
`Patent Owner.
`PTAB Case No. IPR2021-01338
`Patent No. 6,411,941 B1


`INTRODUCTION 0002.0. cccccccccecccecceecceeccececesceeseceseeeseeenscceaeceseeessceeseeeseeeseeees 1
`ARGUMENT..00o.o...c cece ccccccccccesceesccesceeseeseseeeaeceaeeceeecaeeeaeeeseeesaeeeaeeeseeeeeeneeeneees 3
`Patent Owner’s Narrowing Construction of “Agent”Is
`Unsupported, and Hellman Discloses the Claimed “Agent”
`Even Underthat Construction. -..........0...0..ccceccceesceseceeseeeeceeseeeeseenseees 3
`The “OS-Level” Requirement.........0..000000000cecceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 3
`The Software-Only Requirement.............0...000...0cccceeseeeeeeeeees 14
`B.—Hellman Discloses the Claimed “Verification Structure”.................. 18
`Patent Owner’s Attacks Fail to Undermine Anyofthe Petition’s
`Motivations to Combine..................0.cccceccceeceescceecceeeeeseeeseceseeeseeeeseens 20
`Patent Owner’s Arguments Against Ground 2 Fail to Show Any
`Alleged Non-Functionality of the Combination...............00000000..00...- 23
`E.—The Objective Evidence Further Confirms the Obviousness of
`the Charms. ...... 2... cee cee cccccecccesceesccescecesecseeeesecesecesseeseeesseeeseeeseeeseeeseeens 24
`The Alleged “Industry Praise” Was a Joint Press Release
`Written by Ancora... ec cee cee cece ceecceeecceeeceseeenseeeseeeseenseeees 24
`The Only TwoLicenses with Clear Connections to the
`Hellman/Chou/Schneck Grounds
`eceseceeseceseeeseeseseeeseeeseeeseeeseeees 25
`00. cece cececcceccecccesceesceeseeeeeeeseeceaecsecesseeseeceaeesaeeeeeeseenseeneees 27


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
`PTAB Case No. IPR2021-01338
`Nintendo challenged the ’941 Patent’s claims on two grounds: obviousness
`over Hellman/Chou (Ground 1); and obviousness over Hellman/Chou/Schneck
`(Ground 2). (Paper 1 (“Petition”).) The combination in Ground 1 is strikingly
`simple. Hellman discloses nearly all of the features of claim 1, including using an
`agent to store a license record in EEPROM. Hellman does not disclose that the
`EEPROM is BIOS EEPROM. However, Chou discloses BIOS EEPROM and
`motivates storing sensitive information in BIOS EEPROM to discourage
`The Patent Owner Response (Paper 23 (“POR”)) focuses almost exclusively
`on Ground 1, arguing that the combination lacks the “using an agent . . .” step, as
`well as other issues. While apparently not disputing that Hellman has an “agent,”
`Ancora argues that Hellman does not have the right kind of agent because the
`claimed agent must be “OS-level software.” This position is remarkable for two
`First, the ’941 Patent never even mentions an “agent.” Ancora points to
`statements during prosecution as disclaiming any broader scope of “agent.”
`Curiously though, the single office action response to which Ancora points also
`never mentions “agent.”


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
`PTAB Case No. IPR2021-01338
`Second, over 14 years of litigation, 15+ district court cases, and 10+ Patent
`Office proceedings, it was only with the preliminary response in this proceeding
`that Ancora argued for the first time that “agent” should be construed as “OS-level
`software.” In fact, Ancora has always previously argued that “agent” should be
`construed much more broadly as a “software process or routine.”
`Ancora’s new, narrow construction for “agent” is best viewed in historical
`context. TCL first presented the Hellman/Chou combination in its IPR in 2020.
`Ancora sought to avoid institution with a narrowing construction of “license
`record.” The Board spotted and rejected that improper narrowing.
` When Sony filed a copycat
`petition, Ancora sought to avoid institution by narrowing “agent” to software only.
`The Board spotted and rejected that improper narrowing.
` Only after termination of that IPR did Ancora sue
`Nintendo—later that same day.
` it knows that the Hellman/Chou
`combination is fatal to the challenged claims.
` Ancora has turned to another, new, and improper narrowing of the
`claims. The Board should again reject Ancora’s attempt.


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
`PTAB Case No. IPR2021-01338
`Patent Owner’s Narrowing Construction of “Agent” Is
`Unsupported, and Hellman Discloses the Claimed “Agent” Even
`Under that Construction.
`Ancora argues that “agent” should be construed as “OS-level software
`program or routine.” This construction contains two separate limitations: (1) that
`the agent be software only, i.e., that it cannot include hardware (POR, 32
`(paragraph beginning “At minimum…”)); (2) that the agent be “OS-level”
`software (POR, 33 (paragraph beginning “Remarks made…”)).
`The “OS-Level” Requirement
`There is no basis for limiting “agent” to “OS-level”
`While Ancora never mentions “disclaimer” or “disavowal,” that is the legal
`theory that Ancora is applying for at least the “OS-level” limitation. A claim term
`is given its plain and ordinary meaning absent lexicography or disavowal. Thorner
`v. Sony Computer Entm’t Am. LLC, 669 F.3d 1362, 1365 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Ancora
`has repeatedly argued not only that “agent” should be construed as “software
`process or routine,” but that “software program or routine” is the plain and
`ordinary meaning of the term: “The term ‘agent’ is a well-defined and understood
`term in the computer industry. An agent is a software program or routine.”
`(EX2004, 1 (Ancora’s expert).) “‘Agent’ has a defined meaning in the art as a
`‘Software Program or Routine.’” (EX1073, 12 (Ancora Claim Construction


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
`PTAB Case No. IPR2021-01338
`Brief).) “‘Agent’ is a term known in the art to mean ‘software program or
`routine.’” (EX1074, 7 (Ancora Claim Construction Brief).) See also EX1070, 17
`(Ancora Claim Construction Brief) at 17 (“As demonstrated by both the intrinsic
`and extrinsic evidence in this case, ‘agent’ is well understood to refer to a
`‘software program or routine’.”); EX1071, 2-3 (Ancora Claim Construction Brief);
`EX1072, 8 (Ancora Claim Construction Brief); EX1012, 3 (court adopting Ancora
`construction of “agent” as “software program or routine”); EX1013, 28-36 (same);
`EX2013, ¶¶ 93-94 (Ancora expert in Sony IPR); EX1075, 3 (Ancora Claim
`Construction Disclosure (Jan. 2022)). Hence, a narrowing of “agent” to only “OS-
`level” software can only be justified on the basis of disavowal.
`Ancora does not rely on the specification for disavowal; in fact the
`specification never once mentions “agent” or “operating system.” (See
`generally ’941 Patent; EX1035, 133:22-134:15.) Instead, Ancora relies on a single
`office action response during prosecution as allegedly establishing the disclaimer.
`(POR, 33-35; EX2018, ¶¶77-79 (same for Ancora’s expert).)
`However, the statements that Ancora relies on do not meet the exacting
`standard for disavowal. “The party seeking to invoke prosecution history
`disclaimer bears the burden of proving the existence of a ‘clear and unmistakable’
`disclaimer that would have been evident to one skilled in the art.” Mass. Inst. of
`Tech. v. Shire Pharms., Inc., 839 F.3d 1111, 1119 (Fed. Cir. 2016). “There is no


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
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`‘clear and unmistakable’ disclaimer if a prosecution argument is subject to more
`than one reasonable interpretation, one of which is consistent with a proferred
`meaning of the disputed term.” Intellectual Ventures I LLC v. T-Mobile USA, Inc.,
`902 F.3d 1372, 1380 (Fed. Cir. 2018). Here there is nothing clear or unmistakable
`about the alleged disavowal, and the more reasonable interpretation is that the
`“OS-level” descriptor was being applied to an entity different from the agent.
`Ancora premises the alleged disavowal on a single office action response,
`and the examiner’s alleged adoption of the arguments contained in that response.
`(POR, 34 (citing Feb. 5, 2005 office action response at EX2011, ANCC000149-
`156).) As Ancora alleges, the applicant argued in the office action response that
`the claims differed from the prior art cited by the examiner because “Misra and
`Ewertz are an OS program and a BIOS program, respectively, that cannot run at
`the same time,” and “there is no teaching or suggestion to combine these
`programs.” (EX2011, ANCC000153.) Ancora emphasizes the following
`statement: “Software license management applications, such as the one of the
`present invention, are operating system (OS) level programs.” (Id.; POR, 34
`(quoting same).) However, far from establishing a clear and unmistakable
`disavowal of the scope of “agent,” the office action response never once mentions
`the “agent.” In six pages of arguments explaining why a POSA would not have


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
`PTAB Case No. IPR2021-01338
`combined an OS-level reference with a BIOS-level reference, the applicant never
`once said that the agent had to be “OS-level” software.
`The more reasonable reading of the applicant’s arguments, and the one
`adopted by the Federal Circuit, is that the applicant was describing the unrecited
`“software license management applications” that perform claim 1. In one of the
`appeals addressing the ’941 Patent, the Federal Circuit considered whether the
`prosecution arguments disclaimed the scope of “program” to be only “application
`programs” (i.e., excluding OS programs). Ancora Techs., Inc. v. Apple, Inc., 744
`F.3d 732, (Fed. Cir. 2014). The court distinguished between the “program” recited
`in the claims—the “to-be-verified program”—and the unrecited program that
`“when run, performs the claimed verification steps”—the “verifying software” in
`the court’s language. Id. at 735 (emphasis added). The court explained that the
`office action in question, and the examiner’s notice of allowance, “are focused on
`the verifying software, not clearly (or in any event relevantly) on the to-be-verified
`program.” Id. “[T]he applicants were clear that the OS-level language referred to
`the verifying software.” Id. at 737.
`Thus, the applicant’s arguments characterizing the “verifying software” did
`not, and cannot, disclaim the scope of “agent.” As indicated by the Federal
`Circuit, the “verifying software” performs the steps of the claimed invention. Id. at
`735. Hence, this alleged “OS-level” software is the “verifying software” that uses


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
`PTAB Case No. IPR2021-01338
`an agent; it is not the agent itself. This is consistent with the examiner’s
`explanation that the “present invention overcomes this difficulty [in the prior art]
`by using an agent to set up a verification structure” in the BIOS memory.
`(EX2011, ANCC000162 (emphasis added).) This also explains why in the
`applicant’s lengthy arguments it never once mentioned the “agent,” and why in
`interpreting these same arguments the Federal Circuit never once discussed the
`“agent.” This prosecution history simply does not speak to the meaning of
`Ancora cannot establish a clear and unmistakable disavowal that never even
`mentions the claim term allegedly the subject of disavowal, and where the most
`reasonable interpretation of the arguments is that the applicant was characterizing
`an entirely different entity.
`It is not even clear what Ancora means by “OS-level”
`An additional reason why Ancora cannot establish a clear and unmistakable
`disavowal of “agent” to “OS-level” software is that it is not even clear what “OS-
`level” means and thus what scope would be disavowed.
`In describing the verifying software as “operating system (OS) level
`programs,” the applicant appeared to imply that “OS-level” meant anything that
`ran after BIOS finished setup and the OS began operating:


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
`PTAB Case No. IPR2021-01338
`BIOS is a configuration utility. Software license management
`applications, such as the one of the present invention are operating
`system (OS) level programs. Therefore, BIOS programs and software
`licensing management applications do not ordinarily interact or
`communicate because when BIOS is running, the computer is in a
`configuration mode, hence OS is not running. Thus, BIOS and OS
`level programs are normally mutually exclusive.
`(EX2011, ANCC000153; id. (“Thus, the systems described in Misra and Ewertz
`are an OS program and a BIOS program, respectively, that cannot run at the same
`The examiner seems to have understood “OS-level” in a similar way.
`(EX2011, ANCC000162 (containing similar discussion, including: “However, the
`key distinction between the present invention and the closest art, is that the Misra
`et al., and Ginter et al. systems and the Ewertz et al. system run at the operating
`system level and BIOS level, respectively.”).)
`In the POR and accompanying declaration, Ancora characterized “OS-level”
`in a similar but slightly different way, as meaning anything separate from the
`BIOS. (POR, 32 (“…in view of file history that firmly establishes that the claimed
`‘agent’ runs separate from the BIOS.”); EX2018, ¶131 (“The claimed ‘agent’
`would be understood as a software program or routine separate from the BIOS.”).)


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
`PTAB Case No. IPR2021-01338
`In his declaration, Mr. Mullor characterized “OS-level” differently, as “a
`software element that operated on the OS of the device.” (EX2030, ¶4; EX1034,
`57:6-58:12 (connecting this language to the claimed “agent”).)
`At deposition, Mr. Mullor characterized “OS-level” consistent with the POR
`as separate from the BIOS:
`Q: So the question is, what do you mean by a software element that
`operated on the OS?
`A: It’s a way to describe code that runs in the context of the operating
`system and not in the context of the BIOS.
`(EX1034, 59:7-12.) But the inventor also used the characterization from the file
`history as anything that runs after the BIOS setup is complete. (EX1034, 59:14-
`60:3 (“At that point the operating system runs and the BIOS program doesn’t.
`The agent that we developed with AMI was running after the operating system
`has started to run, so that's the definition in context.” (emphasis added)).) “OS-
`level” software does not mean the operating system software itself. “It was not the
`operating system. Obviously, we did not develop Windows.” (EX1034, 61:2-5
`(describing allegedly embodying software).)
`At deposition, Ancora’s expert provided more varying characterizations of
`what “OS-level” means. Dr. Martin at one point used the “OS-level”
`characterization from the file history of anything running after the BIOS setup


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
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`completes. (EX1035 at 94:11-95:19 (explaining that BIOS is “activity that
`[precedes]1 the running of the operating system”).) At another point, Dr. Martin
`provided an entirely new characterization of “OS-level” as “relat[ing] to programs
`that are running that use the running operating system services, as part of their
`operation.” (EX1035, 100:8-22 (emphasis added).) On another occasion,
`Dr. Martin merged the preceding two characterizations: “the software in question
`is relying on operating system services and is doing so after the operating system is
`running.” (EX1035, 101:19-102:9; id. at 103:9-104:2.) On another occasion,
`Dr. Martin explained that “OS-level” “can be thought of as running through the
`operating system.” (EX1035, 101:19-102:4.) On another occasion, Dr. Martin
`explained that “OS-level” was “foreshadow[ed]” by the ’941 Patent’s reference to
`the use of EEPROM manipulation commands. (EX1035, 138:7-17
`(discussing ’941 Patent, 2:65).)
`Collectively, it is unclear what Ancora proposes that “OS-level” even
`means. Is an agent that runs after the BIOS finishes setup sufficient to be an “OS-
`level” agent? Is an agent that runs separate from the BIOS sufficient to be an “OS-
`level” agent? Or is something more required? Ancora cannot establish its burden
` The transcript identifies this word as “perceives,” though undersigned counsel
` 1
`believes the witness spoke “precedes.”


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
`PTAB Case No. IPR2021-01338
`of showing a clear and unmistakable disavowal of claim scope to the bounds of
`“OS-level,” because Ancora has not even shown with any degree of clarity what
`the bounds of “OS-level” are. (EX1033, ¶¶4-5.)
`Hellman discloses or at least renders obvious an “OS-
`level” agent.
`While there is no basis for the “OS-level” disclaimer that Ancora seeks,
`Hellman nonetheless discloses an “OS-level” agent.
`Hellman, like the ’941 Patent, does not explicitly mention an operating
`system. Dr. Martin testified that an operating system was nonetheless discernible
`in the disclosure of the ’941 Patent, at least because it discloses an application
`program (e.g., Lotus 1 2 3) that would run at the “OS level.” (EX1023, 102:20-
`103:8; 105:11-106:11.) In other words, if the disclosure includes some software
`application that would generally rely on an OS to run, then the disclosure also
`discloses an OS.
`Hellman contains the same type of disclosure, disclosing a “software
`package 17” that runs on a “software player 42.” (Hellman, 10:33-11:3.) Further,
`“if the software is a computer program, then the software player 42 would be a
`microprocessor or central processing unit (CPU).” (Hellman, 11:1-3.) A POSA
`would thus have understood that when the base unit 12 is a computer with a CPU
`running a computer program, that base unit 12 has an operating system on which
`the computer program (i.e., software package 17) runs. (EX1033, ¶¶27-30.)


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
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`As to an “OS-level” agent, Hellman discloses or at least renders obvious that
`feature regardless of the interpretation of “OS-level” being used.
`First, while Ancora has presented various other interpretations of “OS-
`level,” the only discernible meaning of that term in the prosecution history is that
`the agent is able to write to the BIOS memory device, while also being available to
`be used by the OS-level “verifying software.” The applicant argued that
`“[s]oftware license management applications, such as the one of the present
`invention, are operating system (OS) level programs.” (EX2011, ANCC000153.)
`The applicant went on to explain that “[t]here is no OS support whatsoever to write
`data to the system BIOS.” (Id. at ANCC000154.) The examiner apparently agreed
`with this “two worlds divided” view of BIOS and OS, explaining that “the closest
`prior art systems, singly or collectively, do not teach licensed programs2 running at
`the OS level interacting with a program verification structure stored in the
`BIOS…” (Id. at ANCC000162.) The examiner explained that “[t]he present
`invention overcomes this difficulty by using an agent to set up a verification
`structure in the erasable, non-volatile memory of the BIOS.” (Id.)
` The Federal Circuit later recharacterized this reference to “licensed programs” to
` 2
`instead be referring to the “verifying software” that runs at the OS-level. Ancora v.
`Apple, 744 F.3d at 736-37.


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
`PTAB Case No. IPR2021-01338
`The meaning of “OS-level” in the prosecution history thus only requires that
`the agent is capable of being used by an OS-level “verifying software” and capable
`of writing to the BIOS memory.
`Hellman’s update unit 36 meets those requirements. The update unit 36 is
`capable of—even provided specifically for—writing licensing data to the
`specialized EEPROM (non-volatile memory 37). (Hellman, 9:64-10:13, 10:33-
`11:3, Fig. 6, Fig. 8; Petition, 24-29, 40-41.) The update unit 36 is capable of being
`used by the OS-level “verifying software” to set up the license record in the
`EEPROM and also to update it when the user attempts to run the software package
`17. (Id.; EX1033, ¶¶30-31.) When Hellman was modified based on the teachings
`of Chou, Hellman’s EEPROM was the BIOS EEPROM disclosed in Chou.
`(Petition, 30-35, 40-41.)
`Hellman also discloses, or at least renders obvious, Ancora’s other
`characterizations of “OS-level.”
`First, Hellman’s update unit 36 runs separate from the BIOS. Dr. Martin
`agreed that Hellman does not even disclose a BIOS. (EX2018, ¶143.) Hellman’s
`update unit 36 thus cannot be provided as part of the BIOS. (EX1033, ¶¶39-40.)
`Second, Hellman’s update unit 36 runs after the BIOS setup has completed
`and the OS has started running. The update unit 36 reads/writes from the
`EEPROM every time the user attempts to run the software package 17. (Hellman,


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
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`10:33-11:3, Fig. 8; Petition, 41-42.) This is an activity that would be performed by
`the OS, not the BIOS, and thus the update unit 36 is still running after the BIOS
`setup is complete and the OS is running. (EX1033, ¶¶39-40.)
`Third, Hellman discloses or renders obvious that update unit 36 runs
`“through an OS,” using OS resources, and executing EEPROM manipulation
`commands. As discussed above, a POSA would have understood that Hellman
`disclosed, or at least rendered obvious, that the base unit 12 includes an OS at least
`where software player 42 executes a software program on a microprocessor or
`CPU. (Hellman, 10:33-11:3; EX1033, ¶¶27-30.) Similarly, a POSA would have at
`least found it obvious that the update unit 36 uses “OS services” and runs
`“through” an OS at least because update unit 36 provides access to non-volatile
`memory, reads and writes data from that memory, and performs arithmetic and
`comparison operations, which a POSA would have found obvious to use OS
`resources. (EX1033, ¶¶27-31.) Further, the update unit 36 executes EEPROM
`manipulation commands and performs memory operations. (Hellman, 9:64-10:13,
`10:33-11:3, Fig. 6, Fig. 8; Petition, 40-42; EX1033, ¶¶32-38.)
`The Software-Only Requirement
`As with “OS-level,” Ancora’s software-only construction is both overly
`narrow and also fully disclosed by Hellman.


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
`PTAB Case No. IPR2021-01338
`There is no basis for limiting “agent” to only
`If Ancora’s software-only construction is based on prosecution disclaimer,
`then the Board should reject that position for the same reasons discussed for OS-
`level. The applicant’s prosecution statements did not characterize “agent.”
`To the extent that Ancora argues that the plain and ordinary meaning of
`“agent” is software-only, that position is incorrect. (EX1033, ¶¶5-8.) Ancora
`provided dictionary definitions referencing software in the definition of “agent.”
`But other dictionaries explain a broader definition, saying it “may be software,
`hardware, or both.” (EX1038, 11 (Oxford Dictionary of Computing).) Patent
`literature close to the time of invention disclosed hardware agents for managing
`software licenses. (EX1039; EX1033, ¶5 (discussing same).) The plain and
`ordinary meaning did not exclude hardware.
`The Board previously observed the error in construing “agent” as software-
`only. (Institution Decision (Paper 17) at 27-29, Sony Mobile Commc’ns AB v.
`Ancora Techs., Inc., IPR2021-00663 (June 10, 2021).) Construing “agent” to be
`software-only is effectively a negative limitation excluding hardware. (Id. at 28-
`29.) The ’941 Patent has no support such a negative limitation: “Apart from the
`claims, the Specification of the ’941 patent does not use the term ‘agent,’ much
`less sets forth a definition for the term ‘agent’ that excludes an implementation of
`software and hardware.” (Id. at 28-29.) That is legally insufficient: “While a


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
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`negative limitation need not be recited in the specification in haec verba, there
`generally must be something in the specification that conveys to a skilled artisan
`that the inventor intended the exclusion, such as a discussion of disadvantages or
`alternatives.” Novartis Pharmas. Corp. v. Accord Healthcare, Inc., No. 2021-
`1070, ---- F.4th ----, 2022 WL 2204163, *2 (Fed. Cir. June 21, 2022).
`Construction of “agent” as software-only is also inconsistent with, and
`narrower than, Ancora’s own past infringement allegations. In its complaints for
`infringement against Nintendo and Roku, Ancora alleged that “one or more OTA
`servers owned or controlled by [Nintendo / Roku] set up a verification structure,”
`which is the activity performed by the claimed “agent.” (EX1076, ¶44; EX1077,
`¶34.) Ancora apparently felt no need to clarify that it was only accusing the
`software on those servers and excluding their hardware.
`Ancora’s software-only construction is also a blatant and arbitrary line-
`drawing exercise, as demonstrated by the deposition testimony of its expert
`witness. Dr. Martin was repeatedly asked the simple question of whether a
`combined software/hardware entity could be an agent. (EX1035, 117:7-123:10.)
`Instead of answering “No,” Dr. Martin repeatedly evaded. (Id.) When pressed
`further, Dr. Martin exposed the meaninglessness of the software-only distinction:
`“However, a mixed software/hardware entity does have a software component.
`And it may be possible to analyze the software component without the hardware,


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
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`but it depends on the specific circumstance.” (Id. at 123:6-10.) In other words,
`while a combined software/hardware entity would allegedly not be a software-only
`agent, one could simply draw the line around just the software portion and call that
`the “agent.” (EX1033, ¶26.)
`b. Hellman discloses or at least renders obvious a
`software only agent.
`Dr. Wolfe explained in his opening declaration that a POSA “would have
`recognized that the update unit 36 would have been implemented by software,
`hardware, or some combination of the two.” (EX1003, ¶¶137A-137B.) Dr. Wolfe
`explained that because Hellman did not require either a hardware or a software
`implementation, and because the activities performed by update unit 36 could be
`performed in either hardware or software, a POSA would have recognized that
`update unit 36 could be implemented in hardware, software, or both. (Id.)
`Dr. Wolfe explained that a POSA would have been motivated to implement the
`update unit 36 in software in particular, because that would allow updates in the
`field. (Id.)
`Dr. Martin argues that Hellman would not be modified from a hardware-
`only implementation to a software-only implementation. (EX2018, ¶¶168-176.)
`But Dr. Martin does not respond to Dr. Wolfe’s opinion that Hellman already
`disclosed a software implementation, and thus would not need any modification.
`(EX1033, ¶¶17-18.)


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
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`In any case, to the extent that some modification of Hellman’s update unit
`36 were needed to achieve a software-only implementation, a POSA would have
`found it obvious to make such a change. Dr. Wolfe already explained one such
`motivation for doing so—allowing update of the implementation logic in the field.
`(EX1003, ¶¶137A-137B.) Dr. Martin’s implication that the reference to “wires,
`switches, and glue” in Hellman discourages software implementation is inapposite;
`any computer, including those with software, would have such components.
`(EX1033, ¶19.) The record player embodiment in Hellman is also irrelevant, given
`that record players included software and Hellman has a separate computer
`embodiment. (Hellman, 10:67-11:3; EX1033, ¶¶20-21.) The existence of security
`vulnerabilities would also not discourage a software-only implementation, as a
`POSA would have known techniques for reducing the risk of such vulnerabilities.
`(EX1033, ¶¶22-25.) See also Medichem, S.A. v. Rolabo, S.L., 437 F.3d 1157, 1165
`(Fed. Cir. 2006) (“[A] given course of action often has simultaneous advantages
`and disadvantages, and this does not necessarily obviate motivation to combine.”).
`B. Hellman Discloses the Claimed “Verification Structure”
`Ancora alleges that the Petition fails to identify the claimed “verification
`structure” separate from the claimed “memory of the BIOS.” (POR, 62-63.) But
`the POR overlooks or misunderstands the mapping of that feature in the Petition.


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
`PTAB Case No. IPR2021-01338
`(EX1033, ¶¶42-47.) Ancora’s expert for his part simply does not address this
`The Petition explained that the update unit 36 in Hellman set up a
`“verification structure” in the non-volatile memory 37 when it stored the license
`count value for the software program 17 at the memory location determined by the
`hash value H (which was calculated using the contents of the software program
`17). (Petition, 41.) As Dr. Wolfe’s elaborated, this memory structure in the non-
`volatile memory 37 storing at least one value M at memory addresses defined by at
`least one hash value H was a “verification structure.” (EX1003, ¶135.) In other
`words, Hellman disclosed a data structure—effectively a table—stored in the non-
`volatile memory 37 that used a specific algorithm for allocating memory addresses.
`(EX1033, ¶¶42-47.)
`It is not clear what more Ancora believes is required by the “verification
`structure.” The ’941 Patent for its part only describes a process for setting up or
`interacting with the “verification structure,” but no details on its content or format.
`(’941 Patent, Abstract, 1:59-62, 2:62-3:3, 3:51-52, 6:18-21.) The ’941 Patent
`mentions in a single instance an “E2PROM database” that may be intended as a
`“verification structure” (Id. at 2:20-26), but Ancora does not explain why a
`“database” would qualify as a “verification structure” and Hellman’s data structure
`would not. (EX1033, ¶¶42-47.)


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner’s Response
`PTAB Case No. IPR2021-01338
`Similarly, the ’941 Patent’s inventor (and Ancora’s owner), Mr. Mullor, was
`unable to provide any detail on what was required by a “verification structure” that
`he alleged was embodied in a product he developed. Mr. Mullor declared that the
`product had a “verification structure.” (EX2033, ¶4.) But he could not provide
`any details as to how he knew there was a verification structure, what
`characteristics it had, or what format it had. (EX1034, 69:2-78:11.) He simply
`knew it was there because of the effects of its use. (Id. at 69:21-70:7, 74:2-75:19.)
`Hellman has at least the “verification structure” required by the claims.
`Indeed, with its specific addressing algorithm, Hellman provides more details on
`the “verification structure” than does the ’941 Patent. (EX1033, ¶¶42-47.)
`Patent Owner’s Attacks Fail to Undermine Any of the Petition’s
`Motivations to Combine.
`Ancora attacks the Petition’s four distinct motivations to combine Hellman’s
`EEPROM with Chou’s BIOS EEPROM (Petition, 30-35; POR, 52-56), but none of
`the attacks are well placed. (EX1033, ¶¶48-61.)
`First, Ancora alleges that Chou does not address tamper prevention. (POR,
`52, 53.) Chou discloses that storing sensitive information in the BIOS memory
`means that any attempt to modify or delete the sensitive information would result
`in disabling the boot process of the computer, rendering it unusable. (Chou, 1:63-
`2:7) Even if Chou does not use the word “tampering,” a POSA would have


`Petitioner’s Reply

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