`C.A. NO.
`2:20- cv- 00283- JRG
`C.A. NO.
`2:20- cv- 00284- JRG
`C.A. NO.
`2:20- cv- 00285- JRG§
`CO. LTD.,
`October 26, 2021; 1: 33 p.m.
`Proceedings recorded in realtime via machine shorthand.
`Dana Hayden, CCR, RMR, CRR, CRC
`Federal Official Court Reporter
`35 East Mountain Street
`Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Page 1 of 23
`Tianma Exhibit 1019
`Tianma v. JDI
`Trial IPR2021-01058


`Mr. Erik Chiles Shallman
`Vinson & Elkins LLP
`2801 Via Fortuna, Suite 100
`Austin, TX 78746
`(512) 542- 8400
`Eshallman@ velaw. com
`Mr. Eric Joseph Klein
`Vinson & Elkins LLP
`2001 Ross Avenue, Suite 3900
`Dallas, TX 75201- 2975
`(214) 220- 7782
`Eklein@ velaw. com
`Mr. Eric Hugh Findlay
`Findlay Craft PC
`102 N College Avenue, Suite 900
`Tyler, TX 75702
`(903) 534- 1100
`Efindlay@ findlaycraft. com
`Messrs. Aidan C Skoyles and James R. Barney
`Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garret Dunner, LLP
`901 New York Avenue, NW
`Washington, DC 20001
`(202) 408- 4000
`Aidan. skoyles@ finnegan. com
`James. barney@ finnegan. com
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Page 2 of 23


`***** PROCEEDINGS *****
`THE COURT: This is the time set for hearing
`before the Court on a motion for a motion to compel
`production by Japan Display, the Plaintiff in the Japan
`Display, et al. Versus Tianma Microelectronics Company.
`The Court has also scheduled at this time a
`status conference on this matter. This includes lead
`case number 2: 20-CV-2 84 and member cases 2 84 and 2 85.
`Let me ask for announcements and then we' ll
`proceed with a recital of what I understand is an
`agreement of the parties resolving that motion to
`compel, which appears as Document 137 in this case.
`What says the Plaintiffs, Japan Display,
`et al. ?
`MR. KLEIN: Good afternoon, your Honor. Eric
`Klein and Erik Shallman on behalf of Japan, Inc. and
`Japan Display Company ready to proceed.
`THE COURT: What's the announcement from
`Defendant Tianma?
`MR. FINDLAY: Good afternoon, your Honor. Eric
`Findlay for Tianma Electronics; along with me, Mr. James
`Barney, Mr. Aidan Skoyles. We' re ready to proceed,
`THE COURT: All right. Thank you, Mr. Findlay.
`Counsel, I' ve been advised by my staff, who's
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`been in contact with you earlier today that the motion
`to compel, Document 1 37, has been resolved by agreement
`of the parties. I'd like to get a short recitation of
`the substance of that resolution on the record.
`I understand that particularly perhaps with the
`Plaintiff there may be a need to confirm this with
`clients in Japan, and we can certainly do it subject to
`that confirmation within a relatively short period of
`time. But let's put on the record, if you will, where
`you are with regard to the motion to compel and the
`particulars of the resolution that's been reached.
`I don't care whether Plaintiff makes the
`presentation and Defendant agrees or Defendant makes the
`presentation and Plaintiff agrees or you do it jointly,
`but I just want to get the matter on the record.
`MR. KLEIN: Eric Klein for Plaintiffs, your
`Honor. The parties have reached a resolution. It's
`actually Tianma that needs to get confirmation for that.
`THE COURT: Okay. I knew somebody did.
`MR. KLEIN: Okay.
`THE COURT: Why don't you go to the podium,
`Mr. Klein, please.
`MR. KLEIN: Thank you, your Honor.
`The two issues that were brought up during the
`motion -- for the motion to compel were resolved. We
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`believe we have a resolution for those.
`The first issue regarding whether documents
`related to Tianma Japan would be sought in this case,
`and the parties have made an agreement, and this is the
`one that is subject to approval from Tianma Japan, which
`we believe won't be an issue and it will be forthcoming
`sometime in the next day or two.
`The parties reached an agreement where the
`plaintiffs will not pursue discovery from Tianma Japan
`in the current case. In exchange, Tianma Japan and
`Tianma Microelectronics will agree not to argue in any
`subsequent litigation, but the Plaintiffs' litigation of
`the above- captioned case include any decisions that the
`Plaintiffs made during that litigation will create
`estoppel or preclusion regarding any claims against
`Tianma Japan.
`THE COURT: All right. Let me ask defense
`counsel to confirm the accuracy of that recitation.
`MR. BARNEY: That's accurate, your Honor. And
`just to be precise, we do have confirmation from our
`client, Tianma Microelectronics, as to that agreement;
`we just need to confirm with Tianma Japan, which we will
`do tomorrow morning, and we do not expect any problems
`THE COURT: All right. Let me ask you to do
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`this, Mr. Barney. Once you' ve confirmed this matter
`with Tianma Japan, I' ll ask you not later than the end
`of business tomorrow to file a notice with the Court
`confirming on the record that that has been confirmed
`with Tianma Japan.
`MR. BARNEY: Yes, your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right. Now, is there anything
`else related to the motion to compel that we need to
`take up?
`MR. KLEIN: One more issue that we have an
`agreement on. There's a second issue in the motion to
`compel and that was the Plaintiffs' request for Tianma
`to produce customer agreements and technical
`documents --
`THE COURT: Yes, I remember.
`MR. KLEIN: -- documents by the customers, and
`the parties have reached an agreement. Tianma will
`stipulate as follows for the above- captioned cases only.
`From time to time, Tianma Microelectronics communicates
`technical parameters and/ or specifications of its LCD
`panel products with customers, and from time to time
`Tianma Microelectronics also enters into agreements with
`customers of its LCD panel products; and to the best of
`Tianma Micro's knowledge, such communications and
`agreements do not identify the geographic location of
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Page 6 of 23


`downstream products that incorporate Tianma
`Microelectronics' LCD panel products.
`Tianma Microelectronics does not track the
`geographic destination of its customers' products
`incorporating Tianma Microelectronics' LCD panel
`products. In fact, Tianma Microelectronics has no way
`to track such information because its customers
`generally do not share information about where their
`downstream products may be offered for sale or sold,
`including whether they may be imported into or sold into
`the United States.
`And to the best of Tianma
`Micro knowledge/ information regarding the geographic
`destination of downstream products that incorporate
`Tianma Microelectronics' LCD panel products should be in
`the hands of Tianma Microelectronics' customers and also
`potentially with their downstream customers.
`THE COURT: All right. Let me also ask the
`Defendant to confirm the accuracy of that recital.
`MR. BARNEY: That recital was accurate, your
`THE COURT: All right. Does that complete the
`issues raised in the motion to compel?
`MR. KLEIN: Your Honor.
`MR. BARNEY: Yes, your Honor.
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`THE COURT: All right. Thank you, Counsel.
`Now, while I have the benefit of having you
`here, we are going to transition to a status conference,
`and as counsel are aware, the Court has previously
`expressed some substantive concern about the size and
`the scope of the claims and defenses in this case and
`has previously indicated a view that the case would
`benefit from and is in need of substantial narrowing
`going forward.
`With that in mind, the Court has already
`partially granted a request to amend the docket control
`order, and I' ve extended the deadline to complete expert
`discovery from October 25th of this year through
`November 8 th of this year. I'm aware that the request
`was an extension beyond November the 8 th. That's why
`this was a grant in part as a part of Document 1 66 being
`the Court's order.
`I have before me an opposed motion to amend the
`docket control order, and I am more than willing to
`discuss with the parties where we stand as of now, what
`you can anticipate going forward as to further narrowing
`what is a workable time frame to adjust as necessary the
`parameters of the docket control order to accommodate
`that narrowing.
`I am not inviting a ongoing process where we
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`are coming back to the Court on a regular basis to
`adjust and tweak and extend various dates. I'm
`certainly open to doing what we need to to get this case
`postured so that it can be tried as it's now set, but
`I'd like to get -- I know there has been -- pursuant to
`the Court's orders and the action of the parties, I know
`there's been substantial narrowing from where you were
`to where you are.
`I'd like a indication from you as to what you
`anticipate realistically from where you are to where you
`will be with regard to further narrowing of both the
`asserted claims and the prior art references or other
`invalidity defenses and how that might inform the Court
`as to what is a reasonable and fair modification of one
`or more parameters or deadlines set forth within the
`current version of the docket control order.
`So let me start with Plaintiff Japan Display
`and ask you to give me a report, if you will, of where
`you are and what you anticipate, where you will be going
`forward as we proceed with the inevitable process of
`narrowing the case moving toward trial.
`Go ahead, Mr. Klein.
`MR. KLEIN: Thank you, your Honor.
`We'd like to make one note for the current
`deadline to complete expert discovery, as your Honor
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`Page 9 of 23


`stated, was reset to November the 8 th. There's one
`deposition that the parties have agreed on. It's the
`only date that would work for both parties, but it's
`currently scheduled for November the 16th and 17th.
`It's a single deposition, but it will cover two days.
`So we would --
`THE COURT: Who is this the deposition of?
`MR. KLEIN: Of one of Defendant's technical
`experts, Mr. Fred Schubert.
`THE COURT: Can you spell his last name for me?
`MR. KLEIN: S-c-h-u-b-e-r-t.
`THE COURT: And where is Mr. Schubert located.
`MR. KLEIN: I believe he's in California.
`MR. SKOYLES: I believe so. Not certain of
`that, though.
`MR. KLEIN: He's in the United States. The
`depositions are all being done remotely. I apologize,
`your Honor. I believe he's in California.
`THE COURT: And I believe what you' re telling,
`Mr. Klein, is you'd like a caveat or carveout to that
`November 8 th deadline for this one single purpose to
`permit Mr. Schubert's deposition on November 16th and/ or
`MR. KLEIN: Yes, your Honor.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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`Do Defendants join in that request? It's your
`MR. BARNEY: Yes, your Honor. We have no
`objection to that.
`THE COURT: I' ll afford the parties that
`latitude in light of my order extending the deadline for
`expert discovery until November the 8 th, and I' ll permit
`the single deposition as specified in the record of
`Mr. Schubert to be taken outside that deadline over
`November 16th and/ or the 17th.
`All right. What else, Mr. Klein?
`MR. KLEIN: Your Honor, with respect to
`narrowing the case, the Plaintiff doesn't anticipate
`doing further narrowing. It would certainly be informed
`by the depositions continuing over the next several
`weeks and then finishing on the 17th with Mr. Schubert.
`So I --
`THE COURT: Part of the problem here, and it
`strikes me, having looked at your motions, it strikes me
`as we' re kind of, to some degree, confronted with the
`"chicken or the egg" situation.
`On the one hand, everybody would like to have
`the discovery of the witnesses as to all existing claims
`and defenses and then have that as a resource to
`determine what to keep and what to jettison.
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`On the other hand, nobody wants to go through
`the time, expense, and delay of doing that for claims
`and defenses that are not going to survive and the
`parties would materially benefit by saving that time and
`I think both are valid observations. I'm not
`sure all one way or all the other way is the right
`approach. You' re down to -- Plaintiff's down to, am I
`right, 35 claims at present?
`MR. KLEIN: Yes, your Honor.
`THE COURT: What -- and, I mean, you started of
`some astronomical number of, like, 135?
`MR. KLEIN: That's correct.
`THE COURT: What can you tell me about your
`anticipated future narrowing going forward, both
`time- wise and number of claims- wise?
`MR. KLEIN: We spoke with Defendants this
`morning and we' ve -- they floated the idea of having
`that narrowing done sometime before the pretrial
`disclosures are due on November the 24th, and we are
`going to have further discussions about that, whether
`that timing makes sense.
`As far as the number of claims in -- moving
`forward, we realize that 35 claims is still too many
`claims to take to trial, but depending on --
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`THE COURT: No question about that.
`MR. KLEIN: No question.
`We' re about halfway through the depositions of
`the experts, the technical experts. I think we might,
`after today, be halfway through. So I think continuing
`with those now that we' ve already made it halfway
`through makes the most sense and then we will be in a
`position to further narrow the case.
`As far as the number of claims and patents to
`narrow to, it's a little difficult because there are
`families of patents that have more claims than others.
`So it could be that the number of claims and patents, we
`can't come up with that number at this time because it
`just depends on which patents we choose.
`There are some patents where there's only one
`claim. There are a couple patents with only two claims
`that are asserted, and if we choose those, there will be
`substantially less claims, but there is at least one
`patent where there are seven claims being asserted. So
`it's difficult to come up with a number at this time
`until we have the benefit of finishing discovery.
`THE COURT: Let me ask you this, if you can
`answer it for me. Are you anticipating, under any
`scenario at present, extensions that would necessitate
`altering the current schedule for Daubert motions or
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Page 13 of 23


`motions to strike?
`MR. KLEIN: No, your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. I assume both sides know
`that when this case gets to trial, at least if it's
`before me, it will be a timed trial with a finite amount
`of time provided to each side to put on your
`case- in- chief both from the Plaintiff and the Defendant;
`and I'm sure you' re all well aware of what's a general
`rule of thumb for what allocation of time is common in
`this court, and I think that's probably a pretty good
`guide for you to carry forward as you move toward
`further narrowing from both sides of the case.
`MR. KLEIN: Yes, your Honor.
`THE COURT: Mr. Barney, what can you add from
`the Defendant's standpoint on this topic?
`MR. BARNEY: Your Honor, we agree that the case
`definitely needs to be narrowed, and we did talk with
`the Plaintiffs today about a narrowing schedule. We had
`proposed November 22nd, which we think is fair because
`that will allow them to complete the depositions.
`We asked them to narrow at that time to no more
`than five patents and 20 claims, which to me, you know,
`in my opinion is still a big case but, you know, that
`would be a substantial narrowing, and we' re awaiting
`their response to that.
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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`THE COURT: What about your side of the coin on
`invalidating references or combinations?
`MR. BARNEY: Yes, your Honor, and we would
`propose a number, something along the lines of five
`combinations per patent and, of course, that's something
`that we can also negotiate with the plaintiffs. So we
`would be willing to do a commensurate narrowing of our
`case at that time.
`THE COURT: Do I hear correctly that Mr. Klein
`said November 24th and you said November 22nd?
`MR. BARNEY: Well, I --
`THE COURT: Or were those different?
`MR. BARNEY: Two different things. I think he
`referred to November 24th being the due date for the
`pretrial submission and we just had backed up and said
`let's do our narrowing two days before that so that when
`we file that on November 24th, it will be with the
`benefit of both parties' narrowing.
`THE COURT: Well, that sounds like it's close
`enough to me that capable lawyers on both sides of this
`case ought to be able to find some common ground.
`MR. BARNEY: Yes, your Honor.
`THE COURT: To the extent I said this earlier,
`I misspoke. I don't think I have a current motion to
`modify the docket control before me now in light of the
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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`earlier order which I mentioned which partially narrowed
`the expert discovery deadline or cutoff, but it's clear
`to me something along that line is coming.
`What can both sides tell me? I' ve heard
`general recitals about " We are continuing to talk," but
`what can you tell me in a more specific manner that will
`give me some assurance that if I give you a little more
`latitude, you' ll come back to me with something workable
`and agreed to; or is this something that, at the end of
`the day, I'm going to see hands thrown up and then I'm
`going to be asked to take over and do it for you?
`I really don't want that to happen, and I want
`to facilitate the earlier possibility to the fullest
`extent I can without getting us so far down the road
`that we are in a bind.
`MR. BARNEY: Understood, your Honor. One thing
`that I would point out is although the Plaintiffs have
`narrowed to 35 claims, they are still asserting 13
`patents. The number of patents, you know, is --
`separate and apart from the number of claims, the number
`of patents is also a concern for us on the defense side
`because each patent is its own unique document with its
`own unique priority date, so it comes with its own
`unique set of prior art arguments and references and so
`getting the number of patents down is just as important
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`from our perspective as getting the number of claims
`THE COURT: I think that's a very legitimate
`MR. BARNEY: But other than that, I can't tell
`you much more other than we are definitely willing to
`work with the plaintiff to choose an appropriate date to
`really get this case down to what's really going to be
`tried to the jury because that drives jury instructions,
`it drives motions in limine, it drives a lot of things
`that are going to have to happen after that.
`THE COURT: Well, as much as each of you don't
`want to waste a lot of time and effort for things that
`are not going to actually be tried, if you multiply that
`by ten, that's how the Court feels about that same
`topic. We all benefit when we get down to the real deal
`earlier rather than later.
`I think you- all understand the Court has a
`legitimate and continuing concern about the process in
`this case. I'm encouraged by what I'm hearing from you,
`but you know, the old adage is the proof's in the
`What I'd like to do is charge you to continue
`to work toward this goal with continuing efforts to meet
`and confer. Whether you do it in person or
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`telephonically or by email makes no difference to me. I
`know there are a lot of other moving parts going on at
`the same time.
`What's a reasonable amount of time for you- all
`to work on this and get back to me with some kind of a
`joint notice or report as to where you stand?
`MR. BARNEY: I would propose maybe a week from
`today to work that out, but I' ll look to hear from my
`THE COURT: What's your view, Mr. Klein?
`MR. KLEIN: I guess, your Honor, for us to just
`continue the discussion or to actually choose -- the
`deadline to actually choose the --
`THE COURT: I'm looking to put a date on the
`calendar that says you will tell me where you are then,
`and if it is, " We resolved these issues and here's where
`we are," or it's, " We haven't resolved them; perhaps
`we' ve narrowed them, but we still have work to do," you
`know, I think this is a process where the Court and the
`parties would benefit from the Court having some
`continuing oversight, not just, "I' ll see you when it's
`time for pretrial."
`So I don't want it to be such a short period of
`time that you really aren't able to make any real
`progress because it's my hope you will make substantive
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`progress. I don't want it to be so long that we wasted
`time and if you come back to me without a resolution, we
`can't get that time back.
`So that's what prompted my question: From your
`perspective, what's a realistic amount of time for
`you- all to make some progress and if we' re lucky resolve
`most of what's outstanding; if not, narrow it
`substantially and at least get back to me with where you
`are so that I can engage whether I need to inject myself
`into the process because it's not happening in an
`adequate time frame, or I don't have to inject myself
`because it is happening in an adequate way. That's what
`I'm asking for.
`MR. KLEIN: Yes, your Honor. Thank you.
`I think that if we could -- I think a week
`might be too short but if we could have an update maybe
`by the middle, the second week of December. All of the
`depositions except Dr. Schubert will be finished and I
`think that will give us all some time to take a look at
`not only infringement side but they will be able to have
`an idea about their narrowing on invalidity as well.
`That will give us a chance to have a more meaningful
`THE COURT: Well, as a practical observation,
`today's the 26th of October. I'm to try a patent
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`infringement case next week, and I will probably not be
`in a position to pay very much attention to anything
`The week after that is the week of the 8 th. It
`would seem to me, based on at least what I know about my
`situation, that I will be in a position to focus
`substantively on a report sometime during that week.
`How does 5 o' clock on Wednesday, the 10th of
`November strike you, Counsel?
`MR. BARNEY: That's fine with defense.
`THE COURT: Mr. Klein, I see your head going up
`and down.
`MR. KLEIN: Yes, your Honor, fine for the
`THE COURT: I' ll direct an order that counsel
`for the parties present to the Court by way of filing on
`the docket a joint notice by before 5: 00 on Wednesday,
`November the 10th, telling me where you are from today,
`what you resolved, what remains outstanding, and suggest
`to the extent either/ or both of you think it's
`appropriate where the Court could help facilitate
`further movement.
`MR. KLEIN: Thank you, your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right. Those are the main
`topics I wanted to raise with Counsel as a part of this
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`meet- and- confer -- excuse me, as a part of this status
`Let me ask you- all: Are there issues or
`problems or things you' re aware of, whether it was a
`part of this motion to compel or whether it relates to
`narrowing of the case that you need to either raise with
`me now or give me a heads- up is coming around the
`Are there other things that we could all
`benefit by, by discussing them with the benefit of
`everybody present in the room? If not, I will let you
`go; but if there are, I'd hate to give up this
`Plaintiff aware of anything?
`MR. KLEIN: Nothing from Plaintiffs, your
`THE COURT: How about Defendant?
`MR. BARNEY: Could I have one second, your
`Honor, to confer?
`THE COURT: Certainly.
`Nothing from Defendant, your Honor.
`THE COURT: All right. Then that will complete
`the matter set for today, including the motion to
`compel, which has been resolved by the parties'
`admirable meet- and- confer efforts subject to slight
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`confirmation which we' ll document on the record in the
`next day or so, and this will also complete the status
`conference conducted by the Court with the parties as
`also set for the day.
`Those being the matters set for hearing before
`the Court today, that will complete today's hearing.
`Thank you for your presence and your active work
`together, Counsel. I hope we can build on this going
`You are excused and the Court stands in recess.
`(Proceedings adjourned at 2:00 p.m.)
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`I, Dana Hayden, Federal Deputy Realtime Court
`Reporter, in and for the United States District Court
`for the Eastern District of Texas, do hereby certify
`that pursuant to Section 753, Title 28, United States
`Code that the foregoing is a true and correct transcript
`of the stenographically reported proceedings held in the
`above- entitled matter and that the transcript page
`format is in conformance with the regulations of the
`Judicial Conference of the United States.
`Dated this 28th of October, 2021.
`Dana Hayden, CCR, RMR, CRR, CRC
`Federal Deputy Court Reporter
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