`Adobe Inc.,
`Express Mobile, Inc.,
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR To be Determined
`US. Patent No. 9,928,044
`POWER OF ATTORNEY PER 37 C.F.R. § 42.10(b)
`Petitioner Adobe, Inc. hereby appoints the registered practitioners associated
`with Arnold & Porter Kay Scholer LLP Customer Number #502387 to represent it
`and to transact all business in the Patent Trial and Appeal Board of the United States
`Patent and Trademark Office in connection with the above-captioned Inter Partes
`Review of US. Patent 9,928,044. Petitioner hereby designates the following lead
`and backup counsel:
`Jeffrey A. Miller (Reg. No. 35,287)
`Jennifer A. Sklenar (Reg. No. 40,205)*
`Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP
`Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP
`5 Palo Alto Square, Suite 500
`601 Massachusetts Ave, NW
`3000 El Camino Real
`Washington, DC 20001
`Palo Alto, CA 94306
`Tel: 202-942-5000
`Tel: 650-3 19—45 19
` *Admitted in NY and CA only; practice
`limited to matters before federal courts
`and federal agencies
`/Andy Nguyen/ 0" 4/
`Andy Nguyen
`July 2, 2021
`Title: Senior Litigation Counsel, representing Adobe Inc.
`I certify that on July 6, 2021, I caused a true and correct copy of the foregoing
`Power of Attorney per 37 C.F.R. § 42.10(b) to be served via overnight delivery on
`the Patent Owner at the following correspondence address of record as listed on
`Steven R. Vosen
`909 Marina Village Parkway #138
`Alameda, CA 94501-1048
`A courtesy copy was also sent via electronic mail to Patent Owner’s litigation
`counsel listed below:
`Jamie L. Lucia, jlucia@steptoe.com
`James R. Nuttall, jnuttall@steptoe.com
`Michael Dockterman, mdockterman@steptoe.com
`Tron Fu, tfu@steptoe.com
`Robert F. Kappers, rkappers@steptoe.com
`Katherine H. Johnson, kjohnson@steptoe.com
`Christopher A. Suarez, csuarez@steptoe.com
`Timothy Devlin, tdevlin@devlinlawfirm.com
`/s/ Jennifer A. Sklenar
`Jennifer A. Sklenar (Reg. No. 40,205)
`Counsel for Petitioner