ARQuake: An Outdoor/Indoor Augmented Reality First Person
`Bruce Thomas, Ben Close, John Donoghue, John Squires,
`Phillip De Bondi, Michael Morris and Wayne Piekarski
`School of Computer and Information Science
`University of South Australia
`Bruce.Thomas@UniSA.Edu. Au
`This paper presents a n outdoor/indoor augmented re-
`ality first person application ARQuake we have devel-
`oped. ARQuake is a n extension of the desktop game
`Quake, and as such we are investigating how to convert
`a desktop first person application into a n outdoor/indoor
`mobile augmented reality application. W e present a n ar-
`chitecture for a low cost, moderately accurate sax degrees
`of freedom tracking system based o n GPS, digital com-
`pass, and fiducial vision-based tracking. Usability issues
`such as monster selection, colour, and input devices are
`discussed. A second application f o r AR architectural de-
`sign visualisation is presented.
`1 Introduction
`Many current applications place the user in a first-
`person perspective view of a virtual world [6], such as
`games, architectural design viewers [2], geographic in-
`formation systems and medical applications [12]. In
`this paper we describe a project to move these forms
`of applications outdoors, displaying their relevant infor-
`mation by augmenting reality. In particular we con-
`sider the game Quake [4] and the viewing of architec-
`tural designs [13]. As with other researchers [3], we
`wish to place these applications in a spatial context with
`the physical world, which we achieve by employing our
`wearable computer system Tinmith-4 [9, 101. Tinmith-
`4 is a context-aware wearable computer system, allow-
`ing applications to sense the position of the user’s body
`and the orientation of the user’s head. The technique
`we are developing will genuinely take computers out of
`the laboratory and into the field, with geographically-
`aware applications designed to interact with users an
`the physical world, not just in the confines of the com-
`puter’s artificial reality. The key to this exciting prac-
`tical technology is augmented reality (AR). Users wear
`see-through head-mounted displays through which they
`see not only the world around them, but also overlaid
`computer-generated information that enriches the user’s
`perception. Unlike virtual reality, where the computer
`generates the entire user environment, augmented re-
`ality places the computer in a relatively unobtrusive,
`assistive role.
`In the ARQuake application, the physical world is
`modelled as a Quake 3D graphical model. The aug-
`mented reality information (monsters, weapons, objects
`of interest) is displayed in spatial context with the physi-
`cal world. The Quake model of the physical world (walls,
`ceiling, floors) is not shown to the user: the see-through
`display allows the user to see the actual wall, ceilings and
`floors which ARQuake need only model internally. Co-
`incidence of the actual structures and virtual structures
`is key to the investigation; the AR application models
`the existing physical outdoor structures, and so omis-
`sion of their rendered image from the display becomes
`in effect one of our rendering techniques.
`1.1 Aims
`Our a i m is to construct first-person perspective ap-
`plications with the following attributes: 1) The applica-
`tions are situated in the physical world. 2) The point
`of view which the application shows to the user is com-
`pletely determined by the position and orientation of
`the user’s head. 3) Relevant information is displayed
`as augmented reality via a head-mounted see-through
`display. 4) The user is mobile and able to walk through
`the information space. 5) The application is operational
`in both outdoor and indoor environments. 6 ) The user
`interface additionally requires only a simple hand-held
`button device.
`1.2 Research issues
`To achieve these aims, we investigate a number of
`research issues in the areas of user interfaces, tracking,
`and conversion of existing desktop applications to AR
`User interfaces for augmented reality applications
`which simultaneously display both the physical world
`and computer generated images require special care.
`The choice of screen colours for the purely virtual im-
`ages which the application must display requires atten-
`tion to the lighting conditions and background colours
`of the outdoors. The keyboard and mouse interactions
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`must be replaced with headlbody movement and simple
`buttons. The layout of the user interface must accom-
`modate the AR nature of the application.
`The six degrees of freedom (6DOF) tracking require-
`ments for these forms of applications must be addressed.
`We require a low cost, moderately accurate 6DOF track-
`ing system. Tracking is required for indoor and outdoor
`environments over large areas, for example our usual
`testing environment is our campus [7]. GPS positional
`error has a less noticeable effect for the registration of
`augmented reality information at distance, but we need
`to address positional error when registering augmented
`information at close distances (< 50 m). Such a track-
`ing system could be used for other applications, such as
`tourism information, visualisation of GIS information,
`and as described in this paper architectural visualisa-
`It is also necessary to modify the Quake game to ac-
`commodate the AR nature of the new application. The
`user’s movement changes from a keystroke-based rela-
`tive movement mode to a tracking-based absolute mode.
`The game’s coordinate system must be calibrated to the
`physical world. Finally, the field of view of the display
`must be calibrated to the physical world.
`1.3 Progress to date
`This is an ongoing project, and it is not complete at
`the time this paper was submitted. We wish to clarify
`the status of the different portions of system presented
`in this paper. The ARQuake game has been ported
`to our our wearable computer platform and operates
`with GPS and digital compass as a means of tracking.
`The keyboard and mouse interaction with the game has
`been completely replaced with user movements and a
`two-button input device, and is fully functional within
`the accuracy of this tracking system. We have modelled
`in our Quake world an outdoor section of our campus
`and the interior of our Wearable Computer Laboratory
`(WCL). The graphics of the game runs at 30 frames per
`second, but GPS updates once per second and the com-
`pass updates at 15 times per second. The colours of the
`graphics in the game have been optimised for the user
`with a see-through display in an outdoor environment.
`The major hurdle left is the vision based tracking sys-
`tem. We have the vision based tracking system export-
`ing a common coordinate system as to the GPS/compass
`system. There are issues of accuracy and speed which
`are currently being investigating, which prevents us from
`stating this portion of system is functional. The paper
`presents the current state we have achieved in this re-
`2 Background
`There are key technologies we are employing in our
`investigations. A brief review of tracking as applied to
`this project, the Quake game, and our wearable com-
`puter platform are supplied.
`2.1 Tracking
`Previous research has established that outdoor track-
`ing with inexpensive differential GPS and commercial
`grade magnetic compasses are inaccurate for augmented
`reality applications [l]. Traditional hybrid approaches
`combine a number of different systems such as inertial,
`optical, electro-magnetic and GPS. We combine vision-
`based optical tracking with GPS and a magnetic com-
`A number of researchers are investigating fiducial
`vision-based tracking [8, 111. We based our optical
`tracking system on the fiducial marker tracking sys-
`tem ARToolKit developed by Kat0 and Billinghurst [5].
`The ARToolKit is a set of computer vision tracking li-
`braries that can be used to calculate camera position
`and orientation relative to physical markers in real time.
`ARToolKit features include the use of a single camera
`for position/orientation tracking, fiducial tracking from
`simple black squares, pattern matching software that al-
`lows any marker patterns to be used, calibration code
`for video and optical see-through applications, and suffi-
`ciently fast performance for real-time augmented reality
`The fiducial markers are known-sized squares with
`high contrast patterns in their centres. Figure 4 shows
`an example marker. The ARToolKit determines the rel-
`ative distances and orientation of the marker from the
`camera. In addition, the ARToolKit incorporates a cal-
`ibration application to determine the placement of the
`camera relative to the user’s line of sight; thus the AR-
`ToolKit can determine proper placement of graphical
`objects for AR applications.
`2.2 The original Quake game
`We chose Quake as the primary application for a
`number of reasons. Quake fits the general model of AR
`which we are studying, as it is a first-person 3D applica-
`tion with autonomous agents to interact with the user.
`The application itself is public domain, with open source
`code. Finally, the Quake graphics engine is very quick
`and runs on a wide range of computing platforms and
`operating systems.
`Quake is a first-person shoot ’em up game. Quake
`has two stated goals: “First, stay alive. Second, get out
`of the place you’re in” [4]. The user interface is based
`around a single, first-person perspective screen. The
`large top part of the screen is the view area, showing
`monsters and architecture. Status information is imme-
`diately below at the bottom of the screen.
`One moves around Quake in one of four modes: walk-
`ing, running, jumping or swimming, and performs one
`of three actions: shooting a weapon, using an object, or
`picking up an object. Weapons are aimed by changing
`the view direction of the user, and fired by pressing a
`key. To push a button or open a door, the user walks
`up to the door or button. A user picks up items by
`walking over them. Part of the challenge of the game is
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`finding special objects like buttons, floor-plates doors,
`secret doors, platforms, pressure plates and motion de-
`tectors. Quake incorporates platforms that move up and
`down, or follow tracks around rooms or levels. Pressure
`plates and motion detectors may be invisible or visible,
`and there are sensors which open doors, unleash traps,
`or warn monsters.
`2.3 Wearable computer platform
`The Tinmith-4 wearable computer system hardware
`is all mounted on a rigid backpack so that the items
`can be attached firmly. Processing is performed by a
`Toshiba 320CDS notebook (Pentium-233,64 Mb RAM)
`running the freely available LinuxOS and associated
`programs and development tools. The laptop is very
`generic, and not even the latest in available CPUs, so
`another computing unit could be substituted. The lim-
`ited 1/0 capabilities of the single serial port are aug-
`mented with the use of a four serial port Quatech QSP-
`100 communications card. Connected to the laptop are
`a Precision Navigation TCM2-80 digital compass for ori-
`entation information, a Garmin 12XL GPS receiver for
`positioning, and a DGPS receiver for improved accuracy.
`For the head mounted display (HMD), we use alter-
`nately the i-Glasses unit from 1-0 Display Systems, and
`the Sony Glasstron PLM-S7OOE. Various other devices
`are present as well, such as a small forearm keyboard
`for data entry, power converters for the different com-
`ponents, and necessary connection cabling and adaptors.
`The construction of the backpack was directed with ease
`of modifications in mind, at the sacrifice of wearability
`and miniaturisation.
`The Tinmith system [lo] supports outdoor aug-
`mented reality research. The system is comprised of
`a number of interacting libraries and modules. Firstly,
`a number of software libraries form a support base for
`writing code in the system: libGfx - a graphics inter-
`face on top of X windows; libconvert - coordinate and
`datum transformations, numeric conversions; 1ibProto-
`col - encode/decode libraries for transmitting structures
`over a network; libsystem - network communications
`and high level I/O; IibCodeBase - low level interfaces to
`Unix system calls, asynchronous 1/0 code, string han-
`dling, event generation, error checking. These libraries
`are used in turn to implement software modules (im-
`plemented as individual Unix processes) that perform
`the actual tasks in the system. These software modules
`process input from hardware devices and other modules,
`and then pass this output on to other modules which
`are interested in these values. The communication be-
`tween modules is performed using TCP/IP, and allows
`the system to be distributed over a network of wearable
`processors, and also for other machines to collaborate
`and share information.
`The original Tinmith-1 system was an outdoor aug-
`mented reality navigation system, supporting 2D top-
`down maps, and a 3D immersive wire frame ren-
`derer [lo]. This system was then extended as Tinmith-2
`to share information with standard VR entity proto-
`cols [9]. Simulated and real entities appear on the HMD,
`and outdoor wearable machines appear back on the in-
`door displays.
`3 Using ARQuake
`The goal of ARQuake was to bring the intuitive na-
`ture of VR/AR interfaces into an indoor/outdoor game.
`A user first dons the wearable computer on their back,
`places the HMD on their head, and holds a simple two-
`button input device. The user then performs a simple
`calibration exercise to align the HMD with their eyes,
`and then they start playing the game. All of the key-
`board and mouse controls have been replaced with po-
`sition/orientation information and a two-button input
`device. As movement aspects of the game have been en-
`gineered to fit the physical world, there is no concept of
`commands to walk, run, jump, swim, or of moving plat-
`forms. The user’s own movement determines the rate
`and direction of movement. The remainder of this sec-
`tion describes the Quake level we developed and its user
`3.1 Monsters
`There are sixteen different types of monster in the
`Quake world. Some have attributes that make them
`unsuitable for inclusion in this type of level. Because of
`the limitations on movement imposed by the tracking
`hardware, the best monsters were those that walked or
`leaped and those that were relatively easy to destroy
`and did not inflict extreme damage on the user with
`their first attack.
`We chose seven types of monsters to be included in
`this level. These monsters types are all land-based crea-
`tures which use weapons from a distance, and all seem
`well suited to the system. The monsters’ skin colour and
`texture were changed to make them easier to see and dis-
`tinguish from the physical world. The choice of colours
`used in the texture maps or skins of the monsters are
`based on the user testing described later in Section 5.
`3.2 Campus level
`We created a Quake level representing a portion of
`the Levels campus of the University of South Australia.
`The walls in Quake are the walls of the external and in-
`terior of the WCL. The walls are rendered in two fash-
`ions, black for game mode and a grid patterned for test-
`ing mode. In both these modes, the walls occlude the
`graphic objects in Quake that may be located behind
`the walls. As described earlier, in the game mode black
`walls are invisible to the users during the game. The
`Quake graphics engine renders only monsters, items on
`the ground, and regions of interest. This Quake level
`was derived from architectural drawings of the campus
`provided by the university; where the architect’s draw-
`ings had become incorrect, we surveyed those portions
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`Figure 1: Quake campus level
`The size of the outside modelled area is 94 metres
`(East/West) by 156 metres (North/South). Figure 1
`depicts a top-down view of the level we created. We have
`placed 16 monsters in the levels as follows: two enforcers
`on top of D Building, two ogres on the 2nd floor of F
`building, and the rest spread around the ground level.
`There are 51 items placed on the ground for the user
`to pick up: six pieces of armour, 22 rockets, four rocket
`launchers, nine shotgun shells, and ten health boxes.
`The system of tracking used in this system tends to
`make the user less agile than the “super-human” agility
`found in the normal game. Therefore we have included
`more support equipment than would be found in the
`normal game, armour, weapons and ammunition.
`3.3 Walking around
`Once the system is up and running, the user moves
`through the level by walking, and changes view by look-
`ing around. The user views the game and the physical
`world through the HMD, an example is shown in Fig-
`ure 2. The bottom portion of the screen is a status bar
`containing information about armor, health, ammo and
`weapon type. The majority of the screen is reserved for
`the AR images of monsters and game objects.
`In the original Quake, certain actions are performed
`by the user being in a certain proximity to a location in
`a Quake level. We have retained most of those actions.
`Doors open when the user attempts to walk through
`them. Users pick up objects as in the original Quake
`by walking over them. Traps are triggered by standing
`in or moving through predetermined locations. Actions
`which are not easily reflected in the physical world are
`removed from the game, such as secret and locked doors.
`The tracking of the user’s position and orientation of
`the user’s head handles the majority of the interaction
`Figure 2: User’s Heads Up Display
`for the user. The only other interactions for the user
`to perform are to shoot or change the current weapon.
`We employ a two-button (thumb button and index fin-
`ger button) hand-held device as a physical input device
`for these actions. The thumb button is used to change
`weapons, and the index finger button fires the current
`weapon. The direction the weapon fires is the center of
`the current view of the HMD.
`3.4 Field of view
`Even if alignment of the Quake world with the phys-
`ical world is exact, an incorrect perspective or field of
`view will be highlighted as inconsistencies in the virtual
`world. The default field of view for the game is 90 de-
`grees (45 degrees each side), allowing a reasonable cover-
`age of the world to fit onto a computer screen. This field
`of view unfortunately suffers from the fish eye distortion
`effect when comparing the objects in the Quake world
`with real objects. The HMD we are using, I-Glasses, has
`approximately a 25 degree horizontal field of view. The
`only calibration adjustment for the HMD with Quake is
`changing the game’s field of view setting and scaling of
`the graphical objects. We are currently using a field of
`view value of 25 degrees, but there are artifacts intro-
`duced as in the user is positioned farther forward. We
`are investigating the graphics model of Quake to deter-
`mine how it differs from traditional graphics models.
`4 Tracking
`As previously stated, one of the goals of the sys-
`tem is to provide continuous indoor and outdoor track-
`ing. The system tracks through the combination of a
`GPS/compass system with a vision-based system. Our
`tracking needs are categorized into three areas as fol-
`lows: outdoors far from buildings, outdoors near build-
`ings, and indoors. Each of these require a different ap-
`proach, while maintaining position and orientation in-
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`formation in a common format of WGS 84/UTM po-
`sitioning information and heading/pitch/roll angles for
`orientation information. The use of visual landmarks
`can improve registration in one of two ways, firstly to
`allow the system to correct the final image by aligning
`the landmark with a known position in the graphical
`image, and secondly to use the landmarks to extract a
`relative position and orientation of the camera from the
`landmarks. We have chosen the second option to inves-
`tigate as it provides the most general tracking solution.
`4.1 Outdoors away from buildings
`GPS positional inaccuracies are less of a problem for
`our Quake application when a user is at a large distance
`(> 50 m) from an object which requires registration,
`while orientation errors remain constant as to angular
`deviations in the user’s field of view. An extreme ex-
`ample of how positional errors have a reduced registra-
`tion error effect at distance is the using of the ARQuake
`game on a flat open field, where the system does not
`require graphics to be registered to any physical object
`except the ground. In this scenario there are no walls
`to occlude the monsters and items of interest. Since the
`game is slaved to the screen, what the user sees on the
`display is what the game believes is the user’s current
`view. Therefore the user’s actions will perform correctly
`in the context of the game.
`In the case where a building is visible but the user
`is a large distance from the building, the inaccuracies
`are low and therefore not distracting. The problems
`come when monsters are not occluded properly by the
`physical buildings. The visual effect of poor occlusion is
`that monsters appear to walk through walls or pop out
`of thin air, but at distance these errors do not detract
`from the game. Such occlusion problems exist but they
`are visually very minor, because the user is generally
`moving their head during the operation of the game..
`At 50 meters a difference of 2-5 metres (GPS tracking
`error) of the user’s position is approximately a 2-5 degree
`error in user’s horizontal field of view, and the compass
`itself has an error of +/- 1 degrees.
`4.2 Outdoors near buildings
`When using ARQuake with the GPS/compass track-
`ing less then 50 metres from a building, the poor oc-
`clusion of monsters and objects near the physical build-
`ings, due to GPS error, becomes more apparent. As the
`user moves closer to buildings, inaccuracies in GPS posi-
`tional information become prevalent. The system is now
`required to slave the Quake world to the real world, and
`furthermore in real time. As an example when a user is
`ten metres from a building their position is out by 2-5
`metres, this equates to an error of 11-27 degrees; this
`is approximately a half to the full size of the horizon-
`tal field of view of the HMD. When the error is greater
`than the horizontal field of view, the virtual object is
`not visible on the HMD.
`Figure 3: Fiducial marker on a building
`To enhance the accuracy when the user is near build-
`ings we use an extended version of ARToolKit. By us-
`ing fiducial markers specifically engineered for outdoor
`clarity (approximately 1 metre in size), and with each
`marker setup on a real world object with known coor-
`dinates, accurate location information can be obtained.
`Figure 3 shows a fiducial marker on the corner of a build-
`ing in our Quake world. These markers provide a correc-
`tion in the alignment of the two worlds. We are inves-
`tigating the use of multiple fiducial markers to reduce
`uncertainty due to marker mis-detection caused by light-
`ing issues. Since the extended ARToolKit we are devel-
`oping supplies positioning and orientation information
`in the same format as the GPS/compass system, AR-
`Quake can transparently use either the GPS/compass
`or vision-based tracking systems. Our initial approach
`for determining when to use the information from the
`GPS/compass or the ARToolKit methods is use the AR-
`ToolKit’s information first, when the ARToolKit is con-
`fident of registering a fiducial marker. As ARToolKit
`recognises a fiducial marker, the toolkit returns a con-
`fidence value, and the system will have a threshold of
`when to switch over to use the the toolkit. When
`the confidence value goes below the the threshold, the
`GPS/compass information is used.
`4.3 Indoors
`As a user walks into a building with fiducial markers
`on the inside walls and/or ceilings, the tracking system
`starts using the vision-based component of the tracking
`system. This form of tracking is similar to the work of
`Ward, et al. [14]. Our system is lower-cost and is not
`as accurate, but does keep tracking errors within the
`accuracy which our application needs, 2-5 degree of error
`in user’s horizontal field of view. We are experimenting
`with placing markers on the walls and/or the ceilings.
`Figure 4 shows one configuration of how we are using
`wall mounted markers.
`When the markers are placed on the wall, we point
`the vision-based tracking camera forwards. It was nec-
`essary to size and position the patterns on the walls so
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`and gloomy” colour scheme to give the game a fore-
`boding feelings. Dark colours appear translucent with
`the see-through HMDs. Monsters and items need dif-
`ferent colours to be more visible in an outdoor environ-
`ment. We ran a small informal experiment to determine
`a starting point in picking colours for use in an outdoor
`setting. This informal study was to gauge the visibility
`and opaqueness of solid filled polygons display of the
`see-through HMD. We are interested in which colours
`to texture large areas of the monsters and items in the
`game. These colours are not necessarily appropriate for
`textual or wire-frame information. Further studies are
`required for these and other forms of AR information.
`The testing method was to view different colours in
`one of four conditions: 1) standing in shade and look-
`ing into the shady area, 2) standing in shade and look-
`ing into a sunny area, 3) standing in a sunny area and
`looking at a shady area, and 4) standing in a sunny
`area and looking to a sunny area. We tested 36 dif-
`ferent colour and intensity combinations, nine different
`colours (green, yellow, red, blue, purple, pink, magenta,
`orange, and cyan) and four different intensities. The
`combination is indicated as the name of colour followed
`by intensity in parenthesis, for example green(2), with
`(1) the highest and (4) the lowest intensity. The test-
`ing was performed outside with the Tinmith-3 wearable
`computer using the I-Glasses see-through HMD. The
`colour/intensity combinations were scored for visibility
`and opaqueness in each of the four viewing conditions
`on a scale of one (very poor) to ten (very good)).
`Our strongest set of criteria for colour/intensities
`were both a mean score of at least seven over the
`four viewing conditions, and as well a minimum score
`of six on each of the conditions. Nine colours satisfy
`this quality level: purple(2), purple(3), blue(2), blue(3),
`yellow(l), purple(l), yellow(3), green(1) and green(3).
`Should a particular application require a larger palette,
`weaker criteria of a mean score six and above with no
`score below five gives seven additional colours: blue( l),
`pink(2), yellow(2), green(2), pink(l), blue(4) and red(1).
`Informal User Study of ARQuake
`To gauge how well the ARQuake game appeals to
`user’s, we performed a simple informal user study of peo-
`ple using the system outside. The user’s were prompted
`to how they felt about aspects of the system. Many
`subjects thought that the visibility of the ARQuake sys-
`tem was good; however many of the subjects found that
`bright lighting made seeing through the display difficult.
`Despite only using the system once, the users found the
`hand held input device intuitive, easy to use, and very
`quick to learn. A few of the users found themselves
`pointing the device in a gun like fashion when firing at
`the targets. No one reported feeling nauseated while
`using the system. Subjects believed that it was easy to
`pick up items although it was difficult to tell when a item
`had been picked up without some form of confirmation.
`Figure 4: Fiducial marker on the wall
`that they would be usable by the system regardless of
`whether the user was very close or very far from the
`wall. In this case, we chose to use patterns that were a
`size of 19 cm2. From testing, we found that the system
`could register a pattern at a range of 22.5 cm to 385 cm
`from the wall. In a 8 x 7 m room this range would be
`sufficient (for the initial stages of the project) and an
`accuracy of within 10 cm at the longer distances. It is
`important that no matter where the user looks in the
`room that, at least one pattern must be visible in order
`to provide tracking. For this reason, we realised that to
`implement the patterns on the walls as the sole means
`of tracking would require different size targets. We are
`investigating the use of targets themselves as patterns
`inside larger targets; therefore one large target may con-
`tain four smaller targets when a user is close to a target.
`Our second approach has been to place the markers
`on the ceiling, with the vision-based tracking camera
`pointed upwards. The camera does not have the prob-
`lem of variable area of visible wall space, as the distance
`to the ceiling is relatively constant. The main differences
`are the varying heights of users. In the first instance we
`are implementing a small range of head tilt and head roll
`(+/- 45 degrees). Perspectives such as those from laying
`down or crawling will be investigated in the future.
`The patterns on the ceiling were placed so that at
`one time at least one pattern could be reliably identified
`by the tracking software. With the camera mounted on
`the backpack at at height of 170 cm and with the room
`height of 270 cm, our current lens for the camera views
`a boundary of at least 130 cm2; we chose a pattern of
`10 cm2 in size.
`5 Choosing colours
`The choice of colours is important for outdoor aug-
`mented reality applications, as some colours are difficult
`to distinguish from natural surroundings or in bright
`sunlight. The original Quake game incorporates a “dark
`Authorized licensed use limited to: Cooley LLP. Downloaded on June 06,2021 at 17:25:53 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1029
`Page 006


`People disliked the colours on the status bar and
`thought the range of colours were limited. The mon-
`ster colours were good and easy to see, and the users
`were able to easily identify monsters. When asked “Is
`the movement in the augmented reality relative to the
`real world?” - Most people thought that the movement
`relative to the real world was okay but commented on
`the lag when rotating their heads. When asked “Is it
`easy to shoot at the monsters?” - Most subjects found
`that the lag made it difficult to align the cross hairs at
`the targets. The actual process of firing the weapon was
`7 Implementing ARQuake
`The original Tinmith modules which we had previ-
`ously constructed have not required any modifications
`to support the extensions mentioned in this paper. Two
`additional modules modpatt and modquake have been
`added to provide new features.
`The modpatt module performs the pattern recogni-
`tion using the ARToolKit, and also reads in position and
`orientation values from the devices in modharvester.
`(More details concerning architecture and implemen-
`tation of the existing Tinmith modules can be found
`in [9, 101.) The modpatt module uses the pattern recog-
`nition extended from ARToolKit to refine the position
`and orientation information, which is then passed back
`to the Tinmith system for the other modules to pro-
`cess. This integration is performed by reprogramming
`the tables which describe how the modules connect with
`each other. In the case of when the system is indoors,
`modpatt is responsible for using just the camera recog-
`nition to generate position information, as the GPS does
`not function indoors.
`The modquake module ex

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