`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`22 January 2015 (22.01.2015)
`International Patent Classification:
`HO4W 76/02 (2009.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`15 July 2014 (15.07.2014)
`Priority Data:
`15 July 2013 (15.07.2013)
`Applicants: KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. [NL/NL]; Maan-
`plein 55, NL-2516 CK The Hague (NL). NEDER-
`DERZOEK TNO [NL/NL]; Schoemakerstraat 97, NL-
`2628 VK Delft (NL).
`Inventors: MANCEVSKA, Elena; Marian Gobiushof 4,
`NL-2272 TS Voorburg (NL). HIEP, Maurice; Hofcamp-
`weg 196, NL-2241 KK Wassenaar
`(NL). KIPS, An-
`nemieke; Hugo dc Vricsstraat 42, NL-2513 BZ Leiden
`Agent: WUYTS, Koenraad; P.O. Box 95321, NL-2509
`CH The Hague (NL).
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2015/007699 Al
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
`DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA,
`SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM,
`TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, 2M,
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM,
`KM,ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`Attach Control Node 10
`Subscriber data system 11
`A-— subscriber data containing 1st set
`B — 2nd subscriber data set
`Partial attach state
`Full attach state
`FIG. 4
`(57) Abstract: The invention relates to a method and tele-
`communications node for controlling an attach state of a
`user equipment in an attach control node of a telecommu-
`nications system further comprising a subscriber database
`containing subscription data of the user equipment. The
`method comprises receiving authentication data in the at-
`tach control node if an authentication step is required. Fol-
`lowing the authentication step, if any, receiving in a first
`transfer stage a first set of subscription data from the sub-
`scriber database and storing the first set of subscription data
`in the attach control node, wherein the first set of subscrip-
`tion data is insufficient for enabling establishing a commu-
`nication session between the user equipment andthe tele-
`communications system. If establishing a communication
`session is required between the user equipment and the
`telecommunications network, receiving in a second transfer
`stage following the first transfer stage a second set of sub-
`scription data from the subscriber database in the attach
`control node, and storing the second sct of subscription
`datain the attach control node, wherein the combination of
`the first sct of subscription data and the second sct of sub-
`scription data is sufficient for enabling establishing a com-
`munication session between the user equipment and the
`telecommunications network.
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`WO 2015/007699
`Method and telecommunications node for controlling an attach state of a user equipment
`The disclosure relates to a method and a telecommunications node for transferring sub-
`scription data in a telecommunications system. More specifically, the disclosure relates to controlling the
`exchange subscription data in a system comprising a subscriber database and an attach control node to
`which user equipment may connect.
`Telecommunications networks that provide wireless access (e.g. GSM, UMTS, WiMax,
`LTE) have developed tremendously over the past years.
`In such networks, voice and data services can
`be provided to user equipment having a high mobility, i.e. the communication devices are not bound to a
`particular location and are freely movable through the area covered by the network. A gateway node of
`the telecommunications network enables connection to a further network, for example a network based
`on IP such as the internet.
`The availability of such a telecommunications network connected to the further network
`has resulted in demands for further services, including services that relate to so-called machine-to-
`machine (M2M) communications, also referred to as machine-type communications (MTC). The service
`requirements for MTC are currently being standardized in 3GPP (see e.g. TS 22.368). MTC applications
`typically involve hundreds, thousands or millions of user equipment (MTC devices) which each act as a
`user equipmentto the telecommunication network. Such MTC devices maybestationary or non-
`stationary. An exampleinvolvesthe electronic reading of e.g. ‘smart’ electricity meters at the homes of a
`large customer base over the telecommunications network from a server connected to a further network.
`Other examples include sensors, meters, vending or coffee machines, car meters for route pricing appli-
`cations, navigation equipmentetc. that can be equipped with communication modules that allow
`exchanging information with other equipment, such as a data processing centre over the telecommunica-
`tions network.
`An important dimensioning parameterfor control plane nodesin the wireless telecommu-
`nications networks is the number of simultaneously attached/registered user equipment.
`Since MTCtypically involves a very large number of MTC devices that send/receive only
`a low amountof user plane data, the use of control plane resources needed for these MTC devicesis
`high comparedto the user plane data that is normally the basis for pricing. The absorbed capacity and
`costs associated with large numbers of MTC devices are therefore high comparedto the actual use and
`turnover. Solutions to mitigate the burden of keeping high amounts of MTC devices registered in the
`network would be beneficial.
`The issue of registering large numbers of MTC devices in the telecommunications net-
`work has been recognized and discussed in various 3GPP working groups.
`In a potential solution
`described in 3GPP TR 23.888, an MTC device would not be registered in the telecommunications net-
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`WO 2015/007699
`work when it does not communicate. The MTC device will attach and connect to the network when trig-
`gered from the network. The trigger involves enabling the MTC deviceto listen to a broadcast channel
`(e.g. a cell broadcast channel) while not being attached to the network. Triggers to the MTC device to
`establish communication are broadcasted over the broadcast channel. The MTC device(s) for which the
`broadcasted message/triggeris intendedis (are) configured to recognize the message.
`In this way, net-
`work resources associated with registering a large number of MTC devicesin the network are saved.
`However, non-registration of the MTC devices in the telecommunications network may be
`disadvantageous in certain cases. For example, the transmission of a cell broadcast signal maybeineffi-
`cient if only a limited number of MTC devices are distributed over a large number ofcells of the network
`and broadcast resources are wasted in view of the limited number of MTC devicesto be triggered.
`In view of the above, it is desirable to provide an improved method and telecommunica-
`tions node for transferring subscription data over a network that takes accountof the issues identified
`To that end, a method for controlling an attach state of a user equipment in an attach
`control node of a telecommunications system further comprising a subscriber database containing sub-
`scription data of the user equipmentis disclosed. If an authentication step is required, the attach control
`node receives authentication data.
`If authentication is performed, the authentication data is normally
`received from an authentication centre AuC or an AAAserver. Such an authentication centre or server
`may be integrated with the subscriber database.
`In a first transfer stage step following the authentication step, if any, a first set of subscrip-
`tion data is received in the attach control node from the subscriber database. The first set of subscription
`data is stored in the attach control node. However, the first set of subscription data is insufficient for ena-
`bling establishing a communication session between the user equipment and the telecommunications
`system. Thefirst transfer stage step may be triggered by receiving an attach request from the user
`equipment at the attach control node.
`Since the first set of subscription is insufficient for enabling establishing a communication
`session between the user equipment and the telecommunications network, if establishing a communica-
`tion session is required, at least one second set of subscription data is received from the subscriber
`databasein the attach control node during a secondtransfer stage step. The second transfer stage step
`is performedafter the first transfer stage step. The second set of subscription data is stored in the attach
`control node. The combination of the first set of subscription data and the second set of subscription data
`is sufficient for enabling establishing a communication session between the user equipmentand the tele-
`communications network.
`Moreover, a computer program product implemented on a computer-readable non-
`transitory storage medium is disclosed, the computer program product being configured for, when run on
`a computer, executing the method steps disclosed herein.
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`WO 2015/007699
`Still further, a telecommunications node configured for use in a telecommunications sys-
`tem comprising a subscriber database containing subscription data of a user equipmentis disclosed. The
`telecommunications node is configured for receiving authentication data, if an authentication step is re-
`quired, in the attach control node. The telecommunications node is also configured for, following the
`authentication step, if any, a first set of subscription data from the subscriber databaseinafirst transfer
`stage step and storing the first set of subscription data. The first set of subscription data is insufficient for
`enabling establishing a communication session between the user equipment and the telecommunications
`system. The attach control node may be configured toinitiate the first transfer stage step in response to
`receiving an attach request from the user equipmentat the attach control node.
`If establishing a communication session is required between the user equipment and the
`telecommunications network, the telecommunications node is configured for receiving in a second trans-
`fer stage, following the first transfer stage, at least one second set of subscription data from the
`subscriber database and storing the second set of subscription data in the attach control node. The com-
`bination of the first set of subscription data and the second set of subscription data is sufficient for
`enabling establishing a communication session between the user equipment and the telecommunications
`Finally, a user equipmentis disclosed that is configured for use with the telecommunica-
`tions node as described in the previous paragraph. The user equipmentis configured for receiving and
`processing at least one of a partial subscription data transfer indication indicative of storing only the first
`set of subscription data in the telecommunications node and, if the user equipment is an LTE type user
`equipment, a non-bearer establishmentindication indicative of omitting establishment of a default bearer
`on a radio path between the LTE type user equipment and the telecommunications node prior to initiation
`of the second stage being insufficient for enabling establishment.
`It is noted that the first transfer stage and the second transfer stage for the subscription
`data may be distinguished bydifferent transaction identifiers.
`Byonly storing in the attach control node the first set of subscription data and omitting
`storing at least part of the set of subscription data required for establishing a communication session, a
`partial attach state is obtained for the user equipmentin the telecommunications network. The partial
`attach state is defined by the contentofthe first set of subscription data. The storage ofthe first set of
`subscriber data in the attach node provides information about the cells where the user devices are posi-
`tioned, viz. those cells for which the particular attach node is responsible. However, since the first set of
`subscriber data is not the complete set of subscriber data required for enabling the full attach of the user
`equipmentto the telecommunications system, resources are savedin the attach control node. This dis-
`closed solution provides for a good balance betweena better awarenessin the networkof the cell
`location of the user equipment and the saving of resources in the attach node.
`By defining the content of the first set of subscriber data, (other) benefits associated with
`having the defined content of the first set of subscriber data available in the attach control node are ob-
`tained. For example, the content of the first set of subscriber data may comprise a parameter known as
`the network access mode. The NAMis e.g. defined in 3GPP TS 23.008. The NAM definesif the sub-
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`WO 2015/007699
`scriber is registered to get access to the CS (non-GPRS/EPS network), to the PS (GPRS/EPS) network
`or to both networks. The NAMis permanent subscriber data stored in the HSS/HLR. By storing the NAM
`in the attach control node in response to the attach request,
`the attach control node is informed to which
`network the MTC device gets accessto.
`Examples of subscription data fields of the second set include at least one of the fields
`APN-OI Replacement, ODB for PS parameters, VPLMN LIPA Allowed Subscribed UE-AMBR and the
`APN configurationslisted in 3GPP TS 23.060, V. 11.3.0 in table 5 of Clause 13.1. 3GPP TS 23.060 is for
`2G/3G Packet Switched, the equivalent for LTE (HSS) is 3GPP TS 23.401, V.12.0.0 table 5.7.1-1.
`Another advantageous effect of the disclosed method and telecommunications node is
`that the network operator is in control whether or not to allow a communication session with the user
`equipment. Only when the at least one second set of subscriber data is available at the attach control
`node, a request by the user equipment for a communication session can be allowed. By informing the
`user equipmentof the partial attach state, the user equipment may even beinstructed not to send such a
`request during the partial attach state.
`It should be appreciated that the first and the at least one second set of subscription data
`may be predefined in advance or be selected upon transferring the subscription data to the attach control
`node or storing the subscription data in the attach control node, e.g. depending on a condition.
`The term subscriber data is used to designateall information associated with a subscrip-
`tion which is required for service provisions, identification, routing, communication session handling,
`GPRS mode transmission, charging, subscriber tracing, operation and maintenance purposes. Some
`subscriber data are referred to as permanent subscriber data, i.e. they can only be changed by admin-
`istration means. Other data are temporary subscriber data which may change as a result of normal
`operation of the system.
`tach control node.
`It is not necessary or required that all subscriber data are transferred to the at-
`It should be appreciated that the communication session may be either a data session or
`a session involving establishment of a voice channel.
`It should also be appreciated that some subscription data, such as the IMSI of the user
`equipment, that play a role in the attach control state, is also used during authentication. As disclosed, if
`an authentication step is performed, subscription data present for authentication purposes in the attach
`control node are not considered to be part of the first set of subscription data.
`It should be appreciated that during the first transfer stage, all subscriber data may be
`transmitted in that step from the subscription database to the attach control node. The attach control
`node only stores thefirst set of subscriber data from the received subscriber data.
`It should be appreciated that the second transfer stage not necessarily follows thefirst
`transfer stage, i.e. the second set of subscriber data is not stored in the attach control node. The user
`equipment may e.g. transmit a restricted set of data by other means, e.g. by using a short message ser-
`vice or transmit a restricted set of data via the control plane.
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`WO 2015/007699
`The establishment of a communication session between the user equipment and the tel-
`ecommunications session may comprise establishing a user data plane communication session, e.g. a
`PDP context or an EPS bearer.
`Finally, it should be appreciated that the term user equipmentin the present disclosure
`may include devices with or without SIM/UICC.
`In an embodiment of the method and telecommunications node, alternatives for storing
`the first set of subscription data in the attach control node are disclosed.
`In one alternative, a request is transmitted from the attach control node to the subscriber
`database, optionally in response to receiving an attach request from the user equipment at the attach
`control node, and receiving only the first set of subscription data on the basis of a partial transfer indica-
`tion associated with the user equipmentin the subscription database. In this embodiment, the control of
`transmitting only first set of subscription data lies with the system containing the subscription database,
`dependent on thesetting of the partial transfer indication.
`In another alternative, a requestis transmitted from the attach control node to the sub-
`scriber database, the request containing a partial transfer indication. The partial transfer indication may
`originate from the attach control node, i.e. control of only transmitting the first set of subscriber data lies
`with the attach control node. For example, if the attach control node determines thatit only has limited
`resources available, it may decide to transmit the partial transfer indication to the subscriber database
`system. In a variant, the attach control node receives an attach request from the user equipment, wherein
`the attach request from the user equipmentalready contains a partial transfer indication. The attach con-
`trol node mayeither forward the partial transfer indication originating from the user equipment or provide
`for an alternative partial transfer indication in response to the partial transfer indication received from the
`user equipment.
`In this variant, the user equipment controls the transmission of only the first set of the
`subscriber data as may e.g. be advantageous for a user equipment not requiring a communication ses-
`sion any time soon. The attach control node may be configured to overrule the transfer indication of the
`user equipment.
`In one variant, a partial transfer indication may be received from the user equipment, but
`the attach control node may decide that a full attach with all subscription data is desired or required.
`another variant, the attach control node may receive a conventional attach request from the user equip-
`mentbut decide to only allow a partial attach (for example because of limited available resources) and
`thus transmit a request with a partial transfer indication to the subscriber database.
`Yet anotheralternative comprises receiving a complete set of subscriber data from the
`subscriber database and storing only a first set of subscriber data from the received subscriber data in
`response to a partial attach state indication in the attach control node.
`In this alternative, the decision to
`store only thefirst set of subscriber data lies with the attach control node as well.
`In another embodiment, the transfer of the at least one second set of subscription data is
`stored in the attach control node as a result of fulfilment of a precondition.
`In one alternative,
`the second set of subscription data is stored in response to a data
`availability indication in the telecommunications system indicating the availability of data for the user
`In this alternative, the at least one second set of subscription data is transmitted when data is
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`to be sent to the user equipment, so that the communication session relevant subscription data need to
`be with the attach control node.
`In another alternative, the second set of subscription data may be desired with the attach
`control node in response to a resource availability indication received from the attach control node at the
`subscription database indicating the availability of resources for containing the second set of subscription
`data in the attach control node.
`In this case, a communication session may be established more quickly.
`In yet another alternative, the second set of subscription data may be stored with the at-
`tach control node at a predefined time or within a predefined time interval. This case is advantageous if
`information is available within the telecommunications system when a user equipment desires to establish
`a connection with the telecommunications system. Such information may e.g. be available from a con-
`tract between the operator of the telecommunications system and the operator of the user equipment. As
`an example, such a contract may determine the time at which or the time interval during which the user
`equipmentwill or is allowed to transmit data.
`In an embodiment of the method and telecommunications node, the at least one second
`set of subscription data from the combination of the first and second set of subscription data is deleted
`after a precondition has beenfulfilled. The first set of subscription data may remain in the attach control
`node. The precondition may relate to the expiry of a timer,
`the detection of the end of the communication
`session for the user equipment and/or to the detection of limited availability of (free) resources in the at-
`tach control node.
`Resources mayalso be saved on the radio path between the user equipmentand the tel-
`ecommunications system, particularly for LTE telecommunications system. Prior to the initiation of the
`secondtransfer stage, establishment of a default bearer is omitted. The default bearer may be estab-
`lished after initiation of the second transfer stage since the transfer of the second set of subscription data
`maybeinitiated in order to transfer data to or from the user equipment, requiring the presenceof the de-
`fault bearer. The user equipment may be informed of the non-establishmentof the default bearer (either
`explicit or implicit) and should be configured not to process the lack of a default bearer as an unsuccess-
`ful attach.
`It is noted that the invention relates to all possible combinations of features recited in the
`claims. Thus, all features and advantagesofthe first aspect likewise apply to the second andthird
`aspects, respectively.
`Aspects of the invention will be explained in greater detail by reference to exemplary em-
`bodiments shown in the drawings, in which:
`FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of a telecommunications system;
`FIGS. 2A-2C are prior art sequence diagrams illustrating steps in establishing a commu-
`nication session for a user equipmentin the telecommunications system of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 3 is a schematic system block diagram illustrating a user equipment, an attach con-
`trol node and a subscriber data system according to an embodimentof the invention;
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`FIG. 4 is a sequence diagram illustrating steps according to the disclosed method;
`FIGS. 5A-5D are sequence diagrams for a 2G/3G telecommunications system illustrating
`various embodiments of establishing a partial attach state for a UE;
`FIG. 6 is a sequence diagram for a 2G/3G telecommunications system illustrating the ef-
`fect of the partial attach state of the attach control node on a PDP context request from the UE;
`FIGS. 7A-7C are sequence diagrams for a 2G/3G telecommunications system illustrating
`network-initiated data transmission according to the prior art (FIG. 7A) and according to embodiments of
`the invention (FIGS. 7B and 7C);
`Fig. 8 is a schematic illustration of an attach control node containing a storage with a non-
`overwritable part A and an overwritable part B;
`FIGS. 9A and 9B are sequence diagrams for a 2G/3G telecommunications system illus-
`trating return to a partial detach state;
`FIGS. 10A-10C are sequence diagrams for an LTE/EPS telecommunications system il-
`lustrating various embodiments of establishing a partial attach state for a UE;
`FIGS. 11A and 11B are sequence diagrams for an LTE/EPS telecommunications system
`illustrating embodimentsfor a transition from a partial attach to a complete attach state for a UE; and
`FIGS. 12A and 12B are sequence diagrams for an LTE/EPS telecommunications system
`illustrating embodimentsfor a transition from a complete attach state back to a partial attach state for a
`FIG. 1 shows a schematic illustration of a telecommunications system 1. The telecom-
`munications system 1 enables communication sessions between an application server 2 and a user
`equipment 3 over a data network 4, wherein access of the user equipment3 to the telecommunications
`system 1
`is wireless.
`In the telecommunications system of FIG. 1, three generations of telecommunications
`networks are schematically depicted together for purposesof brevity. A more detailed description of the
`architecture and overview can be found in 3GPP TS 23.002 and 3GPP TS 23.060, 3GPP TS 23.401 and
`3GPP TS 23.402, which are included in the present application by referencein its entirety.
`The lower branch of FIG. 1 represents a GPRS or UMTStelecommunications system
`comprising a Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN), a Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) and a Ra-
`dio Access Network (GERAN or UTRAN). For a GSM/EDGE radio access network (GERAN), the
`wireless access network comprises a Base Station Controller (BSC) connected to a plurality of Base Sta-
`tion Transceivers (BTSs), both not shown. For a UMTSradio access network (UTRAN), the wireless
`access network comprises a Radio Network Controller (RNC) connected to a plurality of NodeBs, also not
`shown. The SGSN is conventionally connected to a Home Location Register (HLR) that contains sub-
`scription data of the user equipment3.
`The upper branchin FIG. 1 represents a next generation telecommunications system,
`commonly indicated as Long Term Evolution (LTE) or Evolved Packet System (EPS). Such a system
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`comprises a PDN Gateway (P-GW) and a Serving Gateway (S-GW). The E-UTRANof the EPS compris-
`es evolved NodeBs (eNodeBsor eNBs) providing wireless access for a user equipment3 that is connect-
`connected to the S-GW via a packet network. The S-GW is connected to a Mobility ManagementEntity
`MME forsignalling purposes whichis in turn connected to a Home Subscriber Server HSS. The HSS
`includes a subscription profile repository containing subscription data for the user equipment3.
`The user equipment 3 comprises an MTC device and the application server 2 may be an
`MTC serverserving a large number of MTC devices3.
`FIG. 2A is a prior art sequence diagram illustrating initial steps in establishing a commu-
`nication session for a user equipment3 in the lower branch of the telecommunications system 1 of FIG. 1
`(the attach phase).
`In particular, FIG. 2A illustrates known steps of a packet-switched attach procedurein
`a 2G/3G network.
`In a first step (i), the UE 3 transmits an Attach request to the telecommunications system
`1, which Attach request is processed by the SGSN.
`In a subsequentstep(ii), authentication of the UE 3
`is performed involving the HLR.
`Then, in step (iii), the SGSN transmits an Update location message to the HLR which
`causesthe HLRin step(iv) to transmit the full batch subscriber data associated with the UE 3 user
`equipment 3 having sent the Attach request in step (i). The specification of the “Insert Subscriber Data”
`message is e.g. defined in TS 29.002 clause 8.8.1 en TS 29.272 clause
`After step (iv), the SGSN stores all the information necessary for completing the attach
`procedure such that a communication session can be established subsequently by establishing a PDP
`context for the UE 3.
`In steps (v) and (vi), the receipt of the subscriber data is acknowledged.
`It should be noted that, as a result of the data size of the subscriber data (the data unit
`size of the underlying layer may beinsufficient to carry all the subscriber data in one data unit), steps (iv)
`and (v) may be repeated a number of times, to transfer all the data to the SGSN. However,this transfer
`is performed under the same transaction identifier, i.e. there is only one transfer stage.
`Finally, in step (vii), the UE 3 is informed that the Attach request from step (i) has been
`accepted via an Attach accept message.
`of a PDP context procedure in a manner knownin the art and asillustrated in steps (viii) — (xi) in FIG. 2B.
`After having received the Attach accept message, the UE 3 is able to request activation
`FIG. 2Cis a prior art sequence diagram illustrating initial steps in establishing a commu-
`nication session for a user equipment3 in the upper branch of the telecommunications system 1 of FIG.
`In particular, FIG. 2C illustrates known steps of a packet-switched attach procedure ina 4G LTE/EPS
`In this telecommunications system 1, similar steps are performed for the UE3to getat-
`tached to the telecommunications system 1 now using the MME and HSS. However, in order to provide
`for an always on type of service experience, a default bearer is established during the attach procedure
`as shownin FIG. 2C between the UE and the S-GW and P-GW.
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`FIG. 3 is a schematic system block diagram illustrating a user equipment UE 3, an attach
`control node 10 and a subscriber data system 11 (a subscriber database) according to an embodimentof
`the invention.
`In the block diagrams, some componentsfor performing the disclosed method are sche-
`matically illustrated.
`It should be noted that these components may be implemented in hardware,
`software or in a hybrid fashion.
`The UE 3, the attach control node 10 and the subscriber data system 11 each contain at
`least a processor uP for executing actions, a controller CTRL for controlling actions by the processor uP
`and one or more forms of storage (not shown) for storing computer programs and (intermediate)