`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,615,216 B2
`Dec. 24, 2013
`(75) Inventor: Rahuldev Rajguru, Rajkot (IN)
`(73) Assignee: LocusPlay, Inc., Providence, RI (US)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 367 days.
`2004/0267887 A1* 12/2004 Berger et al. ................. TO9,206
`2005/0136949 A1* 6/2005 Barnes, Jr. ...
`... 455,461
`2006.0099937 A1* 5, 2006 Helvick ........................ 455,418
`2006/0129.972 A1
`6/2006 Tyburski et al.
`2006/0166678 A1* 7/2006 Karaoguz et al. .......... 455,456.1
`2006/0256734 A1* 11/2006 Erhart et al. .................. 370,254
`2007/0038680 A1
`2/2007 Casey
`2007/0173238 A1* 7/2007 Ali-Vehmas .................. 455,416
`2007/0250645 A1
`10/2007 Meadows et al.
`2008. O130860 A1
`6/2008 Mullis et al.
`(21) Appl. No.: 12/691,419
`(22) Filed:
`Jan. 21, 2010
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2010/O190474 A1
`Jul. 29, 2010
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 61/146,759, filed on Jan.
`23, 2009.
`(51) Int. Cl.
`H04M I/66
`52) U.S. C.
`USPC ........................................... 455/410; 455/567
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`USPC .......................................... 455/410 411,567
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`58. White
`7. 107349 B2 * 9/2006 Britt, Jr. ........................ 709,229
`7,477,907 B2
`1/2009 Koch et al.
`233 R: ck 3.39 E. et al.
`- K -
`TaSad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`7,539.747 B2
`5/2009 Lucovsky et al.
`8, 131,281 B1* 3/2012 Hildner et al. ................ 455,418
`2002/0077158 A1* 6/2002 Scott ............................. 455,567
`2003.011731.6 A1* 6, 2003 Tischer ............
`2004/0063424 A1* 4/2004 Silberstein et al. ........... 455,410
`WO WO 2007/098508 A1
`International Search Report and Written Opinion dated Aug. 23.
`2010, International Application No. PCT/US2010/021632.
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner — Steven Lim
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Finnegan, Henderson,
`Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
`hods f
`ging mobile devi
`StemS and methods Or manag1ng mob1e Clev1ce users
`data, mobile devices, and communications are disclosed.
`According to various embodiments, mobile devices are used
`in conjunction with one or more servers and memory devices
`in order to manage mobile devices, data, and communications
`associated with mobile device users. Various embodiments of
`he disclosed sy
`d method
`d to: th
`the d1SCIOSed SVStemS and methods are d1rected to the man
`agement of preference information incorporated into profiles
`associated with mobile device users, plug-in applications
`communicatively coupling servers involved in the manage
`ment of mobile data, devices and/or communications to appli
`cations providing calendar and e-mail management facilities,
`the cross-platform synchronization and migration of data
`associated with mobile device users, the management of
`y communications, monitoring mobile devices and
`ata for theft detection and related protections, and the man
`agement of Scheduled communications.
`14 Claims, 22 Drawing Sheets
`Memory Device 130
`Mobile Device User 131
`User identification data 132
`User Mobilisata 133
`User Communication Profile 134
`User Privacy Profile 35
`User Contact. 138
`Usef Authorized Theft.Protection Measure 137
`Timing Data 138
`Mobile Electronic
`Communication - Server 150 - Communication
`Device 120
`Device 120
`- Application 140 KHe
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 1
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 1 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`Memory Device 130
`100 -
`Mobile Device User 131
`User identification Data 132
`User Mobile Data 133
`User Communication Profile 134
`User Privacy Profile 135
`User COntact 136
`User Authorized Theft Protection Measure 137
`Timing Data 138
`Server 150
`Device 120
`Mobile Electronic
`Device 120
`FIG. 1
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 2
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 2 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`Add/Update User Information
`Company Name:
`ACCOUnt Number.
`First Name:
`Middle Name:
`E-Mail Address:
`Alternate Number:
`Pin/Zip Code:
`FIG. 1A
`APMS-Profile Det. Y: YX (s
`Custom 1
`atfrmProfileDetails v. 3 YX (s
`Profile Name
`Ringing Type
`Increasing ring
`Ringing Volume
`Vibrating Alert
`Keypad Tone
`Warning Tone
`FIG. 1B
`FIG. 1C
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 3
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 3 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`Mobile Electronic
`Device 210
`200 -)
`Verification Server 220
`Storage Server 230
`Database 240
`Database 250
`Web Interface 260
`FIG. 2
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 4
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 4 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`ASSOCiate mobile electronic Communication
`device users with user Communication profiles
`and mobile electronic Communication devices
`Obtain a Communication directed to Or initiated
`by a mobile electronic Communication device
`Identify the mobile electronic Communication
`device user aSSOciated with the mobile device
`of step 310, and user Communication profiles
`aSSOciated with the mobile device user
`FIG. 3
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 5
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 5 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`Login on Web interface using a username,
`paSSWOrd, and Company ID
`Synchronizing mobile device and server allows an
`application to associate the previously created meeting
`with the mobile device
`Create a new meeting with the following
`1. Meeting Time: Today from 3pm to 4pm
`2. Agenda: Board Meeting
`3. Location: 4th Floor Conference ROOm
`4. Alert 10 mins Prior to Start Time
`Select one of the following profiles:
`1. Meeting
`2. Airplane
`3. Custom
`4. Silent
`4. General
`Custom Profile comprises the following
`1. Allow calls only from My Contacts
`2. Disconnect calls from the following
`numbers, and send to Voicemail after 5
`a. 617-555-1290
`b. 617-555-9876
`3. Forward calls from the following
`numbers to 617-555-1234 after 3rings
`a. 617-555-2010
`b. 617-555-1380
`Save the meeting and synchronize with
`mobile device
`FIG. 3A
`At 2:50pm, the application prompts the mobile device
`user with a meeting message
`The application continues to check meeting information,
`and at 3pm, the application changes the applicable user
`communication profile to the Custom profile, and sets
`the ring volume and ring type
`Incoming call from a contact? User will receive the call in
`vibrate mode
`Incoming call from unknown number? Application will
`reject the call automatically
`incoming call from 617-555-1290? Application will reject
`the call after 5 rings, and send the call automatically to a
`pre defined voice mail
`incoming call from 617-555-2010? Application will
`forward the Call to the number 617-555-1234
`At 4pm, the application changes the applicable user
`Communication profile to the default profile
`FIG, 3B
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 6
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 6 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`Assistan application Communicatively Coupled to
`one or more servers through a plug-in application,
`to obtain data related to a mobile device user
`Utilize the application Communicatively Coupled to
`the one or more servers to perform one or more
`tasks Comprising: updating calendar entries and
`updating user mobile data
`Update data on a memory device Communicatively
`Coupled to the One or more servers based on the
`one or more tasks performed
`FIG. 4
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 7
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 7 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`ASSOciate mobile electronic Communication
`device users with mobile electronic
`Communication devices and user mobile data,
`Monitor a mobile electronic
`Communication device
`ldentify user mobile data associated with a
`mobile device user that is associated with the
`monitored mobile device.
`Initiate tasks that preserve
`user mobile data integrity,
`based On the user
`mobile data.
`Initiate tasks that prevent the
`misuse of the monitored
`mobile device, based On the
`user mobile data.
`Initiate tasks that aid in the
`recovery of the monitored
`mobile device, based On the
`uSermobile data.
`FIG. 5
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 8
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 8 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`ASSOciate mobile electronic Communication device uSerS
`with user identification data, mobile electronic
`Communication devices, and uSermobile data,
`Obtain, from an electronic Communication device, mobile
`device identification data of a missing mobile electronic
`Communication device, and user identification data.
`Authenticate a mobile device user based On the obtained
`user identification data,
`identify, based on the mobile device identification data of the
`missing mobile device, a mobile device associated with the
`authenticated mobile device user.
`ldentify user mobile data associated with the authenticated
`mobile device user.
`Initiate, based On the user
`mobile data, tasks that
`preserves user data integrity.
`Initiate, based on the user
`mobile data, tasks that prevent
`the misuse of the identified
`mobile device.
`Initiate, based on the user
`mobile data, tasks that aid in
`the recovery of the identified
`mobile device.
`FIG. 6
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 9
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 9 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`Handset Information
`First Name:
`ACCOUnt Number:
`ME/ESN Number:
`SIM Number:
`PhOne Number:
`Last Modified On:
`OS Version:
`FIG. 6A
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 10
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 10 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`End user will put request to Admin about
`the mobile theft
`Now user can change the following setting/action and
`perform the sync process with theft device.
`. Set the flag to remove all the user
`specific data from mobile
`. Change the hard/soft reset
`Make Device unusable
`Device will change the local changes after getting the
`latest settings from server and perform the action.
`Device will keep sending the device location; Call log and
`SMS information to server without authenticating the SIM
`Card. Device will also send the SIM information if
`user changed the SIM.
`FIG. 6B
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 11
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 11 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`ASSOciate mobile electronic Communication device users with Server
`side user identification data and server-side user mobile data, and
`server-side user mobile data with server-side timing data.
`Obtain, from an electronic Communication device, client-side user
`identification data, client-side user mobile data, and client-side timing
`data aSSOciated with the client-side user mobile data.
`Use the obtained client-side user identification data to identify a mobile
`electronic Communication device associated with server-side user
`identification data
`identify the server-side user mobile data associated with the identified
`mobile device user, and the server-side timing data associated with the
`identified Server-side user mobile data.
`Perform one or more comparisons between the identified server-side
`timing data and the obtained client-side timing data.
`Synchronize a memory device with the electronic communication device
`based on the one or more comparisons.
`FIG. 7
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 12
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 12 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`Collect all the
`Contacts and generate
`an XML file; send to
`Mobile Client will update the
`Contact information as per
`server data and Send the
`Confirmation to Server
`Web Server
`As per mobile data, server will
`modify the contact information
`and will forward the following
`information to mobile client
`Mobile Request pass/fail
`Contact information which has
`modified at Server Side
`Server will update the data to
`indicate that the COntact
`information synch to device
`and server is SuCCessful
`FIG. 7A
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 13
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 13 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`ASSOciate mobile electronic Communication device users with
`Server-side user mobile data, and server-side user mobile data with
`server-side timing data.
`identify server-side user mobile data associated with a mobile
`electronic Communication device user, and server-side timing data
`aSSOciated with the Server-side user mobile data.
`Obtain, from an electronic Communication device, client-side user
`mobile data and client-side timing data associated with the client
`side user mobile data.
`Perform one or more Comparisons using the server-side timing data
`and the client-side timing data.
`Synchronize a memory device with the electronic Communication
`device based on the one or more Comparisons.
`FIG. 8
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 14
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 14 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`ASSOCiate mobile electronic Communication device users with user
`identification data and user mobile data.
`Obtain, from an electronic Communication device, identification
`data related to a Second electronic Communication device, and
`user identification data.
`Identify, using the obtained user identification data, user mobile
`data aSSOciated with a mobile electronic Communication device
`Authorize transfer of One or more of the identified user mobile data
`to the Second electronic Communication device.
`FIG. 9
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 15
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 15 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`Login into Web Application and with user
`name and password
`Enter device identification and acCeSS COde
`(paSSWOrd) of the device. Here user can
`enter multiple device identification and
`access Codes, Right now Web user enters
`the device 1 and device 2 identification
`numbers to review the reCOrds,
`User can select the features (like Contact,
`profile, schedule, etc) and view the record
`for the Selected devices.
`User will copy all the device 1 profile data
`and migrate the data to device 2. So in the
`next sync device 2 will get all profiles and
`related features.
`FIG. 9A
`User can also merge
`following data from
`multiple devices
`Profile Action
`User can also Copy the
`date from device 1 and
`device 2 and migrate to
`device 3.
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 16
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 16 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`Obtain a Communication directed to a mobile
`Present the user with options for avoiding the
`communication, the options Comprising: a duck
`option, a drop option, and a divert Option
`Obtain the user's preferred option for avoiding the
`Duck Option
`Selected by User?
`Drop Option
`Selected by User?
`Divert Option
`Selected by User?
`Apply Duck option to
`communication, the application
`resulting in the initiator of the
`Communication receiving the
`default message provided by
`the mobile operator on call
`Apply Drop option to
`Communication, the application
`resulting in the initiator of the
`Communication experiencing a
`response that approximates a
`network error.
`Apply Divert Option to
`Communication, the
`application resulting in the
`diversion of the
`Communication to a third
`FIG. 10
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 17
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 17 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`FIG. 10A
`FIG. 10B
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 18
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 18 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`FIG. 10C
`FIG. 10D
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 19
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 19 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`FIG. 10E
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 20
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 20 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`Obtain from a user, via a user interface,
`Communication schedule data comprising one or
`more of: a Communication date and Start time, a
`user Contact, a recipient number, a recipient e-mail
`address, and a Communication category.
`ASSOciate the Communication Schedule data with
`the user's Calendar, based On the Communication
`date and start time.
`Alert the user prior to the Communication start
`Initiate a communication using the recipient
`number, recipient e-mail address, and/or the user
`FIG. 11
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 21
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 21 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`End user requests a mobile change from
`Administrator logs in using Web interface in
`order to make the requested change(s)
`ls the same IMEI number
`allocated to anyone else?
`Update the system as per
`the new IMEI number
`Still want to proceed?
`Disable/Deactivate both the mobile devices
`Update the mobile information for both the
`users in the system, and enablelactivate
`both the mobile devices
`Update Fresh Sync from mobile and receive
`the following data from the server.
`1. Platform dependent data
`2, Contacts
`3, Profiles
`4, Schedule
`5. Alarm, etc
`FIG. 12A
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 22
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 24, 2013
`Sheet 22 of 22
`US 8,615.216 B2
`Update the system as per the
`new number
`End user requests anumber change from
`Administrator logs in using web interface in order
`to make the requested change(s)
`ls the same number
`allocated to anyone else?
`Still want to proceed?
`Disable/Deactivate both the users
`Update the number information for both the users
`in the system, and enablelactivate both users
`Synchronize the device(s) with a server
`FIG. 12B
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 23
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`US 8,615,216 B2
`This application claims the benefit of Provisional Applica
`tion No. 61/146,759 filed on Jan. 23, 2009, which is herein
`incorporated by reference in its entirety.
`The present invention is directed generally to systems and
`methods for managing mobile communications. More par
`ticularly, the present invention is directed to the management
`of the diverse data associated with the usage of mobile com
`munications systems, the management of mobile communi
`cation devices, as well as the real-time management of com
`munications directed at or initiated from mobile
`communication devices.
`manage the data as well as devices associated with mobile
`communications, in order to more effectively manage mobile
`Systems and methods described herein leverage data cre
`ated and/or used by mobile communication device users (e.g.
`mobile device users contact lists, calendars, and preference
`data Such as the use of particular ring tones) in the manage
`ment of mobile communications and mobile communication
`devices (mobile devices).
`Some embodiments use a memory device. Such as a data
`base, to associate mobile device users, such as cellular phone
`users, with profile data. The profile data may include data
`indicative of a mobile device user's preferences, such as
`preferences related to the handling of incoming and outgoing
`communications, and preferences related to the handling of
`missed communications. Such embodiments may obtain a
`communication, Such as an incoming phone call directed to a
`mobile device, identify, in the memory device, a mobile
`device user associated with the mobile device, identify one or
`more applicable profiles associated with the mobile device
`user, and apply the identified applicable profile(s) to the
`obtained communication. The application of a profile may
`result, for example, in forwarding the call to Voicemail
`because the mobile device user is in a meeting, and the appli
`cable profile directs all incoming calls to voicemail for the
`duration of the meeting.
`Some other embodiments further involve associating, in a
`memory device, such as a database, mobile device users with
`their identification data (e.g. name, account number, and
`device identification number) and their mobile data (e.g. their
`contacts, call logs, and profile data). In Such embodiments, a
`user's profile data may include data relevant to maintaining
`the privacy of the user's mobile data. For example, a privacy
`profile associated with a user's contact list may indicate
`whether or not one or more contacts may be shared with other
`users. Such embodiments may further involve obtaining,
`from a first electronic communication device (e.g. a com
`puter, a personal digital assistant, or a cellular phone), iden
`tification data related to a second electronic communication
`device, as well as user identification data. In some embodi
`ments, a mobile device user associated with the obtained user
`identification data may be retrieved from the memory device,
`and mobile data associated with the mobile device user may
`be further retrieved. According to various embodiments, the
`mobile data may include one or more applicable privacy
`profiles authorizing the transfer of some or all of the retrieved
`mobile data. Based on the one or more applicable privacy
`profiles, some or all of the retrieved mobile data may be
`transferred to the second electronic device.
`Yet other embodiments involve an application with e-mail
`and/or calendar capabilities communicatively coupled, via a
`plug-in application, to one or more servers involved in the
`management of mobile data, devices, and/or communica
`tions. The plug-in application may be a custom-built Software
`application that interfaces with the e-mail and/or calendar
`application, and provides the e-mail and/or calendar applica
`tion with the additional functionality of being able to access
`and manipulate mobile device users’ mobile data (e.g. profile
`data, contacts, call logs, and calendar data). In Such embodi
`ments, for example, mobile device users may utilize the
`e-mail and/or calendar application in conjunction with the
`plug-in application to add, delete and/or update their calendar
`entries. Data on a memory device, such as a database that is
`communicatively coupled to the one or more servers, may be
`Recent developments in wireless communications tech
`nologies, and particularly broadband wireless communica
`tions, have made the wireless exchange of content-rich data,
`such as video data, a reality. Wireless broadband communi
`cations technologies, when used in combination with mobile
`communication devices Such as cellular phones or personal
`digital assistants (PDAs), provide individuals today with the
`ability to almost instantaneously create, update, and share
`information. As a result, both the diversity and sheer volume
`of data produced and associated with individual mobile com
`munication device users has grown tremendously, creating
`the need for better mobile data management systems.
`Additionally, improvements in the quality of wireless data
`and Voice communications, as well as improvements in the
`coverage offered by wireless communication networks has
`resulted in making mobile communication devices extremely
`important communication tools. In fact, people often have
`multiple communication devices and means of being con
`tacted. Therefore, users frequently route calls between vari
`ous communication devices, for example, by initially receiv
`ing a call with one device and having it diverted to another
`This increase in mobile device usage has, however,
`resulted in requiring the users of Such devices to expend
`significant amounts of time managing incoming communica
`tions. For example, mobile device users receiving several
`calls per hour on their mobile devices are likely to have to
`devote a significant amount of attention to their devices so
`that they are able to receive important calls, while avoiding
`unimportant or vexatious calls. As mobile device users are
`also likely to be engaged in other tasks, such as driving or
`attending a meeting when calls are received, manual call
`screening or management may be even more burdensome for
`this group. Moreover, as mobile device users create, receive
`and share data frequently, they are often additionally bur
`dened with tasks associated with organizing and appropri
`ately utilizing such data.
`In order to relieve some of this burden on mobile device
`users, systems for managing mobile communications have
`been developed. Many Such systems address synchronization
`problems associated with managing the data (e.g., lists of user
`contacts) created and used by mobile device users, while
`others attempt to solve specific issues associated with man
`aging communications (e.g., incoming calls) directed to
`mobile devices. What is needed is a more effective way to
`Express Mobile, Inc., Exhibit 2036
`Page 2036 - 24
`IPR2021-01456, Facebook, Inc. v. Express Mobile, Inc.


`further updated based on the changes made to mobile device
`users calendar entries using the e-mail and/or calendar appli
`cation. Further, memory devices on users’ mobile devices
`may be additionally updated based on Such changes.
`In some embodiments, a user's mobile data may also
`include the user's preferences regarding theft protection mea
`sures that may be taken if the user's mobile device is mis
`placed or presumed stolen. Such embodiments may involve
`monitoring the user's mobile device, by, for example, moni
`toring usage patterns (e.g. numbers dialed, the duration of
`communications, and text, multimedia and e-mail messages
`sent and received), monitoring changes in the user's mobile
`data (e.g. changes associated with the user's calendar and
`contact lists), and monitoring ambient data obtained from the
`user's mobile device (e.g. data on the mobile device's loca
`tion, and image, audio and video data). Various embodiments
`may additionally involve initiating, upon a determination that
`the monitored mobile device is likely to have been stolen, one
`or more tasks based on the mobile device user's preferences
`related to theft protection. In many embodiments, such tasks
`may comprise tasks that preserve the integrity of the mobile
`device user's data, tasks that prevent the misuse of the miss
`ing and/or stolen mobile device, and tasks that aid in the
`recovery of the missing and/or stolen mobile device.
`In various other embodiments, a first memory device. Such
`as a database associated with one or more servers involved in
`the management of mobile communication, may associate
`mobile device users’ mobile data (e.g. call logs, contacts,
`calendar data, and profile data) with timing data such as
`timestamps that indicate when such data was created and/or
`last updated. In Such embodiments, the one or more servers
`may periodically identify, in the memory device, mobile data
`associated with a particular mobile device user, as well as
`timing data associated with the mobile data. The one or more
`servers may thereafter obtain, from an electronic communi
`cation device (e.g. a PDA, cellular phone or computing
`device), a second set of mobile data and timing data that is
`associated with the same mobile device user, but stored on a
`second memory device (e.g. one associated with a client
`device. Such as the particular user's mobile device). In Such
`embodiments, the one or more servers may perform one or
`more comparisons using the timing data associated with the
`first memory device and the timing data associated with the
`second memory device. Such embodiments may additionally
`involve synchronizing the first and second memory devices
`based on the one or more comparisons performed.
`According to Some other embodiments, a communication
`directed to a mobile device (e.g. an incoming call), may be
`obtained by an application executing on the mobile device or
`an application executing on one or more servers involved in
`the management of the mobile device. In Such embodiments,
`the user of the mobile device may then be presented with
`options for avoiding the communication. The options may
`comprise, for example, an option to duck the communication,
`an option to drop the communication, and an option to divert
`the communication. If the duck option is selected by the user,
`the initiator of the communication (e.g. the caller) may
`receive the message that the associated mobile network
`operator typically provides on call rejection. Alternatively, if
`the drop option is selected by the user, the initiator of the
`communication may experience a response that approximates
`the response a caller might receive when a network error
`occurs. Alternatively, if the divert option is selected by the
`user, the communication may be diverted to a third party (e.g.
`Voice mail or a different number). According to some embodi
`ments, the application executing on the mobile device or
`executing on the one or more servers may automatically
`US 8,615,216 B2
`handle unwanted calls directed to the mobile device by duck
`ing, dropping, or diverting them after they are detected.
`According to yet other embodiments, mobile device users
`may schedule future communications by using a calendar
`application (e.g. MS-Outlook or any other such application).
`The future communications may include various types of
`communications, including phone calls, SMS messages, and/
`or e-mail messages. Mobile device users may provide com
`munication schedule data to schedule communications, the
`data comprising, for example, a start date and time, an initi
`ating mobile device

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