` ------------------------------
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` ------------------------------
` Case No. IPR2021-01303
` U.S. Patent No. 8,688,028
` ------------------------------
` Case No. IPR2021-01305
` U.S. Patent No. 8,903,307
` ------------------------------
` Friday, July 8, 2022
` Reported By: Lynne M. Ledanois, CSR 6811
` Job No. 5287400
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 1
`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0001


` ------------------------------
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` ------------------------------
` Case No. IPR2021-01303
` U.S. Patent No. 8,688,028
` ------------------------------
` Case No. IPR2021-01305
` U.S. Patent No. 8,903,307
` ------------------------------
` Videotaped deposition of JOHN C. HART,
` Ph.D., taken in Champaign, Illinois, commencing at
` 9:02 a.m. Central on Friday, July 8, 2022, before
` Lynne Ledanois, Certified Shorthand Reporter No.
` 6811.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 2
`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0002


` A P P E A R A N C E S :
` C o u n s e l f o r t h e P e t i t i o n e r :
` O ' M E L V E N Y & M Y E R S L L P
` B Y : B R A D B E R G
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 6 1 0 N e w p o r t C e n t e r D r i v e
` 1 7 t h F l o o r
` N e w p o r t B e a c h , C a l i f o r n i a 9 2 6 6 0
` b m b e r g @ o m m . c o m
` - a n d -
` O ' M E L V E N Y & M Y E R S L L P
` B Y : C A I T L I N H O G A N
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 7 T i m e s S q u a r e
` T i m e s S q u a r e T o w e r
` N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k 1 0 0 3 6
` c h o g a n @ o m m . c o m
` / / /
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
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`2 0
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`2 5
`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0003


` R E M O T E A P P E A R A N C E S
` C o u n s e l f o r t h e P a t e n t O w n e r :
` W H I T E & C A S E L L P
` B Y : J O H N S C H E I B E L E R
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 1 2 2 1 A v e n u e o f t h e A m e r i c a s
` N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k 1 0 0 2 0
` j s c h e i b e l e r @ w h i t e c a s e . c o m
` S c o t t S l a t e r , V i d e o g r a p h e r
`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
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`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
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`2 5
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0004


` I N D E X O F E X A M I N A T I O N
` Examination by: Page
` Mr. Berg 8
`2 3
`5 6 7 8 9
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0005


` P R E V I O U S L Y M A R K E D E X H I B I T S
` N U M B E R P A G E
` E X H I B I T 1 0 0 1 1 3
` E X H I B I T 1 0 0 2 5 3
` E X H I B I T 1 0 0 6 8 3
` E X H I B I T 1 0 1 0 3 4
` E X H I B I T 1 0 1 1 1 0 4
` E X H I B I T 1 0 1 2 1 2 3
` E X H I B I T 2 0 2 0 1 3
` / / /
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`2 4
`2 5
`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0006


` Friday, July 8, 2022
` 9:02 a.m. Central
` ____________________________________________________
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We are
` on the record at 9:02 a.m. Central Daylight Time on 9:02AM
` July 8th, 2022.
` Please note that the microphones are
` sensitive and may pick up whispering or private
` conversations.
` Audio and video recording will continue to 9:03AM
` take place unless all parties agree to go off the
` record.
` This is Media Unit 1 of the video-recorded
` deposition of John C. Hart, Ph.D., taken by counsel
` for petitioner in the matter of Hyundai Motor 9:03AM
` America versus StratosAudio, Inc., filed in the
` United States Patent and Trademark Office before the
` Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Case Number
` IPR2021-01303.
` This deposition is being held as a virtual 9:03AM
` deposition via Zoom, with the witness located in
` Champaign, Illinois.
` My name is Scott Slater from the firm
` Veritext Legal Solutions, and I am the videographer.
` The court reporter is Lynne Ledanois from 9:04AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0007


` the firm Veritext Legal Solutions. 9:04AM
` I am not related to any party in this
` action nor am I financially interested in the
` outcome.
` Counsel and all present will now state 9:04AM
` their appearances and affiliations for the record.
` If there are any objections to proceeding,
` please state them at the time of your appearance,
` beginning with the noticing attorney.
` MR. BERG: This is Brad Berg from 9:04AM
` O'Melveny & Myers on behalf of petitioner, Hyundai
` Motor America.
` With me is my colleague, Caitlin Hogan,
` also from O'Melveny & Myers and also on behalf of
` petitioner, Hyundai Motor America. 9:04AM
` MR. SCHEIBELER: This is John Scheibeler
` from the law firm of White & Case LLP. I represent
` the patent owner, Stratos, in the IPRs, and I
` represent the witness.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Thank you very much. 9:04AM
` Will the court reporter please administer
` the oath.
` JOHN C. HART, Ph.D.,
` having been duly sworn, testified as follows:
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0008


` BY MR. BERG: 9:05AM
` Q Thank you, Dr. Hart.
` MR. BERG: Now, before we get started,
` Counsel, I just want to confirm with you, when Scott
` read the caption, he misidentified IPR2021-01303. 9:05AM
` I just want to confirm with you that this
` is also for IPR2021-01305; is that correct?
` MR. SCHEIBELER: We agree.
` MR. BERG: Okay.
` BY MR. BERG: 9:05AM
` Q Good morning, Dr. Hart.
` A Good morning.
` Q Can you please state your full name for
` the record?
` A John Charles Hart. 9:05AM
` Q And do you understand that you're under
` oath today, Dr. Hart?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q Have you been deposed before?
` A Yes, I have. 9:05AM
` Q Approximately how many times have you been
` deposed?
` A I don't have an exact count. It's over ten.
` Q Is it over 20?
` A Probably not, but maybe. 9:06AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0009


` Q Okay. Now, you've done a deposition over 9:06AM
` Zoom before as well; right?
` A Yes, I have.
` Q So being fairly experienced with the
` deposition process, I assume you're familiar with 9:06AM
` the ground rules, but just to go over a couple, you
` understand today's deposition is being recorded
` stenographically, so you should give verbal answers
` rather than nodding or shaking your head?
` A Yes. 9:06AM
` Q And you know that your attorney may object
` to a question, but you're still required to answer
` that question unless your attorney instructs you not
` to?
` A Yes. 9:06AM
` Q If at any point today your answer gets cut
` off, just let me know and I'll give you an
` opportunity to complete your answer.
` I'll do my best not to talk over you and
` would ask that you likewise do the same for me. 9:07AM
` That will help the court reporter keep a clear
` record of who said what.
` Do you understand that?
` A Yes.
` Q Now, this is not an endurance test today, 9:07AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0010


` so if you need a break at any time, just let me 9:07AM
` know. My only request is that if there is a
` question pending, that you answer the question
` before we take a break.
` Is that okay? 9:07AM
` A Yes.
` Q Is there any reason that you cannot give
` truthful and accurate testimony today?
` A No.
` Q You are here today to testify as an expert 9:07AM
` on behalf of the patent owner in this case
` StratosAudio, Inc.; correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Will you understand if I refer to the
` patent owner as "StratosAudio"? 9:07AM
` A Yes.
` Q Were you retained by StratosAudio or by
` StratosAudio's counsel?
` A I would have to refer to my engagement
` agreement for those specifics. I don't have that in 9:08AM
` front of me right now.
` Q Prior to this matter, have you ever worked
` as a consultant or expert for StratosAudio?
` A No.
` Q Do you understand that the petitioner in 9:08AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0011


` these matters is Hyundai Motor America? 9:08AM
` A Yes.
` Q Will you understand if I refer to the
` petitioner as "Hyundai"?
` A Yes. 9:08AM
` Q Do you have any notes or other documents
` with you at your deposition today?
` A No.
` Q And anything up on your screen?
` A No. I have a browser window open to the 9:08AM
` exhibits Web page and my Zoom window.
` Q Okay. Great. So let me introduce a
` couple of exhibits.
` Have you been able to get set up on the
` Exhibit Share for Veritext for this proceeding? 9:09AM
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Great.
` Give me a second to click through here and
` I'm going to mark a couple of exhibits.
` Okay. You should have one exhibit up 9:10AM
` there in your folder.
` Do you see that?
` A If I can refresh. Yes, I see it now.
` Q Okay. What is that document?
` A It appears to be the '307 patent. 9:10AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0012


` Q We're going to use the exhibit numbers 9:10AM
` that are already premarked on this, so it's Exhibit
` 1001.
` And you understand that Exhibit 1001 is
` the patent in -- let's see -- make sure I get my 9:11AM
` numbers right here -- in IPR2021-01305?
` A Yes.
` Q Just for the record, it's a copy of United
` States Patent Number 8,903,307; correct?
` A Yes. 9:11AM
` Q If I use the term "'307 patent," will you
` understand that I am referring to this patent?
` A Yes.
` Q And you've previously reviewed the '307
` patent; right? 9:11AM
` A Yes.
` Q Let me introduce another exhibit here.
` Okay. I've just introduced another
` exhibit. Let me know when you have that one
` available. 9:12AM
` A Okay. I have it.
` Q And this exhibit has been marked as
` Exhibit 2020 in IPR2021-01305.
` Do you see that?
` A Yes. 9:13AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0013


` Q Do you recognize this document? 9:13AM
` A Yes. This is my declaration.
` Q And will you understand if I refer to this
` as the "'307 declaration"?
` A Well, there are multiple '307 declarations. 9:13AM
` If that's how you refer to it, I can understand that.
` Q What other '307 declaration are you
` thinking of?
` A This declaration is in response to
` Dr. Almeroth's declaration. 9:13AM
` Q Have you submitted any other declarations
` in connection with this proceeding?
` A No, I have not.
` Q Is your '307 declaration accurate?
` A Yes, it is. 9:14AM
` Q Is it a complete statement of all of your
` opinions and the reasons for them?
` A On Page 73, right before the signature at
` the declaration -- I think it's Section 13 -- I state
` that I reserve the right to revise or supplement my 9:14AM
` opinions as additional information becomes available.
` So these are my opinions, but they can be
` revised or supplemented as additional information
` becomes available.
` Q And since you wrote your declaration on -- 9:15AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0014


` and signed it on April 19th, 2022, has any 9:15AM
` additional information become available that would
` cause you to need to revise or supplement your
` opinions?
` A No, I have not filed any supplemental 9:15AM
` opinions beyond this.
` Q Does your '307 declaration contain all the
` facts or data considered by you in forming your
` opinions?
` A Yes, it does. 9:15AM
` Q Do you have any corrections or changes at
` this time to your '307 declaration?
` A No. I'm sure there are the occasional typo,
` but the opinions should be understood as they are
` written. 9:15AM
` Q And does this declaration accurately
` describe the work you performed?
` A It's the result of the work I performed,
` yes.
` Q And you didn't leave anything out? 9:16AM
` A I'm not sure what you mean by that.
` Q There --
` A Go ahead, Brad.
` Q There are no opinions in regards to this 9:16AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0015


` proceeding in the '307 patent that you formed but 9:16AM
` not included in this declaration?
` A That is correct. This is -- this contains
` all of the opinions I have made regarding this matter.
` Q So I'm going to introduce another exhibit. 9:17AM
` Let me know when you have that one.
` A Okay.
` Q So I just introduced an exhibit that's
` been marked as 1001 in IPR2021-01303, which is a
` copy of United States Patent Number 8,688,028. 9:17AM
` Do you see that?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q If I use the term "'028 patent," will you
` understand that I'm referring to this patent?
` A Yes, I will. 9:18AM
` Q Have you previously reviewed the '028
` patent?
` MR. SCHEIBELER: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I have.
` BY MR. BERG: 9:18AM
` Q Okay. So I have just introduced another
` exhibit. Let me know when you have that one.
` A Okay.
` Q I just introduced a document that's been
` marked as Exhibit 2020 in proceeding IPR2021-01303. 9:19AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0016


` Do you see that? 9:19AM
` A Yes.
` Q Do you recognize this document?
` A Yes. This is my declaration.
` Q And specifically it's your declaration 9:19AM
` with respect to the '028 patent; correct?
` A Correct.
` Q Will you understand if I refer to this as
` your "'028 declaration"?
` A Yes. 9:19AM
` Q And some similar questions as those I
` asked for the '307 declaration.
` Is this '028 declaration accurate?
` A Yes.
` Q Is it a complete statement of all of your 9:20AM
` opinions and the reasons for them?
` A On Page 73, I have the sentence, "I reserve
` the right to revise or supplement my opinions as
` additional information becomes available."
` So if additional information becomes 9:20AM
` available, then I would revise or supplement these
` opinions.
` Q Understood. But as of right now, this is
` a complete statement of all of your opinions?
` A Yes, these are the opinions I've entered on 9:20AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0017


` this matter. 9:20AM
` Q And do you have any corrections or changes
` at this time?
` A No. I'm sure there are typos, but the
` opinions should be understood as written. 9:20AM
` Q And you're here today to testify about
` both of these declarations; correct?
` A Correct.
` Q And you would agree that there is a lot of
` overlap between these two declarations; right? 9:21AM
` A I don't know that I have an opinion about
` the similarities between the declarations. Certainly,
` the '028 and '307 have a shared specification. The
` claims are different.
` And so these declarations refer to similar 9:21AM
` passages in the shared declaration, but are focused
` on the claims of each of the patents.
` Q So if I ask you a question regarding one
` of your declarations, say, the '307 declaration, and
` there is some equivalent statement in your '028 9:21AM
` declaration, do you agree that your testimony would
` apply to both statements?
` MR. SCHEIBELER: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: It would depend on the
` question. 9:22AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0018


` If the question is referring to the 9:22AM
` specification, then that could be possible, but if
` we're referring to specific claim language, I would
` have to examine the claim language to make that
` determination. 9:22AM
` Q What did you do to prepare for today's
` deposition, Dr. Hart?
` A I examined all of the materials made
` available to me, read the patents, read the Almeroth
` declaration, all of the cited patents in that 9:22AM
` declaration, the specifications claims and prosecution
` history of the '307 patent, and the PTAB Institution
` Decision, and the materials and additional exhibits
` cited by all of those.
` Q Did you meet with anyone in preparation 9:23AM
` for today's deposition?
` A I met with John Scheibeler.
` Q Did you meet with anyone else?
` A Callie.
` Q Callie is also an attorney for 9:23AM
` StratosAudio; is that correct?
` A Yes.
` Q For approximately how long did you meet
` with Mr. Scheibeler and Callie?
` A I think it was two hours. 9:23AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0019


` Q Did you speak with anyone else in 9:23AM
` preparation for today's deposition?
` A No, I did not.
` Q Are you aware that another expert,
` Dr. Todd K. Moon, prepared expert declarations for 9:24AM
` related IPR proceedings involving the '081 and '405
` patents?
` A I believe I'm familiar with the name, but I
` have not -- I'm not aware of those declarations.
` Q Now, you've also provided other 9:24AM
` declarations in IPR proceedings related to the '028
` and '307 patents; right?
` A Yes, I believe for the Volkswagen IPR.
` Q And you testified in depositions regarding
` those declarations; correct? 9:24AM
` A Correct.
` Q When was the last time you reviewed those
` declarations?
` A I don't believe I've reviewed those since
` the -- since that proceeding. 9:24AM
` Q Since you offered that deposition, have
` you reviewed the transcript?
` A I would have checked that for errors, but
` not since then.
` Q Okay. Let's go ahead and start with your 9:25AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0020


` '307 declaration. 9:25AM
` In Paragraph 3, you mention that you have
` a bachelor's degree in computer science, as well as
` both a master's and Ph.D. degree in electrical
` engineering and computer sciences; correct? 9:25AM
` A Yes.
` Q In which years did you receive those
` degrees?
` A The bachelor's degree was in '87, the
` master's degree was in '89, and the Ph.D. was in '91. 9:26AM
` Q Where did you receive them from?
` A The bachelor's degree was from Aurora
` University, the master's and Ph.D. were from the
` University of Illinois at Chicago.
` Q In Paragraph 5 of your declaration, you 9:26AM
` mention that you have been researching interactive
` computing since 1987; right?
` A Yes.
` Q And again in Paragraph 6, you state that
` you are an internationally recognized leader in the 9:26AM
` area of interactive computing; right?
` A Yes.
` Q Can you describe what you mean when you
` say "interactive computing"?
` A Sure. Interactive computing is a technology 9:26AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0021


` that enables interaction where a user receives some 9:27AM
` information from a computer system and then provides
` some response to that computer system.
` Q In your opinion, the '307 patent is
` directed to an interactive computing system; is that 9:27AM
` correct?
` A Yes.
` Q In Paragraph 4 you point out that the
` IPR -- that the subject of this IPR is a patent
` titled "Broadcast Response System;" correct? 9:27AM
` A Correct.
` Q What do you understand is meant by
` "broadcast" in this title?
` A Having read through the '307 and examining
` its specification and embodiments and having 9:28AM
` experienced my own personal experience with network
` broadcast systems, that the "broadcast" described in
` '307 is -- starts at some initiation point.
` Some broadcaster is referred to in '307
` and distributes a stream of information to what I 9:28AM
` believe is referred to in '307 as listeners or
` users. That could happen over the air in a wireless
` fashion. That could happen in a wired fashion.
` That could happen over the internet, over IBOC over
` a DAB system, FM, any number of media. 9:29AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0022


` Q And you mentioned that you have experience 9:29AM
` with broadcast systems.
` Could you describe briefly what some of
` your experience is with broadcast systems?
` A I believe I said I have experience with 9:29AM
` multimedia systems, multimedia systems that would use
` a medium to transmit information that would then
` require a response.
` I listed four examples of some recent
` publications on that. 9:29AM
` Q Now, you included your C.V. at the end of
` this declaration as an appendix; correct?
` A Correct.
` Q Does your C.V. that was included here
` contain a complete list of all of your publications 9:30AM
` authored in the last ten years?
` A Yes, it does.
` Q Your C.V. also lists numerous times that
` you were retained as an expert witness; correct?
` A Correct -- the ones that have been 9:30AM
` disclosed.
` Q Approximately how many times have you
` served as an expert in a patent litigation matter?
` A I believe all of these but two were patent
` litigation matters. 9:30AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0023


` Q And during your entire career, 9:31AM
` approximately how many times have you testified at
` trial in a patent case?
` A Twice.
` Q Have you provided any testimony or 9:31AM
` submitted a report in any litigation in the last
` four years?
` A Yes.
` Q Does your C.V. list all cases in which
` during the previous four years you testified as an 9:31AM
` expert at trial or by deposition?
` A At trial, yes. At deposition, I'm not sure.
` Q Sitting here today and looking at the list
` of engagements listed in your C.V., do you notice
` any omissions in which in the previous four years 9:31AM
` you testified at deposition?
` A I don't believe so. I would have to check
` all of my records to determine that. But I believe
` this includes all of my recent depositions.
` It doesn't include, for example, 9:32AM
` Volkswagen.
` Q In 2022, how many cases are you working on
` as an expert?
` A Again, I would have to check. I believe
` four. 9:32AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0024


` Q Do you recall how many times you've been 9:32AM
` deposed this year?
` A I believe this is the third.
` Q How many times have you testified in court
` this year? 9:32AM
` A None.
` Q And in which cases have you been deposed
` this year?
` A Certainly these IPR proceedings. That's all
` I can remember from this year. 9:33AM
` Q Have you ever been retained on behalf of
` Hyundai?
` A I would have to check my records.
` Q Sitting here right now, though, you cannot
` think of a time that you've been retained by 9:33AM
` Hyundai?
` A No.
` Q Prior to this case, have you ever been
` retained in a case adverse to Hyundai?
` A I would have to check my records. 9:33AM
` Q Sitting here right now, are you aware of
` any time that you've been adverse to Hyundai?
` A I believe Graphics Property Holdings, there
` was a number of car companies involved in that
` litigation. 9:33AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0025


` I think some of these other ZiiLabs cases 9:33AM
` may have involved auto manufacturers. I would have
` to check my records.
` Q Have you ever failed to qualify as an
` expert in whole or in part in District Court 9:34AM
` litigation?
` A No.
` Q Have you ever fail to qualify as an expert
` in proceedings before the Patent Trial and Appeal
` Board? 9:34AM
` A No.
` Q Has any portion of your expert opinion or
` testimony ever been excluded from trial under
` Daubert for any other reason?
` A Let's see. The Adsync matter, I was asked 9:34AM
` to provide an opinion about software piracy based on
` my membership in the Association for Computing
` Machinery, and I provided that.
` And I believe some of that portion was
` removed because it was considered to be a legal 9:34AM
` conclusion.
` Q Are there any other examples where a
` portion of your testimony has been excluded from
` trial?
` A No. 9:35AM
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`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0026


` Q Has your opinion ever been criticized by a 9:35AM
` judge?
` A Not to my knowledge, no.
` Q To your knowledge, has your opinion ever
` been criticized by a PTAB panel? 9:35AM
` A No, not to my knowledge. No.
` Q When did you first start working on your
` '028 and '307 declarations?
` A For this matter, it would have been a few
` months ago. 9:35AM
` Q So I think we mentioned earlier that you
` signed these declarations in April of 2022.
` Do you recall how long before that you
` would have started working on these?
` A Probably a month. 9:36AM
` Q Who else contributed to the writing of
` these declarations?
` A Nobody. I wrote these declarations. I
` worked with counsel. For example, counsel provided me
` information about the section on the legal standard. 9:36AM
` But all of these -- each and every one of
` these paragraphs represents my opinion.
` Q Did you copy any of the '307 declaration
` from another document?
` A I don't recall any of the specifics about 9:37AM
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 27
`Petitioner Hyundai Ex-1029, 0027



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