`‘ 21
`DELL 1019
`New York Chicago
`San Frandites
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`cover: Representation of a fullerene molecule with a noble
`inside, Atthe Permian-Triassic sedimentaryboundarythe noble gases helium and argon
`‘ave been found trappedinsidefullerenes, They exhibit isot
`those foundin meterorites, suggesting that a fireball meteorite or asteroid exploded
`whenit hit the Earth, causing major changesin the envi
`Dr. Luann Becker.
`Reproduced with
`gas atom trapped
`Operatios quite similar to
`(Image copyright ©
`Overthesix editionsof the Dictionary, material has been drawn from the followingreferences: G. M. Garrity
`et al., Taxonomic Outline ofthe Procaryotes,Release 2,
`Springer-Verlag, January 2002: D, W. Linzey, Vertebrate
`Biology, McGraw-Hill, 2001; JA, Pechenik, Biology of the Invertebrates, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2000; US.
`Air Force Glossary ofStandardized Terms, AF Manual11-1, vol. 1, 1972; F. Casey, ed., Compilation of Terms
`in Information Sciences Technology, Federal Council for Science and Technology, 1970; Communications-
`Electronics Terminology, AF Manual 11-1, vol. 3, 1970; P. W. Thrush, comp. and ed., A Dictionary ofMining,
`Mineral, and Related Terms, Bureau of Mines, 1968; A DOD Glossary of Mapping, Charting and Geodetic
`Terms, Department of Defense, 1967; J. M. Gilliland, Solar-Terrestrial Physics: A Glossary of Terms and
`Abbreviations, Royal Aircraft Establishment Technical Report 67158, 1967; W. H. Allen, ed., Dictionary
`Technical Terms for Aerospace Use, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965; Glossary of Stinfo
`Terminology, Office/of Aerospace Research, U.S. Air
`and Imperative
`Bureau of Naval Personnel, 1962; R. E. Huschke, Glossary of Meteorology, American
`Force,-1963; Naval'Dictionary ofElectronic, Technical,
`Meteorological Society, 1959; ADP Glossary, Departmentofthe Navy, NAVSO P-3097; Glossary ofAir Traffic
`Control Terms, Federal Aviation Agency; A Glossary ofRange Terminology, White Sands Missile Range, New
`Mexico, National Bureau of Standards, AD 467-424; Nuclear Terms: A
`2d ed., Atomic“Energy
`Sixth Edition
`Copyright © 2003, 1994, 1989, 1984, 1978/11976, 1974 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All right:
`reserved. Printed in the United States ofAmerica. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act
`of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced ordistributed in any form or by any means,or
`in a databaseorretrieval system, without the prior written permission of
`the publisher.
`ISBN 0-07-042313-X
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`ofscientific and technical terms--6th ed.
`McGraw-Hill dictionary
`ISBN 0-07-042313-X(alk. Paper)
`1. Science--Dictionaries.
`I. Title: Dictionary ofscientific
`2. Technology--Dictionaries.
`and technical terms,


`guarded command
`‘One of a family of monomeric GTP-
`[crLL Mot]
`{ 'jé,télpas }
`binding proteins.
`Oneofa large family
`GTP-binding protein
`heterotrimeric or monomeric proteinsthatbind GTP
`5'-triphosphate} as intermediaries in intracellular
`pathways. Also known as G protein.
`{ yé,t@ipé 'bin-din
`:pro,tén }
`[croL] A North American provincial series
`in the Lower and Upper Permian, above the Leonardian and
`below the Ochoan,
`|gwdd-olli-pé-on }
`[MATER] A resin obtairied from the trees Guaiacum
`sanium and G,officinale; soluble in alcohol, ether, and chloro-
`form; used in medicine and varnish.
`'gwi,ak }
`colorless, crys-
`talline compound,soluble in water; used as a reagentto deter-
`mine the presence of such substancesaslignin, narceine, and
`nitrous acid.
`{ 'gwi-a,kol }
`[PHARM] CysHjg A blue oil with a boiling
`point of 165-170°C; used as an anti-inflammatory drug.
`{ ,gwi'az:a len }
`[MINERAL] Bi,Se; Bluish-gray mineral com-
`posed of bismuth selenide, occurring in crystals or masses.
`{ ,gwan-o'hwi,tit }
`\ a
`[BiocHeEmM] CH;N, Aminomethanamidine,
`product of protein metabolism found in urine.
`9,dén }
`guanidine-acetic acid See glycocyamine.
`( 'gwin-o,dén
`ajséd-ik ‘asad }
`[BIOCHEM] CsH;ON; A purine base;
`naturally as
`fundamental component of nucleic acids.
`'gwin,én J
`and nitrogen-rich, partially
`guano [MATER] Phosphate-
`decomposed excrement of seabirds; used as a fertilizer.
`( 'gwan-6 }
`guanophoreSee iridocyte.
`{ 'gwin-a,for }
`Cj,H);0;N; Guanine riboside, a
`nucleoside composed of guanine and ribose. Also known as
`{.'gwan-9,sén }
`A nucleoside tri-
`guanosine 5’-triphosphate
`, that
`is instrumental
`in many cellular processes,
`including microtubule assembly, protein synthesis, and cell
`signaling, due to the energy it releases upon removal of. its
`terminal phosphate group (producing guanosine 5'-diphos-
`phate).' Abbreviated
`{ lgwan-9,sén
`[BIOCHEM] A nucleotide which
`participates in the regulation of gene transcription in bacteria
`by turning off the synthesis of ribosomal ribonucleic acid.
`{ 'gwin-a,sén te-tra'fisfat }
`guanylic acid
`[BIOCHEM] A nucleotide composed of gua-
`nine, a pentose sugar, and phosphoric acid and formed during
`the hydrolysis of nucleic acid. Abbreviated GMP. Also
`known as guanosine monophosphate; guanosine phosphorics
`( gwo'nil-ik ‘as-ad }
`Cyanopsis tetragonaloba. A leguminous crop
`adapted to semiarid regions of the southwestern United States
`and Mexico. Also known ascluster bean.
`[ gwar }
`shield or other fixture designed to protect
`[MIN ENG] A support in front ofa roll train
`against injury.
`to guide the bar into the groove.
`{ giird }
`[orp] Ammunition
`designedfor use by guards,usually containing a reduced propel-
`ling charge.
`{ ‘gard ,am-yoinish-on }
`guard arm [ELEC]
`1. Crossarm placed across and in line
`with a cable to prevent damage to the cable.
`2. Crossarm
`located oyer wires to prevent foreign wires from falling ‘into
`'giird arm }
`guard band [ELEcTR] A narrow
`frequency band provided
`between adjacent channels in certain portionsofthe radio spec-
`trumto preventinterference betweenstations.
`'giird ,band }
`[sor] Either of twospecialized cells surrounding
`each stoma in the epidermis of plants; functions in’ regulating
`stoma size.
`{ ‘gard ,sel }
`guard circle
`[DEs ENG] The closed loop at the end of a
`grooved record.
`{ 'giird sar-kol }
`guarded command
`[comput sci] A program statement
`within a group of such statements that determines whetherthe
`other statements will be executed by the computer.
`od ko'mand }
` Grass cricket (Nemobiusfasciatus).
`Structural formula of guanine.
`_ G
`riineisen constant
`Griinelsen constant
`[soLiD staTE]’ Three times the bulk
`modulusof a solid timesits linearexpansion coefficient, divided
`byits specific heat per unit volume;it is reasonably constant
`for most cubic crystals. Also known as Griineisen gamma.
`{ 'gri-niz-an ,Ktin-stant }
`Grineisen gamma See Griineisen constant.
`gama }
`Grineisen relation
`Therelation stating that
`[soLip state]
`the electrical resistivity of a very pure metal is proportional to
`a mathematical function which depends on the ratio'of the
`temperature to a characteristic temperature.
`mila-shan }
`(Mg,Fe)7SigQz,(OH), Variety ofam-
`phibole; forms monoclinic crystals.
`'griln-o,rit }ve
`grus See gruss.
`{ griis }
`[ASTRON] A constellation, right ascension 22 hours,
`declination 45°S. Also known as Crane.
` { griis }
`loose accumulation of fragmental products
`formed from the weathering of granite. Also spelled grus.

`{ grils }
`GRWP theory [QUANT MECH] A theory that attempts to
`resolve the quantum measurement paradox by postulating the
`existence of new laws whosecorrections to quantum mechanics
`becomesignificant over time periods of t/N, where fy is a
`characteristic time of the order of the age of the universe and
`Nis the numberofparticles in the system in question. Derived
`from Ghirardi-Rimini-Weber-Pearle
`{ ljelarldab-’
`alyii'pe ,thé-o-ré }
`gr wt See gross weight.
`gryke See grike.
`{ grik }
`[Iv zoo] The truecrickets, a family of orthop-
`teran insects in which individuals are dark-colored and chunky
`and long,
`with long
`{ ‘gril-o,de }
`[INvz00] A monogeneric family ofcrickets
`in the order Orthoptera; members are small, slender, wingless
`insects with hindlegs not adapted for
`O'blad-a,dé }
`[Inv zoo] A family of North American
`insects in the order Orthoptera whichlive in sand or mud; they
`eat the roots of seedlings growing in moist, light soils.
`S'tal-po,dé }
`Gs See stimulatory G protein.
`GSC See gas-solid chromatography.
`Gscan See G scope.
`'jé ,skan }
`[ELECTR] A cathode-ray scope on which a
`signal appears as a spot on which wings grow asthe distance
`to the target is decreased, with bearing erroras the horizontal
`coordinate and elevation angleerrorasthe vertical coordinate.
`indicator; G scan.
`Also knownas
`'jé skp }
`GSE See ground support equipment.
`g service
`[commuN] A Federal Aviation Administration
`service pertaining to aural and visual monitoringof radio aids
`to air navigation andofthe landlines and radio communications
`systems, to detect faulty operation.
`{ {j@ ,sar-vas }
`GSM [commun]
`digital cellular telephone technologythat
`is based on time-division multiple access; it operateson the
`900-megahertz and 1.8-gigahertz bands in Europe, whereit is
`the predominantcellular system,and onthe 1.9-gigahertz band
`in the United States. Derived from global system for mobile
`topological space X together with a
`logical group G and a continuous function on the
`product of X and G to X suchthatif the valuesofthis function
`at (x,g) are denoted by xg, then x(g1g2)
`(xg1)g2 and we=x
`where ¢ is the identity in G and g1,g2 are elements in G.
`{ 'j€
`,spas J
`GST See Greenwich sidereal time.
`G star
`[asTRoN] A star of spectral type G; many metallic
`lines are seen in the spectra, with hydrogen and potassium
`stars are yellowstars, with surface
`of 4200-5500 K for giants, 5000-6000 K
`Star }
`G string Seefield waveguide.
`{ ‘jé ,strin )
`[Enc] A suit that exerts pressure on the
`lower parts of the body to prevent orretard the collection of
`blood below the chest under positive acceleration. Also
`own as anti-g suit.
`{ \jé ,sit }
`[cELL MOL] See guanosine 5’-triphosphate,


`guard-electrode system
`| Systemof extraelec-,
`Quard-electrode system
`trodes used duringelectrical logging of
`to confine the surveying current from
`to a generally, horizontal path.
`sisttam }
`[eLec] A method of eliminating surface-leakage
`‘gard ijlek,trod
`effects from measurements of electrical
`resistance which
`employs a low-resistance conductorin the vicinity of one of
`the terminals ora portion ofthe measuring circuit.
`{ ‘gard;in,};
`‘Sec entrance lack.,
`[ENG] An aux-
`guardlock [cIVENG]
`iliary lock that must be opened hefore the key can be turned
`in a main lock.
`{ ‘gird lak },
`[MINENG] A magnet employed in a crushing
`guard magnet
`system to removeorarrest tramp iron ahead of the machinery.
`{ ‘gird ymag-nat}
`1. Ahandrail.
`2. A rail made of posts
`and a metal strip used on a road as a divider between lines of
`traffic in opposite directions or used as a safety. barrier, on
`3, Arrail fixed close to the outside of the innerrail:
`on railway curves to hold the inner wheels ofa railway car on
`the rail. Also known as checkrail; safety rail;- slide. rail.
`{'gird.ral Jou)
`|[ELEC] Used inthe linefinder circuit to'make
`guard relay.
`surethatonly onelinefinder can be connectedto anylinecircuit
`when two or, more line relays are: operated simultaneously,
`'gard 'ré,12.}
`[ELec] A ring-shaped auxiliary electrode sur-
`guard ring
`roundingoneoftheplatesofa parallel-plate capacitor toreduce
`edge effects.
`[ELECTR] A ring-shaped auxiliary electrode
`used in an electron tube or other device to modify. the electric:
`field or reduce insulator leakage; in a counter tubeorionization
`chamber a guard ring may also serve to define the sensitive
`[THERMO] A device usedin heat flow experiments”
`to ensure an even distribution of heat, consisting of a ring that
`surrounds the specimen and is made of a similar material.
`{ ‘gard rin }
`guard screen See oversize control screen.
`'gard’,skrén'} /4:
`Internal ‘floating “shield that’ sur-
`guard’ shield [ELECTR]
`rounds the entire input section ofan amplifier; effective
`shielding is achieved only when the absolute potential of the
`guard is) stabilized with ‘respect'to” the incoming signal.itt
`iwheenyen Coronty
`'gtird shéld:})
`[comput sci]: A signal used in digital-to-ana-
`guard signal
`log converters, analog-to-digital‘converters, or other converters
`which'permits' values to be read or converted only-when the
`values are not changing, usually to avoid ambiguity ‘error.

`Losin GETS gesin
`{ \gard sig-nal'}
`[ELEC] A grounded conductorpla¢éd beneath an
`overhead transmissionline inorder to groundthe line, in case
`it breaks, before reaching the ground.
`{ ‘gard ,wir }!
`[MaTER] “A mucilage' formed from seeds ofthe’
`guar gum’
`guarplant; light-gray powder. dispersible in’ water; used a$ a
`thickening agentin paper, foods, pharmaceuticals, and cosmet-
`{ ’gwiir gam }
`Guarnieri body [paTH]
`Eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion
`bodiesfound in the epidermalcells of patients with smallpox
`{ gwir'nyer“é \bad-é }
`[Bot] Psidiwm'guajava. A shrub otlowtreeof tropi-
`calAmerica belonging to the family’ Myrtaceae; produces an’
`edible, aromatic, sweet,juicy berry.
`{ 'gwiv-o}
`Partheniumargentatum. A subshrub of the
`family Compositae that is native to Mexico andthe southwest-
`ern United States; it has been cultivated as a source of
`In New
`Guinea,a rain squall on the sea.
`(igi-ba )
`[Anat] A guiding structure, as the fibrous
`cord extending from the fetal testes to the scrotal swellings,
`1. A posterior flagellum ofcertain protozoans,
`[inv 200]
`A sclerotizedstructure associated with the copulatory spicules:
`of certain nematodes.
`{ sgii-bar'nak-ya-lam }
`| The momentary illumination
`to a, phosphorpre-
`produced whenanelectric field is
`viously excited by ultraviolet radiation.
`{ ‘gud-an'pdl i,fekt }
`function y of the variable x sat-
`Gudermannian [MatH]
`isfying tan y = sinh x or
`sin y
`tanh x; written gd.
`arminé-on} i).
`Woe hale gueiy,
`2. A,pin for fastening stone
`gudgeon [ENG]
`[NAV ARCH] Metalfittings on the sternpost of a boat
` Psidium guajava, showing
`a branch
`with leaves and twoberries and a
`berry cutin half.
`or on
`».* guided missile
`on which,
`rudder is
`dderpost of a ship
`{ gaj-an i”
`ee forms the pivot point.
`ihe ote [MINERAL] FeSbS A silver-white to steel.
`ofa sulfide
`gray orthorhombic
`ide of
`A condensation ofalcohols
`the action of sodium alkoxides,
`{ ,ger'ba ré,akshon }
`Operations carried on by indepen.
`lla warfare ,
`j-independentforcesin therear of the enemy; thesesemi-in
`e conducted by irregular forces acting
`dent or
`or in conjunction with, regular forces
`perio ae,
`times be conducted entirely with regular troops,x
`ae aeat
`in conjunction
`cussernerpvaatcA Tne
`of which boat crewsreevetheir
`Jacob’sladder on the
`anionic, or neutral organic,
`means of various
`aaaa ee
`ganic, or biological substance, bound
`interactions (electrostatic, hydrogen bonding, van der Waals,
`donor-acceptor) within a crystalline or molecular structure,
`‘Also known as guest molecule; guest substance.
`gest }
`[comPur sci] A computer that
`guest computer,
`under the control of another computer (the host).
`See trace element,
`{ ‘gest jel-a-mont
`guest molecule See guest.
`{ ‘gest ,mil;o,kyill }
`guest substance See guest.
`{ ‘gest sob-stons Jen
`[Brot] A unit for the standardization of plasmin.
`Guest unit
`{ ‘gest ,yii-nat }
`[civ ENG]: A method of
`Guggenheim process
`precipitation which employs ferric chloride and aeration to
`prepare sludgeforfiltration.
`{ 'gug-on:him_,pris-as }
`GUISee graphical user interface.
`{ 'gii,é or tjélyii'l }
`[OCEANOGR] A current flowing northwest-
`Guiana Current
`ward along the northeastern coast of South America.
`_{ gi'an:
`Theprocess of directing the movements of
`any vehicle, especially an aeronautical vehicle or space vehicle,
`with particular reference to the selection of a course orflight:
`'gid-ons }
`guidance site
`Specific location of high-order geo-
`detic accuracy containing equipmentandstructures necessary
`to provide guidance services or a given launchrate; it may be
`anintegrated part ofa launchsite,or it maybe.a remotefacility.
`{'gid-ons ,sit}.,
`guidancestationequipment. [ENG] The ground-based por-
`tion ofthe missile,guidance system necessary to provide guid-
`ance during missile flight; it specifically includes the tracking
`radar, the rate measuring equipment, the data link equipment,
`the computer,test, and maintenance equipmentintegral to
`'gid-ons ,sta-shan i,kwip-mont,}
`Thecontrol devices used in
`guidance system [AERO ENG]
`of an
`aircraft or spacecraft.
`[Nav]. Apparatus for
`and detecting the path along which a vehicle or
`often remotely and automatically,
`[MECH ENG] A plain bearing used to guide
`machine elementin its lengthwise motion, usually without
`rotation of the element,
`{ ‘gid ber-ip.} 0.3
`steel bracketfixed to a bunton
`secure rigid guides in a,shaft.
`( ‘gid.brak-at}
`guidecoat »,
`thin coat of paint applied to a surface
`or filler to indicate the locations of bumpsor
`to serve asa
`for removing
`ia ron Pe eee
`guide Coupling
`[MIN ENG] A short cou olin
`ectingreamer guide or pup to which is
`it couples to a reaming barrel.
`atejterlareatate bit
`\otd oa
`guided bendtest
`A bend test in which the specimen
`{'gid koprlig |
`ccttinined shape, {"gid-ad ‘bend est)
`waited borer
`eT as
`od ‘bam
`} fe:
`guided missile
`an wae ue
`with or without,a. warhead, which
`‘Propelled vehicle
`snes designed to move in a
`trajectoryor flight
`all or
`Partially above thi
`OF, course, while in
`sbatro by, homing systems, or by
`flight rachou
`adee ialectory
`guidance from within; excludes drones

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