`(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0117330 A1
`Ehlcrs ct al.
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jun. 17, 2004
`Inventors: Gregory A. Ehlers, Bradenton, FL
`(US); James H. Turner, Chesterfield,
`VA (US); Joseph Beaudet, Prince
`George, VA (US); Ronald Strich,
`Pueblo West, CO (US); George
`Loughmiller, Scottsdale, AZ (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`(21) Appl. NO':
`Jul. 28, 2003
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/368,963, filed on Mar.
`28, 2002. Provisional application No. 60/383,027,
`filed on May 24, 2002.
`Publication Classification
`.................. G06F 17/00
`........................... 705/412
`Int. Cl.7
`(52) Us. Cl.
`A system and method manage delivery of energy from a
`distribution network to one or more sites. Each site has at
`least one device coupled to the distribution network. The at
`least one device controllably consumes energy. The system
`includes a node and a control system. The node is coupled
`to the at least one device for sensing and controlling energy
`delivered to the device. A control system is coupled to the
`node and distribution network for delivering to the node at
`least one characteristic of the distribution network. The node
`(63) Continuation of application No. 10/402,370, filed on
`Mar. 28, 2003, now abandoned.
`for controls the supply of energy to the device as a function
`of the at least one characteristic.
`1.16 K‘
`A 1.12
`Page 1 of 50
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 1 0f 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
`1.16 K!
`i 1.12
`iigure 1A
`_P_igure 1C
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`Patent Application Publication
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 3 0f 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
`1.10D ’
`_1-:igure 2A
`Page 4 of 50
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`US 2004/0117330 A1
` 2.08
` 2.08
`Page 5 of 50
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`US 2004/0117330 A1
`2.20A z'v
`jigure 213
`Page 6 of 50
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 6 0f 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
` 3.10C
`iigure 33
`1.08, 1.10
`figure 3C
`Page 7 of 50
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 7 0f 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
`jigure 3D
`—— HVAC RUN %
`_P_igure 3E
`E g
`Page 8 of 50
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 8 0f 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
`jigure 3F
`iigure 3G
`Page 9 of 50
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 9 0f 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
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`Heafingl AC
`Click here to accms Healing]AC
`figure 4C
`Page 10 of 50
`Page 10 of 50
`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 10 0f 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
`Occupancy Modes
`Am 51:22 m 11:31
`When my home la in Home Made M Active
`Use the following settings for the are” controlled by the Healing] AC thermosht
`Murrow-w m”4 32
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`Q My home is normally OCCUPIED during Home made
`um um um
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`_1-‘_igure 41-"
`Page 11 of 50
`Page 11 of 50
`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 11 of 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
`Thermostat Scheduling
`07 26
`iigure 4G
`Thermostat Scheduling
` men scum-mime
`Then at
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`men a—Mwm
`mm at—Mmmoae
`Bank to Calendar...
`Figure 4H 4.44 4.46
`Page 12 of 50
`Page 12 of 50
`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 12 0f 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
`Configure Alert
`User Name: E. Minem
`Primary email:
`Configurable Priority Single/Aggregate
`iiiiflillfi“ IK
`Temperature out of Range
`Temperature out of Range
`Gateway Not Responding
`Temperature out of Range
`Gateway N01 Responding
`Budget Limit Alarm
`Devin is Malinncfloning
`Communication Failure
`Duplicate lP addrms
`Note: You may add the secondary email as another channel by updating personal data, Click here In update amount personal data
`Daily Profile
`jigure 4K
`Page 13 of 50
`Page 13 of 50
`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 13 0f 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
`‘I 2 y emperature eport
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`Page 14 of 50
`Page 14 of 50
`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 14 0f 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
`Configuration Data
`Personal Data
`Your pmnnal accounl settings
`'I'hermosht Data
`Your thermostat data
`Home Data
`Information about your ham
`jigure 4N
`Thermostat Data
`0 Healing
`1%» Cooling
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`Electric: w/ Electric Emeren
`mm: w/ Gas Emergency
`Electric Baseboard
`jigure 4P
` Eva - oratve
`Page 15 of 50
`Page 15 of 50
`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 15 0f 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
`Program Participation
`Supply Type
`Participate Product Name
`On Demand
`Emergency AC Cunailment
`On Demand
`A Group
`On Demand
`3 Group
`Emergency HVAC Cunnilment On Demand
`01/01 - 12/31
`01/01 — 12/31
`01/01 - 12,61
`01/01 - 12/31
`Em?“ “5/51"
`Emf’wl Pump
`Emergency Shut Off
`5:1: “gym" “m"
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`Page 16 of 50
`Page 16 of 50
`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 16 0f 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
`=I thinlDisuibnliunNmmkft-tml
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`Page 17 of 50
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 17 0f 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
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`jigure 5F
`Page 18 of 50
`Page 18 of 50
`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 17, 2004 Sheet 18 0f 18
`US 2004/0117330 A1
`Pro am Definitions
`“a UHVACII‘STAT Elwmr HutuDPoal Pump Dfiot Tub/Spa m 568
`Supply mm (o) Oan 0 Scheduled “5.62
`Availablz'fime: Prom: HH
`To:HH- M
`AvaflableDaluz Plumb/INK [-- DD
`[3 Optimal
`5 Tu
`D Ovulideable ‘-\— 5 66
`5.72 iigure 5G 5.74
`Circa.“ : Neighborhuud Power Company
`Daily Raped fur Elxh'lc Meter
`Total Uiage : 647.32 kWh
`Energy Consumption for Tuesday , Mazda 18 ,2003
`C] Ham-1y kW'H
` 000102030405060708091011121314151617181920nnflw
`1“,: ——My
`Electric Meter
`Water Heater
`Hot Tub/ Spa
`Pool Pump
`Page 19 of 50
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`US 2004/0117330 A1
`Jun. 17, 2004
`[0001] The present application claims priority to US.
`patent application Ser. No. 10/402,370 filed Mar. 28, 2003,
`which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application
`Serial No. 60,868,963 filed Mar. 28, 2002 and to U.S.
`Provisional Patent Application Serial No. (JO/383,027 filed
`on May 24, 2002, all of which are hereby incorporated by
`[0002] The present invention relates generally to the deliv-
`ery of a commodity, and more particularly, to a system and
`method for managing the delivery and usage of a commodity
`such as electricity, natural gas, steam, water, chilled or
`heated water, or potable or recycled water.
`[0003] Traditionally, utilities have done an excellent job of
`providing a reliable source of power to their customers.
`Utilities do this by accurately predicting consumer demand
`and then ensuring that
`they have adequate generation
`resources available to meet
`that demand. Historically,
`demand for power increases each year during peak heating
`and cooling months, resulting in a need for ever increasing
`amounts of generation capacity. A review of the peak period
`demand clearly show that the need for a substantial amount
`of new generation assets could be eliminated if there was a
`way to shift some of the demand from peak to 0 peak times.
`the electric industry has
`[0004] The deregulation of
`heightened concerns over power outages, price volatility and
`how the eventual outcome will impact the economy and our
`way of life.
`[0005] For example, recent events in California have cap-
`tured the headlines and amplify these concerns. California
`suffers from 10 years of load growth with no new generation
`facilities being built
`to meet
`the demand. Internet data
`centers like the one in San Jose represent unanticipated new
`demands for power 24 hours a day equal to that of 60,000
`homes. State mandated deregulation activities forced the
`major utilities to sell off their generation assets resulting in
`them having to buy the power they used to self generate
`from others.
`[0006] Demand reduction programs and more advanced
`controls have been proposed to assist in reducing demand
`during peak times.
`[0007] Currently, utilities do offer demand reduction pro-
`grams to their customers. These programs are designed to
`loads out of peak periods by providing a financial
`incentive for consumers to move loads to a time when it is
`less expensive for the utility to produce or obtain power.
`Time of day rate is an example of such a program.
`[0008] Another type of program offered by utilities is the
`traditional Demand Side Management (DSM) program. This
`type of program provides the customer a monthly credit for
`allowing the utility to interrupt power to major loads in their
`home during peaks or emergencies.
`:0009] While both of these programs have been shown to
`work, they each have their problems. Time of day rate
`orograms may be difficult for customers to understand.
`Therefore these programs have a very low participation rate
`among the customer base, DSM programs, on the other
`1and, have a much higher participation rate. However, DSM
`load sheds are seldom exercised by the utility. And, when the
`utility does exercise a load shed, the resulting interruption of
`ower tends to affect customer comfort,
`thereby causing
`large numbers of customers to drop out of the program. In
`current DSM programs
`camiot differentiate
`Jetween those consumers that contribute to a load control,
`and those that don’t, while providing incentive credits to all
`who sign up.
`_0010] While both time of day rates and DSM programs
`can be e ective, each have challenges in the area of cus-
`omer sa isfaction that erode their usefulness. In addition,
`utilities earn little revenue from these types of offerings and
`herefore look to new generation as a more economically
`viable option.
`thermostatic control devices
`[0011] Thermostats,
`environmental control systems have been designed, mantl—
`factured and placed in use for many ye ars. These devices are
`orimarily designed to sense the temperature inside a site 1.04
`and based on occupant designated setting, activate the
`1eating and/or air conditioning system or systems to main-
`ain a comfort level based on the occupants designated level
`of comfort. There are two main types of design for these
`devices: a standard single control device or a dual control
`[0012] The standard single control device can be set to
`activate a heating or cooling system based upon a manual
`switch to select either system and a degree setting mecha-
`nism to select the desired temperature to heat or cool to if the
`temperature falls or rises below or above the occupant
`designated set point. A dual control system is attached to
`both a heating and cooling system which has two set points,
`one for the heating system activation and one for the cooling
`system activation. With this type of a control, the user sets
`a desired minimum temperature, below which the heating
`system will be activated to raise the temperature during
`winter seasons, and a maximum temperature, above which
`he cooling system will be activated to drop the temperature
`during summer seasons.
`:0013] This type of temperature control device provides
`he occupant the convenience of not having to manually
`select either the heating or cooling system, as is the case of
`he standard single control device, and allows the occupant
`0 define a
`temperature range between which they are
`comfortable. Using these two main types of design as a base
`line, there are many varia ions, which have been developed
`over time. Over the years, these sensing and control devices
`lave moved from traditional bi—metal contractors to more
`sophisticated electronic ceVices over the years, and have
`incorporated the ability to ye programmed with multiple set
`30ints for both heating and cooling as well as having the
`ability to activate these di erent set points based on time of
`day, day of week, and/or externally generated control signals
`from utility companies incicating a fixed cost tier that is in
`effect, e.g., low, medium, high & critical, and to interface
`with an infra—red motion sensor that automatically sets back
`the temperature to a predetermined point based on the
`Page 20 of 50
`Page 20 of 50
`US 2004/0117330 A1
`Jun. 17, 2004
`:0024: FIG. 2C is a block diagram of a control node used
`in the energy management system of FIG. 1A;
`:0018] Other advantages of the present invention will be
`readily appreciated as the same becomes better understood
`3y reference to the following detailed description when
`considered in connection with the accompanying drawings
`:0019: FIG. 1A is a block diagram of an energy manage-
`ment system, according to an embodiment of the present
`:0020: FIG. 13 is a diagrammatic illustration of one
`implementation of the energy management system of FIG.
`:0021: FIG. 1C is a flow diagram of a process for man—
`aging energy delivery according to an embodiment of the
`aresent invention;
`:0022: FIG. 2A is a block diagram of a gateway node used
`in the energy management system of FIG. 1A;
`:0023: FIG. 2B is a block diagram of a metering node
`used in the energy management system of FIG. 1A;
`presence of a person in the area. However, most end use
`consumers do not have the time, experience, and/or access
`to data to monitor, track, and use these devices.
`[0014] The present invention is aimed at one or more of
`the problems set forth above.
`In one aspect of the present invention, a system and
`method manage delivery of energy from a distribution
`network to one or more sites. Each site has at least one
`device coupled to the distribution network. The at least one
`device controllably consumes energy. The system includes a
`node and a control system. The node is coupled to the at least
`one device for sensing and controlling energy delivered to
`he device. A control system is coupled to the node and
`distribution network for delivering to the node at least one
`characteristic of the distribution network. The node for
`controls the supply of energy to the device as a function of
`he at least one characteristic.
`invention, a
`In another aspect of the present
`method of shifting energy requirements from a first period of
`ime is provided. The method includes the steps of measur-
`ing energy usage of a controlled device operated by a
`customer, cutting off energy to the controlled device during
`he first time period, and providing a rebate to the customer
`Jased on actual energy savings as a function of the first time
`the measured energy usage, and known power
`In still another aspect of the present invention, a
`hermostat device for controlling a heating and/or cooling
`system through interaction with a user is provided. The
`leating and/or cooling system are supplied with energy
`hrough a power distribution network. The thermostat
`includes a control panel for receiving input from the user and
`a display coupled to the control panel for visually presenting
`information to the user. The thermostat device is adapted to
`receive a characteristic of the energy being supplied and for
`displaying the characteristic on the display,
`:0025: FIG. 2D is a block diagram of a load control node
`used in the energy management system of FIG. 1A;
`:0026: FIG. 2E is a block diagram of an implementation
`of the energy system of FIG. IA at a customer site;
`:0027: FIG. 3A is an illustration of an advanced thermo-
`stat device, according to an embodiment of the present
`:0028: FIG. 3B is a block diagram of the advanced
`hermostat device of FIG. 3A;
`FIGS. 3C—3G are graphs illustrating an exemplary
`economic and comfort management control strategy, accord-
`ing to an embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 4A is a graphical illustration of a customer
`GUI, according to an embodiment of the present invention;
`:0031: FIG. 4B is a graphical illustration of a control
`3anel of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`:0032: FIG. 4C is a graphical illustration of a virtual
`hermostat of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`:0033: FIG. 4D is a graphical illustration of an occupancy
`nlode screen of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`:0034: FIG. 4E is a second graphical illustration of the
`occupancy mode screen of FIG. 4D;
`:0035: FIG. 4F is a third graphical illustration of the
`occupancy mode screen of the GUI of FIG. 4D;
`:0036: FIG. 4G is a graphical illustration of a thermostat
`scheduling calendar of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`:0037: FIG. 4H is a graphical illustration of a thermostat
`scheduling panel of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`:0038: FIG. 41 is a graphical illustration of a select day
`ype drop down list of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`:0039: FIG. 4J is a graphical illustration of a config alert
`screen of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`:0040: FIG. 4K is a graphical
`screen of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`illustration of a report
`illustration of a daily
`:0041: FIG. 4L is a graphical
`emperature report pop up screen of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`illustration of a daily
`:0042: FIG. 4le is a graphical
`electrical report pop up screen of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`:0043: FIG. 4N is a graphical illustration of a configura-
`ion data screen of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`FIG. 4() is a graphical illustration of a thermostat
`data screen of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`:0045: FIG. 4P is a graphical illustration of a heating drop
`down list of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`illustration of a cooling
`FIG. 4Q is a graphical
`drop cown list of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`:0047: FIG. 4R is a graphical illustration of a program
`aarticipation screen of the GUI of FIG. 4A;
`:0048: FIG. 5A is a graphical illustration of a utility GUI,
`accorcing to an embodiment of the present invention;
`Page 21 of 50
`Page 21 of 50
`:0050: FIG. 5C is a graphical illustration of an available
`arogram capacity pop-up of the GUI of FIG. 5A;
`:0051: FIG. 5D is a graphical illustration of a scheduled
`supply screen of the GUI of FIG. 5A;
`:0052: FIG. SE is a graphical illustration of a find eligible
`arogram dialog of the GUI of FIG. 5A;
`:0053: FIG. 5F is a graphical illustration of program
`summery table of the GUI of FIG. 5A;
`:0054: FIG. 5G is a graphical illustration of a program
`definition screen of the GUI of FIG. 5A;
`:0055: FIG. 5H is a graphical illustration of a reports
`screen of the GUI of FIG. 5A; and,
`:0056: FIG. SI is a graphical illustration of a portion of the
`reports screen of FIG. 5H.
`1. Energy Management System and Methods—
`:0058] With reference to the drawings, and in operation,
`he present invention relates generally to a system 1.02 and
`method for managing the delivery and usage of a commod—
`ity, such as electricity, natural gas, steam, water, chilled or
`1eated water, or potable or recycled water. More specifically,
`he system 1.02 is adaptable to manage the delivery and
`usage of energy, e.g., electricity and natural gas. While the
`DClOW discussion focuses on the management of the delivery
`and/or usage of electricity,
`the present
`invention is not
`limited to such the delivery and/or usage of electricity.
`the system 1.02 allows at least one
`In general,
`customer (or user) located at a customer site (indicated by
`reference number 1.04) and/or a utility (indicated by refer-
`ence number 1.06) to manage delivery or usage of the
`electricity to the customer’s site 1.06. The utility 1.06 may
`include both the generation of the electricity, e.g., via power
`plants, and/or the transmission of electricity to the customer
`sites 1.04.
`[0060] The customer site 1.04 includes at least one device
`1.08 which uses electricity and at least one node 1.10. In the
`illustrated embodiment, the customer site 1.04 includes three
`devices: a metered device 1.08A, a controlled device 1.08B,
`and a metered and controlled device 1.08C. Each device
`1.08 may have an associated node 1.10.
`[0061] As discussed in more detail below, in the illustrated
`embodiment, there are four di erent types of nodes 1.10: a
`load metering node 1.10A, a control node 1.10B, a load
`control node 1.10C, and a gateway node 1.10D.
`[0062] The gateway node 1.10D provides two way com-
`munication between the gateway 1.10D and each other node
`1.10A, 1.10B, 1.10C and between the gateway node 1.10D
`and a utility control system 1.12. It should be noted that
`although there are only one of each the devices 1.08A,
`1.08B, 1,08C, shown, there may be any number of each type
`of device 1.08A, 1.081%, 1.08C (including zero).
`US 2004/0117330 A1
`Jun. 17, 2004
`:0049: FIG. 5B is a graphical illustration of an immediate
`supply screen of the GUI of FIG. 5A;
`[0063] The load metering node 1.10A, in general, mea-
`sures the instantaneous power being delivered (typically, in
`kWh) t0 the associated metered device 1.08A. The load
`metering node 1.10A may also determine the total power
`delivered to the metered device 1.08A over a predetermined
`period of time, e.g., every 15 or 20 minutes. Information
`related to the instantaneous power being delivered and the
`accumulated power is delivered to utility 1.06 via the
`gateway control node 1.10D. For example,
`the metered
`device 1.08A may be an electricity meter which measures all
`JOWCI’ being supplied to the customer site 1.04.
`is used to
`_0064] The control node 1.10B,
`in general,
`control the controlled device 1.08B. In the simplest form the
`control node 1.10D may controllably cut off and supply
`aower to the controlled device 1.08B. For example, if the
`controlled device 1.08B is a pool pump used to filter a pool
`(not shown), the control node 1.1013 may simply turn power
`0 the pool pump on and off. Alternatively, the control node
`1.101% may have control over features of the controlled
`device 1.0813, e.g., start time, end time, duration, etc.
`:0065] The load control node 1.10C, in general, is used to
`301.11 measure the instantaneous power being delivered to the
`controlled and metered device 1.08C and controls the device
`1.08C. The load control node 1.10C may also determine the
`otal power delivered to the metered and controlled device
`1.08C over a predetermined period of time, e.g., every 15 or
`20 minutes.
`:0066] Nodes 1.10 may be utilized with any type ofdevice
`1.08 for which it is desirable to control and/or measure its
`aower usage. For example, nodes 1.10 may be associated
`with the entire customer site 1.04, a pool pump, an HVAC
`system, a water heater, any appliance, such as a refrigerator,
`dishwasher, hot tubs, irrigation and well pumps, spas, coffer
`maker, etc., or other electrical or electronic device, e.g.,
`televisions, stereos, etc.
`[0067] The type of node 1.10 which is used with a device
`1.08 is dependent upon the device and whether it is desirable
`to measure the device’s power usage, control the device or
`both. In one aspect of the present invention a node 1.10 may
`be separate from the device 1.08. For example, in each
`device 1.08 it may be desirable to measure the energy usage
`of the entire customer site 1.04. Thus, a load metering node
`1.10A may be associated with the site’s electric meter.
`[0068] Nodes 1.10 may either be integrated with the
`corresponding device 1.08 or be separate. For example, a
`load metering node 1.10A may be a separate device which
`is coupled to an electric meter (for retro—lit purposes).
`Alternatively, nodes 1.08 may be designed and manufac—
`ured to be integral with the devices 1.10.
`:0069] The customer may access and control the system
`1.02 through a user interface 1.14 (see below), The user
`interface 114 may be incorporated into another device, such
`as a thermostat (see below). Additionally, the customer may
`we given access to the system 1.02 through external devices,
`such as, mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDA),
`laptop computers, desktop computers, or other suitable
`devices. Such devices may be linked to the system 1.02 Via
`he internet, a wireless data network, or other suitable
`:0070] The system 1.02 may be further accessed and
`controlled at the utility 1.06 via a utility interface 1.16 (see
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`US 2004/0117330 A1
`Jun. 17, 2004
`In one aspect of the present invention, the load
`metering node 1.10A, the control node 1.10B, and the load
`control node 1.10C communicate with the gateway node
`1.10D, In another aspect of the present invention, the load
`metering node 1.10A,
`the control node 1,10B,
`the load
`control node 1.10C, and the gateway node 1.10D may all
`communicate with each other. In the illustrated embodiment,
`the nodes 1.10 are interconnected by a network 1.18. The
`network 1.18 may be a wired network, such as an ethernet
`network, or a wireless network.
`[0072] An exemplary implementation of the system 1.02
`is shown in FIG. 1B. In this illustrated embodiment, the
`gateway node 1.10D communicates to the utility control
`system 112 via an “always on”, secured wired or wireless
`network 120 through a cable modem, DSI. modem, or other
`suitable means (not shown). The utility control system 1.12
`may be implemented in software which is stored and
`executed on a back-end server 1.22 (see below).
`In one aspect of the present invention, utility con-
`rol system 1.12 and the back-end server 122 may be
`arovided by and/or serviced and/or maintained by a third
`aarty, i.e., a service provider, 1.24.
`:0074] Access to the utility control system 1.12 may be
`arovided at the utility 1.06 through a secure network 1.26
`such as a virtual private network (VPN).
`:0075] Remote access to the system 1.02 may be provided
`0 the customer through the back—end server 1.22 via the
`internet 1.28.
`In the illustrated embodiment, the customer site
`1.04 includes a metered device 1.30A, shown as an electric
`meter, a controlled device 1.30B, shown as a pool pump
`(illustrated graphically as a pool), and a metered and con-
`rolled device 1.30C, show