`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`I IIIII IIIIIIII II IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII I II Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll llll 1111111111111111111
`( 43) International Publication Date
`5 October 2006 (05.10.2006)
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`H04Q 7124 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT /KR2006/001143
`(22) International Filing Date: 29 March 2006 (29.03.2006)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`29 March 2005 (29.03.2005) KR
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): SK
`TELECOM CO., LTD. [KR/KR]; 11, Euljiro 2-ga,
`Jung-gu, Seoul 100-999 (KR).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): LEE, Changsu
`[KR/KR]; 3F, 129-14, Bukahyeon 1-dong, Seodaemun-gu,
`Seoul 120-819 (KR). PARK, Shinyoung [KR/KR]; #301,
`51-2, Singyo-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-032 (KR).
`WON, Seongho [KR/KR]; 7-1203, Namsan Town Apt.,
`Sindang 3-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul 100-754 (KR). HAN,
`Kyunghee [KR/KR]; A-102, Cheonghak Apt., 62-3,
`Nonhyeon 2-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-816 (KR).
`KIM, Kyungjin [KR/KR]; 5-1205, Gyeongnam Town,
`Beomeo 4-dong, Suseong-gu, Daegu 706-771 (KR).
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2006/104345 Al
`(74) Agents: LEE, Chulbee et al.; 14F, Hyundai Marine &
`Fire, Insurance Bldg., 646, Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu,
`Seoul 135-080 (KR).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl,
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`KG, KM, KN, KP, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, LY,
`MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO,
`NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK,
`SL, SM, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ,
`VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, Fl,
`FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT,
`GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report
`[Continued on next page}
`iiiiiiiiiiii -------
`iiiiiiiiiii --
`iiiiiiiiiiii ----
`- i
`Morning Call
`Service Server
`Management Server
`Weather i\nd Daily
`Information Server
`Mobile Morning
`Call Device
`~ (57) Abstract: Disclosed is a system and a method for providing a morning call service wherein, when a user wakes up, a mobile
`Q morning call device capable of recognizing and tracking him automatically provides his schedule and various types of daily informa(cid:173)
`,....,i tion based on the schedule. The method provides a morning call service by using a morning call device adapted to access a morning
`\CS call service server for collecting and providing a schedule of a user and daily information. The method includes the steps of storing
`the schedule and the daily information received from the morning call service server when a morning call time approaches; locating
`the user; playing pre-selected morning call music when the morning call time arrives; outputting a request for confirming whether
`M or not the user is fully awake when the user stops the morning call music; receiving a reply in response to the request and confirming
`0 whether or not the reply meets a requirement; playing the morning call music again when the reply does not meet the requirement;
`: , and outputting voice expression of the stored schedule and daily information after confirming that the user is fully awake when the
`;;, reply meets the requirement.
`Twitter Exhibit 1010
`Page 00001
`WO 2006/104345 A 1
`I IIIII IIIIIIII II IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII I II Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll llll lllllll 111111111111
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid(cid:173)
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin(cid:173)
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`Page 00002
`WO 2006/104345
`Technical. Fiel.d
`The present invention relates to a system and a method
`for providing a morning call service by using a mobile robot.
`More particularly, the present invention relates to a system
`and a method for providing a morning call service wherein,
`when a user wakes up, a mobile morning call device capable
`of recognizing and tracking him automatically provides his
`schedule and various types of daily information based on the
`Background Art
`In general, a morning call device is used to wake a
`person by making a
`sound at a set time.
`type of
`morning call
`in various
`appliances, such as watches, mobile telephones, and wired
`A morning call device is usually the thing which a
`person first sees when beginning a day and, for this reason,
`is suitable for providing a user with schedule and various
`information regarding daily life after awakening him or her.
`Korean Patent Application Publication No. 2002-61697
`- 1 -
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`WO 2006/104345
`PCT /KR2006/001143
`discloses a method for providing a morning call service by
`a mobile communication terminal, wherein a user is
`provided with
`morning call music,
`arrival of E-mails,
`and news
`about various
`types of
`information together with a morning call service, regardless
`of his location (e.g. even on a business
`) .
`The method
`now be described briefly.
`A mobile communication terminal, usually carried by a
`user, accesses a morning call service provision server via a
`wireless communication network.
`The morning call service
`provision server accesses a server for handling e-mails, a
`server for managing news information, a server for managing
`weather information, and the like.
`The user accesses the morning call service provision
`server and registers personal information, including desired
`morning call
`type of morning call music,
`account for receiving e-mails, and identification number of
`the mobile communication terminal.
`the registered morning
`call time arrives,
`identification number of the mobile
`communication terminal
`based on that time.
`The morning call service provision
`registered morning call music,
`to the mobile conununication
`terminal, which then plays the file.
`the user operates
`the mobile
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`WO 2006/104345
`PCT /KR2006/001143
`terminal to stop the audio file, the morning call service
`provision server acquires information about received E-mails
`registered E-mail
`information to the mobile communication terminal.
`In addition, after playing of
`the audio file
`stopped, the morning call service provision server provides
`the mobile communication
`terminal with news
`regarding fields registered by the user, as well as weather
`information corresponding to the user's current location.
`However, such a conventional system for providing a
`morning call
`service by using
`a mobile
`terminal cannot confirm whether or not the user is fully
`awake, though it may play music at a pre-selected time.
`addition, the conventional system is not suitable for use in
`the morning, because, after waking up,
`the user generally
`moves around his or her house to get ready for the day.
`Disclosure of the Invention
`Therefore, the present invention has been made in view
`of the above-mentioned problems, and it is an object of the
`invention to provide a
`system and a method for
`providing a morning call service wherein, when a user wakes
`up, a mobile morning call device capable of recognizing and
`tracking him automatically confirms whether or not he is
`fully awake and, after he
`is fully awake, provides his
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`WO 2006/104345
`PCT /KR2006/001143
`schedule and various types of daily information based on the
`schedule while tracking him.
`In order to accomplish this object, according to an
`aspect of the present invention, there is provided a morning
`call service system including a morning call service server
`for collecting and providing a schedule of a user and daily
`information and a morning call device adapted to access the
`morning call service server so as to provide the user with a
`morning call and information at a pre-selected morning call
`time, wherein the morning call device includes a wireless
`communication means for accessing the morning call service
`server wirelessly; a user recognition means for receiving
`signals transmitted from a transmitter carrier by the user
`so as to recognize the user and measuring a direction and a
`the user;
`a voice
`recognition means
`receiving a voice from the user and recognizing the voice; a
`sound output means for playing morning call music; a memory
`means for storing programs and various type of information;
`a movement control means for controlling operation of a
`movement means for moving the morning call device; and a
`control means
`for controlling the wireless communication
`means so as to store the schedule and the daily information
`received from the morning call service server when the pre(cid:173)
`selected morning call time approaches, playing morning call
`music when the user is
`located and the morning call time
`and providing
`and daily
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`WO 2006/104345
`PCT /KR2006/001143
`information when it is confirmed that the user is fully
`awake by using the voice recognition means.
`According to another aspect of the present invention,
`there is provided a morning call service system including a
`morning call service server for collecting and providing a
`schedule of a user and daily information and a morning call
`device adapted to access the morning call service server so
`as to provide the user with a morning call and information
`at a pre-selected morning call time, wherein the morning
`call device
`includes a wireless communication means
`accessing the morning call service server wirelessly; a user
`recognition means for receiving signals transmitted from a
`transmitter carrier by the user so as to recognize the user
`and measuring a direction and a distance to the user; a
`touch sensor for detecting a signal resulting from a
`by the user; a sound output means for playing morning call
`music; a memory means for storing programs and various type
`information; a movement control means for controlling
`operation of a movement means for moving the morning call
`device; and a control means for controlling the wireless
`communication means so as to store the schedule and the
`daily information received from
`the morning call service
`server when the pre-selected morning call time approaches,
`playing morning call music when the user is located and the
`morning call time arrives, and providing the stored schedule
`and daily information when it is confirmed that the user is
`5 -
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`WO 2006/104345
`PCT /KR2006/001143
`fully awake by using the touch sensor.
`to still another aspect of
`the present
`is provided a method
`for providing a
`morning call service by using a morning call device adapted
`to access a morning call service server for collecting and
`providing a schedule of a user and daily information,
`method including the steps of storing the schedule and the
`daily information received from the morning call service
`server when a morning call time approaches;
`locating the
`user; playing pre-selected morning call music when
`morning call
`time arrives; outputting
`confirming whether or not the user is fully awake when the
`user stops the morning call music;
`receiving a
`reply in
`response to the request and confirming whether or not the
`reply meets a requirement; playing the morning call music
`again when
`the reply does not meet
`the requirement; and
`outputting voice expression of the stored schedule and daily
`information after conforming that the user is fully awake
`when the reply meets the requirement.
`2 0
`the control means is adapted to control
`the movement control means so as to track the user and
`the schedule and
`the daily information based on
`information about the direction and distance to the user
`received from the user recognition means.
`the control means
`is adapted to output
`voice expression of a sentence for confirming whether or not
`6 -
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`WO 2006/104345
`PCT /KR2006/001143
`the user is fully awake when the user stops the morning call
`music, compare a result of voice recognition performed by
`the voice recognition means with the sentence, and, when
`resulting similarity is above a predetermined level, confirm
`that the user is fully awake.
`Preferably, the control means is adapted to output a
`voice requesting the user to touch the touch sensor via the
`sound output unit so as to confirm whether or not the user
`is fully awake when the user stops the morning call music
`and, when signals
`touch sensor meet
`requirements, confirm that the user is fully awake.
`Preferably, the control means is adapted to locate the
`user when the morning call time approaches and, when the
`user is not located, move to a place previously registered
`by the user so as to locate the user.
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`other objects,
`invention will become
`apparent from the following detailed description when taken
`in conjunction with the accompanying drawings in which:
`FIG. 1 shows
`the overall construction of a morning
`call service system according to the present invention;
`a block diagram
`the detailed
`construction of a mobile morning call device according to
`7 -
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`WO 2006/104345
`PCT /KR2006/001143
`the present invention; and
`FIG. 3 is a flowchart showing a procedure for a
`morning call service according to the present invention.
`Best Mode for Carrying Out the Invention
`embodiment of
`invention will
`accompanying drawings.
`FIG. 1 shows the overall conceptual construction of a
`morning call service
`system according
`the present
`A morning call service server 11 recognizes a device
`identifier of a mobile morning call device 12 and provides
`it with a user's schedule and daily information such as
`The morning call service server 11
`accesses a schedule management server 14, which stores and
`the user's
`a weather and daily
`information server 15, which provides weather and daily
`The morning
`communicates with the mobile morning call device 12 via a
`wireless Internet network 13.
`The user accesses the schedule management server 14 by
`using his terminal and registers his schedule, anniversaries,
`and the like.
`The weather and daily information server 15
`collects information regarding fields of the user's interest
`- 8 -
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`WO 2006/104345
`PCT /KR2006/001143
`and provides the information to the morning call service
`server 11.
`The morning call service server 11 includes a database
`for managing
`the user's subscription
`accessed by
`the mobile morning call device 12 via
`internet network 13,
`the morning call service
`server 11 verifies the proper
`information of
`the mobile
`call device
`information, device identifier, and subscriber ID).
`on the verified device
`information of the mobile morning
`call device
`morning call
`authenticates the user information, which is then used to
`acquire various
`the schedule management
`server 14 and the weather and daily information server 15.
`the morning call service server 11 provides the
`mobile morning call device 12 with the acquired information.
`a block diagram
`the detailed
`construction of a mobile morning call device according to
`the present invention.
`The mobile morning call device includes a control unit
`for controlling
`the overall operation;
`a wireless
`communication module 22 for setting up a communication link
`with the morning call service server 11 under the control. of
`the control unit 21; a user recognition wireless receiver
`unit 24 for recognizing a user by receiving wireless signals,
`which contain the user's proper information, and calculating
`9 -
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`WO 2006/104345
`PCT /KR2006/001143
`the distance and angle between
`the user and
`the mobile
`morning call device to be transmitted to the control unit
`a movement control device 23
`for controlling
`and direction of
`the mobile
`apparatus under the control of the control unit 21; a touch
`sensor 25
`for sensing
`the user's
`touch and confirming
`whether or not he is awake; a key input unit 26 used by the
`user to stop the playing of morning call music and input
`types of
`a display unit
`displaying texts and
`images based on
`information; a
`sound output unit 28 for outputting morning call music and
`various sounds based on the information; a voice input unit
`29 for recognizing the user's voice by receiving voice input
`and transmitting it to the control unit 21; a memory 30 for
`temporarily storing various types of data; and an HDD 31 for
`storing programs and data.
`The mobile morning call device according
`is capable of
`its user.
`the user
`transmitter, which
`transmits its own identifier.
`The transmitter is attached
`to an item, which is always carried by the user. Pref er ably,
`the transmitter is a wireless transmission device capable of
`transmitting signals within a range of about Sm.
`The mobile
`morning call device
`receives wireless signals
`transmitter, which is carried by the user, and verifies the
`identifier. As a result, the apparatus is informed that the
`- 10 -
`Page 00012
`WO 2006/104345
`user is its owner. Even when different wireless signals are
`received, the mobile morning call device can recognize and
`track its owner by verifying the device identifier obtained
`by demodulating the signals.
`To this end, the morning call device according to the
`present invention has a user recognition wireless receiver
`unit 24, which calculates the distance and angle between the
`morning call device and the user from the wireless signals,
`which are received from the wireless transmitter carried by
`the user.
`In addition,
`the user
`recognition wireless
`receiver unit 24 demodulates
`the wireless signals and
`the control unit 21.
`Based on
`distance and angle information, which has been received from
`the user recognition wireless receiver unit 24, the control
`unit 21 provides
`the movement control device 23 with
`about movement
`acceleration so that the apparatus can follow the user while
`maintaining a constant distance between them.
`The wireless
`communication module
`sets up
`communication link with the morning call service server 11
`under the control of the control unit 21. When the pre(cid:173)
`selected morning call time approaches,
`the control unit 21
`controls the wireless communication module 22 so as to set
`up a communication link with the morning call service server
`11 and requests the transmission of information about the
`schedule and daily life.
`In this case, the control unit 21
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`WO 2006/104345
`PCT /KR2006/001143
`transmits its own identifier to the morning call service
`server 11.
`The wireless communication module 22 may be a
`telecommunication modem or wireless Internet
`The HOD 31 stores programs for operating the mobile
`morning call device, as well as various types of information
`and data for playing the morning call music, for example.
`The display unit 27 displays
`operation of
`the mobile morning call device,
`information, and the like.
`The key input unit 26 has a
`keypad used by the user to input information and select a
`corresponding key when he wants to stop the morning call
`In addition to the key input unit 26, various types
`of input devices may also be used.
`The sound output unit 28 plays the morning call music
`and outputs sounds based on the information from the morning
`call service server.
`The voice input unit 2 9 provides the
`control unit 21 with a voice inputted from the user.
`control unit 21 identifies the voice input from the voice
`input unit 29 and confirms whether or not the user is fully
`awake, as will be described later in more detail.
`The mobile morning call device may
`include various
`types of sensors 25, particularly a sensor necessary for
`mobility of the apparatus, a sensor for recognizing the user,
`and a touch sensor for confirming whether or not the user is
`fully awake.
`The process for confirming whether or not the
`- 12 -
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`WO 2006/104345
`user is fully awake by using the touch sensor will now be
`touch sensor is attached to the outside of the
`mobile morning call device and senses the user's touch.
`touch sensor can sense different
`forms of
`including a
`a weak
`pressing, which may depend on
`type of
`the sensor.
`According to the present invention, the morning call device
`informs the user of a predetermined combination of strong
`and weak touches and confirms that he is fully awake when he
`has touched the sensor in conformity with the predetermined
`For example, when the user stops the music,
`the morning call device outputs a voice "TWO STRONG TOUCHES,
`THREE WEAK TOUCHES." Then, the morning call device monitors
`signals inputted from the sensors 25 and confirms that the
`awake when his
`predetermined combination.
`A process for confirming whether or not the user is
`fully awake by using a voice recognition technology will now
`be described.
`As used herein, voice recognition refers a technology
`for comparing an inputted voice with text data, which has
`stored on
`the memory as
`the user's voice,
`confirming whether or not they are identical. The result of
`is generally given
`a pair of
`reliability values, which indicate the degree of similarity
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`between them.
`The present invention uses a complicated sentence as
`the target of voice recognition so as to confirm whether or
`not the user is fully awake. This is because, unless fully
`awake, the user cannot accurately pronounce the complicated
`sentence and pass the voice recognition. A higher value of
`reliability is used for the recognized sentence than in a
`normal case,
`the user cannot pass
`the voice
`recognition unless he pronounces the target sentence more
`accurately than in a normal case.
`is a
`showing a procedure
`for a
`morning call service occurring in the control unit of the
`morning call device according to the present invention.
`The control unit 21
`loads a program and stands by.
`the pre-selected morning call time approaches
`( 101),
`the control unit 21 activates
`itself and controls
`wireless communication module so as to collect a schedule
`and daily information from the server 102. The control unit
`21 may activate itself 30 minutes before the pre-selected
`morning call time, for example.
`The control unit controls the movement control device
`so as to confirm whether or not the user is sleeping within
`reach of the mobile morning call device (103).
`If not, the
`control unit causes the apparatus to move towards the user
`and confirms his presence.
`The user may register his
`sleeping place
`(e.g. bedroom) on the mobile morning call
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`device in advance.
`In this case, the apparatus can directly
`move to that place and locate the user. When no place has
`been registered, the apparatus moves along a predetermined
`path and
`the user by using signals
`transmitter carried by the user.
`When the pre-selected morning call time arrives after
`locating the user
`the mobile morning call device
`plays the registered morning call music (105).
`The morning
`call music may be an MP3 audio file, for example.
`In this
`the mobile morning call device is supposed to have
`corresponding hardware and programs mounted therein.
`When the user hears the morning call music and stops
`the playing of it
`the control unit proceeds
`confirm whether or not the user is fully awake by using one
`of the two above-mentioned methods (107) .
`Particularly, the
`unit outputs a
`voice requesting
`him to touch the
`or to pronounce
`a predetermined
`outputting the request for confirming whether or
`not the
`user is fully awake,
`the control unit receives the user's
`reply ( 107) .
`the control unit determines whether or
`not the reply meets the requirement (108).
`When it is determined that the reply does not meet the
`requirement, the control unit confirms that the user is not
`yet fully awake and plays the morning call music again after
`a period of time
`(105). When it is determined that the
`reply meets the requirement, the control unit outputs voice
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`WO 2006/104345
`expressions of
`the user's schedule and
`important daily
`information, which has been downloaded from the server and
`stored on the HOD
`If the user begins to move while
`the schedule and daily information are still provided, the
`control unit controls
`the movement control device and
`a constant distance
`the user, based on
`information from the user recognition wireless receiver unit,
`so that
`the schedule and daily information are provided
`If the user is moving too fast to be followed,
`the provision of schedule and daily information is aborted.
`When receiving an abortion command from the user or
`information (110), the mobile morning call device returns to
`the standby mode.
`While this invention has been described in connection
`with what is presently considered to be the most practical
`and preferred embodiment, it is to be understood that the
`invention is not limited to the disclosed embodiment and the
`drawings, but, on
`the contrary, it is intended to cover
`2 0
`various modiĀ£ ications and variations within the spirit and
`scope of the appended claims.
`Industrial Applicability
`As can be seen from the foregoing, according to the
`present invention provides, the mobile morning call device
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`can confirm whether or not
`the user is fully awake and
`output a voice expression of information from servers, only
`when it is confirmed that the user is fully awake.
`addition, the apparatus can track the user and automatically
`provide him with information while in his vicinity.
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`A morning call service system having a morning
`call service server for collecting and providing a schedule
`and daily information of a user and a morning call device
`adapted to access the morning call service server to provide
`the user with a morning call and information at a pre-set
`morning call
`time, wherein
`the morning call device
`a wireless
`communication means
`for wirelessly
`accessing the morning call service server;
`recognition means
`transmitted from a transmitter carried by the user so as to
`recognize the user and measuring a direction and a distance
`to the user;
`a voice recognition means for receiving a voice from
`the user and recognizing the voice;
`a sound output means for sounding morning call music;
`a memory means
`storing programs
`and various
`a movement control means for controlling operation of
`a movement means for moving the morning call device; and
`control means
`the wireless
`cormnunication means
`to store the schedule and
`the daily
`information received from the morning call service server
`the pre-set morning call
`time approaches, playing
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`morning call music when the user is located and the morning
`call time arrives, and providing the stored schedule and
`daily information when it is confirmed that the user is
`fully awake by using the voice recognition means.
`A morning call service system having a morning call
`service server for collecting and providing a schedule and
`information of a user and a morning call device
`adapted to access the morning call service server to provide
`the user with a morning call and information at a pre-set
`morning call
`time, wherein
`the morning call device
`a wireless
`communication means
`for wirelessly
`accessing the morning call service server;
`recognition means
`from a
`transmitter carried
`recognize the user and measuring a direction and a distance
`to the user;
`a touch sensor for detecting a signal resulting from a
`touch by the user;
`a sound output means for sounding morning call music;
`a memory means
`storing programs
`and various
`a movement control means for controlling operation of
`a movement means for moving the morning call device; and
`control means
`the wireless
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`communication means
`to store the schedule and
`the daily
`information received from the morning call service server
`the pre-set morning call
`time approaches, playing
`morning call music when the user is located and the morning
`call time arrives, and providing the stored schedule and
`daily information when it is confirmed that the user is
`fully awake by using the touch sensor.
`The morning call service system as claimed in claim 1
`or 2, wherein
`the control means controls
`the movement
`control means tracking the user and provide