In The Matter Of:
` Et Al
`June 3, 2022
`Original File Thomas Eriksson - June 3_2022 Friday.txt
`Min-U-Script® with Word Index
`Page 1 of 170


` 4 ______________________________
` 5 )
` Plaintiff,)
` 6 ) Civil Action No.
` ) 6:20-cv-00507
` 7 v. )
` )
` 8 )
`10 Defendants.)
` ______________________________)
`12 )
` Plaintiff,)
`13 ) Civil Action No.
` ) 6:20-cv-00505
`14 v. )
` )
`15 )
`16 Defendant.)
` ______________________________)
`20 Friday, June 3, 2022
`21 at 9:12 a.m.
`24 Reported by:
`25 RPR, California CSR No. 14442
`Page 2 of 170


` 2
` 3 Judge Jakob Hedenmo, Stockholm District Court
` 4
` 5 For Plaintiff:
` 7 301 North Lake Avenue, Suite 920
` Pasadena, CA 91101
` 8 Telephone: (213) 330-7147
` Facsimile: (213) 330-7152
` 9 E-mail:
`12 Nybrogatan 17
` 114 39 Stockholm, Sweden
`13 E-mail:
` For Defendants Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Samsung
`16 Electronics America, Inc.:
`17 BY: Zachary Loney
` 401 Congress Avenue, Suite 2500
`18 Austin, TX 78701-3799
` E-mail:
` BY: Karl Oscar Dalin
`21 BY: Anton Sahlén
` Sveavägen 4, 103 90
`22 Stockholm, Sweden
`Page 3 of 170


` 1 (cont...)
` 2 For Defendant Apple, Inc.:
` 4 Betty H. Chen
` 111 Congress Avenue, Suite 810
` 5 Austin, TX 78701
` Email:
` 6
` 8 103 96 Stockholm, Sweden
` Mobile: +46 760 000 013
` 9 E-mail:
` Also present:
`14 Mr. Johan Mattson, Stockholm District Court
` Mr. Vadim Belenky, Swedish Interpreter
`15 Mr. P-M Heinemann, Swedish Interpreter
`Page 4 of 170


` 1 I N D E X
` 3 ERIKSSON Mr. Graves - Direct 8
` Ms. Chen - Cross 83
` 4 Mr. Loney - Cross 132
` Mr. Graves - Redirect 134
` 5 Ms. Chen - Recross 140-150
` 6
` E X H I B I T S
` 7
` (All exhibits were marked and retained by
` 8 counsels Mr. Graves and Ms. Chen.
` The court reporter did not have sight of all
` 9 exhibits.)
`Page 5 of 170


` 1 Friday, June 3, 2022
` 2 9:12 a.m.
` 3 (All Swedish speakers speak through
` 4 Interpreter unless otherwise noted.)
` 5 MR. ACKEBO: Exhibit 9, it was a submission
` 6 made where it was not attached, but now we said that --
` 7 and this is Exhibit 9 -- motion to court to keep it
` 8 confidential. It's covered by American attorney client
` 9 privilege, and that contains information which could be
`10 damaging to Neonode.
`11 If required, we might make a written
`12 submission regarding this document.
`13 JUDGE HEDENMO: Document be mentioned during
`14 examination.
`15 MR. ACKEBO: It will be excluded, not refer to
`16 that, Judge; but in case any of the other parties will
`17 mention this, then you would like to hold it in camera.
`18 JUDGE HEDENMO: Please indicate if it happens.
`19 This applies to counsel for Apple and Samsung.
`20 COUNSEL: It's not the case which we are
`21 discussing. This is a different submission.
`22 JUDGE HEDENMO: This is a request. This is
`23 Samsung's motion.
`24 Are you able to follow, American counsels?
`25 There is a submission which is confidential. Neonode,
`Page 6 of 170


` 1 should be made confidential by Neonode. If this will be
` 2 mentioned during examination, Neonode wants this
` 3 mentioned in camera. Any objection?
` 4 This is due to client attorney privilege.
` 5 MR. ACKEBO: This is something which was
` 6 submitted during the proceedings, but if the opposing
` 7 parties will refer to that, we will indicate for this
` 8 for the record. In this case, so the documents can be
` 9 presented.
`10 JUDGE HEDENMO: We believe they should be
`11 allowed to ask any questions.
`12 Apple's counsel? We have heard this; if this
`13 is a part of a different submission.
`14 MS. CHEN: For the record, we object to the
`15 privilege claim.
`16 MR. ACKEBO: Yesterday, we had no objection,
`17 but today we will be objecting. If there is --
`18 MR. LONEY: Samsung objects, just like Apple.
`19 JUDGE HEDENMO: For Mr. Eriksson, do we need
`20 additional days? Maybe we will come back to the issue
`21 after lunch. Depending on what happens. These days are
`22 still open. There is no --
`23 MS. CHEN: When Samsung objected, we will do
`24 the same as yesterday. An objection applies to both
`25 parties.
`Page 7 of 170


` 1 JUDGE HEDENMO: You will take care of the
` 2 procedural objection. One is enough.
` 3 Shall we get started?
` 4 MS. CHEN: Five minutes.
` 5 JUDGE HEDENMO: Neonode requests Mr. Eriksson
` 6 take both Swedish and English oaths -- requested that
` 7 you will talk Swedish and American because this will be
` 8 used in the American proceedings.
` 9 Mr. Eriksson, are you prepared do that?
`10 Swedish and English?
`11 You will be reminded about a couple things, as
`12 witness, apart from the rules which apply in Swedish
`13 proceedings.
`14 Do you know the background of the case? Have
`15 you received Topics, Attachments A and B?
`16 THE WITNESS: Yes, I have. I have sent in my
`17 response.
`18 JUDGE HEDENMO: Are we ready technically?
`19 (Witness was then sworn in with the Swedish
`20 oath by Judge Hedenmo.)
`21 You are reminded you are testifying under
`22 penalty of perjury. Please indicate when you give your
`23 answers.
`24 Now repeat after me. Next oath. Say "yes"
`25 once I am done.
`Page 8 of 170


` 1 (Witness was then sworn in with the Swedish
` 2 oath by Judge Hedenmo.)
` 3 This is oath from American court that you have
` 4 the right to refuse to answer questions, what makes
` 5 statements which will create risk for criminal liability
` 6 to US. You have right to refuse confidential privileged
` 7 information to yourself and your counsel. Are you aware
` 8 of that?
`10 JUDGE HEDENMO: Right. Let's start the
`11 recording.
`14 (All answers through Witness speaking in
`15 English unless otherwise noted.)
`17 Q. Good morning, Mr. Eriksson. My name is Philip
`18 Graves. I am counsel for Neonode Smartphone LLC. I'll
`19 be asking you some questions today, after which counsel
`20 for Apple and for Samsung will have an opportunity to
`21 ask you some questions, and I will have an opportunity
`22 to follow up on their questions. Do you understand
`23 that?
`24 A. Yes.
`25 Q. Okay. Is there any reason that you cannot
`Page 9 of 170


` 1 give your full, complete and truthful testimony this
` 2 morning?
` 3 A. No.
` 4 Q. Okay. Are you on any medication that would
` 5 affect your ability to remember things?
` 6 A. No. Just the blood pressure reduction
` 7 medicine.
` 8 Q. Does that affect your memory?
` 9 A. No.
`10 Q. If at any point you become physically
`11 uncomfortable, and you would like to take a break for
`12 any reason, will you let us know?
`13 A. I know.
`14 Q. And if you don't understand or need
`15 clarification concerning any question that I ask, will
`16 you let me know?
`17 A. I will.
`18 Q. Okay. There is an interpreter here who will
`19 be interpreting my questions from English into Swedish.
`20 So you may take advantage of the interpreted question to
`21 fully understand what I am saying, but I do understand
`22 you do have a fair working knowledge of English; is that
`23 correct?
`24 A. Yes, correct.
`25 Q. Okay. So you may feel free to respond to my
`Page 10 of 170


` 1 questions in English if you like or respond to the
` 2 question that I ask in English if you feel you
` 3 understand it, but the interpreter is there and will be
` 4 interpreting my questions as well to make sure you
` 5 understand. Is that clear?
` 6 A. Yes.
` 7 Q. All right.
` 8 JUDGE HEDENMO: We've asked the witness, and
` 9 he said that he will use it as a resource when needed.
`10 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: All right. Sir, will you be
`11 benefitted in any way if Neonode Smartphone wins this
`12 lawsuit?
`13 A. No.
`14 Q. Did you previously have a position with
`15 Neonode, Inc.?
`16 A. Yes.
`17 Q. What was that position?
`18 A. I was the CEO.
`19 Q. During what time period?
`20 A. 2010 to 2017.
`21 Q. Prior to that, did you have a position with
`22 any other entity affiliated with or related to Neonode,
`23 Inc.?
`24 A. No.
`25 Q. Prior to that, did you have any position with
`Page 11 of 170


` 1 a company named Neo5?
` 2 A. Yes, I founded the company in 2001.
` 3 Q. Okay. Did you have a co-founder?
` 4 A. Yes.
` 5 Q. Who was that?
` 6 A. Magnus Goertz.
` 7 Q. And roughly when in 2001 did you found Neo5?
` 8 A. January 2001.
` 9 Q. And did Neo5 change its name at some point?
`10 A. Yes.
`11 Q. What did it change its name to?
`12 A. Neonode.
`13 Q. Was that Neonode AB?
`14 A. Yes.
`15 Q. And roughly when did the name change occur?
`16 A. February 2001.
`17 Q. So that was just a name change in the company;
`18 the actual entity remained the same; is that correct?
`19 A. Yes, correct.
`20 Q. Then subsequently did Neonode secure some
`21 investor funding?
`22 A. Yes, in 2004.
`23 Q. Okay. Was there a change of entity in
`24 connection with the infusion of investor capital?
`25 A. No.
`Page 12 of 170


` 1 Q. So did the same Neonode entity continue in
` 2 existence with the additional investor capital that was
` 3 infused into the company?
` 4 A. Yes.
` 5 Q. Was there a name change that occurred, another
` 6 name change, at some point after the initial change to
` 7 Neonode AB?
` 8 A. Yeah, a change in 2008 to Neonode Technologies
` 9 AB.
`10 Q. Was there -- did Neonode AB change its name to
`11 Neonode Sweden AB at some point?
`12 A. Yes.
`13 Q. Roughly when did that happen?
`14 A. I can't remember. 2003, I think.
`15 Q. Okay. So when I refer -- I am going to be
`16 referring to Neonode frequently in this discussion we
`17 are having today. Sir, do you understand that when I
`18 refer to Neonode, I am referring to the Neonode entity
`19 and the affiliated Neonode entities regardless of the
`20 specific name that was used by a company at any period
`21 in time. Do you understand that?
`22 A. Yes.
`23 Q. If at any point you need clarification which
`24 particular entity I am referring to, will you ask me?
`25 A. I will.
`Page 13 of 170


` 1 Q. Did you hold a position with the initial
` 2 Neonode -- strike that. Did you hold any position with
` 3 Neonode in 2001?
` 4 A. Yes. I was a co-founder.
` 5 Q. Did you have a title such as CEO or president?
` 6 A. Not really.
` 7 Q. At some point did you obtain a formal
` 8 corporate title?
` 9 A. Yes, 2007, when it went public on Nasdaq.
`10 Q. So what title did you obtain in 2007?
`11 A. CTO.
`12 Q. And that means what?
`13 A. Chief Technology Officer, or in Swedish it's
`14 --
`15 A. (In Swedish and interpreted by Interpreter):
`16 It'll be the equivalent of development engineer.
`17 Q. So during the period of 2000 through to the
`18 end 2002, what was your primary functions with Neonode?
`19 A. Developing the company.
`20 Q. Can you be more specific? Sir, did you say
`21 developing the company?
`22 A. Before 2001.
`23 Q. From during the period 2000 through to the end
`24 of 2002, what were your primary functions at Neonode?
`25 A. I don't understand. From 2000?
`Page 14 of 170


` 1 Q. So from, let's say, 2000 -- the start of 2001,
` 2 January, 2001 through to the end of 2002, what were your
` 3 primary functions with Neonode?
` 4 A. Setting up and starting the company.
` 5 Q. So what specific functions did that entail for
` 6 you?
` 7 A. Basically doing everything.
` 8 Q. Okay. Did that include development of a
` 9 product?
`10 A. Yeah.
`11 Q. What product was that?
`12 A. Mobile phone device.
`13 Q. Can you describe the phone device that you
`14 were developing for the company?
`15 A. Was a mobile phone in the form factor of a
`16 very small device at that time. Purpose is to simulate
`17 a PC.
`18 Q. Was there any particular means by which a user
`19 could interact with the device that you were attempting
`20 to incorporate into the product?
`21 A. Yes. It was supposed to be navigate -- use
`22 one hand and use with your fingers to control the user
`23 interface.
`24 Q. Did that include the use of gliding gestures
`25 executed on the display?
`Page 15 of 170


` 1 A. Yeah.
` 2 Q. Did that include more specifically a gesture
` 3 involving a user touching a spot on the display and then
` 4 gliding away from that spot in some direction?
` 5 A. What time are you referring to?
` 6 Q. 2001 to 2002.
` 7 A. Yeah, late 2002, I would say.
` 8 Q. Sir, you have been handed a set of exhibits
` 9 that were used yesterday in the interrogation of Magnus
`10 Goertz. That's why they have already been marked with
`11 exhibit numbers. I will refer to those exhibits
`12 frequently in our discussion today. Sir, would you find
`13 Exhibit No. 4, please. Let me know when you have it.
`14 A. Yes, I have it.
`15 Q. Have you seen this document before?
`16 A. Yes.
`17 Q. And do you recall when you first saw it?
`18 A. No.
`19 Q. Okay. Did you first see it recently, or was
`20 it back when you worked with Neonode?
`21 A. I don't remember.
`22 Q. All right. Well, I will represent to you that
`23 the metadata associated with this file attached to the
`24 exhibit indicates that it was created and last modified
`25 on May 21, 2001. Does that refresh your recollection at
`Page 16 of 170


` 1 all as to when you may have first seen this document?
` 2 A. No.
` 3 Q. Do you recognize the form factor of the device
` 4 that's depicted in Exhibit 4?
` 5 A. Yes.
` 6 Q. So is this the form factor of a prototype
` 7 design that you and Mr. Goertz were working on for the
` 8 Neonode product?
` 9 MS. CHEN: Objection. Leading. Vague.
`10 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: You may answer. The lawyers
`11 will be asserting objections -- a variety of different
`12 objections -- during the discussion today, and unless
`13 there's an instruction to you to not answer a question,
`14 you may go ahead and answer a question regardless of any
`15 objection that's been asserted.
`16 So an objection has been asserted, and no
`17 instruction not to answer is given, and you may answer
`18 the question?
`19 A. Yes, it sounds like correct form factor.
`20 Q. Does this look like the form factor of the
`21 product that Neonode was working on back in 2001?
`22 MS. CHEN: Objection. Leading. Vague.
`23 THE WITNESS: Looks like that, yes.
`24 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: What is it about the form
`25 factor of the device that's depicted in the image in
`Page 17 of 170


` 1 Exhibit 4 that suggests to you that this was an image of
` 2 the device that Neonode was working on back in 2001?
` 3 MS. CHEN: Objection. Leading.
` 4 THE WITNESS: It's -- was designed to be used
` 5 with one hand.
` 6 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: Was it also designed to be
` 7 used such that the user could activate applications or
` 8 functions by touching the display and gliding up or
` 9 gliding to the left?
`10 MS. CHEN: Objection. Leading. Vague. Calls
`11 for a legal conclusion.
`12 THE WITNESS: I don't remember.
`13 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: Okay. Does the dot in the
`14 arrows that are depicted on this image in Exhibit 4 tell
`15 you anything about how Neonode was contemplating the
`16 user would interact with the device at the time this
`17 document was created?
`18 MS. CHEN: Objection. Assumes --
`19 THE WITNESS: I don't remember.
`20 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: There are two overlapping
`21 rectangular items that are depicted near the top of the
`22 page of Exhibit 4. Do you know what those are intended
`23 to represent?
`24 A. No.
`25 Q. You can put that aside for the moment and turn
`Page 18 of 170


` 1 to Exhibit 3, which is entitled "Neonode Confidential
` 2 Business Plan May 2003."
` 3 Let me know when you have that?
` 4 Q. Do you have that?
` 5 A. Yes, I have it.
` 6 Q. Sir, could you turn to Page 2052 -- Page 11 of
` 7 the document. So I will be referring to pages of
` 8 particular exhibits during the discussion today, and you
` 9 will notice down in the lower right-hand corner, each
`10 page has a Bates number, which is, in this case, starts
`11 with NEONODE0002042. So when I refer to Page 2042, the
`12 first page or 2052, I'm referring to the pagination at
`13 the bottom of the document. It starts with the NEONODE
`14 text. Do you understand that?
`15 A. Yes.
`16 Q. So are you at Page 2052?
`17 A. Yes.
`18 Q. This page at the top, it states: "C.
`19 Important Milestones"?
`20 A. Yes.
`21 Q. Can you take a moment to review the timeline
`22 that's set out on this page, and then tell me whether
`23 the timeline here is accurate, to the best of your
`24 recollection?
`25 A. It looks reasonable.
`Page 19 of 170


` 1 Q. Sir, does it look accurate to you?
` 2 A. I don't remember, actually.
` 3 Q. Are there any portions of this timeline that
` 4 appear accurate to you, to the best of your
` 5 recollection?
` 6 A. That we initiated the business in February
` 7 2001, when we left our previous companies.
` 8 Q. So you're saying that appears to be accurate
` 9 to you?
`10 A. Yeah.
`11 Q. Then what about the entry for March of 2001?
`12 Does that appear to be accurate to you?
`13 A. No.
`14 Q. What about that is not accurate?
`15 A. It was March 2002.
`16 Q. All right. So at some point you and Mr.
`17 Goertz decided to develop your own proprietary touch
`18 screen technology?
`19 A. Yeah.
`20 Q. And did that occur in around March of 2001,
`21 where you made that decision?
`22 MS. CHEN: Objection. Leading.
`23 THE WITNESS: I don't remember exactly when
`24 that was.
`25 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: Do you remember generally did
`Page 20 of 170


` 1 you make that decision in 2001?
` 2 A. I don't remember.
` 3 Q. So moving down to the entry for October of
` 4 2001, it states that: "The second prototype, with
` 5 Neonode's own 'Movement-Sensitive Touch screen'
` 6 technology -- NeoTouch -- is completed and tested
` 7 in-house."
` 8 Do you see that?
` 9 A. Yes.
`10 Q. Is the timing on that entry consistent with
`11 your recollection of events?
`12 A. I don't remember.
`13 Q. There is an entry further down, March 2002.
`14 It states: "Magnus and Thomas present Neonode's third
`15 prototype at CeBit and receive massive attention from
`16 the industry and trade press."
`17 Do you see that?
`18 A. Yes.
`19 Q. Is that consistent with your recollection?
`20 A. No. It was the first prototype.
`21 Q. Other than that, is the statement next to the
`22 March of 2002 timestamp, is that consistent with your
`23 recollection?
`24 A. I don't remember.
`25 Q. Do you recall whether you and Mr. Goertz
`Page 21 of 170


` 1 presented a prototype at the CeBIT trade show in March
` 2 of 2002?
` 3 A. Yeah, I remember.
` 4 Q. This was a prototype of what device?
` 5 A. It was a mockup.
` 6 Q. Of what?
` 7 A. To display how this would look like when it's
` 8 finished.
` 9 Q. To display -- was that to display what the
`10 Neonode mobile device would look like?
`11 A. Yes.
`12 Q. So it was intended to display the device that
`13 you and Mr. Goertz were working on developing for
`14 Neonode at that time; is that correct?
`15 A. Yes.
`16 Q. Is it true that the Neonode -- strike that.
`17 Is it true that the mockup of the Neonode device was
`18 presented at CeBIT March 2002 received attention from
`19 the industry and trade press?
`20 A. Yes.
`21 Q. Can you describe the nature of that attention?
`22 A. We went from zero result on Google to six
`23 million hits, and we were in 200 magazines.
`24 Q. And was the coverage in the magazines
`25 generally favorable for the prototype Neonode device?
`Page 22 of 170


` 1 A. Yeah, it was big interest.
` 2 Q. And was one of the aspects that were noted in
` 3 the industry press, the fact that a user could navigate
` 4 around on the screen using a finger or a thumb?
` 5 MS. CHEN: Objection. Leading.
` 6 THE WITNESS: I think in general, it was
` 7 considered to be a touch operated device. At that point
` 8 people didn't understand what that was.
` 9 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: Could you explain your answer?
`10 In what respect did people not understand what a touch
`11 operated device was at that time?
`12 A. I mean a device operated with your fingers.
`13 Q. And one of the ways that the user could
`14 interact with the device using their fingers was to use
`15 a touch and glide gesture on the display; is that right?
`16 MS. CHEN: Objection. Leading.
`17 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: Strike the question. Was one
`18 of the ways that the user could interact the prototype
`19 device as explained in the CeBIT trade show by touching
`20 and gliding on the display?
`21 MS. CHEN: Objection. Leading.
`22 THE WITNESS: I don't remember.
`23 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: Looking at the next entry on
`24 timeline for April 2002, is that entry correct, to the
`25 best of your recollection?
`Page 23 of 170


` 1 A. Yes.
` 2 Q. And looking at the entry from May of 2002, is
` 3 that entry correct, to the best of your recollection?
` 4 A. Correct.
` 5 Q. And looking at the entry for September 2002,
` 6 is that entry correct, to the best of your recollection?
` 7 A. Yes, correct.
` 8 Q. Sir, I would like to refer you to Exhibit 6.
` 9 If you could pick that up and let me know when you have
`10 it.
`11 A. Yes, I have it.
`12 Q. Turn to the first page of the document. It
`13 says -- should say Neonode AB. Do you have that?
`14 A. Yes.
`15 Q. Page 1780. So there is a "History" section
`16 here. Do you see that?
`17 A. Yes.
`18 Q. Could you review this "History" and let me
`19 know if there are any aspects of this timeline that's
`20 set out in the "History" section of this document that
`21 appear to you to be inaccurate?
`22 A. I don't remember.
`23 Q. All right. So looking at the entry for May
`24 1st, 2001, that's this second entry, it states: "Neo5
`25 releases first working handset, Revision A."
`Page 24 of 170


` 1 Do you see that?
` 2 A. Yes.
` 3 Q. Is that consistent with your recollection of
` 4 events?
` 5 A. No, that's not correct.
` 6 Q. Okay. Then what aspect of that entry is
` 7 incorrect?
` 8 A. We didn't release the working handset in 2001.
` 9 Q. Was there a particular prototype that Neo5 had
`10 developed at that point in time, May 2001?
`11 A. At this point what was conceptual was not
`12 really anything working.
`13 Q. Was there any prototype that was referred to
`14 internally as Revision A at that point in time?
`15 A. Yes.
`16 Q. Okay. And was that the conceptual prototype
`17 that you've just referred to? Was it more developed
`18 than a concept?
`19 A. No. It was the first prototype Revision A.
`20 It was the first hardware we built.
`21 Q. Sir, take a look -- I can refer you back to
`22 Exhibit 4, which is this document.
`23 A. Yes.
`24 Q. The device depicted in Exhibit 4, is this a
`25 depiction of Revision A of the handset that Neonode was
`Page 25 of 170


` 1 working on developing at that point?
` 2 MS. CHEN: Objection. Assumes facts not in
` 3 evidence. Leading.
` 4 THE WITNESS: I don't remember.
` 5 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: So let's go down to the entry
` 6 for March 20, 2002. You will see that that refers to
` 7 Neonode -- it says Neonode: "Displays Rev C on CeBIT
` 8 Germany. Receives press from all around the world.
` 9 'Hottest on CeBit' Mobil."
`10 Do you see that?
`11 A. Yes.
`12 Q. Did Neonode display the Rev C version of its
`13 prototype at CeBIT in March of 2002?
`14 A. I don't remember.
`15 Q. You don't remember if Neonode displayed any
`16 prototype or just --
`17 A. It was prototype, but I don't remember it was
`18 Revision C or what it was.
`19 Q. Is it true that Neonode was recognized as
`20 hottest on CeBIT by Mobil?
`21 A. Yes, correct.
`22 Q. What was Mobil at that time?
`23 A. Mobil was -- it still exists. It's a Swedish
`24 magazine like gadget or writing about gadgets.
`25 Q. Was it a fairly prominent magazine in the
`Page 26 of 170


` 1 technology space in Sweden at that time?
` 2 A. Yes.
` 3 Q. Was it fairly

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