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`The Official Dictionary
`of Telecommunications,
`Networking and the Internet
`*4l Best Seller. Over 450,000 Sold
`by Harry Newton
`Page 1 of 5


`copyright © 2001 Horry Newton
`email: Horry_Newton@HorryNewton .com
`personal web site:
`business web site: www
`All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions,
`including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereofin any form whatsoever.
`Published by CMP Books
`An imprint of CMP Media Inc.
`Converging Communications Group
`12 West 21 Street
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`Publishers Group We~t
`1700 Fourth St., Berkeley, CA 9 471 0
`Phone: 510-528-1444
`ISBN Number l -57820-069-5
`February 200 l
`Seventeenth Edition
`Matt Kelsey, Publisher
`Christine Kern, Manager
`Ray Horak, Managing Editor
`Omor Mirabe!, Cover Artist
`Donel Roldan, Inside Layout Artist
`Manufactured in the United States of America
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`Owensville, MO 65066
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`The Official Dictionary of Telecommunications
`Networking and Internet
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`Descrambler / Detraining
`Desktop Video Communications !hot re~ ellher on video phones 01 • .
`pule rs offering o video window.
`Desktop Videoconferencing By combining ISDN technology
`PCs, people con meel "foce-to-foce" wilhoul leaving !heir offices. !rs O \\'Dy tld
`ly and fime-<onsuming trove!, maybe.
`Despun The orientolion of a soteHite onleMo, which keeps ii painted to tlie
`used to refer to !he communications payload section of a Hughes spinning
`Despun Antenna Of o rototing communications sote~rte, on on1enno
`of whose main beam with respect lo !he sote!nte is conlinuony adjusted S(J,
`notes o given oreo on the surface of !he Earth, I.e., !he foolp!int does 00
`Destaglng In syslems !hot employ cache memory, destoging ~ the
`reads doto from magnetic disks and wriles if lo codte memO/y. •0esr - •
`dolo being removed from the cache to make room for new doro has 0111112
`the movement of changed doto from cache bock to disk.
`Destination Address Tharport of o messoge which indkolesfor
`soge is intended. Usuol~ o collection of chorocters or bits. Just like
`address on on envelope. On o loken ring network this is n ◄fl.bit seq
`defines the physicol name of the compuler lo which o WI dolo IIO<WT
`IEEE assures !hot in !he world of IANs no two devices hove the some
`does so by osslgnlng certain numbers to vendors of token ring adopter,.
`connect compll!ers ro o loken ring nelVlork.
`Destination Address Filtering A feature of biidgQs 1fio1
`messages intended for lhe extended LAN to be forwarded.
`Destination Code See Desttnotion field.
`Destination Document The documenl inlo which on objit~
`ded via OLE. The deslinotion document is sometimes o!so cofled !lie c
`Destination Field l. A telephone company definifion. Ac
`!hot provides o completP. nddress to reach o destinotton in !he m8i~
`tinotion codes ore mode up of some of lhe tol!ow1ng compooenJ5; Aoi
`Code, End Office Code (NNX), Moin Stnlion Number, Service Coot l
`2. A nelworking term. The field in o message header !hot cqnloj15
`!he individuol for whom !he message is meant ond who wiU (with
`ogemenl} receive !he message.
`Destination Host A computer system on the network lhot
`for o file lionsfer or for on e-mail message.
`Destination Node Those system nodes which re:Ceive
`pocket nef\Vork from !he source or transmitting node.
`Destination Point Code DPC. The port of a routing 1
`!he SS7 signoling message should be sent. See o~o Polnt (ode.
`Destination Service Access Point OSAP. lire
`cilic service entity to which dotu mus! be defivered when il

`informotlon may be bun, into the data field of on IEEE 802.3
`Destuffing The conlrolled deletion of stuffing bits frQill ll
`recover lhe original signal.
`Detector 1. In o rodio receiver, o cirruif or device wliidi
`quency oscillations into o pulsoling direct wrrent 01 ~~
`into a f01m suitable for !he operation of on indicolor. This~
`18$ commonly o crystal Cohere~ and dertcore chemfcol r
`2. In on opficol communications receiver, o device th~t c
`lo another form. Currenlly, !his conversion is horn opticol lo
`col·tO'Opticol techniques are under development.
`Detem An oplo-e!ectronk transducer tho! combITTes r,,..
`ond emilter in a single device or module. Oo nol confuse -
`NEC's telephones ihot work5 on ifs NFAX 2000 and 2400
`Detent Tuner "Click" type ofTV tuner. •
`Determine A verb that is port of lhe !he ~re1
`and og1ee_ ing upon slondords. for o full explarJOti~ ~
`Detour Difficully in gaining occess to !he 1 •
`Highway Consfructian Supervisor solving your
`Detraining Getting off o train. An abso ure11
`indUSITy to keep !hem on a par wilh new, awful
`See also Oe¢oning, on equally awful word.
`on image In sofrwore
`Descrambler A device which corrects o signal (ohen video) that has been jnlenlion(cid:173)
`ally distorted to prevent unoulh01ized viewing. Used with soteflile 1V systems. See DES.
`DESI Strip A slang lerm for Designation Sfrip, !he small printed piece of paper or cord
`!hot slides inlo or a!toches onlo o lelephone end tells you which llulton answers which rine
`or which button does who! in the l'IOY of features or intercom.
`Design layout Report DLR. A record contoining the technical Jqformotion !hat
`describes !he foa1ifies and lerrninofions provided by a local telephone company to o long
`distance telephone comrany. The technical informotton is needed by !he long distonce cor(cid:173)
`ner lo design the overal service and includes such ilems os coble makeup (gouge, loading,
`lenglh, elc.), co1rler. channel bonk lype ond system mileage, signaling termination com(cid:173)
`po~bilily, etc. !he DLR is sent 10 !he designoled carrier represenlolive vio the loco! rele-
`phone company's engineering deportment.
`Designation Strip Also cofied Desi Sfrip. A Designation Strip is the small printed
`piece of paper lhol slides into or attaches onto o telephone and tells you which button
`answers which line or which button does who! in lhe way of features or inlercom.
`Designing Around Designing around Is a legal process which deals wilh design(cid:173)
`ing o new porentoround on existing pofenl. This JJ!OCess often yields o better product than
`the patented device or method. Designing around is o perfect~ legol operolion. If hos only
`been recognized ond sanctioned by the courts for oboul 5 or 6 years. Most engineers and
`business owners ore completely unaware of !his optton end think it sounds illegal when
`described to !hem. Designing around con be used to protect on exisling po1ent01 lo file for
`o new one.
`Deskewing An imaging term. Adjusting - strnfghtening -
`to compensafe for o crooked scan.
`Desktop The computer's working environment. The screen layout, Iha menu bor, and
`!he prog,am icons associated wtth the machine's operoling environment. Apple's
`Mncintosh (inlroduced on January 24, 1984) really stnrted !he ldeo rhot the compll!er's
`screen was o desktop. W,lh Windows, res now also hove rln.itops.
`Desktop Collaboration Using ISDN lines or analog frnes with high speed lines,
`you con link your desktop computers so teleworkers, supptie,s and clients con shore doc\/'
`ments and work together no matter whe1e they ore.
`Desktop Connection AT&T's code name for hordwore which includes on AT&T
`serial port adopter, DSS cable and o 9 to 25 pin connector and some sohware lo moke it
`work. The new name for desktop connectton is PossogeWoy. It ortoches lo the bock of the
`AT&T phone. The coble connects the adopte! to your PC's seriul port. In AT&T's words, !he
`AT&T PossogeWoy integro1es telephone functions with o Microsoft Windows 3.1 or greoler
`ap~icotion, focilitoling ouldioling using !he Hayes Command Set used by modems, linking
`co0er identification lo PC businsss applications, ond paving !he woy to on open inrerfuce
`belween the P( software and the telephone. As o development plolform, AT&T PossogeWoy
`offers on application layer access to feotures of !he telephone including receiving informa(cid:173)
`tion on vlsuol/oudible alerts and telephone displays, aclivating button presses, turning !he
`speakerphone on or off, odiusttng the volume of the telephone ond dialing, induding some
`coll stole progress. In oddi1ion, operating with Windows provides a unique Wl!f of accessing
`ond shoring information belween opphcotions tho! co-reside on o PC. Windows provides o
`Graphical User Interface (GUI)
`tho! allows software packages lo be eosi~ developed.
`Windows also offers !he Dynamic Doro Exchange (ODE) interface between c(HeSldent oppt~
`cations 1h01 is o standard for shoring information on DOS PCs. AT&T PossogeWoy also poss·
`es informolion using Miaosoft's ODE stondord. See also AT&T Applicofions Portner.
`Desktop Management Force A consortium of vendors working
`loword a sel of slondorils for nelwork management software which will ease the mon(cid:173)
`ogement of desklop systems, theil components, ond peripherals. Activities address •stnrt
`dord groups- such os sohwore, PC syslems, servers, monilors, network. inrerfoce cords
`(NICs), printers, mo\S slorage devices, and mobile technologies. The most nolable of ils
`occomplishmenfs is !he development of !he Oesklup Monagomenl lnterfnre CDMI).
`l' See also DMI.
`Desktop Metaphor A desklop metuphor is !he conceplual woy o workslolion
`screen area is used lo emulole a user's physical desklop through graphic icon imoges. !he
`icon mops directly lo its real life functton. For example, o trash con icon will allow o user
`to "lhrow our o document. Gives on application o "user friendly" feel. Desklop melophors
`ore consistent lhroughout all Windows and 1vindows-fike opplicotions, like Spore's Open
`Desktop Pattern A Windows 3.1 lerm. A design rhot appears oooss !he desktop.
`You con use Control Panel to creole your own pattern or choose o pattern provided by
`Page 4 of 5


`| wrote this book for those of us in the world's most exciting industries - telecommunica-
`tions, networking and the Internet. | deliberately didn't write a book that only geeks could
`understand. | wrote a business book that you and | could understand. | explain technical
`concepts in non-technical, business language that anyonein business (whether buying, sell-
`ing or investing) should be able to understand. Some of my definitions are short. Some are
`encyclopedic. My focus is 100%practical. What the term means. What the technology does.
`What benefits the technology confers. Which pitfalls to watch for. Use this book in your
`day-to-day businesslife. Dip into it before a meeting with a vendor, a customer, a broker or
`a boss. I've got 19 years in this hank. My readers and my contributing editor, Ray Horak,
`have contributed enormously over the years. By now, all of us have made this dictionary
`pretty darn good. I'm proud ofthis edition.
`Ue Rimmedmeumula ientam
`by Harry Newton with Ray Horak contributing editor
`Harry Newton has 30 years
`telecommunications. He
`founded LAN (now Network)
`Magazine, the first network-
`ing magazine. He
`three leading monthly telecom magazine - Call
`Coa AmeeeEmelaerieae
`He also founded the enormously successful
`trade show, Computer Telephony Conference
`and Exposition (CT Expo). He is (of late) a suc-
`cessful angel (early venture capitalist) in tele-
`Internet ventures.
`com, networking and
`Recently he started a monthly newsletter,
`Harry Newton's Technology Investor. For a sub-
`ecteam (emmne) aeeel
`Business School and an Economies Meer
`uate degree from the University of Sydney,
`Australia. He is not an engineer. But he knows.
`enough to be dangerousin front of them.-And
`Te)a eemS LMT)omar
`ATay leleloL Cea) 11)
`An imprint of CMP Media Inc.
`TemC tee MLC]
`$34.95 + isn 1-57820-069-5
`A Ui
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