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`. Attorney Docket Number|10001-04293 US
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Application Number
`Title of Invention
`Hybrid Device Having a Personal Digital Key and Receiver-DecocerCircuit and Methods of Use
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` Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number|10001-04293 US
`Title of Invention
`Hybrid Device Having a Personal Digital Key and Receiver-Decoder Circuit and Methods of Use
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`Attorney Docket Number|10001-04293 US
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Application Number
`Title of Invention
`Hybrid Device Having a Personal Digital Key and Receiver-Decoder Circuit and Methods of Use
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` Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number|10001-04293 US
`Title of Invention
`Hybrid Device Having a Personal Digital Key and Receiver-Decoder Circuit and Methods of Use
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` Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number|10001-04293 US
`Title of Invention
`Hybrid Device Having a Personal Digital Key and Receiver-Decoder Circuit and Methods of Use
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`oo Attorney Docket Number|10001-04293 US
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`— Title of Invention|Hybrid Device Having a Personal Digital Key and Receiver-DecocerCircuit and Methods of Use
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`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 7
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`The present application claimspriority under 35 U.S.C. § 120 to U.S. Patent
`Application 13/445,825 entitles “Hybrid Device Having a Personal Digital Key and Receiver
`Decoder Circuit and Method of Use,” filed April 12, 2012, which claimspriority under 35
`U.S.C. § 120 to U.S. Patent Application 12/329,329 entitled “Hybrid Device Having a Personal
`Digital Key and Receiver Decoder Circuit and Methodof Use,” filed December 5, 2008, now
`USS. Patent No. 8,171,528, which claims the benefit of priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e) of U.S.
`Provisional Application No. 60/992,953 entitled “Reverse Prox,” filed on December6, 2007 by
`David L. Brown, John J. Giobbi and Fred S. Hirt. The entire contents ofall of the foregoing are
`incorporated by reference herein.
`The invention generally relates to personal digital keys and corresponding
`sensors, capable of proximity detection/location determination and auxiliary data
`services/application services. Still more particularly, the present invention relates to a hybrid
`device including a personal digital key (PDK)and a receiver-decoder circuit (RDC) and methods
`for using same.
`10001-04293 US
`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 8
`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 8
`Proximity sensors and location tracking are technologies with many applications.
`For example, proximity sensors can be used to provide secure access to physical and/ordigital
`assets, based on biometrics, passwords, PINs, or other types of authentication. Proximity sensors
`typically have advantages of being less cumbersome,easier to use, and moreflexible in form
`factor and implementation. Proximity sensors can be used to control access to resources and/or
`to authenticate individuals, for example.
`Onepossible application that can take advantage of proximity sensors is location
`tracking. RFID tracking is one example. In RFID, RFID tags are attached to objects to be
`tracked. RFID readers then interact with the RFID tags to determine the location ofthe tag.
`Regardless of how it is accomplished, location tracking (1.e., knowledge about the location of an
`object or person) is generally useful. For example, location tracking information can be used to
`track inventory and trace the route of objects through variouslocations. It can be used for time
`and motion studies. If tags are attached to people, then tracking of people can be usedto better
`understand their behavior. Knowledge about a person’s location (and/or their past locations and
`projected future locations) could be used to provide better services to that person.
`However, most proximity systems and location tracking systems have limited
`capabilities. Typically, the proximity sensor, RFID tag or similar device is a dumb device, in the
`sense that the device is designed and hasthe capability only to report its location. For example,
`such devices typically do not have the capabilities to run different applications or to even interact
`with different applications. Furthermore, these systems typically are proprietary and narrowly
`tailored for a specific situation, thus preventing easy expandability to other situations or third
`party applications.
`10001-04293 US
`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 9
`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 9
`Various drawbacksof the prior art are overcomeby providing a hybrid device
`including a personal digital key (PDK) and a receiver-decoder circuit (RDC). The PDK and
`RDC ofthe hybrid device are coupled for communication with each other. In one embodiment,
`the hybrid device also provides a physical interconnect for connecting to other devices to send
`and receive control signals and data, and receive power. The hybrid device operates in one of
`several modesincluding, PDK only, RDC only, or PDK and RDC. This allowsa variety of
`system configurations for mixed operation including: PDK/RDC, RDC/RDC or PDK/PDK. The
`present invention also includes a numberof system configurations for use of the hybrid device
`including: use of the hybrid device in a cell phone; simultaneous use of the PDK and the RDC
`functionality of hybrid device; use of multiple links of hybrid device to generate an authorization
`signal, use of multiple PDK links to the hybrid device to generate an authorization signal; use of
`the hybrid device for authorization inheritance and use of the hybrid device for automatically
`disabling a service or feature.
`Other aspects of the invention include systems and components corresponding to
`the above, and methods correspondingto all of the foregoing.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating one embodiment of a system according to
`the invention.
`10001-04293 US
`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 10
`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 10
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating one embodiment of a Personal Digital Key
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating one embodimentof a sensor.
`FIGS. 4-6 are block diagramsillustrating further embodiments of systems
`according to the invention.
`FIG. 7 is a block diagram illustrating one embodiment of a system with
`networked sensors.
`FIGS. 8-9 are block diagramsillustrating operation of the system in FIG. 7.
`FIG. 10 is a diagram illustrating operation of the system in FIG. 7.
`FIG. 11 is a block diagram of one embodiment of a hybrid device in accordance
`with the present invention.
`FIG. 12 is a block diagram of one embodimentof a system in which the hybrid
`device is part of a cell phone in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 13 is a block diagram of one embodiment of a system using the PDK and the
`RDCfunctionality of hybrid device in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 14 is a block diagram of one embodimentof a system using the multiple
`links of hybrid device to generate an authorization signal in accordance with the present
`10001-04293 US
`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 11
`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 11
`FIG. 15 is a block diagram of one embodimentof a system using the multiple
`PDKlinks to the hybrid device to generate an authorization signal in accordance with the present
`FIG. 16 is a block diagram of one embodiment of a system using the hybrid
`device for authorization inheritance in accordance with the present invention.
`The figures depict various embodiments of the present invention for purposes of
`illustration only. One skilled in the art will readily recognize from the following discussion that
`alternative embodiments ofthe structures and methodsillustrated herein may be employed
`without departing from the principles of the invention described herein.
`FIG. 1 is a high level block diagram illustrating a system for allowing access to
`multiple applications (or services). The system 100 comprises a Personal Digital Key (PDK)
`102, a sensor 108, a network 110 and one or more applications 120 (including services). The
`sensor 108 is coupled to the PDK 102 by a wireless link 106 and coupled to a network 110 by
`either a wired or wireless link. In this example, the applications 120 are also accessed over
`network 110. The sensor 108 is also adapted to receive a biometric input 104 from a user andis
`capable of displaying status to a user. In alternative embodiments, different or additional
`resources and databases may be coupled to the network 110, including for example registries and
`databases used for validation or to check variousregistrations of the user. In another
`embodiment, the sensor 108 operates as a standalone device without a connection to the network
`10001-04293 US
`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 12
`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 12
`The PDK 102 includes multiple service blocks 112A-N as described in more
`detail in FIG. 2. Each service block 112 is accessed using a corresponding service block access
`key 118. In this example, the sensor 108 contains three of the service block access keys 118A,
`D, F. The service block access keys 118 allow the sensor 108 to unlock information stored in the
`corresponding service blocks 112, which informationis used as local secured information.
`In one example, a biometric is required in order to access specific service blocks
`112 inthe PDK 102. Verification of the biometric is achieved by using service block 112A. The
`sensor 108 stores the corresponding service block access key 118A and usesthis key to unlock
`the biometric service block 112A, which stores a valid biometric. A current biometric is
`received using biometric input 104. The sensor 108 then verifies the stored biometric (from
`service block 112A) against the recently acquired biometric (from input 104). Upon proper
`verification, various applications 120 are permitted to connect to the PDK 102 via the sensor 108
`and/or to gain access to other service blocks 112.
`The system 100 can be used to address applications 120 whereit is important to
`authenticate an individual for use. Generally, the sensor 108 wirelessly receives information
`stored in the PDK 102 that uniquely identifies the PDK 102 and the individual carrying the PDK
`102. The sensor 108 can also receive a biometric input 104 from the individual. Based on the
`received information, the sensor 108 determinesif access to the application 120 should be
`granted. In this example, the system 100 provides authentication without the need for PINs or
`passwords(although PINs and passwords maybeused in other implementations). Moreover,
`personal biometric information need not be stored in any local or remote storage database andis
`only stored on the user’s own PDK(in one embodiment).
`10001-04293 US
`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 13
`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 13
`Thecredibility of the system 100 is ensured by the use of a PDK 102 that stores
`trusted information. The PDK 102 is a compact, portable uniquely identifiable wireless device
`typically carried by an individual. The PDK 102 stores digital information in a tamper-proof
`format that uniquely associates the PDK 102 with an individual. Example embodiments of
`PDKsare described in more detail in U.S. Patent Application No. 11/292,330, entitled “Personal
`Digital Key And Receiver/Decoder Circuit System And Method” filed on November30, 2005;
`U.S. Patent Application No. 11/620,581 entitled “Wireless Network Synchronization Of Cells
`And Client Devices On A Network” filed on January 5, 2007; and U.S. Patent Application No.
`11/620,577 entitled “Dynamic Real-Time Tiered Client Access” filed on January 5, 2007, the
`entire contents of whichare all incorporated herein by reference.
`The sensor 108 wirelessly communicates with the PDK 102 when the PDK 102 is
`within a proximity zone(i.e., within a microcell) of the sensor 108. The proximity zone canbe,
`for example, several meters in radius and preferably can be adjusted dynamically by the sensor
`108. Thus, in contrast to many conventional RF ID devices, the sensor 108 can detect and
`communicate with the PDK 102 without requiring the owner to remove the PDK 102 from
`his/her pocket, wallet, purse, etc. Generally, the sensor 108 receives uniquely identifying
`information from the PDK 102 andinitiates an authentication process for the individual carrying
`the PDK 102. In one embodiment, the sensor 108 is adapted to receive a biometric input 104
`from the individual. The biometric input 104 comprises a representation of physical or
`behavioral characteristics unique to the individual. For example, the biometric input 104 can
`include a fingerprint, a palm print, a retinal scan, an iris scan, a photograph,a signature, a voice
`sample or any other biometric information such as DNA, RNAortheir derivatives that can
`uniquely identify the individual. The sensor 108 compares the biometric input 104 to
`10001-04293 US
`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 14
`Petitioner’s Ex. 1002, Page 14
`information received from the PDK 102 to determine authentication. Alternatively, the
`biometric input 104 can be obtained by a biometric sensor on the PDK 102 and transmitted to the
`sensor 108 for authentication. In additional alternative embodiment, someorall of the
`authentication process can be performed by the PDK 102 instead of the sensor 108.
`In this example, the sensor 108 is further communicatively coupled to the network
`110 in order to receive and/or transmit information to remote databases for remote
`authentication. In an alternative embodiment, the sensor 108 includes a non-volatile data storage
`that can be synchronized with one or more remote databasesor registries. Such an embodiment
`alleviates the need for a continuous connection to the network 110 and allows the sensor 108 to
`operate in a standalone modeandfor the local data storage to be updated when a connectionis
`available. For example, a standalone sensor 108 can periodically download updated registry
`entries and perform authentication locally without any remote lookup.
`In yet another alternative, a standalone sensor 108 may havea pre-configured
`secure access key 118 and encryption algorithm, or a variable access key 118 that changes, for
`example based on time and sensor ID. One example application would be a sensor 108 located
`in a hotel room door, where the sensor could constantly compute a different access key 118
`based on time, and the PDK 102 could be associated with this key during the hotel registration
`The network 110 provides communication between the sensor 108 and various
`validation databases and/orregistries, in addition to the applications 120. In one embodiment,
`the network 110