IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with
`Respect to Human Exposure to Radio
`Frequency Electromagnetic Fields,
`3 kHz to 300 GHz
`Sponsored by the
`IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (SCC39)
`I E E E
`3 Park Avenue
`New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
`19 April 2006
`IEEE Std C95.1™-2005
`(Revision of IEEE Std C95.1-1991)
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 001


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`IEEE Std C95.1™-2005
`(Revision of IEEE Std C95.1-1991)
`IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with
`Respect to Human Exposure to Radio
`Frequency Electromagnetic Fields,
`3 kHz to 300 GHz
`IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (SCC39)
`Approved 3 October 2005
`IEEE-SA Standards Board
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 003


`Abstract: Recommendations to protect against harmful effects in human beings exposed to elec-
`tromagnetic fields in the frequency range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz are provided in this standard.
`These recommendations are intended to apply in controlled environments and for general popula-
`tion exposure. These recommendations are not intended to apply to the exposure of patients by or
`under the direction of physicians and medical professionals.
`Keywords: basic restriction (BR), maximum permissible exposure (MPE), radio frequency (RF),
`RF exposure, RF safety, specific absorption rate (SAR)
`The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
`Copyright © 2006 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`All rights reserved. Published 19 April 2006. Printed in the United States of America.
`IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
`Engineers, Incorporated.
`Print: ISBN 0-7381-4834-2 SH95389
`PDF: ISBN 0-7381-4835-0 SS95389
`No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior
`written permission of the publisher.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 004


`IEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE
`Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board. The IEEE develops its standards through a consensus development pro-
`cess, approved by the American National Standards Institute, which brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints
`and interests to achieve the final product. Volunteers are not necessarily members of the Institute and serve without compensa-
`tion. While the IEEE administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the consensus development process,
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`received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least every five years for revision or reaffir-
`mation. When a document is more than five years old and has not been reaffirmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents,
`although still of some value, do not wholly reflect the present state of the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that
`they have the latest edition of any IEEE Standard.
`In publishing and making this document available, the IEEE is not suggesting or rendering professional or other services for, or
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`sional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances.
`Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to specific appli-
`cations. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate action to prepare appro-
`priate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of concerned interests, it is important to ensure that any
`interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason, IEEE and the members of its societies
`and Standards Coordinating Committees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those
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`an individual presenting information on IEEE standards shall make it clear that his or her views should be considered the per-
`sonal views of that individual rather than the formal position, explanation, or interpretation of the IEEE.
`Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affiliation with
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`porting comments. Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to:
`Secretary, IEEE-SA Standards Board
`445 Hoes Lane
`Piscataway, NJ 08854
`NOTE—Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject matter covered
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`Authorization to photocopy portions of any individual standard for internal or personal use is granted by the Institute of Electri-
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`individual standard for educational classroom use can also be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 005


`This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C95.1-2005, IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human
`Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
`In 1960, the American Standards Association approved the initiation of the Radiation Hazards Standards
`project under the co-sponsorship of the Department of the Navy and the Institute of Electrical and Electron-
`ics Engineers, Inc. Prior to 1988, C95 standards were developed by Accredited Standards Committee C95,
`and submitted to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for approval and issuance as ANSI C95
`standards. Between 1988 and 1990, the committee was converted to Standards Coordinating Committee 28
`(SCC 28) under the sponsorship of the IEEE Standards Board. In 2001, the IEEE Standards Association
`Standards Board approved the name “International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES)” for SCC
`28 to better reflect the scope of the committee and its international membership. In accordance with policies
`of the IEEE, C95 standards are issued and developed as IEEE standards, as well as submitted to ANSI for
`In 2005, SCC 28 and SCC 34 became Technical Committees 95 and 34, respectively, under a new commit-
`tee, SCC 39, which is now called ICES.
`The present scope of IEEE ICES is as follows:
`“Development of standards for the safe use of electromagnetic energy in the range of 0 Hz to 300 GHz rela-
`tive to the potential hazards of exposure of man, volatile materials, and explosive devices to such energy. It
`is not intended to include infrared, visible, ultraviolet, or ionizing radiation. The committee will coordinate
`with other committees whose scopes are contiguous with ICES.”
`Subcommittee 4 of ICES Technical Committee 95 (TC95) is responsible for this standard. There are five
`TC95 subcommittees, each of whose area of responsibility is described below in correspondence with its
`designated subcommittee number:
`1) Techniques, Procedures, and Instrumentation;
`2) Terminology, Units of Measurements and Hazard Communication;
`Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure, 0-3 kHz;
`Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure, 3 kHz-300 GHz;
`Safety Levels with Respect to Electro-Explosive Devices.
`Three standards, three recommended practices and one guide have been issued. Current versions are:
`IEEE Std 1460™-1996 (R2002), IEEE Guide for the Measurement of Quasi-Static Magnetic and Electric
`IEEE Std C95.1™-2005, IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio
`Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
`NOTE—The recommendations in this standard protect against scientifically established adverse health effects in human
`beings resulting from exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields in the frequency range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
`Other effects that have been reported in the literature but have not been confirmed or could not be related to human
`health have been considered and are discussed in Annex B and Annex C of this standard.
`IEEE Std C95.2™-1999 (R2005), IEEE Standard for Radio-Frequency Energy and Current Flow Symbols.
`IEEE Std C95.3™-2002, Recommended Practice for Measurements and Computations of Radio Frequency
`Electromagnetic Fields with Respect to Human Exposure to Such Fields, 100 kHz-300 GHz.
`Copyright © 2006 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 006


`IEEE Std C95.4™-2002, IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining Safe Distances from Radio Fre-
`quency Transmitting Antennas When Using Electric Blasting Caps During Explosive Operations.
`IEEE Std C95.6™-2002, IEEE Standard for Safety Levels With Respect to Human Exposure to Electromag-
`netic Fields, 0-3 kHz.
`IEEE Std C95.7™-2005, IEEE Recommended Practice for Radio Frequency Safety Programs, 3 kHz to
`300 GHz.
`Notice to users
`Errata, if any, for this and all other standards can be accessed at the following URL: http://
` Users are encouraged to check this URL for
`errata periodically.
`Current interpretations can be accessed at the following URL:
`Copyright © 2006 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 007


`This standard was prepared by Subcommittee 4 (Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure, 3 kHz-
`300 GHz) of IEEE ICES SCC 28 (now ICES TC-95). The following persons contributed to the development
`of this standard:
`Chung-Kwang Chou, Co-Chair
`John D’Andrea, Co-Chair
`Ronald Petersen, Secretary
`Kenneth Foster
`Om Gandhi
`David George
`Kenneth Gettman
`Margaret Glaser
`George Goldberg
`Gregory Gorsuch
`Arthur Guy
`Donald Haes
`Konstantinos Halkiotis
`Wayne Hammer
`James Hatfield
`Janet Healer
`Donald Heirman
`Louis Heynick*
`William Hurt
`Michel Israel
`Veronica Ivans
`Sheila Johnston
`Kenneth Joyner
`Shaiela Kandel
`Kimberly Kanter
`Jolanta Karpowicz
`B Jon Klauenberg
`Niels Kuster
`Sakari Lang
`John Leonowich
`Dariusz Leszczynski
`James Lin
`Gregory Lotz
`Edward Mantiply
`Patrick Mason
`Raymond McKenzie
`Tom McManus
`Martin Meltz
`Joeseph Morrissey
`Michael Murphy
`Robert Needy
`John Osepchuk
`Russell Owen
`Peter Polson
`Kenneth Proctor
`J Patrick Reilly
`Brad Roberts
`Terence Rybak
`Theodoros Samaras
`Veli Santomaa
`William Scanlon
`Asher Sheppard
`David Sliney
`Mays Swicord
`John Tattersall
`Richard Tell
`Thomas Tenforde
`Paul Testagrossa
`Artnarong Thansandote
`Santi Tofani
`Don Umbdenstock
`Eric van Rongen
`Arthur Varanelli
`Robert Weller
`Louis Williams
`Richard Woods
`Done-Sik Yoo
`Marvin Ziskin
`Eleanor Adair
`Max Ammann
`Vitas Anderson
`Edward Aslan
`Tadeusz Babij
`William Bailey
`Quirino Balzano
`David Baron
`Howard Bassen
`John Bergeron
`David Black
`Dennis Blick
`Ralf Bodemann
`Aviva Brecher
`Jerrold Bushberg
`Philip Chadwick
`Kazuhiku Chikamoto
`Robert Cleveland
`Jules Cohen
`Roger Coghill
`Robert Curtis
`Howard Cyr
`John DeFrank
`Abiy Desta
`David Dini
`Thanh Dovan
`Gregor Durrenberger
`Amnon Duvdevany
`Joe Elder
`Linda Erdreich
`Alice Fahy-Elwood
`David Fichtenberg
`Copyright © 2006 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 008


`The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have
`voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
`Kenneth Foster
`Eleanor Adair
`Kenneth Gettman
`Max Ammann
`Margaret (Marne) Glaser
`Reza Arefi
`Arthur W. Guy
`Quirino Balzano
`Donald Haes
`David Baron
`Edward Hare
`Howard Bassen
`James Hatfield
`John Bergeron
`Philip Hopkinson
`Dennis Blick
`Masateru Ikehata
`Ralf Bodemann
`Veronica Ivans
`Aviva Brecher
`Jerrold Bushberg
`Sheila Johnston
`Kenneth Joyner
`Chung-Kwang Chou
`Robert Cleveland
`Efthymios Karabetsos
`Jules Cohen
`Joseph L. Koepfinger
`John D'Andrea
`Sakari Lang
`John DeFrank
`John Leonowich
`Guru Dutt Dhingra
`Arthur Light
`David Dini
`Martin L. Meltz
`David Fichtenberg
`Abdul Mousa
`Michael Murphy
`Michael Newman
`John Osepchuk
`Ron Petersen
`Peter Polson
`Vikram Punj
`J Patrick Reilly
`Markus Riederer
`Ervin Root
`Veli Santomaa
`William Scanlon
`Asher Sheppard
`Mays Swicord
`Richard Tell
`Paul Testagrossa
`Artnarong Thansandote
`Arthur Varanelli
`Dale Watts
`Louis Williams
`Donald W. Zipse
`Copyright © 2006 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 009


`The following persons were members of ICES SCC 28 (now ICES TC-95) at the time this standard was
`Michael Moore
`Amitabha Mukopadhyay
`Michael Murphy
`David Nelson
`Kwan-Hoong Ng
`John Osepchuk
`Andrei Pakhomov
`William Paul
`Bertil Persson
`Paolo Ravazzani
`J Patrick Reilly
`Michael Repacholi
`Brad Roberts
`Ervin Root
`Theodoros Samaras
`Veli Santomaa
`Herman Schwan*
`Willaim Scanlon
`Asher Sheppard
`Jon Sirugo
`Jan Stolwijk
`Mays Swicord
`Stanislaw Szmigielski
`Rosa Tang
`John Tattersall
`Richard Tell
`Thomas Tenforde
`Artnarong Thansandote
`Gyorgy Thuroczy
`Tammy Utteridge
`Eric van Rongen
`Arthur Varanelli
`Joe Wiart
`Louis Williams
`Done-Sik Yoo
`Donald Zipse
`Marvin Ziskin
`Ronald Petersen, Chair
`Ralf Bodemann, Vice Chair
`Eleanor Adair, Secretary
`David George
`Martino Grandolfo
`Arthur Guy
`Donald Haes
`Konstantinos Halkiotis
`Robert Hanna
`Edward Hare
`James Hatfield
`Donald Heirman
`Paul Heroux
`Louis Heynick*
`Jeff Holley
`Masatero Ikehata
`Michel Israel
`Veronica Ivans
`Kent Jaffa
`Sheila Johnston
`Kenneth Joyner
`Shaiela Kandel
`Efthymios Karabetsos
`Raymond Kemp
`Nam Kim
`James King
`B Jon Klauenberg
`George Koban
`Joeseph Koepfinger
`Niels Kuster
`Anthony LaMastra
`Sakari Lang
`John Leonowich
`Dariusz Leszczynski
`James Lin
`Constantine Maletskos
`Nisakorn Manatrakul
`Patrick Mason
`Stewart Maurer
`Tom McManus
`James McNamee
`Martin Meltz
`Noel Montgomery
`Melvin Altman
`Max Amann
`Vitas Anderson
`Edward Aslan
`Quirino Balzano
`David Baron
`Howard Bassen
`John Bavin
`Pascale Bellier
`John Bergeron
`David Black
`Denis Blick
`Aviva Brecher
`Jerrold Bushberg
`Philip Chadwick
`Scott Chesnick
`Huai Chiang
`Stephen Chiusano
`Chung-Kwang Chou
`Robert Cleveland
`Roger Coghill
`Jules Cohen
`Robert Curtis
`James Daly
`John D’Andrea
`Linda deJager
`John DeFrank
`John deLorge
`David Dini
`Guglielmo d’Inzeo
`Thanh Dovan
`Gregor Durrenberger
`Leon DuToit
`Linda Erdreich
`Stewart Fastman
`William Feero
`Kenneth Foster
`Peter Gajsek
`Om Gandhi
`Robert Gardner
`Copyright © 2006 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 010


`When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 3 October 2005, it had the following
`Steve M. Mills, Chair
`Richard H. Hulett, Vice Chair
`Don Wright, Past Chair
`Judith Gorman, Secretary
`William B. Hopf
`Lowell G. Johnson
`Herman Koch
`Joseph L. Koepfinger*
`David J. Law
`Daleep C. Mohla
`Paul Nikolich
`T. W. Olsen
`Glenn Parsons
`Ronald C. Petersen
`Gary S. Robinson
`Frank Stone
`Malcolm V. Thaden
`Richard L. Townsend
`Joe D. Watson
`Howard L. Wolfman
`Mark D. Bowman
`Dennis B. Brophy
`Joseph Bruder
`Richard Cox
`Bob Davis
`Julian Forster*
`Joanna N. Guenin
`Mark S. Halpin
`Raymond Hapeman
`*Member Emeritus
`Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:
`Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative
`Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative
`Alan H. Cookson, NIST Representative
`Mike Fisher
`IEEE Standards Project Editor
`Copyright © 2006 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 011


`Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 1
`1.1 Scope............................................................................................................................................ 1
`1.2 Purpose......................................................................................................................................... 1
`1.3 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 2
`References............................................................................................................................................ 4
`Definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, and letter symbols ................................................................... 4
`3.1 Definitions ................................................................................................................................... 4
`3.2 Abbreviations............................................................................................................................. 12
`3.3 Letter symbols for quantities ..................................................................................................... 13
`3.4 Unit symbols.............................................................................................................................. 14
`Recommendations.............................................................................................................................. 14
`4.1 Basic restrictions (BRs) and maximum permissible exposures (MPEs) for 3 kHz – 5 MHz.... 14
`4.2 BRs and MPEs for frequencies between 100 kHz and 3 GHz................................................... 20
`4.3 BRs for frequencies between 3 GHz and 300 GHz ................................................................... 23
`4.4 MPEs for frequencies between 100 kHz and 300 GHz ............................................................. 23
`4.5 Suggested limit for contact voltage to protect against RF burns ............................................... 28
`4.6 Relaxation of the power density MPEs for localized exposures ............................................... 28
`4.7 Assessing compliance with this standard................................................................................... 28
`4.8 RF safety programs.................................................................................................................... 29
`Annex A (informative) Approach to revision of IEEE Std C95.1, 1999 Edition .......................................... 30
`Annex B (informative) Identification of levels of RF exposure responsible for adverse effects: summary of
`the literature ................................................................................................................................................... 34
`Annex C (informative) Rationale .................................................................................................................. 78
`Annex D (informative) Practical applications—examples .......................................................................... 140
`Annex E (informative) Glossary.................................................................................................................. 150
`Annex F (informative) Literature database.................................................................................................. 152
`Annex G (informative) Bibliography .......................................................................................................... 228
`Copyright © 2006 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 012


`IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with
`Respect to Human Exposure to Radio
`Frequency Electromagnetic Fields,
`3 kHz to 300 GHz
`1. Overview
`1.1 Scope
`Recommendations are made to protect against established adverse health effects in human beings associated
`with exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields in the frequency range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
`The recommendations are expressed in terms of basic restrictions (BRs) and maximum permissible exposure
`(MPE) values. The BRs are limits on internal fields, specific absorption rate (SAR), and current density; the
`MPEs, which are derived from the BRs, are limits on external fields and induced and contact current. The
`recommendations, which protect against effects associated with electrostimulation and tissue and whole-
`body heating, are intended to apply to all human exposures except for exposure of patients by, or under the
`direction of, physicians and medical professionals. These recommendations are not intended for the purpose
`of preventing interference with medical and other devices that may exhibit susceptibility to radio frequency
`(RF) fields. The recommendations at 300 GHz are compatible with existing recommendations for safe expo-
`sure in the infrared frequency range, which begins at 300 GHz, cf., ANSI Z136.1-2000 [B7]1, ICNIRP
`guidelines [B63], and IEC 60825-1 [B65]. IEEE Std C95.6-20022 is the applicable standard for use at fre-
`quencies below 3 kHz.
`1.2 Purpose
`The purpose of this standard is to provide exposure limits to protect against established adverse effects to
`human health induced by exposure to RF electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields over the frequency
`range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
`1The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex G.
`2Information on references can be found in Clause 2.
`Copyright © 2006 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 013


`Std C95.1-2005
`1.3 Introduction
`This standard is a revision of IEEE Std C95.1, 1999 Edition [B70] and IEEE Std C95.1b-2004 [B71]. The
`recommendations to protect against established adverse health effects from RF exposures have been made
`on the basis of a comprehensive review of the scientific data. In revising the standard, findings of studies
`published between 1950 and December 20033 were considered, including those studies that involve low
`level exposures where increases in temperature could not be measured or were not expected. New insights
`gained from improved experimental and numerical methods and a better understanding of the effects of
`acute and chronic RF electromagnetic field exposures of animals and humans are included. A lack of credi-
`ble scientific and medical reports showing adverse health effects for RF exposures at or below similar
`exposure limits in past standards supports the protective nature of the exposure limits. This standard
`includes guidance on the necessity of an RF safety program.
`This standard presents two separate sets of rules to limit human exposure to electric fields, magnetic fields,
`and electromagnetic fields, and to induced and contact currents, in order to protect against established
`adverse health effects identified in the reviewed studies that are associated with exposure to such fields and
`currents. Specifically, in the frequency range of 3 kHz to 5 MHz, the rules minimize adverse effects associ-
`ated with electrostimulation; in the frequency range of 100 kHz to 300 GHz, the rules protect against
`adverse health effects associated with heating. In the transition region of 0.1 to 5 MHz, each of the two sets
`of rules must be applied. In this transition region the rules based on heating will be more restrictive for long-
`term exposures to continuous wave (CW) fields, while the rules based on the effects of electrostimulation
`will be more restrictive for short-term exposure, e.g., short isolated pulses of low duty factor. The rules and
`the exposure limits incorporate safety factors that account for uncertainties and that provide a margin of
`safety for all. (See Annex C.6 for the derivation and detailed aspects of the safety factors.) The safety factors
`are conservative so that exposures that exceed the BR or MPE are not necessarily harmful. The safety fac-
`tors incorporated in the MPEs are generally greater than the safety factors in the BRs. Thus, it is possible to
`exceed an MPE while still complying with the BRs.
`Two tiers of exposure limits have been established. The upper tier, which is protective for all with an accept-
`able margin of safety, applies to exposure of persons in controlled environments. While the weight of
`scientific evidence supports the conclusion that there is no measurable risk associated with RF exposures
`below the upper tier of this standard, it is scientifically impossible to prove absolute safety (the null hypoth-
`esis) of any physical agent. Thus the lower tier, with an additional safety factor, recognizes public concerns
`and also supports the process of harmonization with other standards, e.g., the NCRP recommendations
`[B95] and the ICNIRP guidelines [B62]. The lower tier also defines the action level above which implemen-
`tation of an RF safety program is recommended. The BRs and MPEs of the lower tier may also be used for
`the general public to address concerns of continuous, long-term exposure of all individuals.
`These exposure limits are intended to apply to all people, with the exception of patients undergoing a proce-
`dure for medical diagnosis or treatment. This exemption is provided under the expectation that the medical
`staff is appropriately trained in minimizing the risk of RF hazards concomitant with the provision of a recog-
`nized benefit from the exposure. Likewise, this standard does not apply to exposure of informed volunteers
`in medical or scientific research studies, subject to approval by Institutional Review Boards for the Use of
`Human Subjects, nor is it intended to prevent interference with medical and other devices that may exhibit
`susceptibility to RF energy4.
`3Although the literature cutoff date was December 2003, several papers published in 2004 and 2005 were included.
`4While the issue of RF emissions from wireless transmitters causing electromagnetic interference (EMI) with medical devices is out-
`side the scope of the current standard, there are several relevant standards that the reader is directed to that recommend immunity levels
`for external medical devices, e.g., IEC 60601-1 [B66] and IEC 60601-1-2 [B67], as well as implantable medical devices e.g., ANSI/
`AAMI PC69-2000 [B5]. ISO TC215 Technical Report 21073 [B75] offers guidance for the use and operation of mobile wireless trans-
`mitters within healthcare facilities.
`Copyright © 2006 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1021
`Page 014


`Std C95.1-2005
`1.3.1 Safety factor and margin of safety
`Below 100 kHz, the effect being minimized is aversive or painful electrostimulation. Because the predomi-
`nant interaction mechanisms are different above and below 100 kHz, the nature of and the rationale for the
`safety factors differ. At low frequencies, electrostimulation has a characteristic response time that is much
`less than one second and exposures are assessed in terms of instantaneous fields or currents. The estimated
`safety factor in terms of currents or fields is between 3 and 10 (10–20 dB) in the worst case even though for
`many situations and people the safety factor is considerably greater. An upper tier, which is applicable to
`exposures in controlled environments, incorporates a smaller safety factor approaching a minimum of unity,
`even though in most cases the safety factor is considerably greater. A margin of safety near unity, equivalent
`to no margin of safety, is justified for the upper tier MPEs below 100 kHz for the following reasons: a) the
`maximum electrostimulation that might occur at the upper tier has no lasting adverse effect, b) the require-
`ment of an RF safety program, and c) the general awareness of workers in occupational situations. A greater
`margin of safety is provided in the lower tier for frequencies below 100 kHz.
`Above 100 kHz there can be a sensation of heating, which is not considered adverse. The limits in this stan-
`dard may not prevent such thermal sensations; they are designed to protect against adverse health effects
`resulting from tissue heating, the only established adverse effect of exposure to RF energy at frequencies
`above 100 kHz. Above 100 kHz, exposures are assessed with reference to an averaging time that varies with
`frequency and at some frequencies depends on the tier designation (action level and controlled environ-
`ment). The frequency 100 kHz nominally represents a “thermal crossover” below which electrostimulation
`effects dominate, and above which thermal effects dominate for continuous wave exposure. However, for
`pulsed waveforms, especially those of a low duty factor, the thermal crossover can extend to much higher
`frequencies (in the megahertz region). This standard contains criteria to protect against adverse electrostim-
`ulation effects for pulsed waveforms having fundamental frequencies above 100 kHz.
`For short duration exposures (less than the averaging time) the BRs and MPEs are related to energy, i.e.,
`specific absorption (SA) or energy density. It is possible, however, to continue to use the BRs and MPEs
`expressed in power terms, specific absorption rate (SAR), or power density or equivalent fields, recognizing
`their time dependence. In this case the adverse effect to be protected against is tissue damage that can result
`from excessive heating. For exposure durations considerably greater than the averaging time, the effect to be
`protected against is that shown to be the most sensitive to RF exposure, behavioral disruption observed in
`animals and extrapolated to humans.
`The safety factor for whole-body exposure durations greater than the averaging time has been estimated to
`be in the range of 10 to 50 in power (10 to 17 dB) for the upper tier BRs or MPEs. The corresponding BRs
`and MPEs of the lower tier incorporate an additional safety factor of 5 relative to the upper tier, i.e., an addi-
`tional 7 dB. The safety factors for special exposure measures, such as peak (short pulse) limits and contact
`and induced currents in the limbs, are often related to the safety factors incorporated in the BRs or MPEs for
`fields. This factor is generally

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