`A thesis submitted to the School of Computing
`in conformity with the requirements for
`the degree of Master of Science
`Queen’s University
`Kingston, Ontario, Canada
`(October 2015)
`Copyright ©Andreas Hollatz, 2015
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`This thesis reports on the use of auxiliary finger input to complement touch-only interactions on
`mobile devices. While a majority of touchscreen based mobile devices support multi-touch input,
`mobile device interactions in one-handed usage scenarios are usually limited to a single point of
`contact with the screen. In most cases, the thumb is the preferred source of touch input. Selecting
`user interface elements, such as buttons and sliders, requires frequent movement of the thumb,
`occludes a display, and, to reach targets, demands frequent adjustments of grip.
`To tackle these usability problems of single-handed usage scenarios, we explored the use of the
`auxiliary fingers — that is, the fingers that grip, support, and make contact with a mobile device
`— as additional input channels. Sensing input from the auxiliary fingers might lead to
`significantly less thumb movement, with target selection and other interactions distributed across
`all five digits. We built a series of mobile device prototypes that sense isometric pressure at
`different areas on their surfaces. To evaluate the performance of this interaction paradigm, we
`measured task completion times and error rates for common mobile tasks, including document
`formatting, application switching, and map navigation, and validated that the use of additional
`fingers for input led to performance gains. We follow-up with a study to measure each finger’s
`ability to apply pressure on the side of the device and measured the effect of this pressure on the
`thumb's range of motion around the screen. Finally, we provide software and hardware design
`recommendations based on these studies.
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`The prototype design and experimental evaluation on pages 24-43 were conducted collaboratively
`with David Holman and Amartya Banerjee.
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`Table of contents
`1.1! BACKGROUND!AND!MOTIVATION!.............................................................................................!1!
`1.2! CONTRIBUTIONS!AND!THESIS!OUTLINE!.......................................................................................!2!
`! C
`2.1! SOFT!MACHINES!....................................................................................................................!5!
`2.2! ONE9HANDED!MOBILE!INTERACTION!........................................................................................!9!
`2.3! GRASP9BASED!INTERACTION!..................................................................................................!12!
`2.4! AUGMENTED!MOBILE!INTERFACES!(SENSOR!FUSION)!.................................................................!13!
`2.5! DEFORMABLE!MOBILE!INTERACTIONS!.....................................................................................!15!
`2.7! HAND!ANATOMY!AND!FUNCTION!...........................................................................................!17!
`2.7.1! Anatomy,...................................................................................................................,17!
`2.7.2! Hand,Function,...........................................................................................................,20!
`! Movement!Speed!..............................................................................................................................!22!
`3.1! UNIFONE!DESIGN!PROCESS!....................................................................................................!24!
`3.1.1! Unifone,Auxiliary,Touch,Gestures,.............................................................................,30!
`3.2! DISTINGUISHING!HOLDING!GRASP!AND!INPUT!SQUEEZE!...............................................................!31!
`3.3! FORCE!SENSORS!..................................................................................................................!31!
`3.4! PHYSICAL!CONNECTION!TO!DEVICE!.........................................................................................!33!
`3.5! SENSOR!PROCESSING!AND!DEVICE!COMMUNICATION!................................................................!34!
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`3.7! UNIFONE!INTERACTIONS!.......................................................................................................!36!
`3.8! UNIFONE!EVALUATION!.........................................................................................................!37!
`3.9! UNIFONE!EXPERIMENT!DESIGN!..............................................................................................!39!
`3.9.1! Participants,...............................................................................................................,40!
`3.10! UNIFONE!RESULTS!.............................................................................................................!40!
`3.10.1! Scrolling,task,..........................................................................................................,40!
`3.10.2! Formatting,task,......................................................................................................,41!
`3.10.3! Application,switching,.............................................................................................,41!
`3.10.4! Map,navigation,......................................................................................................,41!
`3.11! DISCUSSION!......................................................................................................................!42!
`4.2! HARDWARE!........................................................................................................................!45!
`4.3! SOFTWARE!.........................................................................................................................!47!
`4.3.1! Device,Communication,.............................................................................................,47!
`4.4! SIGNAL!PROCESSING!AND!ANALYSIS!........................................................................................!48!
`! Gesture!Recognition!and!Event!handling!..........................................................................................!49!
`! Home!Gesture!...................................................................................................................................!50!
`4.6.1! Experiment,Description,.............................................................................................,51!
`4.6.2! Participants,...............................................................................................................,53!
`4.6.3! Results,......................................................................................................................,54!
`4.6.4! Discussion,.................................................................................................................,56!
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`5.1! GENERAL!DESIGN!GUIDELINES!...............................................................................................!61!
`5.2! HARDWARE!DESIGN!GUIDELINES!............................................................................................!62!
`5.2.1! Dimensions,...............................................................................................................,62!
`5.2.2! Pressure,ranges,........................................................................................................,63!
`5.2.3! Sensor,Position,.........................................................................................................,64!
`! SOFTWARE!DESIGN!GUIDELINES:!.................................................................................................!66!
`5.3! FORMULATING!AN!EFFECTIVE!GESTURAL!LANGUAGE!...................................................................!66!
`6.1! CONCLUSION!......................................................................................................................!69!
`6.2! FUTURE!WORK!....................................................................................................................!70!
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`List of Figures
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`List of Tables
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`Chapter 1
`1.1 Background and Motivation
`Advancements in mobile technology have enabled highly portable devices that, compared to
`earlier feature phones, contain a significant amount of computational power. Before the iPhone’s
`introduction in 2007, many mobile devices had their interactive surface area divided between a
`small screen and a number of physical controls. Since then, there has been a trend of increased
`display size and a corresponding decrease in the physical space allotted for hardware controls.
`This effect is explained by the touch-sensitive display (touchscreen), and its dual purpose for
`input and output; it affords the replacement of physical controls with virtual buttons and gestures.
`Although devices with touchscreen make many tasks easier, such as web browsing or composing
`an email, they are still limited for more complex tasks, such as document editing and three-
`dimensional spatial navigation.
`In particular, one limitation is that the viewable area of a touchscreen is partially occluded by a
`user's finger when in use. Although a minor obstruction creates a negligible impact on tasks that
`do not require precise targeting, such as scrolling through an email, it is prohibitive when more
`precise targeting or manipulation is required (e.g., selecting a sentence while editing a
`document). Additionally, complex tasks such as text entry, drawing, and 3D spatial interactions
`often require numerous on-screen buttons and additional Graphical User Interface (GUI) controls
`that occupy valuable display area.
`Often, touch gestures are used to increase the range and number of interaction available without
`occupying additional display space. These gestures can be highly usable when they embody a
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`strong physical metaphor such as swipe-to-scroll and pinch-to-zoom navigation gestures found
`on most smartphones today. As the number of available gestures increases, so does complexity
`and, typically, user error. Even relatively simple gesture combinations, such as slide-to-scroll
`and tap-to-select, often result in false positives. This is further complicated when a user has only
`one hand available, leaving the thumb of their grasping hand to act as a single touch point. When
`designing interactions for one-handed use, the contact area between device and user becomes an
`even more valuable and premium resource. We must maximize its use as an interactive surface if
`we are to create better mobile user experiences.
`1.2 Contributions and thesis outline
`Although gestures that use tilt, acceleration, spatial location, and even deformation have been
`actively researched in one-handed scenarios [6,13,16,18] the user’s additional fingers that grasp,
`or rest along the device are often overlooked as input channels. They can be used to support or
`extend the thumb’s primary pointing behavior. In this thesis, we explore how input from these
`auxiliary fingers can impact the usability of mobile interactions.
`As an initial step in this space, we focus on one-handed interactions that rely on a user’s
`nondominant grasp. Users often adopt one-handed strategies when interacting with mobile
`devices; this leaves a hand free to manage the demands of the real world. The thumb, stabilized
`by the hand’s supporting fingers, acts as the primary pointing digit in these scenarios. The
`supporting fingers are sometimes delegated to controlling hardware buttons for settings like
`volume or power. Most often, they are unused. Though poorly suited for precision, their
`movement is not completely inhibited. Even when the thumb is actively targeting, the individual
`fingers of a user’s nondominant grasp are capable of coarse isometric manipulations; the
`fingertips protrude and curl around the edge of the device. When grasping a mobile phone this
`way, gestures like squeezing the edges of a device are feasible as an input modality.
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`Leveraging this auxiliary finger input also influences the design tradeoff between screen size and
`interface complexity. Modern mobile devices, such as the Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy,
`have adopted high-resolution multi-touch displays that make it easier to interact with complex
`content. With greater demands on display area, some applications, like Google Earth, limit the
`functionality of their mobile version. Others leave their functionality intact and distribute
`workflows across numerous screens and repetitive interface button presses. Instead, using
`auxiliary input supports transferring interface control elements off the display; for example,
`auxiliary input gestures can be mapped to general navigational controls, leaving more area free to
`render content. Although dedicated hardware buttons, such as the trumpet-like buttons in
`Weiser’s PARCTab [51], can theoretically achieve similar results, an industrial design that is
`ergonomic for a range of hand and finger sizes is challenging (especially if buttons are placed
`along the top edge of a device larger than the ParcTab).
`To address these problems and to explore the use of auxiliary finger input, we present two
`prototypes that improve one-handed mobile interaction: Unifone and Isophone. The first
`prototype, Unifone, senses isometric manipulations using a pressure-distributing accessory placed
`along its outer edge. Using this hardware sensor, Unifone affords coarse targeting [17]: instead of
`a precisely located hardware button, users squeeze the phone near its middle or corners, an
`ergonomic improvement that can adjust sensor location for each user and enhance the pointing
`behavior of the thumb (see section 4.3). We report on the evaluation of Unifone’s three squeeze-
`based gestures—a middle squeeze, top corner squeeze, and bottom corner squeeze—and compare
`them against thumb-only interaction in a set of common mobile tasks. When tightly coupled with
`the movement of the thumb, Unifone’s squeeze gesture results in superior performance for a set
`of common mobile tasks.
`Unifone’s force-distributed sensor layout reduced the need for precise targeting, but it still placed
`significant constraints on how the device needed to be held, with some fingers on its upper half
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`and others on the lower half. Isophone, the second prototype, uses a more sophisticated hardware
`design with a high spatial resolution sensor array, capable of differentiating individual fingers
`placed anywhere along its length. This further eliminates the need for precise finger placement
`during interaction and allowed us to perform a study informing decisions about the placement of
`hardware controls on the side of the device as well as the placement of onscreen software based
`This thesis is presented in six chapters. This first chapter has introduced the limitations of a
`conventional mobile touchscreen device and revealed the motivation behind including input from
`auxiliary fingers into their design. The second chapter provides an overview of past work in
`mobile device interaction design, sensor augmentation and the related mechanics of the human
`hand. Our first prototype, Unifone, is discussed in chapter three along with a detailed discussion
`of finger pressure sensing requirements and their enabling technologies. Our discussion moves
`from discovery — in a series of iterative prototypes we tried a number of different sensor
`placements and interaction types — to refinement in the Unifone prototype where we improve on
`the interaction schemes that showed the most promise. We then discuss a comprehensive user
`study. The second major prototype, Isophone, is presented in chapter four. Using this prototype
`we evaluated the impact of using different fingers on the thumb’s ability to interact with the
`screen. We provide a summary of our hardware and software recommendations gathered from
`our user studies in chapter five. We conclude with a discussion of how we foresee the research
`continuing and how new technologies will enable this work to be applied to non-planar
`deformable devices in chapter six.
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`Chapter 2
`Related Work
`Our research builds upon and draws cues from the following areas of previous research: (1) the
`genesis of ‘soft machine’ mobile interfaces, one-handed mobile usage, and interaction techniques
`related to grasp; (2) extending one-handed interactions through spatial sensing, surface
`deformation, and examples that leverage pressure-based input for one-handed and bimanual
`interaction; (3) an overview of the anatomy and function of the human hand. This final section
`draws many references relating to human hand performance from the fields of anatomy,
`ergonomics and neuroscience, and is particularly relevant to the study reported in chapter four.
`2.1 Soft Machines
`Soft machines were proposed by Nakatini and Rohrlich in [31] as a digital alternative to “hard
`machines” which they describe as "machines such as stoves, radios and copiers operated with
`knobs, switches, keys, pushbuttons and other familiar controls. Hard machines have many
`characteristics that make for ease of learning, efficiency of operation and ease of transfer, but
`they are ultimately limited by their ‘hardness.’” The authors point to several aspects of hard
`machines that offer usability advantages over the general-purpose computers of their time. The
`modularity of a special purpose machine keeps the complexity of interaction within reasonable
`limits. Scrutiny of the machine’s form leads a user to form conjectures about its function and
`operation. The one-to-one mapping between controls and their associated operations limits these
`conjectures to a reasonable number and the immediate feedback of physical controls allows a user
`to test their conjectures and stimulates the formation of new conjectures in a short amount of
`time. In contrast to the symbolic operations that require the learning of a human invented
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`language, the manual controls of a machine, “conform to a universal language based on the
`physical laws that govern the interactions between physical objects” and can often be learned
`without instruction or training. This ability to casually learn a machine, the ability to transfer
`knowledge between machines, and the efficiency of specialized controls are identified by the
`authors as the primary advantages of a hard machine over a general-purpose computer.
`While physical controls on hard machines clearly offer usability advantages, their material
`inflexibility is limiting. As stated by Nakatini and Rohrlich, “we are now in an awkward situation
`where the functionality of machines is easily changed by software, but the inflexibility of hard
`controls severely limits the changes that can be accommodated without changing the hardware or
`compromising the operability of the machine.” They suggest that a way out of this “awkward
`situation” is through the use of what they refer to as a “soft machine,” or a virtual representation
`of a physical machine composed of computer images displayed on a touch-screen display. Such a
`machine offers the “universal language” of physical controls as well as the flexibility and support
`of sequential disclosure of controls associated a general-purpose computer.
`The earliest commercial implementation of a soft machine is found on the control console of the
`1980 XEROX 5700 photocopier. Xerox introduced the system out of necessity, a growing
`number of photocopier features such as copying, duplexing, reducing, collating, stapling,
`typesetting and printing, would have required more than 130 buttons to control [8]. Instead of
`creating an extremely large, physically cumbersome, and overwhelming console, Xerox engineers
`opted for a black and white screen with an infrared touch sensor. A home screen presented soft
`button representations of the features available machine, and once touched the screen was
`replaced by the specific controls available to that feature.
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`Figure 1. The Xerox 5700 printing system with a touchscreen interface [50]
`In 1992, IBM and Bell South brought the soft machine philosophy to a mobile device with the
`release of the Simon smartphone. With limited network coverage, and with miniaturization of
`technology still in nascent stages, the Simon was could not gain widespread adoption. However,
`the interface style became quite popular on other mobile devices such as the Apple Newton and
`the Palm Pilot. The large number of features and constrained dimensions of these handheld
`devices made soft controls even more attractive than they had been on a desktop counterpart.
`Largely relying on discrete soft buttons combined with pen input, these early mobile soft
`machines lacked the continuous direct input gestures and more sophisticated physical metaphors
`that researchers had been developing on larger mobile, and stationary systems [23].
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`The Neonode N1 was the first commercially available mobile device to make extensive use of
`swipe gestures appropriate for one-handed use, including a browser that scrolled content
`vertically with swipes. The gestures were more limited than the continuous direct input based
`gestures we are all familiar with today. Swiping up scrolled content up and swiping down scrolled
`content down similar to the PC touchpads of the time. However, its menu lists did have a
`highlighted element that moved down with a downward swipe and up with an upward swipe in
`what was very close to a direct physical mapping. It was not until the release of the first iPhone in

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