
`Technische Universität Dresden
`Kathleen O’Brien
`von der Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
`der Technischen Universität Dresden
`zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines
`genehmigte Dissertation
`Vorsitzender: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bartha
`1. Gutachter:
`Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. H. Güldner
`2. Gutachter:
`Prof. Dr.-Ing. N. Mohan
`3. Gutachter:
`Tag der Einreichung:
`Dr.-Ing. G. Scheible
`Tag der Verteidigung:
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
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`Berichte aus der Elektrotechnik
`Kathleen O'Brien
`Inductively Coupled Radio Frequency Power
`Transmission System for Wireless Systems
`and Devices
`Shaker Verlag
`Aachen 2007
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1017
`Page 003


`Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
`The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche
`Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at
`Zugl.: Dresden, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2006
`Copyright Shaker Verlag 2007
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
`retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
`mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission
`of the publishers.
`Printed in Germany.
`ISBN 978-3-8322-5775-0
`ISSN 0945-0718
`Shaker Verlag GmbH • P.O. BOX 101818 (cid:129) D-52018 Aachen
`Phone: 0049/2407/9596-0 (cid:129) Telefax: 0049/2407/9596-9
`Internet: (cid:129) e-mail:
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1017
`Page 004


`I would like to thank my advisors Professor Dr.-Ing. habil Henry Gueldner of Dresden
`University of Technology, Dr.-Ing. Guntram Scheible of ABB Corporate Research,
`Ladenburg, Germany, and Professor Ned Mohan of The University of Minnesota,
`Thanks also to all of my friends and colleagues at Dresden University of Technology
`and at ABB Corporate Research. Your support was always appreciated.
`I am also very grateful to Dr.-Ing. Ralph Teichmann, to my parents Michael and Carol
`O’Brien, and to my sister Elisabeth, without whom this work would not have been
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`Table of Contents
`Introduction........................................................................................................... 19
`2 Theory of Magnetic Power Transfer................................................................... 21
`2.1 Fundamental considerations ....................................................................................... 21
`Transfer of energy in an electromagnetic field.....................................................................21
`2.1.2 Near-field operation vs. far-field operation..........................................................................22
`2.2 Method of inductive power transfer ........................................................................... 24
`Sources .................................................................................................................................24
`Receivers ..............................................................................................................................25
`Frequency range ...................................................................................................................27
`2.3 Review and comparison of systems using inductive power transfer ....................... 28
`Inductively coupled RFID systems ......................................................................................28
`2.3.2 Magnetic search coil (MSC) systems ...................................................................................28
`2.3.3 Other Systems using inductive coupling ..............................................................................29
`2.4 Alternative power supplies .......................................................................................... 29
`Electric vs. magnetic energy transfer ...................................................................................30
`3 Characterization of the Source Field .................................................................. 33
`3.1 Basic source coil shapes ............................................................................................... 33
`3.1.1 Magnetic fields due to rectangular coils...............................................................................33
`3.1.2 Magnetic field due to circular coils ......................................................................................34
`3.1.3 Magnetic field at source coil system center points...............................................................35
`3.2 Effects of shape and distance between source coils ................................................... 36
`Coils at Helmholtz distance..................................................................................................36
`Coils at other distances.........................................................................................................39
` Uni-directional systems ..................................................................................................................40
` Multi-directional systems ...............................................................................................................43
`3.3 Field generation ............................................................................................................ 45
`3.4 Uni-directional field generation .................................................................................. 45
`3.5 Bi-directional field generation..................................................................................... 46
`3.6 Omni-directional field generation............................................................................... 47
`Periodic switching of the plane of rotation...........................................................................47
`Frequency shift .....................................................................................................................49
`Single-axis amplitude modulation........................................................................................52
`3.6.4 Double-axis amplitude modulation ......................................................................................55
`3.6.5 Wide-band operation ............................................................................................................58
`Comparison of methods for omni-directional field generation ............................................60
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`4 Shielding of the Source Field ............................................................................... 63
`4.1 Shielding of low-impedance electromagnetic waves.................................................. 63
`4.2 Shielding by highly conductive materials................................................................... 65
`4.2.1 Highly conductive objects inside the operating volume.......................................................67
`4.2.2 Highly conductive objects outside the operating volume.....................................................73
`4.3 Shielding by highly permeable materials ................................................................... 75
`4.3.1 Highly permeable objects inside the operating volume........................................................76
`4.3.2 Highly permeable objects outside the operating volume......................................................79
`4.4 Supplemental solutions to shielding problems........................................................... 80
`Incremental increase of the current applied to source coil(s) ...............................................81
`4.4.2 Additional coils carrying compensating currents .................................................................81
`Compensation of conductive shielding with permeable materials .......................................82
`Ferrite rod antenna................................................................................................................83
`4.5 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 84
`5 Equivalent Circuit Representation ..................................................................... 85
`5.1 System layout ................................................................................................................ 85
`5.2 System description........................................................................................................ 85
`5.3 Methods of calculation of coil self and mutual inductances ..................................... 87
`Flux-linkage per Ampere......................................................................................................87
`The Neumann formula..........................................................................................................88
`5.4 Self-inductance formulas ............................................................................................. 88
`5.5 Effect of core magnetization on receiving coil inductance ....................................... 89
`5.6 Calculation of mutual inductances ............................................................................. 91
`5.7 Coupling factors ........................................................................................................... 93
`Simplifications and approximations of coupling factors......................................................95
`Coupling factors between like coil types..............................................................................96
`Coupling factors with circular source coils ..........................................................................98
`5.8 Source and receiving coil characteristics ................................................................... 98
`5.9 Equivalent circuit model............................................................................................ 102
`Coupling factors .................................................................................................................105
`Extension of the model for multiple source coils ...............................................................107
` Multiple source coils on the same axis – single receiving coil.....................................................107
` Multiple source coils on different axes – single receiving coil ....................................................108
` Single source coil/multiple source coils on a single axis and three-coil receiver.........................108
` Multiple source coils – multiple receiving coils...........................................................................109
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`6 Power Converter Design .................................................................................... 111
`6.1 General system design considerations ...................................................................... 111
`6.2 Semiconductor technology......................................................................................... 113
`6.3 Tuning circuit characteristics.................................................................................... 114
`6.3.1 Generic single tuned circuits ..............................................................................................114
`6.3.2 Generic double-tuned circuit ..............................................................................................115
`6.3.3 Multiply tuned circuits .......................................................................................................118
`6.4 Single channel source side power converter ............................................................ 118
`Source side load characteristic ...........................................................................................118
`Source side resonant circuit................................................................................................119
`Source side power conversion output stage........................................................................119
` Tuned operation............................................................................................................................123
` De-tuned operation .......................................................................................................................124
`Source side power conversion input stage..........................................................................125
`6.5 Multi-channel source side power converter............................................................. 126
`Bi-directional field .............................................................................................................126
`6.5.2 Omni-directional field ........................................................................................................127
` Periodic switching of the plane of rotation...................................................................................127
` Frequency shift .............................................................................................................................130
` Double axis amplitude modulation...............................................................................................131
`6.6 Receiver side power converter .................................................................................. 132
`Receiver side winding connection......................................................................................132
`Receiver side resonant circuit.............................................................................................133
`Receiver side impedance characteristics ............................................................................134
`Receiver side converter stage .............................................................................................136
`7 Experimental Validation .................................................................................... 139
`7.1 Source side systems .................................................................................................... 139
`7.2 Receiver side systems ................................................................................................. 141
`7.3 Test equipment ........................................................................................................... 142
`7.4 Magnetic field validation ........................................................................................... 143
`Bi-directional field generation............................................................................................143
`7.4.2 Omni-directional field generation ......................................................................................143
`7.4.3 Validation of shielding effects ...........................................................................................145
`7.5 Validation of electrical system characteristic .......................................................... 147
`7.5.1 Uni-directional transfer characteristics for axis alignment.................................................147
`7.5.2 Uni and bi-directional transfer characteristics for axis misalignment ................................149
`Transfer characteristic of aligned omni-directional systems ..............................................151
`7.6 Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 152
`8 Conclusions.......................................................................................................... 153
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`List of variables, abbreviations, and indices

`rms shielding factor
`Shielding factor at the center of a system
`Shielding factor at point *
`Angle between the axis of the source and receiving coils
`Shielding factor at point A
`Shielding factor at point B
`Shielding factor at point C
`Shielding factor
`Permittivity of free space
`Flux linkage between a source and receiving coil
`Skin depth
`Angle between two elements
`Modulation angle
`Flux crossing the receiving coil
`Ireceivingcoil, max Maximum flux crossing a single receiving coil


`Total flux produced by one source coil
`Flux linking source and receiving coils
`Stray flux
`Total flux
`Flux crossing the x-coil
`Flux crossing the y-coil
`Flux crossing the z-coil
`Maximum flux crossing a single receiving coil winding
`Phase of exciting voltage
`Radial distance from the origin of the coil
`Radius of a conductor
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`V rc

`Conductivity of a shielding material related to copper
`Difference between frequencies in a system
`Permeability of free space
`Effective permeability of a ferrite rod antenna
`Permeability of a shielding material related to copper
`Effective permeability
`Initial relative permeability
`Relative permeability
`Radian operating frequency
`Angular frequency of damped resonant circuit
`Frequency of the exciting voltage
`Modulation radian frequency
`Resonant frequency
`Ideal Resonant Frequency
`Resonant frequency in a parallel resonant circuit
`Resonant frequency
`Resonant frequency in a series resonant circuit
`Angle of rotation relative to the y-axis
`Angle of rotation relative to the x-axis
`Area enclosed by one receiving coil
`Radius of a circular coil
`a, b, c
`Variables defining position with respect to the x-, y-, and z-axes
`ak (k={x,y,z}) Unit vector in the x-, y-, and z-directions
`Absorption loss
`Amplitude of modulation function
`Area encompassed by a receiving coil
`Magnetic flux density
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`Magnetic flux density created by a rectangular coil
`Magnetic flux density created by a source coil
`Magnetic flux density in the x-direction
`Magnetic flux density in the y-direction
`Magnetic flux density in the z-direction
`Constant in the decaying condition
`Constant in the rising condition
`dc side capacitor
`Capacitance in a parallel resonant circuit
`Number of receiving coils in a system
`Resonant capacitance
`Number of source coils in a system
`Source side resonant capacitance referred to the receiving side
`Capacitance in a series resonant circuit
`Distance of separation for source coils
`Duty cycle of boost stage
`Duty cycle of buck stage
`Distance between coils
`Helmholtz distance
`Demagnetization factor
`Thickness of a shield
`Double Sideband Suppressed Carrier
`Electric field
`Electric field in the I direction
`Electromotive force
`Beat frequency
`Carrier frequency
`Cycling frequency
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`Modulation frequency
`Frequency of current in the x-axis source coil(s)
`Frequency of current in the y-axis source coil(s)
`Frequency of current in the z-axis source coil(s)
`Magnetic field intensity
`Magnetic field intensity in the I direction
`Magnetic field intensity in the T direction
`Magnetic field intensity created by a single circular coil
`Minimum field intensity required to power a receiver
`Magnetic field intensity at point P
`Magnetic field intensity at the location of the receiving coil
`Magnetic field intensity created by a rectangular coil
`Magnetic field intensity on the axis of a rectangular coil
`Magnetic field intensity vector resulting when a shield is present
`RMS value of magnetic field intensity
`Magnetic field intensity at a point P when shielding is present
`The intensity of the field created by a set of rectangular coils
`Peak value of the source field
`Magnetic field intensity vector
`Magnetic field intensity at a point P when shielding is not present
`Unshielded magnetic field vector
`System transfer function
`Magnetic field intensity in the x-direction
`Magnetic field intensity created by eddy currents
`Magnetic field intensity in the y-direction
`Magnetic field intensity in the z-direction
`rms current
`Current in receiving coil k (k={1,2,3})
`Envelope function of capacitor current
`Image current
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`Turn off current
`Turn on current
`Rated current
`Resonant current
`Current in a source coil
`Current in a series resonant circuit (coil x)
`Amplitude of the steady state current through a load
`Steady state current in a full bridge converter
`Steady state current in a half bridge converter
`Current density
`Coupling factor
`Coupling factor between receiving coils
`Coupling factor between the xth and yth receiving coils
`Coupling factor between source and receiving coils
`Coupling factor between source coils
`Coupling factor between the xth source and yth receiving coil
`Coupling factor between the xth and yth source coils
`Self inductance of a coil
`Length of a conductor
`Length of a shielding material
`Source coil inductance referred to the receiving side
`Mutual inductance between circuit elements 1 and 2
`Inductance of a circular coil
`Least common multiple
`Inductance of a coil without its core in place
`Inductance of a coil with its core in place
`Mutual inductance
`Inductance in a parallel resonant circuit
`Self inductance of a receiving coil
`Self inductance of a rectangular coil
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`Resonant inductance
`Leakage inductance between source and receiving coils
`Inductance of a ferrite rod antenna
`Self inductance of a source coil
`Inductance in a series resonant circuit
`Mutual Inductance
`Mutual inductance referred to the receiving side of the system
`Mutual inductance for a fully aligned system
`Mutual inductance between source and receiving coils
`Magnetic Search Coil
`Mutual inductance between a source and receiving coil
`Number of turns
`Turns ratio (ns/nr)
`Number of coupling factors needed to define a system
`Number of turns on a receiving coil
`Number of turns on a source coil
`Poynting vector
`Average power
`Point at which H is at its minimum value
`Power to the load on the receiving coil
`Perimeter of the receiving coil
`Power to the load on the source coil
`Perimeter of the source coil
`Ohmic power density
`Quality factor
`Quality factor for a parallel resonant circuit
`Quality factor of the reciever
`Quality factor for a ferrite rod antenna
`Quality factor for a series resonant circuit
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`Reluctance of a shielding material
`Resistance, radius
`Distance from an object
`Source coil resistance referred to the receiving side
`Ac resistance
`Rac, input
`Input impedance
`Core loss resistance
`Radius of a coil
`dc resistance
`Equivalent source/load impedance
`Radio Frequency Identification
`Reflection loss
`Coil resistance in a parallel resonant circuit
`Radius of a receiving coil
`Resistance of a receiving coil
`Radius of a source coil
`Resistance of a source coil
`Coil resistance in a series resonant circuit
`Parasitic resistance in the series resonant circuit of coil x
`Source or sink impedance
`Terminal impedance
`Radius of a wire
`Winding loss resistance
`Rotation matrix
`Cross sectional area
`Peak value of the source field magnitude
`Surface of receiving coil
`Surface of source coil
`Duration that each source coil set is energized
`Duration that each source coil set carries a single frequency
`Rise time
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`Sequencing time
`Steady state time
`Detuning factor
`Minimum acceptable receiver capacitor voltage
`Voltage of the resonant circuit capacitor
`No load voltage of coil
`Envelope function of capacitor voltage
`Capacitor voltage for receiving coil k
`Capacitor voltage in a series resonant circuit of coil x
`dc voltage
`ac voltage
`Lower boundary of receiver capacitor voltage
`Voltage of the resonant circuit inductor
`Inductor voltage for a series resonant circuit (coil x)
`Equivalent source voltage in a parallel resonant circuit
`Voltage at the terminals of a receiving coil
`rms receiving coil voltage
`Rated voltage
`rms voltage
`Voltage across the resonant circuit resistor
`Voltage across the resistor in a series resonant circuit of coil x
`Voltage at the terminals of a source coil
`rms source coil voltage
`Average output voltage for a two-pulse rectifier
`Equivalent source voltage in a series resonant circuit
`Ac rms voltage
`Upper boundary of receiver capacitor voltage
`Electric energy density
`Magnetic energy density
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`Distance along the x-axis
`Distance along the y-axis
`Distance along the z-axis
`Coil impedance
`Load impedance for maximum power transfer
`Resonant impedance of ideal LC circuit
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`1 Introduction
`Wireless communication technologies have advanced substantially in recent years,
`enabling a new level of flexibility and efficiency in electronic systems. Parallel
`advances in the areas of low power electronics and microsystems technology have
`resulted in the development of many new devices requiring low cost power supplies.
`The development of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) (the integration of
`mechanical elements, sensors, actuators, and electronics on a common silicon
`substrate) is a rapidly expanding field [1-1]. Many of these devices will be deployed
`in areas where wired energy supply is not possible and regular maintenance is not
`desired or practical. The increasing prevalence of low-cost, low power electronic
`devices in applications where wired energy transfer is not suitable or even possible
`calls for power supply options beyond those which are currently offered. In systems
`involving, for example, robots or robot chains, fully automated production machines,
`inaccessible or hazardous environments, or applications with high insulation
`requirements, wired power supplies are often not a viable option. Wires provide
`opportunities for failure, especially in moving or rotating systems where wire fatigue is
`a problem and in industrial automation systems with sensor and actuator densities high
`enough to significantly complicate maintenance.
`There are currently several options available when a wired supply is not feasible.
`Batteries can be an alternative, but require regular recharging and/or replacement at
`high cost if production must be stopped before maintenance work can begin. Micro
`fuel cells are also an option, but the technology remains nascent, the reliability is low,
`and fuel cells also require recharging (albeit less often than batteries). A reliable
`alternative which requires little maintenance, no regular recharging or replacing of
`components, and is available at a reasonable cost, is clearly of interest. This thesis
`presents a novel alternative to the problem of providing power to devices without the
`use of wires or regular maintenance.
`A non-conventional transformer with a large air-gap in the magnetic path can be
`operated with resonant switch mode power supplies to supply energy to a load [1-2],
`[1-3], [1-4]. It can enable completely wireless applications by providing auxiliary
`energy without wires via magnetic fields. The fields can cover distances of up to
`several meters and volumes from one to several hundred cubic meters. The system
`consists of one or more source coils encompassing an operating volume and one or
`more receiving coils located within that volume.
`For reliable operation the system must be designed and powered in such a way as to
`transfer the energy to receivers that may be shifting in position and may be
`magnetically shielded by metallic objects within the operating volume. The field
`created by the source coils must be at or above a minimum value required to transfer
`power to the receivers while remaining within limits set by international standards for
`magnetic field strength.
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`This thesis focuses on the development and analysis of methods by which reliable
`power can be delivered to a load even in highly shielded environments. Systems are
`developed in which the magnetic fields have components in all three vector directions.
`This gives the system a high degree of resiliency to shielding, even in cases when a
`receiver is almost completely encased in a shielding material. Non-field related
`solutions are also introduced, allowing operation of receivers even under the most
`difficult conditions.
`This work begins with a general description of the system and its operating principles,
`with reference to existing technologies using similar principles. It continues by
`exploring various design options for the source side of the system with respect to
`optimum coil separation distance, uniformity of power transfer, generation of desired
`magnetic field vectors, and ability to overcome the problems associated with shielding
`of the magnetic field. Uni-directional and bi-directional systems are discussed, and
`omni-directional systems are introduced along with several methods for creating them.
`The effects of shielding by conductive or permeable objects located within the
`operating volume are then investigated and several methods for the mitigation of this
`effect are presented. A coupling model is developed and a circuit model is derived.
`Source and receiver power converter c

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