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`vol. 17 no. 3 march 2009
`1 ;
`officinl jounwl of the
`American Society of
`Gene Therapy
`Bioengineered skin:
`working the bugs out
`Exploiting miRNAs for vector engineering
`Neural stem cells target brain metastases
`' I
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`nature publishing group •
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`On tire cover:
`Inhibition of multidrug-resistant
`Acinetobacter baumannii by non(cid:173)
`viral expression of hCAP-18 in a
`bioengineered human skin tissue.
`See the article by Thomas-Virnig
`et al. on pages 562-569.
`Therapy vol.17 no. 3 march 2009
`The RAC: Double, Double, Toil, and Trouble?
`H Ertl
`41 7
`4 72
`in this issue
`research highlights
`MV9: A Potential Blood-Brain Barrier Buster
`FP Manfredsson, AC Rising and Rf Mandel
`Bioengineered Human Skin: Working the Bugs Out
`L Steinstraesser, S Al-Benno, M Kesling and F Jacobsen
`MicroRNAs and the Regulation of Vector Tropism
`EJ Kelly and SJ Russell
`original articles
`Enhanced Factor VIII Heavy Chain for Gene Therapy of Hemophilia A
`L Chen, H Lu, J Wang, R Sarkar, X Yang, H Wang, KA High and W Xiao
`Biochemical Correction of Very Long-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency
`Following Adeno-associated Virus Gene Therapy
`JL Merritt!/, T Nguyen, J Daniels, D Matern and DB Schowalter
`Acid Ceramidase Upregulation in Prostate Cancer Cells Confers Resistance
`to Radiation: AC Inhibition, a Potential Radiosensitizer
`AEM Mahdy, JC Cheng, J Li, S Elojeimy, WD Meacham, LS Turner, A Bai, CR Gault,
`AS McPherson, N Garcia, TH Beckham, A Saad, A Bielawska, J Bielawski, YA Hannun, TE Keane,
`Ml Taha, HM /-lammouda, JS Norris and X Liu
`Activation of Akt as a Mechanism for Tumor Immune Evasion
`KH Noh, TH Kang, JH Kim, SI Pai, KY Lin, C-F Hung, T-C Wu and TW Kim
`Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase Is a Growth Regulatory Mediator
`of Tissue Injury Recovery
`JP Laurila, MD Castel/one, A Curcio, LE Laatikainen, M Haaparanta-Solin, TJ Granroos,
`P Marjamaki, S Martikainen, M Santoro and MO Laukkanen
`RNA Interference Targeting STIMl Suppresses Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell
`Proliferation and Neointima Formation in the Rat
`FC Aubart, Y Sassi, A Coulombe, N Mougenot, C Vrignaud, P Leprince, P Lechat,
`A-M Lompre and J-S Hulot
`High-efficiency Transduction of the Mouse Retina
`by Tyrosine-mutant MV Serotype Vectors
`H Petrs-Silva, A Dinculescu, Q Li, S-H Min, V Chiodo, /·/ Pang, L Zhong, S Zolotukhin,
`A Srivastava, AS Lewin and WW Hauswirth
`Efficient lntrathymic Gene Transfer Following In Situ Administration
`of a rMV Serotype 8 Vector in Mice and Nonhuman Primates
`A Moreau, R Vicente, L Dubreil, 0 Adjali, G Podevin, C Jacquet, JY Deschamps, D Klatzmann,
`Y Chere/, N Taylor, P Mou/lier and VS Zimmermann
`__ _ Thera2y: __________ _
`Combinatorial Evaluation of Cations, pH-sensitive and Hydrophobic Moieties
`for Polymeric Vector Design
`SY Wong, N Sood and D Putnam
`Image-guided, Lobe-specific Hydrodynamic Gene Delivery to Swine Liver
`K Kamimura, T Suda, W Xu, G Zhang and D Liu
`Selective Enhancement of the Uptake and Bioactivity
`of a TAT-conjugated Peptide Inhibitor of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3
`AP Manceur, BO Driscoll, W Sun and J Audet
`Cancer-induced Expansion and Activation of CDl 1 b·Gr-1 + Cells Predispose Mice
`to Adenoviral-triggered Anaphylactoid-type Reactions
`K Pande, R Ueda, T Machemer, M Sathe, V Tsai, E Brin, MJ Delano, N Van Rooijen,
`TK McC/anahan, JE Talmadge, LL Mo/dower, JH Phillips and OM LaFace
`Detection of Intact rAAV Particles up to 6 Years After Successful Gene Transfer
`in the Retina of Dogs and Primates
`K Stieger, J Schroeder, N Provost, A Mendes-Madeira, B Belbellaa, G Le Meur, M Weber,
`J-Y Deschamps, B Lorenz, P Mou/lier and F Rolling
`Striatal Readministration of rAAV Vectors Reveals an Immune Response
`Against AAV2 Capsids That Can Be Circumvented
`CS Peden, FP Manfredsson, SK Reimsnider, AE Poirier, C Burger, N Muzyczka and RJ Mandel
`Rational Design Leads to More Potent RNA Interference Against Hepatitis B Virus:
`Factors Effecting Silencing Efficiency
`K Keck, EM Volper, RM Spengler, OD Long, CY Chan, Y Ding and AP McCaffrey
`Guidelines for Antisense Oligonucleotide Design and Insight
`Into Splice-modulating Mechanisms
`A Aartsma-Rus, L van Vliet, M 1/irschi, AAM Janson, fl Heemskerk, CL de Winter, S de Kimpe,
`Judith CT van Oeutekorn, l'eter AC 'I lfoen and G-JB van Ommen
`Design of PhosrhorocJiamicJate Morpholino Oligomers (PMOs) for the Induction
`of Exon Skipring of the Human DM D Gene
`LJ Popplewell, C Tro/let, G Dickson one/ Ill Groham
`Inhibition of Multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii by Nonviral Expression
`of hCAP-18 in a BioengineerecJ Human Skin Tissue
`CL Thornas-Virnig, JM Centanni, CE Johnston, L-K lie, SJ Schlosser, Kr Van Winkle, R Chen,
`AL Gibson, A Szilagyi, L Li, R Shankor one/ BL Allen-I loffmonn
`Human Neural Stem Cells Can Ta rget ancJ Deliver Therareulic Genes
`to Breast Cancer Brain Metastases
`KM Joo, IH Park, JY Shin, J }in, BG Kong, Mfl Kirn, SJ Lee, M Jo, SU Kirn and 0 -11 Nani
`This material may be protected by Copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code)
`original article---------------------------''_J _l l_w_il_m_,,,_,,_,"_' \_"_' ,_,,1_y_ol_l_,,_.,"_' _1,_wr,q,v
`Guidelines for Antisense Oligonucleotide Design
`and Insight Into Splice-modulating Mechanisms
`Annemieke Aartsma-Rus1, Laura van Vliet1, Marscha Hirschi1, Anneke AM Janson 2, Hans Heemskerk1,
`Christa L de Winter1, Sjef de Kimpe 2, Judith CT van Deutekom 2, Peter AC 't Hoen 1
`and Gert-Jan B van Ommen 1
`'Department of Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands; ' Prosensa Therapeutics B. V., Leiden, The Netherlands
`Antisense oligonucleotides (AONs) can interfere with
`mRNA processing through RNase H-mediated degra(cid:173)
`dation, translational arrest, or modulation of splicing.
`The antisense approach relies on AONs to efficiently
`bind to target sequences and depends on AON length,
`sequence content, secondary structure, thermodynamic
`properties, and target accessibility. We here performed a
`retrospective analysis of a series of 156 AONs (1 04 effec(cid:173)
`tive, 52 ineffective) previously designed and evaluated
`for splice modulation of the dystrophin transcript. This
`showed that the guanine-cytosine content and the bind(cid:173)
`ing energies of AON-target and AON-AON complexes
`were significantly higher for effective AONs. Effective
`AONs were also located significantly closer to the accep(cid:173)
`tor splice site (SS). All analyzed AONs are exon-internal
`and may act through steric hindrance of Ser-Arg-rich (SR)
`proteins to exonic splicing enhancer (ESE) sites. Indeed,
`effective AONs were significantly enriched for ESEs pre(cid:173)
`dicted by ESE software programs, except for predicted
`binding sites of SR protein Tra2fl, which were signifi(cid:173)
`cantly enriched in ineffective AONs. These findings com(cid:173)
`pile guidelines for development of AONs and provide
`more insight into the mechanism of antisense-mediated
`exon skipping. On the basis of only four parameters, we
`could correctly classify 79% of all AONs as effective or
`ineffective, suggesting these parameters can be used to
`more optimally design splice-modulating AONs.
`Received 4 July 2008; accepted 2 7 August 2008; published on/inc
`23 September 2008, doi: I 0, I 038/ml.2008.205
`Antiscnsc oligonuclcotidcs (AONs) arc useful tools to modulate
`gene expression in a sequence-specific manner (reviewed in ref. I),
`Generally, AONs arc used to induce gene knockdown through
`RNase H cleavage of DNA:RNA hybrids of an mRNA . In addi(cid:173)
`tion, mRNA translation can be arrested by stcric hindrance of the
`ribosomal complex by the AON. Finally, AONs can interfere with
`the splicing process to induce nonfunctional mRNAs that arc sub(cid:173)
`jected to the nonsense-mediated RNA decay pathway. Using the
`latter approach, it is also feasible to modulate alternative splicing,
`·1 hcsc
`or to block aberrant, disease-causing splice sites (SSs). 2
`mechanisms can be used for studies on developmental processes
`by allowing knockdown of gen es at specific time points,-' or for
`therapeutic purposes. In fact, an RNase H-inducing AON is regis(cid:173)
`tered und er the name Vitravenc to treat cytomegaloviral-induccd
`retinitis, and many AONs aiming at targeted gene downregula(cid:173)
`tion arc in late stage clinical trials mainly as putative anticancer
`drugs. 1 Splice-modulating AONs arc in early phase clinical trials
`for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DM D). 1 Herc, the modulation
`of splicing (in this case the skipping of an cxon) aims to restore the
`disrupted dystrophin-rcading frame, allowing the generation of
`partly functional proteins and slowing down the severe, progres(cid:173)
`sive muscle wasting phenotype.
`Each antiscnsc mechanism requires stable and cflicicnt bind(cid:173)
`ing of the AON to its target sequence. One obvious determinant
`of AO N efficacy is the accessibility of the target (Supplementary
`Hgurc S l ). Several software programs arc available to predict
`the secondary structure of RNA , of which the 111-fold server
`is the most widely used. ' 'fhis server also provides a so-called
`SS-count for the target sequence, indicating the propensity of a
`nucleotide to be single stranded in a number of potential sec(cid:173)
`ondary structure predictions. ·1 his approach probably reflects
`the actual i11 vivo situation more closely than focusing only 011
`the most energetically stable structure. In addition, the stability
`and binding energy of the AON lo the target sequence inllurnce
`AON cllicienc y. ·1 hi.s depends 011 c,g., AON length and sequence
`constitution and the free energy of local structurcs. 1 To cllicicntly
`hind a largcl scquc1icc, the free energy of the AON-target com(cid:173)
`plex must be higher than that of the largcl complex and that of
`the AON . As AONs arc generally only 17- 2:,-nucleotides long,
`tlwy arc unlikely to fc>rm stable secondary structures. I lowcver,
`most /\ONs can form AON-AON complexes with olhn /\ONs
`of the same sequence (S11pplc111c11lary Figure S2) . ·1 he soft(cid:173)
`ware program llNAstructurc •I.:, has a tool that provides the free
`energy of AON-AON complexes and AON-target complexes, in
`addition to the free energy of individual /\ONs and the largd
`sequence." 'Ihc aforementioned software programs (as well as
`others) can be used lo l'acililalc AON design (reviewed in rcC I).
`Nonetheless, none of them is I 00'¾, conclusive or predictive and
`in general a trial and error procedure is still involved lo identify
`potent AONs.
`Correspo111/e11ce: Annemieke Aartsma-Rus, Department of Human Genetics, Leiden University Mcc/ical Center, PO Box 9600, l'<Htzonc 54-1! 2 300 /IC,
`Leiden, The Netherlands . E-mail: a.m.rus@lumc.nl
`Th is m ate.rial w asco;pied
`at the NLM a nd ma y be
`5'ubj ect USCapyf'ight Laws
`1viv1v.11wla11ll1rll1c1·llpy.1Jri: v11 I. 17 1111 . .I, '.i -lH-- '.i '.i.\ 111a r. 2011'1
`Guidelines for Splice-modulating Oligo Design
`In addition to more general AON requirements, the differ(cid:173)
`ent applications may introduce further requirements as well. For
`instance, translation-blocking AONs often target the ATG initia(cid:173)
`tion site, whereas splice-modulating AONs target sites involved
`in cxon recognition and inclusion. '] he latter consist of the donor
`and acceptor SSs and branch point sequence, but also include
`exon-internal sequences [exonic splicing enhancers (ESEs) sites]
`that facilitate splicing by binding of so-called Ser-Arg-rich (SR)
`proteins, which in their turn recruit Ul snRNP and U2AF to the
`donor and acceptor SSs, respectivcly. 7 Both AONs targeting (aber(cid:173)
`rant) SSs and ESEs have been shown to be efficient modulators of
`splicing.",., An advantage of exon-internal over SS AONs may be
`that they do not target consensus sequences as ESEs arc weakly
`defined motifs, and that there is a wider range of target choice.
`Numerous software programs predict ESEs, such as ESEfinder
`that predicts binding sites for the four most abundant SR proteins
`(SF2/AS!\ SC35, SRp40, and SRp55), 10
`•11 RESCUE-ESE, 12 and the
`PESX servcr 13 that provide hcxamcrs and octamers, respectively,
`significantly enriched in cxons over introns. "Jhesc programs arc
`implemented in the human splicing finder (http://www.umd.be/
`HSF/), which also provides algorithms to predict binding sites
`for two other SR proteins (9G8 and Tra2[3). In addition, the HSF
`program includes hexamers, octamers, and dccamers associated
`with exonic splicing silencers (ESSs).u 1
`'Ihcse splicing silencers
`are the counterparts of ESEs and prevent exon inclusion. As exon(cid:173)
`intcrnal AONs are hypothesized to work through steric hindrance
`of SR proteins, it is expected that AONs targeting predicted ESEs
`an: more likely to be effective. We have previously analyzed a series
`of I 1'1 exon-intcrnal AONs targeting dystrophin exons using
`ESEfinder and RESCUE-ESE in retrospect, and indeed found that
`effective AONs were significantly enriched in SR-binding sites and
`RESCUE-ESE hexamers."· 1
`' ' We have now extended our series of
`cxon-intcrnal dystrophin AONs to 156, of which 104 (67'¼,) are
`effective and 52 (33%) arc ineffective. In this study, we have ana(cid:173)
`lyzed our larger set for previously analyzed and new parameters to
`improve AON design guidelines and gain insight into the mecha(cid:173)
`nism of AON-mediated exon skipping.
`AON constitution and thermodynamic properties
`We here compared a series of 156 exon-internal AONs targeting
`exons of the DMD gene transcript. AONs were assigned to either
`the effective (11 = 104) or ineffective (11 = 52) group, depending on
`their ability to reproducibly induce targeted cxon skipping at levels
`of at least 5% as assessed by RT-PCR analysis. Different parame(cid:173)
`ters such as predicted T , length, AON constitution, and thermo(cid:173)
`dynamic properties wcr~ determined for each AON (sec Materials
`and Methods and Supplementary Table SI). 'TI1c values of each
`parameter were compared between the effective and ineffective
`AONs (Supplementary Table S2), and a Wilcoxon signed-rank
`sum test was used to detect significant differences. 13oxplots of the
`parameters that differed significantly between the two groups are
`shown in Figure I.
`First, we compared AON length in both groups. In our series
`AON length varies from I 5 to 25 nucleotides and did not signifi(cid:173)
`cantly differ between the two groups. Second, we evaluated AON
`constitution, as C and G content has been shown to correlate with
`AON-mRNA duplex stability. 17 Indeed, the total number of Gs
`and Cs was significantly higher in effective AONs (P < 0.05). In
`contrast, no significant difference was observed for the percent(cid:173)
`age and total number of A, C, G and U, GA, and GT nucleotides.
`Focusing on the predicted basic melting temperature o:J and '(11s
`using the nearest neighbor model, 1:11
`s were significantly higher
`for the effective group using both calculation methods.
`As a third parameter, we used them-fold program to predict the
`secondary structure of the local target sequence and the AONs, and
`the RNAstructure software version 4.5 to predict thermodynamic
`properties of AONs and AON-target binding. It is expected that
`the ability of AONs to form stable secondary structures with them(cid:173)
`selves or other AONs of the same sequence (see Supplementary
`Basic re: ("C)
`Nearest neighbours re: ("C)
`Number of Gcs·
`Energy AON-AON complex·
`Binding energy AON-AON ..
`' a 2
`a g
`30 g
`' I g
`Binding energy AON-target'"
`Local accessibility•
`- -
`' B
`' B
`' '
`' ' '
`I iqur,· 1 Boxplol\ of tlw1111<Hly11,1111ic ,rnth,·m<· oli9011ucleotide (AON) parameters that differed significantly between the effective and inef(cid:173)
`f,,,tiv,· qroup. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.005. GC, guanine-cytosine.
`,\/olcrn/ar '//1cmpy rnl. 17 no . .I mar. 2009
`Th is mat eri a l was co pcied
`at the N LM and may be
`~ubject USCo pcyright Laws
`Guidelines for Splice-modulating Oligo Design
`"J I lw /\nH'ric dil )o<.i 1 ·I>' ol C< ' lll' ·1 her,1py
`Figure S2) will negatively influence their efficacy. As AONs arc rel(cid:173)
`atively short, predicted secondary structures are often not very sta(cid:173)
`ble (6G - 0 kcal/mo!) . No significant difference was observed for
`the free energy of individual AONs. Unexpectedly, for AON-AON
`complexes we observed that complexes formed by effective AONs
`had significantly lower free energy values (and where thus more
`stable) than those of ineffective AONs (P = 0.03). We also used the
`RNAstructure software to predict the free energy of the local target
`structure and the binding energy of AON-target complexes. We
`anticipated that it would be more diflicult to find efficient AONs
`for exons with a stable secondary structure, as these are harder to
`disrupt. 'The free energies of the target exons seem slightly higher
`(less stable) for effective AONs, but this diflerence was not statisti(cid:173)
`cally significant (P = 0.11 ). No difference was observed between the
`free energy of the AON-target complexes. In contrast the binding
`energy of AON-target complexes (free energy of AON-target com(cid:173)
`pared to free energy of target) was significantly higher for effective
`AONs (P = 0.003). This indicates that for splice-modulating AONs
`the efficacy of an AON depends not on the stability of the AON(cid:173)
`target complex, but rather on the amount of energy that is released
`upon AON binding.
`Finally, using SS-count (m-fold server) we determined the
`local accessibility of the target pre-mRNA. We defined the local
`accessibility as the average propensity of target nucleotides to be
`single stranded in the predicted secondary structures. We antici(cid:173)
`pated that effective AONs would be enriched in single-stranded
`target sequences, as we hypothesized SR protein binding lo be
`more likely to predicted open secondary structures. Nevertheless,
`we observed that the accessibility of ineffective AONs was signifi(cid:173)
`cantly higher (P = 0.021 ), although both groups targeted sequences
`that were at least partly accessible.
`Splicing enhancer and silencer motifs in AON-target
`Exon-internal splice-modulating AONs arc hypothesized to act
`through blocking of SR protein binding to ESE motifs. Thus, etlec(cid:173)
`tive AONs are expected to be enriched in ESEs, while the targeting
`of splicing silencer motifs is expected to be counterproductive. In
`addition, we compared the location of the AON-target sequence
`to the SSs, as ESE motifs have been reported to be more active
`when located within 70 nucleotides from either splice side. 18 An
`overview of parameters that differed significantly between effcc-(cid:173)
`tive and ineffective AONs is given in Figure 2, while all results are
`summarized in Supplementary T.tble S2B. Similar to our previ(cid:173)
`ous analysis of a smaller set of AONs, 8 we observed that effective
`AONs arc located significantly closer to the acceptor but not to the
`donor SS. In our current, larger set, the difference became more
`significant (P = 0.006 versus 0.008). For the donor site there was
`Nucleotide from 3'-SS'
`15 -
`10 ·
`' !g B,
`0 ~ - - - ' - -_____ --'--__ ~
`SC35 values·
`(with threshold)
`SC35 values•
`(relative to threshold)
`- 10
`- 20
`' ' ' ' ' ' g
`' '
`' _ l_
`' ' I
`SRp55 valu es·
`(relative to threshold)
`' '
`' ' g
`' '
`PESE values·
`(with threshold)
`- 5
`Highost ESEfinclor valuo·
`(with th ros liold)
`~ -- -
`Nurn!Jm ol ESEfi11cJer sites'
`(will, thro:;1,olrl) - - -~
`(number of hoxamers)
`EJ □ Effective
`' '
`' '
`EfhJ C!iV(l
`lrH illoclivo
`40 Fl ' '
`20 ·
`' B
`' B
`_ l_
`Number of Trn 2JI si tus·
`(witt, thro shold)
`' '
`' B
`lnoffcc tivo
`0 -
`10 -
`' ' ' :BO
`Number of PESE sites•
`0 L'::====-------====::__J
`Tra2Jl values·
`(with thre shold)
`' '
`' ' ' ' '
`' '
`□ Effective
`Figure 2 Boxplots of exonic splicing enhancer (ESE) parmneters of antisense oli<Jo1111clcotidc (J\ON)-t,ir<Jt'l \('<JIH'IIC('\ that dill,·n•d \iq11ili
`cantly between the effective and ineffective group. *P < 0.05. SS, splice site; PESE, putative ESE.
`Th is mate,ria I w as copied
`at the NLM and may :b,e
`Subject US Copyright: Laws
`lVll'll'.1110/a11/11rtl1<'rt1/')'•"'·i: vol. 17 110 .. 1 mar. 200')
`Guidelines for Splice-modulating Oligo Design
`a trend toward eflcctive AONs being localed further away to the
`donor site (and thus closer to the acceptor SS, P = 0.09).
`A variety of software programs predicting ESE and ESS motifs
`is available and most of these are implemented in the human
`splicing finder software (http:/ /www.umd.be/HSF/). We analyzed
`th e target sequence of each AON for the presence of ESE and
`ESS motifs and compared the etfoctive and ineffective group as
`described above. No significant difference was observed when
`we analyzed the presence of any predicted ESE in the two groups.
`However, for the vast majority of AONs at least one ESE motif
`was predicted, which might explain the lack of significance. We
`then proceeded to compare individual ESE predicting programs
`starting with ESEfinder and RESCUE-ESE, which previously had
`shown significantly higher values for SC35 and the highest pre(cid:173)
`dicted value for any SR protein (ESEfinder) 8 and significantly more
`hexamers (RESCUE-ESE) 16 in our smaller series of AON. We now
`confirm these findings and for SC35 and the number ofRESCUE(cid:173)
`ESE sites the difference became more significant (SC35: 0.0 I versus
`0.05, RESCUE-ESE: 0.03 versus 0.04), while it became slightly less
`significant for the highest SR value (0.045 versus 0.037). Notably,
`we did not observe the previously identified trend for Sf2/ ASr val(cid:173)
`ues to be higher in the effective group, which bordered on statisti(cid:173)
`cal significance (P = 0.053)." 'Ihis may have been caused by the fact
`that in the previous analysis predicted values without a threshold
`were compared, while here a threshold was applied. ·n1erefore, we
`also determined the values relative to the threshold (either over
`or below) for each of the SR proteins. 'This still did not result in a
`significant increase for SF2/ ASF values in the effective group, and
`the diflcrence became less s