(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0186888A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Sep. 23, 2004
`US 20040186888A1
`(75) Inventor: Jonathan Samn, Austin, TX (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`Darcell Walker
`9301 Southwest Freeway, Suite 250
`Houston, TX 77074 (US)
`(73) Assignee: INTERNATIONAL
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Mar. 19, 2003
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl." ..................................................... G06F 15/16
`(52) U.S. Cl. ............................................ 709/206; 709/229
`The present invention allows a client that may have multiple
`accounts, each on distinct, unconnected messaging Servers,
`to be able to be a relay point between or among those
`messaging Servers. In the System of the present invention, at
`least one user with accounts on the multiple Servers would
`log on to each Server. When that user wants to create a chat
`conference among people from each of the isolated Servers,
`the relay user can invite each person to the conversation and
`relay messages from users within the conference on a given
`server, to the other users from the other server(s). The relay
`can be implemented easily by "echoing messages coming
`from one Server to other Servers that are connected to the
`relay client.
`Exhibit 1023
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`FIG. 3
`Exhibit 1023
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`US 2004/0186888 A1
`Sep. 23, 2004
`0001. The present invention relates to a real-time mes
`Sage transfer System and in particular to a method and
`System for relaying real-time messages having different
`formats between multiple, non-connected messaging Servers
`from a central relaying point. Use of the present invention
`adds functionality to real-time messaging programs to allow
`a user with accounts on multiple Servers to be a relay point
`between or among different or isolated Servers.
`0002 There is a wide range of interactive applications
`implemented on computer Systems today. All are character
`ized by dynamic response to the user. The user provides
`input to the computer and the application responds quickly.
`One popular example of interactive applications on personal
`computers (PCs) is games. In this case, rapid response to the
`user may mean redrawing the Screen with a new picture in
`between 30 ms and 100 ms. Interactive applications such as
`games control the Speed of their interaction with the user
`through an internal time base. The application uses this time
`base to derive rates at which the user input is Sampled, the
`Screen is redrawn and Sound is played.
`0003. As computers have become more powerful and
`common, it has become important to connect them together
`in networks. A network is comprised of nodes and linkS. The
`nodes are connected in Such a way that there exists a path
`from each node over the links and through the other nodes
`to each of the other nodes in the network. Each node may be
`connected to the network with one or more links. Nodes are
`further categorized into hosts, gateways and routers. Hosts
`are computer Systems that are connected to the network by
`one link they communicate with the other nodes on the
`network by Sending messages and receiving messages. Gate
`ways are computer Systems connected to the network by
`more than one link. They not only communicate with the
`other nodes as do hosts, but they also forward messages on
`one of their network links to other nodes on their other
`network linkS. This processing of forwarding messages is
`called routing. In addition to Sending and receiving mes
`Sages and their routing functions, gateways may perform
`other functions in a network. Routers are nodes that are
`connected to the network by more than one link and whose
`Sole function is the forwarding of messages on one network
`link to the other network links to which it is connected. A
`network consisting of many network linkS can be thought of
`as a network of Sub-networks with gateways and/or routers
`connecting the Sub-networks together into what is called an
`Internet. Today the widely known example of a world wide
`internet is the so called “Internet” which in 1995 has over 10
`million computers connected full time World-wide.
`0004. Use of and applications for Internet networks,
`including the so-called “World Wide Web” (“Web”),
`increases daily. The Web is a network of computer infor
`mation Storage Sites, and each Site can include one or more
`information displays, colloquially referred to as “pages'.
`Essentially, a Web site presents advertising or other infor
`mation regarding a particular organization. A perSon with a
`computer and a Software System referred to as a “browser'
`can connect the computer to the Internet (and, hence, to the
`Web), usually via a telephone line, and with the aid of the
`browser, access the various Web pages.
`0005 Another popular feature of the Internet are so
`called “chat rooms'. ESSentially, a chat room is a computer
`Site that can be accessed (i.e., "logged onto') simultaneously
`by many users, with each user being able to input text
`material intended to be conversational in nature. The con
`Versational input from, e.g., a first user is relayed to the
`computers of the other users who also happen to be logged
`onto the chat room, Such that the text from the first user is
`presented to the other users. Then, the other users can
`respond if they like by inputting text material of their own,
`and their text material is likewise relayed to the other
`“occupants of the chat room, including the first user. In this
`way, computer users around the globe can undertake dia
`logues with each other in real time. Further, once a dialog
`has been established between two particular users, the users
`can arrange to “meetin (i.e., transfer to) a private chat room
`that can be accessed only by the two users, So that the two
`users can continue their conversation in private.
`0006 Instant messaging systems provide for instant, real
`time communication between users who are connected to the
`System through an on-line or electronic networking envi
`ronment. Examples of instant messaging Systems include
`Yahoo!.B.Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger..., and
`Sametime."M. (“Yahoo!” is a registered trademark of Yahoo!
`Inc., “AOL Instant Messenger is a Service mark of America
`Online, Inc., and “Sametime' is a trademark of Lotus
`Development Corporation.) Such systems are becoming
`quite popular among users of networkS Such as the Internet,
`World Wide Web (hereinafter, “Web”), and internal intranets
`because they are easy to use and provide a simple way for
`one user to Send a message to another user.
`0007 Instant messaging systems provide real-time
`awareness of who is logged on to a System. Typically, an
`instant messaging System (hereinafter, “IMS) user has an
`address book containing names or nicknames for those
`people with whom he communicates. The entries in this
`address book are used for Selecting a message recipient. The
`IMS typically indicates, using a visual cue (Such as different
`icons or different fonts), which of the people are logged on
`to the System and which are not. For a message to be sent
`from a Sending user to a receiving user, both users must be
`currently logged on to an IMS (which may be the same IMS,
`or a different IMS). Otherwise, the system will not allow the
`Sender to Send his message. By ensuring that the receiver is
`available when a message is Sent to him, the message can be
`delivered and presented to the recipient nearly instantly
`(depending on network delay).
`0008 Instant messaging systems are distinguished from
`e-mail Systems in that e-mail is not real-time in nature.
`E-mail Systems merely accept electronic messages, and Store
`them for delivery. There is no real-time awareness of
`whether the message recipient is currently logged on and
`able to receive the message. Instead, the message is Stored
`until Such time as the user logs on to the e-mail System and
`receives his waiting messages.
`0009. One problem with real-time or instant messaging
`Software is that there are Several messaging programs made
`by different companies and thus different servers are used by
`Exhibit 1023
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`US 2004/0186888 A1
`Sep. 23, 2004
`the programs not allowing messaging “croSSOver” among
`the different Servers. At least one perSon would need to have
`accounts for all of the different messaging programs, Such as
`Yahoo messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, and MSN Mes
`Senger, So everyone that perSon would want to contact would
`not have to conform to one program. This would require
`multiple messaging programs to be installed on at least on
`computer, or just one program Such as Trillian, that is
`capable of using the different messaging Servers, but not for
`messaging from one account on one server to Someone using
`an account on a different Server.
`0.010 Another problem with real-time messaging is that
`different companies may use the same program Such as IBM
`Lotus Sametime Client within their companies, but due to
`Security their messaging Servers are confined within their
`own companies. So, if a large team from one company wants
`to work with another large group from a different company,
`each perSon from one company must acquire a temporary
`account in the other company's real time messaging Server.
`This may be a large use of resources, and thus not cost
`There remains a need for an improved instant
`messaging System that can enable a user to have broader
`access to multiple non-connected message Servers for the
`purpose of transmitting messages to and receiving messages
`from these multiple non-connected message Servers.
`0012. It is an objective of the present invention to provide
`a method and System for the transfer of real-time messages
`between multiple Servers.
`0013. It is a second objective of the present invention to
`provide a method and System for the transfer of real-time
`messages between non-connected Servers.
`It is a third objective of the present invention to
`provide a method and System that can transfer real-time
`messages between users where each user has a different
`real-time messaging program.
`0.015. It is a fourth objective of the present invention to
`provide System having a relay point for transferring real
`time messages between Servers.
`0016. It is a fifth objective of the present invention to
`provide a method and system that will allow a user with
`accounts on multiple Servers to be a relay point between or
`among different isolated Servers.
`0.017. The present invention allows a client that may have
`multiple accounts, each on distinct, unconnected messaging
`Servers, to be able to be a relay point between or among
`those messaging Servers. In the System of the present inven
`tion, at least one user with accounts on the multiple Servers
`would log on to each Server. When that user wants to create
`a chat conference among people from each of the isolated
`Servers, the relay user can invite each person to the conver
`sation and relay messages from users within the conference
`on a given server, to the other users from the other server(s).
`The relay can be implemented easily by "echoing messages
`coming from one server to other Servers that are connected
`to the relay client.
`0.018 From the question of security issues, the user with
`accounts on different Servers could open Secure connections
`to the different Servers via an encoded tunnel, Such as those
`provided by many companies to their employees who may
`work at home and use their high-speed internet connections
`to work from home. This invention will also help with
`Security issues of Several Separate companies who may use
`the Same real-time messaging program Such as Sametime
`within their companies, and if large teams from each com
`pany wish to conference with each other. Instead of every
`one from one company getting an account with the other
`company, one “team lead” with a few backup teams leads,
`could get accounts with the other company So all confiden
`tial conversations MUST go through the leader's relay point.
`0019 FIG. 1 is a conventional computing device used for
`communication between users in a chat room environment
`via a computer network.
`0020 FIG. 2 is a diagram of a computer network over
`which messages may be transmitted between a user and the
`reservation center of the present invention.
`FIG. 3 shows a configuration of a network con
`taining a chat module.
`0022 FIG. 4 is a configuration of a conventional chat
`room containing Several user accounts implement over a
`computer network.
`0023 FIG. 5a is a message board for the chat room for
`message server A of the configuration shown in FIG. 4.
`0024 FIG. 5b is a message board for the chat room for
`message server B of the configuration shown in FIG. 4.
`0025 FIG. 5c is a message board for the chat room for
`message server C of the configuration shown in FIG. 4.
`0026 FIG. 6 is a chat room configuration of the present
`invention containing a central relay Server and Several user
`accounts implement over a computer network.
`0027 FIG. 7 is a message board for the chat room
`configuration shown in FIG. 6.
`0028 FIG. 8 is a flow diagram of the operation of the
`System of the present invention.
`0029 Chat room discussions occur over computing
`devices, usually personal computers, connected to a com
`munication network. With reference now to FIG. 1, there is
`depicted a pictorial representation of computing device 10
`which may be used in implementation of the present inven
`tion. AS may be seen, data processing System 10 includes
`processor 11 that preferably includes a graphics processor,
`memory device and central processor (not shown). Coupled
`to processor 11 is video display 12 which may be imple
`mented utilizing either a color or monochromatic monitor, in
`a manner well known in the art. Also coupled to processor
`11 is keyboard 13. Keyboard 13 preferably comprises a
`Standard computer keyboard, which is coupled to the pro
`ceSSor by means of cable 14. Also coupled to processor 11
`is a graphical pointing device, Such as mouse 15. Mouse 15
`is coupled to processor 11, in a manner well known in the art,
`via cable 16. As is shown, mouse 15 may include left button
`17, and right button 18, each of which may be depressed, or
`Exhibit 1023
`Page 11 of 14


`US 2004/0186888 A1
`Sep. 23, 2004
`"clicked’, to provide command and control Signals to data
`processing system 10. While the disclosed embodiment of
`the present invention utilizes a mouse, those skilled in the art
`will appreciate that any graphical pointing device Such as a
`light pen or touch Sensitive Screen may be utilized to
`implement the method and apparatus of the present inven
`tion. Upon reference to the foregoing, those skilled in the art
`will appreciate that data processing System 10 may be
`implemented utilizing a personal computer.
`0030 The method of the present invention may be imple
`mented in a global computer network environment Such as
`the Internet. With reference now FIG. 2, there is depicted a
`pictorial representation of a distributed computer network
`environment 20 in which one may implement the method
`and System of the present invention. AS may be seen,
`distributed data processing System 20 may include a plural
`ity of networks, such as Local Area Networks (LAN) 21 and
`22, each of which preferably includes a plurality of indi
`vidual computerS 23 and 24, respectively. Of course, those
`skilled in the art will appreciate that a plurality of Intelligent
`Work Stations (IWS) coupled to a host processor may be
`utilized for each Such network. Any of the processing
`Systems may also be connected to the Internet as shown. AS
`is common in Such data processing Systems, each individual
`computer may be coupled to a storage device 25 and/or a
`printer/output device 26. One or more Such Storage devices
`25 may be utilized, in accordance with the method of the
`present invention, to Store the various data objects or docu
`ments which may be periodically accessed and processed by
`a user within distributed data processing System 20, in
`accordance with the method and System of the present
`invention. In a manner well known in the prior art, each Such
`data processing procedure or document may be Stored within
`a storage device 25 which is associated with a Resource
`Manager or Library Service, which is responsible for main
`taining and updating all resource objects associated there
`0031) Still referring to FIG. 2, it may be seen that
`distributed data processing System 20 may also include
`multiple mainframe computers, Such as mainframe com
`puter 27, which may be preferably coupled to Local Area
`Network (LAN) 21 by means of communications link 28.
`Mainframe computer 27 may also be coupled to a Storage
`device 29 which may serve as remote Storage for Local Area
`Network (LAN) 21. A second Local Area Network (LAN)
`22 may be coupled to Local Area Network (LAN) 21 via
`communications controller 31 and communications link 32
`to a gateway server 33. Gateway server 33 is preferably an
`individual computer or Intelligent Work Station (IWS),
`which serves to link Local Area Network (LAN) 22 to Local
`Area Network (LAN) 21. As discussed above with respect to
`Local Area Network (LAN) 22 and Local Area Network
`(LAN) 21, a plurality of data processing procedures or
`documents may be Stored within Storage device 29 and
`controlled by mainframe computer 27, as Resource Manager
`or Library Service for the data processing procedures and
`documents thus stored. Of course, those skilled in the art will
`appreciate that mainframe computer 27 may be located a
`great geographical distance from Local Area Network
`(LAN) 21 and similarly Local Area Network (LAN) 21 may
`be located a Substantial distance from Local Area Network
`(LAN) 24. That is, Local Area Network (LAN) 24 may be
`located in California while Local Area Network (LAN) 21
`may be located within Texas and mainframe computer 27
`may be located in New York.
`0032 Referring initially to FIG. 3, a chat room system is
`shown, generally designated 35, which includes a Server
`computer 36, which is part of a computer network. In the
`preferred embodiment, the server computer 36 is part of the
`computer network 37 referred to as the Internet, and it can
`access a portion of the Internet known as the World Wide
`Web (“Web”). As is well known, the Web includes a
`plurality of Web sites 38 (only one site 38 shown in FIG.3).
`Additionally, plural user computers 39 communicate with
`the network 37 using respective Software-implemented
`browsers 35 in accordance with well-known principles. As
`intended by the present invention, the browsers 40 can
`advantageously be commercial browsers, Such as are made
`by Netscape and Microsoft Corp. Further, each user com
`puter 39 is associated with a respective output device Such
`as a video monitor 41. Moreover, one or more advertising
`Sites 42, each typically implemented by a respective Server
`computer, communicate with the network 37 by well-known
`0033 AS discussed further below, the server computer 36
`includes a chat module 43 for facilitating communication
`between user computers 39 via the network 37, in real time
`with broadcast programs that establish the Subjects of dis
`cussion between the user computers 39. Thus, each chat
`room that is implemented by the chat module 43 relates to
`a program being broadcast, real-time, over a respective
`channel. AS intended herein, a “broadcast” program means
`any television or radio program that is delivered on a
`wide-area basis to plural public recipients by Standard
`wireless broadcast (i.e., from land-based radiofrequency (rf)
`transmitters), or by cable, or by Satellite transmission, or by
`Internet transmission, or by multicast or intercast. Prefer
`ably, the broadcast programs are television programs deliv
`ered by cable and/or Standard wireleSS broadcast.
`0034) Referring to FIG. 4, shown are conventional con
`figurations for a chat rooms on different Servers. In this
`configuration, there are three messaging Servers A, B and C.
`Numbers 45, 46 and 47 designate these messaging server
`respectively. Messaging Server A 45 has three users 48, 49
`and 50 connected to the chat room for that server. Each user
`has a separate account 1-A, 1-B and 1-C respectively.
`Messaging Server B 46 also has three users 50, 51 and 52.
`Again, each user has a separate account for this Server 2-A,
`2-B, 2-C. Likewise messaging server 47 has users 50, 53 and
`54 with each user having a separate account 3-A, 3-B and
`3-C for that messaging server. As shown, user 50 has
`accounts on each message Server. The problem Stated earlier
`is that for user 50 to be able to participate in the chat rooms
`on the various Servers, user 50 must have separate accounts
`on each Server as illustrated in the configurations. Because
`of the current capabilities of real-time messaging, messages
`can only involve users connected to a specific messaging
`0035 FIG. 5a is a messaging board of the messages in
`the chat room conversation on messaging Server 45. AS
`shown, user 48 has an initial message “Hello'. User 49
`responds “Hey”. User 50 response “What's up”? User 49
`again enters a message “Nothing here'. The messaging
`board has a Space 55 where each user can enter a message.
`AS previously described, this message is relayed to every
`Exhibit 1023
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`US 2004/0186888 A1
`Sep. 23, 2004
`user current connected to the chat room on the messaging
`server. FIG. 5b has a messaging board with comments
`similar to the comments in FIG. 5a. Likewise, the messag
`ing board in FIG. 5c has comments in the same format as the
`messaging boards of FIGS. 5a and 5b.
`0.036 The present invention addresses the limitation of
`the current capabilities of real-time messaging, in which
`messages can only involve users connected to a specific
`messaging Server. The present invention is a System involv
`ing the transmission of messages from one Server to a user
`not directly connected to that server. The system of the
`present invention incorporates a System of relaying mes
`Sages from one server to another through a central relay
`point. This central is a user that has acceSS accounts on
`various Servers.
`0037 Referring to FIG. 6, shown is a configuration for
`this System of the present invention. This System comprises
`a central user 56 that has accounts on three different mes
`saging servers 57, 58 and 59. In the present invention,
`central user 56 would serve as a relay point for messages
`from users having accounts on only one messaging Server. In
`this configuration, messaging Server 57 has in addition to
`user 56, users 60 and 61. Users 60 and 61 can only access
`messaging server 57. Messaging server 58 also has user 62
`and 63 in addition to user 56. Messaging server 59 also has
`user 64 and 65 in addition to user 56.
`0.038. In practice, the invention has some similarities to a
`three-way telephone conference call. With these calls, an
`initial call is originated from the first caller to a first
`destination. Once that connection has been established, the
`first caller places the first party on hold and establishes a call
`with a Second party. Depending on the capabilities of a
`particular System, more calling parties can be added to the
`call. The parties connected to the telephone conversation can
`communicate with each other just as if they were directly
`connected to each other via the originator of the call.
`0039. With the present invention, the central user 56 can
`initiate a chat room discussion that can be accessible to any
`user connected to any of the three messaging Servers. In this
`System, if a user wanted to participate in a chat room
`discussion on a Server that the user is not connected to, then
`a message from that user would be received at the central
`user and echoed to the appropriate Server where the actual
`chat is taking place. In an example, a chat room discussion
`is held on messaging server 57. User 64 has connection only
`to server 59. However, the central user 56 is connected to
`messaging server 57 and 59. A connection of user 64 to the
`messaging Server 57 will be accomplished through a link
`provided by central user 56.
`0040. Referring to FIG. 7, there is an illustration of a
`messaging board 66 for a chat room discussion involving all
`of the users 56,60, 61, 62, 63, 64 and 65 in the configuration
`of FIG. 6. Because there are users connected to each
`messaging Server in the configuration that are connected to
`the chat room, all three central user accounts are active in
`this chat. Regardless of the location of the actual chat room,
`any message Sent to the chat room is relayed from the chat
`room location, through the central user and to the other users
`connected to the chat.
`FIG. 8 illustrates the steps in the process of the
`present invention. As indicated in step 70, the central user 56
`receives a chat room status request from a messenger Server.
`This origin of the Status request would be a user with an
`account only on the requesting Server that wants to know
`what chat room discussions are currently accessible on the
`system. The available chat room discussions would be all
`discussions currently accessed by the central user 56. After
`receiving the chat room inquiry, in Step 71, the central user
`would send a chat room Status to the messenger Server
`making the request. Messenger Server receives the chat room
`Status, the requesting user can view the available chat room
`discussions. If the user decides to join one the chat room
`discussions, in Step 72, the user would Submit an access
`request to the central user via the messenger Server of the
`requesting user. This request could contain information
`about the Status of the requesting user's account and the
`Selected chat room discussion that the user wants to join. In
`Step 73 the central user verifies the account of the requesting
`user. This verification could confirm that the requesting has
`the proper authority or Status to access chat rooms beyond
`those of the messenger Server on which the requesting user
`has an account. Once the central user verifies the Status of
`the requesting user, Step 74 establishes a connection between
`the requesting user and the central user for the purpose of
`participating in the Selected chat room discussion. After the
`establishment of the connection, step 75 transmits to the
`connected (requesting) user the contents of the chat room.
`The transmission can be through an echoing process in
`which the central user echoes to the connected user the
`contents of the chat. The connected user can Submit com
`ments via the central user connected to the chat. It is possible
`for the connected user to appear as a Separate participant
`even though this participation is through the central user.
`Other variations of this system are available but may depend
`on the features of the Systems. In any case, the connected
`user can remain a part of the chat as long as the central is part
`of the chat. The central user of a System may give a warning
`to a connected user prior to termination that the central user
`may terminate a connection to a certain chat. A System may
`also have the capability to allow a connected user to have
`access to more than one chat discussion at the same time via
`the central user. Ideally, the central user should be able to
`Simultaneously accommodate as many connected users as
`0042. It is important to note that while the present inven
`tion has been described in the context of a fully functioning
`data processing System, those skilled in the art will appre
`ciate that the processes of the present invention are capable
`of being distributed in the form of instructions in a computer
`readable medium and a variety of other forms, regardless of
`the particular type of medium used to carry out the distri
`bution. Examples of computer readable media include media
`such as EPROM, ROM, tape, paper, floppy disc, hard disk
`drive, RAM, and CD-ROMs and transmission-type of
`media, Such as digital and analog communications linkS.
`1. A System for transferring real-time messages between
`multiple non-connected devices comprising:
`a plurality of computing devices,
`a computing network for transmitting messages to and
`from Said computing devices,
`interface devices connected to Said plurality of computing
`devices for connecting Said devices to Said computing
`network and for interacting with Said computing
`device; and
`Exhibit 1023
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`US 2004/0186888 A1
`Sep. 23, 2004
`a central computing capable of interacting with each of
`Said plurality of computing devices for the purposes of
`relaying messages to Said plurality of computing
`2. The System as described in claim 1 further comprising
`at least two messaging Servers connected to Said computing
`network and connected to Said central user, Said messaging
`Servers capable of generating and transmitting real-time
`messages to Said computing devices.
`3. The System as described in claim 2 wherein groups of
`Said plurality of computing devices are connected to each of
`Said messaging Servers.
`4. The System as described in claim 3 further comprising
`chat room modules contained in each of messaging Servers.
`5. The system as described in claim 4 wherein said central
`use has access to Said chat room modules on each of Said
`messaging Servers.
`6. The system as described in claim 4 wherein said
`computing devices only have direct access to chat room
`modules on the messaging Server to which the computing
`device has a connection.
`7. A method for transferring real-time messages between
`multiple non-connected devices comprising the Steps of:
`receiving an access request from a user for access to a
`messaging Server,
`transmitting a verification request to the requesting user;
`receiving acceSS Verification information from requesting
`Verifying user acceSS information;
`establishing a connection to requested messaging Server
`through a central user; and
`transmitting information to the connected user from the
`messaging Server through the central user.
`8. The method as described in claim 7 wherein said
`Verification Step further comprises determining whether the
`user requesting acceSS has authority to access the requested
`messaging Server.
`9. The method as described in claim 7 wherein the
`connection of the user is to a chat room module on the
`requested messaging Server.
`10. The method as described in claim 9 wherein said
`messaging information is transferred from the chat room
`module on the connected messaging Server to the connected
`user by echoing the messaging Server information from the
`central user to the connected user.
`11. The method as described in claim 7 further comprising
`the Step of terminating the access of user connected to a
`messaging Server through a central user.
`12. The method as described in claim 7 further comprising
`the Step of broadcasting to the messaging Servers connected
`to the central user, the number of chat room modules to
`which the central user is currently connected.
`13. The method as described in claim 12 further compris
`ing the Step of displaying on the connected user's computing
`device the

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