`Commissionerfor Patents
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Patent No.:
`Issue Date:
`Appl. No.:
`9,549,426 Cl
`This is a decision on the Certificate of Correction request filed 12 November 2020.
`The request for issuance of Certificate of Correction for the above-identified correction(s) under the
`provisions of 37 CFR 1.322 and/or 1.323 is hereby:
`(Check one)
`[| Approved in Part
`[} Denied
`PETITION UNDER37 CFR 1.324 OR 37 CFR 1.48
`Cj This is a decision onthe petition filed
`to correct inventorship under 37 CFR 1.324.
`. In view ofthe fact
`C) This is a decision on the request under 37 CFR 1.48, petition filed
`that the patent has already issued, the request under 37 CFR 1.48 has beentreated as a petition to
`correct inventorship under 37 CFR 1.324.
`The petition is hereby:
`C) Granted
`[] Dismissed
`The patentedfiled is being forwarded to Certificate of Corrections Branch for issuance ofa certificate
`naming only the actual inventor or inventors.
`Supervisory Patent Examiner, Art Unit 3992
`Technology Center 3900
`Phone: (571)272-3834
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`PTO/SB/44 (09-07)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2020. OMB 0651-0033
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`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unlessit displays a valid OMB control number.
`Also Form PTO-1050
`: 9,549,426 C1
`APPLICATION NO.: 14/905,143
`- November 10, 2020
`Elana Mancevska, Maurice Hiep, Annemieke Kips
`In column 3, line 67, "system, and wherein, if " should read -- system[, and wherein, if --
`It is certified that an error appears or errors appear in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent
`is hereby corrected as shown below:
`In the claims:
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`(Atty. Docket No. 16-010-SUP)
`Control No.: 96/000,317
`Examiner: Heneghan, Matthew E
`Group Art Unit: 3992
`Confirmation No.: 9169
`) ) ) ) ) ) )
`) )
`) ) ) ) ) )
`In re Ex-Parte Reexamination of:
`Patent No.: 9,549,426
`Issued: January 17, 2017
`Reexamination Certificate Issued:
`November 10, 2020
`Reexamined Patent No.: 9,549,426 Cl
`ATTN: Certificate of Corrections Branch
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`PURSUANT TO 35 U.S.C. § 255 AND 37 C.F.R. § 1.323
`Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 255 and 37 C.F.R. § 1.323, the Assignees of Record, Koninklijke
`KPN N.V. and Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Toegepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek
`issuance of a Certificate of Correction to correct mistakes of clerical,
`typographical nature and of minor character
`in the above-identified Reexamined Patent
`No. 9,549,426 C1. The correction is as follows:
`Claim 10 of the Reexamination Certificate, column 3, line 67:
`please delete “system, and wherein[, if” and insert -- system[, and wherein,if --.
`The Assignees respectfully submit that the requested correction does not constitute new
`matter, nor does it require substantive examination of the file.
`In addition,
`the Assignees
`acknowledge that the error was not the mistake of the Office, and include herewith a fee of $160,
`pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 1.20(a). The Assignees note that the EFS electronic filing system does
`notlist a fee of $160 directly associated with “Certificate of Correction.” However, it doeslist a
`fee of $160 associated with “Processing Fee Correcting Inventorship.” Assignees’ undersigned
`representative called the Patent Office Electronic Business Center, and was advised to select
`“Processing Fee Correcting Inventorship” in order to pay the fee for the “Certificate of
`Correction.” The ticket numberfor the call is 1-73652004. Assignees have paid the fee of $160
`accordingly. The Patent Office is authorized to charge any fee deficiencies to Deposit Account
`No. 13-2490.
`Consideration of this Request and issuance of the Certificate of Correction are
`respectfully requested. The Assignees submit herewith a completed Certificate of Correction
`Form (PTO/SB/44).
`If there are any questions or comments regarding this request,
`the Examiner is
`encouraged to contact the undersigned at (312) 913-3353.
`Date: November 12, 2020
`Respectfully submitted,
`McDonnell Boehnen
`Hulbert & Berghoff LLP
` /David A. Grabelsky /
`David A. Grabelsky
`Reg. No. 59,208
`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Application Number:
`Filing Date:
`Title of Invention:
`Method and Telecommunications Node for Controlling an Attach State of a
`User Equipment
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Filed as Large Entity
`Filing Fees for Supplemental Examination
`Fee Code
`Sub-Total in
`Basic Filing:
`Total in USD ($)
`Electronic AcknowledgementReceipt
`Title of Invention:
`Method and Telecommunications Node for Controlling an Attach State of a
`User Equipment
`InternationalApplication Number: BY
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Customer Number:
`Filer Authorized By:
`David A. Grabelsky
`Time Stamp:
`Application Type:
`Supplemental Examination
`Submitted with Payment
`Payment Type
`File Listing:
`File Size(Bytes)/
`Number Message Digest|Part/.zip|P (if appl.)
`Request for Certificate of Correction
`71311121 39f0dechcfacclds48ed1 F1777fc6}
`Request for Certificate of Correction
`the application.
`New Applications Under 35 U.S.C.111
`If a new applicationis being filed and the application includes the necessary componentsfor a filing date (see 37 CFR
`1.53(b}-(d) and MPEP 506), a Filing Receipt (37 CFR 1.54) will be issued in due course and the date shownonthis
`AcknowledgementReceiptwill establish the filing date of the application.
`National Stage of an International Application under 35 U.S.C. 371
`If a timely submission to enter the national stage of an international application is compliant with the conditionsof 35
`U.S.C. 371 and other applicable requirements a Form PCT/DO/E0O/903 indicating acceptanceof the application as a
`national stage submission under35 U.S.C. 371 will be issued in addition to the Filing Receipt, in due course.
`New International Application Filed with the USPTO as a Receiving Office
`If a new international application is being filed and the international application includes the necessary componentsfor
`an international filing date (see PCT Article 11 and MPEP 1810), a Notification of the International Application Number
`and of the International Filing Date (Form PCT/RO/105)will be issued in due course, subject to prescriptions concerning
`national security, and the date shown on this AcknowledgementReceiptwill establish the international filing date of
`Fee Worksheet (SB06)
`Aaaaeb0da8b1605d678cd 1ead2b0be60a6
`Total Files Size (in bytes)
`This AcknowledgementReceipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTO of the indicated documents,
`characterized by the applicant, and including page counts, where applicable.It serves as evidence of receipt similar to a
`Post Card, as described in MPEP 503.
`Ex Parte Reexamination Ordered under 35 U.S.C. 257
`United States Patent
`US 9,549,426 C1
`do) Number:
`*Nov. 10, 2020
`(45) Certificate Issued:
`(71) Applicants: Koninklijke KPN N.V., The Hague
`(NL); Nederlandse Organisatie voor
`Onderzoek TNO, The Hague (NL)
`Inventors: Elena Mancevska, Voorburg (NL);
`Maurice Hiep, Wassenaar (NL);
`Annemieke Kips, Leiden (NL)
`(73) Assignees: KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V., The
`The Hague (NL)
`Supplemental Examination Request:
`No. 96/000,317, Feb. 14, 2020
`Reexamination Certificate for:
`Patent No.:
`Jan. 17, 2017
`Appl. No.:
`Jul. 15, 2014
`PCT No:.:
`§ 371 ()(1).
`Jan. 14, 2016
`(2) Date:
`PCT Pub. No.: WO2015/007699
`PCT Pub. Date: Jan. 22, 2015
`(*) Notice:
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Jul. 15,2013)
`(EP) wee rreeee 13176452
`Int. Cl.
`HO4W 4/00
`HOAW 12/06
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`CPC wesc HO04W 4/70 (2018.02), HO4W 4/12
`(2013.01); HO4W 8/12 (2013.01); HO4W 8/18
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`To view the complete listing of prior art documents cited
`during the supplemental examination proceeding and the
`resulting reexamination proceeding for Control Number
`96/000,317, please refer to the USPTO’s public Patent
`Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system under the
`Display References tab.
`Primary Examiner — Matthew E Heneghan
`The invention relates to a method and telecommunications
`node for controlling an attach state of a user equipment in an
`attach control node of a telecommunications system further
`comprising a subscriber database containing subscription
`data of the user equipment. The method comprises receiving
`authentication data in the attach control node if an authen-
`tication step is required. Following the authentication step,
`any, receiving in a first
`transfer stage a first set of
`subscription data from the subscriber database and storing
`the first set of subscription data in the attach control node,
`wherein the first set of subscription data is insufficient for
`enabling establishing a communication session between the
`user equipment and the telecommunications system. If
`establishing a communication session is required between
`the user equipment and the telecommunications network,
`receiving in a second transfer stage following the first
`transfer stage a second set of subscription data from the
`subscriber database in the attach control node, and storing
`the secondset of subscription data in the attach control node,
`wherein the combination of the first set of subscription data
`and the second set of subscription data is sufficient for
`US 9,549,426 C1
`Page 2
`enabling establishing a communication session between the
`user equipment and the telecommunications network.
`Int. CL
`HO4W 8/12
`HO4W 4/70
`HO4W 76/12
`HOAW 4/12
`HO4W 8/18
`(52) U.S. Cl
`CPC oes HO4W 12/0602 (2019.01); HO4W 76/12
`US 9,549,426 Cl
`Matter enclosed in heavy brackets [ ] appeared in the
`patent, but has been deleted andis no longer a part of the
`patent; matter printed initalics indicates additions made
`to the patent.
`node, and receiving only the first set of subscription
`data on the basis of a partial transfer indication asso-
`ciated with the user equipment
`in the subscription
`database; and
`transmitting a request from the attach control node to the
`subscriber database, the request containing a partial
`transfer indication[; and
`receiving subscriber data from the subscriber database
`and storing only a first set of subscriber data from the
`received subscriber data in response to a partial attach
`state indication in the attach control node].
`6. The method according to claim 1, further comprising
`deleting from the combinationofthefirst set of subscription
`data and the secondset of subscription data the [at least one]
`second set of subscription data at the attach contro] node
`after a precondition has been fulfilled [and, if the telecom-
`munications system is an LTE telecommunications system,
`removing a default bearer for the user equipment].
`7. The method according to claim 1, wherein the tele-
`communications system comprises [an LTE] a Long Term
`Evolution (LTE) telecommunications system, and wherein
`the method further [comprising] comprises:
`omitting establishing a default bearer on a radio path
`between the user equipment and the LTE telecommu-
`nications system prior to initiation of the secondtrans-
`fer stage;
`providing the user equipment with information indicative
`of non-establishment of the default bearer prior to the
`initiation of the second transfer stage; and
`establishing the default bearer upon orafter initiation of
`the second transfer stage by the attach control node.
`8. A non-transitory computer-readable medium having
`instructions stored thereon that, upon execution by one or
`more processors of an attach control node of a telecommu-
`nications system comprising [an] ¢he attach control node and
`a subscriber database containing subscription data of a user
`equipment, cause the [one or more processors] the attach
`control node to carry out operations including:
`receiving in a first transfer stage a first set of subscription
`data from the subscriber database and storing the first
`set of subscription data in the attach control node,
`wherein, as received, the first set of subscription data,
`being configured as a partial subset of a complete set
`of subscription data that are required for enabling
`establishing a communication session betweenthe user
`equipmentandthe telecommunications sysiem, 1s insuf-
`ficient for enabling establishing a communication ses-
`sion between the user equipment and the telecommu-
`nications system[, and wherein, if an authentication
`step is required, authentication data are received in the
`attach control node prior to the receiving in the first
`transfer stage];
`if establishing a communication session is
`between the user equipment and the telecommunica-
`tions [network] system, subsequentto receiving thefirst
`set of subscription data, receiving in a secondtransfer
`stage following the first transfer stage [at least one] a
`second set of subscription data from the subscriber
`database in the attach control node, and storing the
`second set of subscription data in the attach control
`node, wherein [a combination of] as received,
`second set of subscription data is configured to be an
`additional partial subset of the complete set of sub-
`scription data that in combination with the first set of
`subscription data [and the second set of subscription
`data] is the complate set of subscription data that is
`sufficient for enabling establishing a communication
`Claims 1, 2, 4, 6-12 and 14-16 are determined to be
`patentable as amended.
`Claims 3, 5, 13 and 17, dependent on an amended claim,
`are determined to be patentable.
`New claims 18 and 19 are added and determined to be ,
`1. A method for controlling an attach state of a user
`equipment in an attach control node of a telecommunica-
`tions system further comprising a subscriber database con-
`taining subscription data of the user equipment, the method
`receiving in a first transfer stage a first set of subscription
`data from the subscriber database and storing thefirst
`set of subscription data in the attach control node,
`wherein, as received, the first set of subscription data,
`being configured as a partial subset of a complete set
`of subscription data that are required for enabling
`establishing a communication session between the user
`equipment andthe telecommunications system, is insuf-
`ficient for enabling establishing a communication ses-
`sion between the user equipment and the telecommu-
`nications system[, and wherein, if an authentication
`step is required, authentication data are received in the
`attach control node prior to the receiving in the first
`transfer stage];
`[if establishing a communication session is required
`between the user equipment and the telecommunica-
`tions network,] subsequent to receiving the first set of
`subscription data, receiving in a second transfer stage
`followingthefirst transfer stage [at least one] a second
`set of subscription data from the subscriber database in
`the attach control node, and storing the second set of
`subscription data in the attach control node, wherein [a
`combination of], as received,
`the second set of sub-
`scription data is configured to be an additional partial
`subset of the complete set of subscription data that in
`combination with the first set of subscription data [and
`the second set of subscription date] is the complete set
`of subscription data that is sufficient for enabling
`establishing a communication session between the user
`equipment and the telecommunications [network] svs-
`2. The method according to claim 1, wherein thefirst set
`of subscription data is free of communication session man-
`agement subscription data and comprises [the] @ Network
`Access Mode parameter.
`4. The method according to claim 2, wherein the receiving
`and storage ofthefirst set of subscription data comprises one
`step selectedfrom the group consisting of:
`transmitting a request from the attach control node to the
`subscriber database in response to receiving an attach
`request from the user equipment at the attach control
`US 9,549,426 Cl
`session between the user equipment and the telecom-
`munications [network] system; and
`if an authentication step is required, receiving authenti-
`cation data in the attach control node prior to the
`receiving in the first transfer stage.
`9. A subscriber database system configured for use in a
`telecommunications system, wherein the telecommunica-
`tions system comprises an attach control node, the sub-
`scriber database system comprising:
`a subscriber database containing subscription data of a
`user equipment;
`a processor having access to instructions that when
`executed cause the database system to carry out opera-
`tions including:
`in a first transfer stage, providing to the attach control
`nodea first set of subscription data from the subscriber
`database, wherein, as provided, thefirst set of subscrip-
`tion data, being configured as a partial subset of a
`complete set ofsubscription data that are requiredfor
`between the user equipment and the telecommunica-
`tions system,
`is insufficient for enabling establishing a
`communication session between the user equipment
`and the telecommunications system[, and wherein, if
`the attach control received authentication data in an
`authentication step, the first transfer stage is carried out
`following the authentication step],
`if establishing a communication session is
`between the user equipment and the telecommunica-
`tions [network] system, subsequent to providing the
`first set of subscription data, then in a second transfer
`stage followingthefirst transfer stage, providing to the
`attach control node [at Icast one] a second sect of
`subscription data from the subscriber database, wherein
`[a combination of], as provided,
`the second set of
`subscription data is configured to be an additional
`partial subset of the complete set of subscription data
`that in combination with the first set of subscription
`data [and the second set of subscription data] is the
`complete set of subscription data that is sufficient for
`between the user equipment and the telecommunica-
`tions [network] system, and
`wherein, if the attach control node has received authen-
`tication data in an authentication step, thefirst transfer
`stage is carried out following the authentication step.
`10. A telecommunications node configured for use in a
`telecommunications system, wherein the telecommunica-
`tions system comprises a subscriber database containing
`subscription data of a user equipment, the telecommunica-
`tions node comprising:
`a processor having access to instructions that when
`executed cause the telecommunications node to carry
`out operations including:
`receiving in a first transfer stagea first set of subscription
`data from the subscriber database andstoring thefirst
`set of subscription data in the telecommunications
`node, wherein, as received, thefirst set of subscription
`data, being configured as a partial subset ofa complete
`set of subscription data that are requiredfor enabling
`establishing a communication session between the user
`equipment and the telecommunications system, is insuf-
`ficient for enabling establishing a communication ses-
`sion between the user equipment and the telecommu-
`nications system, and wherein[, if an authentication
`step is required, authentication data are received in the
`telecommunications nodeprior to the receiving in the
`first transfer stage];
`if establishing a communication session is
`between the user equipment and the telecommunica-
`tions [nctwork] svstem, subsequentto receiving thefirst
`sel of subscriplion data, receiving in a second transfer
`stage following the first transfer stage [at least one] a
`second set of subscription data from the subscriber
`database, and storing the second set of subscription
`data in the telecommunications node, wherein [a com-
`bination of], as received, the second set ofsubscription
`data is configured to be an additional partial subset of
`the complete set of subscription data that in combina-
`tion with the first set of subscription data [and the
`second set of subscription data] is the complete set of
`subscription data that is sufficient for enabling estab-
`lishing a communication session between the user
`equipment and the telecommunications [network] sys-
`tem; and
`if an authentication step is required, receiving authenti-
`cation data prior to the receiving in the first transfer
`11. The telecommunications node according to claim 10,
`wherein the first set of subscription data is free of commu-
`nication session management subscription data and com-
`prises[the] a Network Access Mode parameter and wherein
`the second set of the subscription data comprises commu-
`nication session management subscription data.
`12. The telecommunications node according to claim 11,
`wherein receiving and storing the first set of subscription
`data comprises one step selected from the group consisting
`transmitting a request from the telecommunications node
`to the subscriber database in response to receiving an
`attach request from the user equipmentat the telecom-
`munications node, and receiving only the first set of
`subscription data on the basis of a partial
`indication associated with the user equipment in the
`subscription database; and
`transmitting a request from the telecommunications node
`to the subscriber database,
`the request containing a
`partial transfer indication[; and
`receiving subscriber data from the subscriber database
`and storing only a first set of subscriber data from the
`received subscriber data in response to a partial attach
`state indication in the telecommunications node].
`14. The telecommunications node according to claim 10,
`wherein [the telecommunications nodeis further configured
`for] the operations further include deleting from the com-
`bination of the first set of subscription data and the second
`set of subscription data the [at
`least one] second set of
`subscription data at the telecommunications node after a
`precondition has been fulfilled and, if the telecommunica-
`tions system is [an LTE] @ Long Term Evolution (LTE)
`telecommunications system, removing a default bearer for
`the user equipment.
`15, The telecommunications node according to claim 10,
`whereinthe telecommunications system comprises [an LTE]
`a Long Term Evolution (LTE) telecommunication system
`and the telecommunications node comprises an LTE tele-
`communications node, and wherein the [the] operations
`further include:
`omitting establishing a default bearer on a radio path
`between the user equipment and the LTE telecommu-
`nications system prior to initiation of the secondtrans-
`fer stage;
`US 9,549,426 Cl
`providing the user equipment with information indicative
`of non-establishment of the default bearer prior to the
`initiation of the second transfer stage;
`establishing the default bearer upon orafter initiation of
`the second transfer stage by the attach control node.
`16. A user equipment configured for use with a telecom-
`munications node of a telecommunications system, wherein
`the telecommunications system comprises a subscriber data-
`base containing subscription data of the user equipment,
`wherein the telecommunications node is configured to: (1)
`receive in a first transfer stage a first set of subscription
`data from the subscriber database andstore thefirst set
`of subscription data in the telecommunications node,
`wherein, as received, the first set of subscription data,
`being configured as a partial subset of a complete set
`of subscription data that are required for enabling
`establishing a communication session between the user
`equipment andthe telecommunications system, is insuf-
`ficient for enabling establishing a communication ses-
`sion between the user equipment and the telecommu- 20
`communication session is required between the user
`equipment and the telecommunications [network] svs-
`tem, receive in a second transfer stage following the
`first transfer stage [at least one] a second set of sub-
`scription data from the subscriber database, and store
`the second set of subscription data in the telecommu-
`nications node, wherein [a combination of],
`received, the second set ofsubscription data is config-
`ured to be an additional partial subset of the complete 30
`set of subscription data that in combination with the
`first set of subscription data [and the