`ELECELECLELELELOLEALELULLSLELELELOLELILLELELELILELALEPLLILICLASESLASTDYLIELLAGEOLULELECIELGLELULTEAPELALECLTAEGLIILALEYZ4@%%3:5234q;:5:;Zz44ZZ5OGHl4og¢H4j,gg:po;riob¢iZ4Z3¢3-$4::%ja2,gg:$f:;ogf;Zg5ZaZ5i3:;;ii3ZtSA4467.ZZt‘331443zgates5gGrgZii¢::itf;Z6Si44Zgii3;:itgiZBoeiayjZ;i:iAff3Zory4z:z2t:g’saavag3%g%gi;35:543$3%&%gggZi43;:$i53Z2zgSBZZ4i3;13é3:$Z:";gggZ$;3ii3i3;3Z5gZg3i3:ig$f:5ZZgkZZ;3;3:izi3;3ZZggggiiifi:;g;oF¢iygZgeg%3443‘::i3igi3%ZggZZ:3;;:::;bred$3g4ayZ3po|tfii;pgy4‘zo2S4¢$!4444aZ44gg34$ti35;3¢g3%4%42;2;4t2:34ope34aZaAgZ343;¢$4403:g4%3%33izt4:4elttta4%34g24zt43‘:4é‘gZggg%3t3$4%4gbed¢:Z4%gggj{;43:igagMygEHig.Z3Zgi;gg;::fengbtibs%3;$;3tH:4t3eBZgggg;i;$f¢:iekedyatftiBaeZ%ge%gZtYocserd,é3;$833Boteg2¢Z%;4;¢g3i3BS4%Zzg3$¢¢¢5é3BS4a34Z3;gf3;EEEatyt;3geggg%3.3;333ZZ%Zz%3g33;‘Z33Boies343gg335335553git444%53i$¢;iH4rt;;eaZy3;;¢ ¢;i:boing|;3g3g43gat4t3bth33z$g%a$t4;3t:3BaSt33g4gg55;t;i:;niFt5g4¢g3;;ghtii;;rt3%Gyuu4gGYperncecnessigecevscsecesg;;gS:1:;bet3Zgy:Hl,55gbagt;:3the3bbe43g:i3iigay;Hl:;7aGY4ZzGE.33g:ig}¢aa:i:ioe3i34ten4&g::%$;gerseeey;4;33;g33ggo:4g5343$334$5Z4off4|g:;z;$3j343433g4Wg4GZ:;4553i343:iZ3me4Gg%;Z5553333i5g34%48an4g5543‘33145%4LA44go:iigt:i3;3$3:ig3gggs:4Z54i3;33‘;g4mae4|g:4g:3it;4:ig;g4Ziiig}jiiit3;4Z4wth4¢Zii?Ztz;z:5tZtZ%gggtt4%g453z43f‘3% ¥%4%3giiigti}iae)j5gqthim|%%Z;iZ}ij:higdheg3i4g$ws,ggZ::Z;33::3Greed3$zg!FYggZi;gi33:3boat3:3g3wht,4%&Z:3Zgt4‘¢:3$3%ton+¥ZitZiiHiGey4i:g;‘i;i0B4%%Zt{%;i$4jPe,4iiaZ;g“tnGgZ::3iitf;Lgeguap:iZ3ggZitZ33¢3j3ge3;i%g4ggZiZi;gfiBOLd4i;a%$8gti%55g334¢4Z3:%2th,*@%;g%z¢zos;3¢t23t3y46Zt5%3¢4as;433333g@4%Z::ZigfZz;tgohbf;i4fs¢Zi44twee4¢Z;ib4¥g:Z4encedes;todGt;;g"thio‘4rere,44a4me|4Z'gigoes%iid3iZea%54;Z43$z¢;oogm,4%%Zjg4¢¢;a3joo.4ff4&Z;ZitftarntiGo34%Zig3;553$fi$ig64449%3ZiZiit:;t4e¢4b|;jgeg¢%¢ggi%tfZgt$434i34%4ta4|Zigij$ ¢iiGbFG;}ae4wip4GZgi5tokiteg4|t;g,4thn|%Zgi;beeitig4G4:ig3%gf%g;t5t;;33i343y4yf|%%g4:33;43i3Fi$Z4i;bwes:i;¢5Z4btn||gZi;tft:;$efft34ym,%|ZZ;igees:ithtof;Z4o°%¢¢ZZj;Lee}i:tadob4532ttg44ZZ}5frevecey:abent|iijZgZ4;343‘,:4;t35Z%ygg4g%;3;3t}284GSft35g3:gg4%|gZ:5gfitDietat4Ft33Z4YA4EG4Z:332:}4etef3;334ggg%|4Z;;;¢:tHE4;;Z244&aZ¢¢243:43;:34g40Were4&azg;$3¢?t;t:3$Z4gygZ$‘3:tai3Zge4GgZ;iii:a:;g4He4|gg:;;i:otFf3gGy4YGgZ;i3i;PeegbGiZq,443Zi53::Pet4gFt3tg4bea3gzg;}}ihepby3g4tha4%gZ$Z3gii: ¢;3Z4oggz3ét:£4Zi2g4f%%4%ygZ:3;;iPieeffBtZ4th4|ZZ3iboi;:Linend4t;Z4-}aé:a.$tZ2$45g8gZ333i5;33$¢3%4gut|ggZi}boo4iPREffiZ4%aag33;55‘i3443%4tm|ggg5}boot;iPw|tjGg%9ag+2‘‘;i43e%s2Zggg%4}i:jpg;:gg4‘5:bey.5Z22ZZt3£z$ig4g%3gaZZ3£:tt7tiZg5ggg3::t43z$gg28é%4$tti3Z$Zaazg¥44z‘qZz4S4g493%%g$éi}3zt4g44%Za3::t44Z5Z48%%4;:tii3:b%4ggZZz3:;;j4;Z443Zg335i4;g4ZZ48g%532¢i4g5Z,443%%z33gt443a33%ZZ;34¢443¢ZZ$8%%34‘3z3too34ggZZ3$4433tZ4%agzg33;4;g5omLA43Zz432i;¢:5ogWa4YGggg4;;3;geg3Z4$:$t5gvee,ZgggZ}$££¢ig;iZS433ZZceceetttehrerceneetnedprtsetdprensedproosedsifii$ez‘z.z332;tgZZi|i;todahtHiZzgg4%Zg$f;5$bbeceveredsGY.444gZi;i:fpSeiPZ4q$3gygfpo4:a4Zf3gjsesveceeshessecerceedZ;$$f44SebFt;gu33g5.3354i35gt4G448%Z$al3344:4;Z‘go448Z4$33;§j:ti$qBHga2gZ5wet43fit:;4B78Z4gZ¢33z‘:iégE4Bung44%%'renez2$y::444Bitg48zg%:a22£4t44Z4‘BuZSs6zg%:th5%2é¢4t¢sz4BEL44@%*nid93?$4:444‘SZ%4@zg%t14832$4343¢4gmZz%g%%toepele3z$4:44g4;4i4ZZ£5Et¢¢¢4;gaPE|i33g32zg%%2:3zg$3:33¢4%4aA%%5343;4335$5j%gag%Z53$;¢$i43$;;4Z38ZZ4333%3i$43;;g44ZZ$3t3Z3i3Z$i3%Q$gog2%:%z344:4g343tg443gZogeesg333¢4333354"g44%gheEE%:4$$£4;$454
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 1
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 1


`FIG. 1
`Select None
`Select All
`Delete Selected
`IMG 123 change
`1 File(s) Selected
`File Attributes:
`September 2, 2010 change
`Yellowstone, MT, USA change
`Christopher Desmond, Nancy Desmond
`Fly Fishing in Yellowstone
`Star Ranking:
`Sharing Rights: Add
`Document Type: Add
`File Name:
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 2


`FIG. 2
`Suzanne and Anthony’s Wedding Party where the cousins posed
`for a photo in the grass. Note, Jack with the lollipop and the
`photographerwith his shoe in the photo
`Historical Society
`Lisle, IL 60532
`Jack Wong
`CJ Wong
`Zoe Peika
`Nick Persons
`Event: Suzanne & Anthony’s Wedding Reception 2010
`Camera Details: more
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 3
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 3


`FIG. 3
`Thumbnail | Table
`Mary BaderandClint Firestone
`Wedding October 11, 1945
`Capt. Clint Firestone
`Christopher 1*
`Year 1972
`Father’s Day 1966
`GermanyTrip 1955
` College Break 1992
` Nancy James and
`LA Trip 1993
`EIU College
`Graduation 1994
`Cairo, Egypt 1996
`Christopher Desmond
`Wedding October17, 1998
`a .
`AmazonFishing Trip
`November 2009
`Cousins Party 2010
`Fishing in YellowstoneMontana September 2010
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 4
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 4


`Christopher Desmond and Nancy Desmond Wedding — October 17, 1998
`Captions On | Off
`FIG. 4
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 5
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 5


`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 6
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 6


`Joe Schmo SLERRRh
` Ben Sherman
`FIG. 6
`Thumbnail | Table
`Suzanne Lucky
`Steve Fwah
`Ben Sherman
`Joe Schmo
`Clint Dewitt
`Charlotte Killian
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 7
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 7


`FIG. 7
`Clinton Dewitt Firestone IV
`July 12, 1896
`April 29, 1971
`Parents: Clinton Dewitt Firestone Ill and Viola Miller
`Comments: He was a WWII USS. Air force pilot and POW in WWII and veteran
`honorably discharged in December of 1947. He worked for 44 years for the
`Firestone Tire and Rubber Companyin retail, wholesale and original equipment
`sales, marketing and management. He was bornin Akron, OH and is buried in
`Columbiana, OH.
`Edit bio
`Family Tree
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 8
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 8


`FIG. 8
`Descendants of Charlotte Killian Halter
`Tree | Table
`> N
`\¥ SEN S
`BQ penn
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 9
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 9



` Cousins Party 2010
`FIG. 9

`Fishing in Yellowstone
`Montana September 2010
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 10
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 10


` *
`Original Handwritten Recipe
`Chef: Barry Desmond
`Video on How to MakeIt
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 11
`Desmond’s Yellow Thai Chicken Curry
`Curry Mix
`* Coconut milk (400 ml) - DO NOT SHAKE IT UP
`800 gram ofchicken (4 chicken breast)
`Fish sauce (Nam Pla) Thai Bamboo Garden — Bottle
`* Garlic (2 cloves)
`Broccoli { 2cups chopped)
`2 Peppers (chopped)
` 2Carrots (chopped)
`1 Zucchini (chopped)
`Thai Basil (8 leaves)
`Lemon Grass(in jar) 1 teaspoon

`* Chinese Ginger Root(in jar) 1 teaspoon
`Thai Rice (something that only takes 2 cups of water)
`Dice chicken in bowl and add twotablespoons offish
`sauce. Let marinate for 20 minutes.
`Take thick part of coconut milk out into pan (about 4
`tablespoons), Curry paste, 1 spoon of lemongrass, 1
`spoonof ginger and garlic. Heat over high with boil and
`THEN stir for 1 minute. Add meat (uncooked) and fry
`until cooked over high heat
`¢ Add milk, brown sugar and salt. Bring back to slight boil
`and constantly stir. Add veggies and soy sauce. Cook for
`about 10-14 minutes COVERED until veggies are cooked.
`Serve witha smile.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 11


`FIG. 11
`Thumbnail | Table
`Hack Monk's Arrival|26-bec-2003|chicago|oo|4|4|
`MikeTesty'sfirst Birthday|13-Sep-1983|Minneapolismn]54|21|0
`Cubs Beat Cards 1998
`Jack Monk's Arrival|29-pec-2003|chicago|69|4|4
`Mike Testy's2nd Birthday|13-Sep-1983|Minneapolismn|5a|21|
`Cubs Beat Cards 1998
`Jack Monk's Arrival|29-Dec-2003|chicago_|69|4|4|
`Mike Testy's 3rd Birthda
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 12
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 12


`FIG. 12
`Thumbnail | Table
`Hack Monk's Arrival|26-bec-2003|chicago|oo|4|4|
`MikeTesty'sfirst Birthday|13-Sep-1983|Minneapolismn]54|21|0
`Cubs Beat Cards 1998
`Jack Monk's Arrival|29-pec-2003|chicago|69|4|4
`Mike Testy's2nd Birthday|13-Sep-1983|Minneapolismn|5a|21|
`Cubs Beat Cards 1998
`Jack Monk's Arrival|29-Dec-2003|chicago_|69|4|4|
`Mike Testy's 3rd Birthda
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 13
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 13


`Thumbnail | Table
`+ Alberts
`+ Annex
`+ Bade
`+ Bacon
`+ Bates
`+ Boone
`+ Danas
`+ Danes
`FIG. 13
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 14
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 14


`FIG. 14
`Thumbnail | Table
`| Monk,Jack|GreatGrandson|19|2|7|
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 15
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 15


`FIG. 15
`Thumbnail | Table
`pom|cotogne||Gerrmary|3|2|oo J
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 16
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 16


`FIG. 16
`Category | Card | Table
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 17
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 17


`FIG. 17
`Close (X)
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 18
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 18


`FIG. 18
`Advanced SearchFilter
`Chicago, IL USA
`Yellowstone, MT USA
`Cologne, Germany
`Mike Cubbie
`Mary Lamb
`Christopher Monk
`Nancy Monk
`Dwight Schrut
`Jack’s 1% Birthday
`Fly Fishing in Yellowstone
`Raking Leaves
`Christmas 2010
`Thanksgiving 2010
`July 4% Parade
`Star Ranking:
`Sharing Rights: Add
`Document Type: Add
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 19
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 19


`# Photos
`# Videos
`Count Archive Status
`61% complete # Documents
`80% complete
`Captain Phil’s Memory-Webb
`Welcome, Captain Phil
`Last Login:
`Myrecent Webb views:
`* Captain Phil 2010 (photo album)
`Chicken PotPie (recipe)
`* Captain Phil (Timeline)
`FIG. 19
`My recent memories:
`123 Photos uploaded on 11.07.10
`2albums created 11.17.10
`12 visitors since last login date
`123 Photos uploaded on 11.07.10
`2albums created 11.17.10
`St. Louis, MO
`Updates and Alerts:
`License renewal due 1.15.2011
`Mike Testy’s 1%t Birthda 13-Sept-1988|Minneapolis, MN
`Cubs Beat Cards Aug 1998
`Nancy Learnsto Ride Bike
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 20
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 20


`FIG. 20
`Third Party Media Provid
`wn ay
`Mapping Provider
`Individual /
`Group of
`MW Modified File
`exported from
`MemoryWebto Storage
`Original Digital
`file(s) upload to
`Third PartyFacial
`ee LOutsideMWSystem
`Inside MW System
`Third Party Facial
`Third Party Media
`System (Data
`Share to Social
`Third Party Geographical
`User Relationship
`Location Mapping
` System Reading
`System Interpreting an
`Adding Data to
`Relationship Table Phase
`System Indexing
`Share to Individual
`Digital Files and
`Tag Data Blocks
`for a Digital File
`within User
`Relationship Table
`Application Export System
`Dot-Tags System
`of Application
`Advanced Filters
`Keyword Fast
`Search System
`Application Digital
`Tag Organizer
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 21
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 21


`FIG. 21
`System Indexing Digital Files and
`Tag Data Blocksfora Digital File
`within UserRelationship Table
`User Relationship Table
`Storage of
`Original File
`System Interpreting and Adding Data to Relationship Table Phase
`Third Party Facial
`Recognition Provider
`Third Party Facial Recognition
`Read anditerate through
`each EXIF tag item
`Outside MW System
`Inside MW System
`Upload original
`file into MW
`Create duplicates
`of original file in
`differentfile sizes
`Save EXIF data to
`uplicate File
`User Relationship
`Table for Digital
`Duplicate File
`Duplicate File
`Parse EXIF
`Duplicate File
`Tag data
`Create new
`Look up MW
`Tag data
`tag data
`existing Tag
`Data Blocks
`Tag (Data Blocks)
`Person Tag (Data
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 22
`System Reading Phase
`we eee eee ee eee eeee 1
`Original Digital file begi
`begins to
`upload to MemoryWeb
`File not
`Outside MW System
`Inside MW System
`Locate EXIF
`Image File
`Digital File
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 22


`FIG. 22
`EXIF Tags version 2.3 ImageFile Directories Jf
`(Data Blocks)
`7 032i
`EXIF Family
`Tag Labels
`Group Name
`MemoryWeb Tag
`Description Title
`Ox9c9b or
`lox92386 MemoryWeb Tag (Data Blocks)
`MediaAsset.Location.Longitude 0360
`This is used to inject information that do not currently have
`EXIF standardized tags including Collection, People, Location
`Name,Recipe Name, Person Tag Data Blocks (0380), etc.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 23
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 23


`FIG. 23
`MemoryWeb Tag (Data Blocks)
`MediaAsset. UploadBatch.BatchName
`Windows Imaging Component (WIC) Metadata
`(Data Blocks)
`Tag Label
`File Name
`File Item Type
`File Date Modified
`File Size
`File (Offline availability, Offline status, Shared with,
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 24
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 24


`FIG. 24
`MemoryWebPerson Tag (Data Blocks)
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 25
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 25


`FIG. 25
`Third Party Facial Recognition Provider
`Outside MW System
`Inside MW System
`System request for
`thumbnails ofall
`Digital Files that have
`unconfirmed faces
`System sends
`Digital Files to
`Third Party
`System receives
`response from
`Third Party Facial
`System parses
`identified faces
`and corresponding
`Facial Recognition
`data for each
`Digital File
`System records and associates specific
`face for Digital File with a MemoryWeb
`Is Face Recognition
`Existing (Trained) Face ID
`Person ID and sends to MemoryWeb
`above score
`in User Relationship
`Person Tag (Data Blocks) in User
`Relationship Table
`Digital Files that
`have unconfirmed
`System generates facial
`recognition record for unknown
`person and then sends
`information to MemoryWeb
`Person Tag (Data Blocks) in User
`Relationship Table
`System generatesvirtual
`recognition record for person
`and then sendsinformation to
`MemoryWeb Person Tag
`(Data Blocks) in User
`Relationship Table
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 26
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 26


`FIG. 26
`Third Party Media Provider
`Outside MW System
`Inside MW System
`Systems sends
`Systems receives
`confirmation, Third
`Party Media ID
`System receives contact names
`and IDs from Third Party Media
`Provider (daily)
`User selects sharing of
`System sends
`System requests contact
`their information with
`namesand IDs from Third
`Third Party Media
`information to
`Party Media Provider
`Provider with
`User Setting
`Is Persona
`System associates
`existing Person to Tag
`Data Block of
`Relationship Table for
`Digital File
`System add new person to Tag
`Data Block of Relationship
`User Relationship
` Table for Digital File
`UserSettings |
`Share to Third Party Media
`Table 1000
`Provider System
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 27
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 27


`FIG. 27
`Contacts (with third Party Social Media)
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 28
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 28


`System associates
`new MemoryWeb tag
`User selects
`to Tag Data Block of
`System will
`System retrieves
`Relationship Table for
`User selects add
`oeaythe 4
`DigitalFile and
`File an
`Digital File Tag
`Tag data exists?
`Data Blocks
`System creates new
`User adds
`from User
`MemoryWeb tag to
`New Memoryweb
`Tag Data Block of
`the form of
`Relationship Table for
`Digital File
`Application Dot-
`System associates
`existing MemoryWeb
`Tag to Tag Data Block
`of Relationship Table
`for Digital File
`Userselects edit
`Application Dot-
`Application Dot-
`User selects
`Digital File in
`System sends
`request to
`Table for specific
`Digital File
`FIG. 28
`User selects
`Application Dot-
`of Application
`Dot-Tag System
`Tag data exists?
`MemoryWeb Tag
`User adds
`New MemoryWeb
`System creates new
`MemoryWeb tag to
`Tag Data Block of
`Relationship Table for
`Digital File
`System deletes
`association of
`MemoryWeb tag to
`Tag Data Block of
`Relationship Table for
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 29
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 29


`FIG. 29
`Petia User Defined Tag Label
`Within Character Limit for Lobels end Numbers
`Cologne Germany
`Exeweds Character Limit for Label and Muarahers
`Dotted Application Dot-Tag denotes partial relationship.
`this example, person is a half-sibling to another person.

`\ 0655
`Holiday Photosfrom ...
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 30
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 30


`FIG. 30
`If Person Application Dot-Tag, system retrieves data
`for that person from User’s User Relationship Table
`and displays relationship data in People Profile View
`If Collection Application Dot-Tag, system retrieves
`data from thatcollection from User's User
`Relationship Table and displays relationship data in
`Collection View
`Displays Image
`in Slideshow
`Is Image
`Application Dot-
`User selects
`Application Dot-
`Is Person
`Is Collection
`Is Location
`Is Date
`Is Recipe
`System sends
`request to
`If Location Application Dot-Tag, system retrieves data
`from that Location from User’s User Relationship Table
`and displays relationshipdata in individual Location
`If date Application Dot-Tag, system retrieves data
`from that date from User's User Relationship Table
`and displaysrelationship data in Uploads View
`If Recipe Application Dot-Tag, system retrieves data
`from that Recipe from User’s User Relationship
`Table and displays relationship data in Recipe View
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 31
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 31


`FIG. 31
`Gp sacisce sr (Coes!
`Jackson and JC’s First Day of School
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 32
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 32


`Multiple People Application View
`Uploads Collections
`idem Locations
`Family Tree
`Fast Search
`Apply Filters
`FIG. 32
`Sort By:|Newest to Oldest [yl] —— 1402
`Apply Fiter
`3 N
`Jackson Smith
`Jon Smith
`Single People Profile Application View
`Uploads Collections
`Family Tree
`< View all People1432
`1431—JC Jon Smith
`JC Tags:
`ChangeProfile Photo
`3 Collections
`2 Facial Recognitions
`/ 1443 / 1444
`7 Family Relationships
`Jane Smith (Doe) 1430
`1 Recipe items Per Page:
`1433—Nicknames: Chip
`1434—Born: (@_1/1/2004_]
`1435— Parents:
`1438——Biography: JC was named afterhis great, great grandfather from German who's real name was Johan Christoph.
`/ 1445
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 33
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 33


`Multiple Collection View
`ecm People
`Family Tree
`Apply Filters
`Sort By:|Newest to Oldest [yl] ——~ 1502
`FIG. 33
`{tems Per Page: Ea
`Smith Family
`First Day of
`Jackson and JC
`Photos 2013
`< View ail Collections — 4531
`Smith Family Photos —~ 4?
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 34
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 34


`Multiple Location Application View
`Uploads Collections
`Family Tree
`Fast Search
`Apply Filters
`Sort By:|Newest to Oldest [y]]} ——~ 1606
`FIG. 34
`{tems Per Page: Ea
`Elementary School
`Home Sweet
`{tems Per Page: Ea
`1604 /
`Uploads Collections
`Family Tree
`Fast Search
`Apply Filters
`< View all Locations — 1631
`Wrigley Field
`3651 N. Clark St. —— 1632
`ChicagoIllinois, United States
`1 Photos
`Sharethis lection:
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 35
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 35


`eeceem collections
`Family Tree
`Apply Filters
`1713 7 1714
`2 Setécted:
`Savecr An Select None
`Peggle —— 1716
`$B soe
`1734 7 :
`oo AE HE ay
`Current psage: 2.0a1703
`File Batch Name (A-Z)
`[wi a“1704
`Ser By:|
`File Folder: C:/2013/Family Fun a“
`FIG. 35 1700
`2 ADVE UlEsGG f Jeaarh wich led$F
`™~ 1732
`~ Ads Craace Colaot
`738-7 items Per Page: Ea
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 36
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 36


`FIG. 36
`Uploads Collections
`#iizarammramily Tree
`wrag 7 1802
`« Showall Recipes

`Lori Doe Pecan Puffs
`7 1801
`Share this Collection: A ii
`Ingredients “
`Lori Doe<+ add/ edit Chef
`() 1 Stick of butter
`(J 1 cup of flour
`L)% teaspoon ofvanilla
`LJ 1 cup of grand pecans
`LJ) 2 tablespoonsof sugar
`Directions ~~
`Recipe Photos
`lene peraus
`feugn &tues
`Rae oaarray vay
`PMin AL
`APE Secacirome!
`PBee” Pow AE aemterae
`remade ray iy conmmenoda ey yf
`Mix all. Roll gently into 1 inch balls. 300
`and immediately roll in sugar.
`Comments ~
`This is one of my favorite recipes around the holidays and was

`one of Grandma Lori’s best!
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 37
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 37


`FIG. 37
`User selects
`User desires
`to add
`request ContinuousLink
`If in Uploads view, system retrieves data for applied
`filter(s) from User's User Relationship Table and
`displays relationship data
`User types
`information into
`the text box
`System displays
`matches of
`Filter 0804
` 0814
`displays relationship data 0812
`System sends
`If in Collections view, system retrieves data for
`applied filter(s) from User’s User Relationship Table
`and displays relationship data
`User selects
`User selects
`System sends
`If in Locations view, system retrieves data for applied
`filter(s) from User's User Relationship Table and
`displays relationship data
`If in People view, system retrieves data for applied
`filter(s) from User’s User Relationship Table and
`of Application
`Dot-Tags System
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 38
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 38


`FIG. 38
`Apply Filters...
`apply Multiple Filters
`Avatlabia Fifters
`Current Active Fiiters
`Person: JC Smith
`Person: Jane Smith
`Location: Smithsonian
`Canned 0839
`Person: Jackson Smith
`Collection: Smithsonian Trip
`Ctear Firers
`Apply Multiple Filters
`Beach for Fitters we Aad:
`Available Filters
`Current Active Filters
`Person: JC Smith
`Person: JC Smith
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 39
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 39


`FIG. 39
`Application Dot-Tag in Uploads Application View—Application Dot-Tag in Collections Application View
`Family Tree
`Family Tree
`0854 Werte
`Chen Stews
`“JC Smith”
`“IC Smith”—Siwae forere
`SoABy: Newest to Guest
`MH -pow ton.
`Currentusages 1.9 we565
`Rothe Alptbeting! Az Jo Senar:
`Europe Trip
`Lo recegnxions
`RacoonandKC Photos2013
`Application Dot-Tag in People Application View J
`Uploads Collections Hit
`Family Tree
`“IC Smith”
`Titeae Bites
`P arags
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 40
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 40


`FIG. 40
`Family Tree
`Fast Search
`Apply Filters
`OH veteegene|Currantumage: 1.9 M8 0861 Setect AR Setect None
`items Per Page: Ea
`Sandy Mewestta Oitest
`Viewang Photes fon: 208RQTE daciors on Ovignss
`Uploaded: 12722013
`~ eeeom .Ocatis? } Seareach Map
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 41
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 41


`Uploads Collections
`Family Tree
`Apply Filters
`FIG. 41
`4 View Locationsas List ~~, 0871
`Click on map to zoom in
`“SC Smith”=ClearFilters
`aA” a> Me
`{ o
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 42
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 42


`FIG. 42
`Apply Multiple Filters
`Reach tor Fetters 1 Age:
`Available Filters
`Location: Abe Lincoln
`Elementary School
`Current Active Filters
`Person: JC Smith
`Location: Abe Lincoln
`Elementary School
`apply Multiple Filters
`Seornh fos Fiwers ta Ags:
`Avatlabia Fifters
`Location: Abe Lincoln
`Elementary School
`Current Active Filters
`Person: JC Smith
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 43
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 43


`Uploads Collections
`< View Locationsas List
`“IC Smith” “Abe Lincoln Elementary School” ClearFilters
`aA” a> Me
`i e
`FIG. 43
`Family Tree
`Fast Search
`Apply Filters
`Click on map to zoom in
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 44
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 44


`FIG. 44
`If user selects Person fast search tag, system retrieves
`data Person Profile from User’s User Relationship Table
`and displays relationship data in Person Profile View
`If user selects Collection fast search tag, system retrieves
`data Person Profile from User’s User Relationship Table
`anddisplaysrelationship data in Collections View
`If user selects Location fast search tag, system retrieves
`data Person Profile from User's User Relationship Table
`and displays relationship data in Locations View
`If user selects Date fast search tag, system retrieves data
`PersonProfile from User’s User Relationship Table and
`displays relationship data in Uploads View
`of Application
`Dot-Tags System
`Search bar
`User types
`information to
`System splays
`matches by
`User selects
`System sends
`System searches
`all potential
` User
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 45
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 45


`FIG. 45
`Person: Jon Wrigley Doe
`Collection: Familytrip to
`Wrigley August 2013
`Location: Wrigley Field
`Recipe: Wrigley Field
`Comments: Jon and Jane’s
`first game at Wrigley
`= View a Locations
`Wrighey Field
`3651 N. ClarkSt.
`ChicagoMinoia, United States
`Shave the ientoe:
`($B 1
`first game at Wrigley Nems Per Page:
`Person: Jon Wrigley Doe
`Album: Family trip to
`Wrigley August 2013
`Location: Wrigley Fre!“
`Recipe: Wrigley Fiete
`Comments: Jon and Jane’s
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 46
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 46


`FIG. 46
`Share to Third
`Party Media
`Application Export
`Save Original Digital
`File with new tags
`within EXIF Image File
`Directories as MW
`Modified File
`Provider Outside MW System
`Inside MW System
`User selects share of
`Digital File or
`collection of Digital
`System requests
`Digital File and Tag
`Data Blocks
`System retrieves
`Digital File from
`Relationship Table
`System retrieves
`Inject tags into EXIF
`Digital Tags for Digital
`Tag Data Blocks
`File from
`Relationship Table
` 0300
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 47
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 47


`Outside MW System
`Inside MW System
`System sends
`request to
`Application Dot-
`System requests mapping
`for specific location to
`Third Party Mapping
`Application Dot:
`Systems combines map
`from Third Party
`Mapping System with
`Application Dot-Tagsfor
`specific location in
`System retrieves data
`System sends Application
`Location View
`from that Location from
`Dot-Tagsfor that specific
`Application View
`User's User Relationship
`FIG. 47
`Third Party Geographical Mapping Provider
`System receives mapping
`for specific location from
`Third Party Mapping
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 48
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1016, p. 48


`FIG. 48
`Inside MW System
`Userselects share of
`Digital File or
`collection of Digital
`System requests
`Digital File and Tag
`Data Blocks
`System retrieves
`Digital File from
`Relationship Table
`Individual / Group
`of Peo

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