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`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
` Claim [1(g)]420(g)]5
`Miyazaki in view of Park494 and Kajiwara The Miyazaki-Park494-
`Kajiwara combination renders obvious, the ferrofluid (e.g., magnetic fluid 180)
`reducing at least a mechanical resonance within reduces the Q-Factor of the
`response of the apparatus (e.g., vibrating motor 1) over at least a portion of the
`frequency range of 40-200 Hz in response to electrical signals applied to the
`plurality of conductive coils coil (e.g., planar coils 25 and /or 26).
`Miyazaki’s Teachings
`Miyazaki teaches that in operation, a drive current is first supplied to the
`current lines of planar coils 25 and 26, which causes currents to flow through the
`coils and results resulting in the movable portion moving linearly in one direction
`(e.g., X2 direction). Miyazaki, [0032]. A drive current is then supplied in an opposite
`direction after a predetermined time, which causes the movable portion 3 to move
`linearly in the opposite direction (e.g., X1 direction). Id., [0033]. “[B]y switching
`the direction of the drive current at a predetermined frequency, the movable portion
`3 undergoes reciprocating motion by alternating linear movement in the arrow X1
`direction and the arrow X2 direction.” Id. Because Miyazaki teaches alternately
`switching a drive
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`4 5 For the purposes of this Petition only, Petitioner interprets “the frequency
`range” as “a frequency range.”
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`current to the planar coils at a predetermined frequency resulting in a linear
`movement of the moving portion in the X1 and X2 directions, a PHOSITA would
`have understood that Miyazaki teaches driving a moving portion at a predetermined
`frequency in response to a drive current (i.e., signal) that is applied to the coils. Decl.,
`¶ ¶¶ 157, 112.
`The Miyazaki-Park494 Vibrating Motor
`As discussed above, in the proposed the Miyazaki-Park494 vibrating motor, a
`ferrofluid is used to damp the resonance (or movement) of the movable portion 3.
`Section V.A.2.g. (claim limitation [20(f)]), supra. A PHOSITA would have known
`that a Q-factor refers to a dimensionless parameter that measures the persistence of
`damped oscillations in a resonator. Decl., ¶¶ 158-159, 113, 48, 55. The Q-factor is
`related to resonance and describes how sharp, or steep, the resonance is, as
`demonstrated by a resonance peak. Id., ¶¶ 160, 46-48. A high Q-factor has less
`energy loss than a low Q-factor, which causes the oscillations to stop more slowly
`(e.g., continues oscillating for a longer period). Id., ¶¶ 160, 48, 55. A PHOSITA
`would have thus understood that a damping mechanism, such as Park494’s magnetic
`fluid, which causes the moving portion to “stop when it is to be stopped,” reduces a
`Q-factor, because the moving portion will come to a stop more quickly (or oscillate
`for a shorter period). Id., ¶ 160. Thus, Miyazaki as modified by Park494 as described
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`above teaches the ferrofluid reduces the Q-Factor of the response of the apparatus in
`response to signals applied to the coil. Id., ¶¶ 158-160, 113.
`Kajiwara’s Teachings
`Kajiwara teaches an electromagnetic exciter (i.e., a linear vibration motor)
`that includes a casing, a stator having an electromagnet and fixed in the casing, an
`oscillator, and an elastic support member, and the electromagnetic exciter operates
`within the frequency range of 120-180 Hz and has a resonance peak around 150 Hz.
`Kajiwara, [0121], [0081], Fig. 20. Like the movable portion 3 of Miyazaki and the
`vibrator of Park494, Kajiwara’s oscillator includes a weight and a permanent
`magnet. Id., [0092]. “The oscillator is oscillated by an alternating magnetic field
`generated by application of an alternating voltage to the electromagnet of the stator.”
`Id., [0095]-[0100]. A PHOSITA would thus have understood that Kajiwara’s
`oscillator is a moving portion. Decl., ¶ ¶¶ 161, 114.
`Kajiwara’s exciter utilizes a damping technique. Kajiwara, [0105]. Kajiwara
`accomplishes this damping technique using deformable members 7. Id., [0106].
`Although Kajiwara primarily discusses resin-based deformable members, Kajiwara
`also teaches that other vibration isolating materials may be used. Id. Kajiwara
`explains that in a situation where no damping material is used, the oscillator vibrates
`freely by inertia due to the weight. Id., [0106]. However, when a damping material
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`is used, an interfering effect occurs between the oscillator and the elastic support
`member 4, which damps the action. Id., [0106].
`The damped oscillation characteristics of the electromagnetic exciter 1 are
`shown in the figure below:
`Id., Fig. 19. Part (a) shows oscillation characteristics when damping material is
`provided and part (b) shows oscillation characteristics when damping material is not
`provided. Id., [0107]. “When the supply of the driving voltage Vm stops at the
`time axis 0, the damping of the vibration of the oscillator 20 starts and the
`vibration decreases with the passage of time.” Id., [0108]. As shown in the above
`figure, when
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`a damping material is used, the vibration of the oscillator 20 is damped to a level
`where the amplitude is substantially 0 in about a half of the time as an oscillator 20
`that does not utilize a damping material (shown in part (b)). Id., [0109]. Accordingly,
`when a damping material is used, the vibration energy of oscillator 20 is absorbed,
`which effectively damps the vibration. Id. As such, the damping material more
`rapidly stops the vibrating unit when the vibrating unit is to be stopped. Decl., ¶¶
`161, 115-116, 46-48.
`The driving frequency characteristics of the electromagnetic exciter 1 are
`depicted in the figure below:
`Kajiwara, Fig. 20. The horizontal or x-axis represents the frequency (Hz) of the
`driving signal, and the vertical or y-axis represents the vibration level (G). Id.,
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`[0110]. The curve Fl shows the oscillation characteristics when a damping material
`is used while the curve F2 shows the oscillation characteristics when no damping
`material is used. Id. A PHOSITA would have understood that the oscillation
`characteristics represent an example of mechanical resonance that occurs when the
`oscillator is oscillated. Decl., ¶ As shown in the Figure, the resonance peak occurs
`around 150 Hz and the operating range is between 120-180 Hz. Decl., ¶¶ 161, 117.
`As shown by the figure, when a damping material is not used, the resonance
`amplitude (e.g., resonance peak) is higher than when a damping material is used. Id.,
`¶ ¶¶ 161, 118.
`Kajiwara, Fig. 20 (annotated to show the lower resonance peak of the damped
`exciter in red and the higher resonance peak of the undamped exciter in blue); id.,
`[110] (“the resonance amplitude is higher” when not damped).
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`Further, the resonance peak is reduced from a sharper peak to a broader flatter
`peak. Decl., ¶ ¶¶ 161, 118.
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`Kajiwara, Fig. 20 (excerpt annotated to show the broader flatter resonance peak of
`the damped exciter in red and the sharper narrower resonance peak of the undamped
`exciter in blue). Thus, Kajiwara teaches that the use of a damping material causes
`both a reduction in the amplitude of the resonance peak and a broadening or
`flattening of the resonance peak. Decl., ¶¶ 161, 118-120. Because the device
`operates in the range of 120-180Hz and the resonance peak occurs around 150 Hz,
`this reduction occurs within the frequency range of 40-200Hz. Id., ¶¶ 161, 119.
`both the vibration level and a mechanical resonance are reduced Kajiwara
`notes that the degree of sharpness Q is higher in the structure that does not have a
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`damping material than those of the structure provided with the damping material.
`Decl., ¶¶ 118-120. Because the reduction in resonance occurs at or around 150 Hz,
`this reduction in resonance occurs within the frequency range of 40-200Hz. Id., ¶
`119Id., [0110]. A PHOSITA would have understood that the Q referenced by
`Kajiwara is the Q-factor. Decl., ¶ 162. Accordingly, Kajiwara teaches that when the
`electromagnetic exciter is damped a reduction in the resonance amplitude will
`occur, and the time it takes for the moving portion to come to rest substantially
`decreases (i.e., improved stopping characteristics). Id., ¶¶ 114-120. Because
`Kajiwara teaches that the resonant frequency occurs around 150 Hz and that
`damping will directly result in thethe Q-factor is also decreased. Id. Because a
`PHOSITA would have known that the Q-factor describes the sharpness or
`steepness of resonance as measured by a resonance peak, a PHOSITA would have
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`understood that the reduction in the amplitude of a resonance peak and the
`broadening and flattening of a resonance peak is the reduction of the Q-factor. Id.,
`reduction of the amplitude at the resonance frequency, ¶¶ 162, 46-48, 55. And in a
`device with a resonant frequency of 150 Hz (and operating between 120-180 Hz),
`this reduction would therefore occur at those same frequencies. Id., ¶ 162.
`Accordingly, Kajiwara expressly discloses an example of a damping material that
`“reduces the Q-Factor of the response of the apparatus over at least a mechanical
`resonance within a portion of the frequency range of 40-200 Hz .” Id., ¶ 120.in
`response to signals applied to the coil.” Id.
`Motivation to Combine Miyazaki, Park494, and Kajiwara
`Combination of Miyazaki and Park494 in Light of Kajiwara’s Teachings
`A PHOSITA would have been motivated to implement the Miyazaki-Park494
`vibrating motor such that it operated at least in a frequency range of 120-180 Hz, by
`selecting a resonant frequency around 150 Hz, as taught by Kajiwara. Decl., ¶¶ 163-
`165, 121-125. Implemented to operate in at least the frequency range of 120-180 Hz
`taught by Kajiwara, the damping ferrofluid (e.g., magnetic fluid 180 of Park494)
`would have reduced at least a mechanical resonance the Q-Factor of the response of
`the apparatus in response to signals applied to the coil in a manner similar to that
`taught by Kajiwara. Id., ¶¶ 163, 158, 113, 121. Specifically, the mechanical
`resonance Q-Factor of the response of the apparatus within the operating frequency
`range would have been reduced with respect to the resonance peak (e.g., decreasing
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`and flattening the resonance peak) as a result of the damping. Id. And because the
`operating frequency is between at least 120-180Hz, which is
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`within the range of 40-200 Hz4, the ferrofluid of the Miyazaki-Park494-Kajiwara
`combination reduces at least a mechanical resonance Q-Factor of the response of
`the apparatus within the frequency range of 40-200Hz in response to the
`application of the electrical signals to the plurality of coils. Id., ¶ ¶¶ 163, 121.
`Indeed, the Federal Circuit has found that an overlap in ranges creates a
`presumption of obviousness. E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. v. Synvina C.V., 904
`F.3d 996, 1006 (Fed. Cir. 2018).
`As discussed above, Miyazaki teaches driving the vibrating motor 1 at a
`predetermined frequency. However, Miyazaki does not specify an operating
`frequency range. A PHOSITA would have been motivated to look to other
`references such as Kajiwara to determine the frequency range of operation. Id.,
`¶ ¶¶ 164, 122. Because Kajiwara discloses a frequency range for a vibrating motor
`for use in mobile devices and Miyazaki and Park494 each describe a vibrating motor
`for use in mobile devices, a PHOSITA would have been motivated to use the
`frequency range taught by Kajiwara in the Miyazaki-Park494 vibrating motor. Id.
`Additionally, it was well-known at the time that the optimal operating
`frequency for haptic actuators used in mobile devices was between 100-300 Hz. Id.,
`¶¶ ¶¶ 164, 123, 58-62. Thus, it was common at the time for most haptic actuators in
`mobile devices to operate within this optimal frequency range. Id. And because
`Kajiwara teaches a frequency range within that optimal range, it would have been
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`obvious to a PHOSITA to implement the Miyazaki-Park494 vibrating motor to
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`operate in at least Kajiwara’s range of 120-180 Hz. Id., ¶ ¶¶ 164, 123. Such a
`modification would have involved only routine experimentation to discover the
`optimal workable ranges and thus would have been well-within the skillset of a
`PHOSITA. Id. , ¶ 164; E.I. DuPont, 904 F.3d at 1006 (Fed. Cir. 2018) (“The legal
`principle at issue in this case is old. For decades, this court and its predecessor have
`recognized that ‘where the general conditions of a claim are disclosed in the prior
`art, it is not inventive to discover the optimum or workable ranges by routine
`experimentation.’”) (citing In re Aller, 220 F.2d 454, 456 (CCPA 1955)).
`Given the similarities between the references, a PHOSITA would have had a
`reasonable expectation of success in implementing the teachings of Kajiwara in the
`Miyazaki-Park494 combination. Decl., ¶ ¶¶ 164, 124. Indeed, like Miyazaki and
`Park494, Kajiwara teaches a motor or exciter for providing haptics in mobile
`devices that are driven by electromagnetic forces, including a moving portion (e.g.,
`oscillator) comprising a weight and magnets, a coil for carrying the electric current,
`a suspension for supporting the moving portion, and a housing containing each of
`the components. Kajiwara, [0082]. A PHOSITA would have understood that the
`resonant frequency determines the operating frequency of the actuator. Decl.,
`¶¶ 164, 124, 43, 58-62. And a PHOSITA would have known that primary elements
`involved in adjusting the resonant frequency of an actuator is the mass of the weight
`and the strength of the suspension. Id., ¶¶ 164, 124, 63. Because each reference
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`teaches the inclusion of both a weight and springs (or elastic member), modifying
`the Miyazaki-Park494 vibrating motor to operate within the frequency range taught
`by Kajiwara would not have required undue experimentation and would have
`yielded predictable results. Id., ¶ ¶¶ 164, 124.
`Further, each reference teaches the use of a damping mechanism. Miyazaki,
`[0082] (teaching friction-based damping), Park494, 4:20-28 (teaching magnetic
`fluid), Kajiwara, [0105] (teaching resin-based deformable members). A PHOSITA
`would have understood all damping mechanisms would have damped at least the
`resonance peak, as physics dictates that they must. Decl., ¶¶ 164, 125, 158, 113, 46-
`46-4748. And a PHOSITA would have further understood that because damping
`results in a reduction in the amplitude of the resonance peak and a broadening and
`flattening of the peak, such damping also reduces the Q-factor. Id., ¶¶ 164, 158-
`160, 113, 46- 48, 55. Further, magnetic fluids were well known damping agents
`used in vibrating motors and linear actuators, id., ¶¶ 164, 125, 49-5749-55, and
`Park494 teaches that its magnetic fluid “serves as a damper for rapidly stopping the
`vibrating unit (160) when the vibrating unit (160) is to be stopped.” Park494, 4:23-
`28. And because Kajiwara teaches that other vibration isolating materials may be
`used (Kajiwara, [0105]), a PHOSITA would have understood that a magnetic fluid
`was also a vibration isolating material that would perform damping like the
`vibration isolating material comprising the deformable members taught by
`Kajiwara. Decl., ¶ 125164.
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`U.S. Patent No. 10,659,885
`Because the Miyazaki-Park494-Kajiwara vibrating motor would have
`operated within the frequency range of 120-180Hz, a PHOSITA would thus have
`understood that use of damping reduces the Q-factor within that operating range.
`Decl., ¶ 165. And Kajiwara’s disclosure expressly confirms this, explaining that
`when the damping mechanism is not provided, the resonance amplitude is higher
`and “the degree of sharpness Q” is higher than those of the structure provided with
`the damping mechanism. Kajiwara, [0110].

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