W0 99/112947
`Ex. 1002, p. 822 of 1115
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`WO 99542947
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`Ex. 1002, p. 823 of 1115


`WO 99/42947
`Ex. 1002, p. 824 of 1115
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`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`Image Capture and Identification System and Process
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Wayne C. Boncyk
`Customer Number:
`— martin Fessenmaler/Llndsey Ripley
`Filer Authorized By: Martin Fessenmaier
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`United States Patent and Trademark Office
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`Title:lmage Capture and Identification System and Process
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`98/3781 1
`Electro—Optical Sciences,
`Gutkowicz—Krusin et al.
`Electra—Optical Sciences,
`MELA Sciences, Inc.
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`Ex. 1002, p. 832 of 1115
`Ex. 1002, p. 832 of 1115


`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`3 January 2002 (03.01.2002)
` (10) International Publication Number
`WO 02/01143 A2
`(51) International Patent Classificationl:
`(74) Agent: SKLAR, Brandon, N.; Lyon & Lyon LLP, Suite
`4700, 633 West Fifth Street, Ins Angeles, CA 90071 (US).
`(21) lntcrnationalApplication Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`27 June 2001 (27.06.2001)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
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`T], TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW.
`(30) Priority Data:
`27 June 2000 (27.06.2000)
`[US/US]; 1 Bridge Street, lrvington, NY 10533 (US).
`(72) Inventors: GUTKOVVICZ-KRUSIN, Dina; 229 Shady,
`brook Lane, Princeton, NJ 08540 (US). ELBAUM,
`Marek; 79 Beechdale Road, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
`(US). GREENEBAUM, Michael; 1177 East 19th Street,
`Brooklyn, NY 11230 (US). JACOBS, Adam; 212 Bald—
`win Street, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 (US). BOGDAN,
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`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the " Juid-
`ance Notes on Codes andAbbreviations " appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue ofthe PCT Gazette.
`(57) Abstract: A light image is conveyed from
`internal biological tissue through a flexible op—
`tical system to an image receiver, where it is
`converted to a form which may be entered into
`a computer. The computer segments the im—
`age by generating a segmentation mask defin—
`ing the boundary of a region of interest in at
`least one spectral band, estimates at least one
`rotationally and translationally invariant statise
`tical measure of coefficient distributions of the
`niultiscale wavelet niaxinla representations of
`the digital images in at least one spectral band,
`characterizes the condition of the tissue based
`on the estimated values and outputs the charace
`tcrization of the condition of the tissue.
`Ex. 1002, p. 833 of 1115
`Ex. 1002, p. 833 of 1115


`WO 02/01143
`The field of the invention is automatic machine vision and classification, and, in
`particular, the classification of biological tissue based on images of the biological tissue.
`U.S. Patent No. 6208749 B1,
`issued March 27, 200], discloses systems and
`the multispectral
`imaging of
`skin tissue enabling the
`characterization of the condition of a region of interest of skin based on direct digital
`imaging of the region of interest or the digitization of color photographic slides of the
`region of interest, illuminated by appropriately filtered light. According to that patent, a
`digital image is automatically segmented in at least one spectral band. A digital processor
`segments the other images based on the segmentation mask. Parameters related to the
`texture, asymmetry, blotchiness and border irregularities are also automatically estimated.
`The region of interest is automatically characterized by the processor, based on the
`parameters. Skin lesions may be characterized as malignant or benign.
`U.S. Patent No. 6,081,612, issued June 27, 2000, discloses systems and methods
`for characterizing the condition of a region of interest of the skin, wherein the absorption
`and scattering of light in different spectral bands by the region of interest is a function of
`the condition of the skin. The method comprises illuminating the region of interest of the
`skin by light in at least three spectral bands and digitally imaging the region of interest at
`the at least three spectral bands with the light rc-cmitted by the skin to generate digital
`images comprising digital signals whose values are a function of the condition of the skin.
`The digital images are provided to a processor which segments the digital images by
`generating a segmentation mask from a digital image in any one of the at least three
`spectral bands.
`The processor estimates at
`least one rotationally and translationally
`invariant statistical measure of coefficient distributions of the multiscale Wavelet maxima
`representations of the digital images in each Spectral band, which are functions of the
`Ex. 1002, p. 834 of 1115
`Ex. 1002, p. 834 of 1115


`WO 02/01143
`texture of the region of interest determined by the segmentation mask. The processor
`characterizes the condition of the skin based on the estimated values, and outputs the
`characterization of the condition of the skin. Preferably, the segmenting, estimating and
`characterizing steps are conducted without the intervention of an operator. Additional
`parameters include measures of the texture, asymmetry, blotchiness and border irregularity
`of the portion of the region of interest. The digital images may be obtained by directly
`imaging the region of interest with a digital camera, or digitally imaging color slides of the
`region of interest, through appropriately filtered light.
`Not included in the above references are references to conducting light from place
`to place so that the image is conserved.
`It is an object of the invention to illuminate and image biological tissue, principally
`in vivo, and to convey the image in the fonn of light to an image receiver for conversion to
`p 15
`electrical signals and for automatic recognition of biological features.
`A light image is conveyed from internal biological tissue through flexible optical
`system to an image receiver, Where it is converted to a form that may be entered into a
`computer. The computer segments the image by generating a segmentation mask defining
`the boundary of a region of interest in at least one spectral band, estimates at least one
`rotationally and translationally invariant statistical measure of coefficient distributions of
`the multiscale wavelet maxima representations of the digital images in at least one spectral
`band, characterizes the condition of the tissue based on the estimated values, and outputs
`2 5
`the characterization of the condition of the tissue.
`Internal biological tissue encompasses tissue internal to a human or animal body,
`such as the stomach, the esophagus, the colon or the nasal cavities, for example.
`In particular, in accordance with the present invention, a method of characterizing
`the condition of a region of interest of internal biological tissue, wherein the absorption
`3 o
`and scattering of light in different spectral bands by the region of interest is a function of
`Ex. 1002, p. 835 of 1115
`Ex. 1002, p. 835 of 1115


`WO 02/01143
`the condition of the tissue, is disclosed. The method comprises inserting a flexible optical
`system into a body, proximate the region of interest. A portion of the tissue is illuminated
`including the region of interest by light in at least one spectral band. The image is
`conveyed through the flexible optical system to an image receiver. A portion of the tissue
`including the region of interest is digitally imaged at the at least one spectral band with the
`light re—emitted by the portion of the tissue. Digital images are generated comprising
`digital signals Whose values are a function of the condition of the region of interest of the
`tissue. The digital images are provided to a processor. The processor segments the digital
`images by generating a segmentation mask defining the boundary of the region of interest
`from a digital image in any one of the at least one spectral bands, preferably without the
`intervention of an operator. The processor also estimates at least one rotationally and
`translationally invariant statistical measure of coefficient distributions of the multiscale
`wavelet maxima representations of the digital
`images in each spectral band and
`characterizes the condition of the tissue based on the estimated values, preferably without
`the intervention of an operator. The processor then outputs the characterization of the
`condition of the tissue.
`The at least one statistical measure may be calculated separately within a border
`region or an interior region of the digital
`image. The border region is such that it
`encompasses the envelope of circles of fixed radius centered on the boundary of the
`2 o
`segmentation mask. The inside region comprises all points of the image that are Within the
`segmentation mask boundary but not included in the border region.
`The computing step may comprise estimating at an individual level at least one
`value which is a statistical measure of texture of the portion of the region of interest within
`the border region and interior region. The statistical measure is chosen from the group
`consisting of:
`the number of wavelet maxima per unit area;
`the ratio of the mean coefficient magnitude to the absolute deviation of the
`coefficient magm'tudes from the mean value;
`the ratio of the mean coefficient magnitude to the standard deviation of the
`3 o
`coefficient magnitude; and
`Ex. 1002, p. 836 of 1115
`Ex. 1002, p. 836 of 1115


`WO 02/01143
`the skewness of the coefficient magnitude, normalized to the cube of the standard
`The estimating step may comprise estimating either the degree of change of a
`statistic of the wavelet coefficient distribution with increment of wavelet level, or the
`degree of deviation of such change from linearity.
`The estimating step may also comprise estimating the average rate of change, with
`respect to level, of the number of wavelet maxima per unit area.
`The estimated texture values may be compared to a threshold derived from
`statistical analysis of a multiscale wavelet
`transformation of the digital
`1 o
`characterize the condition of the tissue.
`In accordance with another embodiment of the invention,
`system for
`characterizing the condition of a region of interest of internal biological tissue is disclosed,
`comprising a source of light for illuminating the region of interest in at least one spectral.
`band. A flexible optical system is provided for conveying the image of the region of
`interest to an image receiver. An image receiver is provided for acquiring digital images
`of the region of interest based on the light re—emitted from the illuminated region of
`interest at each of the spectral bands. The digital image comprises digital signals whose
`values are a fimction of the condition of the region of interest. Memory is provided for
`storing the digital images provided by the image receiver. A digital processor is provided,
`2 o
`programmed to perform the steps of:
`segmenting the digital images stored in memory by generating a segmentation
`mask fi‘om a digital image in any one of the at least one spectral band;
`estimating at least one rotationally and translationally invariant statistical measure '
`of coefficient distributions for the mulfiscale wavelet maxima representations of the digital
`images in each spectral band, which are fiinctions of the texture of the region of interest
`determined by the segmentation mask;
`characterizing the condition of the tissue based on the estimated values; and
`outputting the characterization of the region of interest.
`The flexible optical system may be an endoscope, a fiber optic bundle or an
`3 o
`articulated arm.
`Ex. 1002, p. 837 of 1115
`Ex. 1002, p. 837 of 1115


`WO 02/01143
`Fig. 1 is a sketch of the system of the invention; and
`Fig. 2 is a sketch of an articulated arm of a system of the invention.
`Fig 1 shows a sketch of the system of the invention. A patient 10 has a flexible
`endoscope 11 inserted into a natural or surgically provided orifice of the body. As is very
`well known in the art of endoscopy, light is provided for illuminating the tissue inside the
`body, and the light reflected from the tissue and scattered from under the surface of the
`tissue falls on the end 12 of the endoscope. The first end of the endoscope 12 generally
`has a lens (not shown) which images the tissue on to the end of a coherent fiber bundle
`(not shown). The light imaged on to the fiber bundle is carried to the other end of the
`endoscope 13, where it may be projected on to a film or an electronic image receiver 14
`such as are found in video or digital cameras. The light for illuminating the tissue may be
`provided through the endoscope.
`The output of the image receiver is carried to a processor or computer 15 where the
`computer segments the image by generating a segmentation mask defining the boundary of
`a region of interest in at least one spectral band, estimates at least one rotationally and
`translationally invariant statistical measure of coefficient distributions of the multiscale
`wavelet maxima representations of the digital
`images in at
`least one spectral band,
`characterizes the condition of the tissue based on the estimated values, and outputs the
`characterization of the condition of the tissue. The computer processes are described in
`great detail in U.S. Patent No. 6,208,749, B1, issued March 27, 2001, U.S. Patent No.
`6,081,612, issued June 27, 2000, International Publication No. WO99/44010, published 2
`September 1999; and International Publication No. WO98/3781l, published 3 September
`1998, which are incorporated by reference herein, in their entireties.
`Fig. 2 shows a sketch of an articulated arm 20 for conveying the images. The

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