`Matthew K. Blackburn (CSB 261959)
`Evan Boetticher (CSB No. 274377)
`150 California Street Suite 2200
`San Francisco, California 94111
`Allan B. Diamond (pro hac vice)
`John B. Sample, IV (pro hac vice)
`909 Fannin Street, 37th Floor
`Houston, Texas 77010
`Telephone: 713.333.5100
`Facsimile 713.333.5199
`Attorneys for Plaintiffs NANTWORKS, LLC
`CASE NO. 3(cid:29)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)(cid:70)(cid:89)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)06262(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)LB
`TO U.S. PATENT NOS. 10,403,051 AND
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Case No. 3:20-cv-06262-LB
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 001


`Pursuant to Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)1, Plaintiffs Nantworks, LLC, and Nant Holdings IP, LLC.
`(“NantWorks”) provides the following Disclosure of Asserted Claims and Infringement
`Contentions Relating to U.S. Patent Nos. 10,403,051 (“the ’051 Patent”); and 10,664,518 (“the
`’518 Patent”)
`This Disclosure is based on NantWorks’ current knowledge, understanding, and beliefs.
`Recognizing that discovery is in its early stages and NantWorks has not yet completed its
`investigation, collection of information, or analysis of Defendant Niantic, Inc.’s (“Niantic”)
`conduct relevant to the Asserted Patents, NantWorks reserves its right to amend, revise, and/or
`supplement any part of this Disclosure and/or any accompanying exhibits in accordance with this
`Court’s Scheduling Order, Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)6, and/or the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, as
`additional documents and information become available and as discovery and investigation
`This Disclosure does not represent, and should not be understood as describing,
`NantWorks’ position regarding the construction of any claim language in the asserted claims of
`the Asserted Patents. Moreover, this Disclosure is made without prejudice to any position that
`NantWorks may take with respect to claim construction. NantWorks further reserves the right to
`supplement this Disclosure following any claim construction order from this Court or for other
`good cause, and reserves the right to introduce and use such supplemental materials at trial.
`Furthermore, NantWorks makes this Disclosure without waiving its right to object to the
`production of any document, data compilation, or tangible thing disclosed on the basis of any
`privilege, work product, relevancy, undue burden, or other valid objection.
`Based on the information presently known to NantWorks, NantWorks identifies the
`following asserted claims pursuant to Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)1(a):
`(cid:120) The ’051 Patent (Pokémon Go)—claims 1, 5(cid:3031)–(cid:3031)9, 22(cid:3031)–(cid:3031)29, 36, 38, and 43
`(cid:120) The ’051 Patent (Harry Potter: Wizards Unite)— 1, 5(cid:3031)–(cid:3031)9, 22(cid:3031)–(cid:3031)29, 36, 38, and 43
`(cid:120) The ’518 Patent (Pokémon Go)—claims 1(cid:3031)–(cid:3031)8, 11(cid:3031)–(cid:3031)20, 23, 24, 26, 28(cid:3031)–(cid:3031)32, and 34(cid:3031)–(cid:3031)36
`CASE NO. 3(cid:29)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)(cid:70)(cid:89)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)06262(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)LB
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 002


`(cid:120) The ’518 Patent (Harry Potter: Wizards Unite)—claims 1(cid:3031)–(cid:3031)8, 11(cid:3031)–(cid:3031)20, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29,
`32, and 34(cid:3031)–(cid:3031)36
`NantWorks alleges that Niantic infringes each of the asserted claims of the ’051
`and ’518 Patents under 35 U.S.C. §§(cid:3031)271(a), and/or (b).
`Pursuant to Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)1(b), and based on NantWorks’ investigation thus far,
`NantWorks identifies the following apparatuses, products, devices, processes, methods, acts, or
`other instrumentalities (collectively “the Accused Instrumentalities”) that NantWorks believes
`infringe the asserted claims:
`(1) All versions/generations of the Pokémon Go game when used in conjunction with the
`Niantic Real World Platform that have been sold or offered for sale since September 3,
`(2) All versions/generations of the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite game when used in
`conjunction with the Niantic Real World Platform that have been sold or offered for sale since
`September 3, 2019.
`On information and belief, all of Niantic’s Accused Instrumentalities described in
`paragraphs (1)—(2), above, have the back(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)end computer architecture, which Niantic refers to as
`the Niantic Real World Platform.
`NantWorks’ identification of the Accused Instrumentalities is based on its current
`knowledge, understanding, and beliefs as to the facts and information available as of the date of
`this Disclosure. NantWorks reserves the right to amend, revise, and/or supplement this
`identification as additional information becomes available as discovery and investigation proceed.
`Pursuant to Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)1(c), and based on NantWorks’ investigation thus far, attached
`as Exhibits 1(cid:3032)—(cid:3032)4 are detailed claim charts that identify specifically where each limitation of each
`asserted claim is found within each Accused Instrumentality.
`(cid:120) Exhibit 1: Claim chart for the ’051 patent (Pokémon Go)
`(cid:120) Exhibit 2: Claim chart for the ’051 patent (Harry Potter: Wizards Unite)
`CASE NO. 3(cid:29)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)(cid:70)(cid:89)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)06262(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)LB
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 003


`(cid:120) Exhibit 3: Claim chart for the ’581 patent (Pokémon Go)
`(cid:120) Exhibit 4: Claim chart for the ’581 patent (Harry Potter: Wizards Unite)
`Pursuant to Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)1(d), and based on NantWorks’ investigation thus far,
`NantWorks believes that Niantic’s conduct with respect to the Accused Instrumentalities directly
`and indirectly infringes each of the asserted claims identified in Section II (above).
`On information and belief, Niantic directly infringes each of the asserted claims of the
`Asserted Patents by making, using, offering to sell, and/or selling in the United States and/or
`importing into the United States AR games (including its Pokémon Go game and its Harry Potter
`game). When these AR games are downloaded onto mobile devices, permitted to interact with
`backend servers, and used by Niantic, its employees, or its agents, these games practice the
`inventions claimed in one or more claims of each of the Asserted Patents.
`On information and belief, Niantic indirectly infringes each of the asserted claims of the
`Asserted Patents by inducing its customers and/or (cid:70)(cid:82)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:88)(cid:80)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:3)(cid:72)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)(cid:88)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:82)(cid:3)(cid:71)(cid:76)(cid:85)(cid:72)(cid:70)(cid:87)(cid:79)(cid:92)(cid:3)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:73)(cid:85)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:74)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:75)(cid:72)(cid:3)
`Asserted Patents. Niantic induces infringement by providing AR games, including its Pokémon
`Go App and its Harry Potter App, that when downloaded onto mobile devices, permitted to
`interact with backend servers, and used by customers and/or consumer (cid:72)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)(cid:88)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:73)(cid:82)(cid:85)(cid:3)AR gaming,
`as directed, and intended by Niantic, cause those customers and/or (cid:72)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)(cid:88)(cid:86)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:82)(cid:3)(cid:83)(cid:85)(cid:68)(cid:70)(cid:87)(cid:76)(cid:70)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:75)(cid:72)(cid:3)
`inventions claimed in one or more claims of the Asserted Patents. For example, Niantic has taken
`affirmative steps that encourage, aid, and abet (and continues to encourage, aid, and abet)
`infringement by direct infringers by manufacturing and supplying the Accused Instrumentalities,
`by providing instructional guides on how to install and use the Accused Instrumentalities, by
`promoting the Accused Instrumentalities on its websites. Further, Niantic has induced and
`continues to induce with knowledge of the Asserted Patents and with knowledge of direct
`infringement of the Asserted Patents by its distributors, dealers, retailers, resellers, customers, and
`end(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)users in the United States (or has been willfully blind to the infringement).
`NantWorks intends to pursue fact discovery, including depositions, on the full scope of
`Niantic’s direct and indirect infringement.
`CASE NO. 3(cid:29)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)(cid:70)(cid:89)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)06262(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)LB
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 004


`Pursuant to Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)1(e), NantWorks asserts that the Accused Instrumentalities
`literally infringe the asserted claims of the ’051 and ’518 Patents. To the extent that any of the
`Accused Instrumentalities do not literally infringe the asserted claims of the ’051 and ’518 Patents,
`NantWorks asserts infringement under the doctrine of equivalents. NantWorks may move to
`amend these contentions to allege infringement under the doctrine of equivalents based on future
`developments, discovery, and/or the Court’s claim construction order.
`Pursuant to Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)1(f(cid:3032)), the asserted claims of the ’051 Patent is entitled to a
`priority date at least as early as April 8, 2011, as stated on the face of the patent. The asserted
`claims of the ’518 Patent are entitled to a priority date at least as early as October 17, 2013, as
`stated on the face of the patent.
`Pursuant to Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)1(g), NantWorks asserts that it has no products that incorporate
`or reflect the asserted claims of the Asserted Patents.
`Pursuant to Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)1(h), and on information and belief, NantWorks asserts that
`(1) Niantic’s first infringement of the Asserted Patents began on the respective dates of issuance of
`each of the Asserted Patents, (2) NantWorks may be entitled to damages for Niantic’s
`infringement of the ’051 Patent starting September 3, 2019, (3) NantWorks may be entitled to
`damages for Niantic’s infringement of the ’518 Patent starting May 26, 2020, and (4) assuming
`Niantic’s infringement does not cease, damages will continue to accrue for Niantic’s infringing
`activities through the date of the expiration of the Asserted Patents. NantWorks intends to pursue
`fact discovery on the issue of Niantic’s first infringement of the Asserted Patents.
`CASE NO. 3(cid:29)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)(cid:70)(cid:89)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)06262(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)LB
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 005


`Not asserted at this time, although NantWorks intends to pursue fact discovery on the issue
`of Niantic’s knowledge and willful infringement of the Asserted Patents and NantWorks reserves
`its right to amend, revise, and/or supplement any part of this Disclosure and/or any accompanying
`exhibits in accordance with this Court’s Scheduling Order, Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)6, and/or the Federal
`Rules of Civil Procedure, as additional documents and information become available and as
`discovery and investigation proceed.
`Pursuant to Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)2, NantWorks is producing nonprivileged documents
`concurrently herewith. NantWorks’ document production is based on its investigation to date and
`NantWorks reserves the right to supplement its production to the extent its investigation reveals
`any additional relevant documents required to be produced under Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)2. There are
`additional technical and marking documents that are still being processed and will be produced
`Documents produced at least pursuant to Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)2(c) are labeled: NW(cid:3032)-
`(cid:3032)NIANTIC_112(cid:3032)- NW(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)NIANTIC_290, NW(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)NIANTIC_321(cid:3032)- NW(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)NIANTIC_982, and NW(cid:3032)-
`(cid:3032)NIANTIC_1029(cid:3032)- NW(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)NIANTIC_1759.
`Documents produced at least pursuant to Patent L.R. 3(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)2(d) are labeled NW(cid:3032)-
`(cid:3032)NIANTIC_291(cid:3032)- NW(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)NIANTIC_320 and NW(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)NIANTIC_983(cid:3032)- NW(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)NIANTIC_1028.
`DATED: January 28, 2021
`/s/ Matthew K. Blackburn
`Allan B. Diamond
`Matthew K. Blackburn
`Evan Boetticher
`John B. Sample, IV
`Attorneys for Plaintiffs NANTWORKS, LLC
`CASE NO. 3(cid:29)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)(cid:70)(cid:89)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)06262(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)LB
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 006


`I hereby certify that I caused copies of the foregoing document(s) to be served on January
`28, 2021, upon the following interested parties in this action in the manner indicated:
`Dena Chen
`Lauren J. Krickl
`Heidi L. Keefe
`Alexandra M. Stenstedt Leeper
`3175 Hanover Street
`Palo Alto, CA 94304
`Phone: 650-843-5000
`Fax: 650-849-7400
`Attorneys for Defendant NIANTIC, INC.
`Michael G. Rhodes
`101 California Street, 5th Floor
`San Francisco, CA 94111-5800
`Phone: (415) 693-2000
`Fax: (415) 693-2222
`Attorney for Defendant NIANTIC, INC.
`Via E-mail
`Via E-mail
`I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Executed on January 28, 2021
`/s/ Evan Boetticher
`Evan Boetticher
`CASE NO. 3(cid:29)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)(cid:70)(cid:89)(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)06262(cid:3032)-(cid:3032)LB
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 007


`EXHIBIT (cid:22)
`San Francisco, California 94111
`150 California Street, Suite 2200
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 008


`supplemental materials at trial.
`right to supplement this disclosure following any claim construction order from the Court or for other good cause, and the right to introduce and use such
`position that we may take with respect to claim construction. We reserve all rights and do not concede infringement of any claim, including but not limited to the
`our position regarding the construction of any claim language in the asserted claims. Moreover, the infringement contentions are made without prejudice to any
`from Niantic and from third parties during the course of litigation. The infringement contentionsdo not represent, and should not be understood as describing,
`(or aspects of accused products), and to further identify where each asserted claim is found in each accused product, including on the basis of discovery obtained
`investigation of Niantic’s infringement is ongoing, and we reserve the right to supplement and/or amend these contentions to identify additional accused products
`1The infringement contentions provided herein are illustrative and exemplary based on information obtained to date and may notbe exhaustive. Our
`2All infringement contentions set forth herein for any independent patent claim are hereby incorporated by reference into the infringementcontentions
`alleged for any dependent claims that depend on such independent claims, as if fully set forth therein.
`3Inclusion of any claim preamble in this claim chart should not be interpreted as an admission that the preamble is limiting. We reserve the right to take
`the position that claim preambles are limiting or not limiting on a claim-by-claim basis.
`approximate location,both Android andiOS devices use GPS,Bluetooth (where available),
`Android and iOS devices include “GPS and location services.”6To determine the device’s
`mobiledevicesand providinginstructions for doing so.
`and endusersto infringeby providing its Pokémon Go gameto the public for download onto
`To the extent that Niantic does not personally and directly infringe, it induces its customers
`of rendering AR.
`limitation, an Android oriOS devicewith the Pokémon Go gameinstalled is a device capable
`realitywhen thatsoftware is running.5To the extent that the preamble is considered a claim
`Pokémon Go game is installed on those devices, they become capable of rendering augmented
`The Pokémon Go game is available for download onto Android and iOS devices.4Once the
`Infringing Functionality/Structure
`location sensor;
`at least one sensor, including a
`augmented reality (AR), the device
`1. A device capable of rendering
`’518Patent Claims2
`Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 10,664,518 (Pokémon Go)1
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 009


`a display;
`materials published by Niantic:9
`The Android and iOS devices include a display, which is depicted in various Pokémon Go
`including a location sensor.
`An Android or iOS device with the Pokémon Go gameinstalledhas at least one sensor,
`GPS antenna, which is shown belowoutlined in red:8
`andcrowd-sourced Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower locations.7For example, the iPhone X has a
`Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 10,664,518 (Pokémon Go)
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 010


`device location obtained from the location sensor.
`configurable to obtain sensor data from the at least one sensor and the sensor data includes a
`An Android or iOS device with the Pokémon Go gameinstalledhas software instructions
`data includes a device location obtained from the location sensor.
`ThePokémon Go gameobtains sensor data from the at least one sensor wherein the sensor
`from the device and repositioning the avatar.13
`walking in the real world, resulting in thePokémon Go gamecollecting locationinformation
`location.For example, to move an in-game avatar, the device user changeslocation by
`from theAndroid or iOSdevice’s GPSand location services, which show the device’s
`When thePokémon Go gameis operating (executed), it is able toobtain location information
`coupled with the non-transitory computer readable memory, the at least one sensor, and the
`An Android or iOS device with the Pokémon Go gameinstalledhasat least one processor
`memory, the sensor, and the display.For example, iPhone XRuses an A12 processor chip.12
`Each of the Android and iOS devices has a processor coupledto the non-transitory computer
`readable memory storing software instructions..
`An Android or iOS device with the Pokémon Go gameinstalledhasa non-transitory computer
`iOS App Store.11
`game(software instructions) is available for download via Google Play, Galaxy Store, or the
`more of RAM.”10RAM is a non-transitory computer readable memory.ThePokémon Go
`“For an optimal Pokémon GO experience, [Niantic]recommend[s]using phones with 2GB or
`An Android or iOS device with the Pokémon Go gameinstalledhas a display.
`from the location sensor;
`includes a device location obtained
`one sensor wherein the sensor data
`obtain sensor data from the at least
`instructions, is configurable to:
`upon executionof the software
`sensor, and the display; and,
`readable memory, the at least one
`the non-transitory computer
`at least one processor coupled with
`instructions; and
`memory storing software
`a non-transitory computer readable
`Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 10,664,518 (Pokémon Go)
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 011


`16Maier, G. (2014) “OpenStreetMap, the Wikipedia Map”,REGION, 1(1), pp. R3-R10.
`accesses the OSM tile data for the area of interest (the vicinity of the user’s device). This tile
`of a real-world location.16As shown in the Map View image above, thePokémon Go game
`data.15Open Street Mapsdata is composed of tiles that can link togoether to form a base map
`Since late 2017, the Pokémon Go game Map View has been built on OpenStreetMaps (OSM)
`an area database based on at least the device location within the sensor data.
`An Android or iOS device with the Pokémon Go gameinstalledobtains an area of interest via
`that includes one or more
`represented by a set of tile subareas
`of interest, the area tile map
`access an area tile map of the area
`device location within the sensor
`area database based on at least the
`obtain an area of interest via an
`device (the area of interest):14
`digital representation of the local streets and landmarks from the real world location near the
`the device’s location and then accesses the OpenStreetMaps database to generate an accurate
`In order to provide a Map Viewto the user, thePokémon Go gameobtainsgeospatial datafor
`Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 10,664,518 (Pokémon Go)
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 012


`depicted (an identified tile subarea).The consistency of such objects at a specificlocation
`associated with the tile within the tile subarea and occupies a small portion of the entire scene
`are AR content objects.For example, in the Map View image above, the Pokéstop(#4) is
`elements within the in-game scene (Pokémon, Pokéstops, and Gyms).These virtual elements
`Tessellated tiles within the identified tile subarea are associated with one or more virtual
`cover at least a portion of the area of interest.
`The tile subareas identified by the Pokémon Go gameinstalled on an Android oriOS device
`small portion of the entire scene depicted(an identified tile subarea).
`for the area of interest (the vicinity of the user’s device), butthe Pokéstop(#4) occupies a
`example, in the Map View image above,thePokémon Go gameaccesses the OSM tile data
`associated with virtual elementswithin the in-game scene(Pokémon, Pokéstop, or Gym). For
`The identified tile subareas correspondtosmaller portions of the broader area of interests
`relative to one or more locations of tile subareas from the set of tile subareas.
`the set of tile subareas in the depicted scene based at least in part on the device location
`An Android or iOS device with the Pokémon Go gameinstalledidentifies a tile subarea from
`virtual elements (e.g., particular Pokémon within the depicted area, Pokéstop, or Gym).
`show the device’s location within the depicted area relative to streets and landmarks as well as
`and othertile subareas.Pokémon Go’s Map View (shown above) includes an avatar (#5) to
`subareawithin the in-game scene (Pokémon, Pokéstop, or Gym)relative to the device location
`the deviceand depictsthe location ofparticular virtual elements associated with thetile
`ThePokémon Go gameidentifes a tile subarea within the larger area of interest proximal to
`tiles from a tessellated tile map.
`the area of interest, which is represented by a set of tile subareas withone or more tessellated
`An Android or iOS device with the Pokémon Go gameinstalledaccesses an area tile map of
`overlaps(tessellation)in order to depict a given area of interest.
`datahas a number of tile subareasarranged in a closely fitted together fashion without gaps or
`more AR content objects;
`subarea are associated with one or
`tiles within the identified tile
`wherein one or more tessellated
`of interest, and
`covers at least a portion of the area
`wherein the identified tile subarea
`subareas from the set of tile
`to one or more locations of tile
`part on the device location relative
`of tile subareas based at least in
`identify a tile subarea from the set
`tile map;
`tessellated tiles from a tessellated
`Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 10,664,518 (Pokémon Go)
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 013


`the device’s camera to create a view of interest displaying the Pokémon AR object.In the
`The Pokémon Go game also combines Pokémon AR objects with image data captured with
`objects are associated with the identified tile subarea(are within the depicted scene).
`depicted on the device’s displayas depicted above. These are AR content objects.These
`The Pokémon Go game Map View displays Pokémon, Pokéstops (#4) and Gyms (#2) are
`within the identified tile subarea.
`computer readable memory with at least one AR content objects associated atessellated tile
`The Pokémon Go gameinstalled on an Android oriOS devicepopulates the non-transitory
`memory along with its corresponding tessellated tile location.
`Pokémon is within the depicted scene, its AR image is populated into the computer readable
`application puts into memory data associated with those objects. For example, ifa particular
`is displayed to the user in Map Viewas shown above.Specifically, thePokémon Go game
`When a virtual element (Pokémon, Pokéstops, and Gyms) appears within an in-game scene, it
`geospatial objects as the player moves about the world.”18
`state of the game world around them” Niantic created an API that “cach[es] both map and
`can control.”In order to “maintain[] the real-time linkage between player location and the
`indexing, and serving engine, which manages world-wide geospatial objects that developers
`GO, Niantic explained that “a central part of our platform is a real-time geospatial storage,
`In describing the technology that “underpins the core server and client engines”of Pokémon
`with one or more AR content objects.
`devicehas one or more tessellated tiles within the identified tile subarea that are associated
`Pokémon Go’s Map Viewcreated by the Pokémon Go gameinstalled on an Android oriOS
`with the identified tilesubarea.17
`across users to create a single reality demonstrates that the AR content objects are associated
`view of interest.
`subarea on the display based on a
`associated with the identified tile
`more AR content objects that is
`render the at least one of the one or
`tile subarea; and
`corresponding with the identified
`one or more tessellated tiles
`content objects associated with the
`least one of the one or more AR
`computer readable memory with at
`populate the non-transitory
`Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 10,664,518 (Pokémon Go)
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 014


`crowd-sourced Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower locations to determine thedevice’s approximate
`services.”20For example, location services of both Android and iOS devices use GPS and
`The Android and iOS devices withthe Pokémon Go gameinstalled include “GPS and location
`Seeclaim 1.
`content objects associated with the identified tile subarea on the display based on a view of
`The Pokémon Go gameinstalled on an AndroidoriOS devicerenders at least one or more AR
`sensor, and a wireless sensor.
`system (GPS) sensor, an image
`sensors: a global positioning
`least one of the following location
`the location sensor comprises at
`2. The device of claim 1, wherein
`of the user’s device:19
`view of interest by superimposing their images over an image of the real-world environment
`AR+ mode, the encounter screen of the Pokémon game displays Pokémon AR objects in a
`Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 10,664,518 (Pokémon Go)
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 1038
`Page 015


`a gyroscope.25The Android platform is typically furnished with a camera, accelerometer, and
`things a camera.For example, the iPhone XR has a 12MP wide camera,an accelerometer, and
`The Android and iOS devices withthe Pokémon Go gameinstalled include, among other
`Seeclaim 1.
`wireless signal location.
`An Android or iOS device with the Pokémon Go gameinstalled includesGPS locationand
`Wi-fi signal for accurate game play.24
`include a wireless signal location.The Pokémon Go game relies on GPS location data or a
`location.23GPS data includes a GPS location. Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower location data
`crowd-sourced Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower locations to determine the device’s approximate
`services.”22For example, location services of both Android and iOS devices use GPS, and
`The Android and iOS deviceswith the Pokémon Go gameinstalled include “GPS and location
`Seeclaim 1.
`sensor, an image sensor, and a wireless sensor.
`comprisesat least one of the following location sensors: a global positioning system (GPS)
`An Android or iOS device with the Pokémon Go gameinstalled hasa location sensorthat
`obtained via a wireless sensor.
`location.21GPS data is obtained via a GPS antenna. Wi-Fi hotspot and cell tower data are
`accelerometer, and a gyroscope.
`following: a camera, an
`includes one or more of the
`the at least one sensor further
`4. The device of claim 1, wherein
`mapping (SLAM) location.
`based simultaneous location and
`of field location, and an image-
`a wireless signal location, a depth
`positioning system (GPS) location,
`one of the following: a global
`the device location includes at least
`3. The device of claim 1, wherein
`Infringement of U.S. Patent No. 10,664,518 (Pokémon Go)
`Niantic's Exhibit No. 103

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