`Interaction Techniques
`some cases you can include these properties by implication
`example requesting the properties of
`text selection can also pro
`in which the text
`vide access to the properties of the paragraph
`tion is included
`Another way to provide access to an objects properties is to create
`representation of the object For example the properties of
`be accessed
`graphic or other representation of the
`special area for example the status bar of the window
`page in
`to consider
`is to include specific
`Yet another
`on the menu of
`related object For example the pop-up
`menu of
`menu entry for
`text selection could
`Or consider using the cascading
`of the Properties conmTland
`individual menu entries
`but only if the properties arc not easily
`made accessible otherwise Adding entries
`for individual properties
`end up clutl ering menu
`can easily
`The Properties command is not
`the exclusive means of providing
`access to the properties of an object For example folder views
`properlies of objects stored in the file system In
`display certain
`you can use toolbar controls to display properties of
`selected objects
`Pen-Specific Editing Techniques
`device When
`pen is more than just
`device is installed the system provides special
`and editing
`Editing in Pen-Enabled Controls
`pen is installed the system automatically
`to make text editing as easy as
`called the writing tool
`possible enhance
`and streamline correction of
`errors The writing tool
`as shown
`in Figure 5.7 adds
`text controls Because
`button to your standard
`this effectively
`area of the text box take this into consideration
`the visible
`when designing their size
`The Windows Interface
`fur Software Design


`Interaction Techniques Chapter
`tool button
`standard text box with writing tool button
`Figure 5.8 shows how you can atso add writing tool support
`as multiline text box
`of your software such
`special needs
`for any
`14 Mabt St
`5.8 Adding the writing tool button
`the text box control has the focus
`selection handle
`to make
`as shown in Figure 5.9 The user can drag this handle
`5.9 Text box displaying
`pen selection
`pen or clicking it with
`the writing tool button with
`text editing window as shown in Figure
`mouse presents
`5.10 Within this window the user can write text
`is recognized
`The Windows Interface
`for Software Design


`Interaction Techniques
`1PJa1 in St
`5.10 Single
`rnultiline writing
`tool windows
`In the writing tool editing window each character
`is displayed
`in the original
`special cell If the user selects
`the writing tool window reflects
`The user can
`that selection
`selection to an insertion point by tapping between characters This
`can be dragged
`selection handle
`also displays
`to select multiple
`as shown
`in Figure 5.11
`PJ lJndoJ
`5.11 Selecting
`text with
`the selection
`The user can
`to select
`single character
`in its cell by tapping or
`word When
`single charac
`the user taps
`list of alternative
`ter an action handle displays
`shown in Figure 5.12
`The Windows
`for Software


`Interaction Techniques Chapter
`5.12 An action
`handle with
`list of alternatives
`replaces the selected character and removes
`Choosing an alternative
`also removes
`character or tapping elsewhere
`the list Writing
`the list The new character
`replaces the existing one and resets
`to the left of the new character
`to an insertion point placed
`this choice
`selected and
`The list also includes an item labeled Wordlist When
`the user
`the word that contains the character becomes
`as shown in Figure
`list of alternatives
`is displayed
`appears when the user selects
`word by
`replaces the selected word
`Choosing an alternative
`5.13 This list also
`5.13 Tapping displays
`list of alternatives
`in the window an action handle
`selection exists
`the user can use it to perform other operations on the selected items
`For example using the action handle moves
`the selection
`or copies
`by dragging or the pop-up menu for the selection can be accessed
`tapping on the handle as shown
`in Figure 5.14
`For more
`pop-up menus
`see Chapter
`Menus Controls and Toolbars
`The Windows Interface
`for Software Design


`Interaction Techniqnes
`5.14 Tapping on Ihe handle displays
`pop-up menu
`The buttons on the writing tool window provide for scrolling
`as well as common functions
`as Undo Backspace
`Insert Space
`for closing the text window
`Insert Period and Close
`writing tool window includes Insert New Line
`the text
`The writing tool windaw also provides
`keyboard as
`to entering characters with the
`an alternative
`pen as shown in Figure 5.15 The user taps the button with the cor
`keyboard glyph on it and the writing tool onscreen
`board pop up window replaces the normal writing tool window
`button for access to an
`5.15 The writing tool onscreen
`keyboard window
`The Windnws
`fnr Software


`Interaction Techniques Chapter
`The writing tool
`input or as
`its previous use
`for text
`in the appropriate editing win
`and opens
`an onscreen
`note that when the user
`dow when subsequently
`used In addition
`writing tool window it gets
`focus so avoid
`the input
`using the loss of input
`field as an indication that
`the user is
`finished with that
`field or that all
`text box
`text editing occurs
`directly within
`Pen Editing Gestures
`The pen when used
`supports editing techniques
`defined for the mouse When used
`the pen sup
`as writing device
`for Undo operate posi
`ports gestures for editing Gestures except
`tionally acting upon the objects on which they are drawn If the user
`gesture on an unselected
`it applies to that object
`elsewhere within the same selection area Any
`selection exists
`user draws
`gesture over
`both selected and unselected
`objects however
`it applies only to the
`gesture is drawn over only ne element
`selected ones If
`of the
`selection it applies to the entire selection If the gesture is drawn in
`empty space on the background
`it applies to any existing
`within that selection scope If no selection exists the gesture has
`no effect
`For most gestures the hot spot of the gesture determines
`which object
`the gesture applies to If the hot spot occurs
`selection it applies to the whole selection
`on any part
`Table 5.2 lists the common pen editing gestures For these gestures
`the hot spot of the gesture is the area inside the circle stroke of the
`The Winduws Interface
`for Software Design


`gestures may be local
`in certain
`versions In Japanese
`is used
`versions the
`to convert
`fl These
`Kana to Kanji
`Interaction Techniques
`5.2 Pen Editing Gestures
`circled check
`Edit displays the writing
`dow for text Properties
`tool editing win
`for all other objects
`Delete or Clear
`New line
`Transfer Operations
`involve or can be derived
`Transfer operations are operations that
`from moving copying and linking objects from one location to
`transfer op
`form of
`For example printing an object
`it can be defined as copying
`eration because
`an object
`Three components make up
`to be
`the object
`the destination of the transfer and the operation to be
`performed You can define these components either explicitly
`implicitly depending on which interaction
`you use
`The Windows
`for Software Design


`Interaction Techniques Chapter
`is determined
`The operation defined by
`by the destination
`transfer may have
`possible interpretations you can
`default operation and other optimal operations
`and the compat
`by the source of the transfer
`ibility and capabilities
`of the destination
`For example
`attempting to
`in one of the following
`an object
`can result
`Rejecting the object
`the object
`subset or
`transformed form of the object for ex
`or properties but discard its present
`ample extract
`its content
`new type
`containment or convert
`the object
`are based
`on one of the following
`three fundamental
`ur repositions
`the basic
`it does
`the selected object Because
`of an object move operation
`not change
`and deleting
`the same as copying an object
`is not
`nf an nhject The resulting nhject
`does not always
`its original
`clone Some of
`produce an identical
`the properties
`object may be different
`from the original
`different name
`example copying
`an object may result
`date Similarly if some component
`or creation
`then only the unrestricted
`be copied
`the object
`elements may
`two objects The result
`an object
`in the destination
`that provides
`the original
`There are two different methods for supporting the basic transfer
`the command method and the direct manipulation method
`The Windows Interface
`for Software


`Interaction Techniqoes
`Command Method
`The command methoc for transferring objects uses the Cut Copy
`and Paste commands Place these commands on the Edit drop-down
`menu and on the pop-up menu for
`selected object You can also
`these commands
`include toolbar buttons to support
`To transfer
`an object
`the user
`Chooses either Cut or Copy
`to the destination and sets the insertion location
`Paste operation
`it or
`Cut removes the selection and transfers
`reference to it to the
`the selection or
`reference to it and
`Clipboard Copy duplcates
`it to the Clipboard Paste completes
`the transfer
`For example when the user chooses Cut and Paste remove the se
`lection from the source
`and relocate it to the destination
`For Copy
`duplicate of the selection and leave
`and Paste insert
`an independent
`When the user chooses
`and Paste Link
`the original unaffected
`or Paste Shortcut
`an object at the destination that
`is linked to
`the source
`how the object will
`form of Paste command that
`Use the Paste command by itself
`be transferred into the destination
`the object will be transferred as native content
`forms of the Paste command for other 05
`can also use alternative
`sible transfers using the following
`to indicate that
`The Windnws
`for Software


`Interaction Techniques Chapter
`For more
`see Chapter 10 Inte
`the System
`grating with
`For more
`command forms
`see Chapter 11 Working with OLE
`and OLE
`Linked Objects
`type name
`to object name
`For example Paste Cells as Word Table where
`and Word Table is the converted
`type name
`name is Cells
`The following
`summarizes common forms of the Paste command
`as Icon
`Paste Link
`Paste Link to
`Inserts the object
`content data
`on the Clspboard as natsve
`on the Clipboard as an OLE
`Inserts the object
`embedded object The OLE embedded object
`be activated
`directly within
`the destination
`on the Clipboard as an OLE
`Inserts the object
`embedded object The OLE embedded object
`as an icon
`that was copied to
`data link to the object
`the Clipboard The objects value
`transformed as native
`content within
`is integrated
`but remains linked
`to the original
`so that changes
`to it are reflected in the
`Inserts an OLE linked
`object displayed
`copied to the Clipboard The
`the object
`picture of
`is linked
`to the object
`copied to the
`that any changes
`Clipboard so
`tu the original
`object will be reflected in the destination
`Inserts an OLE linked
`object displayed
`icon to the object
`that was copied to the
`Clipboard The representation
`is linked
`to the
`copied to the Clipboard so
`that any
`object will be
`to the original
`in the destination
`box that gives
`the user explicit
`control uer how to insert
`un the
`the ubjcct
`The Windows Interface
`for Software Design


`Interaction Techniques
`what forms of the Paste
`Use the destinations
`to determine
`on what options it can offer to the user
`operation to include based
`on the available forms of the object
`which in turn may depend
`It can also be dependent on the
`its source location object provides
`For example
`nature or purpose
`of the destination
`the context of transfers
`to it
`you will need only Paste and Paste Special commands
`The Paste command can be dynamically modified to reflect
`default or preferred form by inserting
`the transferred
`as native data or as an OLE embedded
`for example
`The Paste Special command can be used
`to handle
`any special
`context makes
`of transfer Although if the destinations
`it reason
`specialized form of transfer
`able to provide fast access to another
`include that command
`as Paste Link you can also
`Use the destinations
`type of object being
`context also
`to determine
`the appropriate side
`You may also need to consider
`of the Paste operation
`inserted by the Paste operation and the relation
`are some common
`The following
`type to the destination
`ship of that
`in text or
`destination that supports
`the user pastes into
`insertion location
`replace the selection in the destination with the
`transferred data For example
`list contexts where the
`selection repiesents
`replace the
`insertion location
`In text contexts where there is an
`active selection
`but there is no existing selection place the
`insertion point after
`the inserted object
`insertion location
`contexts where
`For destinations with nonordered
`add the pasted object and make
`there is no explicit
`insertion point
`it the active selection Also use the destinations
`to deter
`mine where to place the pasted object Consider
`any appropriate
`For example if the user chooses
`user contextual
`pop-up menu ou can use the pointers
`Paste command from
`location when the mouse button is clicked to place the incoming
`If the user supplies no contextual
`clues place the object at
`the location that best fits
`the context of the destination
`at the next grid position
`The Windows Interface
`for Software Design


`Interaction Techniques Chapter
`If the new object
`linked to the active
`is automatically
`graph you may insert
`data and
`selection for example table
`new object
`in addition to the selection and make the inserted
`the new selection
`to display an OLE em
`You also use context
`to determine
`or OLE linked object
`view or picture of the
`as content
`intemal data or as an icon For example you can decide
`what presentation to display based
`on what Paste operation the user
`implies pasting an OLE link as an icon Simi
`selects Paste Shortcut
`larly the Paste Special command includes options that allow the
`user to specify how the transferred object should
`be displayed If
`the destination application de
`there is no user-supplied
`the default For documents
`display the inserted
`you typically
`OLE object
`fit the con
`in its content
`If icons better
`text of your application make the default Paste operation display the
`transferred OLE object
`as an icon
`Paste command should not affect
`The execution
`the content
`the Clipboard This allows data on the Clipboard to be pasted mul
`tiple times although
`Paste operations should
`in copies of the original However
`subsequent Cut or Copy
`command replaces the last entry on the Clipboard
`Direct Manipulation Method
`The command method is useful when
`operation requires
`and destination However for
`between source
`the user to navigate
`natural and quick method In
`many transfers direct manipulation
`and drags an object
`transfer the user selects
`direct manipulation
`this method requires motor skills
`the desired location
`that may be difficult
`for some users to master avoid using it as
`exclusive transfer method The best interfaces
`the transfer
`command method for basic operations and direct manipulation
`fer as
`but because
`or when it drags an
`pen is being
`the same conventions
`action handle it follows
`as dragging with
`mouse button
`For pens with barrel buttons
`use the barreldrag
`action as the equivalent of dragging with mouse button
`no keyboard interface
`for direct manipulation
`There is
`The Windows Interface
`for Software Design


`Interaction Techniques
`You can support direct manipulation
`to any visible
`window or
`The object for example
`icon need not be currently
`in an inactive win
`active For example the user can drop an object
`dow The drop action activates
`the window If an inactive object
`transfer it or its container
`direct manipulation
`to the user
`should provide feedback
`How the transferred object
`is integrated and displayed in the drop
`by the destinations
`destination is determined
`as native data an OLE object
`object can be incorporated
`form of the object
`its properties
`to add to or replace an exist
`formed object You determine
`on the context of the operation
`ing selection based
`using such
`the destinations
`the formats available for the object
`and any user-supplied
`the specific
`the user drops or commands or modes that
`location that
`has selected For example an application can supply
`of tool
`the properties of objects
`the user
`for copying
`Default Drag and Drop
`an object using mouse button
`Default drag and drop transfers
`How the operation is interpreted is determined
`by what
`the destina
`As with the com
`tion defines as the appropriate default operation
`mand method the destination determines
`on information
`this based
`the object and the formats available for the object
`and the
`context of the destination itself Avoid defining
`destructive opera
`the default When
`message box
`is unavoidable display
`tion as
`to confirm the intentions of the user
`technique the user can directly
`Using this transfer
`between documents defined by your application as well
`as to system
`and printers Support
`drag and drop follow
`the system supports the user presses but
`ing the same conventions
`down on an object moves
`the mouse while holding the button
`down and then releases
`the button at the destination
`For the pen the
`by the location where the user lifts
`the pen
`destination is determined
`tip from the input surface
`The Windows
`for Software Design


`Interaction Techniques Chapter
`operation is Move but the desti
`The most common default
`the operation to be what
`nation dropped on object
`can reinterpret
`ever is most appropriate
`you can define
`default drag
`and drop operation to be another
`operation such
`command such
`as Print or Send
`Cupy ur Link
`destination specific
`To or even
`specialized form of transfer
`as Copy Properties
`Nondefault Drag and Drop
`an object using mouse button
`drag and drop transfers
`In this case rather than executing
`default operation the destination
`pop up menu when the user releases
`the mouse button as
`shown in Figure 5.16 The pop up menu contains the appropriate
`Copy Here
`nondetault drag and drop operation
`which transfer
`The destination always
`pop up menu usually factoring in
`to include on the resulting
`the object supplied by the source location
`The form for nondefault
`drag and drop transfer
`the Paste command Use the common
`follows similar conventions
`verbs Move Here Copy Here and Link Here
`when the object being
`transferred is native data of the destination
`When it is not
`include the type name You can also display altema
`verbs that communicate the context of the destina
`tive completion
`The Windows Interface
`for Software Design


`Interactinn Techniqnes
`Print Here command
`tion for example
`printer displays
`commands that support only
`partial aspect or
`an object use more descriptive indicators
`for example Copy
`Properties Here or Transpose Here
`Use the following
`form for nondefault
`drag and drop transfer
`Name Ftype name
`object name Here
`type name
`summarizes common forms for nondefault
`The following
`Move Here
`Copy Here
`Moves the selected
`as native
`to the
`content data
`copy of
`the destination
`as native
`the selected
`Link Here
`data link between
`the selected
`and the destination
`objects value is integrated
`transformed as native
`data within the
`but remains linked
`to the
`The original
`so that changes
`to it are
`in the destination
`name Here
`name Here
`as an
`Moves or copies
`the selected
`OLE embedded object The OLE
`embedded object
`in its
`is displayed
`and can be activated
`directly within
`the destination
`name Here
`an OLE linked
`the selected object The
`is linked
`to the selected
`picture of
`to the original
`that any changes
`object will be reflected in the destination
`The Windows
`for Software Design


`Interaction Techniques Chapter
`name Here
`name Here
`as Icon
`as Icon
`Create Shortcut
`Moves or copies
`the selected
`OLE embedded object
`an icon
`and displays
`as an
`it as
`an OLE linked
`selected object displayed
`icon The representation
`to the
`is linked
`to the
`so that any changes
`object will be reflected in the
`to the
`and appropriately display one of the commands in the pop-up
`This is the com
`menu to be the default drag and drop command
`mand that corresponds
`and dropping with
`to the effect of dragging
`mouse button
`For more
`how to display default menu
`see Chapter 13 Visual
`Drag and Drop Transfer
`the transfer
`an object back on itself
`user drags and drops
`transfer Similarly
`action as cancellation of
`direct manipulation
`if the user presses the ESC key during
`drag trans
`command in the pop-up menu of
`fer In addition
`this com
`nondefault drag and drop action When
`the user chooses
`mand cancel
`the operation
`Transfer and Selection When Dragging
`performs both selection and transfer
`that allows the user to differentiate
`is most
`The convention
`you use depends on what
`these operations
`appropriate in the current context of the object
`or you can provide
`for selection or transfer The most common tech
`specialized handles
`uses the location of the pointer at the beginning
`of the drag
`is within an existing selection
`operation If the pointer
`drag to be
`If the drag begins outside of an exist
`ing selection on the backgrounds white space interpret
`the drag as
`selection operation
`The Windows Interface
`for Software Design


`Interaction Techniques
`Scrolling When Transferring by Dragging
`When the user drags and drops
`from one scrollable
`an object
`such as window pane or list box to another
`some tasks may
`require transferring the object outside the boundary
`of the area
`tasks may involve dragging
`location not cur
`the object
`in view In this latter case it is convenient
`the area also known as automatic
`scrolling or autoscroll
`when the user drags the object
`to the edge of that scrollable area
`You can accommodate
`both these behaviors
`by using the velocity of
`the object
`if tbe user is dragging
`action For example
`the dragging
`slowly at the edge of the scrollable
`the area if the
`area you scroll
`do not scroll
`to automatically
`is being
`dragged quickly
`this algorithm
`true Car
`is not
`this technique
`To support
`drag operation you sample the
`time the mouse
`of the drag each
`position at the beginning
`moves and on an application-set
`timer every 100 milliseconds
`ommended If you use OLE drag and drop support
`you need not set
`timer Store each
`to hold at
`value in an array large
`three samples replacing existing samples with later ones Then cal
`on at least
`two locations
`the last
`culate the pointers
`velocity based
`of the pointer
`sum the distance between the points in
`To calculate the velocity
`sample and divide the total by the sum of the time
`elapsed between samples Distance
`is the absolute value of the dif
`or absxl
`ference between the
`y2 Multiply this by 1024 and divide it by the elapsed time to pro
`1024 multiplier prevents
`the loss of accuracy
`the velocity
`by integer division
`You also predefine
`the edges of the scrollable
`hot zone
`time-out value Use twice the width of
`bar or height of
`hot zone
`scroll bar to determine
`the width of the
`the area if the following
`During the drag operation
`are met the user moves
`the pointer within the hot zone the current
`and the scrollable
`is below
`threshold velocity
`it is in
`in the direction associated with the hot zone
`threshold velocity is 20 pixels per second These
`are illustrated in Figure 5.17
`is able to scroll
`The recommended
`The Windows Interface
`for Software Design
`an approximation for purposes
`of efficiency
`sum of
`yl y2
`squares sqrtxl
`A2 which is more computationally


`Interaction Techniques Chapter
`hot zone
`5.17 Automatic
`on velocity
`of draqqing
`and rea
`The amount you scroll depends on the type of information
`distance For example for text you typically
`time Consider
`using the same scrolling
`one line at
`for the scroll bar arrows
`granularity that
`is provided
`To support continuous
`the scroll
`scrolling determine
`for example four lines per second After
`you want
`to support
`velocity check
`to initiate auto-scrolling set
`100 milliseconds When the timer expires
`long it has been since the last
`If the elapsed time
`time you scrolled
`frequency scroll another unit If not
`is greater than your scrolling
`again when the timer completes
`your timer and check
`Transfer Feedback
`transferring objects is one of the most common user tasks
`appropriate feedback
`is an important
`sistent or insufficient
`can result
`in user confusion
`For more
`scrolling see Chapter
`For more
`see Chapter 13 Visual Design
`Command Method Transfers
`command method transfer remove the selected object visually
`the Cut command If there are special circum
`when the user chooses
`stances that make removing the objects
`instead display the selected object with
`special appearance
`the Cut command was completed
`inform the user that
`The Windows
`for Software Design


`Interaction Techniques
`restore the visual
`is pending For example
`the system displays icons
`dither to indicate this state You will also need to
`if the user chooses Cut or Copy
`state of the object
`Paste command
`for another object before choosing
`the pending Cut command
`The user will expect Cut to
`selected object
`the impact of incon
`so carefully consider
`sistency if you choose this alternate
`The Copy command requires no special
`Paste operation
`also requires no further feedback
`than that already provided
`by the
`insertion of the transferred object However if you did not remove
`representation when
`the display of the object and used
`an alternate
`the Cut command you must remove it now
`the user chose
`Direct Manipulation Transfers
`direct manipulation
`back for the object
`the pointer
`provide visual
`and the destination Specifically
`the object with selected appearance while the view it
`in has the focus To indicate that
`the object
`is in
`state you can optionally display the object with some additional
`for move operation
`For example
`used by the
`you can use the checkerboard
`dithered appearance
`system to indicate ss hen an icon is Cut Change
`this visual
`on the default completion
`by the desti
`operation supported
`is currently over Retain
`nation the pointer
`the representation of
`the object at the original
`location until
`the user completes
`operation This not only provides
`visual cue to the
`nature of the transfer
`it provides
`reference point
`that moves with the pointer
`representation of the object
`presentation that provides the user with information
`how the information will appear
`in the destination and that does
`not obscure
`the coni ext of the insertion location For example
`when transferring an object
`text context
`it is important
`the insertion point not be obscured
`during the drag operation
`as shown
`translucent or outline representation
`in Figure 5.18
`The Windows
`for Software Design


`Interaction Techniques Chapter
`works well because
`it allows the underlying
`insertion location to
`be seen while also providing
`and nature of the object being dragged
`the size position
`5.18 Outline
`and translucent
`tor transfer operations
`The objects existing source location provides the transferred
`initial appearance but any destination can change
`to provide feed
`appearance Design the presentation of the object
`as to how the object will be integrated by that destination
`For example if an object will be embedded
`as an icon display the
`as an icon If the object will be incorporated as part of the
`native content
`of the destination
`then the presentation of the object
`that For example if
`the destination displays should
`document will be incorporated as
`form of
`table the representation could be an outline or
`the table On the other hand
`if the table

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