Exploiting Reality with Multicast Groups: A Network
`for Large-scale Virtual Environments
`Michael R. Macedonia, *Michael J. Zyda, David R. Pratt, Donald P. Brutzman, Paul T. Barham
`Computer Science Department
`Naval Postgraduate School
`Monterey, California
`93943-5 118 USA
`zyda, Pratt, brutzman, barham}
`{ macedonia,
`We describe a network software architecture for solving the
`problem of scaling very large distributed simulations. The
`is to logically
`environments by associating spatial,
`temporal, and
`functionally related entity classes with network multicast
`groups. We exploit the actual characteristics of the real-
`large- scale environments
`that are simulated by
`focusing or restricting an entity’s processing and network
`resources to its area of interest via a local Area of Interest
`Manager (AOIM). Finally, we present an example of how
`we would implement this concept for ground vehicles. We
`have begun design and construction of the AOIM for use
`the NPSNET 3D vehicle simulator. NPSNET
`currently the only Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS)
`IP Multicast
`communications and is suitable for operation over the
`Virtual Reality, Distributed
`Internet Protocol Multicast, Distributed
`This paper outlines the problems and a proposed solution to
`the design and construction of large-scale distributed
`In particular
`this paper addresses
`networking software architecture for large-scale virtual
`environments (VEs). We suggest a method that exploits the
`and temporal relationships of real-world
`for partitioning VEs by associating network
`multicast groups with entity areas of interest.
`The motivation for our effort is to expand the capability of
`virtual environments to serve large numbers (more than
`1,000) of simultaneous users. Interest by the government,
`academic researchers, military, and telecommunications
`industry in large distributed virtual environments has been
`rapidly growing.
`In particular, distributed
`entertainment applications such as multiplayer games,
`whether in-home or location-based, will require scalable
`network architectures
`in order to provide both rich
`environments and profitable returns.
`Advances in computer architectures and graphics, as well as
`standards such as the IEEE 1278 Distributed
`Simulation (DIS) and BBN SIMNET protocols have made
`small scale (less than 300 players) realistic man-in-the-loop
`simulations possible [5,6,11]. These standards have been
`used by the military
`for several years. Unfortunately,
`SIMNET, which was developed for small unit training, and
`its descendant, DIS, are currently not suitable for large-scale
`multiplayer VEs.
`We list several major problems associated with scaling the
`current suite of DIS protocols
`in order to illustrate
`difficulties of building large-scale VEs:
`Enormous bandwidth and computational
`for large-scale simulation.
`In schemes such as SIMNET
`and DIS, a simulation with 100,000 players would require
`375 Mbit per second (Mbps) of network bandwidth to each
`computer participating
`in the simulation, an unrealistic
`requirement for an affordable system in this decade[7].
`Maintaining the state of all other entities, particularly with
`dead-reckoning algorithms
`(which use second-order
`kinematics equations), will be a major bottleneck for large-
`scale simulation. Recent experiences with the U.S. Army’s
`Simulated Theater of War (STOW) have shown this to be
`the case.
`Faster computers and networks will not necessarily satisfy
`these needs. First, faster networks require faster processors
`merely to copy packets from the network into user space
`even before the application touches the protocol data unit
`(PDT-I). Second, the creeping demand for more realism (i.e.
`collision detection and constraint satisfaction) will introduce
`a rapid rise in computational and space complexity with
`O-8186-7084-3/95 $04.00 0 1995 IEEE
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`even modest size VEs [21].
`to which a
`We conjecture that 1000 entities are the limit
`single host can realistically manage despite future advances
`in computer and graphics architectures.
`Multiplexing of different media at the application layer.
`The current DIS protocol
`the application
`multiplex and demultiplex different types of real-time data
`(e.g. simulation packets, audio, and video) at the application
`layer rather than at the network or transport
`Therefore, the virtual environment must treat continuous
`video streams identically to bursty simulation traffic, i.e.
`allocation of buffers and timing at the application layer[20].
`Lack of an efficient method of handling static objects.
`Large numbers of static entities such as bridges and
`buildings may change with respect to an event (e.g. an
`explosion). These and other stationary objects must send
`update messages at regular
`to inform
`participants of their current state. For example, a tank that
`has been destroyed must constantly inform the world that it
`is dead to inform new entrants or other entities that may
`have missed the original state change message.
`Models and world databases must be replicated at each
`simulator. No mechanism in DIS exists to distribute objects
`on demand. For large-scale simulation, this is a necessity,
`particularly when the simulators are heterogenous,
`controlled by different organizations, and little coordination
`is expected prior to an exercise. Furthermore,
`it is not
`feasible nor efficient for each simulator to store every model
`and database for a 100,000 entity simulation. For example, a
`human simulation (e.g. a dismounted infantryman) on land
`normally does not need to concern itself with naval vessels,
`unless some unique scenario has the human near enough to
`the ocean so that it is visible.
`Event and State message paradigm. A basic requirement
`for DIS has been that the simulation of the VE must be, as a
`whole, stateless - data is fully distributed among the
`hosts and entities are semi-persistent.
`Therefore, every entity must be made aware of every event
`(e.g. a missile detonation communicated by a Detonation
`Protocol Data Unit or DPDU) just on the chance it may need
`to know it. According to the protocol, an entity must, on a
`regular basis, communicate all of its state information (an
`Entity State Protocol Data Unit or ESPDU)
`to every
`member of the group - even though the data contained in the
`ESPDU is often redundant and unnecessary (e.g. aircraft
`markings). More importantly, these “keep alive” messages
`can comprise 70% of the traffic for large-scale simulations
`in DIS does not take into
`This paradigm as applied
`consideration that different simulated systems have different
`real-world sensing capabilities
`that translate into each
`entity’s VE data requirements. In a large VE, it is unlikely
`that two entities representing ground vehicles separated by
`200 Km need to be aware of each other. Yet, under the
`current architecture they must inform each other of state
`changes and updates.
`The rationale for this is to avoid the reliability problems of a
`central server, to simplify communication protocols, and
`minimize latency while guaranteeing that hosts entering a
`simulation would eventually build their entity database
`through entity state and event messages. Furthermore, the
`use of broadcast ESPDU updates is part of the effort to
`maintain consistent view among the simulators within a
`particular tolerance.
`Real-time system trade-off’s. Reliability (guarantees that
`data sent is received) normally is compromised for real-time
`performance in large distributed groups. This is because in
`order to be truly reliable the system requires the use of
`acknowledgment schemes such as the one used in Transport
`Control Protocol (TCP) which defeats the notion of real-
`time, particularly if a player host must establish a virtual
`connection with every other entity host to ensure that each
`received data correctly. Therefore, large-scale environments
`must rely on connectionless (and therefore unreliable)
`network protocols such as the User Datagram Protocol
`(UDP) for wide-area communications.
`The corollary is that a real-time environment should avoid
`transactions between entities since this requires reliable
`communications. Furthermore, schemes that use a central
`database do not work well
`in a large VE due to I/O
`contention. For example, AT&T’s Imagination network
`limits the number of concurrent players in a game to four
`because they are centrally served and bandwidth is limited
`to the speed of modems (less than 28 Kbps).
`layer. There does not exist a DIS
`No “middleware”
`protocol component that mediates between distributed VE
`applications and the network. The current DIS paradigm
`implies the use of a bridged network because every message
`is broadcast to every entity. However, internetworking
`(routing over the network layer) is necessary for large-scale
`simulations because it provides
`the capability
`to use
`commercial services as opposed to private networks to bring
`together diverse, geographically dispersed sites; use
`different local network topologies and technologies (e.g.
`Ethernet and FDDI); and take advantage of “rich”
`topologies for partitioning bandwidth, providing robustness
`and optimization
`of routes for minimizing
`Confining DIS to the data link layer requires the use of
`Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS '95)
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`bridges which are on order of magnitude slower
`reconfigure after a topological change than routers while the
`number of stations are limited to the tens of thousands. A
`network with
`is limited
`to the numbers
`accommodated by the address space [ 101.
`Origins as small unit training systems for Local Area
`Networks (LANs). Many of these problems devolve from
`the fact that until recently DIS and SIMNET were used
`exclusively for small scale training simulations. In this
`mode it has been relatively easy to insure that the VE
`components have homogenous sets of models and terrain
`databases by replicating
`them at each host. The lack of
`middleware stems from the monolithic nature of these small
`scale environments which could be distributed using a
`single LAN. Hence, broadcast
`communication was
`sufficient for these limited environments.
`These origins have also influenced the current assumptions
`about the density and rates of activity of entities in large-
`scale simulations that do not necessarily match the real
`world. Players in SIMNET participated for short periods
`(several hours) and were highly active because the purpose
`of the simulation was to train crews in coordinated drills.
`Furthermore, the density of entities with respect to the
`simulated area of play was high because that best
`represented a small unit engaged in close combat and
`because of the difficulty in using large terrain data bases.
`Increasing the number of entities by more than two orders of
`magnitude requires us to think beyond these artificial
`situations. We believe
`that it is incorrect
`to strictly
`extrapolate the SIMNET and DIS experience (or any of the
`small-scale research VEs) to large-scale VEs. Moreover,
`large VEs are likely
`to be domain specific
`in their
`requirements. We can exploit aspects of the real-world such
`as areas of interest and movement rates to efficiently use
`multicast groups, eliminate ESPDU keep-alive updates,
`enhance the reliability of large-scale VEs, and reduce
`overall bandwidth requirements.
`In the real world, which virtual environments emulate,
`entities have a limited area of interest. For example, a tank
`on a battlefield can effect and observe other entities out to a
`range of less than 10 Km. On the other hand, a person on
`foot typically has an area of interest of only several hundred
`meters. This would be the case for a dismounted
`infantryman or a human simulated for a typical role-playing
`adventure game. The entities whose areas of interest overlap
`are members of a spatial class or group in the VE.
`With respect to the military domain, group membership
`these classes would change relatively slowly.
`Helmbold in his study on the rates of advance rates for land
`operation found that land combat operations stand still 90-
`99% of the time [ 161. The world’s record for aggregate
`movement in modem warfare was 92 Km/day for 4 days (or
`about 6 Km/hour) by the 24th Mechanized Infantry Division
`in Desert Storm [ 15,171. Individual vehicles may move
`much faster, but they would not continue at high rates very
`long because they fight as part of units in which movement
`must be coordinated.
`The partitioning of virtual worlds into spaces is a common
`metaphor for VEs. Multi-User Dungeons (MUDS) have
`from Xerox PARC
`used this idea and projects like Jupiter
`have extended this to associating “rooms” with multicast
`video and audio teleconferences
`[241. Lockheed has
`developed a similar concept for spatial partitioning
`assumes the use of ATM multicast “channels”, i.e. mapping
`relevant groups to ATM’s Virtual Channel Identifiers.
`Though ATM multicast technology is not yet mature, (few
`vendors support
`these ideas present exciting
`Benford has described a concept for the spatial interaction
`of objects in a large-scale VE [22]. The spatial model uses
`different levels of awareness between objects based on their
`relative distance and mediated through a negotiation
`mechanism. An implementation using DIVE (Distributed
`Interactive Virtual Environment) uses “standard VR
`collision detection”
`to determine when the transitions
`between awareness
`levels should occur
`[26]. The
`MASSIVE project also uses this approach. However, the
`need for collision detection, reliable communication, and
`strong dam consistency have made it difficult for DIVE and
`to scale beyond a handful of users [25]. This
`may be changing as their developers pursue the use of
`multicast communications and weaker data consistency.
`Our approach is computationaly efficient--constant time
`versus @log n) for simple collision detection using octrees
`or bounding volumes--and takes advantage of multicast
`for partitioning
`the environment
`[ 191.
`Additionally, we consider two other criteria for establishing
`relevance among entities and their communication in the
`Entities also may belong to afunctional
`class in which an
`entity may communicate with a subset of entities. Therefore,
`simulated radio traffic should be restricted only to the
`interested parties of the group. Other types of functional
`classes could be related to system management or services
`such as time.
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`Player X
`Player B
`Player A
`Figure 1. Simple
`illustration of multicast communications. Groups are expressed as IP Multicast Addresses. Note
`that Player C is a member of both multicast groups.
`Another example of a functional class in the military
`domain would be a VE “air control” group. The group
`would include entities that are primarily concerned with
`entities or events occurring in the air. Therefore, air defense
`and aircraft entities would comprise the majority of the
`group. Aircraft and air defense systems are relatively sparse
`in the whole as compared to other combat systems such as
`tanks. Air defense systems would also belong to a small
`subset of the spatial class. Aircraft which are interested in a
`particular area of ground can “focus” and join a spatial
`group associated with its area of interest.
`Finally, entities can belong to a temporal
`class. For
`example, some entities do not require real-time updates of
`all state changes. A system management entity might only
`need updates every several minutes. Similarly, a simulator
`of a space-borne sensor only needs a general awareness of
`ground vehicle entities and therefore can accept low-
`resolution updates. When there is a need for more
`resolution, the simulator, like aircraft entities, can focus and
`become part of a spatial group.
`We propose the use of a software “glue” between the DIS
`event and state PDU paradigm and the network layers that is
`wedded to reality. The area of interest manager (AOIM)
`the VE into a set of workable, small scale
`environments or classes to reduce computational load on
`hosts, minimize communications on network tail links, and
`localize reliability problems. Furthermore, the AOIM exists
`with every simulator to distribute partitioning processing
`among hosts.
`The AOIM uses spatial, temporal, and functional classes for
`establishing membership in multicast network groups.
`services allow arbitrarily
`sized groups to
`communicate on a network via a single transmission by the
`source [ 101. Multicast provides one-to-many and many-to-
`many delivery
`for applications
`such as
`teleconferencing and distributed simulation in which there is
`a need to communicate with several other hosts
`simultaneously. For example, a multicast teleconference
`allows a host to send voice and video simultaneously to a set
`of (but not necessarily all) locations. With broadcast, data is
`sent to all hosts while unicast or point-to-point
`communication only between two hosts.
`The Internet Protocol (IP) Multicast protocol provides an
`addressing scheme that permits unreliable, connectionless,
`multicast service that is routable over the Internet [2,19].
`From the perspective of the AOIM, IP Multicast allows the
`creation of transient multicast groups that can be associated
`with an entity’s area of interest (AOI).
`In this context, IP Multicast addresses can essentially be
`used as context labels instead of physical destinations.
`Figure 1 shows this. Players X, Y, and Z send data to the IP
`Multicast group address rather than explicitly
`forwarding packets to each and every player. The network
`takes over this requirement. Players A and B send and
`receive traffic relevant only to their group,,
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`Figure 2. Area of Interest
`for vehicle mapped
`to a subset of multicast groups.
`while C is a member of both and participates
`in each
`Therefore, multiplexing and demultiplexing is done at the
`network level. This naturally provides a way of separating
`classes of traffic such as audio, video and simulation data.
`For example, the radio communications functional class
`would be mapped to a particular multicast group address or
`As stated before, this partitioning is necessary to reduce the
`enormous computational
`requirements of large-scale
`(100,000 player) simulations. For a 1000 object exercise
`conducted in 1990 with SIMNET,
`the limiting
`factor was
`not network bandwidth, with loads running at 50%, but the
`local host processor performance [ 11. Network simulations
`done by Van Hook have shown that a 90% reduction in
`traffic to a particular node is achievable for a 10,000 player
`exercise using multicast services [ 133.
`There are several reasons we use hexagons. First, they are
`regular, have a uniform orientation, and have uniform
`adjacency [ 181. As the vehicle moves through the VE, it
`uniformly adds and deletes the same number of cells/
`multicast groups.
`Secondly, a vehicle’s A01 is typically defined by a radius -
`much like signal of transmitter
`in a cellular
`system. If squares were used, we would either need to
`include more area than was necessary (and thus include
`more entities in our AOI) or use smaller grids - requiring
`more multicast groups - and compute which grids the
`vehicle should be associated with. Using hexagons with a
`2.5 km radius, the A01 above ranges from 12.5 to 8.6 km
`and the area is 411 km2. If the average density of vehicles
`was 2 per km 2, then the entity host communicates with
`approximately 800 other entities. As mentioned previously,
`the A01 varies with respect to the capabilities of the system
`To illustrate our ideas, we examine using the AOIM
`associate spatial classes with multicast addresses. We
`this example partitioning
`the VE with
`appropriately sized hexagonal cells. Each cell is associated
`with a multicast group. In Figure 2 we associate a vehicle
`with 19 hexagons that represent its AOI. Hence, it is also a
`member of 19 network multicast groups. The entity’s host
`listens to all 19 groups but, with two exceptions, it sends
`PDUs only to the one associated with the cell in which it is
`Entities can belong to several groups at a time to avoid
`boundary or temporal aliasing. There will
`likely be few
`group transitions by a ground-based entity within an hour
`because, on average, groups of vehicles will move slowly
`relative to the entire VE. If a vehicle was moving at the
`Desert Storm record advance rate, it would transition on
`average a cell once an hour. The vehicle portrayed in Figure
`2 must join and leave 5 multicast groups which are
`associated with cells at the periphery of its A01 where
`change is less critical - ameliorating the effects of latency
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`caused by joining and leaving new groups. The outlined
`clear cells are removed and the outlined grey cells are added
`as the entity transitions to a new cell.
`for database
`We use group changes as an opportunity
`updates -- similar to a paged memory scheme -- in order to
`eliminate regular ESPDU updates. We do this in a logical,
`distributed manner using knowledge about the age of
`entities with respect to their particular group.
`An entity joins a group as a passive or active member.
`Active members send as well as receive PDUs within the
`group, are located in the cell associated with the group, and
`can become the group leader. Passive members normally do
`not send PDUs to the group except when they join or leave.
`They are associated with the group because the cell is within
`their AOI, yet they are not located within the cell.
`When an entity joins a new group it notes the time it entered
`and issues a Join Request PDU to the cell group. The PDU
`has a flag indicating whether it is active or passive. The
`group leader replies with a Pointer PDU that references the
`request and in turn multicasts a PDU containing a pointer to
`itself or another active entity. The new member sends a
`Data Request PDU to the referenced source which issues a
`Data PDU containing the aggregate set of active entity
`PDUs. A passive entity becomes an active member of a
`group by reissuing the Join Request PDU with a flag set to
`active when entering a cell. Departures from the group are
`announced with a Leave Request PDU.
`We use the oldest member of the group as the election
`method for group leader. We make use of timestamps to
`determine the oldest member. The first active member of a
`group will
`issue several Join Request PDUs before
`concluding that its is the sole member of the group and
`therefore the oldest. When a passive entity determines that
`there is no leader, it merely listens for active members. A
`new active member of an established group issues a Join
`Request PDU, receives the Data PDU, notes the join
`timestamps of the members, and keeps track of those who
`enter and leave.
`The Data PDU may be sent reliably to the issuer of the Join
`Request PDU via a unicast protocol as a heavy-weight
`object. With a large member distributed simulation,
`reliability, as provided in the Transmission Control Protocol
`(TCP), would normally penalize real-time performance
`merely by having
`to maintain
`for each host’s
`acknowledgment. Moreover,
`flow control
`is also not
`appropriate for DIS since systems with humans in the loop
`can recover from a lost state message more gracefully than
`from late arrivals. Fortunately, within the context of DIS, a
`certain amount of unreliability is tolerable and is mediated
`through the use of the dead-reckoning and smoothing
`algorithms [4,8]. Other applications such as packet voice
`and video can use adaptive techniques to handle lost packets
`and delays [9]. However, we can reliably send the Data
`PDU because the entity will normally be joining a group
`that is at the periphery of its A01 where latency is not as
`Communications model. We conjecture that a large-scale
`real-time VE cannot guarantee strong data consistency and
`reliable communication
`among all its participants
`simultaneously. Instead, four types of communication can
`be established which, used together, allow stronger
`consistency than simply broadcasting state messages. They
`provide for a much richer world through a mechanism for
`large objects
`and supporting VE
`In our model there exists four methods for communication
`within the context of VEs:
`Light-weight interactions. These messages are composed of
`the same state, event, and control PDUs used in the DIS
`paradigm but implemented with multicast. They are light-
`weight because the complete semantics of the message are
`encapsulated in the maximum transfer unit (MTU) of the
`underlying data link to permit asynchronous real-time
`interactive use. Therefore, these PDUs are not segmented.
`They are either received completely or not at all because
`they are communicated via connectionless and unreliable
`(unacknowledged data) networks. The MTU for Ethernet is
`1500 bytes and 296 bytes for 9600 point-to-point
`Network pointers. Proposed are light-weight references to
`resources, in a similar way to Uniform Resource Identifier
`(URI) as defined in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
`(HTTP)[27]. Pointers are multicast to the group so that they
`can be cached by members. Therefore, common queries
`need not be resent and the server can direct the responses to
`other members of the group. We make a distinction between
`pointers and light-weight
`interactions (e.g. Join Request
`PDU) because they do not completely contain a object but
`rather its reference. Pointers provide a powerful mechanism
`for referencing not only the current aggregate state of the
`group but also terrain, model geometry, and entity behaviors
`defined by a scripting language. In the context of the World
`Wide Web, network pointers have revolutionized Internet
`Heavy-weight objects. These objects require reliable,
`connection-oriented communication. For example, an entity
`may require model geometry after joining a group that does
`Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS '95)
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`not exist in its database. The entity would multicast a
`request for the geometry and the response would be a
`multicast pointer to the source. If efforts such as the Virtual
`Reality Modeling Language (VRML) are successful,
`heterogeneous systems may be able to exchange this type of
`information [28].
`streams. Video and audio traffic provide
`continuous streams of data that require real-time delivery,
`sequencing and synchronization. Moreover, these streams
`will be long-lasting, persisting from several seconds to days.
`They are multicasted on a particular “channel”
`to a
`functional class. In contrast with the current DIS protocol,
`we propose the use of pointers to direct entities to these
`channels rather than, for example, forcing the VE, which
`may be as simple as a text-based application, to receive both
`light-weight DIS PDUs as well as video streams. Moreover,
`the VE can spawn a separate process which incorporates an
`adaptive receiver and which separates the handling of bursty
`simulation message from real-time streams.
`Entities can only interact if they are aware of and can
`communicate with each other. Entity A becomes aware of
`entity B only if B is an active member of a group that A
`belongs to -- and therefore, in the A01 of A. If both are only
`passive members of the same groups then each one is
`beyond the view or influence of the other.
`In a combat simulation, it is possible that if tank A fired a
`non-guided munition (which is not instantiated as an entity)
`at tank B, then B’s A01 might not overlap the cell in which
`A was an active member tank. A must become an active
`member of the target area cell and forward a detonation
`PDU to that cell. According to the DIS protocol, entities
`assess for themselves the effects of the detonation and report
`via an ESPDU any state changes which are the result.
`Reduced latency for new entrant learning. Assuming an
`even distribution of entities in our example, for each cell
`joined an entity must receive data for about 40 other
`entities--approximately 40 Kbits. At 10 Mbps data transfer
`rates, it would take 4 ms to update a new entrant versus 5
`seconds under the current DIS scheme.
`requirements. This architecture
`Reduced bandwidth
`eliminates the need for entity keep-alives. New entrants are
`informed by the Join procedure of who exists in their
`particular groups. Multicast association further reduces the
`traffic demands on the tail links by confining the scope of an
`entity’s communication to its area of interest and implicitly
`directing it traffic to a subset of hosts on the network.
`No need for a centralized server, Using the oldest member
`of a group to serve Join requests is logical because it is the
`entity that should know all of the other entities and the past
`events that have occurred in the group. We expect that
`serving the group will be relatively undemanding with
`respect to Input/Output processing for the group leader
`because of the small number of active members in a group/
`cell and relatively slow transitions due to the expected real
`world transition rates for vehicles. Moreover, the server,
`through the pointer mechanism, can assign other entities to
`the task of serving the request. This provides an opportunity
`for exploring different algorithms
`for load balancing
`Solves the static and dead entity problem. Likely
`candidates for the group leader will be static entities such as
`those representing buildings or bridges which can change
`state (i.e. collapse). Servers for these destructible entities
`will be the originating members of a spatially associated
`group and remain with the group for its entire existence.
`Moreover, static or dead entities are no longer a major
`burden to the VE with respect to wasting bandwidth with
`update ESPDUs. They need only to transmit PDUs upon
`initialization and when changing state.
`Localization of reliability problems. large-scale VEs will
`naturally have some degree of unreliability. Partitioning the

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