` ___________________________
`Page 1
` ___________________________
` Petitioner
` v.
` Patent Owner
` ___________________________
` IPR 2021-01342
` U.S. Patent No. 6,968,248
` ___________________________
` - - -
` August 29, 2022
` - - -
` Oral deposition of DR. STANLEY
` SHANFIELD, taken pursuant to Notice, held
` via Zoom, beginning at approximately 10:00
` a.m., before Mary Hammond, a Registered
` Professional Reporter and Notary Public in
` the state of Pennsylvania.
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`A - P - P - E - A - R - A - N - C - E - S
` T H E D E V L I N L A W F I R M L L C
` B Y : J O S E P H Z I T O , E S Q U I R E
` 1 5 2 6 G i l p i n A v e n u e
` W i l m i n g t o n , D e l a w a r e 1 9 8 0 6
` ( 3 0 2 ) 4 4 9 - 9 0 1 0
` j z i t o @ d e v l i n l a w f i r m . c o m
` C o u n s e l f o r O c e a n S e m i c o n d u c t o r , L L C
` A X I N N , V E L T R O P & H A R K R I D E R , L L P
` B Y : D O N A L D W A N G , E S Q U I R E
` B Y : E R I C A . K R A U S E , E S Q U I R E
` 5 6 0 M i s s i o n S t r e e t
` S a n F r a n c i s c o , C a l i f o r n i a 9 4 1 0 5
` ( 4 1 5 ) 4 9 0 - 1 4 9 1
` d w a n g @ a x i n n . c o m
` e k r a u s e @ a x i n n . c o m
` C o u n s e l f o r A p p l i e d M a t e r i a l s
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`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4


`Page 3
` - - -
` I-N-D-E-X
` - - -
` - - -
` E-X-H-I-B-I-T-S
` - - -
` (Whereupon, there were no exhibits
` marked at this time.)
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` - - -
` P-R-O-C-E-E-D-I-N-G-S
` - - -
` (By agreement of counsel, the
` reading, signing, sealing, certification
` and filing are waived, and all objections
` as to the form of the question, are
` reserved until the time of trial.)
` - - -
` THE COURT REPORTER: The attorneys
` participating in this deposition
` acknowledge that I am not physically
` present in the deposition room, and that I
` will be reporting this deposition
` remotely.
` They further acknowledge that, in
` lieu of an oath administered in person, I
` will administer the oath remotely.
` The parties further agree that if
` the witness is testifying from a state
` where I am not a Notary, that the witness
` may be sworn in by an out-of-state Notary.
` If any party has an objection to
` this manner of reporting, please state it
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` now.
` - - -
` DR. STANLEY SHANFIELD, after having
` been first duly sworn, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` - - -
` - - -
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Shanfield.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Before -- sorry.
` MR. WANG: I didn't realize we're
` not making appearances.
` So this is Don Wang. I'm here from
` Axinn Veltrop & Harkrider. We are here on
` behalf of the Defendant Applied Materials.
` And also here with me is Eric Krause.
` We just want to make an objection
` on the record that Mr. Zito has not
` appeared in the two matters before, before
` what we're doing today, which is IPR
` 2021-01322 and IQR 2021-01344.
` My understanding is the Mr. Zito
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` will file an appearance by the end of
` today.
` Thank you. Sorry for the
` interpretation.
` MR. ZITO: No problem. That's our
` understanding today, too. We will file my
` appearance by the end of the day.
` Q. Good morning, again, Dr. Shanfield.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Good to see you.
` A. Likewise.
` Q. You understand we're here on two patents
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay.
` The '248 and the '305 patent, correct?
` A. Correct, yes.
` Q. All right.
` My understanding is we're doing this as a
`combined deposition where I'm going to you
`questions, and this one deposition can be used in
`both of those IPRs.
` MR. ZITO: Is that all Counsel's
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` understanding?
` MR. WANG: That's fine with us.
` MR. ZITO: All right. We're not
` going to split it up into one patent
` versus the other, okay.
` Q. All right.
` Looking at the -- let's look, first, at
`the '248 patent.
` Can you just briefly summarize what your
`understanding is of the teachings of the '248
` A. I think the abstract is a good
`description. It's a method and apparatus for
`scheduling in an automated manufacturing
` Q. And would that be the same description for
`the '305 patent?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And can you tell me what -- in the
`timeframe of the filing or the priority date of
`2002, what was meant by scheduling in a
`manufacturing environment --
` MR. WANG: Objection. Scope and
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` form.
` Q. -- from the perspective of one of ordinary
`skill in the art?
` A. So I take this question up to some extent
`in my declaration, paragraph 131, where the preamble
`says, "A method for scheduling in an automated
`manufacturing environment."
` And as I explained there, Schulze
`discloses such a manufacturing environment. He's
`describing a semiconductor fabrication facility
`within an automated monitoring and assessment
` So that would be my understanding of one
`version of an automated manufacturing environment.
` Q. I'm scrolling down to paragraph 101. Give
`me a second.
` A. 101 in where?
` Q. Right.
` In your declaration.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Yes, okay.
` Where you talk about Gupta teachings, is
`that the paragraph you're looking at?
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` A. No. No. 131.
` Q. Oh, 131. My mistake.
` All right.
` So you use Schulze as the reference --
`that's Schulze '083, which is the Schulze Patent
`Application Publication, correct, that you're
`referring to?
` A. Yes, that's correct.
` Q. All right.
` A. Exhibit-1007.
` Q. And you use that for -- as an example of
`your understanding of person of ordinary skill in
`the art for an automated manufacturing environment
`in the 2002 timeframe?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. You go on to say that, "A person of
`ordinary skill in the art would be automated to
`combine the teachings of Schulze and Gupta."
` What does Gupta add to Schulze?
` A. With Gupta and Schulze combined, it
`discloses a method for scheduling the operation of
`interrelated machines, which perform off process
`flow on a highly automated, in this case, front-end
`manufacturing facility for integrated circuits, and
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`that comes from Gupta's abstract.
` Q. Okay.
` And that would make -- combining these two
`would make a system for automatic scheduling, or
`just Gupta -- Gupta has the system for automated
` MR. WANG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: So what I am saying
` is that a person of skill in the art would
` have been motivated to combine Schulze and
` Gupta, and that combination discloses a
` method for scheduling the operation of
` interrelated machines, which perform a
` process flow in a highly automated
` front-end manufacturing facility for
` integrated circuits.
` Q. But neither of them alone keeps that; is
`that correct?
` A. No. I don't know which -- what part of it
`you're referring to, but --
` Q. Okay.
` A. -- I don't agree with that statement.
` Q. Fine.
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` Well, then why com -- if either Gupta or
`Schulze alone taught a method for scheduling in an
`automated-manufacturing environment, what would be
`the need to combine them?
` MR. WANG: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: You had started off
` by asking me what an automated
` manufacturing was and --
` Q. Right.
` A. -- and I said that Schulze disclosed that.
` Q. Correct.
` But in Schulze's there isn't any
`scheduling of anything in that environment, correct?
` MR. WANG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: No, it's not correct.
` Q. Okay.
` Where does Schulze talk about scheduling
`things in an automated manufacturing environment?
` A. So Schulze uses or describes a system and
`method for automated-monitoring assessment of a
`fabrication facility. One of the aspects that you
`read about in Schulze, in paragraph 15 at the
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`bottom, is what he says "During operation, the state
`models are updated for each tool affected by one of
`the triggers and transitions within the state model
`are recorded in a tracking database."
` So their state of equipment, whether --
`and I think he gives a number of examples,
`"unscheduled downtime," that's in Paragraph 8, in
`about the middle.
` "Scheduled downtime," "engineering time,"
`"standby time," "productive time," all of those are
`inputs to a scheduling activity, and so Schulze
`is -- relates, you know, intimately with what is
`required to perform scheduling, and provides that
`information to be able to accomplish scheduling.
` Q. Is there anyplace else that you believe
`Schulze discusses scheduling?
` A. That -- those aspects of states is
`discussed all the way through Schulze. It would
`probably take me 20 minutes to go through all the
`places where this equipment state concept is
`discussed, so your -- your question would take a
`while to answer.
` Q. All right.
` And does Schulze talk about changing
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`scheduling based upon its monitoring of any of these
`state models?
` A. Could you repeat your question?
` Q. Sure. Does Schulze, as you said, is for
`monitoring equipment, correct?
` A. No, I didn't say that.
` Q. Okay.
` Then you read from the abstract. A method
`for monitoring and assessing operation of a
`semiconductor fabrication facility?
` A. Right.
` Q. Okay.
` And does that through not directly
`monitoring the individual equipment, but receiving
`state signals, amongst other things, regarding each
`piece of equipment; is that correct?
` A. That's one aspect, yes.
` Q. Does Schulze provide any of the
`information it receives or monitors to a scheduler,
`does it talk about that anywhere?
` MR. WANG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, let me direct
` you to paragraph 17, about the middle of
` the paragraph, where it talks about, "A
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` state model logic receives the tracking
` operation information for each fabrication
` tool having defined states in a state
` transition logic defining triggering
` events, and a state transitions related to
` the triggering events."
` So Schulze also talks about
` irrigating events, and essentially that
` change of state is the input a scheduler is
` going to take -- is going to need; and,
` therefore, it's more than just passive
` information.
` There are triggering events and a
` specific information needed that gets --
` ends up as input to any scheduling that
` might be done.
` Q. So a state change transition logger is
`part of the Schulze system?
` MR. WANG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I didn't say anything
` about a logger. I said that Schulze
` establishes the state model logic from the
` tracking operation information, and that
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`Page 15
` some of this logic results in triggering
` events.
` Triggering events will end up being
` and are required for scheduling material in
` the -- in our case, of a semiconductor FAB
` scheduling waivers within the semiconductor
` facility.
` So it's very directly and
` intimately involved with the -- how the
` scheduling changes, and how it evolves in
` the -- in the fab.
` Q. Does Schulze state that, what you just
`said, that these triggering events are important for
` MR. WANG: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Maybe I'm not
` explaining myself well enough.
` All right. Let me give you an
` example.
` Paragraph 75 in Schulze talking
` about a particular state transition, and he
` describes that as, "defined as an automatic
` transition from a productive state to an
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`Page 16
` unscheduled down state."
` So it's apparent in that state
` transition how relevant it is to
` scheduling. I think that in reading, you
` know, or in understanding that I -- and
` this would be a person of any skill in the
` art, really, will understand that coming
` from productive state to an unscheduled
` downstate has to be part of the input to a
` scheduling system.
` I don't know that it could be any
` more clear than that.
` Q. So am I correct that your testimony is
`that one of ordinary skill in the art would
`recognize the relevance of these states to
` It is not that Schulze specifically says
`these states are relevant to scheduling; is that
` MR. WANG: Objection. Form,
` compound.
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` Q. Okay.
` Then where does Schulze specifically
`directly state that -- understood where it directly
`states that these -- that the states that are
`monitored in paragraph 17 would be useful for or
`directly relate to a scheduler?
` MR. WANG: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, the example I
` gave you is one -- one place where Schulze
` refers to unscheduled down state. He's
` clearly thinking about scheduled versus
` unscheduled downtime being irrelevant
` difference in state, and it's only going
` to be useful for scheduling.
` So it's a -- you know, a fact of
` the description that Schulze is providing
` that scheduling is intimately involved
` in -- or rather the states that Schulze is
` providing are required during scheduling.
` You know, the -- I don't know that
` I can explain it any more thoroughly than
` that.
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` Q. Right.
` And what I'm not asking for -- I
`understand your opinion on what Schulze is thinking.
`I understand your opinion on what you believe is one
`ordinary skilled in the art. But I'm not asking you
`for an explanation.
` I'm asking you if you can point to where
`Schulze specifically states -- what you just said
`Schulze was thinking, that unscheduled downtime
`would be important to scheduling, where he
`specifically makes that statement, not what you are
`giving an opinion on his thinking.
` MR. WANG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, it may take me
` a while to determine whether that
` specifically said, but I think it -- it's
` apparent, for example, in Paragraph 81,
` when a trigger message causes an automatic
` transition from an unscheduled down state
` to a productive state, there isn't
` anything more relevant to a scheduler than
` when equipment is in a scheduled down
` state, and then makes the transition back
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`Page 19
` to a productive state. That's obviously
` something that would be required in order
` to perform scheduling.
` So, once again, there's statements
` all over Schulze about the nature of the
` system that he's describing and the method
` and the mention of scheduling and a sense
` of unscheduled or scheduled downtime is in
` there as well.
` So that's the best I can give you.
` Q. And Schulze receives all of these
`triggers, correct, or receives open messages
`about --
` MR. WANG: Objection.
` Q. -- transition from unscheduled down to
`productive state; is that correct -- my correct
` MR. WANG: Objection. Form.
` Q. Okay.
` How does -- does Schulze create the
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` A. In some cases.
` Q. Does Schulze receive the trigger in other
` MR. WANG: Objection. Form.
` Q. Let me take you back to Paragraph 17,
`roughly where you left off. It says -- roughly, in
`the middle of the paragraph, "and a state transition
`logic defining triggering events and a state
`transition later to the trigger event."
` Is that logic part of the Schulze system?
` A. I'm sorry. Where were you reading in 17?
` Q. 17.
` A. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
`eight lines down, at the end of that line the
`sentence starts with, "a state model logic."
` Q. Okay.
` A. "A state model logic receives the tracking
`operation information for each fabrication tool
`having defined states, and a state transition logic
`defining trigger events, and the state transitions
`related to the triggering events."
` So he's describing there the state model
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`logic of his method --
` Q. Okay.
` A. -- receives tracking operation information
`and then determines a state and a state transition.
` Q. Okay.
` So the tracking operation information
`could be in the two examples you picked out,
`productive, or unscheduled downtime; is that a
`correct understanding?
` A. No.
` MR. WANG: Objection to form.
` Q. So what would be the tracking operation
`information that's received?
` A. That would be what, for example, I mean,
`and he shows us in his diagram, Figure 1, the MES,
`Manufacturing Execution System, provides tracking
`operation information.
` And then Schulze has another box -- let me
`go up to that diagram, Figure 1, called "Automated
`Monitoring and Assessment System," and that -- that
`determines the state, and has a hierarchy of state
`transitions designed into it.
` Q. And that state transition logic would then
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`Page 22
`define its triggering event as productive or
`unscheduled downtime, for example?
` A. Schulze actually goes into a lot of detail
`in Paragraph 8 on that point. He starts with a
`description of this E 10 standard, semi standard,
`which defines six basic equipment states. Total
`time for each tool is divided into operations time
`and nonscheduled time.
` And then in about the middle of the
`paragraph, "Operations time is divided into five
`different categories: Unscheduled downtime,
`scheduled downtime, engineering time, standby time,
`productive time."
` So those are examples of the states
`that in -- in Schulze's method that are -- can be
`assumed, and then there are hierarchies of states.
` So the -- he's following the semi-standard
`definition of the six basic equipment states.
` Q. So operations time is a state?
` A. No. Total time for each tool is divided
`into Operations time and nonscheduled time. And
`then Operations time is divided into these
`categories of states: Unscheduled downtime,
`scheduled downtime, engineering time, standby time,
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`Page 23
`and productive time.
` Q. All right.
` So --
` A. And this comprises the six basic equipment
` Q. Okay.
` So unscheduled downtime is a state?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Good.
` That's what I thought you said in 75 and
`81. I was trying to relate that to Paragraph 17.
` It says, "A state model logic receives a
`tracking operation for each fabrication tool having
`defined states."
` Okay.
` So does -- is that where -- where the
`model logic receives unscheduled downtime state?
` A. No. The box in Schulze's Figure 1
`receives tracking operation information from the MES
`for each fabrication tool.
` Q. Okay.
` A. And then that box defines triggering
`events, state transitions related to the triggering
`event, and so on.
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` Q. Okay.
` Then the next sentence says, "If the
`fabrication tool has a state change," that would be
`like from unscheduled downtime to productive time,
`would that be a state change?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay.
` "A state change transition logger inputs
`this information to a tracking database recording
`transition information."
` So that's also part of the Schulze system?
` A. That's what he -- that's what he
`describes, yes.
` Q. Okay.
` Then he describes a report generator that
`may generate performance matrix for the fabrication
` That's also part of the Schulze system?
` MR. WANG: Objection. Scope.
` THE WITNESS: That's what he's
` written in his Paragraph 17, yes.
` Q. So is it accurate to say that Schulze
`teaches tracking operations, looking at states and
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`Page 25
`trigger events to assess the overall equipment
`effectiveness, and overall fabrication of
`effectiveness of the fabrication tools?
` MR. WANG: Objection. Form.
` Q. Okay.
` Why -- why -- that's what it says in
`Paragraph 17.
` Why is that not an accurate description?
` A. That's one of the uses in Schulze. The
`state -- the conditions of the state of equipment
`would be input to a scheduler.
` It would be essential to any effort to
`schedule material that's running through the
`semiconductor line.
` And that's, I believe, what is relevant to
`the claims that we're discussing in the '248.
` Q. Okay.
` But my question is: Does Schulze
`specifically state that or are you inferring or
`understanding that from Schulze?
` MR. WANG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: If you're asking does
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` he use some specific words, why don't you
` tell me what specific words you -- you
` think are -- are -- you're asking me
` about.
` What -- what are the words that I
` should look for in your question?
` Q. The exact words you use, that this
`information is essential to proper scheduling, your
`testimony, does he say that in there?
` A. Yes.
` MR. WANG: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: A person of ordinary
` skill in the art would understand that,
` and that's the nature of scheduling.
` Unscheduled downtime means it's not
` accounted for in the schedule. The term,
` "unscheduled" is -- has the word "schedule"
` in it.
` How much more specific can it be?
` Q. Well, I'm asking: Do you find it to be
`more specific -- do you find him to say what you
`said, that unscheduled downtime is important to
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`scheduling, does he say those words?
` MR. WANG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, I would need to
` look through the patent to see, but my
` guess is no.
` That is something that is
` understood by, you know, a person of skill
` in the art that -- or, basically, any
` casual reader that -- when you talk about
` something unscheduled, clearly there's a
` schedule involved.
` And when you talk about "schedule
` downtime," clearly there's a schedule
` involved in "schedule downtime."
` So it can't get more specific than
` that, in my opinion.
` Q. All right.
` Now, is it also your understanding that
`something is doing that scheduling in this facility
`that's being monitored by Schulze?
` MR. WANG: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: The scheduling in the
` prior art identified is being done in
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`Page 28
` Gupta's scheduling agent. That's why the
` combination of Gupta and Schulze is what
` I'm citing as the reason it's obvious that
` the '248 was already prior art.
` Q. Okay.
` So am I understanding you to say that
`Schulze -- anyone of ordinary skill in the art,
`meaning Schulze -- would see that there are events,
`which relate to scheduling, such as unscheduled
`downtime, and that person of skill in the art would
`know that some sort of tool scheduler, like Gupta,
`must already been running in this facility to take
`care of the scheduling there?
` MR. WANG: Objection. Form.
` Q. Is that what you're saying?
` A. No.
` MR. WANG: Objection. Form.
` Sorry. Before you proceed,
` Dr. Shanfield, if you can pause a second to
` give me a chance to object to the question.
` THE WITNESS: Okay, yes. I'm sorry
` about that.

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