Things I Like About Aperture 3 | Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
`9/29/21, 12:12 PM
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1045, p. 1


`Things I Like About Aperture 3 | Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
`9/29/21, 12:12 PM
`Using Aperture 3: Part 1
`Tue, Mar 30th, 2010 | Equipment, Technique, Featured 4 Comments
`As I mentioned at the end of my previous post, I used Aperture 3 to manage and edit the images, video and
`audio from my recent trip to Indonesia. I also put together my Lembeh Night Safari trip video using Aperture 3.
`In this post and one to follow later, I’ll do my best to set out the key points from my experience…both the good
`and the not so good. In case you have no idea what Aperture 3 is and are wondering why anyone would care…
`it’s the most recent version of Apple’s media-management software, released not too long ago.
`Let me preface my discussion of Apple’s latest version of Aperture by setting the context for my views.
`1. First, I have used Aperture since version 1 of the software. In other words, I wasn’t coming into version 3 of
`Aperture blind. I had somewhere around 75,000 Aperture-managed images under my belt before I departed to
`Indonesia. I’ve also used Apple computers since my first Apple II, so I’m not a Mac newbie.
`2. I only use referenced files in Aperture, meaning that I don’t import files directly into Aperture (“Managed”
`files in the Aperture lexicon). I use Photomechanic to import, sort and name files into a rational folder structure,
`and then reference those files in Aperture projects. (If this is gobbledygook to you, I apologise, but I can’t really
`go into more explanation about this topic here.) The reason I use Photomechanic is that it’s lightning-fast
`reading RAW image files. The reason I use referenced files is that I work only on a laptop, and I can’t carry
`around GBs (actually TBs now) of image data everywhere I go.
`3. I have not been trained or coached in any substantial way on the use of Aperture, nor have I spent any
`significant time in discussion forums or other support groups talking about Aperture. I learn best by jumping
`head-first into things and then asking questions when I hit a wall, not by talking about or listening to how to do
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1045, p. 2


`Things I Like About Aperture 3 | Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
`9/29/21, 12:12 PM
`4. I also don’t read manuals, though I use the Help menu a lot. I consult Google whenever I encounter a
`roadblock, through which process I can quickly determine whether other people have hit a similar obstacle, and
`more importantly, if someone better informed/ more tenacious than I am has found a solution to the conundrum
`in question. In many, perhaps most, cases, there are existing discussion threads in the Apple support forums
`with people exchanging views (i.e., b*tching) about the very same problem I’m facing.
`5. Though I am not an IT expert by any means, I am certainly at the software-proficient, IT-philic end of the
`normal user spectrum. In other words, I spend a heckuva lot of time with my computer, and I generally figure
`things out (however convoluted and tortured a path I take).
`6. Software is a means to an ends for me. I know what my objectives are, and I only care about the ins and outs
`of software to the extent that I can achieve what I want to get done. I don’t obsess or geek-out over minor
`7. Before I installed Aperture 3, I got a brand-spanking new MacBook Pro, set up with the latest version of OS
`X, and with all software reinstalled. My OS and applications reside on an Intel 160GB SSD drive, and all my
`working data resides on a separate internal 500GB spinning drive. My machine was configured by my friend
`Eric Cheng, who actually knows what he’s doing…the point being that I started with a state-of-the-art, tabula
`rasa machine that was not plagued by any legacy software, unresolved conflicts, missing files, etc.
`8. As of the beginning of this year, I started creating a separate Library in Aperture for every trip/ assignment.
`I amended my workflow in this manner because found that once I hit something on the order of 60,000
`referenced images, Aperture got funky on me. The spinning beachball appeared with irritating regularity, and in
`some cases, Aperture (version 2) crashed over and over again like waves pounding a rocky coast.
`I read and heard about other photographers experiencing similar issues, many of whom adopted this multiple-
`Library approach. Creating a separate Library for each trip reduces the workload for Aperture, and also
`minimises the risk associated with crashes. Database corruption can result in irrecoverable files…meaning that
`you’d have to recreate the relevant portions of your image Library…a pleasure most of us would prefer to live
`without. I don’t know enough about the software to know if a serious database problem could wipe out all data,
`though I suspect it’s a plausible scenario.
`9. This is one of the reasons I was anxious to test Aperture 3. There was a long hiatus between the launches of
`version 2 and version 3 of the software, and I was hoping that the latest version would address many of the
`outstanding issues that the Aperture user community had identified. I was also looking forward to testing the
`new features, especially the ability to organise and edit video and audio files.
`10. Finally, I don’t proclaim to be an Aperture expert, or to be an authority in any sense of the word. If you read
`what I write and find that I’ve made a mistake, or that I’ve completely overlooked something (an entirely
`realistic possibility), please let me know, preferably in a constructive and adult manner.
`I’m also only highlighting the functions I’ve used/ tested and find useful for my workflow and needs. I’m fully
`aware Aperture 3 has many more functions than the ones I outline below.
`The Good Stuff
`So with this background information, let me start with the stuff that I really liked…listed in no particular order,
`just typing as things pop into my mind.
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1045, p. 3


`Things I Like About Aperture 3 | Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
`9/29/21, 12:12 PM
`1. RAW conversion
`This is a qualitative observation. At the heart of Aperture (and competing software Lightroom from Adobe) is a
`RAW conversion engine, which lets you “develop” and tweak RAW files. (I guess I should mention that I only
`shoot in RAW, and you should too if you’re at all serious about your photography.)
`Each iteration of Aperture has seen a marked improvement in the RAW conversion engine, with Aperture 3’s
`RAW conversion being the best so far.
`For underwater macro shots like most of the images I took in Lembeh, Aperture 2 (the previous Aperture
`iteration) performed OK, but not great, in my opinion.
`After this trip, I can confidently state that Aperture 3’s handling of colours with macro images is significantly
`better than previous versions of the software.
`How do I know this? By looking at the images.
`I’m not big on conducting extensive, involved objective tests. There are many other people who do things like
`that really well…people who are much more patient and methodical than I am.
`My opinion is based on looking at tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of digital images, and processing a good
`portion of them in Aperture. You’ll just have to trust my opinion on this one (or, alternatively, ignore what I say
`and toss it out as a bunch of bovine-hockey).
`One area I wasn’t able to test extensively was how Aperture 3 handles wide-angle reef shots with colourful
`foregrounds, blue backgrounds and wide range of blues. Aperture 2 wasn’t great with such images, often
`producing dull, drab, uninspiring blues (processing such images for print was when I most often turned to
`Canon’s Digital Photo Professional software).
`I didn’t shoot enough of this type of image in Lembeh to offer an informed opinion at this juncture on how
`Aperture 3 performs with wide-angle scenery.
`2. F-H-P-Z
`Yes, I know this doesn’t make any sense to any normal human being, but if you have Aperture 3 installed, call
`up a file and press those shortcut keys. I found myself using this combination of keys a lot.
`F calls up full-screen mode, which allows you to devote all your screen real estate to viewing and editing,
`eliminating distractions from other stuff. If you’re fortunate enough to have multiple large screens in a
`dedicated work area, this may be more of a “nice-to-have” rather than a crucial function. But if you work
`mostly or entirely on a 15-inch laptop screen like I do, it’s great to make full use of the screen.
`H calls up the heads-up panel for access to all of Aperture’s editing functions.
`P toggles you from preview mode to full-resolution mode, which you need to be in for editing your images.
`Z gives you zoom functionality, so you can zip right in to get an up-close view of every part of your image.
`There is a navigation box that appears automatically, so you can use your cursor to move around the image.
`The F-H-P-Z keystroke combination is my default finger behaviour whenever I want to view and edit an image.
`Try it. It works. Really well.
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1045, p. 4


`Things I Like About Aperture 3 | Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
`9/29/21, 12:12 PM
`When you’re done editing a particular image, press these keys again (in whatever order you want) to get back to
`a default window view with preview mode turned on, so you can scroll rapidly through images.
`Here’s an example:
`3. Retouch
`Going hand-in-hand with the improved RAW conversion capability and full-screen editing mode of Aperture 3
`are significantly improved editing functions (all of which are available via the Adjustments panel in the
`In fact, as I alluded to earlier, the editing functionality in Aperture 3 is good enough now that I rarely had to
`resort to Photoshop (which, I’m sure was Apple’s objective).
`One of the functions I used often was Retouch…to hit backscatter and clean up minor blemishes like sensor
`dust. This editing function essentially encompasses the functions of clone-and-stamp (called Clone) and the
`healing brush (called Repair) in Photoshop (Tangent: You should take a look at the content-aware editing
`function coming in the next version of Photoshop!).
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1045, p. 5


`Things I Like About Aperture 3 | Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
`9/29/21, 12:12 PM
`Assuming you are familiar with those Photoshop functions, you’ll have no problem figuring out how to use
`If you’re good with the latest MacBook Pro trackpad, use two-finger swipe right and left to increase and
`decrease the size of your brush respectively. It took me a few images to get used to this, but once I did, this was
`the quickest way to change brush sizes. Combine this with the F-H-P-Z shortcut pattern, and you have instant
`spot-removal/ touch-up capability.
`The Retouch functions work well, with the only caveat being that it can sometimes take a while for Aperture 3
`to “think through” the processing. So if you have a lot of this type of editing to do (like lots of backscatter), it
`may be faster to do it in Photoshop. In other words, I like Repair and Clone for minor cleaning up, but relying
`on these tools could be too cumbersome for involved editing.
`4. Levels and Curves
`Levels has been around a while in Aperture, so requires no explanation. Curves is new. And it’s a fantastic
`addition! The Curves function works just like Curves in Photoshop, in RGB mode or by individual channel.
`Here’s the thing…the combination of Levels and Curves gives you incredible control over the way your image
`looks. If you shoot a reasonably correct exposure, these two functions will give you the power to get you to
`what you want 99% of the time.
`As a corollary, if your exposure is too far off, no amount of software voodoo will save it, so please don’t
`subscribe to the oft-repeated myth that Photoshop (or any other editing software) can make a bad image good.
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1045, p. 6


`Things I Like About Aperture 3 | Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
`9/29/21, 12:12 PM
`5. Other Adjustment Tools
`The adjustments above are the ones I used to get most of my editing done for underwater macro images. If after
`quick application of Levels, Curves and Retouch (with White Balance if necessary, a bit of Exposure,
`Recovery and Black Point adjustment) I don’t have an image I like, then I forget it.
`At this stage in my photographic career, I can tell on sight whether an image will make this cut or not, but if
`you’re just starting out, or trying to figure out when you should save an image and when you should ditch it,
`this might be a good general rule of thumb to follow.
`After this, everything else is a tweak…which I only do if there’s a reason to do it, and/ or if I have lots of free
`time (which is almost never).
`The other functions I’ve tested and like in Aperture 3 are: Straighten, Crop, Chromatic Aberration (new to
`Aperture 3 and very useful for underwater photography), Dodge and also Burn, both available under Quick
`Brushes (new to Aperture 3).
`I have not and probably won’t use the Preset functions, and I haven’t found the need to explore any of the other
`functions much.
`It’s easier to shoot a good photograph and spend minimal time in post than to capture a sub-par image and
`spend hours trying to edit into something usable.
`Oh incidentally…the Faces and Places functionality are of no interest to me. I did test Faces just for fun when I
`imported my Aperture 2 library from my Dominica sperm whale trip into Aperture 3. In this admittedly limited
`and probably unfair test, Faces found faces in the chaotic patterns in the water next to whales, while it failed to
`recognise actual faces in many clear, topside photos.
`No…I wasn’t stupid enough to think that I should apply Faces to blue-water whale images. It was my first
`stress test of Aperture 3, and I wanted to see what would happen.
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1045, p. 7


`Things I Like About Aperture 3 | Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
`9/29/21, 12:12 PM
`In any case, if I want to make sure I don’t forget someone in a photo, I type their name into the image caption
`field. And until such time that GPS functionality is built into every camera and is as easy to activate as selecting
`a menu item, it’s too much effort for too little return for what I do.
`6. Multiple Libraries
`I’m not sure if the online chatter among Aperture users about problems with large image libraries played a role
`in the introduction of this feature or not, but Aperture 3 has a new menu item under File, Switch to Library
`which gives you the ability to switch back-and-forth among different libraries.
`This fits perfectly with my new workflow of creating new a Library for every trip. Given the introduction of
`this function, using multiple libraries is a no-brainer, both for convenience and risk management.
`7. Import Dialogue
`By way of interface changes, the new Import dialogue screen is an improvement over the same function in
`Aperture 2…a nice touch that makes the software more user friendly.
`The layout of the dialogue box is clear and easy to understand. And particularly useful is the ability to check
`and uncheck the files you want (or don’t want) to import.
`There were some irritating issues with import, however, which I’ll discuss in the second part of my write-up.
`8. Managing Video and Audio Files
`One of the big steps forward taken by this version of Aperture is the introduction of the ability to manage non-
`photographic media files, i.e., video and audio.
`There’s no doubt in my mind that “photography” is a thing of the past. Don’t get me wrong: Beautiful
`photographic images will never go out of style, but making a living as a still-image photographer will be more
`difficult than ever (as if it weren’t difficult enough already) as working with multiple media formats gradually
`becomes the norm.
`The introduction of video capability in DSLR format is a game-changer, one that’s been a long time coming,
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`Things I Like About Aperture 3 | Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
`9/29/21, 12:12 PM
`and one that undoubtedly has many more twists and turns ahead. But it’s a game-changer in a positive way…at
`least to my way of thinking.
`I shoot to tell stories.
`The ability for me to record high quality video and audio with minimal extra fuss and expense opens up a
`whole new world of possibility.
`Instead of being restricted to showing a handful of photos and hammering out a bunch of text, I can now use a
`combination of still images, video footage, audio and narrative text to weave a more involved, richer experience
`for my audience.
`Depending upon the circumstances, I can use all video, all stills, a bit of both, or even just audio or just text. I
`can literally be a magazine, newspaper, radio broadcaster and independent film-maker all in one!
`Of course, pursuing this path entails much more work, time and skill, and also poses a plethora of challenges,
`not least of which is keeping track of all the different files.
`Aperture 3 gives users the ability to import and sort through both video and audio files, which means I can
`review these types of files almost as easily as image files.
`I can’t overstate how important a development this is.
`I’ve been experimenting with mixing media formats for some time now, and one of the primary logistical
`challenges was keeping track of files.
`Aperture 3 doesn’t solve all my problems, but it’s certainly a big step in the right direction.
`Besides being able to import video and audio files, Aperture 3 gives you the ability to do simple Trim editing,
`which is basically lopping off the un-necessary front and tail portions of a clip, illustrated in the following
`screenshot of a Trim dialogue:
`In keeping with the non-destructive nature of the software’s image-editing functionality, performing a Trim edit
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1045, p. 9


`Things I Like About Aperture 3 | Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
`9/29/21, 12:12 PM
`on video and audio clips doesn’t actually ditch any data. You can re-do your Trim later to shorten, lengthen, or
`even select an entirely different portion of the the relevant clip. Way cool, and way useful.
`I used this Trim function on all the video clips I incorporated into my Lembeh Night Safari trip video.
`9. Slideshow
`Of course, having lots of nice images, video and audio is great, but in order to tell a story, I need to be able to
`edit all my files into an attractive, engaging and meaningful product…like a video.
`The ability to create multimedia slideshows in Aperture 3 is the single feature I was most interested in checking
`In fact, one of my self-assigned goals for the Lembeh trip was to produce a trip video using only Aperture 3.
`Up to this point, I have been using a combination of Aperture, Photoshop, and Final Cut Express to do most of
`my multimedia editing work. As I departed for Lembeh, my hope was that I could use Aperture 3’s multimedia
`Slideshow function to reduce (or even eliminate) my need to resort to Final Cut Express, just as Aperture 3’s
`photo editing functions virtually eliminated the time I spent with Photoshop.
`As you can tell from my Lembeh Night Safari trip video, the multimedia Slideshow function works.
`However…and this is a big however…there are limits to how well it works, and it didn’t completely remove
`my need to use other software.
`In fact, the Slideshow function was temperamental to the point of driving me to despair. I nearly gave up
`several times.
`This is where I’ll end Part 1 of my summary.
`The only thing I should probably add is that once I managed to create my slideshow/ video, the preset settings
`in Aperture produced excellent results. I exported with the 720p, 1080p and iPod settings. All of the resulting
`files were great. Exporting can be an arcane, tedious, time-consuming, frustrating (you get the point) task, so
`having these built-in, dummy-proof presets is certainly helpful. For more advanced users, the dialogue box
`provides options for customisation.
`In the second half of this summary, I’ll discuss some of the difficulties/ frustrations I experienced and how I
`dealt with them.
`Tags: Aperture 3, Editing, Photography, Software
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`Page 10 of 14
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1045, p. 10


`Things I Like About Aperture 3 | Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
`9/29/21, 12:12 PM
` KaylinQ says:
`30 Mar 10 at 17:10
`I thoroughly enjoyed that! Looking forward to the 2nd part! Thanks!
` Phil Sokol says:
`31 Mar 10 at 08:10
`Great write up! I especially like your overall philosophy to image editing and management. I tried
`Lightroom and much prefer the Aperture interface, esp the F-H-P-Z short cuts, so looks like version 3 is
`in my future. I may hit you up for some tutoring in Ambon
` Thanks again!
` Mike says:
`31 Mar 10 at 10:11
`great summary!
`I’m big on the F-H-C sequence for images that need very minimal PP.
`4. What can you accomplish in an Aperture 3 slideshow? says:
`31 Mar 10 at 21:59
`[...] Tony’s comments on Aperture 3’s slideshow function: Up to this point, I have been using a
`combination of [...]
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1045, p. 11


`Things I Like About Aperture 3 | Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
`9/29/21, 12:12 PM
`More Flickr Photos
`WTF? Dreamhost just unilaterally re-named my MySQL database and locked me out. "Our
`sincerest apologies for the hassle" $^@U(#$(!)@@! 16 hrs ago
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`Using Aperture 3: Part 2
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`Using Aperture 3: Part 1
`Tue, Mar 30th, 2010 | Equipment, Technique, Featured
`Night Safari Video
`Sun, Mar 28th, 2010 | Featured, Places, Adventures, Video, Multimedia
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`Things I Like About Aperture 3 | Tony Wu's Underwater Photography Blog
`9/29/21, 12:12 PM
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1045, p. 14


`Things I Like About Aperture 3
`9/29/21, 12:09 PM
`ars gratia scientiae
`Using Aperture 3: Part 1
`As I mentioned at the end of my previous post, I used Aperture 3 to
`manage and edit the images, video and audio from my recent trip to
`Indonesia. I also put together my Lembeh Night Safari trip video
`using Aperture 3.
`In this post and one to follow later (actually, it became two
`additional posts: Using Aperture 3: Part 2; and Using Aperture 3,
`Part 3), I'll do my best to set out the key points from my experience…
`both the good and the not so good. In case you have no idea what
`Aperture 3 is and are wondering why anyone would's the
`most recent version of Apple's media-management software,
`released not too long ago.
` Tuesday Mar 30, 2010
` Equipment, Technique
` by Tony Wu
`! " # $
`Read my Journal via Email
`Sign up for my Trip
`% %
`View Links
`Page 1 of 16
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1045, p. 15


`Things I Like About Aperture 3
`9/29/21, 12:09 PM
`Let me preface my discussion of Apple's latest version of Aperture
`by setting the context for my views.
`1. First, I have used Aperture since version 1 of the software. In
`other words, I wasn't coming into version 3 of Aperture blind. I had
`somewhere around 75,000 Aperture-managed images under my
`belt before I departed to Indonesia. I've also used Apple computers
`since my first Apple II, so I'm not a Mac newbie.
`2. I only use referenced files in Aperture, meaning that I don't import
`files directly into Aperture ("Managed" files in the Aperture lexicon).
`I use Photomechanic to import, sort and name files into a rational
`folder structure, and then reference those files in Aperture projects.
`(If this is gobbledygook to you, I apologise, but I can't really go into
`more explanation about this topic here.) The reason I use
`Photomechanic is that it's lightning-fast reading RAW image files.
`The reason I use referenced files is that I work only on a laptop, and I
`can't carry around GBs (actually TBs now) of image data everywhere
`I go.
`3. I have not been trained or coached in any substantial way on the
`use of Aperture, nor have I spent any significant time in discussion
`forums or other support groups talking about Aperture. I learn best
`by jumping head-first into things and then asking questions when I
`hit a wall, not by talking about or listening to how to do things.
`4. I also don't read manuals, though I use the Help menu a lot. I
`consult Google whenever I encounter a roadblock, through which
`process I can quickly determine whether other people have hit a
`similar obstacle, and more importantly, if someone better informed/
`more tenacious than I am has found a solution to the conundrum in
`question. In many, perhaps most, cases, there are existing discussion
`threads in the Apple support forums with people exchanging views
`(i.e., b*tching) about the very same problem I'm facing.
`5. Though I am not an IT expert by any means, I am certainly at the
`software-proficient, IT-philic end of the normal user spectrum. In
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1045, p. 16


`Things I Like About Aperture 3
`9/29/21, 12:09 PM
`other words, I spend a heckuva lot of time with my computer, and I
`generally figure things out (however convoluted and tortured a path
`I take).
`6. Software is a means to an ends for me. I know what my objectives
`are, and I only care about the ins and outs of software to the extent
`that I can achieve what I want to get done. I don't obsess or geek-out
`over minor details.
`7. Before I installed Aperture 3, I got a brand-spanking new
`MacBook Pro, set up with the latest version of OS X, and with all
`software reinstalled. My OS and applications reside on an Intel
`160GB SSD drive, and all my working data resides on a separate
`internal 500GB spinning drive. My machine was configured by my
`friend Eric Cheng, who actually knows what he's doing…the point
`being that I started with a state-of-the-art, tabula rasa machine that
`was not plagued by any legacy software, unresolved conflicts,
`missing files, etc.
`8. As of the beginning of this year, I started creating a separate
`Library in Aperture for every trip/ assignment. I amended my
`workflow in this manner because found that once I hit something on
`the order of 60,000 referenced images, Aperture got funky on me.
`The spinning beachball appeared with irritating regularity, and in
`some cases, Aperture (version 2) crashed over and over again like
`waves pounding a rocky coast.
`I read and heard about other photographers experiencing similar
`issues, many of whom adopted this multiple-Library approach.
`Creating a separate Library for each trip reduces the workload for
`Aperture, and also minimises the risk associated with crashes.
`Database corruption can result in irrecoverable files…meaning that
`you'd have to recreate the relevant portions of your image Library…
`a pleasure most of us would prefer to live without. I don't know
`enough about the software to know if a serious database problem
`could wipe out all data, though I suspect it's a plausible scenario.
`9. This is one of the reasons I was anxious to test Aperture 3. There
`Page 3 of 16
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1045, p. 17


`Things I Like About Aperture 3
`9/29/21, 12:09 PM
`was a long hiatus between the launches of version 2 and version 3 of
`the software, and I was hoping that the latest version would address
`many of the outstanding issues that the Aperture user community
`had identified. I was also looking forward to testing the new
`features, especially the ability to organise and edit video and audio
`10. Finally, I don't proclaim to be an Aperture expert, or to be an
`authority in any sense of the word. If you read what I write and find
`that I've made a mistake, or that I've completely overlooked
`something (an entirely realistic possibility), please let me know,
`preferably in a constructive and adult manner.
`I'm also only highlighting the functions I've used/ tested and find
`useful for my workflow and needs. I'm fully aware Aperture 3 has
`many more functions than the ones I outline below.
`The Good Stuff
`So with this background information, let me start with the stuff that
`I really liked…listed in no particular order, just typing as things pop
`into my mind.
`1. RAW conversion
`This is a qualitative observation. At the heart of Aperture (and
`competing software Ligh

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