`Patent Owner
`UNDER 37 C.F.R. § 42.64(c)
`Case No. IPR2021-01166
`Patent No. 8,304,935


`Case No. IPR2021-01166
`Attorney Docket: 25236-0267IP1
`Background ...................................................................................................... 2 
`Petitioner fails to authenticate Exhibit 1007 ................................................... 3 
`The Hall-Ellis Declaration fails to authenticate Exhibit 1007 .............. 3 
`The Pierce Declaration fails to authenticate Exhibit 1007 .................... 6 
`The Second Hall-Ellis Declaration alleges that Exhibit 1007 is a copy
`of a different document than that alleged by Petitioner’s other
`evidence ................................................................................................. 8 
`III.  Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 8 


`Case No. IPR2021-01166
`Attorney Docket: 25236-0267IP1
`Patent Owner submits this Motion to Exclude pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §
`42.64(c) and the Federal Rules of Evidence (“FRE”). Patent Owner requests that
`the Board exclude Exhibit 1007 under FRE 901 because Petitioner has failed to
`authenticate Exhibit 1007 by “produc[ing] evidence sufficient to support a finding
`that the item is what” Petitioner “claims it is.” FRE 901.
`Specifically, Petitioner claims that Exhibit 1007 is a German doctoral
`dissertation by Kathleen O’Brien entitled “Inductively Coupled Radio Frequency
`Power Transmission System for Wireless Systems and Devices” (hereinafter the
`“O’Brien Dissertation”).1 Ex. 1005, [38]. Petitioner submitted declaration
`testimony from two different declarants attempting to authenticate Exhibit 1007.
`One declarant (Dr. Hall-Ellis) concluded that Exhibit 1007 was a “true and correct
`copy” of the O’Brien Dissertation based solely on the general appearance of
`Exhibit 1007 (e.g., ., “no pages are missing … text on each page appears to flow
`seamlessly from one page to the next … no visible alterations”) without ever
`reviewing an authentic copy of the O’Brien Dissertation or performing any type of

`1 Kathleen O’Brien, Inductively Coupled Radio Frequency Power
`Transmission System for Wireless Systems and Devices (2007) (Ph.D. dissertation,
`Technical University of Dresden). See Ex. 1024, [2].


`Case No. IPR2021-01166
`Attorney Docket: 25236-0267IP1
`comparison. See Ex. 1005, [38]. That same declarant later submitted a second
`declaration testifying that Exhibit 1007 was a copy of a different document than
`the O’Brien Dissertation. See Ex. 1025. Petitioner’s other declarant (Michael T.
`Pierce, listed as backup counsel in this case) provided only conclusory testimony
`linking Exhibit 1007 and the O’Brien Dissertation, and provided no explanation
`whatsoever to support his conclusion that Exhibit 1007 is a “true and correct copy”
`of O’Brien. See Ex. 1024, [2].
`Admittedly, the Board has generally set the bar for authenticating a
`reference low. However, given the questionable nature of Petitioner’s
`authentication evidence in this case (e.g., conflicting declaration testimony from
`one declarant, conclusory testimony from Petitioner’s counsel), along with the
`insufficiency of that evidence to prove that Exhibit 1007 is authentic, the Board
`should grant this Motion and exclude Exhibit 1007 from the present proceeding.
`On January 24, 2022, Patent Owner timely objected to Exhibit 1007 under
`FRE 901. Paper 9, 1. This objection is explained below as required by 37 CFR
`42.64(c). On January 28, 2022, Petitioner served supplemental evidence in
`response to Patent Owner’s objections consisting of the Declaration of Michael T.
`Pierce (Ex. 1024), and the Declaration of Sylvia Hall-Ellis (Ex. 1025).


`Case No. IPR2021-01166
`Attorney Docket: 25236-0267IP1
`Petitioner fails to authenticate Exhibit 1007
`Petitioner’s evidence relating to the authenticity of Exhibit 1007 consists of:
`1. Ex. 1005 – The Declaration of Sylvia D. Hall-Ellis, Ph.D (the “Hall-
`Ellis Declaration”);
`2. Ex. 1024 – The Declaration of Michael T. Pierce (the “Pierce
`Declaration”); and
`3. Ex. 1025 - The Second Declaration of Sylvia Hall-Ellis, Ph.D (the
`“Second Hall-Ellis Declaration”).
`As explained below, this evidence, both individually and cumulatively, is
`insufficient to authenticate Exhibit 1007.
`A. The Hall-Ellis Declaration fails to authenticate Exhibit 1007
`The Hall-Ellis Declaration states that she was “retained as an expert by”
`Petitioner to “provide [her] expert opinion regarding the authenticity and public
`availability of” Exhibit 1007. Ex. 1005, [2]. Dr. Hall-Ellis testifies that the
`declaration “sets forth [her] opinions in detail and provides the bases for [her]
`opinions regarding the public availability” of the Exhibit. Id.
`The declaration includes two Attachments (1a and 1b) related to public
`availability. Dr. Hall-Ellis testifies that “Attachment 1a” to the declaration “is a
`true and correct copy of the online catalog record” for the O’Brien Dissertation,
`and that she “personally identified and retrieved the library catalog record that is


`Case No. IPR2021-01166
`Attorney Docket: 25236-0267IP1
`Attachment 1a.” Id., [39].2 She also testifies that “Attachment 1b is a true and
`correct copy of the MARC record for the” O’Brien Dissertation, and that, again,
`she “personally identified and retrieved the MARC record that is Attachment 1b.”
`Id., [40].
`Dr. Hall-Ellis also testifies that the “Exhibit 1007 is a true and correct copy
`of [the] O’Brien [Dissertation].” Id., [38]. But unlike Attachments 1a and 1b,
`which she “personally identified and retrieved,” Dr. Hall-Ellis testifies that she
`“obtained [Exhibit 1007] from counsel,” and concluded that it was a “true and
`correct copy” of the O’Brien Dissertation because “the text is complete; no pages
`are missing, … the text on each page appears to flow seamlessly from one page to
`the next; [and] there are no visible alterations to the document.” Id., [38]
`(footnotes omitted).
`Dr. Hall-Ellis’ declaration testimony is insufficient to prove that Exhibit
`1007 is a true and correct copy of the O’Brien Dissertation for several reasons.
`First, Dr. Hall-Ellis’ statement that “Exhibit 1007 is a true and correct copy of [the]
`O’Brien [Dissertation]” is not based on personal knowledge and is not supported
`by any other evidence. Based on her testimony, Dr. Hall-Ellis did not “personally
`identif[y] and retrieve[]” Exhibit 1007—she “obtained” it “from counsel.” Id. Nor

`2 All emphasis added unless otherwise indicated.


`Case No. IPR2021-01166
`Attorney Docket: 25236-0267IP1
`did Dr. Hall-Ellis “personally identif[y] and retrieve[]” (e.g., via the internet) a
`copy of the O’Brien Dissertation from the “Technischen Universität Dresden
`Library” (where Attachment 1a indicates it is cataloged) for comparison with
`Exhibit 1007. Id. Because Dr. Hall-Ellis neither personally retrieved Exhibit
`1007, nor compared Exhibit 1007 to an authentic version of the O’Brien
`Dissertation, she has no personal knowledge regarding the authenticity of Exhibit
`1007. Thus, her statement that “Exhibit 1007 is a true and correct copy of [the]
`O’Brien [Dissertation]” is insufficient to authenticate Exhibit 1007. See id.
`Second, Dr. Hall-Ellis’ testimony regarding the general appearance of
`Exhibit 1007 (e.g., “no pages are missing … text on each page appears to flow
`seamlessly from one page to the next … no visible alterations”) does not support a
`conclusion that Exhibit 1007 is a true and correct copy of the O’Brien Dissertation.
`See id. Exhibit 1007 appearing to Dr. Hall-Ellis to be a cogent document does not
`have any bearing on whether its contents are the same as (i.e., whether it is “a true
`and correct copy”) of the O’Brien Dissertation. Thus, Dr. Hall-Ellis’ testimony
`regarding the general appearance of Exhibit 1007 is insufficient to authenticate
`Exhibit 1007.
`Outside of paragraph 38, which is discussed at length above, the Hall-Ellis
`Declaration does not appear to include any other testimony related to the


`Case No. IPR2021-01166
`Attorney Docket: 25236-0267IP1
`authenticity of Exhibit 1007. Thus, for at least the reasons discussed above, the
`Hall-Ellis Declaration is insufficient to authenticate Exhibit 1007.
`The Pierce Declaration fails to authenticate Exhibit 1007
`The Pierce Declaration contains testimony from “Michael T. Pierce,” who is
`identified as “an associate at the law firm of Latham & Watkins LLP” (the firm
`representing Petitioner in this case). Ex. 1024, [1]. The declaration includes only
`one sentence of testimony regarding Exhibit 1007:
`Exhibit 1007 is a true and correct copy of Kathleen
`O’Brien, Inductively Coupled Radio Frequency Power
`Transmission System for Wireless Systems and Devices
`(2007) (Ph.D. dissertation, Technical University of
`Dresden), available at
`Id., [2]. This testimony is insufficient to authenticate Exhibit 1007 for several
`First, the testimony provides no explanation of how Mr. Pierce concluded
`that Exhibit 1007 is a true and correct copy of the O’Brien Dissertation. See id.
`Did Mr. Pierce personally retrieve Exhibit 1007 from the provided URL prior to
`the filing of the Petition (i.e., seven months or more before the Pierce Declaration
`was filed)? Did he compare Exhibit 1007 to a document retrieved from the


`Case No. IPR2021-01166
`Attorney Docket: 25236-0267IP1
`provided URL and determine them to be textually identical? Curiously, the
`declaration leaves us to speculate. Thus, this testimony is insufficient to
`authenticate Exhibit 1007.
`Second, Mr. Pierce is listed as a backup counsel for Petitioner in this case
`(subject to a pro hac vice motion which was never filed). See Paper 2, 77. While
`Mr. Pierce’s representation of Petitioner does not make his testimony unreliable
`per se, it should inform the Board’s decision regarding how much weight to afford
`to his unexplained, unsupported testimony regarding the authenticity of Exhibit
`Third, Mr. Pierce’s conclusion that Exhibit 1007 is a “true and correct” copy
`of the O’Brien Dissertation is, in fact, incorrect. Exhibit 1007 includes the
`“Declaration of Irina Hinrichs” (pages 119-201) and an English translation of the
`title page and page 3 of the PDF (pages 202-205). See Ex. 1005, [38] (describing
`the inclusion of these materials in Exhibit 1007). These pages were prepared by
`Momentum specifically for this proceeding, and thus would not be part of any
`document downloaded from the URL Mr. Pierce provides. See id. Accordingly,
`Mr. Pierce’s conclusion is incorrect, and thus his testimony is insufficient to
`authenticate Exhibit 1007.


`Case No. IPR2021-01166
`Attorney Docket: 25236-0267IP1
`C. The Second Hall-Ellis Declaration alleges that Exhibit 1007 is a
`copy of a different document than that alleged by Petitioner’s
`other evidence
`The Second Hall-Ellis Declaration (Ex. 1025) states that Exhibit 1007 is a
`copy not of the O’Brien Dissertation, but of a completely different document by
`different authors. The declaration states that “Exhibit 1007 is an electronic copy of
`a conference paper published in Proceedings of the 35th Annual IEEE Power
`Electronics Specialists Conference found in the Linda Hall Library (Kansas City,
`Missouri).” Ex. 1025, [50]. Specifically, Dr. Hall-Ellis testifies that Exhibit 1007
`is a copy of “High Frequency Resonant Inverter for Contactless Energy
`Transmission Over Large Air Gap” by R. Mecke and C. Rathge. Id. This
`testimony is contrary to both Dr. Hall-Ellis’ first declaration (Ex. 1005) and the
`Pierce Declaration (Ex. 1025), neither of which allege Exhibit 1007 to be a copy of
`“High Frequency Resonant Inverter for Contactless Energy Transmission Over
`Large Air Gap” by R. Mecke and C. Rathge. Compare Ex. 1025, [50] with Ex.
`1024, [2] and Ex. 1005, [38]. Thus, the Second Hall-Ellis Declaration not only
`fails to show that Exhibit 1007 is a true and correct copy of the O’Brien
`Dissertation, but potentially calls Dr. Hall-Ellis’ and Mr. Pierce’s testimony on this
`point into question.
`III. Conclusion
`For the foregoing reasons, Exhibit 1007 should be excluded.


`Date: 9/16/2022
`Case No. IPR2021-01166
`Attorney Docket: 25236-0267IP1
` Respectfully submitted,
`/Daniel D. Smith/
`Joshua A. Griswold, Reg. No. 46,310
`W. Karl Renner, Reg. No. 41,265
`Daniel D. Smith, Reg. No. 71,278
`Fish & Richardson P.C.
`3200 RBC Plaza, 60 South Sixth Street
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`T: 202-783-5070
`F: 877-769-7945
`Attorneys for Patent Owner


`Case No. IPR2021-01166
`Attorney Docket: 25236-0267IP1
`Pursuant to 37 CFR §§ 42.6(e)(1) and 42.6(e)(4)(iii), the undersigned
`certifies that on September 16, 2022, a complete and entire copy of this Patent
`Owner’s Motion to Exclude was provided by email to the Petitioner by serving the
`email correspondence addresses of record as follows:

`Jonathan M. Strang
`Inge A. Osman
`Jeffrey G. Homrig
`Blake R. Davis
`Michael T. Pierce
`Latham & Watkins LLP
`555 Eleventh Street, NW, Ste. 1000
`Washington, DC 20004-1304
`/Diana Bradley/
`Diana Bradley
`Fish & Richardson P.C.
`60 South Sixth Street, Suite 3200
`Minneapolis, MN 55402
`(858) 678-5667

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