In The Matter Of:
` Et Al
`June 2, 2022
`Original File witness Magnus Goertz - June 2_2022 Thursday (1).txt
`Min-U-Script® with Word Index
`Page 1 of 186


` 1
` 2
` 3
` 5
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 4 ______________________________
` )
` )
` Plaintiff,)
` ) Civil Action No.
` ) 6:20-cv-00507
` v. )
` )
` )
` )
` )
` Defendants.)
` ______________________________)
` )
` )
` Plaintiff,)
` ) Civil Action No.
` ) 6:20-cv-00505
` v. )
` )
` )
` Defendant.)
` ______________________________)
` Thursday, June 2, 2022
` at 9:26 a.m.
` Reported by:
` RPR, California CSR No. 14442
`25 Job No. 5183794
`Page 2 of 186


` 2
` 3 Judge Jakob Hedenmo, Stockholm District Court
` 4
` 5 For Plaintiff:
` 7 301 North Lake Avenue, Suite 920
` Pasadena, CA 91101
` 8 Telephone: (213) 330-7147
` Facsimile: (213) 330-7152
` 9 E-mail:
`12 Nybrogatan 17
` 114 39 Stockholm, Sweden
`13 E-mail:
` For Defendants Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Samsung
`16 Electronics America, Inc.:
`17 BY: Zachary Loney
` 401 Congress Avenue, Suite 2500
`18 Austin, TX 78701-3799
` E-mail:
` BY: Karl Oscar Dalin
`21 BY: Anton Sahlén
` Sveavägen 4, 103 90
`22 Stockholm, Sweden
`Page 3 of 186


` 1 (cont...)
` 2 For Defendant Apple, Inc.:
` 4 Betty H. Chen
` 111 Congress Avenue, Suite 810
` 5 Austin, TX 78701
` Email:
` 6
` 8 103 96 Stockholm, Sweden
` Mobile: +46 760 000 013
` 9 E-mail:
` Also present:
`14 Mr. Johan Mattson, Stockholm District Court
` Mr. Vadim Belenky, Swedish Interpreter
`15 Mr. P-M Heinemann, Swedish Interpreter
`Page 4 of 186


` 1 I N D E X
` 3 GOERTZ Mr. Graves - Direct 5
` Ms. Chen - Cross 115
` 4 Mr. Loney - Cross 149
` Mr. Graves - Redirect 159
` 5 Ms. Chen - Recross 161
` 6
` E X H I B I T S
` 7
` (All exhibits were marked and retained by
` 8 counsels Mr. Graves and Ms. Chen.
` The court reporter did not have sight of all
` 9 exhibits.)
`Page 5 of 186


` 1 Thursday, June 2, 2022
` 2 9:26 a.m.
` 3 (All Swedish speakers speak through
` 4 Interpreter unless otherwise noted.)
` 5 MR. GRAVES: I believe the witness -- let's
` 6 ask the witness is he more comfortable --
` 7 INTERPRETER HEINEMANN: Yes, he wants it
` 8 interpreted into Swedish.
` 9 INTERPRETER BELENKY: Simultaneously or
`10 consecutively? So you ask the question in English, and
`11 we interpret in Swedish or we can --
`12 MR. GRAVES: If it works for the witness,
`13 that's fine with me.
`14 (Witness was then sworn in with the Swedish
`15 oath by Judge Hedenmo.)
`16 JUDGE HEDENMO: Take the minutes that the
`17 witness has been reminded under Item 16 the right not to
`18 self-discriminate and about the confidentially between
`19 client and attorney.
`22 (All answers through Witness speaking in
`23 English unless otherwise noted.)
`24 BY MR. GRAVES: Thank you, your Honor.
`25 Q. Good morning, Mr. Goertz. My name is Philip
`Page 6 of 186


` 1 Graves, and I represent Neonode Smartphone LLC in some
` 2 litigation in the United States against Apple and
` 3 Samsung. So I will be asking you some questions today.
` 4 Then Apple and Samsung's lawyers will have an
` 5 opportunity to ask you some questions, and then I will
` 6 have an opportunity to follow up regarding the questions
` 7 that Apple and Samsung's lawyers ask. Do you understand
` 8 that?
` 9 A. Yes.
`10 Q. All right, sir. Is that any reason that you
`11 cannot testify truthfully and fully today?
`12 A. As long as it is okay with Neonode AB or what
`13 the name is today.
`14 Q. Very good. You're not taking any medication
`15 that would affect your ability to remember things or to
`16 testify accurately; is that right?
`17 A. No, but it is 20 years ago; so it's a very
`18 long time.
`19 Q. I understand. If at any point I ask you a
`20 question that you feel you do not understand or you need
`21 clarification, will you ask me?
`22 A. Yes.
`23 Q. Very good. If at any point you feel that you
`24 need to take a break, you can feel free to let us know
`25 -- I suppose that's at the judge's discretion -- but I
`Page 7 of 186


` 1 don't want to do anything that will make you physically
` 2 uncomfortable today. You understand?
` 3 A. Yes.
` 4 Q. Very good. Sir, you produced some documents
` 5 to the Stockholm District Court in early May of this
` 6 year; correct?
` 7 A. Correct.
` 8 Q. Was that pursuant to an order from the
` 9 Stockholm District Court?
`10 A. Yes.
`11 Q. You produced these files or these documents as
`12 files in a folder on a thumb drive that you delivered to
`13 the court; is that right?
`14 MS. CHEN: Objection. Leading.
`15 THE WITNESS: No. I e-mailed it to the.
`16 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: Very good. From where did you
`17 get these documents?
`18 A. It's from a CD-ROM that I have at home.
`19 Q. Now, so what did you do get the documents from
`20 CD-ROM over to the court?
`21 A. So I just copied them, and I zipped them, and
`22 I e-mailed them.
`23 Q. Very good. Did you do a thorough search for
`24 electronic documents responsive to the court order
`25 requiring you to search for certain documents?
`Page 8 of 186


` 1 A. Yes, and this was the only one I found.
` 2 Q. Did you search for old e-mails or e-mail
` 3 archives?
` 4 A. Yes, I don't have any e-mails or any other
` 5 documents stored.
` 6 Q. Did you search for hard copy documents?
` 7 A. I don't have any papers left from that time.
` 8 Q. All right, but did you look for them?
` 9 A. Yes, I looked for them. I know where I have
`10 papers. I don't have that many papers.
`11 Q. Okay. Very good. The documents that you
`12 delivered to the court, were these documents saved as
`13 files by you back in the 2001 to 2002 period?
`14 A. Yes.
`15 Q. So the documents you provided to the court,
`16 you actually saved those to --
`17 A. It was from my computer. A backup from my
`18 computer.
`19 Q. And you saved those documents to your computer
`20 back in 2001-2002?
`21 MS. CHEN: Objection. Vague.
`22 THE WITNESS: To CD-ROM but, yes.
`23 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: Were they initially saved to a
`24 computer or a hard drive on a computer and then
`25 subsequently saved to a CD-ROM?
`Page 9 of 186


` 1 A. They were stored on the computer, and then
` 2 they backed up on the CD-ROM.
` 3 Q. And these documents that you produced to the
` 4 court, were they created in the course and scope of your
` 5 work for Neonode?
` 6 A. Can you repeat that.
` 7 Q. Sure. The documents you produced to the
` 8 court, were they created in the course and scope of your
` 9 work for Neonode?
`10 A. I don't understand what you mean by created.
`11 Q. Did you make those documents? Did you create
`12 those documents? Did you draft those documents in the
`13 normal course of your work for Neonode?
`14 MS. CHEN: Objection. Compound and vague.
`15 THE WITNESS: I did them at Neonode at that
`16 time.
`17 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: So you created those documents
`18 in the normal course of your work for Neonode back in
`19 2001 to 2002; is that right?
`20 A. Yes, but the name was not Neonode; it was
`21 Neo5.
`22 Q. So the initial name of the company was Neo5?
`23 A. Yes.
`24 Q. Then in around October of 2001, did Neo5
`25 change its name to Neonode AB?
`Page 10 of 186


` 1 A. Yes. I don't remember the date, but it
` 2 changed to Neonode because thought that was a better
` 3 name.
` 4 Q. So I am going to refer to the Neonode entity
` 5 as Neonode even for the period in which that entity's
` 6 name was Neo5. Is that okay with you?
` 7 A. Yes.
` 8 Q. You will understand that when I am referring
` 9 to Neonode, I am including Neo5; right?
`10 A. Yes.
`11 Q. All right. Was it a regular practice of yours
`12 to create documents from the type that you produced to
`13 the court --
`14 MS. CHEN: Objection. Vague and ambiguous.
`15 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: -- back in the 2001 to 2002
`16 time frame in your work with Neonode?
`17 MS. CHEN: Objection vague and ambiguous.
`18 THE WITNESS: We did not produce that many
`19 documents, but we did some because we did try to get --
`20 it was only Thomas and me. We sat one meter from each
`21 other. We didn't need to e-mail or produce that many
`22 documents, but we made a few, and that's what I can say.
`23 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: So it was a regular practice
`24 of yours to make documents at that time when you worked
`25 for Neonode; correct?
`Page 11 of 186


` 1 A. Correct.
` 2 MS. CHEN: Objection. Vague and ambiguous.
` 3 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: When you made copies of these
` 4 documents to produce to the court, did you copy over the
` 5 metadata associated with the files?
` 6 A. You mean the backup to the CD-ROM?
` 7 Q. Yes.
` 8 A. I just copied like I do when I copied to a
` 9 CD-ROM.
`10 Q. So do you know --
`11 A. I would presume it's the date from when they
`12 were produced; not when they were copied.
`13 Q. Sir, do you know what metadata is?
`14 A. I wouldn't say that I know exactly, but it's
`15 the data.
`16 Q. So I use the term metadata, I will be
`17 referring to data concerning the properties of a file
`18 that is typically associated with a file such as Word
`19 document or PDF or a JPEG?
`20 A. Yes.
`21 Q. And the metadata typically will include data
`22 concerning the date the document was created and the
`23 date that it was last modified. Do you understand?
`24 A. Yes.
`25 Q. Did you make any changes to the metadata
`Page 12 of 186


` 1 associated with any of the files you produced to the
` 2 court?
` 3 A. No.
` 4 Q. Do you know whether the metadata for any of
` 5 the files was changed during the process of taking them
` 6 from the CD-ROM backup, putting them into an e-mail that
` 7 you then sent to the court?
` 8 A. No, I don't know that, and I don't see how
` 9 that's been done, but I know it was a short -- I presume
`10 it doesn't.
`11 Q. I will represent to you that some of the files
`12 have a last modified May 6, 2022. Is that the date that
`13 you copied those documents off of the CD-ROM and
`14 prepared them to be sent to the court?
`15 A. I don't remember what date it was.
`16 Q. Was it around May 6, 2022 when you prepared
`17 the documents for production to the court?
`18 A. I wouldn't say I know exactly what date it is,
`19 so it's --
`20 Q. Was it -- I'm sorry, go ahead.
`21 A. So I don't know exactly what date it is. I
`22 wouldn't say I know because I don't put that in my mind
`23 to remember when I send an e-mail.
`24 Q. Sir, I've noticed that we are conversing back
`25 and forth in English, you know. If at any point you
`Page 13 of 186


` 1 feel that -- I know my questions are being interpreted
` 2 to you in Swedish -- if at any point you feel that you
` 3 need to respond me in Swedish in order to be fully
` 4 accurate, will you do so?
` 5 A. Yes.
` 6 Q. Very good. Did you make any changes or
` 7 modifications to the content of any of the files you
` 8 produced to the court when you copied them over for
` 9 production?
`10 A. No.
`11 Q. So if the file that you produced to the court
`12 has a last modified date of May 6, 2022, does that just
`13 mean that that's the date which it was copied by you for
`14 production to the court?
`15 A. I don't know. I don't know which file it is,
`16 and I don't know why it has this date.
`17 Q. Sir, are you currently working for any Neonode
`18 entity?
`19 A. No.
`20 Q. By Neonode entity, I am referring to Neonode,
`21 Inc., Neonode Technologies AB, Neonode Smartphone LLC,
`22 and any entities that are affiliated or related to them.
`23 Do you understand that?
`24 A. No, I don't work for any of them.
`25 Q. Are you currently consulting for any
`Page 14 of 186


` 1 Neonode-related entity?
` 2 A. No.
` 3 Q. Do you currently own any stock in any
` 4 Neonode-related entity?
` 5 A. No.
` 6 Q. Do you currently own any interest in any
` 7 Neonode-related entity?
` 8 A. No.
` 9 Q. Are you currently receiving any compensation
`10 or money of any kind from any Neonode-related entity?
`11 A. No.
`12 Q. Will you be benefitted financially if Neonode
`13 Smartphone wins its lawsuits against Apple and Samsung?
`14 A. No.
`15 Q. I asked to meet you earlier this week prior to
`16 your deposition; is that right?
`17 A. Yes.
`18 Q. And did you decline to meet with me?
`19 A. (In Swedish and interpreted by Interpreter):
`20 Yes, I declined.
`21 Q. Okay. And have I discussed this deposition
`22 with you at any time?
`23 A. Yes, you have discussed to help you with
`24 information regarding this matter earlier.
`25 Q. Yes, but have I discussed this deposition with
`Page 15 of 186


` 1 you?
` 2 A. What do you mean by this?
` 3 Q. Giving testimony as we are sitting here today.
` 4 A. Yes, it's a long time ago.
` 5 Q. Okay. Have I discussed the procedure of -- I
` 6 will strike the question. Have I discussed with you any
` 7 answers that you might or might not give in this
` 8 deposition?
` 9 A. (In Swedish and interpreted by Interpreter):
`10 No.
`11 MR. GRAVES: I would like to mark as Exhibit 1
`12 a document Bates numbered NEONODE0002445 through 2455,
`13 and that is entitled US Patent 812,993 -- I will strike
`14 that and start over.
`15 I would like to mark as Exhibit 1,
`16 NEONODE00002435 through 2444, and that is US Patent
`17 8,095,879.
`18 (Exhibit 1 marked by Mr. Graves.)
`19 and marked as Exhibit 2 document Bates No.
`20 NEONODE0002445 through 2455, and that is US Patent
`21 8,812,993.
`22 (Exhibit 2 marked by Mr. Graves.)
`23 Mr. Goertz, you have been handed Exhibits 1
`24 and 2. Have you seen --
`25 JUDGE HEDENMO: Submitted to the Court or just
`Page 16 of 186


` 1 to these proceedings?
` 2 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: Sir, have you seen Exhibits 1
` 3 and 2 before?
` 4 A. I don't know if it's exactly the same, but the
` 5 pictures and everything is similar.
` 6 MR. GRAVES: Is Exhibit 1 a copy of a patent
` 7 on which you are named as the sole inventor?
` 8 A. Is it a question or is it --
` 9 Q. It's a question. Is Exhibit 1 a copy of --
`10 strike the question. Is Exhibit 1 a true and correct
`11 copy of US Patent 8,095,879, which I will refer to from
`12 here on as the '879 Patent?
`13 A. I cannot answer that question.
`14 Q. Are you named as the sole inventor on the
`15 caption page of the '879 Patent, Exhibit 1?
`16 A. Yes, it looks like that.
`17 Q. Take a look at Exhibit 2. Are you named as
`18 the sole inventor on the caption page of Exhibit 2,
`19 which is US Patent 8,812,993, which I will refer to from
`20 here on now as the '993 Patent?
`21 A. It looks like that.
`22 Q. So were you in fact the sole inventor of the
`23 inventions claimed in the '879 Patent and the '993
`24 Patent?
`25 A. Yes.
`Page 17 of 186


` 1 Q. Okay. Was Thomas Eriksson a co-inventor of
` 2 the inventions claimed in these patents?
` 3 A. Not really but we talk to each other so it's
` 4 not like...yeah.
` 5 Q. You talked to each other during the
` 6 development of the Neonode N1 phone; correct?
` 7 A. Yes.
` 8 Q. To the best of your knowledge, is Mr. Thomas a
` 9 co-inventor of the inventions that are claimed in these
`10 two patents?
`11 A. I would say that I was the main inventor on
`12 the work.
`13 Q. So sir, at some point, did you conceive of the
`14 concept of the idea of a mobile phone that could be
`15 operated with one hand using a touch and glide
`16 interface?
`17 MS. CHEN: Objection. Vague.
`18 THE WITNESS: Can you repeat the question.
`19 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: Sure. Did you at some point
`20 conceive of the idea of a new type of mobile phone?
`21 MS. CHEN: Objection. Vague.
`22 THE WITNESS: Should I listen to the others?
`23 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: You should answer, if you can.
`24 A. If I at some time thought about a mobile phone
`25 used with one hand? Yes.
`Page 18 of 186


` 1 Q. Is that the phone that later became the
` 2 Neonode N1?
` 3 A. Yes.
` 4 Q. When you initially thought of the idea of a
` 5 mobile phone, what were the characteristics of that
` 6 phone that you were thinking about?
` 7 A. One big screen and possible to navigate with
` 8 your thumb.
` 9 Q. Okay. Was that something that was commonly
`10 available at the time in the market?
`11 MS. CHEN: Objection. Lacks foundation.
`12 Vague.
`13 THE WITNESS: There was some phones from
`14 Ericsson that you could touch, that you could actually
`15 slip away the keyboard and touch the LCD screen, to dial
`16 a number, for example. You could use the compact iPac
`17 and the palm pilot with one hand long before.
`18 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: Okay. Did you think that your
`19 idea would be something new in the market?
`20 A. The problem of the resistant touch was that it
`21 was not that good to use with the finger. It was made
`22 for stylus, and you wanted it to be something that you
`23 carry in your pocket with one hand.
`24 Q. These phones from Ericsson and the palm pilot,
`25 were those phones that were typically used with the
`Page 19 of 186


` 1 stylus?
` 2 A. Yes, it was a stylus included.
` 3 Q. What you were thinking of was a phone that a
` 4 user could use naturally with a thumb or a finger; is
` 5 that right?
` 6 A. Yes.
` 7 Q. To your knowledge at the time, that would be
` 8 something new in the telecommunications or the mobile
` 9 device market; is that right?
`10 A. Yes.
`11 Q. When did you first come up with this idea?
`12 MS. CHEN: Objection. Vague.
`13 THE WITNESS: I cannot put a date on that.
`14 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: Can you give me a year?
`15 A. No.
`16 Q. So when -- did you at some point discuss this
`17 idea with Thomas Eriksson?
`18 A. Yes, for sure.
`19 Q. Did you and Mr. Eriksson decide to find a
`20 company to attempt to develop this concept into a
`21 product?
`22 A. Yes.
`23 Q. And do you remember roughly when that was?
`24 A. Unfortunately not. Actually not, no. I have
`25 not looked for the date either.
`Page 20 of 186


` 1 MR. GRAVES: I would like to mark as Exhibit
` 2 3, a document Bates numbered NEONODE0002402 through
` 3 2084, entitled "Neonode Confidential Business Plan May
` 4 2003."
` 5 (Exhibit 3 marked by Mr. Graves.)
` 6 Q. Sir, I would like to direct you to the page
` 7 that's Bates numbered NEONODE0002052. Let me know when
` 8 you have turned to that page, please.
` 9 A. Yes.
`10 Q. All right. Does this page -- it's top of the
`11 page -- does it say, section C, Important Milestones?
`12 A. Yes.
`13 Q. Okay. Then underneath, do you see a timeline
`14 that runs from June 2000 through May 2003?
`15 A. Yes.
`16 Q. I'd like for you to take a moment and read
`17 through this page and let me know when you are finished.
`18 A. Okay.
`19 Q. Sir, does reviewing the timeline on Page
`20 NEONODE2052 refresh your recollection as to when you may
`21 have first discussed your idea of a new type of mobile
`22 phone that could be navigated using a thumb or a finger
`23 with Mr. Eriksson?
`24 MS. CHEN: Objection. Assumes facts not in
`25 evidence.
`Page 21 of 186


` 1 THE WITNESS: What date I used the term thumb?
` 2 I cannot see in this, and I cannot point to specific
` 3 date. I have not written this text, so I don't know if
` 4 it's correct or not correct.
` 5 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: I am asking you if reviewing
` 6 this refreshes your recollection as to generally when --
` 7 I am not asking for a specific date -- we will start
` 8 with the year, right, when you first discussed your idea
` 9 of a mobile device that can be navigated using a finger
`10 with Mr. Eriksson?
`11 MS. CHEN: Objection. Asked and answered.
`12 Assumes facts not in evidence.
`13 THE WITNESS: I have a document that says when
`14 -- I would refer to that because I cannot set any other
`15 date when I discussed it. I discussed phone since the
`16 90s, so it's impossible for me to set a specific date.
`17 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: What is the document that you
`18 have just referred to?
`19 A. It was something that included in the -- with
`20 a picture, sweeping right and up and also with a short
`21 test document for the dosk -- and I would also say as
`22 soon as we started to develop the optical touch screen,
`23 it was meant for a sliding and with the thumb. So it's
`24 basically that is the date I could refer to.
`25 Q. Okay. When you first started developing the
`Page 22 of 186


` 1 optical touch screen, it was intended to enable the
` 2 gliding, the touching, gliding gestures that you had
` 3 already thought of for the phone?
` 4 A. Yes.
` 5 MR. GRAVES: I would like to mark as Exhibit 4
` 6 a document that is Bates numbered NEONODE-MG0000267.
` 7 (Exhibit 4 marked by Mr. Graves.)
` 8 Q. Sir, do you have Exhibit 4 in front of you?
` 9 A. Yes.
`10 Q. Is Exhibit 4 the document that you just
`11 referred us to --
`12 A. Yes.
`13 Q. And what is Exhibit 4?
`14 A. This is just a short design, this device we
`15 were developing.
`16 Q. Did you create Exhibit 4?
`17 A. Yes.
`18 Q. Why did you create Exhibit 4?
`19 A. To show people what we are doing and when we
`20 talked to other suppliers.
`21 Q. Okay. So for the record, Exhibit 4, the first
`22 page is a cover sheet that states "Document Produced in
`23 Native Format," and that's there because this document
`24 was produced to defendants in its native format rather
`25 than converted to a special format for our document
`Page 23 of 186


` 1 production database.
` 2 The next page is a page entitled "Metadata,"
` 3 and this page contains metadata associated with this
` 4 file as it was produced by Mr. Goertz to the Stockholm
` 5 District Court, and the document has a date -- created
` 6 date of May 21, 2001, and a date modified of May 21,
` 7 2001.
` 8 Sir, do you have any reason to doubt that you
` 9 created this document on May 21, 2001?
`10 A. No.
`11 Q. Okay. Do you have any reason to doubt that
`12 the last date this file containing this document was
`13 modified was May 21, 2001?
`14 A. No.
`15 Q. All right. I notice that there is a -- what
`16 looks like the display side of a mobile device in the
`17 middle of the page. Do you see that?
`18 A. Yes.
`19 Q. Can you tell us what that image is or was
`20 intended to depict?
`21 A. It should be our mobile phone, where you could
`22 -- the surface where you put your finger and sweeps up
`23 and left.
`24 Q. And so this reflects your concept for how a
`25 user would navigate around on the display as of May 21,
`Page 24 of 186


` 1 2001; is that right?
` 2 MS. CHEN: Objection. Leading --
` 3 THE WITNESS: But it shows that you can reach
` 4 the complete handset, holding it in one hand.
` 5 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: Okay.
` 6 A. By sweeping, for example.
` 7 Q. All right. So the circular kind of filled-in
` 8 circle in the lower right corner of the display, does
` 9 that represent an icon or a graphical element of some
`10 kind to guide the user to where to touch to begin the
`11 gesture?
`12 MS. CHEN: Objection. Leading. Vague.
`13 THE WITNESS: As I remember, it shows where
`14 you could set your finger to start dragging. It's not,
`15 as I remember, it's not an icon.
`16 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: So when you -- if the user
`17 touched in the lower right corner and swept up, what
`18 would happen?
`19 A. At the point for this picture, there's nothing
`20 happening because it's just a picture.
`21 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: What was your concept for what
`22 would happen at this point?
`23 A. I cannot tell anything about the concept
`24 because it's a picture made, showing the size of the
`25 phone and how it should be used, hold in your hand, and
`Page 25 of 186


` 1 dragged over. We didn't tell anything about -- we
` 2 didn't write down anything about the usage of the way we
` 3 filed the patents.
` 4 MR. GRAVES: I would like to mark as Exhibit
` 5 5, a document Bates numbered NEONODE-MG0000268.
` 6 (Exhibit 5 marked by Mr. Graves.)
` 7 Q. Sir, do you have Exhibit 5 in front of you?
` 8 A. Yes, it's the same as the one before.
` 9 Q. Yes, it does appear to be the same. The only
`10 difference is that it looks like Exhibit 4, the very top
`11 margin, cuts some of the graphic off, and it's more
`12 visible than Exhibit 5 at the top. Do you see that?
`13 A. Yes.
`14 Q. Okay. So is that shape at the very top with
`15 the arc curving around in the triangle, was that
`16 intended to depict part of a padlock hanging into the
`17 image?
`18 MS. CHEN: Objection. Leading.
`19 THE WITNESS: I don't think so. I don't know.
`20 Q. BY MR. GRAVES: Do you recall -- I'm sorry, I
`21 didn't mean to step on your answer.
`22 A. No, I cannot tell anything about this.
`23 Q. The overlapping rectangles in the upper part
`24 of the page, what were those intended to represent?
`25 A. They probably represent some kind of a file

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