`(PCT Artid~ 18 and Rules 43 and 44)
`lntemalional applica(iPn No.
`see Form PCT;'TSA/220
`1E well as, ,vhere applicable, i1em 5 below.
`Inten1ationaJ Uhng date (day/moutiv~vear)
`(Eadiest) Priority l)ak (day/monfh1),,ear)
`06 APRIL 2009 (06.04.2009)
`07 APRIL 2008 (07.04.2008)
`This lnt-,rnational search report ha,; bscen prepared by thi,; Internatwnal Searchmg Authority and is \ransmi1ted l0 the applicant according
`to Article 18. A copy is being trarmnitte<l to the' lnkrnational Bureau.
`This in1ernational ,;earch report rnnsis1s of a total of
`D lt is also accompanied by a copy of each prior art document cited in this report.
`1. Basis of !he report
`a. With regard to the language, tht, international search was carri(;d out on the, basis of:
`the international application iu the language in ,~1hich it \Vas filed
`a tramlatinn of the intcrna1iona1 applic111ion into ______________ wh1ch is 1he language ofa
`trans1111ion furnished for 1he pL!rposcs ofinternatioml search (Rules l'.2.3(a) and 23.lib))
`b ['"") This in1emational search report has been es1ablished 1aking into account 1he 1·<.'ctificatim1 of ,m obvious mistake
`:mthorized by or notified 1c this Authority under Rule 91 (Rule 43.6bis(a))
`c. ! ! With regard to any m1deotide and/01· amino acid sequence disclosed in the international application. see Dox No I.
`[-----] Unity ofinv;;ntion is lacking (See Box No. lil)
`Cert:iin d,iims were fo1md misearchahle /See Box No. II)
`4. With regard to the title,
`1 ' : 7 1 _ i, ~ 1he tex1 is approved as submitted by the applic1mt.
`i-----1 the text ha,, been estabiished by this Authority to read as foll(nvs:
`5. With regard to the 11bstrnct,
`tgJ the t~xt is approved as subm:ttc,d by the applicant.
`D the text has be,,n established. according to Rule 38.2, by this Au\hority as it appears in Box No. IV. The applicant
`may. within one month from 1he date of mail mg ofth1s mternational search report ,;ubmit comments to this Authority.
`6. With rc,gard to the drawings,
`,L the figure oi"lhe drnwiflg~ lo be publdied wilh lhe abslrnd is Figure No.
`~ as suggested by tbe ,ipplican1
`[ ] as ';ekewJ by tlus Authority, bernu';e the applicant failed to suggest a figure.
`[ ] as selected by thi,; Authority. because this figure better charaderizes tht' invention.
`b D none of the figure is 1o be published with 1he abstrnc1.
`formPCT/[SA/2l0(fostsheet) (.Tul:y 2008)
`Adobe v. Express Mobile - IPR2021-01227


`[ntcrna1ional applicn1ion No"
`G06F 9/44(W06.0l)i, G06F 17/00(W06.0l)i, G06Q 50/00(2006.0l)i
`A,umling lo Jnts:rnalional r-'alenl Clitss1iicatiun ([PC) or to both nalional dassific11lion ,rnu TPC
`Minimum documentation searcl1ed (classifo:atioa system followed bv classification symbols)
`JPC: G06F
`Dm;wncnlalion scar<:hed olhe;;r lhan minimum Jui,;umen!alion lo the ;;:x:xnt lhal such Jo<:umcnl', are induded ,n lhc fidJ, seard1;;:J
`Korean Utility modelo and applicntiom; for utility models since 1975
`Japanese Utility models and applicatiom for utility models since 1975
`Ekdronic data base consulted during the internal10rntl search (name of data base and, wh,orc prndicablc, search terms used)
`,,KOI\llI'ASS(KIPU internal) ''component". "obJcct", "applicatwn"
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropnak, of the rekvant passages
`Relevant to daim No.
`US 2005-027 3705 Al (MCCAIN. R. C.) 08 Decernbn 2005
`Sec Ahs;ract, Paragraphs [0015. 0041-0044. 0071-0fl8,1J, Claim L Figures 1-14 and their
`US 20fff"0250606 Al (ISEHLJN, A. et al.) 25 Ocwbcr 2007
`Sec Abstract, Paragraph [0038] and Claim 1.
`lJS 2002-0194219 Al (BIV\ .. DLEY, G. "\fl. ct al.) 19 December 2002
`Se,, Abstract, Paragraphs l 0039-0(}17] and Claim l.
`US 2002 .. 0083097 Al (WARRINGTON, S P") 27 June 2002
`See /\b:t!ract m!d Paragraph:; [0022-·(H)25J.
`US 2007-01 l 8844 Al (HUANG, J. et ,tl.) 24 May 2007
`See Abstract and Paragraphs [0006-0008. 0058].
`l 28
`1'.E 1
`1'L 1
`~ See patent family annex"
`'!T! 1at-e-r docmnent published after the inte1Y!atlonal fi.1ing date or priority
`date, and not in conflict with the c1pplicati,,n but cited 1o unda,tand
`the principle or theory undc;rlying the invditicm
`"X 11 docmnent of particular rckvan(;c~ the ,.Joirni::d invention cannot be
`considered no\--el or cannot hr considerrd to mvolve an irn.:entive
`step v.'hcn the docum.;:·nt is taken alone
`HY'' dncument of particular relevance-; the claimed in\ientkin cannot he
`..:onsidc;nxl to jn_volv0 an invt;ntiv;.; step ,;vhen the docurn0r.1t ls
`combjrwd with one or tnore otht;r such docunk;nrs,such c-otnbination
`b0jng obv~ous to a person sblled jn tfw art
`"&" dowmenl membff ufrhe same p:tlenl family
`! ! Fur1hcr documents arc listed in the continuation of Box C.
`Special categories of cited documents:
`"A'' do,,umont defining the general state of the ar( ,,hich is not considered
`10 b..:' of' par1icuJar relevanct~
`earJier app]JcatKm or patent but publisf11:d cm or atterthe ?:nt'2'r:nahonal
`fifo,g date
`document \vhich may thro,v doubts on pnority clrti:m(r,) or "vhich El
`cited to ..:;stablish th~ publication dat~ of citation or oth~r
`sp..:x.:i2.l reason (:.:is specified)
`Po•; < refrrring to an nral djsclo:sur~, us..::, exhibitioJJ or other
`document pub!Jshed prior to the inte111ational fi1Jng date but later
`than the priority date daimed
`!•J* 11
`Date of the actual completion of,he intcrnatwnal search
`21 AUG UST 2009 (21 .08"2009)
`Nmne and w,2il]ng addres:; of the ISA./1(R
`Date of mailing of the' international search report
`21 AUGUST 2009 (21.08.2009)
`Authorized oflicer
`Korean intellectual Property Office
`Government Complcx-fJaeieon, 139 Seonsa-ro. Seo(cid:173)
`gu. DaeJcon 302- 701. Repttbl ic of Korea
`LEE~ Sang I-Iu11
`Facsimile No. 82-42-472-71'10
`Form PCTflSA/210 (r,ccond sheet) (July 2008)
`'fokphon,, No.
`82-,L>48 l-59l4
`Adobe v. Express Mobile - IPR2021-01227


`Information on patent family member,;
`lntemational application No.
`PCT iUS2009/039695
`Pa1ent docun1eu!
`cited in search report
`Patent family
`US 2005-0273705 /J, 1
`OB. 12.2005
`us 2007--()250606 f, 1
`US 2002-0194219 A1
`us 2002 OOB3097 /l, 1
`us 2007--0118844 ,i\ 1
`CA 2381832 A 1
`C,; 23·1407 4 A 1
`US 200B--CD98291 A 1
`us 7,313.75? 82
`Cf, 2322594 C
`CJ\ 2322594 1\ 1
`US l , 194. 682 E2
`V\/0 2007--c:61926 f\2
`WO 2007--C:6 1926 ,t\3
`17 10.2002
`25. ·12. 2007
`31 05.2007
`Form PCT/[SA/210 (patent family annex) Uuly 2008)
`Adobe v. Express Mobile - IPR2021-01227


`From the
`1563 SOLANO A VE., //206 BERKELEY CA 94707 USA
`(PCT Rui(.' 43bls.1)
`Date of mailing
`(davimontJvyear) 21 AUGUST 2009 (21.08.2009)
`Applicant's or agent's file reference
`See paragraph 2 belovv
`lnternationnl application No.
`International Parent Classification (TPC) or both national elassification and JPC
`Pnonty date(.d{!yimonthjear)
`07 APRIL 2008 (07.()4.2008)
`G06F9144(2006.01)i, G06F 17/00(2006.0i.)i. CJ06Q 50100(21J06.01)i
`1. This opinion contains indications relating to the fo!kn:ving itenrn:
`, - ,
`_ , _,
`Box No.
`Das:s of the opinion
`Box Nu. lI
`Box No. Hl Non-,cc;tabhshrnent of opinion with regard to novdty _ inventive step and mdmtrrnl applicability
`Box No. l V
`Lack of umty of invention
`Box No V
`Reasoned stBtement under Rule 43bis. l(a)(i) with regard to novelty, inventive step or ,ndustria1 applicability;
`citation, and explanatiorn, supporting such statement
`Box No. VI
`Certain documents cited
`Box No. VII Cntain defr<:ts in the international application
`Box No. VHl Certain observations on the international application
`lf a tkmand for international preliminary cxarninatwn is made, thts opinion will be cons:d<?red to be a written opwion of the
`International Preliminm)' Examining Amhority ("IPEA") except that this does not apply where the applicant chooses an Authority
`other than this one to be the lPEA and the chosen IPEA has notified th<' Inkrnational Bureau under Rule 6G.1bis(b) that written
`opinions ofthic, International Searching Authority will not be so conr,idered.
`If this opinion 1s, as provtded o.bovc, considered to be a ·written opinion of the IFEA. the appl:cant is invited to submit to the
`lP~~,L'\, ~ vvnlten reply togetheL ,vhe:re appropriak, \Vitl1 arriemllnents, befi.Ht~ the expiration ofJ months fron1 the <late uf'rnailing
`of Form PCT:lSA.:220 or bdcm, the expiration of22 months from the priority date. whichnn expires later.
`For further options, s,,,, I•orm PCT/1SA.i220.
`3. For further details, sec noie~ io Fonn PCI/ISi\/220.
`N8me and mailing address of the 1S.A/KR
`Korenn lntel1ectual Property Offir,e
`G·ovemment Comple"-Daej,,on, J 39
`Seonsa-ro, Seo-gu, Dnejeon 302
`-70 L Rc0public cf Korea
`Facsimile No. 82-,12-,172-7140
`Form PCT/lSA/237 (cover sheet) (April 2007)
`Date of eompletion ofthir, opinion
`.Authorized officer
`21 AUGUST 2009 (~1.08.2009)
`LEE, Sang Hun
`rdephone No.82-42-481-591,1
`Adobe v. Express Mobile - IPR2021-01227


`International application No.
`Box No. I Ba,is of this opinion
`. . With regard to the langu,,gc, thi', opinion has been established on 1he basis of·
`~ 1he intema1ional application in the hnguage in which it was filed
`D a translation of the international application into ______________ . which is the language ofa
`irnnslation furnished for the purposes of international search (Rules 12.3(i!) and 23. l(b))
`-' LJ Thi, opinion has been estahlishcd taking into account the r;;dification of an obvious mistak~ an1horizcd by or notified
`to this Authority under Ruic 91 (Rule 43bi.s. l (a))
`3. With regard to any nudeotid~ and/or amino add seqm'nce disclosed in the international application. this opinion ha:, been
`established on the basis of
`a. type of material
`D a sequence listing
`D 1nble(',, re1a1ed to 1he sequence li,iting
`b. fornrnt of material
`□, onpap,01
`L_ __ _
`D in dectrnnic form
`c. time offiling/fumishing
`□·, contained in tlti: intcrnaiwnal application as filed.
`D fikd togtother with the international application in ekdronic form.
`D tim,i,;bed subsequently to 1h1s Authority for 1he imrposes of ;;earch.
`,1 D In addition, in the case that more than one version or copy ofa ,r;quencc listing and/or table r,datrng thereto has been
`filed or furnished, the required statements that th,, information in the subsequent or ad<litioanl copies is i<l,oniwal lo that
`m the applica1ion ,i'i filed Dr does not go beyond the application as filed, as appropriate, were fornisht:d.
`5. Additional comrm,nts:
`Fmrn PCT/ISA/237 (Bo:--: No. i)(April 2007)
`Adobe v. Express Mobile - IPR2021-01227


`1nierna1ionai ,ipplication No.
`Box No. V Reasoned statement under Rul<t 43bh.1(a)(i) with n:ganl to novdty, inH;ntive ,t<tp or irnlustrhii appliuihlHty;
`citations and ,,xplanations supporting such ~tat,,mt>nt
`Novdty (N)
`Inventive step (IS)
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`_N_o_n_c ________________________ YES
`1-28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NO
`Industrial applicability (IA)
`., Citations and cxplanatiom, :
`~1etei-ence is made to the foi lowing document:
`D ·1 : us ?005---()273705 f.. 1 ( MCC/\ I [\j • R, C. ) 08 Dt:)CE;mb0 r 2005
`Noveily and Inventive Step
`Independent claim 1
`is a system tor generating code to proviae content on a display of a piattorm. said system
`Ciaim 1
`con;prising: a database of w,"t; SEll'✓ ic,n ob1ainabi1" over a netwrnk: an au1horir;g tcol r::or1figu11x!
`define an object
`for presentation on
`the display. select a comoonent of a web service included
`said c!atabase, associate sa!d ot,fect v~!th said se!ected component. and produce code
`t1-1at, V1ihen
`executed on the platform. provides said se!ected cornpcner;t on the display of the piatform.
`D1, which
`is considered tD represent
`the mst reievant state of the art to ti1e subject matter of
`c!al:r: 1, ciisc!os1~s a nPtwork softvvare des!~Jn ap~)I !cat rori c:rE3at ir1g systt:r.i, compr Ising in combi:-1at ion:
`a oroject manager
`for autrnnat icai i'/ Qather inQ. organizing and tracking resources for bui ldinQ web-(cid:173)
`based appi icat ions and
`for al iowing switchrng between design related tasks and project management
`app I ! cat ion
`lor autorna.t ica.! ly
`SDeC I a ! i zed
`iask::;: a sc!ut ion enoinE:
`intE:(1ra.t intJ nevv
`inter faces,
`f i iGs; proces;;es and
`objects. parrnnetGrs 1
`fur.ct :onai
`an object
`automticaily managing
`implementation ot specialized
`objects; a
`auto:nat lea! Iv procE:ssin(~
`instruct !ems. narametE:r·s. scripts, scr:mna::;,
`inark--up !angua(~e tags, binar !es
`inciuding images e)(ecutables, and ::;peciai ized objects, for storing plural component ,jefinition units
`in a mark-up
`for automaticaliy generating new softwa:·e
`instructions necessary to
`creato nt:w ust:r
`reft:rence syEt13m ccmpon(3nt~3. data t)a:30 connoct !on:3 and communication
`prntoool connect !ons; an
`interface de:;ign tool
`for automat icai ly integrating a markup ianguage editor
`,dlh word processing--! ike
`features, a source co,::Je editor, spel i checker, and supper!
`audio ci ips 1 vidGo cl !pE and scr iptE: a spE?cfal ize:icj we:ib·--brow:301 w!tr1 a tempiatE?, gtinGrator t:ngine for
`automatically capturing a
`feel, content arid
`fur1ctionality of any ex!sting web-site and
`storing any captured eieclronic inforniat ion as an automat icai ly generated template in a project, an
`object fZE!r
`for creat Ing ntiw special iZE?(J objE!Ct:3 anci
`for modify:ng ;3xi~;t ing spnciai iztid ot:,ject~;; and
`one or more database for star !ng spec!ai ized objects, pi-ojects and templates (See claim 1 of D1.).
`C aim 1 d!tte:·s fi-oni lJI
`:n that c aim 1 describes an authocing tool.
`Hovvtrvf:H, 1hG autrlcrir:g tcol of cia.!m 1 is rnt:rB!y a variation of the:i str.aigf1i.forw.arci cornbination of
`the project manager.
`tile soiut !on engine,
`the object engine,
`the component eng!ne,
`design tooi, The speciai ized web-·browser witl-1 a template generator engine and the objectize:· of DI
`and a person sf\[!lecl
`the art wouid arrive at
`the ciaimed
`invention by ge:H3rai experimentation
`aione w:thout exercising any ingenuity.
`ThE?rnfo;,i, ciairn 1 lacks an
`im,en1:ive step uric1e:·
`f'CT ,u;ticl,i 33(3).
`Dependent cia[~s 2-11
`1 .2
`·r·he features added by claims 2-1·1 are considered to be a ininor
`C~iairns 2-11 are dependent or1 c!aim 1
`di ffernnce over
`lh8 disciosurn of Di. that fai I:; under
`the general knowisdge of a Der son ski I iGd
`tile art
`(See abstract, paragrapi1s
`[0015, 004HJ044. 0071-0084]. ciaim
`figures 1-14 and
`1J0scriptions of D1.)
`Therefore. ciain;s 2-11 are considered to iack an
`inventive step under PCT /l.rticle 33(3).
`(Continued on Suppiemer;tai Box)
`Fonn PCT,lS/\/237 (Box No. V) (/\pr]J 2007)
`Adobe v. Express Mobile - IPR2021-01227


`lnl;;nmtiorml appliculiun No.
`Supp!;ementa! Box
`In cust: th;; ~pace in any of Jfa~ precediBg boxes is not suifo:i;;nt.
`Continuailon of:
`llux V
`independent ciaim 12
`feature ot c!aim 1~~ !s the sar.1e except the categorv aspect of the tecr1n!cal
`rhe technical
`c!afm 1
`t't113 subjE:ct ina1·ter of clai1n 1?
`it; consl,:jerE;,,:J to i:3ck a1:
`feature of
`invent·ivt: step ur-idE:r PCT /l,:-ticle
`·1 .4
`DepE:r,den1 c:a,rns 13--22
`Ci ,l i n;s 13--22 are c!qi;indrn1 t or, c: i a, n; 12. The
`f Ela tu; er, ,iclded by c ! a i ;ns 13·-22 :iH; co;1s i c1,Jr E!d 1 o lJtJ a
`:ninor difference over
`the disclosure cf D1.
`that fal !sunder the genera! knowleiJge cf a person ski I !ed
`[0075. 0041-0044. 0077-0084]; ciain: 1;
`in the art (See abstract. DaraQraphs
`fiQures :-14 and their
`clescr pt ions of 01.)
`Tl·1erefore 1 clalrns 13-22 are considered to lack an
`inventive step under PCT Artlc!e 33(3).
`independent ciaim 23
`:;aid mnthod compr :s1n;-J
`inforinat ion to a platform on a nntwcHf<.
`i:; a r.1etr:e:i,:J
`CiB!m 23
`for provicJing
`accepting a first code over
`the network, where said ficst cocle
`is platform-dependent; ocoviclir,g a
`second code over the network, where sa[d second code [s p!atform-[ndependent; and execut [ng safd ff rst
`i:ht! plai fcrrn to pr-ovide WBD c:c)rnpor1t3nts cbtalr:t1d ovt~r
`cocin and said st~ccnd cocjt3 on
`01, wnich is considered to represent the most re!evant slate of the art to the subject matter of ciaim
`2:3, d:scloses a netv~ork software design appi :cat fen er eating s:/stem (See cla!m I c,f D1.).
`from Di
`Cia.!m 23 diffGrs
`tr:at claim 23 describes a platforrn--depGndent code and a Diatform·-(cid:173)
`indepanclent code.
`:s rnert:iy a va:-[at ion of th~3 resources for bu! !ding ''iVet:,·--tJasE?..:J app! icat ions.
`the c:Hf1tHer1c~3
`the new apD! icat ion
`inter faces,
`the speciB.! izi,c! objects,
`the parameters.
`the syste1n
`tunct :or:al components.
`the instruct ions, the new user
`interfaces. tl1e retece11ce system compone11ts,
`thE: vidE:o c! ips and ti-iE;, scr lnts disclost:d in 01
`(SE:t3 c!aim 1 of
`t:,lna.r 1~3s, H:e ir.iacJE:s,
`tf'~E3 audio cl iDs
`D1.), and a perscn ski! !ed in the art would arrive at the ciain1eiJ invr,niicn by general sxperirr;errtaiicn
`alone without exercising any Ingenuity.
`Tht:refore. cla.!ni 23
`iacks a.n
`inventive sten under fJCT P,rticle 33(3).
`Dependent ciaims 24-28
`i'eatures addecJ by c!aims 24--28 a.rt: consid~3red to be a
`Cia!ms ~~4--28 are dt:pendent on cia!m 23. The
`~;inor difference over tr;e clisclosure o! D1, that
`fal is under Hie genera! knowledge of a person s,<i I iecl
`in the art (See abstract, pa:·a.graphs
`[00·1s, 0041-0044, 007:--{)084], c!afrr: 1,
`figures :-14 and their
`de:iscr!ptionE of [fl.)
`Thernfore. claim 24-28 are considered to lack an
`invent Ive r,tec und;ir PCT Art icie 33(3)
`! ndus1 ; i a I 1\op I i cat:- i I i 1 y
`Ci aims 1--:28 are industrial !y appl icabie under r-1cr /\rticle 33(4).
`Form PCT/lSA,237 (Supplemental Box) (April 2007)
`Adobe v. Express Mobile - IPR2021-01227


`PCT /US2009/039695
`(PCT Rule 44b1s.l(c))
`VOSEN, Sttlven, R.
`1563 Solano AVEl., #206
`Berke!ey, C,A, 94707
`Date of tna1ling (da)-' 1month<pe{1~)
`21 October 20·1 O (21.10.2010)
`App]j,.;ant1s or ogcnt's fik r..:fon:ncc
`lntamationai application No.
`PCT /US2009/039695
`Tntematifmal filing date (day/morith/yem:)
`06 April 2009 (06.04.2009)
`Prin•~iy date (day/moi1ih/yea1:)
`07 April 2008 (07.04.2008)
`The International Bureau transmits herewith a copy of the international preliminary report on patentabilitv (Chapter I of the Patent
`Cooperation Treaty)
`rhe lnt2r11ationa] Bureau of \VJPO
`34, diemin des Colombettes
`121 l Geneva '2,0~ Switzcrhmd
`Philippe Becamel
`Fr,csimile '.Jo. -t-41 22 338 82 70
`form PCT/IB/326 (.fanuary 2004)
`e-m:ul: ptl
`Adobe v. Express Mobile - IPR2021-01227


`(Chapter T of the Patent Cooperation Treaty)
`(PCT Rule 44bisl
`Applicant's or agent's tile rderence
`lnternational application No.
`lnternational filing date (da_v/month1year)
`06 April 2009 (06 04.2009)
`International Patem Classification (8th edition unless older edition indicated)
`SE?e re~levant information in Form PCT/ISA/237
`See item 4 bdo'N
`!Priority date (day/month:year)
`07 f\pril 2008 (07.04.2008)
`This international preliminary report on patentability (Chapter I) is issued by the International Bureau on behalf of the
`Tnl.ermtional Searching Authonly under Rule 44 his.1 (a)
`This REPORT consists of a to1al of 5 sheets, including this cover sheet.
`ln the attached sheets, any reference to the written opinion of the International Searching Authority should be read as a
`Jeference to the international prelimim:Iy repo1t on patentability (Chapter I) instead.
`Basis of' the rep0l1
`This rep01t contD.ins indications relating to the follmving items:
`~ Box No.
`□ Box No. []
`□ Box No. rn
`□ Box No. IV
`~ Box No. V
`□ Box No. VI
`□ Box No. VlI
`□ Box No. vm
`Non:establishment of opinion with regard to novelty, inventive step and industrial
`Lack of 1mity of invemion
`Reasoned :i1atemen1. under Article 35(2) with regard to novcltv, inventive step or
`industrial applicability, citations and explanations suppmting such statement
`Certain documents cited
`CeJtain defects in the international application
`Cer1nin observations on ,he in1.ernatioJ1aJ application
`The International Bureau will communicate ,his report ,o designated Offices in accordance ,vith Rules 44bis.3(c) and 93bis.1
`but not, except where the applicam makes cm express request under Article 23(2), before the expiration of 30 months from
`the priority date (Rule 44bis .2).
`The International Bureau of WIPO
`34, chemin de:i Colombettes
`12 l 1 Geneva 20, Switzerlnnd
`Facsimile No. +41 22 338 82 70
`Forn1 PCT/JI-J/373 (January 2UU4)
`D,,te of issuance of this report
`·12 Oc:tot,er 20"!0 (12 10.2010)
`Aulhoril.ed officer
`Philippe Becamel
`e-mail: ptJ2 pct(
`Adobe v. Express Mobile - IPR2021-01227


`From the
`1563 SOLANO A VE., //206 BERKELEY CA 94707 USA
`(PCT Rui(.' 43bls.1)
`Date of mailing
`(davimontJvyear) 21 AUGUST 2009 (21.08.2009)
`Applicant's or agent's file reference
`See paragraph 2 belovv
`lnternationnl application No.
`International Parent Classification (TPC) or both national elassification and JPC
`Pnonty date(.d{!yimonthjear)
`07 APRIL 2008 (07.()4.2008)
`G06F9144(2006.01)i, G06F 17/00(2006.0i.)i. CJ06Q 50100(21J06.01)i
`1. This opinion contains indications relating to the fo!kn:ving itenrn:
`, - ,
`_ , _,
`Box No.
`Das:s of the opinion
`Box Nu. lI
`Box No. Hl Non-,cc;tabhshrnent of opinion with regard to novdty _ inventive step and mdmtrrnl applicability
`Box No. l V
`Lack of umty of invention
`Box No V
`Reasoned stBtement under Rule 43bis. l(a)(i) with regard to novelty, inventive step or ,ndustria1 applicability;
`citation, and explanatiorn, supporting such statement
`Box No. VI
`Certain documents cited
`Box No. VII Cntain defr<:ts in the international application
`Box No. VHl Certain observations on the international application
`lf a tkmand for international preliminary cxarninatwn is made, thts opinion will be cons:d<?red to be a written opwion of the
`International Preliminm)' Examining Amhority ("IPEA") except that this does not apply where the applicant chooses an Authority
`other than this one to be the lPEA and the chosen IPEA has notified th<' Inkrnational Bureau under Rule 6G.1bis(b) that written
`opinions ofthic, International Searching Authority will not be so conr,idered.
`If this opinion 1s, as provtded o.bovc, considered to be a ·written opinion of the IFEA. the appl:cant is invited to submit to the
`lP~~,L'\, ~ vvnlten reply togetheL ,vhe:re appropriak, \Vitl1 arriemllnents, befi.Ht~ the expiration ofJ months fron1 the <late uf'rnailing
`of Form PCT:lSA.:220 or bdcm, the expiration of22 months from the priority date. whichnn expires later.
`For further options, s,,,, I•orm PCT/1SA.i220.
`3. For further details, sec noie~ io Fonn PCI/ISi\/220.
`N8me and mailing address of the 1S.A/KR
`Korenn lntel1ectual Property Offir,e
`G·ovemment Comple"-Daej,,on, J 39
`Seonsa-ro, Seo-gu, Dnejeon 302
`-70 L Rc0public cf Korea
`Facsimile No. 82-,12-,172-7140
`Form PCT/lSA/237 (cover sheet) (April 2007)
`Date of eompletion ofthir, opinion
`.Authorized officer
`21 AUGUST 2009 (~1.08.2009)
`LEE, Sang Hun
`rdephone No.82-42-481-591,1
`Adobe v. Express Mobile - IPR2021-01227


`International application No.
`Box No. I Ba,is of this opinion
`. . With regard to the langu,,gc, thi', opinion has been established on 1he basis of·
`~ 1he intema1ional application in the hnguage in which it was filed
`D a translation of the international application into ______________ . which is the language ofa
`irnnslation furnished for the purposes of international search (Rules 12.3(i!) and 23. l(b))
`-' LJ Thi, opinion has been estahlishcd taking into account the r;;dification of an obvious mistak~ an1horizcd by or notified
`to this Authority under Ruic 91 (Rule 43bi.s. l (a))
`3. With regard to any nudeotid~ and/or amino add seqm'nce disclosed in the international application. this opinion ha:, been
`established on the basis of
`a. type of material
`D a sequence listing
`D 1nble(',, re1a1ed to 1he sequence li,iting
`b. fornrnt of material
`□, onpap,01
`L_ __ _
`D in dectrnnic form
`c. time offiling/fumishing
`□·, contained in tlti: intcrnaiwnal application as filed.
`D fikd togtother with the international application in ekdronic form.
`D tim,i,;bed subsequently to 1h1s Authority for 1he imrposes of ;;earch.
`,1 D In addition, in the case that more than one version or copy ofa ,r;quencc listing and/or table r,datrng thereto has been
`filed or furnished, the required statements that th,, information in the subsequent or ad<litioanl copies is i<l,oniwal lo that
`m the applica1ion ,i'i filed Dr does not go beyond the application as filed, as appropriate, were fornisht:d.
`5. Additional comrm,nts:
`Fmrn PCT/ISA/237 (Bo:--: No. i)(April 2007)
`Adobe v. Express Mobile - IPR2021-01227


`1nierna1ionai ,ipplication No.
`Box No. V Reasoned statement under Rul<t 43bh.1(a)(i) with n:ganl to novdty, inH;ntive ,t<tp or irnlustrhii appliuihlHty;
`citations and ,,xplanations supporting such ~tat,,mt>nt
`Novdty (N)
`Inventive step (IS)
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`_N_o_n_c ________________________ YES
`1-28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NO
`Industrial applicability (IA)
`., Citations and cxplanatiom, :
`~1etei-ence is made to the foi lowing document:
`D ·1 : us ?005---()273705 f.. 1 ( MCC/\ I [\j • R, C. ) 08 Dt:)CE;mb0 r 2005
`Noveily and Inventive Step
`Independent claim 1
`is a system tor generating code to proviae content on a display of a piattorm. said system
`Ciaim 1
`con;prising: a database of w,"t; SEll'✓ ic,n ob1ainabi1" over a netwrnk: an au1horir;g tcol r::or1figu11x!
`define an object
`for presentation on
`the display. select a comoonent of a web service included
`said c!atabase, associate sa!d ot,fect v~!th said se!ected component. and produce code
`t1-1at, V1ihen
`executed on the platform. provides said se!ected cornpcner;t on the display of the piatform.
`D1, which
`is considered tD represent
`the mst reievant state of the art to ti1e subject matter of
`c!al:r: 1, ciisc!os1~s a nPtwork softvvare des!~Jn ap~)I !cat rori c:rE3at ir1g systt:r.i, compr Ising in combi:-1at ion:
`a oroject manager
`for autrnnat icai i'/ Qather inQ. organizing and tracking resources for bui ldinQ web-(cid:173)
`based appi icat ions and
`for al iowing switchrng between design related tasks and project management
`app I ! cat ion
`lor autorna.t ica.! ly
`SDeC I a ! i zed
`iask::;: a sc!ut ion enoinE:
`intE:(1ra.t intJ nevv
`inter faces,
`f i iGs; proces;;es and
`objects. parrnnetGrs 1
`fur.ct :onai
`an object
`automticaily managing
`implementation ot specialized
`objects; a
`auto:nat lea! Iv procE:ssin(~
`instruct !ems. narametE:r·s. scripts, scr:mna::;,
`inark--up !angua(~e tags, binar !es
`inciuding images e)(ecutables, and ::;peciai ized objects, for storing plural component ,jefinition units
`in a mark-up
`for automaticaliy generating new softwa:·e
`instructions necessary to
`creato nt:w ust:r
`reft:rence syEt13m ccmpon(3nt~3. data t)a:30 connoct !on:3 and communication
`prntoool connect !ons; an
`interface de:;ign tool
`for automat icai ly integrating a markup ianguage editor
`,dlh word processing--! ike
`features, a source co,::Je editor, spel i checker, and supper!
`audio ci ips 1 vidGo cl !pE and scr iptE: a spE?cfal ize:icj we:ib·--brow:301 w!tr1 a tempiatE?, gtinGrator t:ngine for
`automatically capturing a
`feel, content arid
`fur1ctionality of any ex!sting web-site and
`storing any captured eieclronic inforniat ion as an automat icai ly generated template in a project, an
`object fZE!r
`for creat Ing ntiw special iZE?(J objE!Ct:3 anci
`for modify:ng ;3xi~;t ing spnciai iztid ot:,ject~;; and
`one or more database for star !ng spec!ai ized objects, pi-ojects and templates (See claim 1 of D1.).
`C aim 1 d!tte:·s fi-oni lJI
`:n that c aim 1 describes an authocing tool.
`Hovvtrvf:H, 1hG autrlcrir:g tcol of cia.!m 1 is rnt:rB!y a variation of the:i str.aigf1i.forw.arci cornbination of
`the project manager.
`tile soiut !on engine,
`the object engine,
`the component eng!ne,
`design tooi, The speciai ized web-·browser witl-1 a template generator engine and the objectize:· of DI
`and a person sf\[!lecl
`the art wouid arrive at
`the ciaimed
`invention by ge:H3rai experimentation
`aione w:thout exercising any ingenuity.
`ThE?rnfo;,i, ciairn 1 lacks an
`im,en1:ive step uric1e:·
`f'CT ,u;ticl,i 33(3).
`Dependent cia[~s 2-11
`1 .2
`·r·he features added by claims 2-1·1 are considered to be a ininor
`C~iairns 2-11 are dependent or1 c!aim 1
`di ffernnce over
`lh8 disciosurn of Di. that fai I:; under
`the general knowisdge of a Der son ski I iGd
`tile art
`(See abstract, paragrapi1s
`[0015, 004HJ044. 0071-0084]. ciaim
`figures 1-14 and
`1J0scriptions of D1.)
`Therefore. ciain;s 2-11 are considered to iack an
`inventive step under PCT /l.rticle 33(3).
`(Continued on Suppiemer;tai Box)
`Fonn PCT,lS/\/237 (Box No. V) (/\pr]J 2007)
`Adobe v. Express Mobile - IPR2021-01227


`lnl;;nmtiorml appliculiun No.
`Supp!;ementa! Box
`In cust: th;; ~pace in any of Jfa~ precediBg boxes is not suifo:i;;nt.
`Continuailon of:
`llux V
`independent ciaim 12
`feature ot c!aim 1~~ !s the sar.1e except the categorv aspect of the tecr1n!cal
`rhe technical
`c!afm 1
`t't113 subjE:ct ina1·ter of clai1n 1?
`it; consl,:jerE;,,:J to i:

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