Filed: September 29, 2023
`Patent Owner.
`Case No. IPR2022-00031
`U.S. Patent No. 10,621,228


`Petitioner’s Unopposed Motion to Seal
`Table of Contents
`Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
`II. Governing Rules and PTAB Guidance ........................................................ 2
`III. There Is Good Cause to Grant Petitioner’s Motion to Seal Confidential
`Information from a Third Party .................................................................. 3
`Petitioner’s Opposition to Patent Owner’s Motion to Terminate
`Should Be Sealed................................................................................... 5
`Ex. 1095 Should be Sealed .................................................................... 6
`Ex. 1096 Should be Sealed .................................................................... 6
`Ex. 1097 Should be Sealed .................................................................... 7
`Ex. 1098 Should be Sealed .................................................................... 7
`Ex. 1099 Should be Sealed .................................................................... 7
`Ex. 1100 Should be Sealed .................................................................... 8
`Ex. 1117 Should be Sealed .................................................................... 8
`Ex. 1118 Should be Sealed .................................................................... 9
`IV. Non-Confidential Version ............................................................................. 9
`V. Request for Conference Call with the Board ............................................ 10
`VI. Conclusion .................................................................................................... 10


`Petitioner’s Unopposed Motion to Seal
`Petitioner Apple Inc. (“Apple”) respectfully submits this unopposed Motion
`to Seal Petitioner’s Opposition to Patent Owner’s Motion to Terminate as well as
`Exhibits 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1117, and 1118. Petitioner submits
`this Motion to Seal (“Motion”) to safeguard the confidential information of the
`relevant parties to this proceeding, pursuant to the Protective Order.1 See Paper 52.
`Petitioner proposes to seal documents in two categories: First, Petitioner
`proposes to seal its Opposition to Patent Owner’s Motion to Terminate. Petitioner
`will provide a redacted version of its Opposition to Patent Owner’s Motion to
`Terminate once Petitioner has had the opportunity to consult with the relevant
`parties to determine the required redactions. Second, Petitioner proposes to seal
`exhibits that contain confidential information and have been designated as
`confidential pursuant to the Protective Order (Paper 52). These include Exhibits
`1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1117, and 1118.
`1 The relevant parties include Apple Inc. (“Petitioner” or “Apple”), MemoryWeb,
`LLC (“Patent Owner” or “MemoryWeb”), Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
`(“Samsung”), and Unified Patents, LLC (“Unified”).


`Petitioner’s Unopposed Motion to Seal
`Petitioner’s Opposition to Patent Owner’s Motion to Terminate and the
`aforementioned exhibits comprise confidential information, as described below.
`Further, Petitioner certifies that is has conferred with Patent Owner who does not
`oppose this Motion to Seal.
`II. Governing Rules and PTAB Guidance
`Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 316(a)(1) and 37 C.F.R. § 42.14, a party may file a
`document with the intent that it remain under seal by filing a concurrent motion to
`seal, and if accompanied with a motion to seal, the document shall be provisionally
`sealed pending the outcome of the motion. See also 35 U.S.C. § 316(a)(7) (“The
`Director shall prescribe regulations . . . providing for protective orders governing
`the exchange and submission of confidential information”). The Trial Practice
`Guide provides that “[t]he rules identify confidential information in a manner
`consistent with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c)(1)(G), which provides for
`protective orders for trade secret or other confidential research, development, or
`commercial information. 37 C.F.R. § 42.54.” Trial Practice Guide at 19.
`Under 37 C.F.R. 42.54, the Board may grant a motion to seal “for good
`cause.” The moving party has the burden of proof under 37 C.F.R. § 42.20(c).


`Petitioner’s Unopposed Motion to Seal
`III. There Is Good Cause to Grant Petitioner’s Motion to Seal Confidential
`Information from a Third Party
`There is good cause for the Board to grant this Motion to Seal. Good cause
`exists if the movant “(1) the information sought to be sealed is truly confidential,
`(2) a concrete harm would result upon public disclosure, (3) there exists a genuine
`need to rely in the trial on the specific information sought to be sealed, and (4), on
`balance, an interest in maintaining confidentiality outweighs the strong public
`interest in having an open record.” See Argentum Pharm. LLC v. Alcon Research,
`Ltd., No. IPR2017-01053, Paper 27 at 4 (PTAB Jan. 19, 2018) (citing 37 C.F.R. §
`The four requirements for good cause are met here. First, Petitioner’s
`Opposition to Patent Owner’s Motion to Terminate and Exhibits 1095, 1096, 1097,
`1098, 1099, 1100, 1117, and 1118 contain either “non-public, highly confidential
`proprietary business information []about Unified’s members and information
`regarding Unified’s business operations—that [Unified] maintains as confidential
`trade secrets,” or correspondingly non-public, highly confidential proprietary
`business information about Apple. See Unified Patents, LLC v. MemoryWeb Inc.,
`No. IPR2021-01413, Paper 24 at 2-3; see also id., Paper 26 at 3 (PTAB June 14,
`2022) (granting Unified’s Motion to Seal). Unified has also represented that these
`documents contain “confidential, sensitive commercial information, including


`Petitioner’s Unopposed Motion to Seal
`closely held information related to Unified’s core business” and that “Unified
`guards such information closely to protect its members as well as its own business
`from copying by others.” Id. at 3. Further, Unified has represented that this
`information has not been made publicly available and that Unified has no intention
`to make this information publicly available. Id. Petitioner will provide a redacted
`version of its Opposition to Patent Owner’s Motion to Terminate. Due to the
`confidential nature of Exhibits 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1117, and
`1118, Petitioner cannot meaningfully provide redacted versions of these documents
`and therefore respectfully requests that these exhibits remain under seal in their
`Second, if the information in these exhibits were publicly disclosed, Unified
`has represented that its business model would suffer a concrete harm because
`public disclosure would expose Unified’s business model to copying by other
`businesses. See Unified, No. IPR2021-01413, Paper 24 at 3. Further, if these
`documents were publicly disclosed, Unified has represented that public disclosure
`would adversely affect its members. Id. Unified further explained that it seeks to
`preserve its contractual obligations to maintain the confidential information of its
`members, including Apple, which is contained within these exhibits. Id.


`Petitioner’s Unopposed Motion to Seal
`Third, the documents proposed to be sealed and the information within them
`are genuinely necessary for Petitioner to rely on in this proceeding as one of the
`disputes in this proceeding is whether Petitioner is a real party in interest (“RPI”).
`Thus, Petitioner has to rely on this confidential information to prove that Petitioner
`is not an RPI of Unified.
`Fourth, the interest in maintaining confidentiality outweighs the public
`interest in having an entirely open record. Unified, for instance, represents that
`sealing documents with its confidential business information will not harm the
`public. See Unified, No. IPR2021-01413, Paper 24 at 3-4.
`Therefore, the unredacted version of Petitioner’s Opposition to Patent
`Owner’s Motion to Terminate (redacted version forthcoming) as well as Exhibits
`1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1117, and 1118 in their entirety should be
`sealed. Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board grants this Motion.
`Petitioner’s Opposition to Patent Owner’s Motion to Terminate
`Should Be Sealed
`In its Opposition to Patent Owner’s Motion to Terminate, Petitioner replies
`to Patent Owner’s assertions related to the RPI issue in this proceeding. In order to
`show that Petitioner is not an RPI of Unified, Petitioner must include in its
`Opposition confidential information that has not been published or otherwise made
`publicly available. Petitioner will provide a redacted version of Petitioner’s


`Petitioner’s Unopposed Motion to Seal
`Opposition to Patent Owner’s Motion to Terminate once Petitioner has had the
`opportunity to consult with the relevant parties to determine the required
`Ex. 1095 Should be Sealed
`Exhibit 1095 is Exhibit B of the Membership Agreement between Unified
`and Apple. This exhibit has been marked as “CONFIDENTIAL” under the
`Protective Order in this case. This exhibit includes confidential business
`information which Unified represents has not been published or otherwise made
`publicly available. Due to the confidential nature of Exhibit 1095, Petitioner
`cannot meaningfully provide a redacted version of this exhibit. Therefore,
`Petitioner requests that Exhibit 1095 is sealed in its entirety.
`C. Ex. 1096 Should be Sealed
`Exhibit 1096 is Exhibit C of the Membership Agreement between Unified
`and Apple. This exhibit has been marked as “CONFIDENTIAL” under the
`Protective Order in this case. This exhibit includes confidential business
`information which Unified represents has not been published or otherwise made
`publicly available. Due to the confidential nature of Exhibit 1096, Petitioner
`cannot meaningfully provide a redacted version of this exhibit. Therefore,
`Petitioner requests that Exhibit 1096 is sealed in its entirety.


`Petitioner’s Unopposed Motion to Seal
`D. Ex. 1097 Should be Sealed
`Exhibit 1097 is the Initial Service Agreement between Unified and Apple.
`This exhibit has been marked as “CONFIDENTIAL” under the Protective Order in
`this case. This exhibit includes confidential business information which Unified
`represents has not been published or otherwise made publicly available. Due to the
`confidential nature of Exhibit 1097, Petitioner cannot meaningfully provide a
`redacted version of this exhibit. Therefore, Petitioner requests that Exhibit 1097 is
`sealed in its entirety.
`Ex. 1098 Should be Sealed
`Exhibit 1098 is the 2018 Letter Agreement between Unified and Apple.
`This exhibit has been marked as “CONFIDENTIAL” under the Protective Order in
`this case. This exhibit includes confidential business information which Unified
`represents has not been published or otherwise made publicly available. Due to the
`confidential nature of Exhibit 1098, Petitioner cannot meaningfully provide a
`redacted version of this exhibit. Therefore, Petitioner requests that Exhibit 1098 is
`sealed in its entirety.
`Ex. 1099 Should be Sealed
`Exhibit 1099 is the 2022 Letter Agreement between Unified and Apple.
`This exhibit has been marked as “CONFIDENTIAL” under the Protective Order in


`Petitioner’s Unopposed Motion to Seal
`this case. This exhibit includes confidential business information which Unified
`represents has not been published or otherwise made publicly available. Due to the
`confidential nature of Exhibit 1099, Petitioner cannot meaningfully provide a
`redacted version of this exhibit. Therefore, Petitioner requests that Exhibit 1099 is
`sealed in its entirety.
`G. Ex. 1100 Should be Sealed
`Exhibit 1100 is the 2023 Letter Agreement between Unified and Apple.
`This exhibit has been marked as “CONFIDENTIAL” under the Protective Order in
`this case. This exhibit includes confidential business information which Unified
`represents has not been published or otherwise made publicly available. Due to the
`confidential nature of Exhibit 1100, Petitioner cannot meaningfully provide a
`redacted version of this exhibit. Therefore, Petitioner requests that Exhibit 1100 is
`sealed in its entirety.
`H. Ex. 1117 Should be Sealed
`Exhibit 1117 is Petitioner’s Opposition to Patent Owner’s Motion to
`Terminate, filed in Apple Inc. v. Uniloc 2017 LLC, No. IPR2019-10667, Paper 39
`(filed Feb. 23, 2021), which was filed under seal in those proceedings. Due to the
`confidential nature of Exhibit 1117, Petitioner cannot meaningfully provide a


`Petitioner’s Unopposed Motion to Seal
`redacted version of this exhibit. Therefore, Petitioner requests that Exhibit 1117 is
`sealed in its entirety.
`Ex. 1118 Should be Sealed
`Exhibit 1118 is the Declaration of Jeff Lasker who is the Principal Counsel
`and Senior Manager of Special Deals & Analytics in the Intellectual Property
`group at Apple’s legal department. This exhibit has been marked as “HIGHLY
`CONFIDENTIAL” under the Protective Order in this case. This declaration
`includes confidential business information regarding Apple’s business, the
`operation of Apple’s legal department, and Apple’s agreements with Unified that
`has not been published or otherwise made publicly available. Due to the
`confidential nature of Exhibit 1118, Petitioner cannot meaningfully provide a
`redacted version of this exhibit. Therefore, Petitioner requests that Exhibit 1118 is
`sealed in its entirety.
`IV. Non-Confidential Version
`As required by the Board’s Trial Practice Guide, the Default Protective
`Order, and the agreed-upon Protective Order, a non-confidential redacted version
`of Petitioner’s Opposition to Patent Owner’s Motion to Terminate is forthcoming.
`Petitioner will submit the redacted version of this documents after the relevant


`Petitioner’s Unopposed Motion to Seal
`parties have had an opportunity to review it. The redactions will be limited in
`nature and scope to the confidential information.
`V. Request for Conference Call with the Board
`If the Board is not inclined to grant Petitioner’s unopposed Motion to Seal,
`Petitioner and the relevant parties respectfully request a conference call with the
`Board to address any concerns that the Board may have prior to a decision on the
`Motion being issued.
`VI. Conclusion
`For the foregoing reasons, Petitioner respectfully requests that the Board
`grant this unopposed Motion to Seal Petitioner’s Opposition to Patent Owner’s
`Motion to Terminate as well as Exhibits 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100,
`1117, and 1118.
`Dated: September 29, 2023
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/Jeffrey P. Kushan/
`Jeffrey P. Kushan
`Reg. No. 43,401
`1501 K Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005
`(202) 736-8914
`Attorney for Petitioners


`Petitioner’s Unopposed Motion to Seal
`I hereby certify that this Motion complies with the type-volume limitations
`of 37 C.F.R. § 42.24, because it contains 10 pages, excluding the parts of the
`Motion exempted by 37 C.F.R. § 42.24.
`Dated: September 29, 2023
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/Jeffrey P. Kushan/
`Jeffrey P. Kushan
`Reg. No. 43,401
`1501 K Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005
`(202) 736-8914
`Attorney for Petitioners


`Petitioner’s Unopposed Motion to Seal
`I hereby certify that on this 29th day of September, 2023, a copy of this
`Motion to Seal has been served by electronic mail on the following addresses for
`patent owner(s):
`Jennifer Hayes,
`George Dandalides,
`Matthew A. Werber,
`Daniel Schwartz,
`Angelo Christopher,
`Dated: September 29, 2023
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/Jeffrey P. Kushan/
`Jeffrey P. Kushan
`Reg. No. 43,401
`1501 K Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005
`(202) 736-8914
`Attorney for Petitioners

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