Versata Software,Inc. et al v. Configit A S CDCA-2-20-cv-09019
`4a DocketNavigator
`Docket Entries
`39 Results MeiCelias3
`Case Numbers: CDCA-2-20-cv-09019
`Date «
`Oct. 01,
`Oct. 01,
`Oct. 01,
`Oct. 01,
`Oct. 01,
`Oct. 02,
`Oct. 02,
`Oct. 02,
`Oct. 09,
`Oct. 09,
`Oct. 09,
`Oct. 09,
`Oct. 15,
`Oct. 19,
`Oct. 21,
`COMPLAINTReceipt No: ACACDC-28334594- Fee: $400,filed by Plaintiffs Versata Software,Inc.f/k/a Trilogy Software,Inc.,
`Versata Development Group,Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit) (Attorney Alan R Kossoff added to party Versata Development
`Group,Inc.(pty:pla), Attorney Alan R Kossoff added to party Versata Software,Inc. f/k/a Trilogy Software,Inc.(pty:pla))(Kossoff,
`Alan) (Entered: 10/01/2020)
` Complaint-- Infringement N/A
`CIVIL COVER SHEETfiled byPlaintiffs Versata Development Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc. f/k/a Trilogy Software,Inc..
`(Kossoff, Alan) (Entered: 10/01/2020)
`NOTICEofInterested Parties filed by Plaintiffs Versata Development Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc.f/k/a Trilogy Software,
`Inc., identifying Versata Enterprises,Inc.. (Kossoff, Alan) (Entered: 10/01/2020)
`REPORT ON THE FILING OF AN ACTION Regarding a Patent or a Trademark(Initial Notification) filed by Versata Development
`Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc. f/k/a Trilogy Software, Inc.. (Kossoff, Alan) (Entered: 10/01/2020)
`Request for Clerk to Issue Summonson Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening),1 filed by Plaintiffs Versata Development
`Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc.f/k/a Trilogy Software, Inc.. (Kossoff, Alan) (Entered: 10/01/2020)
`NOTICE TO COUNSELre Magistrate Judge Direct Assignment Program. This case has been randomly assigned to Magistrate
`Judge Karen L. Stevenson. (Attachments: # 1 CV-11C)(Ih) (Entered: 10/02/2020)
`21 DAY SummonsIssued re Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening), 1 as to Defendant Configit A S.(Ih) (Entered: 10/02/2020)
`NOTICE OF PRO HACVICE APPLICATION DUE for Non-Resident Attorney ConorM.Civins. A documentrecently filed in this
`caselists you as an out-of-state attorney of record. However, the Court has not been able to locate any record that you are
`admitted to the Bar of this Court, and you havenotfiled an application to appear Pro HacVicein this case. Accordingly, within
`5 business daysof the date of this notice, you musteither(1) have your local counselfile an application to appear Pro Hac Vice
`(Form G-64) and pay the applicable fee, or (2) complete the next section of this form and return it to the court at
` You have been removed as counselof record from the docketin this case, and youwill not
`be added backto the docketuntil your Pro Hac Vice status has beenresolved.(Ih) (Entered: 10/02/2020)
`NOTICEfiled by Plaintiffs Versata Development Group,Inc., Versata Software, Inc.. of Change of Firm Name(Kossoff, Alan)
`(Entered: 10/09/2020)
`APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney ConorM.Civins to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf ofPlaintiffs Versata Development
`Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc. (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-28467919)filed by Plaintiffs
`Versata Development Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order on Application of Non-Resident
`Attorney to Appear) (Kossoff, Alan) (Entered: 10/09/2020)
`APPLICATIONof Non-Resident Attorney Michael Chibib to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf ofPlaintiffs Versata Development
`Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc. (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-28468043)filed by Plaintiffs
`Versata Development Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order on Application of Non-Resident
`Attorney to Appear) (Kossoff, Alan) (Entered: 10/09/2020)
`NOTICEofDeficiency in Electronically Filed Pro Hac Vice Application RE: APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Conor M.
`Civins to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Plaintiffs Versata Development Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc. (Pro Hac Vice Fee
`- $500 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-28467919)10 , APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Michael Chibib to Appear Pro
`Hac Vice on behalf of Plaintiffs Versata Development Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc. (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500 Fee Paid,
`Receipt No. ACACDC-28468043)11 . The following error(s) was/were found: Local Rule 83- Application not complete:
`state and/or federal courts to which the applicant has been admitted are notlisted. Local Rule 83- Certificate of Good
`Standing not attached for every state court listed to which the applicant has been admitted. Other error(s) with document(s):
`Certificates of Good Standing have been required since 9/08. See LR 83- See Instructions for Applicants (1) (G-64).
`(Thrasher, Lupe) (Entered: 10/09/2020)
`NOTICE OF REASSIGNMENTof MJDAPcase from Magistrate Judge Karen L. Stevenson to Judge John A. Kronstadtforall
`further proceedings. Any discovery matters that may be referred to a Magistrate Judge are assigned to U.S. Magistrate Judge
`Michael R. Wilner. The case numberwill now reflect the initials of the transferee Judges 2:20-cv-09019 JAK(MRWx). (rn)
`(Entered: 10/15/2020)
`Corrected APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney ConorM. Civins to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Plaintiffs Versata
`Development Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc. (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500 Previously Paid on 10/9/2020,Receipt No.
`28467919) filed by Plaintiffs Versata Development Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order on
`Application of Non-Resident Attorney to Appear, # 2 Certificate of Good Standing) (Kossoff, Alan) (Entered: 10/19/2020)
`Corrected APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney Michael Chibib to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf ofPlaintiffs Versata
`DevelopmentGroup,Inc., Versata Software,Inc. (Pro Hac Vice Fee - $500Previously Paid on 10/9/2020,Receipt No.
`28468043) filed by Plaintiffs Versata Development Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order on
`Application of Non-Resident Attorney to Appear, # 2 Certificate of Good Standing - Texas, # 3 Certificate of Good Standing -
`Washington) (Kossoff, Alan) (Entered: 10/19/2020)
`John A. Kronstadt. Please read each Ordercarefully as they differ in some respects from the Local Rules. Counsel are advised
`that the Court, at any time, may amend one or moreofits Standing Orders.It is the responsibility of counselto referto this
`Court&s Procedures and Schedules found on the website for the United States District Court, Central District of California
`( to obtain the operative order. The Court thanks the parties and their counsel for their anticipated
`cooperation in carrying out these requirements. (vv) (Entered: 10/21/2020)
`17 WAIVER OFSERVICE Returned Executedfiled by Plaintiffs Versata Software, Inc., Versata Development Group,Inc.. upon
`Configit A S waiver sentby Plaintiff on 10/8/2020, answerdue 12/7/2020. Waiverof Service signed by David M. Hoffman.
`(Kossoff, Alan) (Entered:11/10/2020)


`Versata Software,Inc. et al v. Configit A S CDCA-2-20-cv-09019 +t Docket Navig ator
`Nov. 25,
`Nov. 25,
`Jan. 05,
`Jan. 05,
`eo Jan. 08,
`NOTICE OF ERRATAfiled by Plaintiffs Versata Development Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc.. correcting Waiver of Service
`Executed, 17 (Kossoff, Alan) (Entered: 11/25/2020)
`NOTICE of Changeof Attorney Business or ContactInformation: for attorney Alan R Kossoff counselforPlaintiffs Versata
`Development Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc.. Changing firm nameto Kinsella Weitzman Iser Kump LLP.Filed by Plaintiffs
`Versata Development Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc.. (Kossoff, Alan) (Entered: 11/25/2020)
`Joint STIPULATION to Amend Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening),1 filed by Plaintiffs Versata Development Group,Inc.,
`Versata Software,Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Kossoff, Alan) (Entered: 01/05/2021)
`NOTICEof Appearancefiled by attorney Joanna M.Fuller on behalf of Defendant Configit A S (Attorney JoannaM.Fuller
`addedto party Configit A S(pty:dft))(Fuller, Joanna) (Entered: 01/05/2021)
`RESPONSIVE PLEADING THERETO 20 by Judge JohnA. Kronstadt.Plaintiffs shall file a First Amended Complaint on or before
`January 15, 2021, and Defendantshallfile a responsive pleading to the First Amended Complaint on or before February 12,
`2021.(iv) (Entered: 01/08/2021)
`Stipulated/Agreed - Motion to Amend or Supplement Pleading
`°e Jan. 15,
`First AMENDED COMPLAINTagainst Defendant Configit A S amending Complaint(Attorney Civil Case Opening),1, filed by
`Plaintiffs Versata Software,Inc., Versata Development Group,Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A-O to Complaint)(Kossoff, Alan)
`(Entered: 01/15/2021)
`Amended Complaint
`eo Jan. 21,
`NOTICE OF ERRATAfiled by Plaintiffs Versata Development Group,Inc., Versata Software,Inc.. correcting Amended
`Complaint/Petition, 23 (Kossoff, Alan) (Entered: 01/21/2021)
`Corrected First AMENDED COMPLAINTagainst Defendant Configit A S amending Complaint (Attorney Civil Case Opening),1,
`filed by Plaintiffs Versata Software,Inc., Versata DevelopmentGroup,Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A-O to Complaint)(Kossoff,
`Alan) (Entered: 01/21/2021)
`Amended Complaint
`Jan. 29,
`eo Feb.12,
`NOTICEof Appearancefiled by attorney Seth M Sproul on behalf of Defendant Configit A S (Attorney Seth M Sproul added to
`party Configit A S(pty:dft))(Sproul, Seth) (Entered: 01/29/2021)
`NOTICEof Change of address by Seth M Sproul attorney for Defendant Configit A S. Changing attorneys addressto Fish &
`RichardsonP.C. 633 WestFifth Street, 26th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071. Filed by DefendantConfigit A S. (Sproul, Seth)
`(Entered: 02/12/2021)
`Notice of Appearance or Withdrawal of Counsel: for attorney Joanna M Fuller counsel for Defendant Configit A S. Joanna M.
`Fuller is no longer counsel of record for the aforementioned party in this case for the reason indicated in the G-123 Notice.
`Filed by Defendant Configit A/S. (Fuller, Joanna) (Entered: 02/12/2021)
`NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTIONto Dismiss Casefiled by Defendant Configit A S. Motion set for hearing on 6/7/2021 at
`08:30 AM before Judge John A. Kronstadt. (Attachments: # 1 Memorandumin Support of Rule 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss, # 2
`Declaration of Seth M. Sproul, # 3 Exhibit 1, # 4 Exhibit 2, # 5 Exhibit 3, # 6 Exhibit 4, # 7 Exhibit 5, # 8 Exhibit 6, # 9 Exhibit 7, #
`10 Exhibit 8) (Sproul, Seth) (Entered: 02/12/2021)
`CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENTfiled by Defendant Configit A S identifying Configit Holding A/S as Corporate Parent.
`(Sproul, Seth) (Entered: 02/12/2021)
`Corporate Disclosure Statement
`Mar. 11,
`Mar. 15,
`Mar. 31,
`Apr. 05,
`Apr. 06,
`EX PARTE APPLICATIONfor Extension of Time to File Opposition and Replyfiled by Plaintiff Versata DevelopmentGroup,Inc.,
`Versata Software,Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Kossoff, Alan) (Entered: 03/11/2021)
`DISMISS(DKT. 31) by Judge John A. Kronstadt, the Application is GRANTED.Plaintiffs shall file their Opposition to Defendant's
`Motion to Dismiss on or before March 31, 2021. Defendantshall file its Reply in support of the Motion to Dismiss on or before
`April 21, 2021. (jp) (Entered: 03/15/2021)
`OPPOSITION to NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTIONto Dismiss Case 29filed by Plaintiffs Versata Development Group,Inc.,
`Versata Software, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Conor M. Civins in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss)(Kossoff, Alan)
`(Entered: 03/31/2021)
`APPLICATION of Non-Resident Attorney David M. Hoffman to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant Configit A S (Pro
`Hac Vice Fee - $500 Fee Paid, Receipt No. ACACDC-31046284)filed by Defendant Configit A S. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed
`Order) (Sproul, Seth) (Entered: 04/05/2021)
`ORDERby Judge John A. Kronstadt granting 34 Non-Resident Attorney David M Hoffman APPLICATION to Appear Pro Hac
`Vice on behalf of Defendant Configit A S, designating Seth M Sproul as local counsel.(jp) (Entered: 04/06/2021)
`Apr. 21, 36—REPLY in support of NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTIONto Dismiss Case 29 Pursuant to FederalRule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) wb
`filed by Defendant Configit A S. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(Sproul, Seth) (Entered: 04/21/2021)
`May. 28,
`Joint Request to Appear Telephonically at Hearing on Defendant's Motion to Dismissfiled by Defendant Configit A S (Hoffman,
`David) (Entered: 05/28/2021)


`Versata Software,Inc. et al v. Configit A S CDCA-2-20-cv-09019 +t Docket Navig ator
`Jun. 01,
`Jun. 01,
`Kronstadt: The Court has considered the matters raised with respect to the Motions and has concludedthat pursuant to Local
`Rule 7.15, the matters can be decided without oral argument. The Court advises counsel that the Motion, noticed for hearing on
`June 7, 2021, has been taken under submission andoff its motion calendar. No appearance by counsel is necessary. THERE IS
`NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIESin Electronically Filed Documents RE: Miscellaneous Document 37 . The following error(s)
`was/were found:(1) Incorrect event selected. Correct event to be used is: Appear - under Category - Applications/Ex Parte
`Applications/Motions/Petitions/Requests. (2) The documentis accepted asfiled. Counsel shall take notice of the CM/ECF
`procedures. Any future documentwill be stricken for failure to follow the procedures.(3) Proposed Document was not
`submitted as separate attachment. (4) Proposed Ordershall be filed as separate attachmentto the e-filed "NOTICE OF
`LODGING"and e-mailed to Judge Kronstadt generic email addresses a WordPerfect or Microsoft Word version of the
`document.. In responseto this notice, the Court may: (1) order an amended or correct documentto be filed; (2) order the
`documentstricken;or(3) take other action as the Court deems appropriate. You need nottake any action in responsetothis
`notice unless and until the Court directs you to do so.(jp) (Entered: 06/01/2021)

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