Case 6:20-cv-00979-ADA Document 139 Filed 08/02/21 Page 1 of 18
`Plaintiff and Counterclaim
`C.A. No. 6:20-cv-00979-ADA
`Defendants and
`Counterclaim Plaintiffs.
`Plaintiff and Counterclaim Defendant Align Technology, Inc. (“Align”) and Defendants and
`Counterclaim Plaintiffs 3Shape A/S and 3Shape Trios A/S (collectively “3Shape”) hereby submit
`this Joint Claim Construction Statement. This Statement identifies the disputed terms and
`constructions for the following patents:
`Align’s Patents:
`9,101,433 (“the ’433 patent”),
`10,728,519 (“the ’519 patent”),
`10,750,151 (“the ’151 patent”),
`10,750,152 (“the ’152 patent”),
`10,945,609 (“the ’609 patent”),
`10,791,936 (“the ’936 patent”), and
`10,709,527 (“the ’527 patent”), (collectively, “the Align patents”); and
`3Shape’s Patents:
`10,097,815 (“the ’815 patent”),
`10,383,711 (“the ’711 patent”),
`10,905,333 (“the ’333 patent”), and
`RE48,221 (“the ’221 patent”) (collectively, “the 3Shape patents”).
`3SHAPE 1015 3Shape v Align IPR2021-01383


`1 Amended in Align’s Sur-Reply Claim Construction Brief
`color data”
`“3D surface points obtained independently of the
`scanned object”1
`related to the three-dimensional properties of the
`Plain and ordinary meaning, which is “data
`’152 patent, claims 1, 9, 16, 23
`’151 patent, claims 1, 10, 18, 25
`’519 patent, claims 1, 6, 13, 21,
`’433 patent, claims 1, 2, 12, 13,
`[A.1] “depth data”
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`[Issue A] Terms Relating to Whether Depth Data is Obtained Independently of Color Data
`Color Scanning Patents (’433, ’519, ’151, and ’152 Patents)
`conjugate focal planes”
`“imaging technique having illumination and detection paths with
`Agreed Construction
`’519 patent, claims 4, 16, 27
`“confocal imaging techniques”
`Agreed Constructions for Align’s Patents
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`3SHAPE 1015 3Shape v Align IPR2021-01383


`2 Amended in Align’s Sur-Reply Claim Construction Brief
`4A, Fig. 8, Fig. 11, Fig. 12, Fig. 13
`67, 5:3-5, 14:56-16:52, 24:30-35; Fig. 1, Fig.
`to generate color)” see, e.g., ’433 patent, at 3:3-
`color data (i.e. full spectrum of light required
`telecentric confocal optics. Does not acquire
`illuminated spots at different positions of the
`intensity of the light returned from
`processor to determine the maximum
`telecentric confocal optics, image sensor,
`laser(s) coupled to a grating/microlens array,
`• Structure: “scanning system comprising
`orthogonal to a depth direction)”
`dimensional reference array substantially
`structure portion (corresponding to a two-
`• Function: “to generate depth data of the
`Subject to §112¶6
`8, Fig. 11, Fig. 12, Fig. 13
`14:56-16:52, 24:30-35, Fig. 1, Fig. 4A, Fig.
`e.g., ’433 patent at 3:3-67, 5:3-5, 13:14-23,
`as an image sensor, and a processor”2 see,
`the depth direction, detection optics such
`illumination source, main optics to measure
`confocal imaging arrangement, including an
` Structure: “scanning system that relies on
`orthogonal to depth direction)”
`dimensional reference array substantially
`structure portion (corresponding to a two-
` Function: “to generate depth data of the
`if subject to § 112 ¶ 6:
`the optical axis,” and not subject to § 112 ¶ 6, but
`system with a plane substantially perpendicular to
`Plain and ordinary meaning, which is “an imaging
`image data independently of depth data of the
`illumination) to obtain two-dimensional color
`(i.e., white light or sequential red, green, blue
`“imaging device that uses colored illumination
`Plain and ordinary meaning
`independently of the color data of the portion”
`“scanning system configured to obtain depth data
`Plain and ordinary meaning
`’433 patent, claims 1, 12
`data of the structure portion”
`member to generate depth
`[A.4] “image gathering
`’519 patent, claims 1, 13, 24
`data of (said/the) portion”
`dimensional) color image
`configured to provide (two-
`[A.3] “imaging system
`’519 patent, claims 1
`data of (said/the) portion”
`configured to provide depth
`[A.2] “scanning system
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
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`3SHAPE 1015 3Shape v Align IPR2021-01383


`depth data”
`data used to generate color independently of
`Data: “(first/second) two-dimensional image
`Two-Dimensional (First/Second) Image
`independently of depth data”
`dimensional image data used to generate color
`“two-dimensional image data: “two-
`obtained independently of depth image data”
`the color of the three-dimensional object
`“color image data”: “image data representing
`obtained independently of the depth data”
`that represents the color of the intraoral structure
`“color data of the intraoral structure”: “data
`independently of color data of said portion”
`“scanning system to obtain depth data
`If found not subject to §112¶6, then:
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`Case 6:20-cv-00979-ADA Document 139 Filed 08/02/21 Page 4 of 18
`obtained independently of color image data”
`Indefinite; if not indefinite: “depth image data
`depth data”
`Not indefinite; “the image data used to derive
`Plain and ordinary meaning
`“color image data”: Plain and ordinary
`“color data”: Plain and ordinary meaning
`intraoral structure captured by the sensor”
`required: “data that represents the color of the
`and ordinary meaning, but if construction is
`“color data of the intraoral structure”: Plain
`’152 patent, claim 9
`’151 patent, claims 1, 10, 18, 25
`[A.7] “depth image data”
`’433 patent, claims 1, 2
`(first/second) image data”
`’433 patent, claims 12, 13
`image data”
`[A.6] “two-dimensional
`’152 patent, claims 9
`’151 patent, claims 1, 10, 18, 25
`’519 patent, claims 1, 6, 13, 24
`“color image data”
`23, 25
`’152 patent, claims 1, 9, 16, 18,
`’151 patent, claims 1, 18
`oral structure)”
`[A.5] “color data (of the intra-
`3SHAPE 1015 3Shape v Align IPR2021-01383


`coordinates of the two-dimensional color image
`X-Y coordinates to substantially the same X-Y
`“processor…configured to match depth data at
`Plain and ordinary meaning
`than one distance in the depth direction”
`in focus relative to the structure portion for more
`that the entire wavelength composition of color is
`plurality of focal lengths and the depth data such
`coordinates of the depth data based on the
`coordinates to substantially the same X-Y
`“selectively match color values at X-Y
`Plain and ordinary meaning
`depth data”
`to substantially the same X-Y coordinates of the
`“match estimated color values at X-Y coordinates
`Plain and ordinary meaning
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`[Issue B] Terms Related to Mapping of Color Data to Depth Data
`Case 6:20-cv-00979-ADA Document 139 Filed 08/02/21 Page 5 of 18
`’519 patent, claim 1
`color image data”
`with the two-dimensional
`to associate the depth data
`[B.3] “processor...configured
`’433 patent, claim 12
`distances in the depth
`portion for a plurality of
`focus relative to the structure
`the structure portion is in
`resulting associated color of
`the depth data such that the
`plurality of focal lengths and
`reference array based on the
`for the two-dimensional
`image data to the depth data
`[B.2] “selectively map the
`’433 patent, claim 1
`reference array”
`for the two-dimensional
`image data to the depth data
`[B.1] “map the estimated
`3SHAPE 1015 3Shape v Align IPR2021-01383


`form an array of spots”
`not indefinite, “light incident on an object to
`“array of incident light”: Indefinite. If found
`• Structure: “laser(s) optically coupled to a
`grating, microlens array”
`• Function: “transmit a first array of incident
`dimensional structure”
`light along a path towards a three-
`“illumination unit”: subject to §112 ¶ 6:
`See, e.g., 6:10-14, 15:30-43
`lasers, or laser emitters; or (3) equivalents
`plurality of light emitters, semiconductor
`array, or an optics expander; or (2) a
`or refraction optics, grating, microlens
`emitter(s) in conjunction with diffraction
`emitter(s), semiconductor laser(s), or laser
` Structure: “(1) one or more light
`three-dimensional structure”
`incident light along a path towards the
` Function: “transmit a first array of
`If subject to § 112 ¶ 6:
`provide or condition light for illumination”
`construed as “one or more optical elements that
`“illumination unit”: not subject to § 112 ¶ 6,
`’519 patent, claims 1, 13, 24
`dimensional structure”
`path towards the three-
`array of incident light along a
`configured to transmit a first
`[C.1] “illumination unit
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`[Issue C] Terms Relating to a Light/Light Beams
`obtained depth data”
`same X-Y coordinates of the independently
`coordinates of the color data to substantially the
`“new numerical entity created by matching X-Y
`coordinates of color data to coordinates of depth
`“numerical entity created by associating
`’152 patent, claims 1, 9, 23
`’151 patent, claims 1, 10, 11, 18,
`dimensional numerical
`[B.4] “color three-
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`Case 6:20-cv-00979-ADA Document 139 Filed 08/02/21 Page 6 of 18
`3SHAPE 1015 3Shape v Align IPR2021-01383


`a disputed term. The issue underlying the dispute—namely the inclusion of a limitation requiring “illuminated spot[s]”—is nevertheless
`Opening Brief, Dkt. No. 120-1, and so Align did not directly address it in its response. 3Shape has now identified “returned light beams” as
`3 This term was mistakenly identified by 3Shape as a term in which 3Shape’s construction was the same as Align’s in Exhibit 1 to 3Shape’s
`returned from an illuminated spot”
`“returned light beams”: “light beams each
`illuminated spots on the surface of the object”
`“incident light beams”: “light beams that form
`projection of light energy”
`“light beams”: “more than one directional
`illuminating an object”
`of light energy propagating along the optical axis
`“incident light beams”: “directional projections
`“light beams”: “directional projections of light
`’151 patent, claim 13
`“returned light beams”
`’151 patent, claim 18
`“incident light beams”
`’519 patent, claims 20, 21
`[C.3] “light beams”
`intra-oral structure”
`“light returned from illuminated spots…from the
`“returning light”: indefinite; if not indefinite:
`limitations above.
`required. See construction of “detector”
`“measure intensity”: no further construction
`path and from the three-dimensional structure”
`from each illuminated spot that returns along the
`configured to measure intensity of light returned
`indefinite; if found not indefinite: “detector
`of each of a plurality of returned light”:
`“detector (configured) to measure intensity
`ordinary meaning
`“returning light”: not indefinite; plain and
`returned light”
`“measure intensity”: “detect intensity of
`dimensional structure”
`return along the path and from the three-
`returned directional projections of light that
`measure intensity of each of a plurality of
`construction is required: “detector configured to
`indefinite; plain and ordinary meaning; if
`of each of a plurality of returned light”: not
`“detector (configured) to measure intensity
`’151 patent, claims 10, 25
`“returning light”
`’519 patent, claims 1, 30
`“measure intensity”
`’519 patent, claims 1, 4, 13, 24,
`of a plurality of returned
`to measure intensity of each
`[C.2] “detector (configured)
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`light beams”
`and ordinary meaning, which is “array of incident
`“array of incident light”: not indefinite; plain
`Align’s Proposed Construction
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`Br. at 20-23.
`addressed in Align’s response related to the C.2 terms and “incident light beams” under C.3. See Dkt. No. 126, Align Resp. Claim Constr.
`optical elements”
`image sensor at a position changeable by the
`define one or more focal surfaces parallel to the
`“optical elements operating telecentrically to
`to one or more focal planes”
`more optical components that focus light beams
`Plain and ordinary meaning, which is: “one or
`“X-Y plane parallel to the image sensor”
`the optical system are focused”
`“a position where one or more light beams from
`’152 patent, claims 1, 9, 16, 23
`’151 patent, claims 1, 10, 18, 25
`[D.2] “focusing optics”
`’152 patent, claims 1, 16, 23
`’151 patent, claims 1, 10, 18
`[D.1] “focal plane”
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`[Issue D] Terms Relating to Focusing
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`three dimensional structure/dentition”
`in response to the incident light beams on the
`“returned light beams”: “light beams returned
`Align’s Proposed Construction
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`3SHAPE 1015 3Shape v Align IPR2021-01383


`model according to the user input”
`model to create a removed surface portion of the
`“delete scan data associated with the displayed
`Plain and ordinary meaning
`’936 patent, claims 1, 17
`user input”
`removed according to the
`portion of the model to be
`model, a removed surface
`“remove, from the displayed
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`[Issue F] Deleting, Removing, or Discarding Portions of a Model
`Selective Rescanning Patents (’936 and ’609 Patents)
`depth direction”
`in an X-Y plane substantially 90 degrees to the
`“depth data corresponding to a plurality of points
`depth direction”
`on a reference plane substantially 90 degrees to a
`“depth data corresponding to a plurality of points
`degrees to a depth direction”
`“array of points in an X-Y plane substantially 90
`depth direction”
`“a reference plane substantially 90 degrees to a
`’519 patent, claims 1, 13, 24
`orthogonal to a depth
`plane substantially
`of data points defined on a
`corresponding to a plurality
`[E.2] “depth data
`’433 patent, claims 1, 12
`orthogonal to a depth
`reference array substantially
`[E.1] “two-dimensional
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`[Issue E] Terms Relating to Reference Array
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`3SHAPE 1015 3Shape v Align IPR2021-01383


`deleting the scan data of the removed surface
`data with a retained portion of the model after
`“register [registering] the [received] second scan
`the model”
`least a portion of the removed surface portion of
`“use the received second scan data instead of at
`’936 patent, claims 1, 9, 17
`scan data]”
`least a portion of the second
`received second scan data [at
`the model […] using the
`[removed] surface portion of
`least a portion of the
`[H.1] “replace [replacing] at
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`[Issue H] The Meaning of Replacing or Updating a Virtual Model
`scanning a patient’s teeth for a dental procedure”
`created by a dental practitioner when [intraorally]
`“accounting for changes in surface topology
`ordinary meaning
`preamble; if preamble is limiting: plain and
`No construction necessary because non-limiting
`“an intraoral portion physically altered by a dental
`Plain and ordinary meaning
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`[Issue G] The Scope of a Physically Changed Intraoral Portion
`Case 6:20-cv-00979-ADA Document 139 Filed 08/02/21 Page 10 of 18
`’609 patent, claims 1, 12, 23
`patient’s teeth for a dental
`when [intraorally] scanning a
`changes in surface topology
`[G.2] “accounting for
`’936 patent, claims 1, 9
`intraoral cavity”
`portion of the patient’s
`[G.1] “a physically changed
`3SHAPE 1015 3Shape v Align IPR2021-01383


`Plain and ordinary meaning
`representative of the second surface portion”
`scan) or by explicit identification, the surface data
`(i.e. the remaining surface portion of the first
`of the first surface portion and, by implication
`model, identifying the surface data representative
`“receiving user input, via the displayed first
`’609 patent, claims 1, 12
`surface portion”
`representative of the second
`the surface data
`the first surface portion and
`surface data representative of
`model, demarcating the
`input, via the displayed first
`“receiving [receive] user
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`[Issue I] The Meaning of User Input Identifying Portions of a Model
`least a portion of the surface data”
`data representative of the first surface portion, at
`modifying, within only the demarcated surface
`indefinite: “updating [update] the first model by
`Indefinite under 35 U.S.C. § 112 ¶ 2; if not
`Not indefinite; Align agrees to 3Shape’s proposed
`’609 patent, claims 1, 12, 23
`surface data [first surface
`at least a portion of the
`first model by modifying only
`[H.2] “updating [update] the
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
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`including scanning or based on the 3D virtual
`“generating second 3D data in any manner,
`virtual model”
`virtual model, or otherwise based on the 3D
`model, interpolating between points in the 3D
`3D virtual model by extrapolating the 3D virtual
`intraoral structure of the missing portion of the
`“generat[ing] second data representing the
`virtual model”
`model or interpolating between points in the 3D
`3D virtual model by extrapolating the 3D virtual
`intraoral structure of the missing portion of the
`“generat[ing] second data representing the
`’527 patent, claims 1, 12
`second 3D data”
`“generating [generate]
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`[Issue K] The Scope of Generating Second 3D Data
`structure in the 3D virtual model”
`“determining [determine] a missing dental
`intraoral cavity of the patient”
`that is missing a portion of any target part of the
`“determining a portion of the 3D virtual model
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`’527 patent, claims 1, 12
`intraoral structure of the
`missing a portion of the
`virtual model that are
`missing portion of the 3D
`“determining [determine] a
`[Issue J] Determining a Missing Portion of the Intraoral Structure
`IV. Hole Closing Patent (’527 Patent)
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`3SHAPE 1015 3Shape v Align IPR2021-01383


`Plain and ordinary meaning
`sensors in the camera”
`light input signal or sensor input signal from the
`(1) a signal derived from the pattern, and (2)
`“a measure of the degree of correlation between
`’815 patent, claim 33, 40
`“correlation measure”
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`device into a controller mode”
`“switching to remotely controlling the view puts the handheld
`“smaller in number”
`“two or more adjacent pixels on the image sensor”
`“not identical to”
`“sensors that detect motion”
`Agreed Construction
`’815 Patent
`‘221 patent, claim 39
`handheld device into a controller mode”
`“switching to remotely controlling the view outs the
`’711 patent, claim 4
`“smaller than”
`’711 patent, claim 1, 9, 42
`“block of the image sensor pixels”
`’711 patent, claim 1
`“different from”
`’815 patent, claims 1, 26, 27, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, 43
`“motion sensors”
`Agreed Constructions for 3Shape’s Patents
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`3SHAPE 1015 3Shape v Align IPR2021-01383


`the image sensor within a block…”
`surface geometry for a first set of pixels on
`medium; and algorithm(s) for deriving
`or more processors and computer readable
` Structure: “one or more processors, or one
`image sensor within a block…”
`information for a first set of pixels on the
` Function: “derive surface geometry
`If subject to § 112 ¶ 6:
`the image sensor within a block…”
`geometry information for a first set of pixels on
`processing system configured to derive surface
`Not subject to § 112 ¶ 6, construed as “data
`Not indefinite; “pixels on the image sensor”
`least one 2D image used to derive color
`system that derives geometry information for at
`If not subject to § 112 ¶ 6: “data processing
` Structure: “a processor programmed to
`same 2D images as the surface color
`that is derived from at least one of the
`record surface geometry of an object
`within a block”
`information for a first set of image pixels
` Function: “derive surface geometry
`Subject to § 112 ¶ 6:
`“image sensor pixels”: “pixels on the image
`derived from the image sensor pixels”
`“image pixels”: “pixels on the image that are
`Indefinite; if not indefinite:
`’711 patent, claim 1
`color image sensor”
`2D images recorded by the
`sensor pixels from a series of
`within a block of the image
`first set of image pixels
`geometry information for a
`configured to derive surface
`“data processing system
`’711 patent, passim
`“image pixels / image sensor
`the object”
`more than one color at the same time, that strikes
`Plain and ordinary meaning, which is “light having
`illuminates the object”
`one shade of color, at the same time that
`light with more than one color, or more than
`Plain and ordinary meaning, which is “a probe
`’711 patent, claim 1
`for illumination of the object”
`“multichromatic probe light
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`’711 Patent
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`Plain and ordinary meaning.
`having tooth decay from emitted fluorescence”
`“region of the tooth that the system detects as
`’333 patent, claims 1, 3, 20, 21,
`“cariogenic region of the
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
`Plain and ordinary meaning
`of pixels on the image sensor within the
`surface color information for a second set
`medium; and algorithm(s) for deriving
`or more processors and computer readable
` Structure: “one or more processors, or one
`the image sensor within the block…”
`information for a second set of pixels on
` Function: “derive surface color
`If subject to § 112 ¶ 6 construction:
`pixels on the image sensor within the block…”
`surface color information for a second set of
`processing system further configured to derive
`Not subject to § 112 ¶ 6, construed as: “data
`one 2D image used to derive geometry
`system that derives color information for at least
`If not subject to § 112 ¶ 6: “data processing
`same 2D images as the surface geometry
`that is derived from at least one of the
`record color information of an object
` Structure: “a processor programmed to
`pixels within a block”
`information for a second set of image
` Function: “derive surface color
`Subject to § 112 ¶ 6:
`’333 Patent
`’711 patent, claim 24
`“low weight”
`’711 patent, claim 1
`the color image sensor”
`one 2D image recorded by
`sensor pixels from at least
`within the block of the image
`a second set of image pixels
`surface color information for
`further configured to derive
`“data processing system
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
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`of the tooth”
`configured to record data for the cariogenic region
`light at least at the second wavelength, thereby
`one of the one or more image sensor(s) detects
`intraoral scanner is configured such that at least
`Plain and ordinary meaning, which is “the 3D
`Plain and ordinary meaning
`second light source”
`wavelength in which light was emitted from the
`one or more image sensors at the same
`on the detection of light by at least one of the
`data for the cariogenic region of the tooth based
`“the 3D intraoral scanner is configured to record
`Plain and ordinary meaning.
`material of a tooth”
`“a light source used to excite a fluorescent
`’333 patent, claims 1, 21
`the cariogenic region of the
`configured to record data for
`second wavelength, thereby
`sensor(s) detects light at the
`one of the one or more image
`configured such that at least
`“the 3D intraoral scanner is
`’333 patent, claims 1, 20, 21, 33,
`“a second light source”
`3Shape’s Proposed Construction
`Align’s Proposed Construction
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`3SHAPE 1015 3Shape v Align IPR2021-01383


`Case 6:20-cv-00979-ADA Document 139 Filed 08/02/21 Page 17 of 18
`Dated: August 2, 2021
`By: /s/ Faye Paul Teller
`Barry K. Shelton (TX Bar No. 24055029)
`311 RR 620 S, Suite 205
`Austin, TX 78734
`Tel: (512) 263-2165
`Fax: (512) 263-2166
`Mark L. Levine (IL Bar No. 6201501)
`Faye Paul Teller (IL Bar No. 6306719)
`Amy R. Gore (IL Bar No. 6329788)
`54 West Hubbard Street
`Chicago, Illinois 60654
`Tel: (312) 494-4400
`Fax: (312) 494-4440
`Joseph C. Smith, Jr. (CO Bar. No. 20994)
`John M. Hughes (CO Bar No. 38295)
`Jason C. Murray (CO Bar No. 43652)
`Meg E. Fasulo (CO Bar No. 51583)
`Sundeep K. Addy (CO Bar No. 38745)
`1801 Wewatta Street, Suite 1200
`Denver, Colorado 80202
`Tel: (303) 592-3100
`Fax: (303) 592-3140
` Attorneys for Plaintiff and Counterclaim Defendant
`Align Technology, Inc.
`By: /s/ Kimberly E. Coghill
`Max Ciccarelli (No. 00787242)
`750 N. St. Paul St., Suite 200
`Dallas, Texas 75201
`Phone: 214-444-8869
`Kimberly E. Coghill (pro hac vice)
`Bryan Cannon (pro hac vice)
`2000 K Street, N.W.
`Suite 600
`Washington, D.C. 20006-1865
`Tel: 202.220.1200
`Fax: 202.220.1465
`William D. Belanger (pro hac vice)
`Gregory Len (pro hac vice)
`Frank D. Liu (pro hac vice)
`Brittanee L. Petrik (pro hac vice)
`Ana Spone (pro hac vice)
`Gwendolyn Tawresey (pro hac vice)
`19th Floor, High Street Tower
`125 High Street
`Boston, MA 02110-2736
`Tel: 617.204.5100
`Fax: 617.204.5150
`Attorneys for Defendants and Counterclaim Plaintiffs
`3Shape A/S and 3Shape Trios A/S
`3SHAPE 1015 3Shape v Align IPR2021-01383


`Case 6:20-cv-00979-ADA Document 139 Filed 08/02/21 Page 18 of 18
`The undersigned hereby certifies that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing
`document has been served on all counsel of record via the Court’s ECF system
`/s/ Faye Paul Teller
`Faye Paul Teller
`3SHAPE 1015 3Shape v Align IPR2021-01383

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