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`I. Gove, Philip Babcock,
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` nterplay
`request — more at RIGHT] yf 1: to
`Iinterpretatus + -lon-,
`ion] 13 the actortl
`formality, command, and. thoroughneseHP tYpically
`lin-ter-play \tinto(r)+,-\ 1 Linter- + play]: mutual action or
`Peresult of interpreting: as_@ 3 explana:
`andcircumstantial detail (~ a witness) 2 opiell infor, ith
`orexplicit (~ of a
`influence ¢ reciprocal or contrasting action or effect 3 INTER=
`ACTION bureaucratic controls are imposed upon... an ~ Of
`about 3 3
`to examinein detail
`: research 402° tesation
`tion of whatis not immediately plain
`ernlictt cae) ee nm}
`or unmistakable (~ of a law) (~ ofa
`Private interests —Irving Howe) (~ of character and circum-
`reasons, nature of(modern potters ~ in thei ht? the caret!
`stance —Hallam Tennyson)
`glazes used in ancient China —C.E,Montagaay0otatoriq'S
`an aerial photograph) <~ of symptomsof disease)
`| b: transla-
`tion from one language into another — usedoforal transla don
`Questions of someone
`2 conduct an examieue> "We to
`2in-ter-play \ie«+\ vi
`to exert interplay (there enter into
`imaginativecreation three factors which reciprocally ~ —J.L.
`respond as you ~ —Robert Browning) syn sr, <(tank |
`by interpreters ¢:explanation of actions, events, orStal e-
`ineter-ro-gateingely adv : QUESTIONINGLY
`8° ASK
`ments by
`‘out or suggesting inner felationships ef
`in-ter-ro-ga-tion \dn-,tera'gashan\ n -s [ME
`in.ter-plea \‘inta(r)+,-\_nLinter- + pica]
`the plea of a
`motives aay relating particulars to generalprin ciples ¢
`ft. ME interrogation,
`ft. L interrogation,
`~ of history) (allegorical ~ of a novel) {poetic ~s of natural
`defendant disclaiming any interest in the subject matter of a
`interrogatus + -ion-, -lo -ion] 1 a: the act
`controversy and calling for an interpleader proceeding be-
`phenomena) 2 ¢ representation In. performance,
`Da question put $ INQUIRY 2 43a questio
`tween the true claimants
`criticism of the thought and mood in a work of ort orits
`in-ter-plead \,inta(r)'pléd\ vb [AF enterpleder,
`fr. enter-
`producer esp. as penetrated by the personality e t ie jates
`the force of an emphatic affirmation or denialStoning ot
`type o sentence or unit of discourse Bsa onqcbitted
`preter (~ is a transcendental effort
`in which
`the play
`inter- + pleder to plead, fr. OF plaidier — more at PLEAD] vi
`3 to go to trial with each otherin orderto determinea right on
`seeks notto reproducebuttore-create
`the music the composer
`MARK — invter-ro-ga-tion-al
`3: ours
`interrogation poin'
`nal aq)
`the action of athird party depends ~ vr: to bring (two
`wrote —C.M.Smith) <famous for her original ~s, of severe
`or interrogation may
`nm} QuEsno;
`dramatic roles) 3a patticular adaptation of application of a
`or more claimants) into court
`in order to compel
`methodorstyle orset of principles <the stone house...
`Mn.ter-rog-astive \;intardgadsiy,-otiv\ adj CLL
`a naive and unusual ~ ofclassical
`¢ payment
`go betw
`fr. L interrogatus + -ivus -ive]
`: having the (772%ting,
`pationoftheonnership, of acclaim insurance company, not
`Series: Pa,)
`(an amusing ~ of the shirt vogue in blackcotton
`force of a question (~ sentence) f used in a question",noun) 3 requiring or seeming to require
`fheclaimanis SMAAwel
`between the three,
`\-da(r)\ n [AF enterpleder,fr. enterpleder,
`—Virginia Spey ‘4 : activity directed toward the enlighten-
`heareror reader <~ inflectionin his voice) 2+
`an answerfon?
`mentof the public concerning the significance of the vorof4
`2a proceeding devisedto enable a person of See
`service or agency; sometimes 3 PUBLICITY, PUBLIC
`debt, duty, or thing is claimed adversely by two or more
`INQUISITIVE <had an ~ nose) — inster-rog.a.tigoaro
`Parties to compel them tolitigate the right ortitle between
`-li\ adv
`WOely \syie
`Pateroster ‘ole develop d by
`a natural-history museum)
`themselves andtherebytorelieve himself from the suits which
`~‘n-ter-pre-ta-tion-al \#{-tzshon"l, -shnal\, adj
`2interrogative \“\ 1 -s 1: aninterrogative utte
`TION 23a word (as who, what, which) or a partie
`interpretation clause 1;a clause inserted in a statute o
`othey might otherwise bring against him
`-ne) used in asking questions
`icle (as Latin
`Meeitract declaring the interpretation that is to be put upon
`certain words
`in-ter-ro+ga-tor \Sn-'tera,ga|d-a(r), |ta- sometimes intr
`pinterplcades \ \.n Linterplead + -er] 3 one that, interpleads
`n-S CLL,ft. L interrogatus (past part. of interrogan> *8al\
`netersplical Minta(r)+\ adj [inter- + plical] : lying between
`in-ter-pre-ta-tive \sn-'tarp(r)a,tald-liv, 285p-.toip: alt,
`lin-ter-pluvial \“+\ adj [inter- + pluvial]
`3 comparativel;
`‘+ -or — more at INTERROGATE] 1: one (f° inter.
`also |av sometimes -)ata|\ ‘adj [interpret + ative] 1 estene:
`Togates £ QUESTIONER; specif : one whointerrogatesinter.
`Or fitted to interpret
`? EXPLANATORY (~ magazine arte ce
`dry and occurring between times of eeeran oe
`of war <born a German and... served as ~ in the prisoners
`2: accordingto interpretation (~ distortions ina translation?
`interpluvial \“\ n -s : an interpluvial
`pluvial age or time
`Army —Virgilia Peterson) "2 + a radio transmamstican
`<~ elasticity of a statute) — in-ter-pre-ta-tive-ly \lave, -li
`receiver combined for sending out a signal
`tharWitt and
`in-ter-point \‘inta(r)+,-\ 1 [inter- + point]:the printing of
`interpretative bigamy n 2 BIGAMY 2b
`dance n : a dance
`transponder and for receiving anddisplaying the recpeet@
`braille on both sides of the paper in sudva waythatthe points
`her than following an
`interpretative danceorinterpretive
`of onesidefallbetween points of the other side
`\n-ter-rog-a-to-ry \,inta'r4ga,tore,
`depicting a story or a definite emotion rat!
`interrogatorium, fr. neut, of LL interrogatorius) 1ML
`in-ter-polar \{inta(r)+\ adj Linter- + polar] ; situated or
`abstract pattern
`question or inquiry; esp?a question putin writing fo al
`in-ter-po-late \Sn'torpo,lat,
`usu -ad-+V\ vb
`extending between poles (~ field of a magnet) (~ sire
`luired bylaw to be answered underdirection of a cot"4
`in-ter-pret-er \sn-terprad-a(¢) + -p3-, -t3p-,-taip-, -3ta-\ 1 -S
`*ED/=ING/-S [L interpolatus, past part. of interpolare to give a
`sign or signal denoting interrogation
`‘Ourt 234
`{alter. (influenced by -er) of
`IE interpretour,
`interpreten to
`te2,82\ adj (LL interrogatorius,
`fr, Lj
`new appearanceto,alter, interpolate, fr. inter- + -polare (fr.
`interpret + -our -or — more at INTERPRET] 1: onethatinter-
`rets, explains, or expounds
`early decipherers and ~s wot
`rogatus + -orlus -oty] : containing, expressing, of impiy@.
`polire to polish, furbish) — moreat POLISH] vt 1a3to alter or
`question $
`INTERROGATIVE (ends most of her remarks wing?
`pets.Cxplains.,°rAlbright)2zone thattranslates; esp ¢ a
`corrupt(asa text) by inserting new orforeign matter;esp $ to
`change by inserting matter that is new or foreign to the pur-
`person whotranslates orally for parties conversing in different
`~ upward inflection —Dan Wickenden)
`with ag
`interrogatory action nm, Roman Jaw: an action in which
`tongues % $a machine that prints on punched cards the
`Pose of the author <was both interpolated and misunderstood
`symbols recorded in them by perforations
`liminary issues are tried before litiscontestation
`—Modern Language Notes) b:to insert (words) into a text
`in-ter-ro-gee \sn-iteraigé\ 7 -S [interrogate + -ee)
`3 Someone
`inster-pret-er-ship \-,ship\ 7 ¢ theposition of interpreter
` i adv
`«interpolated editorial comment) : put in (a remark) in a con-
`versation 2 : to insert between other things or parts $ INTER-
`in.ter.prestive \ane'torp(t)ad-liv, -t9p--taip-, <)atl\ ad) 3 IN-
`‘ri,rem\adv (or adj) (L, for
`in ter-ro-rem \'in.,
`TERPRETATIVE — in-ter-pre-tive-ly,
`CALATE (letter which I here ~ as a good exampleofhis style—
`way of threat or
`Osbert Sitwell) (~ a layer of insulating material between
`rmidationCif, after becoming awareaf
`\-)ad-ds\ 7 -Es 3 a female interpreter
`ceiling and floor) 3 3 to estimate values of (a function) be-
`Other party’s offense,
`the injured party could hold it fn ter
`tween two knownvalues ~ vit to make insertions — compare
`interprets pres 3d sing of INTERPRET
`+ provincial] : exist-
`forem over his or her head —Edward Jenks)
` -Zta-\ n -S 3 one that interpolates
`in.ter-provincial \jinta(r) +\ adj [inter-
`in.ter-rupt \,inta‘rapt\ vb -ED/-ING/-S [ME interrupten,
`ff. 1,
`interruptus, past part. of interrumpere, fr. inter- + rumperet
`ing between provinces (~ compact)
`in-ter-proximal \“+\ also
`n-ter-proximate \ +\ adj
`break — more at REAVE] vf
`1: tostopby breakingin ‘bale
`in-ter-po-la-tion \s,
`ishon\ 7 *S [L interpolation-,
`Linter- + proximal or proximate] = situated between adjacent
`fr. interpolatus + -ion-, -io -ion] 1 2 an act of inter-
`pisder, of interfere with the continuation of (some activity}
`parts or surfaces; esp = situated between adjoining teeth (~
`: prevent (one) from proceeding by intrusiveor interpolated
`polating orstate of being interpolated : introduction or inser-
`commentor action (the... recovery was ~edbythe depres.
`tion of something spurious orforeign 2% something that is
`Sion of 1883-85 —F.A.Bradford) (~ a speakerwith frequent
`invter-pulmonary \“+\ adj Linter- + pulmonary]:situated
`between the lungs
`introduced or inserted 3 INSERTION 3 ¢ the process of calcu-
`2 : to break or stop theuniformity, continuity,
`already known
`in.ter-punct\‘inta(r),pankt\ n -s [L interpunctus, past part.]
`Seguence, or course of : introduce a difference in (an affair of
`lating approximate values by interpolating between values
`copious eating and still more copious drinking, ~ed by bouts
`in-ter-po-la-tor \+'++,lad-a(r), -ata-\ n -s CL, fr. interpolatus +
`in-ter-punc-tion \,-«'popkshan\ 7 -s [L interpunction-, inter-
`‘of homemade fun —Aldous Huxley) (the plain narrowsandis
`ror] 1: INTERPOLATER 2a mechanically rotated clockwork
`instrument with two cams worked in conjunction with a relay
`punctio, {r. interpunctus (past part. of interpungere to punctu-
`ved by broad spurs from the Pennines —L.D.Stamp) 3 obs
`Pre. interpoint, fr. inter- + pungere to prick) + -lon-, lo -ion—
`to break in upon some
`to secure the correct telegraphic retransmission of any given
`numberof consecutively repeated dots or dashes
` action or discourse ¢ INTERPOLATE;esp$to break in with ques-
`tions or remarks while another is speaking (a bad habitof
`in-ter-pole \‘inta(r)+,-\
`7 Linter- + pole]: a supplementary
`in-ter-punctuate \jinta(r) +\ vt Linter- + punctuate] } PUNC-
`~ing) SyM see ARREST
`pole placed between the regular poles of a direct-current
`‘TuATE — in-ter-punctuation \“+\n
`dynamoor motorin order to regulate commutation — called
`interrupted adj 1: broken in upon = DIscoNTINUoUs (an ~
`in-ter-pupillary \"+\ adj Linter- + pupillary] : extending
`also commutating pole
`stripe) (~ suture) 2 : not uniform > broken in arrangement
`+ political] : INTERCITY
`between the pupils of the eyes; also : extending between the
`in-ter-political \jinta(r)+\adj Linter-
`or symmetry (~ inflorescence) 3 ¢ consisting ofor containing
`— used of the Greekcity-states
`centers of a pair of spectacle lenses (~ distance)
`Q'stop in articulation <\k\ is an ~ consonant) (\dzh\is an~
`in-ter-quartile range \“+ ... -\ = Linter- + quartile] : the
`honeme) 4 of a mapprojection ; not having continuouso1
`range ofvalues of the variable inastatisticaldistribution that
`in-ter-polymerization \\“+\ nm 3 COPOLYMERIZATION
`in-ter-polymer \"+\ 7 Tinter- + polymer] 3 COPOLYMER
`ines ¢ split (as along meridians) so as to give better shape at
`between the upper and lower quartiles
`scale for each continent or ocean — in-ter-rupt-ed-ly ady—
`in-ter-polymerize \“+\\ vt Linterpolymer + -ize] : COPOLY-
`in-ter-racial \“+\ or imetererace \“+\ adj
`[inter- +
`in-ter-rupt-ed-ness 7 -ES
`racial or race] 1+existing betweenorinvolving two or more
`interrupted cadence n 3 DECEPTIVE CADENCE
`in-ter-pone\,inta(r)'pon\ vi -ED/-ING/-s [L interponere —
`faces or membersof different races <~ understanding) (an ~
`moreat INTERPOSE]
`interrupted continuous waves 7 pl : radio waves thatare
`conference) 2 : of, relating to, or designedfor two or more
`‘continuous except for periodic interruptions at a materially
`faces or membersofdifferent races <~ housing)
`lower frequency
`\je«4!pord-'l, -por-\ adj Linter- + port + -al]
`existing between ports of the same country (~ trade>
`instersradial \“+\ adj Cinter- + radial] : of or Telating to an
`interrupted current n : a pulsating electric current produc
`interradius — in-ter-radially \"+\ adv
`in-ter-pos-al\inta(r)'pOzal\ 7 -s Linterpose + -al] $ the act of
`lar manner
`by opening andclosing a continuous-current circuit in a regu-
`in-ter-pose \-oz\ vb [MF interposer, modif. (influenced by
`in.ter-ra-di-um \,into(r)"radéom\ 7, i interra-dia \-éo\
`INL, fr. inter- + -radium (fr. radius)]1t oneof the areas be-
`tween radii 2 3 INTERAMBULACRUM
`‘poserto put, place) of L interponere (perfect stem interpos-),ft.
`interrupted fern a : an American fern (Osmunda claytontana)
`inter- +
`ponere to put, place — more at POSE, POSITION] vf
`with tall erect pinnate fronds and a few pairsofsporogen
`radius \finta(r)+\ 7,
`pi interradii (NL,fr. inter- +
`lasto place between or in an intermediate position : cause
`pinnae borneat or near the center of the fertile fronds ms
`radius] : a radius in a coelenterate halfway between two
`interrupted key 7, cryptology : an aperiodic keying eeie
`to intervene (dense. . . forests ~ an almost impassable barrier
`—Samuel Van Valkenburg & Ellsworth Huntington) (tending
`from its beginning each
`in-ter-ramal \“+\ adj [inter- + ramal]: situated between
`formed by interrupting a short key at various points
`rami esp. of the lower jaw
`to ~ objects of worship Between God and man —W.R.Inge)
`Db: to put (oneself) between 3
`ineter-ramification \“+\ 1 Linter- + ramification] : the
`interrupted perforation nt perforation on postage sapsier
`watchful cares do ~ themselves betwixt your eyes and night?
`‘union of branches to form a network
`forated spaces between groupsof
`holes -
`vending machines or dispensers, 7 whieh there al
`in-ter-react \"+\ vi Linter- + react] : to react reciprocally —
`—Shak.) 2: to put forth by way of interference or interven-
`in-ter-reaction \"+\ 7"
`tion (prevent a decision’s being reached byinterposing a veto)
`interrupted screw n za screw from which sectorshavetoe
`to introduce or throw in between thepartsof a conversa-
`interred past of INTER
`removed bylongitudinal cuts through the threads $0Cived
`: situated between
`in-ter-reef \“+\ adj Linter- + reef (n.)]
`tion or argument(interrupted by questionsfrom the class, and onlyafraction of a turnby a + one
`listened to whatever we might so ~ —C.I.Lewis) (~ objec-
`reefs (~ sedimentation)
`be theust int a reciprocally machined mating pat
`tions) 4 : to move (a chessman) so as to shield a checked
`in-ter-reflection \"+\ 1 Linter- + reflection]
`sebtier also in-ter-rup-tor \,into'rapte()\ AF
`king ora piecethatis directly attacked ~ vi 1: to be or come
`Teflection ¢~ oflight between surfaces ofa lens,
`that interrupts: as @ 3 a device for Periodicool08y
`between <cutthrough an interposing thicket)
`2 to step in
`matically interrupting an, electric current
`oo key
`in-ter-regional \“+\ adj Linter- + regional] = existing be-
`between parties at variance 3 INTERVENE, MEDIATE (listened .. .
`message elementorinsertion signaling & change being inter
`inster-rupteible \{ssiraptabal\ ad) ? capable of
`to their dispute, and at length interj
`sed once more on the old
`\“+!regn’l\ adj ¢ of or relating to an inter-
`tween regions es zone)
`man’s side —W.H.Hudson +1922)
`3 :
`to make an inter:
`Tupted <~ utility
`service at reduced rates),
`ruption or digression <here Adam interposed —Jobn Milton)
`in-fereregenum \-nam\ 7, p! interregnums \-mz\ or in-
`\,«s'rapshan\ 7 -S (ME aaa 0
`interruptio, fr.
`~ ‘errapted 9
`terreg-na \-na\ [L,fr. inter- + regnum dominion — more at
`in-ter-pos-ing-ly ady
`: so as to interpose
`1: anactof interrupting or state of being on of some
`szatry\ nm tonethat interposes
`REIGN] 1 obs ¢ reign or tenure of power during a temporary
`{nster-po-si-Lion \,inta(r)pa'zishon\ n (ME interposicioun,fr.
`vacancy of a throneor suspensionofthe ordinary government
`breach or break caused by the abrupt inkretiosin upon §
`it. L interposition-,
`interpositio, fr.
`2 a: the time during which a throne is vacant between the
`thing foreign 3 : obstruction caused
`by Breaains |porard
`positus (past part. of interponere) +-ion-, -io -ion] 1? the act
`course, current, progress, or motion + SE Jaw gan act OF
`death, abdication, or expulsion of a sovereign and the acces-
`of interposing or the state of being interposed : a being,
`cessation}INTERMISSION, SUSPENSION 6 Sco {len based8
`sion of his successor b $a period between two regimes of the
`placing, or coming between = MEDIATION, INTERVENTION (~ of
`thestate betweenthe federal governmentandthecitizen of the
`same formorofdifferent forms of government 3 3 a period
`stopping the runni
`proceeding that defeats ae adverse,ute Oe al vie
`during which the normal functions of government or control
`state) 2: somethingthatis interposed
`are suspended 4 a a period of freedom from customary
`interposition growth 7 : INTRUSIVE GROWTH
`BEESCTIPtIONOY eifection of the title of claim and
`authority b:alapse, break, or pause in a continuous series
`interposurea -s obs } INTERPOSITION
`running anew Sym see BREAK
`3 ineter-rup-t?
`lin.ter-reign \‘inta(r),ran\ a [MF
`interregne, fr. L interreg-
`interpr abérinterpreter
`in-ter-rup-tive \tes'roptiv, tev also
`to jaterrpt
`ry \-tore\ adj [interrupt + -ive or -ory] 3 te!
`{n-ter-pret \Sn-‘torpr4t, +-pdt, -top-, -toip-, usu -dd-+V\ vb
` 3 to reign be-
`2jn.ter-reign \jinta(r)+\ wi Linter- + reign (v,)
`inters pres3dsing of INTER sit
`-ED/-ING/-S [MEinterpreten, fr. MF & L; MF interpreter,fr. L
`tween other reigns
`‘at in-ter-Tupvey,sSHIEN adv sais
`interpretarl, ft.
`interpres broker, negotiator, ex-
`in-ter-relate\“+\ vb [inter- + relate] vt :
`to bring into
`interspres34sing ofINT \ adj Linter- + scapular]ion be
`pounder,interpreter,fr. inter- + -pret-, -pres (prob. akin to L
`mutualrelation <has not yet learned to ~ his characters —
`betweenthe shoulder blades ¢ of or relating
`pretium value,
`price) — moreat PRICE] vt 1 3 to explainortell
`tween the shoulders (~ feathers?
`the meaningof:translate intointelligible or familiar language Saturday Rev.) ~ vit to have mutualrelationship <thelin-
`2interscapular \"\ 2 + an interscapular feat nea scene (as ia #
`mith b.1913)
`or terms ! EXPOUND, ELUCIDATE, TRANSLATE (Emmanuel,
`in. ter-scene \‘into(r)+.-\ 1 Linter- + sce Afthe
`which being ~edis, God with us —Mt. 1:23 (AV)(~ dreams)
`guistic system ~s with the other systemsof the culture —H,L,
`motion picture) inserted between portions O17, by the ws
`in-ter-related \"+\ adjLinter- + related] : having a mutualor
`«can only ~ his conductas caused by fear) 22 to understand
`reciprocalrelation or parallelism ! CORRELATIVE — in.ter-re-
`and appreciate in the light of individual belief,
`of cartoon ~s
`lat-ed-ly adv — in-ter-re-lat-ed-ness n
`tive (the passing oftime has been done very
`interest, or circumstance 3 CONSTRUE (~ a law) (~ a. contract)
`instererelation \"+\ 1 Linter- + relation] ; mutualrelation
`1aarenatic Niinin(n) +N ad) Linter- +SCHOKNG or mote
`<the gift was naturally ~edasa bribe) (~ the signs of acoming
`acterized by participation or cooperatio® athletics) ~ ©
`storm) 3: to apprehend andrepresent by meansofart : show
`in-ter-relationship \“+\ n : mutualrelationship : corre-
`Secondary schools <has withdrawn from

`by illustrative representation = bring (a score or script) to
`SPONDENCE <~s of animal structure and function)
`ative realization by performance (an actor ~s a role) <~ a
`- + school:
`in.ter-religious \“+\ adj [inter- + religious] 3 existing be-
`song) ~ vit to act as an interpreter ?TRANSLATE
`in-ter-school \"+\ adjLiner, school pos
`tweenreligions <~ goodwill)
`opposed to intraschool
`schools<won first pr
`tthe quality or state of
`being interpretable (~ of signs)
`in-ter-pret-abil.i-ty \s:ap(r)adeabilad-e, =)dta-, -laté,-i\ n -ES
`sORposed to,dataseet aay (or adj) UL]2amOnE,Week
`untersrettal \+\ adj Linter- + renal] : lying between the
`interrenal \“\ n -S 3 INTERRENAL BODY
`ineter-pret-able \-"«p(r)sd-abal,, -)stab-\ ad/ [Lb interpre;
`Teetsslves Call species will breed infer Se
`FACT ine emPir
`interrenal body or interrenal gland n ; a small body ofdis-
`tabilis, fr. L interpretari + -abilis -able] : capableof being
`(So. Africa)) (relations of the several
`ar a Manches!
`crete adrenalcortical tissue lying between the kidneysof cer-
`interpreted or explained (~ as a confession of guilt —P.A.
`tain fishes
`uardian Week
`Rollins) — in-ter-pret-able-ness n -Es — ineter-pret-ably
`ier se are nat subject to international
`\-ble, -bli\ adv
`in-ter-rer \4n-'tar-a(r) also -t3ra(r\ 7 -s 3 one thatinters
`liardianWeekcyscema\adj Lby folk eymoy sowft
`in-tersrex \‘inta(r),reks\ n, pl interre-ges \,2«'re(,)jez\ [L,
`entresemer to intersperse (fr. entre- inter-L seminare) + 1
`aie se
`interpretamenta -s [LL interpretamentum, fr. L interpretari +
`-mentum -ment] obs $ INTERPRETATION,
`ff. inter- +. rex
`king — more at ROYAL] : one whoexercises
`E -ed — more at DISSEMINATE]Ore a
`<borders of
`lilies ~
`, past
`in-ter-pre-tant \¢'sp(r)od-ant, -)ote-\ m7
`-S [L interpretant-,
`supremeorkingly power duringan interregnum:a provisional
`intersect aw)line
`Gresne) SOWN
`interpretans, pres. part. of interpretari] 1a: the disposition or
`interring pres part of
`atereect \,inta(ey'sekt\ 6 -eD/-1No/-S LePore
`readiness of an interpreter to respondto a sign bia sign or
`in.ter-ro-ga-ble \on
`part, ofintersecare,fr. inter- + secare to COL Nacross
`set of signs that interprets another sign c = the responseor
`reaction to a sign 2 2 INTERPRETER
`Try £
`to pierce or divide by passing throue
`able]:capable of being interrogatesterdgabal, (Minter adj [interrogate +
`or area) CROSS (any, two diameters,of a Ort
`ter-pre-tate \-)a,tat\ vi -ED/-ING/-s [L interpretatus, past
`theter-ro-gant \dn-'terdgant\ n -S {L interrogant-, interrogans,
`Part. of
`to interpret — more at
`archaic } INTERPRET
`res, part. of interrogare] ! INTERROGATOR
`‘canals ~ the city in every direction ©tion forr youl3 to determinethe position of by trans." _ Geog.
`in-ter-ro-gate \-ro,gat, usu -ad-+ V\ vb -ED/-ING/-S [L inter-
`was taken to ~ some twenty odd Pea
`in-ter-pre-ta-tion \Sn.,torpro't@shon, +-pa-, -t3p-, -taip-\ 7
`“8 [MEinterpretacioun, fr. MF & L;' MF interpretation, fr. L
` rogatus, past part. of interrogare,ft, inter- + rogare to ask,

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