Google Maps API Reference - Google Maps API - Google Code
`9/20/21, 11:35 AM
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`Google Maps API
`Google Maps API Reference
`The Google Maps API is now integrated with the Google AJAX API loader, which creates a common namespace for
`loading and using multiple Google AJAX APIs. This framework allows you to use the optional google.maps.*
`namespace for all classes, methods and properties you currently use in the Google Maps API, replacing the normal G
`prefix with this namespace. Don't worry: the existing G namespace will continue to be supported.
`For example, the GMap2 object within the Google Maps API can also be defined as google.maps.Map2.
`Note that this reference documentation refers only to the existing G namespace.
`Core Class:
`This is the most important class within the Maps API. The other classes in this reference are grouped by their purpose.
`Base Classes:
`Event Classes:
`Control Classes:
`Overlay Classes:
`Service Classes:
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`class GMap2
`Instantiate class GMap2 in order to create a map. This is the central class in the API. Everything else is auxiliary.
`Creates a new map inside of the given HTML container, which is typically a DIV
`element. If no set of map types is given in the optional argument
`opts.mapTypes, the default set G_DEFAULT_MAP_TYPES is used. If no size
`is given in the optional argument opts.size, then the size of the container
`is used. If opts.size is given, then the container element of the map is resized
`accordingly. See class GMapOptions. Note: a Map needs to be centered
`before it can be used. You should immediately call GMap2.setCenter() to
`initialize a map created with this constructor.
`Enables the dragging of the map (enabled by default).
`Disables the dragging of the map.
`Returns true iff the dragging of the map is enabled.
`Enables info window operations on the map (enabled by
`Closes the info window, if it is open, and disables the opening
`of a new info window.
`Returns true iff the info window is enabled.
`Enables double click to zoom in and out (enabled by default).
`(Since 2.58)
`Disables double click to zoom in and out.
`Returns true iff double click to zoom is enabled.
`(Since 2.58)
`(Since 2.58)
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`Enables continuous smooth zooming for select browsers
`(disabled by default).
`(Since 2.58)
`Disables continuous smooth zooming.
`(Since 2.58)
`Returns true if continuous smooth zooming is enabled.
`(Since 2.58)
`Enables the GoogleBar, an integrated search control, to the
`map. When enabled, this control takes the place of the default
`Powered By Google logo. Note that this control is not enabled
`by default. Note: The GoogleBar is currently not compatible
`with the Google Earth plugin, used by map type
`GMapType.G_SATELLITE_3D_MAP, and will be disabled
`while the Earth plugin is shown.
`(Since 2.92)
`Disables the GoogleBar integrated search control. When
`disabled, the default Powered by Google logo occupies the
`position formerly containing this control. Note that this control
`is already disabled by default.
`(Since 2.92)
`Enables zooming using a mouse's scroll wheel. Note: scroll
`wheel zoom is disabled by default.
`(Since 2.78)
`Disables zooming using a mouse's scroll wheel. Note: scroll
`wheel zoom is disabled by default.
`(Since 2.78)
`Returns a Boolean indicating whether scroll wheel zooming is
`(Since 2.78)
`Enables pinching to zoom on an iPhone or iPod touch. Note:
`pinch to zoom is enabled by default.
`(Since 2.143)
`Disables pinching to zoom on an iPhone or iPod touch. Note:
`pinch to zoom is enabled by default.
`(Since 2.143)
`Returns a Boolean indicating whether pinch to zoom is
`(Since 2.143)
`Returns a GMapUIOptions object specifying default
`behaviour and UI elements for the Map, based on the UI of
`(Since 2.147)
`Adds the default behaviour and UI elements specified in
`getDefaultUI() to the Map.
`(Since 2.147)
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`Adds behaviour and UI elements specified in the ui
`parameter, which can be a modified version of the object
`returned from getDefaultUI().
`(Since 2.147)
`Map Types
`Return Value
`Map State
`Adds the control to the map. The position on the map
`is determined by the optional position argument. If
`this argument is absent, the default position of the
`control is used, as determined by the
`GControl.getDefaultPosition() method. A
`control instance must not be added more than once to
`the map.
`Removes the control from the map. It does nothing if
`the control was never added to the map.
`Returns the DOM object that contains the map. Used
`by GControl.initialize().
`Returns the array of map types registered with this
`Returns the currently selected map type.
`Selects the given new map type. The type must be
`known to the map. See the constructor, and the
`method addMapType().
`Adds a new map type to the map. See section
`GMapType for how to define custom map types.
`Removes the map type from the map. Will update
`the set of buttons displayed by the
`GMapTypeControl or
`GHierarchicalMapTypeControl and fire the
`removemaptype event.
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`Return Value
`Returns true iff the map was initialized by
`setCenter() since it was created.
`Returns the geographical coordinates of the center
`point of the map view.
`Returns the the visible rectangular region of the map
`view in geographical coordinates.
`Returns the zoom level at which the given
`rectangular region fits in the map view. The zoom
`level is computed for the currently selected map type.
`If no map type is selected yet, the first on the list of
`map types is used.
`Returns the size of the map view in pixels.
`Returns the current zoom level.
`Returns the draggable object used by this map.
`(Since 2.93)
`Retrieves the instance of the Google Earth Browser
`Plugin attached to this map, and calls the passed
`callback function once the instance is ready to
`receive commands, passing the earth instance (a
`GEPlugin object) as a parameter.
`This callback function may fire immediately if the
`Earth instance had previously been instantiated by
`setting the Google Earth map type via
`If the instance if not yet created, calling
`getEarthInstance will initialize the Google
`Earth Plug-in. (This asynchronous behavior is why
`this method requires a callback.)
`Note: if the initialization encounters an error, the
`callback function will pass a null parameter.
`Note that that while this method will create an Earth
`instance, it will not set the Earth map type as the
`current view. To so so, call
`explicitly, or allow the user to select this map type via
`the MapTypeControl. See the Google Earth API
`Developer's Guide for details on how to use the
`GEPlugin object.
`(Since 2.113)
`Modify the Map State
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`panDirection(dx:one of -1
`0 +1, dy:one of -1 0 +1)
`Sets the map view to the given center. Optionally, also sets
`zoom level and map type. The map type must be known to
`the map. See the constructor, and the method
`addMapType(). This method must be called first after
`construction to set the initial state of the map. It is an error to
`call operations on a newly constructed GMap2 object
`until after this function is invoked.
`Changes the center point of the map to the given point. If the
`point is already visible in the current map view, change the
`center in a smooth animation.
`Starts a pan animation by the given distance in pixels.
`Starts a pan animation by half the width of the map in the
`indicated directions. +1 is right and down, -1 is left and up,
`Sets the zoom level to the given new value.
`Increments zoom level by one zoom level. If an optional
`latlng argument is provided, the map will attempt to keep
`that location present on the zoomed-in map. (Note that the
`latlng must currently be present on the zoomed-out map.)
`If the optional doCenter is provided, additionally, the map
`will be centered on the provided latlng.
`Decrements zoom level by one. If the latlng is provided,
`the map will zoom about that point. If doContinuousZoom
`is set to true, the map will use continuous zoom when
`zooming out.
`Stores the current map position and zoom level for later recall
`by returnToSavedPosition().
`Restores the map view that was saved by
`Notifies the map of a change of the size of its container. Call
`this method after the size of the container DOM object has
`changed, so that the map can adjust itself to fit the new size.
`Info Window
`Adds an overlay to the map and fires the
`addoverlay event.
`Removes the overlay from the map. It is an error to try
`to remove an overlay that is not on the map. If the call
`is successful, it fires the removeoverlay event.
`Removes all overlays from the map, and fires the
`clearoverlays event.
`Returns a DIV that holds the object in the layer
`identified by pane. Used by GOverlay instances in
`method GOverlay.initialize() instances to
`draw themselves on the map
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`node:Node, opts?:GInfoWindowOptions)
`Return Value
`html:String, opts?:GInfoWindowOptions)
`Opens a simple info window at
`the given point. Pans the map
`such that the opened info window
`is fully visible. The content of the
`info window is given as a DOM
`Opens a simple info window at
`the given point. Pans the map
`such that the opened info window
`is fully visible. The content of the
`info window is given as HTML
`Opens a tabbed info window at
`the given point. Pans the map
`such that the opened info window
`is fully visible. The content of the
`info window is given as DOM
`Opens a tabbed info window at
`the given point. Pans the map
`such that the opened info window
`is fully visible. The content of the
`info window is given as HTML
`Opens an info window at the
`given point that contains a
`closeup view on the map around
`this point.
`Updates the content of the
`currently open GInfoWindow
`object, without repositioning. The
`info window is resized to fit the
`new content. The optional
`onupdate callback function is
`called after the info window
`content is actually changed.
`(Since 2.85)
`Updates the currently selected
`tab, causing a resize of the
`GInfoWindow object, without
`repositioning. The modifier
`function is used to modify the
`currently selected tab and is
`passed a GInfoWindowTab as
`an argument. The optional
`onupdate callback function is
`called after the info window
`displays the new content.
`(Since 2.85)
`Closes the currently open info
`Returns the info window object of
`this map. If no info window exists
`yet, it is created, but not
`displayed. This operation is not
`influenced by
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`Coordinate Transformations
`Computes the geographical
`coordinates of the point at the given
`pixel coordinates in the DOM element
`that contains the map on the page.
`This is helpful for when you
`implement interaction of custom
`controls with the map.
`Computes the pixel coordinates of the
`given geographical point in the DOM
`element that contains the map on the
`(Since 2.100)
`Computes the pixel coordinates of the
`given geographical point in the DOM
`element that holds the draggable
`map. You need this method to
`position a custom overlay when you
`implement the
`GOverlay.redraw() method for
`a custom overlay.
`Computes the geographical
`coordinates from pixel coordinates in
`the div that holds the draggable map.
`This may be helpful for when you
`implement interaction with custom
`overlays that don't extend the
`GOverlay interface. If this doesn't
`give you the expected output, try the
`method instead.
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`Enables rotation on the map. If the map's current
`GMapType has rotatable aerial imagery in the current
`viewport, the aerial imagery will be automatically
`displayed on the map. Aerial imagery is only available
`(Since 2.193)
`Disables rotation on the map. If rotatable aerial
`imagery is currently being shown on the map, top-
`down imagery will be automatically displayed on the
`map instead.
`(Since 2.193)
`Returns true if rotation is enabled on the map.
`(Since 2.193)
`Returns true if the map is rotatable in the current
`viewport and rotation is enabled on the map. The map
`is considered rotatable if the current map type is
`rotatable aerial imagery is available in the current
`(Since 2.193)
`Attempts to change the current map type of the map
`to a rotated aerial map type with the specified
`heading. In order for the change to be successful,
`GMap2.isRotatable() should return true.
`(Since 2.193)
`This event is fired when a map type is added to the map.
`This event is fired when a map type is removed from the map.
`This event is fired when the user clicks on the map with the
`mouse. A click event passes different arguments based on the
`context of the click, and whether or not the click occured on a
`clickable overlay. If the click does not occur on a clickable overlay,
`the overlay argument is null and the latlng argument
`contains the geographical coordinates of the point that was
`clicked. If the user clicks on an overlay that is clickable (such
`as a GMarker, GPolygon, GPolyline, or GInfoWindow),
`the overlay argument contains the overlay object, while the
`overlaylatlng argument contains the coordinates of the
`clicked overlay. In addition, a click event is then also fired on
`the overlay itself.
`This event is fired when a double click is done on the map. Notice
`that this event will not be fired if the double click was on a marker
`or other clickable overlay. The geographical coordinates of the
`point that was double clicked are passed in the latlng
`argument. The overlay argument is always set to null.
`(Since 2.83)
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`src:Element, overlay?:GOverlay)
`This event is fired when the DOM contextmenu event is fired
`on the map container. If the right click was on a marker or other
`clickable overlay, then the overlay is passed to the event handler
`in the overlay argument. The pixel coordinates (in the DOM
`element that holds the map) of the point that was right clicked and
`the source element of the DOM event are passed in the point
`and src arguments respectively. Note that if it is a double right
`click and double click to zoom is enabled, then the map zooms out
`and no singlerightclick event is fired. If, however, double
`click to zoom is disabled, two singlerightclick events will
`be fired.
`(Since 2.84)
`This event is fired when the map view starts changing. This can be
`caused by dragging, in which case a dragstart event is also
`fired, or by invocation of a method that changes the map view.
`This event is fired, possibly repeatedly, while the map view is
`This event is fired when the change of the map view ends.
`This event is fired when the map reaches a new zoom level. The
`event handler receives the previous and the new zoom level as
`This event is fired when another map type is selected.
`This event is fired when the info window opens.
`This event is fired before the info window closes.
`(Since 2.83)
`This event is fired when the info window closes. The event
`infowindowbeforeclose is fired before this event. If a
`currently open info window is reopened at a different point using
`another call to openInfoWindow*(), the events
`infowindowbeforeclose, infowindowclose and
`infowindowopen are fired in this order.
`This event is fired when a single overlay is added to the map by
`the method addOverlay(). The new overlay is passed as an
`argument overlay to the event handler.
`This event is fired when a single overlay is removed by the
`method removeOverlay(). The overlay that was removed is
`passed as an argument overlay to the event handler.
`This event is fired when all overlays are removed at once by the
`method clearOverlays().
`This event is fired when the user moves the mouse over the map
`from outside the map.
`This event is fired when the user moves the mouse off the map.
`This event is fired when the user moves the mouse inside the
`This event is fired when the user starts dragging the map.
`This event is repeatedly fired while the user drags the map.
`This event is fired when the user stops dragging the map.
`This event is fired when the map setup is complete, and
`isLoaded() would return true. This means position, zoom, and
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`map type are all initialized, but tile images may still be loading.
`(Since 2.52)
`This event is fired when all visible tiles have finished loading.
`(Since 2.140)
`This event is fired when the current GMapType of the map has
`been changed to one with a different heading.
`(Since 2.193)
`This event is fired when the rotatability of the map has been
`(Since 2.193)
`class GBounds
`GBounds is a rectangular area of the map in pixel coordinates. Notice that a rectangle in geographical coordinates is
`represented by a GLatLngBounds object.
`Constructs a rectangle that contains all the given points.
`The x coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle.
`The y coordinate of the top edge of the rectangle.
`The x coordinate of the right edge of the rectangle.
`The y coordinate of the bottom edge of the rectangle.
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`Returns a string that contains the coordinates of the
`upper left and the lower right corner points of the box,
`in this order, separated by comma, surrounded by
`Returns true if all parameters in this rectangle are
`equal to the parameters of the other.
`(Since 2.98)
`Returns the pixel coordinates of the center of the
`rectangular area.
`(Since 2.88)
`Returns the pixel coordinates of the upper left corner
`of the rectangular area.
`Returns the pixel coordinates of the lower right corner
`of the rectangular area.
`Returns true if the passed rectangular area is
`entirely contained in this rectangular area.
`Returns true if the rectangular area (inclusively)
`contains the pixel coordinates.
`(Since 2.88)
`Enlarges this box so that the point is also contained in
`this box.
`function GBrowserIsCompatible
`This function decides whether the maps API can be used in the current browser.
`Returns true if the current browser supports the maps API
`class GDraggableObject
`This class makes a DOM element draggable. The static members for changing the drag cursors affect all subsequently
`created draggable objects, such as the map, zoom control slider, and overview map rectangles. The per-instance
`members affect only their particular instance. For example, before creating the map, you can call
`GDraggableObject.setDraggableCursor('default') and
`GDraggableObject.setDraggingCursor('move') to get the pre-API 2.56 style. Alternatively, the Map
`constructor can take options to set its DraggableObject's cursor style. See the W3C CSS specification for allowable cursor
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`Sets up event handlers so that the source element can be dragged.
`Left and top optionally position the element, and the optional
`container serves as a bounding box.
`(Since 2.59)
`Static Methods
`Sets the draggable cursor for
`subsequently created
`draggable objects.
`(Since 2.59)
`Sets the dragging cursor for
`subsequently created
`draggable objects.
`(Since 2.59)
`Returns the current dragging
`cursor in use by the map. If
`not set through the static
`method, this returns the
`default cursor used by the
`map for its controls and
`(Deprecated since 2.164)
`Returns the current
`draggable cursor in use by
`the map. If not set through
`the static
`method, this returns the
`default cursor used by the
`map for its controls and
`(Deprecated since 2.164)
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`Sets the cursor when the mouse is over this
`draggable object.
`(Since 2.59)
`Sets the cursor when the mouse is held down,
`dragging this draggable object.
`(Since 2.59)
`Moves the GDraggableObject to a given
`absolute position. The position is in pixel
`coordinates relative to the parent node. This
`method uses the DOM coordinate system, i.e. the X
`coordinate increases to the left, and the Y
`coordinate increases downwards.
`(Since 2.89)
`Moves the GDraggableObject by a given size
`offset. This method uses the DOM coordinate
`system, i.e. width increases to the left, and height
`increases downwards.
`(Since 2.89)
`This event is fired in response to the DOM mousedown event. Handling this event will prevent
`the default action of the DOM mousedown event.
`(Since 2.84)
`This event is fired in response to the DOM mouseup event on a draggable object. Handling this
`event will prevent the default action of the DOM mouseup event.
`This event is fired when a draggable object is clicked.
`(Since 2.84)
`(Since 2.84)
`This event is fired at the start of a draggable object's drag event (when the user initiates a drag
`by clicking and dragging a draggable object).
`(Since 2.84)
`This event is repeatedly fired while the user drags the draggable object.
`(Since 2.84)
`This event is fired at the end of a draggable object's drag event (when the user releases a
`(Since 2.84)
`class GDraggableObjectOptions
`This class represents optional arguments to the GDraggableObject constructor. It has no constructor, but is
`instantiated as an object literal.
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`The left starting position of the object.
`The top starting position of the object.
`(Since 2.59)
`(Since 2.59)
`A DOM element that will act as a bounding box for the draggable object
`(Since 2.59)
`The cursor to show on mousover.
`The cursor to show while dragging.
`(Since 2.59)
`(Since 2.59)
`By default, the event dragstart is fired when the DOM mousedown
`event is fired on a draggable DOM element. Similarly, the event dragend
`is fired when the DOM mouseup event is fired. Setting this value to true
`delays drag events until the mouse has moved from the location where the
`mousedown or mouseup was generated. The default value for this
`property is false.
`(Deprecated since 2.146)
`class GInfoWindow
`GInfoWindow has no constructor. It is created by the map and accessed by its method GMap2.getInfoWindow().
`Return Value
`Selects the tab with the given index. This has
`the same effect as clicking on the corresponding
`Makes the info window invisible. NOTE: This
`doesn't close the info window. It can be made
`visible again using show().
`Makes the info window visible if its currently
`Returns true iff the info window is hidden. This
`includes the state that it's closed.
`Resets the state of the info window. Each
`argument may be null and then its value will
`not be changed from the current value.
`Returns the geographical point at which the info
`window is anchored. The tip of the window
`points to this point on the map, modulo the pixel
`Returns the offset, in pixels, of the tip of the info
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`window from the point on the map at whose
`geographical coordinates the info window is
`Returns the index, starting at 0, of the current

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