`Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering; and
`Scientific Director, Singh Center for Nanotechnology
`University of Pennsylvania
`Biographical Sketch
`Mark G. Allen received the B.A. degree in Chemistry, the B.S.E. degree in Chemical Engineering, and the B.S.E.
`degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, and the S.M. and Ph.D. (1989) from the
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology. From 1989 to 2013 he was a member of the faculty of the School of
`Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Georgia Institute of Technology, ultimately holding the rank of Regents'
`Professor and the J.M. Pettit Professorship in Microelectronics. In 2013 he joined the University of Pennsylvania
`faculty as the Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering, as well as being named the
`founding director of the Singh Center for Nanotechnology at Penn.
`Professor Allen’s current research interests are in the field of microfabrication and nanofabrication technology, with
`emphasis on new approaches to fabricate devices with characteristic lengths in the micro- to nanoscale from both
`silicon and non-silicon materials. He has published approximately 450 journal articles and conference proceedings,
`and holds nearly 60 patents (Google Scholar h‐index of 79, with over 28,000 citations). He has graduated
`approximately 50 Ph.D. students in various disciplines, including electrical and computer engineering; chemical and
`biomolecular engineering; mechanical engineering; materials science; polymer, textile, and fiber engineering; and
`biomedical engineering. He was co-chair of the 1996 IEEE/ASME Microelectromechanical Systems Conference,
`the 2012 Power MEMS Conference, and chaired the 2016 Solid State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems
`Conference. He was Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (a publication of the
`Institute of Physics) from 2009-2013, and is currently a member of the editorial board of Microsystems and
`Nanoengineering (Nature Publishing Group). He is a Fellow of the IEEE, and recipient of the 2016 IEEE Daniel P.
`Noble Award in Emerging Technologies for his work in MEMS. In 2017 he was elected to the National Academy of
`Inventors, and in 2020 received the IEEE Benjamin Franklin Key Award for outstanding electrical engineering
`design, innovation, and problem solving.
`From 2007 to 2010, Professor Allen held the position of Senior Vice Provost for Research and Innovation at Georgia
`Tech. In that capacity had overall responsibility for management and growth of Georgia Tech’s annual research
`budget, oversaw Georgia Tech’s multiple interdisciplinary research centers, made strategic decisions on cost sharing
`and university investments in research, interfaced with the Federal Government through his supervision of Georgia
`Tech’s Office of Federal Relations, and guided the commercialization of Georgia Tech research results and
`intellectual property. He has testified before Congress on intellectual property issues facing universities, and has
`given multiple invited talks on issues facing research universities in the 21st century. He has previously served as a
`member of the MIT Corporation Visiting Committee for Sponsored Research.
`From 2011-2013, Professor Allen served as the founding Executive Director of the Institute for Electronics and
`Nanotechnology (IEN). IEN is charged with supervision and coordination of Georgia Tech’s research activities
`across the continuum from nanotechnology to electronics, providing intellectual leadership for these activities, as
`well as management of Georgia Tech’s substantial nanotechnology infrastructure investments.
`Professor Allen is co-founder of several spinoff companies, including CardioMEMS (www.cardiomems.com),
`Axion Biosystems (www.axionbio.com), and Enachip (www.enachip.com). CardioMEMS was founded in 2001 has
`commercialized wireless implantable microsensors for treatment of aneurysms and congestive heart failure –
`ultimately becoming the first MEMS-based medical device transducers FDA-approved for permanent human
`implantation. The wireless aneurysm pressure monitor developed by CardioMEMS was highlighted by the FDA in
`its 2005 ODE annual report as a cleared medical device likely to have a significant impact on patient care.
`CardioMEMS completed a 550‐patient clinical trial for its second product, a MEMS-based wireless implantable
`hemodynamic monitor for patients with congestive heart failure. After receiving FDA approval for its hemodynamic
`monitor, CardioMEMS was acquired by St. Jude Medical (now Abbott) in 2014. Axion Biosystems, founded in
`2008, is commercializing microelectrode arrays for in-vitro electrogenic cell interfacing, for use in scientific study
`of neural and cardiac cells, as well as pharmaceutical screening. It is a revenue-generating company of
`approximately 50 employees, headquartered in Atlanta. In 2012, Axion won the Tibbetts Award, which honors
`outstanding small businesses, from the U.S. Small Business Administration. His latest venture, EnaChip, launched
`in 2017, is focused on exploiting nanoengineered materials for the realization of ultracompact power supplies.
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`Mark G. Allen
`Curriculum Vitae
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`University of Pennsylvania
`University of Pennsylvania
`University of Pennsylvania
`Chemical Eng/Microelectronics
`Chemical Engineering
`Electrical Engineering
`Chemical Engineering
`A.F. Moore Professor
`Executive Director
`Acting Director
`Senior Vice Provost, Research
`Regents’ Professor
`Associate Professor (tenure)
`Postdoctoral Associate
`III.A. Published Books and Parts of Books
`1. Allen, M.G. and Senturia, S.D., "Microfabricated Structures for the Measurement of Adhesion and Mechanical
`Properties of Polymer Films," in Adhesives, Sealants, and Coatings for Space and Other Harsh Environments,
`pp. 501-508, (L.H. Lee, ed.), Plenum Press, New York, 1988.
`2. Allen, M.G., Nagarkar, P.V., and Senturia, S.D., "Aspects of Adhesion Measurement of Thin Polyimide Films,"
`in Polyimides: Materials, Chemistry, and Characterization, pp. 705-717, (C. Feger, ed.) Elsevier Science
`Publishers, Amsterdam, 1989.
`3. Allen, M.G., Special Tests For Membranes and Miniature Components, in the American Society for Materials
`International Handbook Volume 3: Adhesives and Sealants, ASM Press, Metals Park, Ohio, 1990.
`Jardine, A.P., Johnson, G.C., Crowson, A., and Allen, M.G. (eds.), Smart Materials Fabrication and Materials
`for Microelectromechanical Systems, Materials Research Society Press, vol. 276, 1992.
`5. Hodge, T.C., Kohl, P.A., Bidstrup, S.A., Lee, J.B. and Allen, M.G., "In-Situ Thermal Expansion Measurements
`of Interlevel Dielectric Polymer Films", in Polyimides: Trends in Materials and Applications, pp. 287 - 302 (C.
`Feger, Mahmoud M. Khojasteh, Steven E. Molis Eds.), Connecticut: Society of Plastic Engineers, 1996.
`6. Arnold, D., and Allen, M.G., “Fabrication of Microscale Rotating Magnetic Machines,” in Multi-Wafer
`Rotating MEMS Machines, (ed. Lang, J.H.), Springer, 2009.
`III.B. Journal Publications
`1. Hasan, T., Allen, M.G., and Cooperman, B.S., "Anhydrotetracycline is a Major Product of Tetracycline
`Photolysis," Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 50, no. 10, pp. 311-313 (1985)
`2. Allen, M.G., Mehregany, M., Howe, R.T., and Senturia, S.D., "Microfabricated Structures for the In-Situ
`Measurement of Residual Stress, Young's Modulus, and Ultimate Strain of Thin Films," Applied Physics
`Letters, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 241-244 (1987)
`3. Allen, M.G. and Senturia, S.D., "Analysis of Critical Debonding Pressures of Stressed Thin Films in the Blister
`Test," Journal of Adhesion, vol. 25, pp. 303-315 (1988)
`University of Pennsylvania
`GT Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology
`GT Georgia Electronic Design Center
`Georgia Institute of Technology
`Georgia Institute of Technology
`Georgia Institute of Technology
`Georgia Institute of Technology (GT)
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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`Mark G. Allen
`Curriculum Vitae
`4. Allen, M.G. and Senturia, S.D., "Application of the Island Blister Test for Thin Film Adhesion Measurement,"
`Journal of Adhesion, vol. 29, pp. 219-231 (1989)
`5. Allen, M.G., Nikolich, A., Scheidl, M., and Smith, R.L., "Movable Micromachined Silicon Plates with
`Integrated Position Sensing," Sensors and Actuators, A21-A23, pp. 211-214 (1990)
`6. Camperi-Ginestet, C., Hargis, M., Jokerst, N., and Allen, M.G., "Alignable Epitaxial Liftoff of Gallium
`Arsenide Materials with Selective Deposition Using Polyimide Diaphragms," IEEE Photonics Technology
`Letters, vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 1123-1125 (1991)
`7. Kim, Y.W. and Allen, M.G., "Single and Multilayer Surface Micromachined Platforms Using Electroplated
`Sacrificial Layers," Sensors and Actuators , A35, pp. 61-68 (1992)
`8. Camperi-Ginestet, C., Kim, Y.W., Jokerst, N., Allen, M.G., and Brooke, M., "Three Dimensional Integrated
`Circuits: Compound Semiconductor Detectors Integrated Directly On Top Of Integrated Circuits," IEEE
`Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 1003-6 (1992)
`9. Frazier, A.B. and Allen, M.G., "Piezoresistive Graphite/Polyimide Thin Films for Micromachining
`Applications," Journal of Applied Physics (73), pp. 4428-4433 (1993)
`10. Ahn, C.H. and Allen, M.G., "A Planar Micromachined Spiral Inductor for Integrated Magnetic Microactuator
`Applications," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 37-44 (1993)
`11. Ahn, C.H. and Allen, M.G., "A Fully Integrated Surface Micromachined Magnetic Microactuator with a
`Multilevel Meander Magnetic Core," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 15-22
`12. Frazier, A.B. and Allen, M.G., "Metallic Microstructures Fabricated Using Photosensitive Polyimide
`Electroplating Molds," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 87-94 (1993)
`13. Ahn, C.H., Kim, Y.J., and Allen, M.G., "A Planar Variable Reluctance Magnetic Micromotor with Fully
`Integrated Stator and Coils," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 165-73 (1993)
`14. Ahn, C.H. and Allen, M.G., "New Toroidal-Meander-Type Integrated Inductor with a Multilevel Meander
`Magnetic Core," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 73-79 (1994)
`15. Ahn, C.H., Kim, Y.J., and Allen, M.G., "A Fully Integrated Planar Toroidal Inductor with a Micromachined
`Nickel-Iron Magnetic Bar," IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology,
`Part A, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 463-469 (1994)
`16. Frazier, A.B., Olson, C.S, Turner, S.P., and Allen, M.G., "Characterization of Graphite-Filled Polyimide Thin
`Films Using Micromachining Techniques," International Journal of Microcircuits and Electronic Packaging,
`vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 37-49 (1994)
`17. Wilkinson, S.T., Kim, Y.W., Jokerst, N.M., and Allen, M.G., "Integration of Thin Film Optoelectronic Devices
`onto Micromachined Movable Platforms," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, v. 6, n. 9, p. 1115-18 (1994)
`18. Frazier, A.B., Ahn, C.H., and Allen, M.G., "Development of Micromachined Devices using Polyimide-Based
`Processes," Sensors and Actuators A (Physical), vol. A45, no. 1, pp. 47-55 (1994)
`19. Lee, J.B., Chen, Z., Allen, M.G., Rohatgi, A., and Arya, R., "A Miniaturized High-Voltage Solar Cell Array as
`an Electrostatic MEMS Power Supply," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 4, no. 3, pp.
`102-108 (1995)
`20. Carter-Coman, C., Brown, A.S., Bicknell-Tassius, R., Jokerst, N.M., and Allen, M.G., "Strain-Modulated
`Epitaxy: A Flexible Approach to 3-D Band Structure Engineering Without Surface Patterning," Applied Physics
`Letters, vol. 69, no. 2 pp. 257-259 (1996)
`21. Ahn, C.H. and Allen, M.G., "A Comparison of Two Micromachined Inductors (Bar- and Meander-Type) for
`Fully Integrated Boost DC/DC Power Converters," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 2, pp.
`239-245 (1996)
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`Curriculum Vitae
`22. Lee, J.B., Allen, M.G., Hodge, T.C., Bidstrup, S.A., and Kohl, P.A., "Modeling of Substrate-Induced
`Anisotropy in Through-Plane Thermal Behavior of Polymeric Thin Films," Journal of Polymer Science, Part B
`(Polymer Physics), vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 1591-6 (1996)
`23. Nami, Z., Ahn, C.H., and Allen, M.G., "An Energy-Based Design Criterion for Magnetic Microactuators,"
`Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 337-44 (1996)
`24. Ahn, C.H., Allen, M.G., Trimmer, W., Jun, Y.-N., and Erramilli, S., "A Fully Integrated Micromachined
`Magnetic Particle Separator," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, v. 5, n. 3, pp. 151-8 (1996)
`25. Lee, J.B., English, J., Ahn, C.-H., and Allen, M.G., "Planarization Techniques for Vertically Integrated Metallic
`MEMS on Silicon Foundry Circuits," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 44-
`54 (1997)
`26. Lagorce, L.K. and Allen, M.G., "Magnetic and Mechanical Properties of Micromachined Strontium
`Ferrite/Polyimide Composites," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, v. 6, n. 4, pp. 307-12 (1997)
`27. Frazier, A.B. and Allen, M.G., "Uses of Electroplated Aluminum for the Development of Microstructures and
`Micromachining Processes," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 91-98 (1997)
`28. Park, J.Y., Lagorce, L.K., and Allen, M.G., "Ferrite-Based Integrated Planar Inductors and Transformers
`Fabricated at Low Temperature," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 33, no. 5, pt. 1, pp. 3322-3324 (1997)
`29. Taylor, W.P., Brand, O., and Allen, M.G., "Fully Integrated Magnetically Actuated Micromachined Relays,"
`IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 181-191 (1998)
`30. Kim, Y.J., and Allen, M.G., "Surface Micromachined Solenoid Inductors for High Frequency Applications,"
`IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology, Part C (Manufacturing), vol. 21,
`no. 1, pp. 26-33 (1998)
`31. Chahal, P., Tummala, R.R., Allen, M.G., and Swaminathan, M., "A Novel Integrated Decoupling Capacitor for
`MCM-L Technology," IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Part B:
`Advanced Packaging, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 184-193 (1998)
`32. Henry, S., McAllister, D.V., Allen, M.G., and Prausnitz, M.R., "Microfabricated Microneedles: A Novel
`Approach to Transdermal Drug Delivery," Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, v. 87, no. 8, pp. 922-5 (1998)
`33. Park, J.Y. and Allen, M.G., "Development of Magnetic Materials and Processing Techniques Applicable to
`Integrated Micromagnetic Devices," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 307-
`316 (1998)
`34. Taylor, W.P., Brand, O., and Allen, M.G., "Fully Integrated Magnetically Actuated Micromachined Relays,"
`IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 181-191 (1998)
`35. Chahal, P., Tummala, R.R., Allen, M.G., and Swaminathan, M., "A Novel Integrated Decoupling Capacitor for
`MCM-L Technology," IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, Part B:
`Advanced Packaging, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 184-193 (1998)
`36. Park, J.Y. and Allen, M.G., “Packaging-Compatible Microinductors and Microtransformers with Screen-Printed
`Ferrite using Low Temperature Processes,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 34, no. 4, pt. 1, p.1366-8
`37. Ahn, C.H. and Allen, M.G. “Micromachined Planar Inductors on Silicon Wafers for MEMS Applications,”
`IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.45, no.6, p.866-76 (1998)
`38. Lagorce, L., Brand, O., and Allen, M.G., "Magnetic Microactuators Based on Polymer Magnets," IEEE Journal
`of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol.8, no.1, pp. 2-9 (1999)
`39. Park, J.Y.; Allen, M.G., “Packaging-compatible high Q microinductors and microfilters for wireless
`applications,” IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, vol.22, no.2, pp. 207-13 (1999)
`40. Kim, Y.J.; Allen, M.G., “In situ measurement of mechanical properties of polyimide films using
`micromachined resonant string structures,” IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies,
`vol.22, no.2, pp. 282-90 (1999)
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`Curriculum Vitae
`41. Park, J.Y.; Han, S.H.; Allen, M.G., “Batch-fabricated microinductors with electroplated magnetically
`anisotropic and laminated alloy cores,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol.35, no.5, pt.3, p.4291-4300
`42. Taylor, W.P.; Schneider, M.; Baltes, H.; Allen, M.G., “A NiFeMo electroplating bath for micromachined
`structures,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol.2, no.12, pp. 624-6 (1999)
`43. Park, J.Y.; Allen, M.G., “High Q spiral-type microinductors on silicon substrates,” IEEE Transactions on
`Magnetics, vol.35, no.5, pt.2, pp. 3544-6 (1999)
`44. Bhattacharya, S.K.; Park, J.Y.; Tummala, R.R.; and Allen, M.G., “Fabrication of a Fully Integrated Passive
`Module for Filter Application using MCM-D Compatible processes,” J. Materials Science: Materials in
`Electronics, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 455-60 (2000)
`45. Park, J.Y., and Allen, M.G., “Integrated Electroplated Micromachined magnetic Devices using Low
`Temperature Fabrication Processes,” IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, vol. 23, no.
`1, pp. 48-55 (2000)
`46. Seriburi, P.; Kercher, D.; Allen, M.G., “An Experimental Study of Microfabricated Spark Gaps: Wear and
`Erosion Characteristics,” J. Micromechanics Microengineering, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 165-74 (2001)
`47. Park, J.W.; Park, J.Y.; Joung, Y.H.; Allen, M.G., “Fabrication of High Current and Low Profile Micromachined
`Inductor with Laminated Ni/Fe Core,” IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, vol.
`25, no. 1, pp. 106-111 (2002)
`48. Fonseca, M.A.; English, J.M.; von Arx, M.; Allen, M.G., “Wireless Micromachined Ceramic Pressure Sensor
`for High Temperature Applications,” IEEE J. Microelectromechanical Systems, v. 11, no. 4, pp. 337-43 (2002)
`49. Chang, S.P.; Lee, J.B.; Allen, M.G., “A Robust Capacitive Pressure Sensor Array,” Sensors and Actuators A
`(Physical), vol. A101, no. 1-2, pp. 231-8 (2002)
`50. Dongsu Kim; Yoonsu Choi; Allen, M.G.; Kenney, J.S.; Kiesling, D., "A wide-band reflection-type phase shifter
`at S-band using BST coated substrate” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques , v 50, n 12,
`pp. 2903-9 (2002)
`51. Allen, M.G., "MEMS technology for the fabrication of RF magnetic components" IEEE Transactions on
`Magnetics, v 39, n 5, pt.2, pp. 3073-8 (2003)
`52. Yoon, Y.K.; Kim D.; Allen, M.G.; Kenney, J.S.; Hunt, A.T., “A reduced intermodulation distortion tunable
`ferroelectric capacitor-architecture and demonstration" IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and
`Techniques , v 51, n 12, pp. 2568-76 (2003)
`53. Kim, D; Choi, Y.; Ahn, M.; Allen, M.G.; Kenney, J.S., “Monolithic 180 degrees and 360 degrees analog phase
`shifters based on barium strontium titanate coated sapphire substrates; IEICE Transactions on Electronics , v
`E86-C, n 8, pp. 1607-12 (2003)
`54. Kaiser, T.J.; Allen, M.G., “A pendulous oscillating gyroscopic accelerometer fabricated using deep-reactive ion
`etching" IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems , v 12, n 1, pp. 21-8 (2003)
`55. Park, J.W.; Allen, M.G., “Ultralow-profile micromachined power inductors with highly laminated Ni/Fe cores:
`application to low-megahertz DC-DC converters" IEEE Transactions on Magnetics , v 39, n 5, pt.2, p 3184-6
`56. Kim, D.; Choi, Y.; Ahn, M.; Allen, M.G.; Kenney, J.S.; Marry, P. “2.4 GHz continuously variable ferroelectric
`phase shifters using all-pass networks" IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, v 13, n 10, pp. 434-
`436 (2003)
`57. Kercher, D.S.; Lee, J.B.; Brand, O.; Allen, M.G.; Glezer, A., “Microjet cooling devices for thermal
`management of electronics" IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies , v 26, n 2, p 359-
`66 (2003)
`58. Chang, S.P.; Allen, M.G., "Capacitive pressure sensors with stainless steel diaphragm and substrate” Journal of
`Micromechanics and Microengineering , v 14, n 4, pp. 612-18 (2004)
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`59. Park, J.W.; Cros, F.; Allen, M.G, “Planar spiral inductors with multilayer micrometer-scale laminated cores for
`compact-packaging power converter applications” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics , v 40, n 4, pt. 2, p. 2020-2
`60. DiBiaso, H.H.; English, B.A.; Allen, M.G,. "Solid-phase conductive fuels for chemical microactuators" Sensors
`and Actuators A (Physical) , v. A111, n 2-3, p 260-6 (2004)
`61. Arnold, D.P.; Zana, I.; Cros, F.; Allen, M.G., "Vertically laminated magnetic cores by electroplating Ni-Fe into
`micromachined Si" IEEE Transactions on Magnetics , v 40, n 4, pt.2, pp. 3060-2 (2004)
`62. Davis, S.P.; Landis, B.J.; Adams, Z.H.; Allen, M.G.; Prausnitz, M.R, “Insertion of microneedles into skin:
`measurement and prediction of insertion force and needle fracture force” Journal of Biomechanics , v 37, n 8,
`pp. 1155-63 (2004)
`63. Arnold, D.P; Cros, F.; Zana, I.; Veazie, D.R.; Allen, M.G., "Electroplated metal microstructures embedded in
`fusion-bonded silicon: conductors and magnetic materials," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems ,
`v 13, n 5, pp. 791-8 (2004)
`64. Leichle, T.C.; Von Arx, M.; Reiman, S.; Zana, I.; Wenjing Y ; Allen, M.G., “A low-power resonant
`micromachined compass" Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, v 14, n 4, pp. 462-70 (2004)
`65. Chang, S.P., and Allen, M.G., “Demonstration for Integrating Capacitive Pressure Sensors with Readout
`Circuitry on Stainless Steel Substrates,” Sensors and Actuators A (Physical), vol. A116, no. 2, p. 195-204
`66. Courcimault, C., Allen, M.G., "Reconfigurable shadow mask technology: A microsystem for metal nanoline
`deposition", Nanotechnology, vol. 15, no. 10, page S528-S533 (2004)
`67. Park, J.-H.; Allen, M.G.; and Prausnitz, M.R., “Biodegradable polymer microneedles: fabrication, mechanics
`and transdermal drug delivery,” Journal of Controlled Release 104:51-66 (2005)
`68. Yoon, Y.K., and Allen, M.G., “Embedded Conductor Technology for Micromachined RF Elements,” Journal of
`Micromechanics and Microengineering, v 15, n 6, p 462-70 (2005)
`69. Arnold, D.P., Zana, I., and Allen, M.G., “Analysis and Optimization of Vertically Oriented, Through-Wafer,
`Laminated Magnetic Cores in Silicon,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, v 15, n 5, p 971-7
`70. Chung, C., and Allen, M.G., “Uncrosslinked SU-8 as a Sacrificial Material,” Journal of Micromechanics and
`Microengineering, v 15, n 1, p N1-5 (2005)
`71. Davis, S.P., Martanto, W., Allen, M.G., and Prausnitz, M.R., “Hollow Metal Microneedles for Insulin Delivery
`to Diabetic Rats,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, v. 52, no. 5, p. 909-15 (2005)
`72. Yong Wang, Guang Yuan, Yong-Kyu Yoon, Allen, M.G., Bidstrup, S.A. “Active cooling substrates for thermal
`management of microelectronics,” IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, v 28, n 3,
`p. 477-83 (2005)
`73. Yong-Kyu Yoon, Jin-Woo Park, Mark G. Allen, “Polymer-core conductor approaches for RF MEMS,” IEEE
`Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, v. 14, n. 5, p. 886-894 (2005)
`74. Yong-Kyu Yoon, Kenney, J.S., Hunt, A.T., Allen, M.G. “Low-loss microelectrodes fabricated using reverse-
`side exposure for a tunable ferroelectric capacitor application,” Journal of Micromechanics and
`Microengineering, v 16, n 2, p 225-34 (2006)
`75. Arnold, D. P., Das, S., Cros, F., Zana, I., Lang, J. H., and Allen, M. G., "Magnetic induction machines
`integrated into bulk-micromachined silicon," IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 16, no. 2,
`pp. 406- 414, (2006)
`76. Cros, F.; Koser, H.; Allen, M.G.; Lang, J.H., “Magnetic induction micromachines-Part II: Fabrication and
`Testing,” IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, v 15, n 2, p. 427-39 (2006)
`77. Bidstrup, S.A., Y. Wang, G Yuan, Y.-K. Yoon, Allen, M.G., “Large eddy simulation (LES) for synthetic jet
`thermal management,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v 49, n 13-14, p 2173-9 (2006)
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`78. Arnold, D. P., Herrault F., Zana I., Galle P., Park J.-W., Das, S., Lang, J. H., and Allen, M. G., " Design
`optimization of an 8 W, microscale, axial-flux, permanent-magnet generator," Journal of Micromechanics and
`Microengineering, v 16, n 9, p. 290-6 (2006)
`79. Chung, C.C., Allen, M.G. “Thermomigration-based junction isolation of bulk silicon MEMS devices,” IEEE
`Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, v 15, n 5, p 1131-8 (2006)
`80. Yong-Kyu Yoon, Jung-Hwan Park, Allen, M.G. “Multidirectional UV lithography for complex 3-D MEMS
`structures,” IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, v 15, n 5, p 1121-30 (2006)
`81. S. Choi, S.-H. Kim, Y.-K. Yoon, M. G. Allen. "A Magnetically Excited and Sensed MEMS-Based Resonant
`Compass," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 42, no. 10, p. 3506-08 (2006)
`82. Das, S.; Arnold, D.P.; Zana, I.; Jin-Woo Park; Allen, M.G., Lang, J.H.; “Microfabricated high-speed axial-flux
`multiwatt permanent-magnet generators-part I: modeling,” IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, v
`15, n 5, p 1330-50 (2006)
`83. Arnold, D.P.; Das, S.; Jin-Woo Park; Zana, I.; Lang, J.H.; Allen, M.G., “Microfabricated high-speed axial-flux
`multiwatt permanent-magnet generators-part II: design, fabrication, and testing,” IEEE Journal of
`Microelectromechanical Systems, v 15, n 5, p 1351-63 (2006)
`84. Coe, D.J., Allen, M.G., Rinehart, C.S., Glezer, A., “Pneumatically actuated micromachined synthetic jet
`modulators,” Sensors and Actuators A (Physical), v 132, n 2, p 689-700 (2006)
`85. Y. Wang, G. Yuan, Y.-K. Yoon, Allen, M. G., Bidstrup, S. A., “Optimization of synthetic jet fluidic structures
`in printed wiring boards,” Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Electronic Packaging, v 128, n 4, p 353-9
`86. Pan, B.; Yoon, Y.-K.; Ponchak, G.E.; Allen, M.G.; Papapolymerou, J.; Tentzeris, M.M.; “Analysis and
`Characterization of a High-Performance Ka-Band Surface Micromachined Elevated Patch Antenna,” Antennas
`and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 5, Issue 1, p. 511–514 (2006)
`87. S. Rajaraman, S.-O Choi, R. H. Shafer, J. D. Ross, J. Vukasinovic, Y. Choi, S. P. DeWeerth, A. Glezer, and M.
`G. Allen., “Microfabrication technologies for a coupled three-dimensional microelectrode, microfluidic array,”
`Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, v 17, n 1, p 163-71 (2007)
`88. J.H. Park, S.O. Choi, R. Kamath, J.K Yoon, M.G. Allen, and M.R. Prausnitz, “Polymer particle-based
`micromolding to fabricate novel microstructures,” Biomedical Microdevices, v 9, n 2, p. 223-234 (2007)
`89. Y. Choi, M. McClain, M. LaPlaca, A. Frazier, and M.G. Allen, “Three-dimensional microfluidic perfusion
`system for thick brain slice cultures,” Biomedical Microdevices, v 9, n 1, p. 7-13 (2007)
`90. J.H. Park, Y.K Yoon, S.O. Choi, M.R. Prausnitz, and M.G. Allen, “Tapered conical polymer microneedles
`fabricated using an integrated lens technique,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, v 54, n 5, p.
`903-913 (2007)
`91. Y.H. Joung and M.G. Allen, “Chip-to-board micromachining for interconnect layer passive components,” IEEE
`Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, v 30, n 1, p 15-23 (2007)
`92. Y. Choi, B. Wester, and M.G. Allen, “Mechanically driven microtweezers with integrated microelectrodes,”
`Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, v 18, n 6, p 065004 (2008)
`93. C. Ji, F. Herrault, and M.G. Allen, “A metallic buried interconnect process for through-wafer interconnection,”
`Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, v 18, n 8, p 085016 (2008)
`94. Y.H. Joung and M.G. Allen, “A micromachined chip-to-board interconnect system using electroplating bonding
`technology,” IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, v 31, n. 2, p. 357-66 (2008)
`95. Y.H. Joung and M.G. Allen, “Inter-substrate microstructure formation by electroplating bonding technology,”
`Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, v 18, n 4, p 045020 (2008)
`96. X. Wu, G. Yuan, Y.K Yoon, and M.G. Allen, “Kinematically-stabilized microbubble actuator arrays,”
`IEEE/ASME J. Microelectromechanical Systems,” v 17, n 1, p. 124-32 (2008)
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1004
`Page 007
`Mark G. Allen
`Curriculum Vitae
`97. Herrault, F., Arnold, D.P., Zana, I., Galle, P., Allen, M.G., “High temperature operation of multi-watt, axial-
`flux, permanent-magnet microgenerators,” Sensors and Actuators: A Physical, v 148, n 1, p 299-305, (2008)
`98. Herrault, F., Ji, Chang-Hyeon, Allen, M.G., “Ultraminiaturized high-speed permanent-magnet generators for
`milliwatt-level power generation,” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, v 17, n 6, p 1376-
`87 (2008)
`99. Zhao, Y., Yoon, Y.K., Choi, S.O., Wu, X., Liu, Z., and Allen, M.G., “Three dimensional metal pattern transfer
`for replica molded microstructures,” Applied Physics Letters, v 94, n 2, p 023301 (2009)
`100. Ji., C.H., Herrault, F., Hopper, P., Smeys, P., Johnson, P., and Allen, M.G., “Electroplated metal buried
`interconnect and through-wafer metal-filled via technology for high-power integrated electronics,” IEEE
`Transactions on Advanced Packaging, v 32, n 3, p 695-702 (2009)
`101. Ji, C.H., Herrault, F., and Allen, M.G., "Micro projection lithography using microlens on a mask," J.
`Micromech. Microeng. 19 (2009) 127003 (6pp)
`102. Kim, S.H., Ji, C.H., Galle, P., Herrault, F., Wu, X., Lee, J.H., Choi, C.H., and Allen, M.G., “An
`electromagnetic energy scavenger from direct airflow,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, v
`19, n 9, p 094010 (8 pp.), (2009)
`103. Aiyar, A.R., Song, C., Kim, S.H., and Allen, M.G., “An all-polymer airflow sensor using a piezoresistive
`composite elastomer,” Smart Materials and Structures, v 18, n 11, p 115002 (9 pp.), (2009)
`104. McClain, M.A., LaPlaca, M.C., and Allen, M.G., “Spun-cast micromolding for etchless micropatterning of
`electrically functional PDMS structures,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, v 19, n 10, p
`107002 (6 pp.), (2009)
`105. Herrault, F., Yen, B.C., Ji, C.H., Spakovszky, Z.S., Lang, J.H., and Allen, M.G., “Fabrication and performance
`of silicon-embedded permanent-magnet microgenerators,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, v 19, n
`1, p 4-13 (2010)
`106. Herrault, F., Yorish, S., Crittenden, T.M., Ji, C.H., and Allen, M.G., “Parylene-Insulated Ultradense
`Microfabricated Coils,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, v 19, n 6, p 1277-83 (2010)
`107. Xu, W.J., Kranz, M., Kim, S.H., and Allen, M.G., “Micropatternable elastic electrets based on a PDMS/carbon
`nanotube composite,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, v 20, n 10, p 104003 (7 pp.) (2010)
`108. Zhao, Y., Li, Y., Pan, B., Kim, S.H., Liu, Z., Tentzeris, M.M., Papapolymerou, J., and Allen, M.G., “RF
`evanescent-mode cavity resonator for passive wireless sensor applications,” Sensors and Actuators: A Physical,
`v 161, n 1-2, p 322-8 (2010)
`109. Caves, J.M., Kumar, V.A., Xu, W., Naik, N., Allen, M.G., and Chaikof, E.L., “Microcrimped collagen fiber-
`elastin composites,” Advanced Materials, v 22, n 18, p 2041-2044 (2010)
`110. Liu, Z.; Bucknall, D. G.; and Allen, M. G., “Absorption Performance of Iodixanol-Imprinted Polymers in
`Aqueous and Blood Plasma Media,” Acta Biomaterialia, vol.6, pp. 2003-2012 (2010)
`111. English, B.A., and Allen, M.G., “Control of ignition delay in microfabricated hot-wire igniters: Simulation,
`fabrication, and experimental results,” Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, v 172, n 2, p 483-490 (2011)
`112. Kim, J.K., Allen, M.G., and Yoon, Y.K., “Computer-controlled dynamic mode multidirectional UV lithography
`for 3D microfabrication,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, v 21, n 3 (2011)
`113. Yoon, Y