit 170
`is shown in Fig. 3A as record 312. Thus, at the time mo-
`bile unit 170 attempts to register with the MSC 120, there
`is a user profile record 312 in DB 116 of HLR 110 con-
`taining the ESN/MIN pair and the PIP address of mobile
`unit 170.
`[0019] Returning now to Fig. 2, in step 206 the HLR
`110 will return an authorization response to MSC 120
`indicating that mobile unit 170 is authorized to receive
`service. Therefore, the test in step 208 is YES and con-
`trol passes to step 210. If the test in step 208 were NO,
`the MSC 110 would refuse service to mobile unit 170 in
`step 212.
`In step 210, MSC 110 will assign a TIP address
`to the mobile unit 170 for use while the mobile unit 170
`is obtaining service from MSC 120. MSC 120 has a pool
`of TIP addresses from which it can obtain a TIP address
`to assign to the mobile unit 170. These available TIP
`addresses are stored in a TIP address table in DB 126
`of MSC 120. An exemplary TIP address table 400 is
`shown in Fig. 4. The TIP address table 400 has 3 fields,
`ESN 402, MIN 404, and TIP address 406. Assume that
`MSC 120 has 100 TIP addresses available to assign to
`the mobile units which it is providing service to. In such
`a case, the TIP address table 400 will have 100 records,
`one record for each TIP address. If there is no ESN/MIN
`pair in fields 402 and 404 respectively of a record, then
`the TIP address in field 406 of that record is available
`to be assigned to a mobile unit. Returning now to step
`210 of Fig. 2, MSC 120 assigns a TIP address to mobile
`unit 170 as part of the registration process of mobile unit
`170. Assume for purposes of this example that MSC 120
`assigns TIP address 987.64.05.02 to mobile unit 170.
`As part of this assignment, MSC 120 will update record
`410 in TIP address table 400 to associate the ESN/MIN
`pair of mobile unit 170 with TIP 987.64.05.02.
`In step 214 MSC 120 sends an update mes-
`sage to HLR 110 to indicate that the user profile record
`associated with mobile unit 170 is to be updated with
`the TIP address and the MSCID of MSC 120. Assume
`for purposes of this example that MSC 120 has an
`MSCID of MSC001. As a result of the update message,
`HLR 110 updates the appropriate user profile record in
`step 216. The updated user profile record for mobile unit
`170 in DB 116 of HLR 110 is shown as record 314 in Fig.
`3B. The registration process ends in step 218.
`[0022] Upon registration with the MSC 120, the mo-
`bile unit 170 may engage in voice communication via
`the voice network. There are certain voice communica-
`tion activities which will result in a request for data to be
`sent back to the mobile unit 170. For example, there are
`certain commands, which if sent over the voice network,
`will be recognized by MSC 120 as a request for infor-
`mation. Such commands may be a special series of
`keys pressed by the user of the mobile unit 170 which
`are not routable telephone numbers but special codes
`to request information. One example is a request for traf-
`fic information, which may be transmitted from the mo-
`bile unit by pressing *TRAFFIC on a keypad of the mo-
`bile unit 170. In one prior technique, the MSC 120 rec-
`ognizes this as a request for traffic information and may
`connect the mobile unit to an appropriate service pro-
`vider who will provide traffic information to the user of
`mobile unit 170 via a voice call over the voice network.
`However, sometimes it is more appropriate to send tex-
`tual and graphical information to the mobile unit rather
`than providing the information through voice communi-
`cation. In another prior technique, such information may
`be sent back to the mobile unit via a paging function of
`the wireless communication device 170. This paging
`service is called short message service (SMS), and al-
`lows the mobile unit 170 to receive a short text message
`which is displayed on a display screen. This SMS serv-
`ice is provided via the voice network.
`[0023] The present
`invention improves upon the
`known techniques by integrating voice and data servic-
`es in order to fully realize the benefits of wireless voice
`and data devices such as mobile unit 170. In accord-
`ance with the invention, a request for information which
`is received via a voice network may be satisfied by in-
`formation sent via a data network. The steps performed
`in accordance with the invention when a registered mo-
`bile unit requests information via the voice network are
`shown in the flowchart of Fig. 5. In step 502 the mobile
`unit 170 sends a request for information via the voice
`network. Assume for purposes of this example that the
`request is for local traffic conditions and the mobile unit
`EP 1 103 117 B1
`170 sends the request by transmitting "*TRAFFIC",
`along with its ESN/MIN pair, to the MSC 120 via the air
`interface 162 and RBS 160. The MSC 120 is configured
`to recognize the receipt of a *TRAFFIC code as a re-
`quest for information. In step 504 MSC 120 routes the
`request to service node 130 by sending the *TRAFFIC
`request along with the ESN/MIN pair of the requesting
`mobile unit 170. In step 506 the service node 130 sends
`a query including the ESN/MIN pair of the mobile unit
`170 to HRL 110 to obtain the MSCID and the PIP ad-
`dress associated with the mobile unit 170. In this exam-
`ple, the HLR 110 will return MSC001 as the MSCID and
` as the PIP, which is the information stored
`in the user profile record 314 in DB 116 of HLR 110 as
`shown in Fig. 3B.
`In step 508 the service node 130 sends a re-
`quest for traffic information to an information server in
`data network 140. The service node 130 can store a list
`of appropriate service providers so that it can send re-
`quests for different types of information to the appropri-
`ate service provider in data network 140. Included in the
`request is the location for which the traffic information is
`requested. The location information is added to the re-
`quest by the service node 130, which derives the loca-
`tion information from the MSCID of the current serving
`MSC or other means. Since MSCs are in fixed locations,
`the service node 130 can store location information for
`each MSCID. In certain networks, the location informa-
`tion obtained from the MSCID will not provide location
`information which is specific enough to be useful be-
`cause the serving MSC serves too large a geographic
`area. In such a case, extra steps could be taken to de-
`termine the serving RBS which would provide more spe-
`cific location information.
`[0025] The service provider in the data network 140
`will respond to the request for information by sending
`packet data to the service node 130. This packet data
`can contain traffic information in any of a number of for-
`mats. For example, the information can be in Hypertext
`Markup Language (HTML) if the mobile unit 170 is ap-
`propriately configured to display such information. This
`allows for the effective multimedia presentation of infor-
`mation to a user of mobile unit 170. Such a presentation
`of information is preferable over the simple voice and
`text communication of information of the prior tech-
`[0026] Returning now to Fig. 5, in step 510 the service
`node 130 receives the requested information from the
`data network 140. In step 512 the service node 130
`sends the packet data via the data network 140 to the
`PIP address received in step 506. This PIP address di-
`rects the packet data to HLR 110. In step 514 the HLR
`110 receives the packet data. In step 516 the HLR looks
`up the TIP address associated with the PIP address to
`which the packet was addressed. In this example, the
`PIP address will be 987.64.05.02 as indicated in field
`310 of user profile record 314 (Fig. 3B). In step 518 the
`HLR 110 sends the packet data to TIP address
`987.64.05.02. This directs the packet to MSC 120. In
`step 520 the MSC 120 receives the packet data. In step
`522 the MSC 120 looks up the ESN/MIN pair associated
`with the TIP in TIP table 400 (Fig. 4). MSC 120 forwards
`the packet data to the mobile unit 170 via RBS 160 and
`air interface 162 in step 524. Upon receipt of the packet
`data, the mobile unit 170 displays the information as ap-
`propriate. The method ends in step 526.
`In an alternate embodiment, in step 506 the
`service node 130 sends a query to HRL 110 to obtain
`the TIP address associated with the mobile unit 170 in-
`stead of the PIP address. In this example, the HLR will
`return 987.64.05.02 as the TIP address, which is the in-
`formation stored in the user profile record 314 in DB 116
`of HLR 110 as shown in Fig. 3B. Steps 508 and 510
`proceed as described above. In step 512, the service
`node 130 may now send the packet data directly to the
`TIP address received in step 506, therefore eliminating
`the need for steps 514, 516, and 518. Processing then
`continues with step 520 as described above.
`In accordance with another alternate embodi-
`ment, during the registration of mobile unit 170, the MSC
`120 does not automatically assign a TIP address to the
`mobile unit 170. In the event that mobile unit 170 does
`not request any data to be sent to it, this embodiment
`will save processing steps and will also prevent the un-
`necessary assignment of a TIP address from the TIP
`address pool containing a finite number of TIP address-
`es. In this embodiment, immediately after registration,
`field 310 (Fig. 3B) of the user profile record 314 will be
`empty. However, field 306 of the user profile record 314
`will contain the PIP address of the mobile unit 170.
`Thereafter, if the mobile unit 170 requests information
`in accordance with the steps of Fig. 5, the service node
`130 in step 506 sends a query including the ESN/MIN
`pair of the mobile unit 170 to HRL 110 to obtain the cur-
`rent MSCID and the PIP address associated with the
`mobile unit 170. The HLR 110 replies as described
`above. In addition, since it is known that the mobile unit
`170 will soon be receiving packet data via the data net-
`work 140, at this time the HLR 110 sends a message to
`the MSC 120 requesting a TIP address from the pool.
`The MSC 120 assigns a TIP address, updates the TIP
`table 400, and sends the assigned TIP address to HLR
`110 so that the HLR I 10 can update the user profile
`record 314 with the newly assigned TIP address. Thus,
`in accordance with this embodiment, TIP addresses are
`only assigned as needed.
`[0029] Thus, in accordance with the present inven-
`tion, the mobile unit 170 requests information by a re-
`quest sent via the voice network, and the service node
`130 manages that request so that the requested infor-
`mation can be returned via the data network 140. In this
`manner, information can be presented to the user of mo-
`bile unit 170 in a multimedia format, including text,
`graphics, and sound. It is this integration of voice and
`data services in accordance with the present invention
`which allows realization of the benefits of a wireless
`EP 1 103 117 B1
`said network node (130) adding information to
`said second request for information,
`wherein said added information was not included in
`said first request for information.
`7. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step
`said network node (130) receiving information
`from an information server via said data net-
`work (170); and
`wherein said information transmitted to said
`data network address comprises said information
`received from said information server.
`8. The method of claim 1, wherein said step of trans-
`mitting further comprises the step of transmitting
`packet data using internet protocol.
`9. The method of claim 1, wherein said data network
`address is a permanent data network address.
`10. The method of claim 1, wherein said data network
`address is a temporary data network address.
`11. A computer readable medium storing computer pro-
`gram instructions capable of execution on a com-
`puter system, for controlling the operation of a tel-
`ecommunication network node (130) and for routing
`packet data from a data network (140), said com-
`puter program instructions defining the steps of:
`receiving a telephony network identifier of a
`mobile unit (170), wherein said mobile unit
`(170) receives information routed through a te-
`lephony network by said telephony network
`performing a database lookup to retrieve a data
`nerwork address of said mobile unit (170)
`based on said telephony network identifier,
`wherein said data network address has been
`previously assigned to said mobile unit (170);
`sending packet data to said mobile unit (170)
`routed through said data network (140) using
`said data network address.
`12. The computer readable medium of claim 11, further
`storing computer program instructions defining the
`steps of:
`receiving a first request for information along
`with said telephony network identifier.
`voice and data device.
`[0030] The foregoing Detailed Description is to be un-
`derstood as being in every respect illustrative and ex-
`emplary, but not restrictive, and the scope of the inven-
`tion disclosed herein is not to be determined from the
`Detailed Description, but rather from the claims as in-
`terpreted according to the full breadth permitted by the
`patent laws. It is to be understood that the embodiments
`shown and described herein are only illustrative of the
`principles of the present invention and that various mod-
`ifications may be implemented by those skilled in the art.
`1. A method for providing information routed through
`a data network (140) to a mobile unit (170) compris-
`ing the steps of:
`assigning a data network address to said mo-
`bile unit (170) thereby causing said mobile unit
`(170) to be simultaneously present upon said
`data network (140) and a telephony network;
`receiving a telephony network identifier of said
`mobile unit (170) at a network node (130) via
`said telephony network, wherein said mobile
`unit (170) receives information routed through
`the telephony network by said telephony net-
`work identifier;
`performing a database lookup to retrieve said
`data network address of said mobile unit (170)
`based on said telephony network identifier; and
`transmitting information to be routed through
`said data network (140) by said data network
`2. The method of claim 1, wherein said telephony net-
`work identifier received via a signaling portion of
`said telephony network.
`3. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step
`receiving a first request for information from
`said mobile unit (170).
`4. The method for claim 3, wherein said first request
`for information is received via said telephony net-
`5. The method of claim 3, further comprising the step
`said network node (130) sending a second re-
`quest for information to a data network informa-
`tion server.
`6. The method of claim 5, further comprising the step
`EP 1 103 117 B1
`13. The computer readable medium of claim 12, further
`storing computer program instructions defining the
`steps of:
`18. The telecommunications network node (130) of
`claim 17, further storing computer program instruc-
`tions defining the steps of:
`sending a second request for information to a
`data network information server based on said
`first request for information.
`14. The computer readable medium of claim 13, further
`storing computer program instructions defining the
`steps of:
`adding information to said second request for
`information, wherein said added information
`was not included in said first request for infor-
`15. A telecommunications network node (130) compris-
`a computer processor;
`a connection to a data network (140);
`a memory connected to said computer proces-
`sor for storing computer program instructions
`for execution on said computer processor, said
`computer program instructions defining the
`steps of:
`receiving a telephony network identifier of
`a mobile unit (170), wherein said mobile
`receives information routed
`through a telephony network by said te-
`lephony network identifier;
`performing a database lookup to retrieve a
`data network address of said mobile unit
`(170) based on said telephony network
`identifier, wherein said data network ad-
`dress has been previously assigned to said
`mobile unit (170); and
`sending packet data to said mobile unit
`(170) routed through said data network
`(140) using said data network address.
`16. The telecommunications network node (130) of
`claim 15, further storing computer program instruc-
`tions defining the steps of:
`receiving a first request for information along
`with said telephony network identifier.
`17. The telecommunications network node (130) of
`claim 16, further storing computer program instruc-
`tions defining the steps of:
`sending a second request for information to a
`data network information server based on said
`first request for information.
`adding information to said second request for
`information, wherein said added information
`was not included in said first request for infor-
`1. Verfahren zum Bereitstellen von Information, die
`durch ein Datennetzwerk (140) zu einer mobilen
`Einheit (170) geleitet wird, umfassend die Schritte:
`Zuweisen einer Datennetzwerkadresse zu der
`mobilen Einheit (170), wodurch die mobile Ein-
`heit (170) veranlaßt wird, simultan in dem Da-
`tennetzwerk (140) und in einem Telefonnetz-
`werk vorhanden zu sein;
`Empfangen eines Telefonnetzwerk-Identifikati-
`onselements der mobilen Einheit (170) an ei-
`nem Netzwerkknoten (130) über das Telefon-
`netzwerk, wobei die mobile Einheit (170) Infor-
`mation empfängt, die durch das Telefonnetz-
`werk durch das Telefonnetzwerk-Identifikati-
`onselement geleitet wird;
`Durchführen einer Datenbankdurchsicht, um
`die Datennetzwerkadressen der mobilen Ein-
`heit (170) basierend auf dem Telefonnetzwerk-
`Identifikationselement zu entnehmen bzw.
`rückzugewinnen; und
`Übertragen von Information, die durch das Da-
`tennetzwerk (140) durch die Datennetzwerk-
`adresse zu leiten ist.
`2. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, wobei das Telefonnetz-
`werk-Identifikationselement über einen Signalab-
`schnitt des Telefonnetzwerks empfangen wird.
`3. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, weiters umfassend den
`Empfangen einer ersten Anfrage nach Informa-
`tion von der mobilen Einheit (170).
`4. Verfahren nach Anspruch 3, wobei die erste Anfra-
`ge nach Information über das Telefonnetzwerk
`empfangen wird.
`5. Verfahren nach Anspruch 3, weiters umfassend den
`daß der Netzwerkknoten (130) eine zweite An-
`frage nach Information an einen Datennetz-
`werk-Informationsserver schickt.
`EP 1 103 117 B1
`6. Verfahren nach Anspruch 5, weiters umfassend den
`Verwendung der Datennetzwerkadresse gelei-
`tet wurden.
`daß der Netzwerkknoten (130) Information zu
`der zweiten Anfrage nach Information hinzu-
`fügt, wobei die hinzugefügte Information nicht
`in der ersten Anfrage nach Information enthal-
`ten war.