`Blake Hannaford, Ph.D.
`October 20, 2021
`Dept. of Electrical Engineering
`University of Washington
`Seattle, WA 98195-2500
`fax (206)221-5264
`email hannaford@ee.washington.edu
`www: http://brl.ee.washington.edu ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7370-4920.
`Educational History
`Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley 12/85, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
`Thesis Title: The control of fast human movement: horizontal head rotation M.S. University of California,
`Berkeley 12/82 Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Thesis Title: Adaptive Linear Prediction of
`Cardiac Marker Locations
`B.S. Yale University 5/77, Engineering and Applied Science (Electrical Engineering)
`Employment History
`University of Washington 9/89 -
`Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Professor, Adjunct Professor of Bioengineering, Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering Adjunct Pro-
`fessor of Surgery: 9/02 - present
`0% Core faculty, DxArts center, College of Arts and Sciences.
`Professor, Adjunct Professor of Bioengineering, Adjunct Professor of Surgery: 9/98 - 9/02
`Associate Professor: 9/93- 8/98
`Assistant Professor: 9/89 - 9/93.
`Teach courses in embedded computing, control, robotics, and conduct sponsored research in areas of haptic
`interfaces, and surgical telerobotics.
`Google Life Sciences, (now Verily Inc), Mountain View, Ca. (80% time)
`4/14 - 12/15
`Defined and evaluated joint venture between Google Life Sciences (Verily) and Johnson & Johnson Ethicon
`division in surgical robotics. Joint venture is now launched as Verb Surgical. Developed advanced prototypes
`including real-time software and hardware design.
`Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech 9/88-8/89
`Automation and Robotics Section (347)
`Supervisor of the group in Man-Machine Systems and Human Factors. Responsible for technical guidance,
`management, planning and budgeting for a group of 10 (4 Ph.D., 3 B.S., 3 part time). Annual budget $1.4
`M (Funding Source: NASA Code R).
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`Jet Propulsion Laboratory,Caltech 4/86-9/88
`Applied Robotics and Teleoperators Group
`Member of Technical Staff: Conducted research and technology development under Dr. Antal Bejczy.
`Studied the interaction between human operator and advanced telerobotic control devices.
`Rush Medical Center, Chicago, IL 10/79 - 8/80
`Electronics Engineer. Design, systems integration, programming and construction of a prototype automated
`red blood cell analyzer. Supervisor: J.W. Bacus, Ph.D.
`First Chicago Corporation, Chicago Il. 2/79 - 10/79
`Systems Analyst. Advanced Technology Analysis Unit, Corporate Information Systems Planning Division.
`Analysis, development and programming of a prototype electronic mail system.
`Compuserve Inc. 6/77 - 5/78
`Computer Engineer: Computer hardware and software design, circuit-switched network software design
`Awards and Honors
` Life Fellow, IEEE, January 2021.
` UW Career Center @ Engineering FACET award for career mentoring of students (student nominated)
`May 2019.
` Finalist for Best Symposium Paper Award, International Symposium on Medical Robotics, Atlanta,
`April 2019 (Paper presented by Ph.D. student Yu Hsuan Su).
` Amazon Catalyst Fellow, March 2017
` Nominated for University of Washington Outstanding Teaching Award, March 2014.
` Nominated for EE Department Outstanding Teaching Award, May 2013.
` Nominated for University of Washington Outstanding Teaching Award, March 2012.
` Nominated for EE Department Outstanding Teaching Award, May 2011.
` UW Electrical Engineering Dept. Outstanding Research Advisor Award, May 2010.
` EDGE surgical skills evaluation device, a commercial product licensed from the UW Biorobotics Lab
`was selected as one of 8 winnners of the 2008 Innovation of the year by the Society of Laparoscopic
`Surgeons, (Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry Magazine, Dec 2008).
` IEEE Fellow for “contributions to haptic interfaces and telerobotic systems.” January, 2006.
` One of Five UWEE Professors who received votes in the UW Alumni Association “Favorite Professor”
`poll of 2005 Graduates.
` Faculty Service Award, Department of Electrical Engineering, June 2005, “In recognition for excel-
`lent service to the department and the community through work in Faculty Recruiting, Educational
`Administration, and Curriculum Development.”
`Apple EX1044 Page 2
` “The Blue Dragon, a System for Measuring the Kinematics and the Dynamics of Minimally Invasive
`Surgical Tools In Vivo,” one of 10 finalists for Wegbreit Best Manipulation Paper Award from among
`700 papers presented at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Arlington VA,
`May 2002.
` “Dual Stable Point Model of Muscle Activation and Deactivation,” by Ching-Ping Chou and Blake
`Hannaford, re-printed in “ONR-Investing in the Future, 1946-1996,” a commemorative volume pub-
`lished on the 50th anniversary of the Office of Naval Research.
` Elected Region 6 Representative IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Administrative
`Committee, 10/96.
` “Early Career Achievement Award”: IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, November,
` NASA Group Achievement Award: “The Telerobotics Design Team”, May 1991
` National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, 9/90-9/95
` National Institutes of Health Training Grant in Systems and Integrative Biology, 6/81-6/84.
`Awards and Honors won by Students
` June 2021, ECE474 top project award to the Booz Allen Hamilton Team, ”Human-Powered Submarine
`Autopilot” project. Students: Chase Deitner, James Lee, Miller Sakmar, and Peter Tsanev. ECE
`faculty adviser: Blake Hannaford. UW-APL advisers: Cassandra Riel and Benjamin Maurer. Booz
`Allen Hamilton advisers: Eric Jones, Joe Reck, Nick Valladarez, and Ryan Edwards. Naval Undersea
`Warfare Center, Division Keyport advisers: Cooper Bowen and Jacob Yakawich.
` July 2019, Timothy Kowalewski, Assistant Professor, U. Minnesota, NSF CAREER award.
` January 2012, Andrew Hill, Mary Gates Undergraduate Research Award.
` April 2010, Sina Nia Kosari, NSERC Ph.D. fellowship (Canadian equivalent of NSF Graduate Fellow-
` March 2010, Timothy Kowalewski, Best Ph.D. Project Proposal Award, (from 10 candidates presented)
`NSF-Sponsored American College of Surgeons Ph.D. Consurtium, Chicago Illinois.
` March 2009, Brittany Redmond, Mary Gates Undergraduate Research Award.
` June 2007, Mitch Lum. Oustanding Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Electrical Engineer-
`ing, University of Washington.
` June 2007, Mitch Lum. Spirint of Community Award, Department of Electrical Engineering, University
`of Washington.
` June 2007, Gina Donlin, Oustanding Undergraduate Research Assistant, Department of Electrical
`Engineering, University of Washington.
` January 2007, Mitch Lum et al., One of 10 winners of Best Poster Awards, Medicine Meets Virtual
`Reality, Long Beach, CA 2007.
` January 2006, Ken Fodero et al., One of 10 winners of Best Poster Awards, Medicine Meets Virtual
`Reality, Long Beach, CA 2006.
` August 2005, William “Pete” Moss (DxARTS) and Brian Cunitz (EE) won honorable mention for their
`project ”The Haptic Theremin,” in the Sensable Developers Challenge announced at Siggraph 2005.
`Apple EX1044 Page 3
` June 2005, Steven Venema (Ph.D. 1997) promoted to Boeing Associate Technical Fellow.
` March 2002, Ryland Bryant, ME, Volker Schmirgel, EE, Daniel Villa, EE, Bruno Sbinden, ME, Dick
`Kriesberg, EE, First Place, Lunar Construction Robotics Competition, ASCE Aerospace Division.
`Adjunct Professor of Surgery. Adjunct Professor of Bioengineering. Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engi-
`neering. 0% Core Faculty UW Digital Arts Program (DXARTS).
`Affiliated Researcher, Intel Research Lab, Seattle. (2000-2010)
`Visiting Professor, Department of Surgical Technology, Imperial College, London
`Publications since 1995
`Refereed Archival Journal Publications
`[1] C.P. Chou and B. Hannaford. Measurement and modeling of mckibben pneumatic artificial muscles.
`IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 12(1):90–102, February 1996.
`[2] P. Bhatti and B. Hannaford. Single chip optical encoder based velocity measurement system. IEEE
`Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 5(6):654–61, November 1997.
`[3] B. Hannaford, P.H. Marbot, P. Buttolo, M. Moreyra, and S. Venema. Scaling properties of direct drive
`serial arms. International Journal of Robotics Research, 15(5):459–472, 1996.
`[4] B. Hannaford and K. Kuhn. A ”hands-on” course in consumer electronics design. International Journal
`of Mechatronics: Special Issue on Mechatronics Education, 5(7):753–762, October 1995.
`[5] N.E. Greivell and B. Hannaford. The design of a ferrofluid magnetic pipette. IEEE Transactions on
`Biomedical Engineering, 44(3):129–135, March 1997.
`[6] D.Y. Hwang and B. Hannaford. Teleoperation performance with a kinematically redundant slave robot.
`International Journal of Robotics Research, 17(6):579–597, June 1998.
`[7] C.P. Chou and B. Hannaford. Study of human forearm posture maintenance with a physiologically
`based robotic arm and spinal level neural controller. Biological Cybernetics, 76:285–298, 1997.
`[8] F. Boe and B. Hannaford. On-line improvement of speed and tracking performance on repetitive paths.
`IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 6(3):350–358, May 1998.
`[9] P. Buttolo, R. Oboe, and B. Hannaford. Architectures for shared haptic virtual environments. Com-
`puters and Graphics, 21(4):421–9, July-Aug 1997.
`[10] R. J. Adams and B. Hannaford. Stable haptic interaction with virtual environments. IEEE Transactions
`on Robotics and Automation, 15(3):465–74, January 1999.
`[11] M. MacFarlane, J. Rosen, B. Hannaford, C. Pellegrini, and M. Sinanan. Force feedback grasper helps
`restore the sense of touch in minimally invasive surgery. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, 3(3):278–
`285, 1999.
`[12] J. Rosen, B. Hannaford, M. MacFarlane, and M. Sinanan. Force controlled and teleoperated endoscopic
`grasper for minimally invasive surgery - experimental performance evaluation. IEEE Transactions on
`Biomedical Engineering, 46(10):1212–1221, October 1999.
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`[13] G.K. Klute and B. Hannaford. Accounting for elastic energy storage in mckibben artificial muscle
`actuators. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements, and Control, 122(2):386–388, June
`[14] S.C. Venema and B. Hannaford. Experiments in fingertip perception of surface discontinuities. Intl.
`Journal of Robotics Research, 19(7):684–696, July 2000.
`[15] C. Richards, J. Rosen, B. Hannaford, M. MacFarlane, C. Pellegrini, and M. Sinanan. Skills evaluation
`in minimally invasive surgery using force/torque signatures. Surgical Endoscopy, 14(9):791–798, 2000.
`[16] J. Rosen, B. Hannaford, C. Richards, and M. Sinanan. Markov modeling of minimally invasive surgery
`based on tool/tissue interaction and force/torque signatures for evaluating surgical skills. IEEE Trans-
`actions on Biomedical Engineering, 48(5):579–591, May 2001.
`[17] S. Venema and B. Hannaford. A probabilistic representation of human workspace for use in the design
`of human interface mechanisms. IEEE Trans. Mechatronics, 6(3):286–294, 2001.
`[18] R. Adams and B. Hannaford. Control law design for haptic interfaces to virtual reality. IEEE Trans.
`Control Systems Technology, 10(1):3–13, January 2002.
`[19] K. Jaax and B. Hannaford. A biorobotic structural model of the mammalian muscle spindle primary
`afferent response. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 30(1):84–96, January 2002.
`[20] B. Hannaford, G. Klute, and K. Jaax. Bio-inspired actuation and sensing. Autonomous Robots (Special
`Issue, Papers from the JPL workshop on Biomorphic Robotics, August 2000), volume 11, number 3,
`pages 267–272, Boston/Dordrecht/London, November 2001. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
`[21] B. Hannaford and J.H. Ryu. Time domain passivity control of haptic interfaces. IEEE Transactions on
`Robotics and Automation, 18(1):1–10, February 2002.
`[22] R. Adams, D. Klowden, and B. Hannaford. Virtual training for a manual assembly task. Haptics-e, the
`electronic journal of haptics research, 2(2), 17-Oct- 2001.
`[23] J. Rosen, M. Solazzo, B. Hannaford, and M. Sinanan. Task decomposition of laparoscopic surgery for
`objective evaluation of surgical residents’ learning curve using hidden markov model. Computer Aided
`Surgery, 7(1):49–61, July 2002.
`[24] G Klute, J.M. Czerniecki, and B. Hannaford. Artificial muscles: Actuators for biorobotic systems. Intl.
`Journal of Robotics Research, 21(4):295–309, April 2002.
`[25] Jee-Hwan Ryu, Dong-Soo Kwon, and Blake Hannaford. Stable teleoperation with time domain passivity
`control. IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 20(2):365–373, April 2004.
`[26] J. Dosher and B. Hannaford. Human interaction with small haptic effects. PRESENCE, 14:329–344,
`June 2005.
`[27] Jee-Hwan Ryu, Carsten Preusche, Blake Hannaford, and Gerd Hirzinger. Time domain passivity control
`with reference energy following. IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, 13(5) 737, Sept. 2005.
`[28] Jee-Hwan Ryu, Yoon Sang Kim, and Blake Hannaford. Sampled and continuous time passivity and
`stability of virtual environments. IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 20(4):772–776, 2004.
`[29] Jee-Hwan Ryu, Dong-Soo Kwon, and Blake Hannaford. Control of a flexible manipulator with noncol-
`located feedback: Time domain passivity approach. IEEE Trans. on Robotics, 20(4):776–780, 2004.
`[30] Jee-Hwan Ryu, Dong-Soo Kwon, and Blake Hannaford. Stability guaranteed control: Time domain
`passivity approach. IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, 12(6), 2004.
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`[31] D.P. Ferris, J.M. Czerniecki, and B. Hannaford. An ankle-foot orthosis powered by artificial pneumatic
`muscles. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 21:189–197, 2005.
`[32] M.J.H. Lum, J. Rosen, M. N. Sinanan, and B. Hannaford. Kinematic optimization of serial and par-
`allel spherical mechanism for a minimally invasive surgical robot. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical
`Engineering, vol 53, pp 1440-1445, July 2006.
`[33] J. Rosen, J.D. Brown, L. Chang, M. Sinanan, B. Hannaford, ’Generalized Approach for Modeling
`Minimally Invasive Surgery as a Stochastic Process Using a Discrete Markov Model,’ IEEE Transactions
`on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 53, pp. 399-413, March 2006.
`[34] J. Rosen and B. Hannaford. Doc at a distance. IEEE Spectrum, pages 34–39, October 2006. (Cover
`[35] S. De, J. Rosen, A. Dagan, P. Swanson, M. Sinanan, B. Hannaford. Tissue Damage due to Mechanical
`Stresses as applied during Minimally Invasive Surgery,’ International Journal of Robotics Research, vol.
`26, pp. 1159-1171, Nov-2007
`[36] J. Rosen, J. Brown, S. De, M. Sinanan, B. Hannnaford Biomechanical Properties of Abdominal Organs
`In Vivo and Postmortem Under Compression Loads J. Biomechancal Engineering, vol. 130, 8-Apr-2008.
`[37] M. Lum, D. Friedman, J. Rosen, G. Sankaranarayanan, H. King, K. Fodero, R. Leuschke, M. Sinanan,
`and B. Hannaford. The RAVEN - design and validation of a telesurgery system. International Journal
`of Robotics Research, 28:1183–1197, September 2009.
`[38] D.W. Friedman, T. Kowalewski, R. Jovanovic, J. Rosen, B. Hannaford, Freeing the Serial Mechanism
`Designer from Inverse Kinematic Solvability Constraints. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, vol. 7, pp.
`209-216, 2010.
`[39] P. Roan, A.S. Wright, M. N. Sinanan, B. Hannaford, An Instrumented Minimally Invasive Surgical Tool:
`Design and Calibration Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, vol. Special Issue on Surgical Robotics, 2010.
`[40] Edvard Naerum, Ole Jakob Elle, Blake Hannaford, The Effect of Interaction Force Estimation on
`Performance in Bilateral Teleoperation, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, vol. 5, April 2012.
`[41] R. Bly, D. Su, B. Hannaford, M. Ferreira, K. Moe, Computer Modeled Multiportal Approaches to the
`Skull Base Journal of Neurosurgery Part B: Skull Base, vol. 73, pp. 415-423, Thieme Medical Publishers,
`Instrument failures for the da vinci surgical
`[42] Diana CW Friedman, T. Lendvay, and B. Hannaford.
`system: a food and drug administration MAUDE database study. Surgical Endoscopy, 27:1503–1508,
`14-Dec- 2012.
`[43] B. Hannaford, J. Rosen, Diana CW Friedman, H. King, P. Roan, L. Cheng, D. Glozman, J. Ma, S.N.
`Kosari, and L. White. Raven-II: AN open platform for surgical robotics research. IEEE Transactions
`on Biomedical Engineering, 60:954–959, April 2013.
`[44] Randall A. Bly, David Su, Thomas S. Lendvay, Diana Friedman, Blake Hannaford, Manuel Ferreira,
`and Kris S. Moe. Multiportal robotic access to the anterior cranial fossa: A surgical and engineering
`feasibility study. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 149:940, Nov 20 2013.
`[45] Timothy J. Tausch, Timothy M. Kowalewski, Lee W. White, Patrick S. McDonough, Timothy C. Brand,
`and Thomas S. Lendvay. Content and construct validation of a robotic surgery curriculum using an
`electromagnetic instrument tracker. The Journal of Urology, 188:919–923, September 2012.
`[46] W. Jong Yoon, C.A. Velasquez, L. White, B. Hannaford, Y.S. Kim, and T.S. Lendvay. Preliminary
`articulable probe designs with RAVEN and challenges: Image-guided robotic surgery multitool system.
`ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 8(1), 6-Dec- 2013.
`Apple EX1044 Page 6
`[47] Y Gong, D. Hu, B. Hannaford, and E. Seibel. Accurate three-dimensional virtual reconstruction of
`surgical field using calibrated trajectories of an image-guided medical robot. Journal of Medical Imaging,
`[48] L. White, T. Kowalewski, R. Dockter, B. Comstock, B. Hannaford, and T. Lendvay. Crowd-sourced
`assessment of technical skill (C-SATS): A valid method for discriminating basic robotic surgery skills.
`Journal of Endourology, 2014.
`[49] D. Glassman, L. White, A. Lewis ˆA H. King, A. Clarke, T. Glassman, B. Comstock, B. Hannaford,
`T. Brand, and T. Lendvay. Mp37-05 the da vinci robot training dilemma: Evaluating the raven robot
`as A solution. Journal of Urology, 191(4):e393, 2014.
`[50] T. Kowalewski, L. White, T.S. LEndvay, I. Jiang, R. Sweet, A. Wright, B. Hannaford, and M. Sinanan.
`Beyond task time: automated measurement augments fundamentals of laparoscopic skills methodology.
`Journal of Surgical Research, 192(2):329–338, 2014.
`[51] L. Cheng and B. Hannaford. Evaluation of liver tissue damage and grasp stability using finite element
`analysis. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 19(1):31–40, 2016.
`[52] L. Cheng and B. Hannaford. Finite element analysis for evaluating liver tissue damage due to mechanical
`compression. Journal of Biomechanics, 48(6):948–955, 2015.
`[53] Nava Aghdasi, Randall Bly, Lee White, Blake Hannaford, Kris Moe, and Thomas Lendvay. Crowd-
`sourced assessment of surgical skills in cricothyrotomy procedure.
`Journal of Surgical Research,
`196(2):302–306, 2015.
`[54] Uikyum Kim, Dong-Hyuk Lee, Woon Jong Yoon, Blake Hannaford, and Hyouk Ryeol Choi. Force
`sensor integrated surgical forceps for minimally invasive robotic surgery. IEEE Transactions on Robotics,
`31(5):1214–1224, 2015.
`[55] Dong-Hyuk Lee, Uikyum Kim, Tauseef Gulrez, Woon Jong Yoon, Blake Hannaford, and Hyouk Ryeol
`Choi. A laparoscopic grasping tool with force sensing capability. IEEE/ASME Transactions On Mecha-
`tronics, 21(1):130–141, February 2016.
`[56] Richard Harbison, Angelique Berens, Anthony Law, Mark Whipple, Blake Hannaford, and Kris Moe.
`Objective signatures of endoscopic surgical performance. Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull
`Base, 77(S01):A120, 2016.
`[57] Dong-Hyuk Lee, Kim Uikyum, Tauseef Gulrez, Woon Jong Yoon, Blake Hannaford, and Hyouk Ryeol
`Choi. A laparoscopic grasping tool with force sensing capability. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mecha-
`tronics, 21(1):130–141, 2016.
`[58] R Alex Harbison, Yangming Li, Angelique Berens, Randall Bly, Hannaford Blake, and Kris Moe. An
`automated methodology for assessing anatomy-specific instrument motion during endoscopic endonasal
`skull base surgery. Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base, 2016.
`[59] Yangming Li, R Alex Harbison, Randall Bly, Ian Humphreys, Hannaford Blake, and Kris Moe. At-
`las based anatomical region segmentation for minimally invasive skull base surgery objective motion
`analysis. Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base, 78(S01):A146, 2016.
`[60] Mohammad Haghighipanah, Muneaki Miyasaka, and Blake Hannaford. Utilizing elasticity of cable
`driven surgical robot to estimate cable tension and external force.
`IEEE Robotics and Automation
`Letters, 2017.
`[61] Mohammad Haghighipanah, Muneaki Miyasaka, and Blake Hannaford. Utilizing elasticity of cable
`driven surgical robot to estimate cable tension and external force. IEEE Robotics And Automation
`Letters., pages 2377–3766, February 2017.
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`[62] V.J. Dzau, D.A. Asch, B. Hannaford, R. Aggarwal, and C.M. Pugh. Debate on the cost of innovation
`in healthcare:
`is it too costly? BMJ Simulation and Techology Enhanced Learning, 3(Supplement
`1):S33–S36, March 2017.
`[63] A. Aghdasi, M. Whipple, I. Humphreys, K. Moe, B. Hannaford, and R. Bly. Automated surgical
`approach planning for complex skull base targets: Development and validation of a cost function and
`semantic atlas. Surgical innovation, 2018.
`Conference Proceedings
`Full papers, Peer Review
`[1] P. Buttolo and B. Hannaford. Pen based force display for precision manipulation of virtual environments.
`In Proceedings VRAIS-95, pages 217–225, Raleigh, NC, March 1995.
`[2] S. Venema and B. Hannaford. Kalman filter based calibration of precision motion control. In Proceedings
`of IROS-95, Pittsburg, PA, August 95.
`[3] P. Buttolo, D. Kung, and B. Hannaford. Manipulation in real, virtual, and remote environments. In
`Video Proceedings, IEEE VRAIS-95, Raleigh, NC, March 1995.
`[4] P. Buttolo, D. Kung, and B. Hannaford. Manipulation in real, virtual, and remote environments.
`In Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vancouver, BC,
`October 1995.
`[5] K. Kuhn and B. Hannaford. A ”hands-on” course in consumer electronics. In Proceedings Workshop on
`Mechatronics Education, Stanford California, July 1994.
`[6] P. Buttolo and B. Hannaford. Advantages of actuation redundancy for the design of haptic displays.
`In Proceedings, ASME Fourth Annual Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and
`Teleoperator Systems, volume DSC-57-2, pages 623–630, San Francisco, November 1995.
`In Proc. Int. Conf. on
`[7] S. Venema and B. Hannaford. Miniature telerobots in space applications.
`Integrated Micro-Nanotechnology for Space Applications, Houston Tx., October 1995.
`[8] P. Buttolo, R. Oboe, B. Hannaford, and W. McNeely. Force feedback in shared virtual simulations. In
`Proceedings MICAD, Paris, 1996.
`[9] P.J. Laughlin, J.W. Pitton, and B Hannaford. Fast approximations to positive time-frequency distribu-
`tions with applications. In Proceedings 1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
`Processing, volume 2, pages 1009–12, Detroit, May 1995.
`[10] B. Hannaford, J. Hewitt, T. Maneewarn, S. Venema, M. Appleby, and R. Ehresman. Telerobotic
`remote handling of protein crystals. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
`Albuquerque, NM, April 1997.
`[11] B. Hannaford, J. Hewitt, T. Maneewarn, S. Venema, M. Appleby, and R. Ehresman. Telerobotic macros
`for remote handling of protein crystals. In Proceedings Intl. Conf. on Advanced Robotics, (ICAR97),
`Monterrey, CA, July 1997.
`[12] B. Hannaford, J. Trujillo, M. Sinanan, M. Moreyra, J. Rosen, J. Brown, R. Lueschke, and M. MacFar-
`lane. Computerized endoscopic surgical grasper. In Proceedings, MMVR-98 (Medicine Meets Virtual
`Reality), San Diego, January 1998.
`[13] R. Adams and B. Hannaford. A two-port framework for the design of unconditionally stable haptic
`interfaces. In Proceedings of IROS 98, pages 1254–59, Victoria, B.C., Canada, November 1998.
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`[14] T. Maneewarn and B. Hannaford. Haptic feedback of kinematic conditioning for telerobotic applications.
`In Proceedings of IROS 98, pages 1260–65, Victoria, B.C., Canada, November 1998.
`[15] R. Adams, M. Moreyra, and B. Hannaford. Stability and performance of haptic displays: Theory and
`experiments. In Proceedings of the ASME Winter Annual Meeting Haptics Workshop, November 1998.
`[16] G. Klute and B. Hannaford. Fatigue characteristics of mckibben artificial muscle actuators. In Proceed-
`ings. IROS-98, pages 1776–82, Victoria, B.C., Canada, November 1998.
`[17] M. Moreyra and B. Hannaford. A practical measure of dynamic response of haptic devices. In Proc.
`IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Leuven, Belgium, May 1998.
`[18] G.K. Klute, J. Czerniecki, and B. Hannaford. Development of powered prosthetic lower limb. In Proc.
`1st National Mtg, Veterans Affairs Rehab. R&D Service, Washington, DC, October 1998.
`[19] J. Rosen J., M. MacFarlane, C. Richards, B. Hannaford, C. Pellegrini, and M. Sinanan.
`geon/endoscopic tool force-torque signatures in the evaluation of surgical skills during minimally in-
`vasive surgery. In Proceedings, MMVR-99 (Medicine Meets Virtual Reality), San Francisco, January
`[20] T. Maneewarn, B. Hannaford, D. Storti, and M. Ganter. Haptic rendering for internal content of an
`implicit object. In ASME Winter Annual Meeting Haptics Symposium, Nashville, TN, November 1999.
`[21] R. Adams, D. Klowden, and B. Hannaford. Stable haptic interaction using the excalibur force display.
`IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, April 2000.
`[22] G.K. Klute, J.M. Czerniecki, and B. Hannaford. Mckibben artificial muscles: Pneumatic actuators
`with biomechanical intelligence. IEEE/ASME 1999 Intl. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics,
`September 19-22 1999.
`[23] T. Maneewarn and B. Hannaford. Augmented haptics of manipulator kinematic condition. In Proc.
`SPIE Telemanipulator Workshop, Boston, MA, October 1999.
`[24] J. Rosen, C. Richards, B. Hannaford, and M. Sinanan. Hidden markov models of minimally invasive
`surgery. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics - Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, 70:279–285,
`January 2000.
`[25] J. Rosen, M. Solazzo, B. Hannaford, and M. Sinanan. Objective evaluation of laparoscopic surgical
`skills using hidden markov models based on haptic information and tool/tissue interactions. American
`College of Surgeons Annual Meeting - Washington State Chapter, June 2000.
`[26] J. Dosher, G. Lee, and B. Hannaford. How low can you go? detection thresholds for small haptic effects.
`In Margret McLaughlin, editor, Touch in Virtual Environments, Proceedings USC Workshop on Haptic
`Interfaces. Prentice Hall, Feb 23 2001.
`In Margret McLaughlin, editor,
`[27] B. Hannaford, J.H. Ryu, and Y.S. Kim. Stable control of haptics.
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`23 2001.
`[28] B. Hannaford and J.H Ryu. Time domain passivity control of haptic interfaces. In Proc. IEEE Intl.
`Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 1863–1869, Seoul KOREA, May 2001.
`[29] K.N. Jaax, P.H. Marbot, and B. Hannaford. Development of a biomimetic position sensor for robotic
`kinesthesia. In Proceedings, IROS 2000, Takamatsu, Japan, November 2000.
`[30] J. Longnion, J. Rosen, M. Sinanan, and B. Hannaford. Effects of geared motor characteristics on tactile
`perception of tissuestiffness. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics - Medicine Meets Virtual
`Reality, 81:286–292, January 2001.
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`[31] J. Rosen, M. Solazzo, B. Hannaford, and M. Sinanan. Objective laparoscopic skills assessments of
`surgical residents using hiddenmarkov models based on haptic information and tool/tissue interactions.
`Studies in Health Technology and Informatics - Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, 81:417–423, January
`[32] G. Klute, J. Czerniecki, and B. Hannaford. Artificial tendons: biomechanical design properties for
`prosthetic lowerlimbs. In Proc. 22nd Annual Intl. Conf. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
`Society and World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, volume 3, pages 1972–5,
`Chicago, July 24-28 2000. IEEE.
`[33] Y.S. Kim and B. Hannaford. Some practical issues in time domain passivity control of haptic interfaces.
`In Proceedings IROS 2001, Maui, Hawaii, October 2001.
`[34] J. Dosher and B. Hannaford. Detection thresholds for small haptic effects.
`Teleoperator and Telemanipulator Workshop, Boston MA, October 29 2001.
`In Proceedings, SPIE
`[35] J. Rosen, J.D. Brown, M. Barreca, L. Chang, B. Hannaford, and M. Sinanan. The blue DRAGON - A
`system for monitoring the kinematics and dynamics of endoscopic tools in minimally invasive surgery
`for objective laparoscopic skill assessment. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics - Medicine
`Meets VirtualReality, 85:412–418, January 2002.
`[36] J.D. Brown, J. Rosen, M. Moreyra, M. Sinanan, and B. Hannaford. Computer-controlled motorized
`endoscopic grasper for in vivo measurements of soft tissue biomechanical characteristics. Studies in
`Health Technology and Informatics - Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, 85:71–73, January 2002.
`[37] J. Rosen, J.D. Brown, L. Chang, M. Barreca, M. Sinanan, and B. Hannaford. The bluedragon - A
`system for measuring the kinematics and the dynamics of minimally invasive surgical tools in vivo. In
`Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation ICRA-2002, pages 1876–1881, Arlington VA, May
`[38] B. Hannaford, J.H. Ryu, D.S. Kwon, Y.S. Kim, and J.B. Song. Testing time domain passivity control of
`haptic enabled systems. In B. Siciliano and P. Dario, editors, Experimental Robotics 2002: Proceedings
`of the International Symposium on Experimental Robotics 2002 (ISER-02). Springer Verlag, July 9-12
`[39] Jee-Hwan Ryu, Dong-Soo Kwon, and Blake Hannaford. Stability guaranteed control: Time domain pas-
`sivity approach. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2002),
`pages 2115–2121, Laussane, Switzerland, 2002.
`[40] Jee-Hwan Ryu, Dong-Soo Kwon, and Blake Hannaford. Control of a flexible manipulator with noncol-
`located feedback: Time domain passivity approach. In The 2nd Joint IEEE CSS/RAS International
`Workshop on Control Problems in Robotics and Automation, pages 89–101, Las Vegas, Dec 14 2002.
`In-vivo and in-situ
`[41] J. D. Brown, J. Rosen, Y. S. Kim, L. Chang, M. Sinanan, and B. Hannaford.
`compressive properties of porcine abdominal soft tissues. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
`- Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, 94:26–32, January 2003.
`[42] J. Rosen, L. Chang, J. D. Brown, B. Hannaford, M. Sinanan, and R. Satava. Minimally invasive surgery
`task decomposition - etymology of endoscopicsuturing. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics -
`Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, 94:295–301, January 2003.
`[43] Jee-Hwan Ryu, Yoon Sang Kim, and Blake Hannaford. Sampled and continuous time passivity and
`stability of virtual environments. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics & Automation 2003, pages 822–827,
`September 2003.
`[44] G.K. Klute, J. Czerniecki, and B. Hannaford. Muscle-like pneumatic actuators for below-knee prosthe-
`ses,. In Proceedings, Actuator 2000: 7th International Conference on New Actuators, pages 289–292,
`Bremen, Germany, June 19-21 2000.
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`[45] Lee G.S. and Hannaford B. Preliminary two dimensional haptic thresholds and task performance
`enhancements. In Proceedings, 2003 Haptics Symposium, pages 85–90, Los Angeles, CA, March 2003.
`IEEE Computer Society Press.
`[46] C. Preusche, G. Hirzinger, J.H. Ryu, and B. Hannaford. Time domain passivity control for 6 degrees
`of freedom haptic displays. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,
`pages 2944–9249, Las Vegas, October 2003.
`[47] G. Lee and B. Hannaford. Anisotropies of touch in haptic icon exploration. In IEEE/RSJ International
`Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas, October 2003.
`[48] T.M. Kowalewski, J. Rosen, L. Chang, M. Sinanan, and B. Hannaford. Optimization of a vector
`quantization codebook for objective evaluation of surgical skill. In Proc. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality
`12, pages 174–179, January 2004.
`[49] M.J.H. Lum, J. Rosen, M. Sinanan, and B. Hannaford. Kinematic optimization of a spherical mecha-
`nism for a minimally invasive surgical robot. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
`Automation, New Orleans, La, May 2004.
`In-vivo and postmortem compressive proper-
`[50] Brown, J. Rosen, M. N. Sinanan, and B. Hannaford.
`ties of porcine abdominal organs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Medical Image Computing and
`Computer-Assisted Intervention - MIC