`(10) Patent No:
`a2) United States Patent
`Bahlet al. Sep. 19, 2006 (45) Date of Patent:
`Inventors: Paramvir Bahl, Sammamish, WA (US);
`Atul Adya, Redmond, WA (US);
`Jitendra D. Padhye, Kirkland, WA
`Assignee: Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA
`Subject t
`f thi
`en seen eg ae
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 607 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/124,721
`Apr. 17, 2002
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2003/0203740 Al
`Oct. 30, 2003
`Int. CL
`HOAR 7/00
`HO4B 7/212
`H040 7/20
`HO4s 1100
`G06F 15/16
`(52) US. Ch. ceccccssssseseeeeee 455/516; 370/208; 370/347,
`(58) Field of Classification Search ................ 455/434,
`455/516; 370/347, 208; 709/200
`See application file for complete search history.
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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 19, 2006
`Sheet 1 of 9
`US 7,110,783 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 19, 2006
`Sheet 2 of 9
`US 7,110,783 B2
`B|GeAowsay c‘ble
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 19, 2006
`Sheet 3 of 9
`US 7,110,783 B2
` (sdqyZ61)
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 19, 2006
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`US 7,110,783 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 19, 2006
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`US 7,110,783 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 19, 2006
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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 19, 2006
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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 19, 2006
`Sheet 8 of 9
`US 7,110,783 B2
`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 19, 2006
`Sheet 9 of 9
`US 7,110,783 B2
`US 7,110,783 B2
`The present invention relates generally to wireless com-
`puting devices, and more particularly,
`to power efficient
`channel access scheduling for wireless computing devices
`using multiple radios.
`Many wireless computing devices, such as laptop com-
`puters, personal digital assistant devices, etc., may act as
`client devices in a wireless networking environment. Often
`these multiple clients all communicate via the network
`through shared radio frequency channels to a shared access
`point. However, when a large numberof such client devices
`attempt to access the network, this sharing of network access
`points often leads to congestion and a wasting of bandwidth.
`Congestion often leads to collisions in the channel between
`data signals and hence to delay.
`To overcomethese challenges, various control techniques
`have been implemented with respect to wireless networksto
`aid in scheduling to avoid collisions. For example, clients
`may engagein listen-before-transmit (“LBT’’) mechanisms,
`such as the CSMA-CA channel access mechanism,vying for
`space in the shared channel before transmitting. LBT tech-
`niques are a type of distributed coordinated function.
`CSMA-CAis a particular Ethernet LAN access method.
`However, with all LBT schemes, if one client device is
`currently transmitting signals (i.e. data packets) in the chan-
`nel, other senders are forced to back off and wait a random
`amountof time before attempting access again. Additionally,
`even if the client devices detect that the network is free, two
`such devices may access the channel at exactly the same
`time, causing a signal collision. When this type of collision
`is detected, both client devices are forced to back off and
`wait a random amount of time before attempting transmis-
`sion again. While the client devices are waiting, channel
`bandwidth is wasted, packet transmission is delayed, and
`battery power on the client machine is wasted.
`Other mechanisms exist for aiding in scheduling and
`avoiding collision between data signals over a shared chan-
`nel. Another example is a point-coordinated function
`(“PCF”), which repeatedly polls the client devices in order
`to avoid collisions of signals. However, while PCF tech-
`niques avoid the constant back and forth between the
`competing data signals, the constant polling on the primary
`channel wastes a large amount of bandwidth, thus making
`this technique highly inefficient.
`While current wireless channel access techniques do
`produce collision avoidance, they also waste bandwidth on
`the primary channel used to send data packets because these
`techniques use the channel both to transmit control and
`scheduling information and to send useful data. Distributed
`coordinated functions, such as CSMA-CA,are further inef-
`ficient for real-time data because of the forced waiting
`period. Real-time audio data may no longer be useful, or
`sufficient, after a forced delay, such as a 100-millisecond
`delay. Additionally, there is no guarantee of channel access
`by any of these techniques and there is no mechanism to
`assure that high priority data signals are transferred in a
`timely manner.
`However, if the access point knows the exact state of
`every client it is servicing (e.g. number of packets pending
`in the queue, the packets deadlines, and packet priorities), it
`independently on the channel.
`can schedule each client
`While researchers have attempted to build true work con-
`serving fair queuing algorithms based upon this premise,
`these algorithms have not been truly work conserving
`because part of the bandwidth on the channel is used up in
`transmitting control
`information to the scheduler and in
`many cases the media-access control (MAC)protocol has to
`be changed. Therefore, even with such techniques band-
`width is wasted.
`Additionally, while largely avoiding signal collisions,
`these techniques cause inefficient use of power because they
`often use a high-powered channel to send control data in
`addition to useful data. A particular componentof a wireless
`device that consumes a significant amount of power is the
`network interface card (NIC), which handles the wireless
`transmission and reception of network communication data.
`It has been estimated that on average, about 20% of the total
`poweravailable to a wireless device is dissipated as a result
`of the connection of a NIC, or other wireless LAN interface
`component. This phenomenonis dueto the fact that the NIC
`and wireless device must be in a constant“listening”state in
`order to receive and transmit data via the network. Since the
`amount of power a battery can provide is rather limited,
`minimizing the power consumption of a mobile device in
`order to extend its operation time is an important consider-
`ation in the design of battery operated wireless devices, and
`any communication systems involving such devices.
`To address the challenges described above, a method and
`system are disclosed for powerefficient channel scheduling
`of wireless client devices in a wireless network using
`multiple radios. This method and system lead to optimum
`use of channel bandwidth and power in wireless computing
`devices. Therefore, true work conserving algorithms can be
`implemented. Such wireless computing devices include, but
`are not limited to, personal data assistants (““PDAs’’), cellular
`phones, and laptop computers having network interface
`In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, a
`wireless computing device enables a low power control
`channel to exchange information including control informa-
`tion for a network interface card (NIC), and other power
`consuming components of the computing device, with a host
`transceiver, referred to as a smartbrick. Initially, the low
`powertransceiver registers with the host transceiver, such as
`a host transceiver located at a network wireless access point.
`The low powertransceiver operated by the wireless com-
`puting device then sends control information data signals to
`the host transceiver. This information may be, but is not
`limited to, state information, the numberof data packets in
`a queue, the packetpriority, and/or packet deadline. The host
`transceiver then responds by transmitting scheduling infor-
`mation back to the low power transceiver. This scheduling
`information may include, among other things, channel
`access information.
`Prior to receiving scheduling information from a host
`transceiver component,
`the high power wireless network
`interface components, such as associated with an ordinary
`wireless NIC, are idle. Idle periods are periods when a low
`powerstate of operation is employed by the wireless com-
`puting device, or periods when no substantive network
`activity (e.g., sending or receiving of data) is being engaged
`in by the wireless computing device via its high frequency
`communication channel(e.g., IEEE 802.11 based channel).
`After receiving the scheduling information on the low power
`US 7,110,783 B2
`control channel, the full power NIC and necessary circuitry
`are automatically activated consistent with the scheduling
`information. For example, in one embodiment, upon receiv-
`ing channel access information, such as a message that the
`channel is free for transmission, the NIC and other compo-
`nents of the wireless computing device are powered up. The
`network interface component, such as the NIC, then trans-
`mits or receives data over the high power channel.
`The low power control channel is implemented via an
`internal or external radio frequency (RF) transceiver com-
`ponent, referred to as a minibrick, which preferably operates
`at a low frequency (such as lowerthan that of the full power
`NIC) and low powerlevel. In operation, when the comput-
`ing device is idle, the device is configured to power down
`substantially all of its components with the exception of the
`circuitry required to power the low power transceiver. As
`such, the control channel is maintained in an active state for
`receiving signals during both idle and non-idle periods.
`In accordance with another embodiment of the invention,
`the smartbrick is implemented as a host transceiver that
`operates at a host computer, or network access point, to
`communicate with the minibrick. The host computer may
`also be equipped with an IEEE 802.11 based NIC for
`supporting wireless communication to access the network
`through a wireless access point (AP). The wireless AP acts
`as an interface to a network infrastructure, such as a wired
`enterprise LAN. When a requesting device wishes to com-
`municate with a wireless computing device,
`it queries a
`server in order to determine the location and presence of the
`wireless computing device. In response, the server submits
`the query to the host computer. The smartbrick operating on
`the host computer receives the query from the server, and
`communicates with the minibrick via the low power channel
`to begin scheduling and operation of full power communi-
`cations. The wireless computing device receives this signal
`and powers up the NIC and other components accordingly,
`resulting in activation of the wireless device prior to any
`actual transmission of data by the requesting device.
`Additional features and advantages of the invention will
`be made apparent from the following detailed description of
`illustrative embodiments that proceeds with reference to the
`accompanying figures.
`While the appended claims set forth the features of the
`present invention with particularity, the invention and its
`advantages may be best understood from the following
`detailed description taken in conjunction with the accom-
`panying drawings, of which:
`FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of an exemplary computer
`network within which embodiments of the invention may be
`FIG.2 is a schematic diagram illustrating the architecture
`of an exemplary computing device in which an embodiment
`of the invention may be implemented;
`FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram illustrating an architecture
`of a transceiver component operated by a computing device
`for maintaining a low powercontrol channel in an embodi-
`ment of the invention;
`FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram illustrating an exemplary
`operating environment for optimum channel scheduling
`through a low power control channel according to an
`embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 5 is a flowchart illustrating the operation of a host
`transceiver for communicating with a wireless computing
`device via a low power control channel according to an
`embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram illustrating an operating
`environmentfor optimizing channel scheduling wherein the
`host transceiver is logically connected to a host computer
`according to an embodiment of the invention;
`FIG. 7 is a channel diagram illustrating bi-directional
`communications in a two-channel system;
`FIG. 8a is a schematic diagram illustrating a networked
`environment wherein the multiple wireless network devices
`vying for channel space are out-of-range of the wireless
`access point; and
`FIG. 86 is a schematic diagram illustrating a multi-hop
`network operating environment
`for optimizing channel
`scheduling when one or more of the multiple wireless
`devices vying for channel space are out-of-range, according
`to an embodimentof the invention.
`The invention relates to a method and system fortraffic
`handling of computing devices that are capable of commu-
`nicating over a wireless link. Wireless computing devices
`usable within embodiments of the invention include, but are
`not limited to, personal data assistants, cellular phones, and
`laptop computers having wireless network interface capa-
`bilities. In the context of the invention, wireless communi-
`cation is the transmission of data between computing
`devices using radio frequency (RF) and electromagnetic
`waves rather than wires. To facilitate wireless communica-
`tion, a computing device may be equipped with a network
`interface component, such as a network interface card (NIC)
`that interfaces the device to the network. Typically, the NIC
`is implementedas a plug andplay device that can be inserted
`into a network card slot of the computing device or that can
`be otherwise interfaced to the device. Alternatively, the NIC
`can be built integrally as part of the circuitry of the com-
`puting device.
`To facilitate wireless communication, the NIC supports a
`wireless protocol, such as pursuant to the JEEE 802.11
`standard. General reference will be made throughout the
`course ofthis description to 802.11 as a suitable protocol for
`facilitating wireless communication between devices. How-
`ever, those skilled in the art will recognize that 802.11 is
`only one protocol for facilitating wireless communication,
`and that
`the invention is not
`limited to any particular
`wireless protocol. Indeed, other wireless protocols may be
`utilized alternatively or additionally in connection with the
`invention. It will also be recognized by those skilled in the
`art that the designation 802.11 refers to other protocols
`within the same family,
`including 802.1la, 802.11b or
`An example of a networked environment in which the
`invention may be used is shown in FIG. 1. The example
`network includes several computing devices 20 communi-
`cating with one another over a network 30, such as the
`Internet, as represented in the figure by a cloud. Network 30
`may include one or more well-known components, such as
`routers, gateways, hubs, etc. and may allow the computers
`20 to communicate via wired and/or wireless media.
`Referring to FIG. 2, an example of a basic configuration
`for a computing device on which the system described
`herein may be implemented is shown. In its most basic
`configuration, the computing device 20 typically includesat
`least one processing unit 42 and memory 44 although such
`is not required. Depending on the exact configuration and
`US 7,110,783 B2
`type of the computing device 20, the memory 44 may be
`volatile (such as RAM), non-volatile (such as ROM orflash
`memory) or some combination of the two. The most basic
`general configuration is illustrated in FIG. 2 by dashed line
`46. Additionally, the computing device may also have other
`features/functionality. For example, computer 20 may also
`include additional data storage components (removable and/
`or non-removable) including, but not limited to, magnetic or
`optical disks or tape. Computer storage media includes
`volatile and non-volatile, removable and non-removable
`media implemented in any method or technology for storage
`of information such as computer-readable instructions, data
`structures, program modules, or other data. Computer stor-
`age media includes, but is not limited to, RAM, ROM,
`EEPROM,flash memory or other memory technology, CD-
`ROM,digital versatile disk (DVD)or other optical storage,
`magnetic cassettes, magnetic tape, magnetic disk storage or
`other magnetic storage devices, or any other medium which
`can be used to store the desired information and which can
`be accessed by the computing device 20. Any such computer
`storage media may bepart of the computing device 20.
`The computing device 20 also preferably contains com-
`munication connections 48 that allow the device to commu-
`nicate with other devices. A communication connection is an
`example of a communication medium. Communication
`media typically embodies readable instructions, data struc-
`tures, program modules or other data in a modulated data
`signal such as a carrier wave or other transport mechanism
`and includes any information delivery media. By way of
`example, and not limitation, communication media includes
`wired media such as a wired network or direct-wired con-
`nection, and wireless media such as acoustic, RF, infrared
`and other wireless media. The term computer readable
`media as used herein includes both storage media and
`communication media.
`Acomputing device 20 may also have input devices such
`as a keyboard, mouse, pen, voice input device, touch input
`device, etc. Output devices such as a display 48, speakers, a
`printer, etc. may also be included. Furthermore, for wireless
`mobile devices,
`the computing device 20 is preferably
`provided with a portable power source 50, such as a battery
`pack, fuel cell or other power module. The power source 50
`acts as a primary source of power for computations and
`wireless data transmissions to be performed by the device.
`All the aforementioned components and features are well
`knownin theart.
`The device 20 preferably supports an operating system,
`for example stored in nonvolatile memory and executed by
`the processing unit 42 from volatile memory. According to
`an embodiment of the invention, the operating system con-
`tains instructions for interfacing the device 20 to a full power
`wireless network and to a low power wireless network. In
`this manner, scheduling information usable to schedule
`access of the device 20 to the full power wireless network
`may be sent over the low power wireless network, saving
`device power and saving bandwidth in the full power
`channel, according to the techniques to be more fully
`discussed elsewhere