`RFC 1866
`Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0
`November 1995
`indistinctly from non-nested elements:
`plain <B>bold <I>italic</I></B> may be rendered
`the same as plain <B>bold </B><I>italic</I>
`5.7.1. Idiomatic Elements
`Phrases may be marked up to indicate certain idioms.
`NOTE — User agents may support the <DFN> element, not included in
`this specification, as it has been deployed to some extent. It is
`used to indicate the defining instance of a term, and it is
`typically rendered in italic or bold italic.
` Citation: CITE
`The <CITE> element is used to indicate the title of a book or
`other citation. It is typically rendered as italics. For example:
`He just couldn't get enough of <cite>The Grapes of Wrath</cite>.
` Code: CODE
`The <CODE> element indicates an example of code, typically
`rendered in a mono-spaced font. The <CODE> element is intended for
`short words or phrases of code;
`the <PRE> block structuring
`element (5.5.2, "Preformatted Text: PRE") is more appropriate
`for multiple-line listings. For example:
`The expression <code>x += 1</code>
`is short for <code>x = x + 1</code>.
` Emphasis:
`The <EM> element indicates an emphasized phrase, typically
`rendered as italics. For example:
`A singular subject <em>always</em> takes a singular verb.
` Keyboard: KBD
`The <KBD> element indicates text typed by a user, typically
`rendered in a mono—spaced font. This is commonly used in
`instruction manuals. For example:
`Enter <kbd>FIND IT</kbd> to search the database.
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`RFC 1866
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`November 1995
` Sample: SAMP
`The <SAMP> element indicates a sequence of literal characters,
`typically rendered in a mono-spaced font. For example:
`The only word containing the letters <samp>mt</samp> is dreamt.
` Strong Emphasis: STRONG
`The <STRONG> element indicates strong emphasis, typically rendered
`in bold. For example:
`<strong>STOP</strong>, or I'll say "<strong>STOP</strong>" again!
` Variable: VAR
`The <VAR> element indicates a placeholder variable, typically
`rendered as italic. For example:
`Type <SAMP>html-check <VAR>file</VAR> | more</SAMP>
`to check <VAR>file</VAR> for markup errors.
`5.7.2. Typographic Elements
`Typographic elements are used to specify the format of marked
`Typical renderings for idiomatic elements may vary between user
`agents. If a specific rendering is necessary -- for example, when
`referring to a specific text attribute as in "The italic parts are
`mandatory" -- a typographic element can be used to ensure that the
`intended typography is used where possible.
`NOTE - User agents may support some typographic elements not
`included in this specification, as they have been deployed to some
`extent. The <STRIKE> element indicates horizontal line through the
`characters, and the <U> element indicates an underline.
` Bold: B
`The <B> element indicates bold text. Where bold typography is
`unavailable, an alternative representation may be used.
` Italic: I
`The <I> element indicates italic text. Where italic typography is
`unavailable, an alternative representation may be used.
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`RFC 1866
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`November 1995
` Teletype: TT
`The <TT> element indicates teletype (monospaced )text. Where a
`teletype font is unavailable, an alternative representation may be
`5.7.3. Anchor: A
`The <A> element indicates a hyperlink anchor (see 7, "Hyperlinks").
`At least one of the NAME and HREF attributes should be present.
`Attributes of the <A> element:
`gives the URI of the head anchor of a hyperlink.
`gives the name of the anchor, and makes it available as
`a head of a hyperlink.
`suggests a title for the destination resource —-
`advisory only. The TITLE attribute may be used:
`* for display prior to accessing the destination
`resource, for example, as a margin note or on a
`small box while the mouse is over the anchor, or
`while the document is being loaded;
`* for resources that do not include a title, such as
`graphics, plain text and Gopher menus, for use as a
`window title.
`The REL attribute gives the relationship(s) described by
`the hyperlink. The value is a whitespace separated list
`of relationship names. The semantics of link
`relationships are not specified in this document.
`same as the REL attribute, but the semantics of the
`relationship are in the reverse direction. A link from A
`to B with REL="X" expresses the same relationship as a
`link from B to A with REV="X". An anchor may have both
`REL and REV attributes.
`specifies a preferred, more persistent identifier for
`the head anchor of the hyperlink. The syntax and
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`RFC 1866
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`November 1995
`semantics of the URN attribute are not yet specified.
`specifies methods to be used in accessing the
`destination, as a whitespace-separated list of names.
`The set of applicable names is a function of the scheme
`of the URI
`in the HREF attribute. For similar reasons as
`for the TITLE attribute, it may be useful to include the
`information in advance in the link. For example,
`HTML user agent may chose a different rendering as a
`function of the methods allowed; for example, something
`that is searchable may get a different icon.
`5.8. Line Break: BR
`The <BR> element specifies a line break between words (see 6,
`"Characters, Words, and Paragraphs“). For example:
`<P> Pease porridge hot<BR>
`Pease porridge cold<BR>
`Pease porridge in the pot<BR>
`Nine days old.
`5.9. Horizontal Rule: HR
`The <HR> element is a divider between sections of text; typically a
`full width horizontal rule or equivalent graphic.
`For example:
`<ADDRESS>February 8, 1995, CERN</ADDRESS>
`The <IMG> element refers to an image or icon via a hyperlink (see
`7.3, “Simultaneous Presentation of Image Resources“).
`HTML user agents may process the value of the ALT attribute as an
`alternative to processing the image resource indicated by the SRC
`NOTE - Some HTML user agents can process graphics linked via
`anchors, but not <IMG> graphics. If a graphic is essential, it
`should be referenced from an <A> element rather than an <IMG>
`element. If the graphic is not essential,
`is appropriate.
`then the <IMG> element
`Attributes of the <IMG> element:
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`RFC 1866
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`November 1995
`alignment of the image with respect to the text
`* ‘TOP' specifies that the top of the image aligns
`with the tallest item on the line containing the
`* ‘MIDDLE' specifies that the center of the image
`aligns with the baseline of the line containing the
`* ‘BOTTOM' specifies that the bottom of the image
`aligns with the baseline of the line containing the
`text to use in place of the referenced image resource,
`for example due to processing constraints or user
`indicates an image map (see 7.6, "Image Maps").
`specifies the URI of the image resource.
`the media types of image
`NOTE — In practice,
`resources are limited to a few raster graphic
`formats: typically ‘image/gif', ‘image/jpeg'.
`particular, ‘text/html'
`resources are not
`intended to be used as image resources.
`Examples of use:
`<IMG SRC=“triangle.xbm" ALT="Warning:"> Be sure
`to read these instructions.
`<a href="http://machine/htbin/imagemap/sample">
`<IMG SRC="sample.xbm" ISMAP>
`6. Characters, Words, and Paragraphs
`An HTML user agent should present the body of an HTML document as a
`collection of typeset paragraphs and preformatted text. Except for
`preformatted elements (<PRE>, <XMP>, <LISTING>, <TEXTAREA>), each
`block structuring element is regarded as a paragraph by taking the
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`RFC 1866
`Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0
`November 1995
`data characters in its content and the content of its descendant
`elements, concatenating them, and splitting the result into words,
`separated by space,
`tab, or record end characters (and perhaps hyphen
`characters). The sequence of words is typeset as a paragraph by
`breaking it into lines.
`6.1. The HTML Document Character Set
`"SGML Declaration for
`The document character set specified in 9.5,
`HTML" must be supported by HTML user agents. It includes the graphic
`characters of Latin Alphabet No. 1, or simply Latin-1. Latin-1
`comprises 191 graphic characters,
`including the alphabets of most
`Western European languages.
`NOTE - Use of the non-breaking space and soft hyphen indicator
`characters is discouraged because support for them is not widely
`a larger character
`NOTE - To support non-western writing systems,
`repertoire will be specified in a future version of HTML. The
`document character set will be [ISO-19646], or some subset that
`agrees with [ISO-10646];
`in particular, all numeric character
`references must use code positions assigned by [ISO-10646].
`the use of control characters is limited in
`In SGML applications,
`order to maximize the chance of successful interchange over
`heterogeneous networks and operating systems.
`In the HTML document
`character set only three control characters are allowed: Horizontal
`Tab, Carriage Return, and Line Feed (code positions 9, 13, and 19).
`to allow
`The HTML DTD references the Added Latin 1 entity set,
`mnemonic representation of selected Latin 1 characters using only the
`widely supported ASCII character repertoire. For example:
`Kurt G&ouml;del was a famous logician and mathematician.
`"ISO Latin 1 Character Entity Set" for a table of the
`See 9.7.2,
`"Added Latin 1" entities, and 13, “The HTML Coded Character Set" for
`a table of the code positions of [ISO 8859-1] and the control
`characters in the HTML document character set.
`7. Hyperlinks
`In addition to general purpose elements such as paragraphs and lists,
`HTML documents can express hyperlinks. An HTML user agent allows the
`user to navigate these hyperlinks.
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`RFC 1866
`Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0
`November 1995
`A hyperlink is a relationship between two anchors, called the head
`and the tail of the hyperlink[DEXTER]. Anchors are identified by an
`anchor address: an absolute Uniform Resource Identifier (URI),
`optionally followed by a '#' and a sequence of characters called a
`fragment identifier. For example:
`the URI refers to a resource; it may be used in
`In an anchor address,
`a variety of information retrieval protocols to obtain an entity that
`represents the resource, such as an HTML document. The fragment
`identifier, if present, refers to some view on, or portion of the
`Each of the following markup constructs indicates the tail anchor of
`a hyperlink or set of hyperlinks:
`* <A> elements with HREF present.
`* <LINK> elements.
`* <IMG> elements.
`* <INPUT> elements with the SRC attribute present.
`* <ISINDEX> elements.
`* <FORM> elements with ‘METHOD=GET'.
`These markup constructs refer to head anchors by a URI, either
`absolute or relative, or a fragment identifier, or both.
`in the address of the
`the absolute URI
`In the case of a relative URI,
`head anchor is the result of combining the relative URI with a base
`absolute URI as in [RELURL]. The base document is taken from the
`document's <BASE> element, if present; else, it is determined as in
`7.1. Accessing Resources
`Once the address of the head anchor is determined,
`obtain a representation of the resource.
`the user agent may
`For example, if the base URI is ‘http://host/x/y.htm1' and the
`document contains:
`<img src="../icons/abc.gif">
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`RFC 1866
`Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0
`November 1995
`then the user agent uses the URI ‘http://host/icons/abc.gif'
`access the resource, as in [URL]..
`7.2. Activation of Hyperlinks
`An HTML user agent allows the user to navigate the content of the
`document and request activation of hyperlinks denoted by <A>
`elements. HTML user agents should also allow activation of <LINK>
`element hyperlinks.
`the user agent obtains a representation of the
`To activate a link,
`resource identified in the address of the head anchor. If the
`representation is another HTML document, navigation may begin again
`with this new document.
`7.3. Simultaneous Presentation of Image Resources
`An HTML user agent may activate hyperlinks indicated by <IMG> and
`<INPUT> elements concurrently with processing the document; that is,
`image hyperlinks may be processed without explicit request by the
`Image resources should be embedded in the presentation at the
`point of the tail anchor, that is the <IMG> or <INPUT> element.
`<LINK> hyperlinks may also be processed without explicit user
`request; for example, style sheet resources may be processed before
`or during the processing of the document.
`7.4. Fragment Identifiers
`Any characters following a ‘#' character in a hypertext address
`constitute a fragment identifier.
`In particular, an address of the
`form ‘#fragment' refers to an anchor in the same document.
`The meaning of fragment identifiers depends on the media type of the
`representation of the anchor's resource. For ‘text/html'
`representations, it refers to the <A> element with a NAME attribute
`whose value is the same as the fragment identifier.
`The matching is
`case sensitive. The document should have exactly one such element.
`The user agent should indicate the anchor element, for example by
`scrolling to and/or highlighting the phrase.
`For example, if the base URI is ‘http://host/x/y.html' and the user
`activated the link denoted by the following markup:
`<p> See: <a href=“app1.html#bananas">appendix 1</a>
`for more detail on bananas.
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`November 1995
`Then the user agent accesses the resource identified by
`‘http://host/x/app1.html'. Assuming the resource is represented using
`the ‘text/html' media type,
`the user agent must locate the <A>
`element whose NAME attribute is ‘bananas' and begin navigation there.
`7.5. Queries and Indexes
`The <ISINDEX> element represents a set of hyperlinks. The user can
`choose from the set by providing keywords to the user agent.
`user agent computes the head URI by appending ‘P' and the keywords to
`the base URI. The keywords are escaped according to [URL] and joined
`by ‘+'. For example, if a document contains:
`<BASE HREF="http://host/index“>
`and the user provides the keywords ‘apple' and ‘berry',
`user agent must access the resource
`then the
`<FORM> elements with ‘METHOD=GET' also represent sets of
`hyperlinks. See 8.2.2, "Query Forms: METHOD=GET" for details.
`Image Maps
`the <IMG>
`If the ISMAP attribute is present on an <IMG> element,
`element must be contained in an <A> element with an HREF present.
`This construct represents a set of hyperlinks. The user can choose
`from the set by choosing a pixel of the image. The user agent
`computes the head URI by appending ‘P' and the x and y coordinates of
`the pixel to the URI given in the <A> element.
`For example, if a
`document contains:
`<head><title>ImageMap Example</title>
`<BASE HREF="http://host/index"></head>
`<p> Choose any of these icons:<br>
`<a href="/cgi—bin/imagemap"><img ismap src="icons.gif“></a>
`and the user chooses the upper-leftmost pixel,
`hyperlink is the one with the URI
`the chosen
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`RFC 1866
`Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0
`November 1995
`8. Forms
`A form is a template for a form data set and an associated
`method and action URI. A form data set is a sequence of
`name/value pair fields. The names are specified on the NAME
`attributes of form input elements, and the values are given
`initial values by various forms of markup and edited by the
`user. The resulting form data set is used to access an
`information service as a function of the action and method.
`Forms elements can be mixed in with document structuring
`elements. For example, a <PRE> element may contain a <FORM>
`element, or a <FORM> element may contain lists which contain
`<INPUT> elements. This gives considerable flexibility in
`designing the layout of forms.
`Form processing is a level 2 feature.
`8.1. Form Elements
`8.1.1. Form: FORM
`The <FORM> element contains a sequence of input elements, along
`with document structuring elements. The attributes are:
`specifies the action URI for the form. The action URI of
`a form defaults to the base URI of the document (see 7,
`selects a method of accessing the action URI. The set of
`applicable methods is a function of the scheme of the
`action URI of the form. See 8.2.2, "Query Forms:
`METHOD=GET" and 8.2.3,
`"Forms with Side-Effects:
`specifies the media type used to encode the name/value
`pairs for transport,
`in case the protocol does not
`itself impose a format. See 8.2.1,
`"The form-urlencoded
`Media Type".
`8.1.2. Input Field:
`The <INPUT> element represents a field for user input. The TYPE
`attribute discriminates between several variations of fields.
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`RFC 1866
`Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0
`November 1995
`The <INPUT> element has a number of attributes. The set of applicable
`attributes depends on the value of the TYPE attribute.
` Text Field:
`indicating a
`The default value of the TYPE attribute is ‘TEXT',
`single line text entry field.
`(Use the <TEXTAREA> element for multi-
`line text fields.)
`Required attributes are:
`name for the form field corresponding to this element.
`The optional attributes are:
`constrains the number of characters that can be entered
`into a text input field. If the value of MAXLENGTH is
`greater the the value of the SIZE attribute,
`the field
`should scroll appropriately. The default number of
`characters is unlimited.
`specifies the amount of display space allocated to this
`input field according to its type. The default depends
`on the user agent.
`The initial value of the field.
`For example:
`<p>Street Address: <input name=street><br>
`Postal City code: <input name=city size=16 maxlength=16><br>
`Zip Code: <input name=zip size=16 maxlength=1e value=“99999-9999"><br>
` Password Field:
`is a text field as above,
`An <INPUT> element with ‘TYPE=PASSWORD'
`except that the value is obscured as it is entered.
`(see also: 10,
`"Security Considerations").
`For example:
`<p>Name: <input name=login> Password: <input type=password name=passwd>
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`November 1995
` Check Box:
`An <INPUT> element with ‘TYPE=CHECKBOX' represents a boolean choice.
`A set of such elements with the same name represents an n-of-many
`choice field. Required attributes are:
`symbolic name for the form field corresponding to this
`element or group of elements.
`The portion of the value of the field contributed by
`this element.
`Optional attributes are:
`indicates that the initial state is on.
`For example:
`<p>What flavors do you like?
`<input type=checkbox name=flavor value=vanilla>Vanilla<br>
`<input type=checkbox name=flavor value=strawberry>Strawberry<br>
`<input type=checkbox name=f1avor value=chocolate checked>Chocolate<br>
` Radio Button:
`An <INPUT> element with ‘TYPE=RADIO' represents a boolean choice. A
`set of such elements with the same name represents a 1-of-many choice
`field. The NAME and VALUE attributes are required as for check boxes.
`Optional attributes are:
`indicates that the initial state is on.
`At all times, exactly one of the radio buttons in a set is checked.
`If none of the <INPUT> elements of a set of radio buttons specifies
`then the user agent must check the first radio button of
`the set initially.
`For example:
`<p>Which is your favorite?
`<input type=radio name=flavor value=vanilla>Vanilla<br>
`<input type=radio name=flavor value=strawberry>Strawberry<br>
`<input type=radio name=flavor value=chocolate>Chocolate<br>
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`November 1995
`Image Pixel:
`An <INPUT> element with ‘TYPE=IMAGE' specifies an image resource to
`display, and allows input of two form fields: the x and y coordinate
`of a pixel chosen from the image. The names of the fields are the
`name of the field with ‘.x' and ‘.y' appended.
`‘TYPE=SUBMIT' processing; that is, when a pixel is chosen,
`the form
`as a whole is submitted.
`The NAME attribute is required as for other input fields. The SRC
`attribute is required and the ALIGN is optional as for the <IMG>
`element (see 5.10, "Image:
`For example:
`<p>Choose a point on the map:
`<input type=image name=point src=“map.gif">
` Hidden Field:
`An <INPUT> element with ‘TYPE=HIDDEN' represents a hidden field.The
`user does not interact with this field;
`the VALUE attribute
`specifies the value of the field. The NAME and VALUE attributes are
`For example:
`<input type=hidden name=context value="12k3j412k3j412k3j4lk23">
` Submit Button:
`An <INPUT> element with ‘TYPE=SUBMIT' represents an input option,
`typically a button, that instructs the user agent to submit the form.
`Optional attributes are:
`indicates that this element contributes a form field
`whose value is given by the VALUE attribute. If the NAME
`attribute is not present, this element does not
`contribute a form field.
`indicates a label for the input (button).
`You may submit this request internally:
`<input type=submit name=recipient value=interna1><br>
`or to the external world:
`<input type=submit name=recipient value=world>
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`RFC 1866
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`November 1995
` Reset Button:
`An <INPUT> element with ‘TYPE=RESET' represents an input option,
`typically a button, that instructs the user agent to reset the form's
`fields to their initial states. The VALUE attribute, if present,
`indicates a label for the input (button).
`When you are finished, you may submit this request:
`<input type=submit><br>
`You may clear the form and start over at any time: <input type=reset>
`8.1.3. Selection: SELECT
`The <SELECT> element constrains the form field to an enumerated list
`of values. The values are given in <0PTION> elements. Attributes
`indicates that more than one option may be included in
`the value.
`specifies the name of the form field.
`specifies the number of visible items. Select fields of
`size one are typically pop-down menus, whereas select
`fields with size greater than one are typically lists.
`For example:
`<SELECT NAME="flavor">
`<OPTION value="RumRasin">Rum and Raisin
`(OPTION selected>Peach and Orange
`The initial state has the first option selected, unless a SELECTED
`attribute is present on any of the <0PTION> elements.
` Option: OPTION
`The Option element can only occur within a Select element. It
`represents one choice, and has the following attributes:
`Indicates that this option is initially selected.
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`RFC 1866
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`November 1995
`indicates the value to be returned if this option is
`chosen. The field value defaults to the content of the
`<0PTION> element.
`The content of the <0PTION> element is presented to the user to
`represent the option. It is used as a returned value if the VALUE
`attribute is not present.
`8.1.4. Text Area: TEXTAREA
`The <TEXTAREA> element represents a multi-line text field.
`Attributes are:
`the number of visible columns to display for the text
`in characters.
`Specifies the name of the form field.
`The number of visible rows to display for the text area,
`in characters.
`For example:
`<TEXTAREA NAME="address" RONS=6 COLS=64>
`HaL Computer Systems
`1315 Dell Avenue
`Campbell, California 95698
`The content of the <TEXTAREA> element is the field's initial value.
`the ROWS and COLS attributes determine the visible
`dimension of the field in characters. The field is typically rendered
`in a fixed-width font. HTML user agents should allow text to extend
`beyond these limits by scrolling as needed.
`8.2. Form Submission
`An HTML user agent begins processing a form by presenting the
`document with the fields in their initial state. The user is allowed
`to modify the fields, constrained by the field type etc. When the
`user indicates that the form should be submitted (using a submit
`button or image input),
`the form data set is processed according to
`its method, action URI and enctype.
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`RFC 1866
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`November 1995
`When there is only one single-line text input field in a form,
`user agent should accept Enter in that field as a request to submit
`the form.
`8.2.1. The form-urlencoded Media Type
`The default encoding for all forms is ‘application/x-www-form-
`urlencoded'. A form data set is represented in this media type as
`1. The form field names and values are escaped: space
`characters are replaced by ‘+', and then reserved characters
`are escaped as per [URL]; that is, non—alphanumeric
`characters are replaced by ‘%HH', a percent sign and two
`hexadecimal digits representing the ASCII code of the
`character. Line breaks, as in multi-line text field values,
`are represented as CR LF pairs, i.e.
`2. The fields are listed in the order they appear in the
`document with the name separated from the value by ‘=' and
`the pairs separated from each other by ‘&'. Fields with null
`values may be omitted.
`In particular, unselected radio
`buttons and checkboxes should not appear in the encoded
`data, but hidden fields with VALUE attributes present
`NOTE - The URI from a query form submission can be
`used in a normal anchor style hyperlink.
`the use of the ‘&' character to
`separate form fields interacts with its use in SGML
`attribute values as an entity reference delimiter.
`For example,
`the URI ‘http://host/?x=1&y=2' must be
`written ‘<a href="http://host/?x=1&#38;y=2"' or ‘<a
`HTTP server implementors, and in particular, CGI
`implementors are encouraged to support the use of
`in place of ‘&'
`to save users the trouble of
`escaping ‘&' characters this way.
`8.2.2. Query Forms: METHOD=GET
`If the processing of a form is idempotent (i.e. it has no lasting
`observable effect on the state of the world),
`then the form method
`should be ‘GET'. Many database searches have no visible side-effects
`and make ideal applications of query forms.
`Berners-Lee & Connolly
`Standards Track
`[Page 46]
`Exhibit 1017
`Page 46 of 77


`RFC 1866
`Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0
`November 1995
`To process a form whose action URL is an HTTP URL and whose method is
`the user agent starts with the action URI and appends a ‘?'
`and the form data set,
`in ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
`as above. The user agent then traverses the link to this URI just as
`if it were an anchor (see 7.2, "Activation of Hyperlinks").
`NOTE - The URL encoding may result in very long URIs, which cause
`some historical HTTP server implementations to exhibit defective
`behavior. As a result,
`some HTML forms are written using
`‘METHOD=POST' even though the form submission has no side—effects.
`8.2.3. Forms with Side-Effects: METHOD=POST
`If the service associated with the processing of a form has side
`effects (for example, modification of a database or subscription to a
`the method should be ‘POST'.
`To process a form whose action URL is an HTTP URL and whose method is
`the user agent conducts an HTTP POST transaction using the
`action URI, and a message body of type ‘application/x-www-form-
`format as above. The user agent should display the
`response from the HTTP POST interaction just as it would display the
`response from an HTTP GET above.
`8.2.4. Example Form Submission: Questionnaire Form
`Consider the following document:
`<title>Sample of HTML Form Submission</title>
`<H1>Sample Questionnaire</H1>
`<P>Please fill out this questionnaire:
`<P>Your name: <INPUT NAME=“name” size="48">
`<P>Male <INPUT NAME="gender" TYPE=RADIO VALUE="male">
`<P>Female <INPUT NAME="gender" TYPE=RADIO VALUE="female">
`in family: <INPUT NAME=“family” TYPE=text>
`<P>Cities in which you maintain a residence:
`<LI>Kent <INPUT NAME="city" TYPE=checkbox VALUE="kent">
`<LI>Miami <INPUT NAME="city" TYPE=checkbox VALUE=“miami">
`<LI>0ther <TEXTAREA NAME="other" cols=48 rows=4></textarea>
`Nickname: <INPUT NAME="nickname" SIZE="42">
`<P>Thank you for responding to this questionnaire.
`Berners-Lee & Connolly
`Standards Track
`[Page 47]
`Exhibit 1017
`Page 47 of 77


`RFC 1866
`Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0
`November 1995
`The initial state of the form data set is:
`Note that the radio input has an initial value, while the
`checkbox has none.
`The user might edit the fields and request that the form be
`submitted. At that point, suppose the values are:
`"John Doe"
`The user agent then conducts an HTTP POST transaction using the URI
`‘'. The message body would be (ignore the
`line break):
`Berners-Lee & Connolly
`Standards Track
`[Page 48]
`Exhibit 1017
`Page 48 of 77


`RFC 1866
`Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0
`November 1995
`9. HTML Public Text
`9.1. HTML DTD
`This is the Document Type Definition for the HyperText

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