!74/:.9 431:7,9478  31472,943 $8902
`$:55479 147 431:7,-0 !74/:.98
`:, %4303 ,3/ %24 $43303
`083 &3;0789 41 %0.344
`% #080,7. 03970 ,3/ ,-47,947 41 31472,943 !74.0883 $.03.0
`!74/:.9 ,9, ,3,02039 74:5
`! 4  
`   &% 3,3/
`2, :, %4303:9 1
`-897,.9 !74/:.9 .431:7,9478 ,;0 -0.420 ,3 25479,39 31472,943
`90.344 147 90 8,08 47/07 ,3/ /0;07 574.08808 41 2,3 .425,
`308 3 98 ,79.0 0 /8.:88 90 9508 41 .431:7,-0 574/:.98 ,3/
`.431:7,943 70,90/ 574.08808 9,9 .,3 ,3 90 2489 1742 8:. 90.
`344 431:7,-0 574/:.98 97,38107 2:. 41 90 /083 47 1742
`90 8,08
`/0;07 574.088 94 90 #  574.088 %8 706:708 889023
`90 574/:.9 ,3/ 90 70,90/ 574/:.9 340/0 0 5708039 , 0307,
`24/0 41 90 #  ,3/ 8,08
`/0;07 574.08808 147 .431:7,-0 574/
`:.98 %0 2,47 -030198 ,3/ 574-028 41 .431:7,-0 574/:.98 ,70 903
`%8 574/:.9 ,3/ 574.088
`470390/ ;0 807;08 ,8 , -,88 147 4:7
`970,92039 41 574/:.9 .431:7,9478 431:7,9478 9 :5
`/,90 574/
`:.9 31472,943 ,4 343
`050798 94 2,0 07747
`1700 8,08
`850.1.,9438 ,3/ 574/:.943 47/078 431:7,9478 ,84 70/:.0 0,/
`9208 3 90 8,08
`/0;07 574.088 %0 2,47 574-02 9 574/:.9 .43
`1:7,9478 ,70 90 43
`9072 2,3,02039 ,3/ 2,3903,3.0 41 90 574/
`:.9 340/0 ,8 574/:.9 24/08 ,3/ 574/:.9 389,3.08 0;4;0
`%0 :3/073 9088 3 98 ,79.0 8 9,9 574/:.9 .431:7,9478 43
`907 43 ,70 349 034: 94 2,0 90 8,08 ,3/ 47/07 1:12039 574.
`08808 2470 011.039 %0 8:..088 41 , .431:7,943 88902 3 ,3 .42
`5,3 8 -,80/ 43 ,/06:,90 889028,943 41 90 574/:.9 3 8420 .,808
`0;03 70
`/0833 90 574/:.9 147 .431:7,-9 ,3/ 90 889028,943
`,3/ 700330073 41 90 .431:7,943 70,90/ 574.08808
` %8 ,79.0 8 ,84 5:-80/ 3 3.70,83 $,08 !74/:.9;9 974: 90 &80 41 31472,943 %0.344
`/:73 90 $,08 '89  $:7;0 41 90 :7450,3 ,709 0843 438:93 74:5 


`%0 /083 ,3/ 574/:.943 41 44/8 9,9 8,981 90 850.1. 300/8 41
`The design and production of goods that satisfy the specific needs of
`3/;/:, .:8942078 ,70 41 .0397, 3907089 94 90 :7450,3 3/:897 %0
`individual customers are of central interest to the European industry. The
`-:83088 03;7432039 41 .425,308 ,8 .,30/ 3 80;07, 70850.98 %0
`business environment of companies has changed in several respects. The
`2,47 9703/8 ,70 /2383 109208 41 574/:.98 3.70,83 .42509 ,3/
`major trends are diminishing lifetimes of products, increasing complexity and
`3:2-07 41 ;,7,398 41 574/:.98 ,3/ 300/ 147 847907 0,/
`9208 3 90 8,08
`number of variants of products, and need for shorter lead—times in the sales—
`/0;07 574.08808 0 :80 90 9072 8,08
`/0;07 574.088 94 /08.7-0 , 90
`delivery processes.
`(We use the term .rn/ex—de/z'neij/ prom: to describe all the
`5,808 706:70/ 94 5745480 80 47/07 2,3:1,.9:70 ,3/ 13, /0;07 ,3
`phases required to propose, sell, order, manufacture and finally deliver an
`3/;/:, 574/:.9 94 , .:894207 4704;07 9070 8 3.70,83 57088:70 1742
`individual product to a customer.) Moreover, there is increasing pressure from
`90 .:8942078 ,3/ 90 .425099478 94 9,0 3/;/:, .:894207 706:7020398
`the customers and the competitors to take individual customer requirements
`394 ,..4:39 03 850.13 , .:894207
`850.1. 574/:.9 389,3.0
`into account when specifying a customer—specific product instance.
` 30 2,47 9703/ 94 .450 9 9080 .,308 3 90 -:83088 03;7432039
`One major trend to cope with these changes in the business environment
`8 94 2574;0 .:894207
`850.1. ,/,59,943 9 .431:7,-0 574/:.98 %8 950 41
`is to improve customer—specific adaptation with mnfignrn/a/epmdnm. This type of
`574/:.9 .4257808 , ,70 3:2-07 41 ;,7,398 ,3/ 807;08 90 850.1. 300/8 41
`product comprises a large number of variants and serves the specific needs of
`90 3/;/:, .:894207 - ,43 .:894207
`850.1. ,/,59,943 41 90
`the individual customer by allowing customer—specific adaptation of the
`574/:.9 %0 4, 8 94 /4 98 0 0053 90 .:894207
`850.1. ,/,59,943
`product. The goal is to do this while keeping the customer—specific adaptation
`0,8 74:930 ,3/ 2,3,0,-0 ,3/ 90 0,/
`920 41 90 8,08
`/0;07 574.088
`easy, routine, and manageable, and the lead—time of the sales—delivery process
`8479 3 4907 47/8 , .431:7,-0 574/:.9 ,28 ,9 .42-33 90 -030198 41
`short. In other words, a configurable product aims at combining the benefits of
`574/:.0/ ,3/ 430
`3/ 574/:.98 %8 950 41 4507,943 ,8
`mass—produced and one—of—a—kind products. This type of operation has
`84209208 -003 .,0/ 2,88
`sometimes been called mass—customisationz.
`431:7,-0 574/:.98 ,70 41903 ;07 .4250 !74/:.9 .431:7,947 47 .43
`Configurable products are often very complex. Pray/nit mnfzgnrnz‘or (or mn—
`1:7,947 147 8479 8 ,3 31472,943 88902 147 2,3,3 574/:.98 ,3/ 907
`fignrnz‘or for short) is an information system for managing products and their
`;,7,398 ,3/ 147 /43 .:894207
`850.1. ,/,59,943 41 90 574/:.9 40;07
`variants, and for doing customer—specific adaptation of the product. However,
`1 , 574/:.9 .431:7,947 8 94 -0 41 831.,39 05 3 90 8,08
`if a product configurator is to be of significant help in the sales—delivery
`574.088 90 574/:.9 ,84 2:89 -0 70,9;0 0,8 94 .431:70 ,33 90
`process, the product also must be relatively easy to configure. Changing the
`-:83088 41 90 .425,3 94 .431:7,-0 574/:.98 706:708 , 897,90. /0.843
`business of the company to configurable products requires a strategic decision.
`%0 574/:.98 ,3/ 90 70,90/ 574.08808 ,70 ,110.90/ %0 706:70/ 47,38,
`The products and the related processes are affected. The required organisa—
`943, ,3/ .:9:7, .,308 .,3 -0 ;07 831.,39 ,3/ /11.:9 94 ,.0;0
`tional and cultural changes can be very significant and difficult to achieve.
`3 98 ,79.0 0 9,0 , 574/:.9 ,3/ 574.088
`470390/ ;0 43 574/:.9
`In this article we take a product and process—oriented view on product
`.431:7,943 9,88 %0 ;0 8 , 839088 41 , 8:7;0 41 903 .425,308 9,9
`configuration tasks. The view is a synthesis of a survey of ten companies that
`/0;07 .431:7,-0 574/:.98 ,3/ 050703.08 ,30/ 3 439
`5740.98 9
`deliver configurable products3 and experiences gained in joint—projects with
`,1 , /403 4907 .425,308 %0 2,479 41 9080 .,808 070 1742 90
`half a dozen other companies. The majority of these cases were from the
`/8.7090 2,3:1,.9:73 3/:897 -:9 82,7 933 80028 94 -0 ,55.,-0 94
`discrete manufacturing industry, but similar thinking seems to be applicable to
`.425,308 9,9 574/:.0 807;.08
`companies that produce services.
`2 See e.g. Hales H. L (ed) Automating and Integrating the Sales Function: How to Profit From
` $00 0  ,08   0/ :942,93 ,3/ 3907,93 90 $,08 :3.943 4 94 !7419 742
`Complexity and Customization. Enterprixe Integration Stratqgiex, Vol. 9, no. 11, 1—9; Carson, C.
`42509 ,3/ :8942,943 39075780 3907,943 $97,9008 '4 34   ,7843 
`(1997) Intelligent Sales Configuration. PCAI, January/ February 1997.
` 390039 $,08 431:7,943 !  ,3:,7
`3 Tiihonen, ]., Soininen, T., Mannist'o, T. and Sulonen, R. State of the practice in product
` %4303  $43303 % 3389 % ,3/ $:4303 # $9,90 41 90 57,.9.0 3 574/:.9
`configuration — a survey of 10 cases in the Finnish industry. In Know/edge Intensive CAD, Firxt
` , 8:7;0 41  .,808 3 90 338 3/:897 3 340/0 39038;0  789
`Edition, T. Tomiyama, M. Mantyla, S. Finger, editors. Chapman & Hall 1996.
`/943 % %42,2,  39 $ 307 0/9478 ,52,3 ,  


` 431:7,-0 574/:.98
`Configurable products
`3 98 ,79.0 90 9072 574/:.9 8 :80/ 94 20,3 90 ,-897,.9 850.1.,943 47
`In this article the term prodmz‘ is used to mean the abstract specification or
`/083 41 ,3 0399 9,9 , .425,3 808 $4209208 90 90728 574/:.9 1,2
`design of an entity that a company sells. Sometimes the terms ‘product family’
`47 574/:.9 24/0 ,70 :80/ 3 90 8,20 80380 %0 574/:.9 850.1.,943
`or ‘product model’ are used in the same sense. The product specification
`.439,38 90 31472,943 706:70/ - 147 0,250 2,7093 8,08 ,3/
`contains the information required by,
`for example, marketing,
`sales and
`574/:.943 %0 9072 574/:.9 389,3.0 8 :80/ 94 20,3 , 850.1. 58., 574/:.9
`production. The term prodmz‘ z'mz‘ame is used to mean a specific physical product
`9,9 8 94 -0 /0;070/ 94 , .:894207 47 , /083 41 , 58., 574/:.9 . 8
`that is to be delivered to a customer or a design of a physical product which is
`.43.7090 034: 94 807;0 ,8 , 850.1.,943 147 2,3:1,.9:73 3 4907 47/8
`concrete enough to serve as a specification for manufacturing. In other words,
`, 574/:.9 389,3.0 8 , .:894207
`850.1. ,/,59,943 41 90 574/:.9
`a product instance is a customer—specific adaptation of the product.
` 574/:.9 .438898 41 .425430398 %0 9072 .42543039 8 :80/ 94 20,3
`A product consists of mmpomm‘x. The term ‘component’ is used to mean
`,3 3907,90/ 40 . 8 .438/070/ , 20,331: /893.9 5,79 41 90
`an integrated whole which is considered a meaningful distinct part of the
`574/:.9 0 :80 90 90728 .42543039 ,3/ .42543039 389,3.0 3 90 8,20
`product. We use the terms ‘component’ and mmpomm‘ z'mz‘ame in the same
`2,3307 ,8 90 90728 574/:.9 ,3/ 574/:.9 389,3.0 94 70107 94 , 0307.
`manner as the terms ‘product’ and ‘product instance’ to refer to a generic
`850.1.,943 ,3/ , 58., 0399  .42543039 2, .47708543/ 94 430 47
`specification and a physical entity. A component may correspond to one or
`2470 58., 5,798 41 90 574/:.9 -:9 2, ,84 -0 ,3 3907,90/ 40 .
`more physical parts of the product but may also be an integrated whole which
`8 700;,39 147 2,7093 5:754808 %0 ,9907 950 41 .425430398 ,70 41903
`is relevant for marketing purposes. The latter type of components are often
`.,0/ 24/:08  570
`/0830/ .42543039 8 , 70
`:8,-0 850.1.,943 . 0907
`called modules. A pre—dengfled mmpomm‘ is a re—usable specification which either
`.425090 850.108 , :36:0 2,3:1,.9:7,-0 47 8,0,-0 0399 47 , .0,7
`completely specifies a unique manufacturable or saleable entity or a clearly
`/0130/ 809 41 8:. ,9073,9;0 039908 %0 ,9907 950 41 .42543039 8
`defined set of such alternative entities. The latter type of component is
`95., , 5,7,2097. .42543039 %0 /893.943 -09003 574/:.98 ,3/
`typically a parametric component. The distinction between products and
`.425430398 8 8420,9 ,2-:4:8 -0.,:80 9 /0503/8 43 90 5439 41 ;0
`components is somewhat ambiguous, because it depends on the point of view
`47 0,250 , 574/:.9 .,3 84209208 -0 .438/070/ , .42543039 41 ,34907
`For example, a product can sometimes be considered a component of another
`574/:.9 $420 .425430398 2, -0 84/ 805,7,90 95., 94 -0 :80/ ,8 ,
`product. Some components may be sold separately, typically to be used as a
`85,70 5,79 3 47 ,3 0903843 41 ,3 0893 574/:.9
`spare part in or an extension of an existing product.
`3 ,7.90.9:70 .439,38 90 31472,943 43 90 0307, ,77,302039 41 90
`An art/az'z‘etz‘we contains the information on the general arrangement of the
`574/:.9 %0 ,7.90.9:70 .,3 .439,3 31472,943 43 90 897:.9:70 90
`product. The architecture can contain information on the structure,
`706:70/ ,3/ 45943, .425430398 ,3/ 907 94544., 47 042097.,
`required and optional components, and their topological or geometrical
`5,.020398 3 90 574/:.9
`placements in the product.
`,8. .,7,.90789.8
`Basic characteristics
` .431:7,-0 574/:.9 ,8 90 1443 -,8. 574507908
`A configurable product has the following basic properties:
`N ,. /0;070/ 574/:.9 389,3.0 8 9,470/ 94 90 3/;/:, 300/8 41 ,3
`0 Each delivered product instance is tailored to the individual needs of an
`3/;/:, .:894207
`individual customer.
`N %0 574/:.9 ,8 -003 570
`/0830/ 94 2009 , ;03 7,30 41 /1107039
`0 The product has been pre—designed to meet a given range of different
`.:894207 706:7020398
`customer requirements.
`N ,. 574/:.9 389,3.0 8 850.10/ ,8 , .42-3,943 41 570
`0 Each product
`instance is specified as a combination of pre—designed
`.425430398 47 24/:08 %:8 9070 8 34 300/ 94 /083 30 .425430398
`components or modules. Thus, there is no need to design new components
`,8 , 5,79 41 90 8,08
`/0;07 574.088
`as a part of the sales—delivery process.


`N %0 574/:.9 ,8 , 570
`/0830/ 0307, 897:.9:70 47 ,7.90.9:70 47 , 809 41
`0 The product has a pre—designed general structure or architecture or a set of
`N %070 8 34 300/ 94 /4 .70,9;0 47 334;,9;0 /083 ,8 , 5,79 41 90 8,08
`0 There is no need to do creative or innovative design as a part of the sales—
`/0;07 574.088 #,907 90 850.1.,943 41 , 574/:.9 389,3.0 .,3 -0 /430
`delivery process. Rather, the specification of a product instance can be done
`in a routine manner.
`3 , 74:930 2,3307
`%0 1789 5745079 3 90 89 /1107039,908 .431:7,-0 574/:.98 1742 411
`The first property in the list differentiates configurable products from off—the—
`801 2,88
`574/:.0/ 574/:.98 . ,70 349 9,470/ 147 0,. .:894207 %0
`self, mass—produced products, which are not tailored for each customer. The
`80.43/ 5745079 7010.98 90 1,.9 9,9 9070 8 , .0,7 290/ 7,30 41
`second property reflects the fact
`there is a clearly limited range of
`/1107039 .:894207 706:7020398 9,9 90 574/:.9 8 ,20/ ,9 3 4907 47/8
`different customer requirements that the product is aimed at. In other words,
`90 .425,3 /408 349 3903/ 94 8,981 , 90 5488-0 706:7020398 9 90
`the company does not intend to satisfy all the possible requirements with the
`%0 7089 41 90 574507908 /1107039,90 .431:7,-0 574/:.98 1742 430
`The rest of the properties differentiate configurable products from one—
`574/:.98 . ,70 3 573.50 /0830/ 1742 90 8.7,9. 147 0,.
`of—a—kind—products which are in principle designed from the scratch for each
`.:894207 431:7,-0 574/:.98 ,70 570
`/0830/ 43.0 ,8 , 5,79 41 , # 
`customer. Configurable products are pre—designed once as a part of a R&D
`#080,7. ,3/ 0;0452039 574.088 ,3/ 903 98 ,/;,3.0 /083 8 :80/
`(Research and Development) process, and then this advance design is used
`,,3 ,3/ ,,3 3 90 8,08
`/0;07 574.088 94 850.1 574/:.9 389,3.08
`again and again in the sales—delivery process to specify product instances
`,..47/3 94 90 706:7020398 41 0,. .:894207 3 5,79.:,7 430 /408 349
`according to the requirements of each customer. In particular, one does not
`/083 30 .425430398 47 30 ,8 41 .42-33 .425430398 94 574/:.0
`design new components or new ways of combining components to produce
`30 1:3.9438 9,9 4:/ 8,981 ,3 .:894207 706:7020398 ,8 8 3 573.50
`new functions that would satisfy any customer requirements, as is in principle
`5488-0 147 430
`3/ 574/:.98 800 90 80.943 !74/:.9 /0;0452039
`possible for one—of—a—kind products (see the section Product development
`574.088 574/:.08 .431:7,943 24/08
`process produces configuration models).
`%5., 0,2508 41 .431:7,-0 574/:.98 3.:/0 .425:9078 198 97:.8
`Typical examples of configurable products include computers, lifts, trucks,
`9005430 89.08 24/:,7 1:739:70 0,;
`/:9 /080
`03308 147089
`telephone switches, modular
`furniture, heavy—duty diesel—engines,
`,7;089078 ,3/ /03989 .,78 %0 574/:.98 903/ 94 -0 3;0892039 44/8 9
`harvesters and dentist chairs. The products tend to be investment goods with
`.47708543/3 57.0 7,308 ,94: 9070 80028 94 -0 , 9703/ 94 .431:73
`corresponding price ranges, although there seems to be a trend to configuring
`,84 .4224/9 44/8 0850., 3 90 .425:907 3/:897
`also commodity goods, especially in the computer industry.
`  !74/:.9
`70,90/ 574.08808
`Product-related processes
`%0 ,-4;0 574507908 41 .431:7,-0 574/:.98 ,70,/ 39 ,9 4 .431:7
`The above properties of configurable products already hint at how configur—
`,-0 574/:.98 ,70 /0;0450/ ,3/ 8:-806:039 84/ ,3/ /0;070/ %0 574/:.9
`able products are developed and subsequently sold and delivered. The product
`/0;0452039 574.088 ,3/ 8,08
`/0;07 574.088 41 .431:7,-0 574/:.98 ,70
`development process and sales—delivery process of configurable products are
`805,7,90 0 9480 41 411
`801 2,88
`574/:.0/ 574/:.98 ,3/ :30 9480
`separate, like those of off—the—self, mass—produced products and unlike those
`41 430
`3/ 574/:.98
`of one—of—a—kind products.
` 03 /0;0453 , 30 2,88
`574/:.9 90 /083 574.088 574/:.08 ,
`When developing a new mass—product, the design process produces a
`850.1.,943 41 , 830 574/:.9 . 903 8 574/:.0/ 920 ,3/ ,,3 3
`specification of a single product which then is produced time and again in
`0,.9 90 8,20 1472 47 90 430
`3/ 574/:.9 90 /083 3 573.50
`exactly the same form. For the one—of—a—kind product, the design in principle
`850.108 , 830 574/:.9 389,3.0 . 8 574/:.0/ 43 430 920 ,94:
`specifies a single product instance which is produced only one time, although
`8420 5,798 41 90 /083 2, -0 70
`:80/ 3 4907 574/:.98 %0 574/:.9
`some parts of the design may be re—used in other products. The product
`/0;0452039 574.088 147 , .431:7,-0 574/:.9 574/:.08 , .431:7,943 24/0
`development process for a configurable product produces a ton/figuration model,
`. 05.9 /01308 90 -,8. 574/:.9 574507908 ,3/ 90 5488-908 147
`which explicitly defines the basic product properties and the possibilities for
`9,473 902 :70  %0 .431:7,943 24/0 8 :80/ ,,3 ,3/ ,,3 3
`tailoring them (Figure l). The configuration model is used again and again in
`90 5,798 41 90 8,08
`/0;07 574.088 70,90/ 94 .431:7,943 9,8 .,0/
`the parts of the sales—delivery process related to configuration task, called


`!74/:.9 /0;0452039 574.088
`/ "
`Product development process
`fientify market
`/0391 2,709
`requirements and
`706:7020398 ,3/
`targeted segments
`9,7090/ 8020398
`flop product
`0;045 574/:.9
`concept and
`.43.059 ,3/
`‘1 /),,
`flmtify required
`/0391 706:70/
`modules and
`24/:08 ,3/
`assign functions to
`,883 1:3.9438 94
`1 Develop modules
`0;045 24/:08
`:70  !74/:.9 /0;0452039 574.088 147 .431:7,-0 574/:.98
`Figure 1. Product development process for configurable products
`.431:7,943 574.088 ,8 90 84:7.0 41 31472,943 43 90 -,88 41 . 574/:.98
`mnfigumz‘z'on protest, as the source of information on the basis of which products
`,70 .431:70/ 94 574/:.0 .:894207
`850.1. 574/:.9 389,3.08 %0 9,8 300/0/
`are ton/figured to produce customer—specific product instances. The task needed
`94 574/:.0 , .431:7,943 8 7010770/ 94 ,8 .431:7,943 9,8  95., .431:7
`to produce a configuration is referred to as ton/figuration task. A typical configur—
`,-0 574/:.9 90701470 03,3.08 90 70
`:80 41 /083 340/0 03
`able product
`therefore enhances the re—use of design knowledge when
`.425,70/ 94 , 82,7 430
`3/ 574/:.9 431:73 , 574/:.9 43 90
`compared to a similar one—of—a—kind product. Configuring a product on the
`-,88 41 .:894207 706:7020398 574/:.08 , .431:7,943 , /08.75943 41 90
`basis of customer requirements produces a ton/figuration, a description of the
`574/:.9 389,3.0 94 -0 /0;070/ :70 
`product instance to be delivered (Figure 2).
` .431:7,943 24/0 .439,38 , 90 706:70/ 31472,943 43 90 5488
`A configuration model contains all the required information on the possi—
`-908 41 9,473 90 .431:7,-0 574/:.9 ,..47/3 94 90 .:894207 300/8
`bilities of tailoring the configurable product according to the customer needs.
`3 0110.9 , .431:7,943 24/0 25.9 7057080398 2,3 41903 2438
`In effect, a configuration model implicitly represents many, often millions,
`/1107039 574/:.98 9,9 .4:/ -0 970,90/ ,8 /1107039 2,88
`574/:.0/ 574/:.98
`different products that could be treated as different mass—produced products.
` .431:7,943 24/0 7057080398 90 ;,/ .42-3,9438 41 90 .4254
`A configuration model represents the valid combinations of the compo—
`30398 9,9 .,3 -0 :80/ 94 4-9,3 90 /0870/ 1:3.9438 147 90 .:894207 %0
`nents that can be used to obtain the desired functions for the customer. The
`.431:7,943 24/0 2, .439,3 31472,943 43 90 5488- /1107039
`configuration model may contain information on the (possibly different)
`,7.90.9:708 41 90 574/:.9 90 ,;,,-0 .425430398 1742 . 90
`architecture(s) of the product,
`the available components from which the
`574/:.9 2, -0 .42-30/ /1107039 3907,.9438 .43897,398 7:08 7084:7.0
`product may be combined, different interactions (constraints, rules, resource
`.438:25943 70,943858 09. -09003 90 .425430398 90
`production—consumption relationships, etc.) between the components,
`574507908 41 90 .425430398 ,3/ 90 .:894207 300/8 9,9 90 .425430398 3
`properties of the components and the customer needs that the components in
`/1107039 .42-3,9438 8,981 3 57,.9.0 9070 2, -0 80;07, /1107039
`different combinations satisfy. In practice there may be several different
`.431:7,943 24/08 41 90 8,20 574/:.9 %080 ,70 95., 20,39 94
`configuration models of the same product. These are typically meant
`8:55479 90 /1107039 5,808 41 90 .431:7,943 574.088 147 0,250 8,08
`support the different phases of the configuration process, for example sales
`,3/ 0330073 .431:7,943 9,88 ,9 , 8:9,-0 0;0 41 ,-897,.943 %0 8,08
`and engineering configuration tasks, at a suitable level of abstraction. The sales
`1:3.943 95., /408 349 300/ 570.80 /0139438 706:70/ 147 0307,93 147
`function typically does not need precise definitions required for generating, for


`”r Configuration
`model 1
`:894207 85081.
`Customer spesific
`574/:.9 389,3.0
`product instanpe
` Product
`i/ \
`/ Componeh
47 894.
`Configuration 1
`model 2
`l /
`process/T> product instance
`Configuration 2
`Description of
`08.75943 41
`574/:.9 389,3.0
`:70  $,08
`/0;07 574.088 41 .431:7,-0 574/:.98
`Figure 2. Sales—delivery process of configurable products
`0,250 , /09,0/ 
`,907,   41 90 574/:.9 ,8 , 5,79 41 90
`example, a detailed Bill—of—Material (BOM) of the product as a part of the
`.431:7,943 %8 31472,943 8 300/0/ 3 90 0330073 .431:7,943
`configuration. This information is needed in the engineering configuration
`9,88 147 .431:73 90 574/:.9 %0 8,08 5078438 2, 570107 94 ;0 90
`tasks for configuring the product. The sales persons may prefer to view the
`574/:.9 ,8 , 809 41 ,9073,9;0 ,3/ 45943, 1:3.9438 9,9 9 2, 574/:.0 47 ,8
`product as a set of alternative and optional functions that it may produce or as
`a set of alternative modules.
`, 809 41 ,9073,9;0 24/:08
`   !74/:.9 /0;0452039 574.088 574/:.08 .431:7,943 24/08
`Product development process produces configuration models
`%0 740 41 90 574/:.9 /0;0452039 574.088 8 94 /0;045 90 574/:.9 ,3/ 98
`The role of the product development process is to develop the product and its
`.431:7,943 24/0 :70  1907 2,709 8020398 ,3/ 907 706:7020398
`configuration model (Figure 1). After market segments and their requirements
`,;0 -003 /03910/ 430 2:89 /0./0 94 . 8020398 90 574/:.9 ,3/ 0,.
`have been identified, one must decide to which segments the product and each
`41 98 24/:08 ,70 9,7090/ ,9.3 90 574/:.9 ,7.90.9:70 ,3/ 24/:08 94
`of its modules are targeted. Matching the product architecture and modules to
`95., .42-3,9438 41 706:7020398 8 .79.,  282,9. 0907 3:108 90
`typical combinations of requirements is critical. A mismatch either nullifies the
`8,08 455479:3908 47 0,/8 94 0.088;0 430
`3/ /083 -0.,:80 8:9,-0
`sales opportunities or leads to excessive one—of—a—kind design, because suitable
`,9073,9;08 ,70 349 ,;,,-0 :89 - .431:73 90 574/:.9
`alternatives are not available just by configuring the product.


` .431:7,-0 574/:.9 .43.059 8 95., 25020390/ 9 , 24/:,7
`A configurable product concept is typically implemented with a modular
`574/:.9 ,7.90.9:70 -0.,:80 3907, 574/:.9 ,7.90.9:708 /4 349 1,.9,90
`product architecture because integral product architectures do not facilitate
`.431:73 ,3/ 0;4:943 41 90 574/:.9
`configuring and evolution of the product4.
`9 2, -0 /11.:9 94 /0./0 . ,9073,9;08 84:/ -0 3.:/0/ 3 430
`It may be difficult to decide which alternatives should be included in one
`574/:.9 ,3/ . 84:/ -0 970,90/ ,8 805,7,90 574/:.98 $4:/ 0 ,;0 
`product and which should be treated as separate products (“Should we have 50
`8250 47  2470 .4250 574/:.98 ":90 41903 088 .4250 24/08 ,70
`simple or 5 more complex products?”). Quite often, less complex models are
`1,;4:70/ /:0 94 /11.:908 3 90 2,3903,3.0 41 .4250 24/08 ,3/ /:0 94
`favoured due to difficulties in the maintenance of complex models and due to
`90 5488-0 /11.:908 3 .422:3.,93 90 5488-908 41 , ;07 10-0
`the possible difficulties in communicating the possibilities of a very flexible
`574/:.9 94 .:8942078
`product to customers.
`9 8 5488-0 94 0903/ , .431:7,-0 574/:.9 - ,//3 30 24/:08 47
`It is possible to extend a configurable product by adding new modules or
`705,.3 4/ 4308 94 2009 30 47 .,30/ .:894207 706:7020398 %8 2,
`replacing old ones to meet new or changed customer requirements. This may
`03,-0 4307 574/:.9 10 ..08 %8 45943 84:/ 349 -0 :80/ ,8 , 5447
`enable longer product life cycles. This option should not be used as a poor
`8:-899:90 147 13/3 4:9 90 70, 706:7020398 41 90 2,709 %0 70,8438 ,70
`substitute for finding out the real requirements of the market. The reasons are
`3:2074:8 -:9 90 3.:/0  489 8,08 /:0 94 , 4307 920 706:70/ 94
`numerous, but they include: 1) lost sales due to a longer time required to
`/0;045 , ;,-0 574/:.9 ,3/ /:0 94 3,557457,90 4110738 0 90 574/:.9
`develop a viable product and due to inappropriate offerings while the product
`8 -03 03,3.0/  ,90 108 47 5447 :3/0789,3/3 41 706:7020398 9,9 0,/
`is being enhanced 2) late fixes or poor understanding of requirements that lead
`94 , 8:-
`4592, 574/:.9 9,9 .4;078 90 70, 706:7020398 43 5,79, 47
`to a sub—optimal product that covers the real requirements only partially or
`706:708 944 .489 47 490780 30110.9;0 .42-3,9438 41 24/:08 94 2009
`requires too costly or otherwise ineffective combinations of modules to meet
`90 70, 706:7020398
`the real requirements.
`%0 574/:.9 84:/ -0 0,8 94 .431:70 47 0,250 800.943 41 430
`The product should be easy to configure. For example, selection of one
`24/:0 84:/ /0, 349 ,110.9 90 800.943 41 4907 24/:08 $03 ,
`module should ideally not affect the selection of other modules. Selling a
`.425.,90/ 574/:.9 8 07747
`57430 ,3/ 2, -0 -043/ 90 90.3., .,5,-
`complicated product is error—prone and may be beyond the technical capabili—
`908 41 8,08 5078438 94: .431:7,9478 .,3 ,3/0 0;03 ;07 .4250
`ties of sales persons. Although configurators can handle even very complex
`24/:0 3907,.9438 90 2,3903,3.0 41 8:. .431:7,943 24/08 2,
`module interactions,
`the maintenance of such configuration models may
`-0.420 574-9;0 /11.:9 44/ 708:98 3 :83 , .431:7,947 .,3 -0
`become prohibitively difficult. Good results in using a configurator can be
`050.90/ 43 03 90 574/:.9 ,8 -003 /0830/ 147 0,8 .431:7,-9
`expected only when the product has been designed for easy configurability.
`4.:20393 90 574/:.9 .431:7,943 24/0 88902,9., 8 , 2,47
`Documenting the product configuration model systematically is a major
`9,8 -:9 9 8 ;9, 147 -49 2,3:, .431:7,943 9,88 ,3/ 8:..0881: :80 41 ,
`task, but it is vital for both manual configuration tasks and successful use of a
`.431:7,947 0.8438 43 90 .4390398 41 90 .431:7,943 24/0 84:/ -0
`configurator. Decisions on the contents of the configuration model should be
`/430 0,7 3 90 574/:.9 10
`..0 3 ,3 /0, .,80 , 574/:.9 05079 9 ,
`done early in the product life—cycle. In an ideal case a product expert with a
`.0,7 :3/0789,3/3 41 90 03970 574/:.9 039078 90 24/0 94 90 .431:7,947
`clear understanding of the entire product enters the model to the configurator.
`1 , .425:907 05079 039078 90 .431:7,943 24/0 0
80 84:/ 349 ,;0
`If a computer expert enters the configuration model, he/ she should not have
`94 3;039 90 .431:7,943 24/0 47 ,907 90 706:70/ 31472,943 1742
`to invent the configuration model or gather the required information from
`2:950 84:7.08 !74/:.9 54. ,3/ .42207., ,3/ 90.3., 70897.9438 41
`multiple sources. Product policy and commercial and technical restrictions of
`90 574/:.9 ,70 95., .0,7 4:9 41 8.450 41 0507980 41 9080 5078438
`the product are typically clearly out of scope of expertise of these persons.
`,3 .425,308 ,39 94 807;0 , 90 .:8942078 ,3/ /0;07 574/:.98 9,9
`Many companies want to serve all the customers and deliver products that
`,70 9,470/ -043/ 90 5488-908 /0130/ 3 90 .431:7,943 24/0 &8:,
`are tailored beyond the possibilities defined in the configuration model. Usually
`90 706:70/ 24/1.,9438 .43.073 43 430 47 94 24/:08 ":90 41903 3
`the required modifications concern only one or two modules. Quite often in
`9080 .,808 2489 41 90 574/:.9 .,3 -0 .431:70/ ,3/ 43 90 .:894207
`these cases most of the product can be configured and only the customer—
`850.1. ;,7,9438 300/ 94 -0 /0830/ 9 2, -0 2470 .489
`0110.9;0 94
`specific variations need to be designed. It may be more cost—effective to
`033007 7,70 ;,7,398 .,80 - .,80 7,907 9,3 97 94 0903/ 90 574/:.9 94
`engineer rare variants case by case rather than try to extend the product to
`.4;07 , 90 5488-0 706:7020398
`cover all the possible requirements.
`4 Ulrich, K. and Eppinger, S. Prodmt Deng” and Development. McGraw—Hill, Inc., 1995.
` &7.  ,3/ 55307 $ !74/:.9 083 ,3/ 0;0452039 .7,

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