` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2021-01399
`U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`PNC 1002
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... ii
`BACKGROUND.............................................................................. 2
`LEGAL PRINCIPLES ..................................................................... 8
`SUMMARY OF OPINION ........................................................... 11
`DESCRIPTION OF THE RELEVANT FIELD ............................ 13
`DISCUSSION OF THE ’605 PATENT ........................................ 13
`Overview .................................................................................. 13
`Prosecution History ................................................................. 15
`LEVEL OF ORDINARY SKILL IN THE ART ........................... 15
`CLAIM CONSTRUCTION ........................................................... 16
`28, 2017 .......................................................................................... 18
`The ’974 Application Does Not Describe Using an Integrated
`Digital Camera to Capture An Image of a Check.................... 20
`1. The ’974 Application Does Not Describe Using an
`Integrated Digital Camera to Capture an Image of a Check
` ........................................................................................... 20
`2. The ’974 Application Does Not Describe Examples That
`Include Using an Integrated Digital Camera to Capture an
`Image of a Check ............................................................... 28
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`The ’974 Application Does Not Describe of the Claimed
`Sequences of Steps .................................................................. 31
`“initiating the [mobile check] deposit after [performing]
`the confirming [step]” ....................................................... 31
`“confirming that the [mobile check] deposit can go
`forward after performing an optical character recognition
`on the check” ..................................................................... 32
`“the instructing [step] is performed after the receiving
`[step]” ................................................................................ 33
`The ’974 Application Does Not Describe the Claimed
`Electronic Format Modifications ............................................. 34
`OVERVIEW OF PRIOR ART REFERENCES ............................ 34
`Oakes-I (Ex. 1037) ................................................................... 34
`Oakes-II (Ex. 1038) ................................................................. 35
`Medina (Ex. 1058) ................................................................... 37
`Roach (Ex. 1040) ..................................................................... 40
`Ground I: Claims 12-23 and 26-29 Are Obvious Over Oakes-I
`and Oakes-II ............................................................................. 43
`Independent Claim 12 ....................................................... 43
`2. Dependent Claim 13 .......................................................... 76
`3. Dependent Claim 14 .......................................................... 76
`4. Dependent Claim 15 .......................................................... 77
`5. Dependent Claim 16 .......................................................... 79
`6. Dependent Claim 17 .......................................................... 80
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`7. Dependent Claim 18 .......................................................... 80
`8. Dependent Claim 19 .......................................................... 81
`9. Dependent Claim 20 .......................................................... 81
`10. Dependent Claim 21 .......................................................... 82
`11. Dependent Claim 22 .......................................................... 84
`12. Dependent Claim 23 .......................................................... 84
`13. Dependent Claim 26 .......................................................... 85
`14. Dependent Claim 27 .......................................................... 86
`15. Dependent Claim 28 .......................................................... 86
`16. Dependent Claim 29 .......................................................... 87
`Ground II: Claims 12-23 and 26-29 Are Obvious Over Oakes-
`I, Oakes-II, and Medina ........................................................... 87
`1. Claim 12 ............................................................................ 87
`2. Claims 13-23 and 26-29 .................................................... 91
`Ground III: Claims 1-11, 24, and 25 are Obvious over Oakes-
`I/II Combined With Roach or Oakes-I/II Combined With
`Roach and Medina ................................................................... 91
`Independent Claim 1 ......................................................... 92
`2. Dependent Claim 2 ..........................................................113
`3. Dependent Claim 3 ..........................................................113
`4. Dependent Claim 4 ..........................................................114
`5. Dependent Claim 5 ..........................................................114
`6. Dependent Claim 6 ..........................................................114
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`7. Dependent Claim 7 ..........................................................115
`8. Dependent Claim 8 ..........................................................115
`9. Dependent Claim 9 ..........................................................116
`10. Dependent Claim 10 ........................................................116
`11. Dependent Claim 11 ........................................................117
`12. Dependent Claim 24 ........................................................117
`13. Dependent Claim 25 ........................................................118
`CONCLUSION ............................................................................ 118
`RIGHT TO SUPPLEMENT ........................................................ 119
`ACKNOWLEDGMENT .............................................................. 120
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`I, Todd Mowry, Ph.D., declare as follows:
`1. My name is Todd Mowry.
`I have been retained by PNC Bank, N.A. (“PNC”) to provide opinions
`in this proceeding related to U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605 (“’605 patent”).
`I am a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Carnegie
`Mellon University. I also have a courtesy appointment in the Department of
`Electrical and Computer Engineering. I have served on the faculty of Carnegie
`Mellon University for 24 years starting in 1997 through the present (2021).
`I also served on the faculty of the University of Toronto for four years
`between 1993 and 1997, in the Department of Electrical and Computer
`Engineering and a courtesy appointment in the Department of Computer Science.
`Prior to that appointment, I served as a Graduate Research Assistant in the
`Department of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University for four years
`between 1989 and 1993.
`As a faculty member, I have taught and continue to teach courses and
`directed research in computer systems and software, operating systems, distributed
`and network systems, object-oriented programming and design, and mobile
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`I received a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering with Highest
`Distinction from the University of Virginia in May 1988. I received an M.S. in
`Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in June 1989, and a Ph.D. in
`Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in March 1994.
`I have worked in the computer industry in various capacities. I was a
`part-time Computer Architect and then Computer Architecture Consultant at
`Silicon Graphics, Inc., in Mountain View, California (formerly MIPS Computer
`Systems in Sunnyvale, California) from 1989 to 1993 and 1993 to 1996,
`respectively. I was a Visiting Scientist at IBM in Toronto from 1996 to 2004.
`During that same time period (1996 to 2004), I was also a Member of the
`Technical Advisory Board of SandCraft, Inc. in Santa Clara, California. I was the
`Director of the Intel Research Pittsburgh Lab at Intel Corporation in Pittsburgh,
`Pennsylvania from 2004 to 2007.
`8. My interest in image processing began when I took a graduate course
`on Computer Vision (in roughly 1990-1991) while I was a PhD student at Stanford
`University. The course curriculum covered techniques including, for example,
`image capture using image capture devices such as a digital camera, and optical
`character recognition using, for example, a server and/or general purpose
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`9. While I was the Director of the Intel Research Pittsburgh Lab from
`2004 through 2007, I provided technical guidance to research projects in the field
`of image processing, including the Diamond project. This project was focused on
`the development of a computing system capable of efficiently searching visual
`content of images to identify images or portions of images with similar visual
`content. For example, a user transmits an image from a personal device (e.g., a
`mobile device) to a server, and the server analyzes the input image and compares it
`against a database to identify images with similar visual content in the database.
`The server identifies similar images based on distinctive visual features of an input
`image. These distinctive visual features are identified by, for example, operating
`image filters, such as edge filters. See, for example, “Diamond: A storage
`architecture for early discard in interactive search (2004),” available at
`D709DFBD157EE?doi=, and Gibbons et al., “Just-In-Time
`Indexing for Interactive Data Exploration,” School of Computer Science, Carnegie
`Mellon University (April, 2007), available at
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`I was one of the Carnegie Mellon University faculty who conducted
`research on cloud-based image processing in collaboration with Intel researchers as
`part of the Intel Science and Technology Center for Visual Cloud Systems, from
`I am a member of the Catalyst research group at Carnegie Mellon
`University, which combines research in machine learning and systems to accelerate
`AI applications that perform image processing or natural language processing.
`One of our recent papers on this topic appeared at the Fourth Conference on
`Machine Learning and Systems in 2021.
`In my undergraduate course on parallel computing (15-418), I give
`lectures to the students on how parallelism can be used to accelerate image
`processing, and I regularly supervise course projects on the topic of image
`I have authored 19 journal articles and 60 conference papers. I am
`also an inventor on 5 patents.
`I am the recipient of several honors and awards: the Arthur Samuel
`Thesis Award (awarded by the Stanford Computer Science department to the top
`two Ph.D. theses in a given year), several IBM Faculty Development Awards
`(1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003), several Best Paper Awards (the
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`Second Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation in 1996;
`the 20th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) in 2004), the
`Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (awarded to researchers in recognition of
`distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions
`to their field), the Most Thought-Provoking Idea Award in 2004 (awarded by the
`Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
`(ASPLOS)), the TR100 Award in 1999 (awarded by MIT’s Technology Review
`magazine to the top 100 most promising young innovators in science and
`technology), and I became an ACM Fellow in 2016.
`I am a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
`(IEEE) and the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM). I was the Editor-in-
`Chief of ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, the premier journal for
`computer systems research, from 2013-2018. I was an Associate Editor for the
`journal prior to that, since 2001. I was the Program Chair of the International
`Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating
`Systems (ASPLOS) in 2010. I was the Co-Program Chair of the International
`Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT) in
`2001. I have been on the programming committee in various years for ASPLOS,
`the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), the International
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`Symposium on Microarchitectures, and the Workshop on Architectural and System
`Support for Improving Format.
`16. Overall, I have over 25 years of experience in the field of computer
`science, including relevant experience with image processing or scanning
`technology involving transferring and processing of image data to and at a server.
`A copy of my curriculum vitae, including references to the publications I authored,
`is attached to my Report as Appendix A.
`In light of the foregoing, I consider myself to be an expert in the field
`of computer science, and believe that I am qualified to provide an opinion as to
`what a person of ordinary skill in the art would have understood, known, or
`concluded regarding the subject matter of the ’605 patent at the time of its alleged
`I am being compensated at my normal consulting rate of $650 an hour
`for my work. My compensation is not dependent on the outcome of this IPR
`proceeding or related litigation, nor is my compensation tied to any positions I take
`in this Declaration, and therefore it does not affect the substance of my statements
`in this Declaration.
`I have no financial interest in Petitioner. I have no financial interest in
`the ’605 patent.
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`I am not an attorney. For purposes of this declaration, I have been
`informed about and understand certain aspects of the law that are relevant to my
`analysis and opinions.
`I have been informed and understand that a patent claim can be
`considered to have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time
`of the alleged invention. This means that, even if all the requirements of a claim
`are not found in a single prior art reference, the claim is not patentable if the
`differences between the subject matter in the prior art and the subject matter in the
`claim would have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of
`the alleged invention.
`I have been informed and understand that a determination of whether
`a claim would have been obvious should be based upon several factors, including,
`among others:
` the level of ordinary skill in the art at the time the application was
` the scope and content of the prior art; and
` what differences, if any, existed between the claimed invention and
`the prior art.
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`I have been informed and understand that the teachings of two or
`more references may be combined if such a combination would have been obvious
`to one having ordinary skill in the art. In determining whether a combination
`based on multiple references would have been obvious, it is appropriate to
`consider, among other factors:
` whether the teachings of the prior art references disclose known
`concepts combined in familiar ways, and when combined, would yield
`predictable results;
` whether a person of ordinary skill in the art could implement a
`predictable variation, and would see the benefit of doing so;
` whether the claimed elements represent one of a limited number of
`known design choices, and would have a reasonable expectation of
`success by those skilled in the art;
` whether a person of ordinary skill would have recognized a reason to
`combine known elements in the manner described in the claim;
` whether there is some teaching or suggestion in the prior art to make
`the modification or combination of elements claimed in the patent;
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
` whether the claimed invention applies a known technique that had
`been used to improve a similar device or method in a similar way.
`I have been informed and understand that one of ordinary skill in the
`art has ordinary creativity, and is not an automaton.
`I have been informed and understand that in considering obviousness,
`it is important not to determine obviousness using the benefit of hindsight derived
`from the patent being considered.
`I have been informed and understand that for a patent’s claims to
`receive the benefit of priority of an earlier-filed application, every application in
`the priority chain leading to the application in question must support every
`limitation of the claim. This means every parent application must describe every
`limitation of every claim and that it is not enough for the parent application to
`simply render obvious the claims of the child patent.
`I have been informed and understand that whether an application
`describes a patent’s claim limitations is known as the “written description
`requirement.” I have been informed and understand that to satisfy the written
`description requirement, the patent’s specification must describe the claimed
`invention in sufficient detail that a person of ordinary skill in the art could
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`reasonably conclude that the inventor had possession of the claimed invention at
`the time of filing.
`I have been informed and understand that if a child patent includes
`claims that are greater in scope than the subject matter that the inventor chose to
`disclose to the public in the written description of the parent application, the parent
`application does not provide written description support for the claims of the child
`In my opinion, claims 1-29 of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605 are not
`I have been informed and understand that the application for the ’605
`patent was filed on July 28, 2017, and claims priority to U.S. Patent Application
`No. 11/590,974 (“’974 Application”) (Ex. 1042), filed on October 31, 2006. As I
`explain below in Section VIII, however, my view is that the ’605 patent is not
`entitled to claim priority to the ’974 Application and indeed is not entitled to a
`priority date that is earlier than the application date for the ’605 patent, July 28,
`31. Therefore, in reaching my opinion that , claims 1-29 of U.S. Patent
`No. 10,013,605 are not patentable, I have considered, among other things, prior art
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`with publication dates after October 31, 2006 and before July 28, 2017, including
`the following specific references:
` U.S. Patent No. 8,708,227 to Oakes, et al. (Ex. 1037, “Oakes-I”),
`published April 29, 2014;
` U.S. Patent No. 7,873,200 to Oakes, et al. (Ex. 1038, “Oakes-II”),
`published January 18, 2011;
` U.S. Patent No. 9,129,340 to Medina et al. (Ex. 1058, “Medina”),
`published September 8, 2015; and
` U.S. Publication No. 2013/0155474 to Roach, et al. (Ex. 1040, “Roach”),
`published June 20, 2013.
`32. The table below lists the combination of references based on which a
`person of ordinary skill in the art would have found the challenged claims obvious.
`Claims Challenged
`§ 103
`§ 103
`12-23 and 26-29
`12-23 and 26-29
`§ 103
`1-11, 24, and 25
`Oakes-I and Oakes-II
`Oakes-I, Oakes-II, and
`Oakes-I, Oakes-II, and
`Roach, or
`Oakes-I, Oakes-II, Roach,
`and Medina
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`I have reviewed and understand the specification, claims, and file
`history of the ’605 patent. I have also reviewed the exhibits listed in the Table of
`Exhibits attached hereto as Appendix B. Based on my review of these materials, I
`believe that the relevant field for purposes of my analysis is computer science,
`including the areas of computer engineering, or electrical engineering, including
`relevant experience with image processing or scanning technology involving
`transferring and processing of image data to and at a server. As described above, I
`have extensive experience in the relevant technology.
`A. Overview
`34. The ’605 patent is about a remote check capture/deposit system that
`includes (1) an image capture device; (2) a general-purpose computer; and (3) a
`server associated with a financial institution that receives information from the
`general-purpose computer via a publicly accessible network. Ex. 1001, 3:59-4:3.
`According to ’605 patent, the general-purpose computer may be a desktop
`computer or a laptop (Ex. 1001, 3:65-66) or a PDA (Ex. 1001, 8:32-34) and the
`image capture device may be a scanner or a digital camera (Ex. 1001, 6:50-52).
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`Ex. 1001, Figure 1.
`35. A software component may be included in the general-purpose
`computer for capturing an image of a check using the image capture device and
`transmitting the captured information to the server. Ex. 1001, Figure 6, 13:48-57,
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`36. Once the bank receives the check images at a server, the images are
`processed using routine check and image processing techniques and initiates
`deposit of the check. Ex. 1001, 11:46-57, 12:51-62.
`Prosecution History
`I have read the prosecution history of U.S. Patent Application No.
`15/663,284 (the “’284 Application”), filed July 28, 2017, that resulted in the ’605
`patent. Ex. 1015. I have been informed and understand that the ’284 Application
`did not include a priority claim but, in order to overcome prior art rejections,
`applicant requested a corrected filing receipt to obviate these rejections by adding a
`priority claim to Application No. 11/590,974, now U.S. Patent No. 8,708,227,
`which was filed October 31, 2006. Ex. 1015, 47, 76-98, 105, 106, 117-127, 135-
`I have been informed and understand that the examiner acceded to the
`requested priority claim without comment on whether the claims were actually
`entitled to the benefit of the earlier-filed applications withdrew the prior art
`rejections. Ex. 1015, 197-207.
`I have been informed and understand that a person of ordinary skill in
`the art means a hypothetical person to whom an expert in the field could assign a
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`routine task with reasonable confidence that the person could successfully carry it
`out. I have also been informed and understand that prior art references evidence
`the level of ordinary skill in the art. A person of ordinary skill in the relevant field
`or art at relevant times (2006-2017) of the ’605 patent would have had a
`Bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering, electrical
`engineering, or equivalent field, and two years of experience in software
`development and programming in the area of image capturing/scanning technology
`involving transferring and processing of image data to and at a server. A person
`with additional education or additional industrial experience could still be of
`ordinary skill in the art if that additional aspect compensates for a deficit in one of
`the other aspects of the requirements stated above.
`I have been informed and understand that in an inter partes review,
`claims are construed using the standard of claim construction a District Court
`would use to construe the claim in a civil litigation action. That is, I have been
`informed and understand that the ordinary and customary meaning, as understood
`by a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the alleged invention in light
`of the patent’s prosecution history and specification, must be given to the claim
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`I have been informed and understand that in the co-pending district
`court litigation, the Patent Owner and agree on the construction of some claim
`terms and disagree on other claim terms. For purposes of my analysis, I’ve relied
`upon Patent Owner’s district court construction for the terms “handheld mobile
`device,” “portable device,” and “digital camera,” provided below. These terms are
`“handheld mobile
`“portable device”
`“digital camera”
`Ex. 1059, 17.
`Patent Owner’s Proposed Constructions
`“handheld computing device”
`Ex. 1001, 3:21-41, 3:59-4:9, 5:37-58, 6:8-56, 7:12-
`30, 7:51-9:2, 13:20-32, 14:64-15:6, Figures 1, 3-4.
`“computing device capable of being easily moved
`Ex. 1001, 3:21-41, 3:59-4:9, 5:37-58, 6:8-56, 7:12-
`30, 7:51-9:2, 13:20-32, 14:64-15:6, Figures 1, 3-4.
`No further construction necessary.
`Ex. 1001, 3:21-41, 3:59-4:9, 5:37-58, 6:8-56, 7:12-
`30, 7:51-9:2, 13:20-32, 14:64-15:6, Figures 1, 3-4.
`I have been informed and understand that in the pending district court
`litigation, the Patent Owner asserts claims 1 and 12 are broad enough to cover a
`mobile device having a digital camera integrated with the mobile device. I have
`been informed and understand the Patent Owner alleges that “the camera in the
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`personal or mobile device” shows the claimed “digital camera” and a mobile phone
`operating a downloaded banking app shows the claimed “portable or mobile device
`that includes a downloaded software or app.” Ex. 1043 (Complaint), ¶¶ 47, 49, 51.
`I have also been informed and understand that Patent Owner has also alleged, in a
`prior CBM proceeding, that the ’605 patent “claims the genus of mobile/portable
`general purpose computers that can communicate over a wireless network and that
`have an integrated camera.” Wells Fargo v. USAA, CBM2019-00029, Paper 10,
`37. For purposes of my analysis, I’ve relied upon Patent Owner’s interpretation
`and application of the terms “handheld mobile device,” “portable device,” and
`“digital camera.”
`I have been informed and understand that the ’605 patent claims
`priority to the ’974 Application. In my opinion, the ’974 Application does not
`provide written description support for the ’605 patent’s claims. and to U.S. Patent
`Application No. 14/225,090 (Ex. 1060). The ’605 patent also claims priority to
`U.S. Patent Application No. 14/225,090 (Ex. 1060). U.S. Patent Application No.
`14/225,090 shares the same written disclosure as the ’974 Application and
`therefore it also fails to provide written description support for the ’605 patent.
`Declaration of Dr. Todd Mowry
` In Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review
`of U.S. Patent No. 10,013,605
`44. First, a system that includes a mobile/portable device with an
`integrated digital camera that is used to capture check images is not disclosed in
`the ’974 Application. I note that this feature, under Patent Owner’s construction, is
`covered by the challenged claims. See my discussion in Section VII.A (Claim
`45. Second, the claimed sequencing of several steps are not disclosed in
`the ’974 Application, such as:
` “initiating the [mobile check] deposit after [performing] the
`confirming [step]” (independent claims 1 and 12); and
` “confirming that the [mobile check] deposit can go forward after
`performing an optical character recognition on the check”
`(independent claims 1 and 12);
` “the