(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Nachnani et al.
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Apr. 5, 2007
`US 2007007.9282A1
`(76) Inventors: Pawan Nachnani, Newark, CA (US);
`Jin Huang, Mountain House, CA (US);
`Ramesh Kagoo, Pleasanton, CA (US);
`Sampath Thasampalayam, Fremont,
`CA (US); Lawrence Lindsey,
`Livermore, CA (US); Paul M. Tabet,
`Danville, CA (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`PALO ALTO, CA 94304-1018 (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Sep. 30, 2005
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl.
`G06F 9/44
`(52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 717/106
`A system for designing, deploying, and executing enterprise
`applications is provided. The system allows for rapid devel
`opment and deployment of Web-based data-oriented appli
`cations. Multiple versions of the applications can exist
`simultaneously without conflicts. The applications may be
`web services enabled and process driven.
`Application Definition
`Application Data
`Application Definition .
`Application Data table
`SAP Exhibit 1006
`SAP v. Express Mobile, Inc.
`Page 00001


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 1 of 27
`Figure la
`US 2007/0079282 A1
`Designer UI
`Application Definition
`Application Data
`Application Definition .
`Application Data table
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00002


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 2 of 27
`US 2007/0079282 A1
`Web Browser
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00003


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 3 of 27
`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Figure 2a
`Application 202
`240N Area Properties:
`name, displayname, width,
`rowcount, colcount
`Component (at least ), type is one of
`Label, TextBox, TextArea, RadioButton,
`CheckBox, Select List, File Attachment,
`Button, Image, Link.
`name, type,
`rowindex, colindex,
`hidden, dataset,
`datatwbe, reauired
`name=name property
`name=name property
`type=type property
`datatype=datatype property
`required=required property
`defaultvalue=defaultvalue prop
`rowindex=rowindex property
`colindex=colindex property
`hidden=hidden property
`datacolumn=next available
`column name
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00004


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 4 of 27
`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Area Properties:
`name, displayname, width,
`rowcount, colcount
`Properties: name, width,
`name=name property, label=displayname,
`rows=rowcount, cols=colcounts
`(same as in Standard
`Area) />
`- C/TableColumn >
`</TableDetailRow >
`- 265
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00005


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 5 of 27
`Figure 3
`US 2007/0079282 A1
`Request Inforquation
`Date: 4/22/2005
`Patient Name John J. Smith
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00006


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 6 of 27
`US 2007/0079282 A1
`Figure 4a
`410 N Form: {name, description, version, category, theme, subject}
`Area (1 or more)
`Behaviorlist (Optional, 0 or more)
`415 N Area: (name, label, layout, rows, cols, visibility}
`L ComponentDefinition (1 or more)
`FormComponent (if present, 1 or more)
`TableComponent (if present, 1 or more)
`name, displayname, type, datatype, required, keyfield, readonly,
`YFomcomponent: {
`rOWindex, Colindex, hidden, datacolumn, maxlength, }
`alignment, allowedchars, rows, cols, size, allowimultiple, datalookup,
`formula, style, align, linkedcontrolname, attachtype
`FormComponentList (Optional, 0 or 1)
`FormComponent (Optional, 0 or more)
`Behaviorlist (Optional, 0 or 1)
`N Behaviorist
`L Behavior: (name, event, category) (Optional, 0 or more)
`435 u-1 L
`Code: string
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00007


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 7 of 27
`US 2007/0079282 A1
`Figure 4b
`YTabocomponent : (name, type, rows, allow more rows, style, allow row delete)
`team (1 or more)
`to (1 or more)
`TableFootRow (Optional, 0 or more)
`team (1 or more)
`YTablacolumn : {name, label, rowindex, Colindex, width)
`L FormComponent (Optional, 0 or more)
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00008


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 8 of 27
`US 2007/0079282 A1
`Area Component
`name=area 0
`label=Request Information
`cols=4, rows=6
`Form Component
`name=comp_area 0-00
`rowindex=0, colindex=0
`Form Component
`dataset=process master/dtcl
`rowindex=0, colindex=l
`fare 5,
`Form Component
`name=comp_area 0-l-O
`label=Patient Name:
`rowindex=l, colindex=0
`Form Component
`name=select 3
`dataset=process master/scil
`rowindex=0, colindex=l
`Figure 5b
`530N area_0, Label=Request Information, ...
`532 N.
`Component Definition
`comp_area 0-0-0, label-Date:, ...
`534 N.
`536- date l, type=DATE, ...
`comparea 0 l 0, label=Patient Name:, ...
`select 3, type=SELET, ...
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00009


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 9 of 27
`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Figure 5c
`<Area name="area 0" label="Request Information" cols="4" rows="6" layout "four">
`<FormComponent name="comp area 00 0" type="LABEL" required="false"
`label="Date:" datatype="0" maxlength="25" style="EditBox" rowindex="0"
`colindex="0" datalookup=" dataset="f>
`<FormComponent name="date 1" type="DATE" required="false" label="date 1"
`datatype="4" maxlength="25" style="EditBox" rowindex="0" colindex="1"
`datalookup=" dataset="PROCESS MASTER/dtc1" />
`<FormComponent name="comp area 0 1 0" typer"LABEL" required="true"
`label="Patient Name:" datatype="0" maxlength="25" style="EditBox"
`rowindex="1" colindex="0" datalookup=" datasets" f>
`<FormComponent name="select 3" type="SELECT" required="false"
`label="select 3" datatype="1" maxlength="25" style="EditBox" rowindex="1"
`colindex="1" datalookup="CORE/SCID/USER"
`dataset="PROCESS MASTER/sc1" f>
`</Component Definition
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00010


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 10 of 27
`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Application Data
`hye 6a
`Data: Client
`Figure 6b
`date l=4/22/2005
`select3=John J. Smi
`Figure 6c
`Data on
`Data in
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00011


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 11 of 27
`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Figure 7a
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00012


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 12 of 27
`Figure 7b
`US 2007/0079282 A1
`720 721
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00013


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 13 of 27
`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Figure 7c
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00014


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 14 of 27
`US 2007/0079282 A1
`Figure 7d
`io Salad Function
`customFunction lawrences
`Select twent shocubleCick W
`view it is : print copy to th; beats...?
`functica estarrunctipaliawrence { } {
`wese ceasia gees the ea.
`isit, N
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00015


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 15 of 27
`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Figure 7e
`s &
`Oselect Functio
`select Event Select event is
`vier risis print cops to sigbasti i
`st as ascist.
`fasiid custa, rativities a calcuistics, waiigatics, ex concuseOver
`iseet the tict is
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`a sets car sists click the data alars at praxiastier cry txt legs to help build the aeties.
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`asid Eventrarder
`Aig Function
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00016


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 16 of 27
`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Figure 7f
`Only data elements accessible to the target field are displayed in the Data Elements window. Within a table you may only work with
`instances of that row of the table, in the Table Summary Footer Areas you may access columns of the table as well as data elements
`from other areas. Table Summary Footer Areas can only get summary (SUM, Min, Max, etc) of data columns from the table,
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00017


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 17 of 27
`US 2007/0079282 A1
`isionals critis: 5ties
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`Scox Edit Reggy
`cey Edit decay delete
`gby Undecoy
`Scay. Initiate ceetcy delete
`CCEY undedley
`Select Action
`Seled Action
`f Test Application
`is 6 Test Application 2
`: "
`. . .
`Test Application 3
`. . .
`Test Application 4
`see Action
`Test Applications
`09:00 AM use to route any file type, such... Sunny Yang 09:00 AM Sunny Yang C9:00 AM
`. " .
`09:00 AM use tor
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`. .
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`09:30 AM Use to route any file type, such... Surry Yang 09:00 AM Sunny Yarg 09:00AM
`03:15/2005 .
`. .
`. .
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`i. (9:00AM use to route any file type, such... sunny Yang 09:00 AM Sunny Yang 09:00AM
`OS:00 AM use to route any file type, such... Sunny Yang 09:00 AM Sunny Yang 09:00 AM
`tist sits Hale : Legs:
`Copyright 99s - 2333, isits. All rights reserved.
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00018


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 18 of 27
`US 2007/0079282 A1
`URL SE;5:5:33:3
`75 8-N Link Type Please Select
`Nsite Platform options
`E3 Save Loon
`scs only neves
`kogir orce per session
`Show Nsiteration tabs
`Select the inbound link you would like to create. With a link that launches an Nsite
`screen yiew (in Progress. Completed, Archives, or drafts you may fief for a specific;
`application. When launching an application
`ulate application controls.
`create Inbound link
` g?
`dissexxxuris????seas????ses frexxxxxas
`Create inbound Link
`R https://processinsites fartners. g
`Nise Platform options
`759 N.
`since have to
`link Type launch ApplicatioS2
`Application ApplicationName 2 E. as
`Once the R is built, you will need to copy it and paste it to the 3rd party web
`application. When launching an application, you can populate application controls by
`sdding the variable names from the 3rd party application if they provide that capability
`Controls to Populate
`Copy Controt Name Code
`Tesco?itro Nares
`... 8
`current application, copy the Control
`Nanne Code of pasting into the URL
`Nsite Pattornr 0
`3 Save Login cookie, so only have to
`Link type
`76 Application ApplicationName
`Once the URL is built, you will need to copy a and paste it to the 3rd party web
`application. You may fitter for a specific application in the Nsite screen view, or
`selectio Application Filter to view at applications
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00019


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 19 of 27
`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Link Builder
`O Static URL
`ONsite to Nsite (initiate and prepopulate another Nsite process)
`Link Builder
`OStatic URL
`768 -5 Nsite to Nsite (initiate and prepopulate another Nsite process)
`Select Process Application to
`768-1- Nsite Application Variables
`Initiate Process App2
`from Application Name
`Select another process application, then drag and orop
`Drag and drop variables from your current
`controls to map to the controls fron the current application
`application to the mapping boxes
`Application to initiate Mapping Boxes
`Current Application Mapping Boxes
`O) O App2textcontrol
`App2TextControl.8 R
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00020


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 20 of 27
`US 2007/0079282 A1
`Figure 8
`Client Computer
`Client Computer
`Application Server
`App Designer JSP
`App Player JSP
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00021


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 21 of 27
`US 2007/0079282 A1
`Figure 9
`Start Save Application Definition ) 910
`AppDesigner server 1914
`page presents user
`Create Empty
`Definition object -- New App?
`Load an existing
`application definition
`into Definition object.
`Wait for User Action
`component Added?d N-gser Clicked save >Ne
`Add new component
`to Definition
`Transform Definition
`into XML according .
`to XML schenna
`Send XML to
`AppDesigner JSP for
`storage in database
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00022


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 22 of 27
`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Figure 10a
`Get XML application
`(ProcessDefinition) from
`Start GetValues
`For each application
`component in XML
`application definition.
`Compose component
`Look up dataset table
`and Column names by
`Component name in XML
`Get Component value
`from ProcessMaster
`property with dataset
`table and column names
`Set BusinessObjectValue 1034
`property with component
`name to component
`More components?
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00023


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 23 of 27
`Figure 10b
`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Start RenderHTML
`For each application
`component in XML
`application definition
`Compose component
`Create HTML element for 1056
`Get component value
`property with component
`Add component value to
`HTML element.
`More components?
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00024


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 24 of 27
`US 2007/0079282 A1
`Figure 11
`Start Save Application Data ) 1110
`FormProcessor decodes 1118
`incoming HTTP response
`parameter values
`FormRrocessor Creates
`traverses XML
`Store ProcessMaster in
`database using
`Begin XML traversal to 1123
`fill in ProcessMaster
`For each application
`Component in XML
`application definition
`Compose Component
`Find component value
`with component name in
`HTTP request
`Look up dataset table
`and column names by
`component name in XML
`Set ProcessMaster
`property with dataset
`table and Column names
`to Component value
`More components?
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00025


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 25 of 27
`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Figure 12a
`Application Definition
`Application Data
`Figure 12b
`or Routing
`Active Mode
`inactive Mode
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00026


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 26 of 27
`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`pie s
`process definition
`pk process definition id: numeric(9,0)
`fk core company id: numeric(9,0)
`fk core company process id: numeric(9,0)
`process Xml:ntext
`process type: nvarchar(1)
`version: numeric(9,0)
`is active: nvarchar(1)
`mode: nvarchar(1)
`effective date: datetime
`end date: datetime
`is locked: nvarchar(1)
`locked by: numeric(9,0)
`lock date: datetime
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00027


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 5, 2007 Sheet 27 of 27
`US 2007/0079282 A1
`process detail
`process master
`pk process master id: numeric(9,0)
`pk process detail id; numeric(9,0)
`routing id: numeric(9,0)
`fk process master id: numeric(9,0)
`fk Core user id: numeric(9,0)
`parent id: numeric(9,0)N
`fk core company process id: numeric(9,0)
`type id: numeric(9,0
`sc1: nvarchar(256)
`fk Core Company id: numeric(9,0)
`Sc2: nvarchar(256)
`subject: nvarchar(100)
`sc3: nvarchar(256)
`status: nvarchar(1)
`description: nvarchar(100)
`sc1: nvarchar(256)
`sc2: nvarchar(256) - sc3. ntext
`Nahar(256- 407
`A: as: :
`inc2: numeric b,
`sc2 intext
`inc3: numeric(15,3)
`sc3:ntext - la05
`bc1: nvarchar(1)
`nc1: numeric(15,3)
`bc2: nvarchar(1)
`inc2: numeric(15,3)
`bc.3: nvarchar(1)
`inc3: numeric(15,3)
`ditc1: datetime
`bc1: nvarchar(1)
`dtc2 datetime
`bc.2: nvarchar(1)
`dtc3; datetime
`bc3: nvarchar(1)
`ditc1: datetime
`ditc2: datetime
`ditc.3: datetime
`process attachment
`pkiprocess attachment id: numeric(9,0)
`pk flk core company id: numeric(9,0)
`pk process master id: nurneric(9,0)
`pk process detail id: numeric(9,0)
`file name: nvarchar(128)
`file type: nvarchar(10)
`file size: numeric(9,0)
`file content in byte: warbinary
`attachment type: nva?char(1)
`process extension
`pk process extension id: numeric(9,0)
`fk process master id: numeric(90)
`sc1: nvarchar(256)
`sc2: nvarchar(256)
`sc3: nvarchar(256)
`3. As
`sc3. ntext
`nc1: numeric(15,3)
`nc2: numeric(15.3)
`nc3: numeric(15,3)
`bc1: nvarchar(1)
`bc.2: nvarchar(1)
`bc.3: nvarchar(1)
`dtc1: datetime
`ditc2: datetime
`ditc3; datetime
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00028


`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Apr. 5, 2007
`1. Field of the Invention
`0002 The present invention relates generally to methods
`for programming a machine to perform data processing, and
`in one aspect to methods for programming a machine to
`perform specific data processing tasks described in a sim
`plified manner.
`0003 2. Description of the Related Art
`0004 Today, most types of software applications are
`installed directly on a user's computer. Examples of Such
`applications include the MicrosoftTM WordTM, AdobeTM
`PhotoshopTM, and IntuitTM QuickenTM computer programs.
`A user of Such an application generally is limited to using
`that application on the computers on which it has been
`installed. This limitation is problematic if a user is traveling
`and does not have physical access to the computer on which
`an application is installed. Furthermore, updating these
`applications to add new features or fix defects requires
`installation of updates directly on the user's computer,
`which is often a time-consuming process.
`0005 Web applications, also referred to herein as
`browser-based applications, solve such usability and instal
`lation problems by using a web browser, e.g. Microsoft
`Internet ExplorerTM or Mozilla FirefoxTM, and a web server,
`e.g. ApacheTM or MicrosoftTM Internet Information Ser
`vicesTM. An application can be divided into at least two main
`parts: a user interface, which is presented to a user and
`interacts with the user, and business logic, which performs
`the tasks required of the application, in accordance with user
`input received from the user interface. The web browser runs
`the user interface. The web server provides the user interface
`to the web browser and runs the business logic, possibly in
`cooperation with other servers such as an application server,
`e.g. JBossTM or BEATM WebLogicTM, and a database server,
`e.g. OracleTM. The web application need not be installed
`directly on the user's computer. The term server or web
`server here refers to Software executed on a computer, also
`referred to generally in the field as a server platform.
`0006 A web browser is a type of specialized software
`application, typically installed directly on the user's com
`puter, which allows a user to view and interact with web
`pages. Web pages are documents, typically in HyperText
`Markup Language (HTML) format that the web browser
`retrieves from a web server computer via a network, using
`a protocol such as the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
`Web pages may include Software code in a programming
`language such as JavaScript TM which will be executed by the
`web browser when the page is retrieved. A web application
`includes a user-interface component that is loaded as part of
`a web page by a browser via a network connection. A web
`applications user interface may be implemented as a web
`page using HTML and JavaScript T.M. A browser-equipped
`computer, therefore, uses a network connection to permit a
`user to access a web application running on a remote server,
`for example. Furthermore, web applications can be updated
`at any time by installing the update on the server.
`0007 Computer software applications are often required
`to perform operations that are specific to a particular user or
`organization. For example, a software application may be
`used to in a hospital to request clinical tests. The software
`application may include a set of data fields for which a user
`provides data values, such as a patient name and a test name.
`A particular hospital may also require a patient medical
`record number in a format defined by that hospital. In
`general, the set of data fields, and actions to be taken after
`data values have been provided, are dependent on the needs
`of the hospital, and may change over time. Therefore there
`is a need for customization of Software to meet specific
`requirements. Customization of Software may include devel
`oping new software or modifying existing Software. Cus
`tomization can be done by a programmer using a program
`ming language Such as C++, Java, or BASIC. However, the
`use of Such languages often requires Substantial time and
`effort, as well as specialized knowledge of the programming
`language, so such customization by programming can be
`expensive. Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools
`address these problems by simplifying programming tasks.
`A typical RAD tool is software that includes a graphical user
`interface for laying out application user interfaces and
`defining application behaviors in terms of predefined actions
`Such as data entry and database access. A RAD tool may
`present a list of predefined behaviors or actions from which
`a user can choose when creating or extending an application.
`RAD tools are generally easier to learn and use than con
`ventional programming-language based approaches for
`developing applications, and can shorten the time required
`to develop applications. Existing RAD tools include Borland
`DelphiTM, Microsoft Visual BasicTM, and Macromedia/
`Adobe ColdFusionTM, which can be used to develop a wide
`range of applications, but often require some programming.
`RAD tools such as Intuit QuickBase and Microsoft InfoPath
`can be used to develop applications that involve filling out
`data forms and accessing databases.
`0008. There is a need for non-programmers to design,
`develop, and deploy simple to complex, composite and
`monolithic applications in the business world today. Appli
`cation development is a costly, time consuming, and risky
`proposition for even capable engineering organizations, let
`alone business analysts and other non-technical staff. Few
`organizations have the resources to use complex develop
`ment tools and deployment environments to build and
`deploy applications. This engineering capability void has
`fostered a large and thriving Software industry as known
`today. Even so, packaged software applications are expen
`sive to purchase and even more expensive to install, con
`figure and maintain. A new breed of Software As A Service,
`(SAAS) vendors have evolved to deliver complex software
`as a service to further eliminate complexity and reduce costs
`to leverage software application benefits. Even with SAAS
`vendors providing robust pre-built applications, only a small
`percentage of business Software application requirements
`are met and hence, the need for both applications and
`infrastructure that is aimed at business analysts and pro
`grammers to design, develop and deploy applications
`quickly and efficiently.
`0009. Several of the RAD tools described above provide
`support for creating web applications. DelphiTM, Visual
`BasicTM, and ColdFusionTM simplify the development of
`Web applications created using programming languages.
`That is, those tools simplify the creation of user interfaces by
`providing graphical user interface builder tools that can be
`easily connected to business logic implemented in a pro
`gramming language, but it is still necessary to write code in
`IPR2021-01145 Page 00029


`US 2007/007.9282 A1
`Apr. 5, 2007
`a programming language for some portions of the applica
`tion, such as the business logic. QuickBaseTM provides for
`rapid development of forms-based web applications using a
`graphical user interface. Furthermore, QuickBase itself is a
`web application, which means that it allows web applica
`tions to be developed using the same web application model
`in which the applications will be deployed. That is, users of
`QuickBase can develop applications on any computer run
`ning a web browser, without directly installing QuickBase
`Software on their own computer. QuickBase applications
`may also be hosted on web servers provided by a software
`vendor, for example, Intuit, so that users are not required to
`provide a web server to host QuickBase applications they
`0010 InfoPathTM from MicrosoftTM provides for rapid
`development of forms. InfoPath forms can optionally be
`made available as web applications, but the InfoPath form
`designer itself is not a web application and must be installed
`directly on a user's computer. Furthermore, InfoPath
`depends on other Microsoft products such as Internet
`ExplorerTM and does not work with browsers from other
`vendors, such as Mozilla FirefoxTM. Therefore InfoPath
`forms can only be accessed from computers on which
`InfoPathTM and related MicrosoftTM products are installed.
`Existing RAD tools do not combine the benefits of
`web applications with features such as customizable pro
`cessing in a scripting language, linkage with external data
`sources such as databases, and linkage to web services. We
`have recognized that it would be desirable to have an
`easy-to-use RAD tool which is itself a web application, and
`which allows a user to quickly develop and customize
`web-based data processing applications that can include data
`input, validation, processing, and linkage with web services.
`Such a RAD tool could be used to quickly and efficiently
`develop and customize applications using any computer that
`has a standard web browser and access to the Internet.
`Furthermore, web applications typically require complex
`business logic for their activities. This logic is typically
`written in strongly typed languages and the logic requires
`recompilation and redeployment. It would be desirable to
`provide a RAD tool with a scripting language which can
`change or extend the behavior of web applications without
`the additional overhead of recompilation or redeployment.
`0012 Existing Web-based RAD tools do not provide a
`single unified interface and environment for building a web
`application that includes a user interface linked to persistent
`data stored in a database. Existing Web-based RAD tools
`disadvantageously use a multi-step process that starts at the
`level of individual data elements, and expect the user to
`perform a series of steps to define a user interface linked to
`persistent data. These steps typically include defining a field,
`defining an object, defining a container, linking the objects,
`defining a user interface, and linking the user interface to the
`objects and fields, all of which are complex and time
`0013 In general, in a first aspect, the invention features
`a computer enabled method of creating a software applica
`tion. The method includes the acts of providing a user
`interface for designing the Software application on a web
`browser, defining aspects of the application via the web
`browser using the user interface, and transmitting the
`defined aspects to a server over a computer network to create
`a web-based software application. Embodiments of the
`invention may include one or more of the following features.
`The method of creating a Software application may include
`the acts of providing a set of components on the web
`browser and implementing aspects of the application using
`the components. The method may include the steps of
`providing a library on the browser and using the library as
`an intermediary between the defined aspects at the browser
`and the server. The computer network may include the
`Internet. The method may include, at the server, the steps of
`rendering a representation of the application from the trans
`mitted defined aspects, retrieving data associated with the
`application from a storage, and transmitting the representa
`tion and retrieved data to a client. The method may include,
`at the client, the act of executing the representation and data
`on a web browser. The method may include the acts of
`providing a library on the web browser of the client and
`using the library as an intermediary between the web
`browser of the client and the server. The method may include
`the acts of tracking multiple versions of the Software appli
`cation, maintaining each version as compatible with prior
`versions of the Software application, and allowing multiple
`of the versions to be active at the same time.
`0014. In a second aspect, the invention features a com
`puter enabled method of providing a software application,
`including the acts of receiving at a server over a computer
`network from a first client web browser a software applica
`tion including defined aspects of the application, rendering
`a representation of the application from the received defined
`aspects, retrieving data associated with the application from
`a storage, and transmitting the representation and retrieved
`data to a second client. Embodiments of the invention may
`include one or more of the following features. In the method
`of providing a software application, the computer network
`may include the Internet. The method of providing a soft
`ware application may include, at the second client, the steps
`of providing a web browser and providing a user interface to
`a user on the web browser from the received representation
`and data. The method of providing a software application
`may include, at the second client, the acts of providing a
`library on the browser and using the library as an interme
`diary between the browser and the server. The method of
`providing a software application may include the acts of
`providing a user interface on the web browser at the first
`client for designing the software application, defining the
`aspects of the application using the user interface, and
`transmitting the defined aspects to the server over the

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