
`(51) International Patent Classification 7 :
`(11) International Publication Number:
`WO 0035121
`HO04B 7/02, H04Q 7/38
`15 June 2000 (15.06.00)
`(43) International Publication Date:
`(21) International Application Number: PCT/EP98/07949|(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR,
`BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD,
`KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK,
`MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG,
`SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU,
`ZW, ARIPO patent (GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG,
`ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TI,
`TM), European patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI,
`FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent
`(BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE,
`SN, TD, TG).
` (74) Agent: PELLMANN, Hans-Bernd; Tiedtke-Buhling—Kinne,
`Bavariaring 4, D-80336 Miinchen (DE).
`With international search report.
`International Bureau
`(22) International Filing Date:
`8 December 1998 (08.12.98)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): NOKIA
`NETWORKSOY[FI/FI]; P.O. Box 300, FIN-00045 Nokia
`(72) Inventor; and
`(75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): RINNE, Mikko, J. [FI/FI];
`Nokia Networks OY, P.O. Box 407, FIN-00045 Nokia
`Group (FI).
`Ls|7 Le|7
`(57) Abstract
`The present invention proposes a method for providing macro diversity in a radio telecommunication network (CDMA_NW) when
`establishing a communication link, with the method substantially residing in transmission of a newly specified first signal to a selected base
`station (BS) when setting up communication within an access request message (ARM), and wherein upon receipt of each respective access
`grant message a dedicated control channel DCCHis establisched between a respective requesting first type radio transceiver device (MS)
`and the respective plurality of second type radio transceiver devices (BS), the identification codes of which were included in the access
`request message (ARM)and which transmitted a respective one of said access grant messages (AGM). The present invention relates to
`the respective methods performed by the first and second type transceiver devices as well as to the respective devices as such and to a
`telecommunications network comprising the same and operated according to the proposed methods,
`DELL 1017
`DELL 1017


`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`Bosnia and Herzegovina
`Republic of Moldova
`The former Yugoslav
`Burkina Faso
`Republic of Macedonia
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Central African Republic
`Viet Nam
`Céte d'Ivoire
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Czech Republic
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People’s
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint Lucia
`Sri Lanka


`WO 00/35121
`The present invention relates to a method for setting up
`communication in a radio telecommunication network with
`reduced possibility of failure in connection setup. The
`present invention also relates to accordingly adapted
`devices operated in the network and a corresponding system.
`in radio telecommunication networks a
`communication is established between a first type of radio
`transceiver devices which may move within the network
`(hereinafter mobile stations MS) and a respective one of a
`plurality of second type radio transceiver devices which
`are stationary (hereinafter base station BS) and constitute
`the network. Hitherto, such networks were operated
`according to a time divisional multiple access (TDMA)
`method. However, due to the increasing traffic load, most
`recent developments in mobile telecommunication, for
`example, use a method of code divisional multiple access
`(CDMA) or wideband code divisional multiple access (WCDMA),
`to increase the available traffic capacity in the network.
`Such a CDMA and/or WCDMA method may also easily be combined
`In principle, according to CDMA, a
`with the TDMA method.
`channel is not specified by a time slot for transmission,
`but by the code used for transmission. Thus, using CDMA, it
`becomes possible to transmit on a plurality of channels
`defined by a respective channelization code, within the
`same time slot.


`WO 00/35121
`Now, when a user wants to communicate via the network and,
`for example, switches on his mobile station MS,
`the mobile
`station MS selects one of the base stations BS present in
`the neighborhood of and monitored by the mobile station MS.
`the mobile station selects the base station from
`which the strongest signal via the respective broadcast
`control channel BCCH is received in downlink DL. The BCCH
`is a downlink point-to multipoint channel used to broadcast
`system- and cell-specific information. To the selected base
`station, an access request message ARM is sent from the
`mobile station MS in a subsequent uplink UL transmission
`via the random access channel RACH, requesting that a
`communication channel is to be established. The RACH is an
`uplink channel that is used to carry control information
`from a mobile station.
`The base station answers this request, if a channel can be
`assigned to the requesting mobile station, with an access
`grant message AGM via the access grant channel AGCH.
`In consequence, a so-called dedicated control channel DCCH
`is established between the mobile and base station as a
`result of the above described "handshaking". The DCCH is a
`bi-directional channel that is used to carry control
`information between the network, i.e.
`the respective base
`station, and the mobile station.
`The above mentioned channels are logical channels each,
`which are respectively mapped to a physical channel. For
`the BCCH is mapped to the primary common control
`the RACH is mapped to the
`physical channel (Primary CCPCH),
`physical random access channel
`(PRACH), while the DCCH is
`mapped to the dedicated physical data channel


`WO 00/35121
`oS ee
`A further detailed description of the fundamental logical
`and physical channel structure is considered to be
`dispensable here, since the fundamentals are set out in
`corresponding ETSI technical specifications / technical
`reports (see for example ETSI, TR 101 146 V3.0.0 of
`December 1997, pages 31 et seq., setting out technical
`details for the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
`UMTS intended to be operated according to WCDMA).
`However, when setting up a radio link, or, stated in other
`words, when setting up a DCCH for subsequent data
`communication on traffic channels of a radio link, such an
`initially established link is rather sensitive to
`fluctuations, i.e. changes in the channel conditions. Such
`changes may be caused due to the rapidly moving mobile
`station and/or due to the changed environmental conditions
`like mountains / high buildings coming unexpectedly between
`the mobile station MS and the base station BS which is
`expected to send and/or previously sent the access grant
`message AGM.
`Hence, since such fluctuations may be significant,
`initial link for a DCCH may be affected quite heavily,
`which can often lead to an interruption of the DCCH, and
`thus to a failed connection setup.
`In the American IS-95 system as a known radio
`telecommunication system operating according to CDMA, a
`stand-alone dedicated control channel SDCCH is set up in
`the beginning of the connection for performing the
`"handshaking" in setting up the connection. However, also
`the link established with this SDCCH according to the
`American IS-95 standard, accordingly,
`is as sensitive to
`fluctuations on the corresponding radio link as described


`WO 00/35121
`before. This SDCCH does not support macro diversity, which
`means a simultaneous connection to several base stations.
`Likewise, other known radio telecommunications systems like
`GSM and others operating on the basis of a "pure" TDMA
`method, do not provide a feature of macro diversity.
`Consequently, it is an object of the present invention to
`provide a method for setting up communication in a radio
`telecommunication network with reduced possibility of
`failure in connection setup. Moreover, it is an object of
`the present invention to provide corresponding devices
`adapted to carry out the method of the invention and
`constituting a novel telecommunication system.
`According to the present invention, with regard to a first
`type radio transceiver device (mobile station),
`this object
`is achieved by a method performed by a first type radio
`transceiver device for setting up at least one
`communication channel between said first type radio
`transceiver device and at least one of a plurality of
`second type radio transceiver devices, said second type
`radio transceiver devices constituting a radio
`telecommunication network, said method comprising the steps
`of listening to the respective broadcast control channel of
`said plurality of second type radio transceiver devices,
`recognizing a respective identification code used by a
`respective one of said plurality of second type radio
`transceiver devices and transmitted on at least one of said
`respective broadcast control channels, composing an access
`request message based on said recognized identification
`codes, and accessing a random access channel of a selected


`WO 00/35121
`one of said plurality of second type transceiver stations
`using said access request message.
`Furthermore, with regard to a second type radio transceiver
`device (base station), this object is achieved by a method
`performed by a second type radio transceiver device for
`setting up a communication channel between a first type
`radio transceiver device and said second type radio
`transceiver device, said second type transceiver device
`being part of a radio telecommunication network constituted
`by a plurality of said second type radio transceiver
`devices, said method comprising the steps of listening to
`an access request message transmitted from said first type
`radio transceiver device on a random access channel to said
`second type radio transceiver device, and composed of a
`plurality of identification codes of respective second type
`radio transceiver devices, decomposing said access request
`message into the plurality of identification codes,
`recognizing the identification codes used by said second
`type radio transceiver devices, creating an access grant
`message based on said particular recognized identification
`code of said second type transceiver device, and accessing
`an access grant channel of said second type transceiver
`station using said access grant message.
`the underlying object is achieved by a method for
`providing macro diversity in a radio telecommunication
`network when establishing a communication link,
`the method
`comprising the steps as defined in any of claims 1 to 5,
`the steps as defined in any of claims 6 to 12, and wherein
`upon receipt of each respective access grant message a
`dedicated control channel is established between a
`respective requesting first type radio transceiver device
`and the respective plurality of second type radio
`transceiver devices,
`the identification codes of which were


`WO 00/35121
`-— E—
`included in the access request message, and which
`transmitted a respective one of said access grant messages.
`the invention provides correspondingly adapted first
`and second type transceiver devices and a radio
`telecommunication system comprising the same.
`Favorable refinements of the present invention are defined
`in the respective dependent claims.
`Accordingly, with the present invention it is in advantage
`possible to establish macro diversity in a telecommuni-
`like for example a CDMA system, already in
`cation system,
`the beginning of establishing a connection.
`In particular,
`this advantage is attributable to the fact of the specific
`signal transmission that is effected at a very first time
`between a requesting mobile station MS and a base station
`BS, when a dedicated channel like for example a dedicated
`control channel DCCH is to be set up.
`Furthermore, due to specifically composing of the access
`request message by (compression) coding the plural base
`station identification codes BSIC,
`the access request
`messages ARM can advantageously be kept short.
`The present invention can also advantageously be applied to
`common telecommunications standards in relation to the air
`interface in Europe as well as in Japan.
`In particular, it
`can be used also in connection with most recently developed
`or just being developed standards like for example
`UMTS/IMT-2000, or the standard developed by NTTDoCoMo.


`WO 00/35121
`In the following,
`the present invention will be described
`with reference to the drawings,
`in which:
`1 schematically shows, as an example, a CDMA
`telecommunications network consisting of base stations BS,
`with a mobile station MS present therein, and signals
`transmitted there between in an initial stage of setting up
`a connection;
`Fig. 2 illustrates a flow chart of the method carried out
`at the mobile station side when setting up a connection;
`3 illustrates a flow chart of the method carried out
`at the base station side when setting up a connection;
`4 depicts a block diagram of basic hardware structure
`of a mobile station adapted to implement the present
`5 depicts a block diagram of basic hardware structure
`of a base station adapted to implement the present
`invention; and
`6 is a schematic diagram as an example for the used
`data format of the proposed access request message ARM.
`In a CDMA system, each base station BS as a second type
`radio transceiver device broadcasts an information about
`which codes are available at the base station via the BCCH.
`A respective mobile station recognizes this code as
`transmitted on the BCCH of a first base station. The first
`or selected base station is, for example,
`the one which
`transmits the strongest one of the received signals when


`WO 00/35121
`= BP =
`the mobile station monitors the CDMA system network.
`the mobile station uses this code to access
`the RACH for connection setup.
`According to the present
`invention, it is suggested to
`immediately add more than one base station when setting up
`a connection or radio link, respectively,
`to thereby
`provide macro diversity already at the initial stage of
`connection setup. This is attributable to the modification
`of the first signal that is transmitted from a respective
`mobile station MS to the selected base station when a
`dedicated control channel DCCH is to be set up.
`particular, this modification resides in the inclusion of
`the identification of other base stations BS to be included
`in an active set of base stations by means of which macro
`diversity is provided,
`into the first access request or
`random access, respectively.
`In order to keep the initially transmitted message short,
`which is a requirement resulting from the conditions
`imposed by signal run time delay on the air interface,
`base station identification codes are specifically composed
`to form an access request message to be transmitted in the
`the identification
`access request burst. Advantageously,
`codes of the base stations are encoded, preferably
`compressed encoded by subtracting a code value of
`neighboring base stations from the code value of the
`selected first (predetermined) base station to thereby
`produce a considerably shorter value to be encoded in the
`access request message.
`The efficient use of compression by subtraction makes it
`desirable that the identifiers of nearby or neighboring
`base stations are close to each other (in terms of their


`WO 00/35121
`code values). However, this is not a pre-requisite for the
`present invention for being properly carried out.
`The above described aspects are now set out in greater
`detail herein below.
`1 schematically shows a radio telecommunications
`network CDMA_NW consisting of plural base stations BS
`(BS_1, ..., BS_i, ..., BS_N), with a mobile station MS
`present therein, and signals transmitted there between in
`an initial stage of setting up a connection. As shown in
`Fig. 1, each of the base stations BS_1, ..., BS_i, ...,
`BS_N broadcasts on the respective BCCH (BCCH_l,
`..., BCCH_N)
`information about what code (preamble
`is available in the cell associated to the respective
`base station. This broadcast information is referred to as
`base station identifier code (or identifier) BSIC and
`denoted by BSIC_1, ..., BSIC_i, «...BSIC_N.
`Nevertheless, alternatively, each broadcast control channel
`1 may
`BCCH of a respective base station BS shown in Fig.
`indicate (not shown in Fig. 1)
`the identifications BSIC of
`neighboring cells in addition to its own identifier code.
`This will avoid that a mobile station MS will have to
`decode plural BCCH messages which do not originate from the
`selected ("best") base station transmitting the strongest
`Signal to the mobile station MS. Then,
`the mobile station
`would immediately have a knowledge of plural or even all
`identifier codes BSIC_1, ..., BSIC_N of the neighboring
`base stations after decoding only the strongest received
`BCCH signal.
`A respective mobile station MS receives these information
`of the identifier code, processes it (as described further
`below), and creates an access request message ARM


`WO 00/35121
`= Ei =
`transmitted via the random access channel RACH to the
`respective base station BS which has been selected, i.e.
`which provides the strongest signal received at the mobile
`station MS.
`In Fig. 1, for explanatory purposes only, base
`station BS_1 is assumed to represent the selected base
`to which the access request message ARM is sent
`via the random access channel RACH1.
`The access request message ARM is composed of respective
`selected base station identifier codes BSIC's, and thus
`adapted to establish a radio link between the mobile
`station MS and each of those base stations BS the
`identifier codes of which are contained in the access
`request message ARM.
`In response to the receipt of the ARM,
`a respective selected base station BS,
`the BSIC of which
`base station was contained in the ARM, sends (not shown in
`Fig. 1) an access grant message AGM to the mobile station,
`if access to a channel provided by the respective base
`station is possible. Subsequently,
`for example a dedicated
`control channel DCCH (not shown in Fig. 1) will be
`established between the mobile station MS and the
`respective base station BS. According to the present
`invention, as a result, at least one but preferably two or
`more control channels like DCCH's are simultaneously active
`between the mobile station MS and respective base stations
`thereby providing macro diversity from the very
`beginning of connection setup. Those base stations BS which
`have established a link to the mobile station constitute
`the so-called active set of base stations providing macro
`2 shows a flow chart of the method steps as carried
`out at the mobile station MS side when setting up a
`In step S0,
`the procedure starts after a user
`has, for example, switched on his mobile station.


`WO 00/35121
`= 2 .-
`Subsequently, during a step Sl,
`the mobile station MS
`listens to the BCCH's broadcast from the respective base
`In the next step, step S2,
`the mobile station MS
`derives or recognizes the respective base station
`identifier code BSIC from the listened BCCH information.
`This may be achieved by listening to each of the BCCH's,
`or, alternatively, by listening only to the strongest (as
`the selected) of the received BCCH's, provided that on the
`BCCH of each base station BS also the identifiers BSIC's of
`the neighboring base stations are additionally indicated.
`Based on the plurality of recognized identifier codes
`the mobile station MS composes,
`in step S3, an
`access request message ARM to be sent to the base station
`BS which sends, for example,
`the strongest BCCH.
`Alternatively, another base station BS to which the access
`request message ARM is to be transmitted may be selected,
`for example the one which is closest to the mobile station.
`However, other selection criteria can of course be adopted.
`Composing the access request message in step S3 is
`preferably done by encoding the same so that the ARM is
`compressed and encoded.
`In a suitable manner,
`individual BSIC's of neighboring base stations BS can be
`subtracted from the BSIC of a first base station, i.e. a
`predetermined and/or selected base station (for example the
`one which has sent the strongest signal during the previous
`listening step).
`Once the access request message ARM has been composed by
`the mobile station MS,
`the mobile station uses, step S4,
`the message ARM when accessing the random access channel
`RACH of the base station BS which has been selected.
`the mobile station processing is ended
`in a step S5,
`insofar as the proposed method is concerned.


`WO 00/35121
`= TOE =
`The random access message ARM forms part of the data
`transmitted in the random access burst structure.
`Additionally, within the random access burst data field,
`information as to which service is requested by the base
`station BS, i.e. for example set up of a dedicated control
`channel DCCH is included. This will be described in greater
`detail below with reference to Fig. 6.
`4 of the drawings schematically shows a corresponding
`block circuit diagram for the mobile station MS. The
`respective base stations BS (BS_1 to BS_N in Fig. 1)
`broadcast in donwnlink transmission direction DL on
`respective BCCH's. Each BCCH carries the respective base
`station identifier code BSIC. Information contained in the
`BCCH is received at the mobile station MS and listened to
`by a listening means for downlink transmission LMDL. The
`received and listened information is supplied to a downlink
`recognizing means RMDL, which recognizes the received
`individual base station identifier codes BSIC (BSIC_l,
`..., BSIC_N) among the received information. The
`individual BSIC's are supplied to a composing means for
`uplink message composition CMUL. Based on the recognized
`the uplink composition means CMUL generates or
`composes, respectively, an access request message ARM. The
`thus obtained message ARM is fed to an accessing means for
`uplink transmission AMUL, which processes the ARM message
`so that it can be transmitted via the respective random
`access channel RACH (RACH_1 in Figs.
`1 & 4)
`in uplink
`transmission direction UL to the corresponding base station
`BS, which has been selected or predetermined.
`It is to be understood, that the composing means for uplink
`transmission CMUL is adapted to process the input
`information, i. e.
`the BSIC's, as described above in


`WO 00/35121
`wn 1?
`connection with step $3. Also,
`the alternative mentioned
`above in that the BSIC identifiers of neighboring base
`stations are transmitted together on each BCCH of a base
`station is applicable in connection with the present
`The above description was related to the present invention
`insofar as the mobile station side is concerned. In the
`the present invention will be described insofar
`as the base station side is concerned.
`3 shows a flowchart of the method steps as carried out
`at the base station BS side when setting up a connection
`(radio link).
`In step $6,
`the procedure starts at a
`respective base station constituting the network, i.e.
`either at the selected base station BS or a non-selected
`one of the base stations.
`In step S7,
`the base station
`listens to the access request message ARM transmitted via
`the random access channel RACH from a requesting mobile
`station MS.
`In step S8 it is checked whether the ARM message is
`received by the base station. This can for example be done
`by checking a message discriminator contained in said ARM
`message. Alternatively, it is conceivable to send the ARM
`message only during a specified time window during which it
`can be received. Other checking methods are however also
`this means
`If the ARM message is received (YES in step $8),
`that the subject base station BS is the selected one (e.g.
`BS_1 in Fig. 1). Then the flow proceeds with steps S9 to
`$12 and S16.


`WO 00/35121
`—- £2
`then the thus received access request message ARM
`is decomposed,
`in a step S89,
`to thereby obtain the
`individual base station identifier codes BSIC of which the
`access request message ARM has previously been composed
`prior to transmission. Then,
`in a step S10,
`the base
`station BS recognizes its proper base station identifier
`code BSIC (BSIC_1 in the chosen example) contained in the
`received access request message for further using the same.
`Remaining and/or other base station identifier codes BSIC
`which do not identify the subject base station but other
`base stations of the network (like e.g. identifiers
`..., BSIC_N in the chosen example) are
`BSIC_2,..., BSIC_i,
`transmitted to a network control element like a base
`station controller BSC. Using this recognized BSIC,
`base station BS then creates, step S11, an access grant
`message AGM,
`in case a channel can be offered by the base
`station to the requesting mobile station. Thereafter, ina
`step S12,
`the base station accesses the access grant
`channel AGCH for transmitting the access grant message AGM
`to the requesting mobile station.
`In step $16,
`the base
`station processing is terminated insofar as the proposed
`method is concerned.
`If, however,
`the ARM message is not received (NO in step
`this means that the subject base station BS is not the
`selected one but presumably one which belongs to the
`selected active set for providing macro diversity (e.g.
`..., BS_N in Fig. 1). Then the flow proceeds with
`steps S13 to $16.
`In step S13, it is checked whether a base station
`identifier BSIC, particularly the identifier of the subject
`base station (i.e. BSIC_i if base station BS_i is
`is received from the base station controller
`BSC. If not, NO in step $13,
`this indicates that the


`WO 00/35121
`wi TF x
`identifier of the subject base station was not contained in
`the ARM message and that the base station does not form
`part of the active set. The flow proceeds then to step S16
`and the procedure ends.
`If the identifier BSIC of the subject base station is
`received, YES in step S13, this indicates that the
`identifier of the subject base station was contained in the
`ARM message and that the base station does form part of the
`the base
`in a subsequent step S14,
`active set. Then,
`station creates an access grant message AGM in case a
`channel can be offered by the base station to the
`requesting mobile station. Thereafter,
`in a step S15,
`base station accesses the access grant channel AGCH for
`transmitting the access grant message AGM to the requesting
`mobile station.
`In step S16,
`the base station processing is
`terminated insofar as the proposed method is concerned.
`By the above processing,
`those base stations BS which form
`the active set for providing macro diversity are enabled to
`establish a channel to the requesting mobile station,
`if a
`respective channel is available.
`5 of the drawings schematically shows a corresponding
`block circuit diagram for the base station device BS. The
`transmits or sends
`requesting mobile station MS (not shown)
`the previously composed access request message ARM in
`uplink direction on an associated random access channel
`to the selected or predetermined base
`Station, for example the i-th base station BSi . At the
`base station side,
`the information contained in the RACH is
`received and listened to using a listening means for uplink
`transmission LMUL. The uplink listening means LMUL is
`adapted to provide the received access request message ARM
`at its output for further processing by the base station.


`WO 00/35121
`= [6 =
`The access request message ARM, when received,
`is fed to a
`decomposing means DCM, which performs a reverse processing
`as compared to the uplink composing means CMUL at the
`mobile station side. This reverse processing provides, at
`the output of the decomposing means DCM,
`the individual
`base station identifier codes BSIC contained in the access
`request message. These individual codes BSIC are supplied
`to an uplink recognizing means RMUL which is adapted to
`recognize the specific identifier code BSIC_i of the
`subject base station BS_i among the decomposed codes. The
`recognized code associated to (or used by) and identifying
`the subject base station BS_i is output from the uplink
`recognizing means RMUL and input to a downlink composing
`means CMDL.
`the other base station identifier codes BSIC
`contained in the access request message ARM and obtained by
`decomposing the ARM message, are forwarded to the base
`station controller BSC (not shown) as a further network
`element via an additional output terminal. The base station
`controller BSC in turn informs the respective base stations
`BS identified by their BSIC's that they are selected to
`form part of the active set for establishing macro
`diversity, and instructs the respective base stations to
`compose also corresponding access grant messages AGM to be
`sent to the requesting mobile station via the corresponding
`access grant channels AGCH of the respective base stations,
`if a channel can be assigned.
`In this connection it has to
`be noted that all other identifier codes BSIC can be
`transmitted to the remaining base stations BS which will
`check whether they belong to the active set. Alternatively,
`the base station controller BSC may inform each of these
`other base stations BS individually by sending the
`respective BSIC code of the base station to the base
`(See step S13 in Fig. 3).


`WO 00/35121
`The downlink composing means CMDL uses the identifier code
`BSIC_i of the base station in order to compose an access
`grant message AGM, if the base station BS_i has an
`available channel for the requesting mobile station MS. The
`identifier code BSIC_i used by said downlink composing
`means CMDL is either the code immediately recognized by the
`base station BS_i if said base station is the selected
`(strongest) one, or the BSIC_i received via the base
`station controller BSC if the subject base station is not
`the selected one but is intended to belong to the active
`set of base stations. To this end,
`the downli

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