`Patent Owner,
`Case IPR2021-01041
`Patent 8,095,879


`INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................1
`II. QUALIFICATIONS .....................................................................................2
`III. APPLICABLE LEGAL STANDARDS .......................................................8
`Priority Date of the Patent ..................................................................... 8
`Level of Ordinary Skill in the Art ......................................................... 9
`C. My Understanding of Legal Standards ............................................... 10
`IV. OPINIONS ...................................................................................................12
`A. Objective Evidence Of Non-Obviousness. ......................................... 12
`The Robertson-Grounds (Grounds 1-3). ............................................. 20
`Robertson Is Not Analogous Art To The ’879 Patent. ............ 20
`Petitioner Has Not Shown That Robertson Is In The
`Same Field Of Endeavor As The ’879 Patent. ...............22
`Petitioner Has Not Shown That Robertson Is Reasonably
`Pertinent To The Problem With Which The Inventors Of
`The ’879 Patent Were Involved. .....................................27
`The Robertson Combination Does Not Disclose Or Render
`Obvious The “Gliding … Away” Limitation. ......................... 30
`“Movement Is Not Synonymous With Gliding. .............31
`Robertson’s Flick Is Not Shown To Be Gliding. ...........34
`Robertson’s Insert Gesture Does Not Disclose The
`Claims. ............................................................................43
`Robertson’s Insert Gesture Does Not “Activate” A
`“Represented” Function. ......................................43
` i


`Petitioner Does Not Show That Robertson’s
`“Insert” Is “Gliding … Away.” ............................46
`The Robertson-Grounds Do Not Disclose “Wherein The
`Representation Consists Of Only One Option For Activating
`The Function.” ......................................................................... 48
`Robertson-Grounds Do Not Disclose Or Render Obvious The
`Preamble For Two Reasons. .................................................... 52
`Robertson-Grounds Fail To Disclose Or Render Obvious
`“A Mobile Handheld Computer Unit.” ..........................54
`Robertson Does Not Disclose Or Suggest “A
`Mobile Handheld Computer Unit.” ......................55
`Dr. Wobbrock Does Not Show Why A POSITA
`Would Have Implemented Robertson’s XButtons
`In Maddalozzo’s Device. .....................................57
`Petitioner Does Not Show That Robertson-Grounds
`Disclose Or Render Obvious The Claimed Computer
`Program Code Being “Read By A Mobile Handheld
`Computer Unit.” .............................................................60
`The Tarpenning Grounds Do Not Disclose The Claims. .................... 62
`V. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................70
` ii


`I, Craig Rosenberg, declare as follows:
`I have been retained on behalf of Neonode Smartphone LLC
`(“Neonode” and/or “Patent Owner”) for the above-captioned inter partes review to
`provide my expert opinions and expert knowledge. I understand that this
`proceeding involves U.S. Patent No. 8,095,879 (“the ’879 patent”). I understand
`that the ’879 patent is currently assigned to Neonode.
`I understand that the present Petition for inter partes review challenges
`claims 1-7, 9, 12-13, 15-17 (“the challenged claims” or “claims”) of the ’879
`patent and was filed by Petitioner Google Inc. (“Petitioner”).
`I have been asked to provide my independent review, analysis,
`insights, and opinions regarding technical aspects of the ’879 patent and the
`Petition challenging the patentability of its claims. In particular, I have been asked
`to provide my analysis, insights, and opinions regarding the state of the art at the
`time of the alleged invention and how a person of ordinary skill in the art would
`have understood the ’443 patent disclosure at that time.
`In preparing this declaration, I have reviewed all of the references cited
`herein and in the Petition. In particular, I have reviewed and am familiar with the
`’879 patent and its prosecution history, and the references cited against it,
`discussed further below.


`In this declaration, I set forth the independent opinions that I have
`reached and the basis for those opinions in view of the information currently
`available to me. Such opinions are based, at least in part, on my knowledge,
`experience, education, and trialing over the past thirty four years in the areas of
`human factors, human computer interaction, and user interfaces. I reserve the right
`to supplement or revise my opinions should additional documents or other
`information be provided to me.
`I am being compensated at an hourly rate of $450/hour for my work on
`this case. My compensation is not dependent upon my opinions, my testimony, or
`the outcome of this case.
`7. All of my opinions stated in this declaration are based on my own
`personal knowledge and professional judgment. In forming my opinions I have
`relied on my knowledge and experience in human factors, user interface design, user
`interaction design, human-computer interaction, and software engineering.
`8. My qualifications to testify about the ’879 patent and the relevant
`technology are set forth in my curriculum vitae (“CV”), which I have included as
`Ex. 2002. In addition, a brief summary of my qualifications is included below:
`I hold a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, a Master of
`Science in Human Factors, and a Ph.D. in Human Factors from the University of


`Washington School of Engineering. For 30 years, I have worked in the areas of
`human factors, user interface design, software development, software architecture,
`systems engineering, and modeling and simulation across a wide variety of
`application areas, including aerospace, communications, entertainment, and
`I graduated from the University of Washington in 1988 with a B.S. in
`Industrial Engineering. After graduation, I continued my studies at the University of
`Washington. In 1990, I obtained an M.S. in Human Factors. In 1994, I graduated
`with a Ph.D. in Human Factors. In the course of my doctoral studies, I worked as an
`Associate Assistant Human Factors Professor at the University of Washington
`Industrial Engineering Department. My duties included teaching, writing research
`proposals, designing and conducting funded human factors experiments for the
`National Science Foundation, as well as hiring and supervising students. While
`studying at the University of Washington, I also worked as a human factors
`researcher and designed and performed advanced human factors experiments
`relating to virtual environments and interface design, stereoscopic displays, and
`advanced visualization research, which was funded by the National Science
`Foundation. My duties included user interface design, systems design, software
`development, graphics programming, experimental design, as well as hardware and
`software interfacing.


`I have published twenty-one research papers in professional journals
`and proceedings in the areas of user interface design, computer graphics, and the
`design of spatial, stereographic, and auditory displays. I also authored a book chapter
`on augmented reality displays in the book “Virtual Environments and Advanced
`Interface Design” (Oxford University Press, 1995). In addition, I created one of the
`first virtual spatial musical instruments called the MIDIBIRD that utilized the MIDI
`protocol, two six-dimensional spatial trackers, a music synthesizer, and a computer
`graphics workstation to create an advanced and novel musical instrument.
`12. For the past 21 years, I have served as a consultant for Global Technica,
`Sunny Day Software, Stanley Associates, Techrizon, CDI Corporation, and the Barr
`Group. In this capacity, I have provided advanced engineering services for many
`I consulted for the Boeing Company for over 16 years as a senior human
`factors engineer, user interface designer, and software architect for a wide range of
`advanced commercial and military programs. Many of the projects that I have been
`involved with include advanced software development, user interface design, agent-
`based software, and modeling and simulations in the areas of missile defense,
`homeland security, battle command management, computer aided design,
`networking and communications, air traffic control, location-based services, and
`Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (“UAV”) command and control. Additionally, I was the


`lead system architect developing advanced air traffic controller workstations and air
`traffic control analysis applications, toolsets, and trade study simulations for Boeing
`Air Traffic Management.
`I was also the architect of the Boeing Human Agent Model. The Boeing
`Human Agent Model is an advanced model for the simulation of human sensory,
`cognitive, and motor performance as applied to the roles of air traffic controllers,
`pilots, and UAV operators. In another project, I was the lead human factors engineer
`and user interface designer for Boeing’s main vector and raster computer aided
`drafting and editing system that produces the maintenance manuals, shop floor
`illustrations, and service bulletins for aircraft produced by the Boeing Commercial
`Aircraft Company. Additional responsibilities in my time as a consultant include
`system engineering, requirements analysis, functional specification, use case
`development, user stories, application prototyping, modeling and simulation, object-
`oriented software architecture, graphical user interface analysis and design, as well
`as UML, C++, C#, and Java software development.
`In 1995 and 1996, I was hired as the lead human factors engineer and
`user interface designer for the first two-way pager produced by AT&T. Prior to this
`technology, people could receive pages but had no way to respond utilizing their
`pager. This new technology allowed users to use a small handheld device to receive
`and send canned or custom text messages, access and update an address book, and


`access and update a personal calendar. This high-profile project involved designing
`the entire feature set, user interface/user interaction design and specification, as well
`as all graphical design and graphical design standards.
`16. From 1999–2001, I was the lead human factors engineer and user
`interface designer for a company called Eyematic Interfaces that was responsible for
`all user interface design and development activities associated with real-time mobile
`handheld 3D facial tracking, animation, avatar creation and editing software for a
`product for Mattel. My work involved user interface design, human factors analysis,
`requirements gathering and analysis, and functional specifications.
`In 2001, I was the lead user interface designer for a company called
`Ahaza that was building IPv6 routers. I designed the user interfaces for the
`configuration and control of these advanced network hardware devices. My
`responsibilities included requirements analysis, functional specification, user
`interface design, user experience design, and human factors analysis.
`In 2006-07, I was the lead user interface designer for a company called
`ObjectSpeed that developed a portable handheld telephone for use in homes and
`businesses that had many of the same capabilities that we take for granted in mobile
`cellular phones. This portable multifunction device supported voice, email, chat,
`video conferencing, internet radio, streaming media, Microsoft Outlook integration,


`photo taking and sharing, etc. The ObjectSpeed device was specifically designed and
`developed as a portable handheld device.
`I am the founder, inventor, user interface designer, and software
`architect of WhereWuz. WhereWuz is a company that produces advanced mobile
`software running on GPS-enabled smartphones and handheld devices. WhereWuz
`allows users to record exactly where they have been and query this data in unique
`ways for subsequent retrieval based on time or location. WhereWuz was specifically
`designed and developed to run on small handheld devices.
`I am the co-founder of a medical technology company called Healium.
`Healium developed advanced wearable and handheld user interface technology to
`allow physicians to more effectively interact with electronic medical records.
`I am the co-founder of a medical technology company called
`StratoScientific. StratoScientific is developing an innovative case for a smartphone
`that turns a standard handheld smartphone into a full featured digital stethoscope that
`incorporates visualization and machine learning that can be utilized for telemedicine
`and automated diagnosis.
`In 2012-13, I designed and developed a large software project for
`Disney World called xVR that allowed the operational employees of Disney World
`to utilize a handheld device to view the current and historical status of all of the
`guests of Disney World within multiple attractions as well as within one of their


`restaurants. The application could run in a real-time/live mode where it would
`display data collected from sensors that showed the location and status of all guests
`within the attraction; the application could also be run in a fast-time/simulated mode.
`The application was developed on a laptop computer and was specifically designed
`to run on a variety of devices, including laptops, PCs, smartphones, and tablets.
`I have received several awards for my engineering work relating to
`interface design, computer graphics, and the design of spatial, stereographic, and
`auditory displays, including a $10,000 scholarship from the I/ITSEC for advancing
`the field of interactive computer graphics for flight simulation and a Link Foundation
`award for furthering the field of flight simulation and virtual interface design. I have
`also created graphics for several popular book covers as well as animations for a
`movie produced by MIRAMAR.
`24. When considering the ’879 patent and stating my opinions, I rely on
`the following legal standards as described to me by the attorneys for Neonode.
`Priority Date of the Patent
`I understand that the analysis of alleged obviousness of the Patent
`should be performed from the perspective of a POSITA as of the priority date of
`the Patent. The Patent was filed on December 10, 2002. My opinions in this


`matter are from the perspective of a POSITA as of that date; however, my opinions
`do not change if the priority date is slightly changed.
`Level of Ordinary Skill in the Art
`I understand that various factors should be considered when
`determining the person of ordinary skill in the art in connection with a particular
`patent. I understand that these include, without limitation: (a) the educational level
`of the inventors and that of practitioners and other inventors in the art (e.g.,
`degrees, subjects, etc.); (b) the type of problems encountered in the art; (c) prior art
`solutions to such problems; (d) the speed at which innovations are made in the art;
`and (e) the sophistication of the invention.
`27. Dr. Wobbrock opines that a “a person of ordinary skill in the art of the
`’879 patent as of its filing date would have at least a bachelor’s degree in Computer
`Science, Human-Computer Interaction, Symbolic Systems, or related engineering
`disciplines, and at least two years of experience designing and programming
`graphical user interfaces. In my opinion, relevant work experience can substitute
`for formal education and advanced degree studies could substitute for work
`experience.” Ex. 1003 [Wobbrock-Decl.] ¶ 49. For the purpose of this declaration,
`I will apply the same definition of the level of skill of a POSITA.
`28. Based on my experience, education, and training, I met the definition of
`a POSITA in December of 2002, the time of filing of the application that issued as


`the ’879 Patent. I also had greater knowledge and experience than a POSITA. I
`worked with POSAs in 2002, and I am able to render opinions from the perspective
`of a POSITA based on my knowledge and experience. My opinions concerning the
`’879 Patent claims and the prior art are from the perspective of a POSITA, as set
`forth above.
`29. As further discussed below, my opinions as stated in this declaration
`are valid even if the Board adopts a slightly different level of ordinary skill in the
`C. My Understanding of Legal Standards
`I understand that a patent claim is unpatentable if the claimed
`invention would have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art at the
`time of the purported invention.
`I understand that an obviousness analysis involves comparing a claim
`to the prior art to determine whether the claimed invention would have been
`obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention in view
`of the prior art and in light of the general knowledge in the art as a whole. I also
`understand that obviousness is ultimately a legal conclusion based on underlying
`facts of four general types, all of which must be considered: (1) the scope and
`content of the prior art; (2) the level of ordinary skill in the art; (3) the differences


`between the claimed invention and the prior art; and (4) any objective indicia of
`I also understand that obviousness may be established under certain
`circumstances by combining or modifying the teachings of the prior art. Specific
`teachings, suggestions, or motivations to combine any first prior art reference with
`a second prior art reference can be explicit or implicit, but must have existed
`before the date of purported invention. I understand that prior art references
`themselves may be one source of a specific teaching or suggestion to combine
`features of the prior art, but that such suggestions or motivations to combine art
`may come from the knowledge that a person of ordinary skill in the art would have
`I understand that a reference may be relied upon for all that it teaches,
`including uses beyond its primary purpose, but also including teachings that lead
`away from the invention. I understand that a reference may be said to teach away
`when a person of ordinary skill, upon reading the reference, would be discouraged
`from following the path set out in the reference, although the mere disclosure of
`alternative designs does not teach away.
`I further understand that whether there is a reasonable expectation of
`success from combining references in a particular way is also relevant to the


`I understand that it is improper to use hindsight to combine references
`or elements of references to reconstruct the invention using the claims as a guide.
`My analysis of the prior art is made from the perspective of a person of ordinary
`skill in the art at the time of the invention.
`I am not offering any legal opinions in this declaration nor am I
`qualified to do so. I only consider such legal standards in framing my opinions and
`conclusions as well as placing assertions made by Petitioner in the Petition into the
`proper context. Additionally, from a subject matter perspective, I understand that
`the petitioner always has the burden of persuasion regarding a challenge of
`patentability of an invention under an inter partes review.
`A. Objective Evidence Of Non-Obviousness.
`I understand that Neonode’s N1 phone was introduced in Spring 2002
`and commercially sold starting in 2004. I further understand that Neonode’s N2
`phone was sold starting in 2054. Ex. 2022, ¶ 6.
`I have reviewed Neonode’s promotional material, which highlight the
`phone’s swipe-based user interface. Neonode specifically touted its “specially
`designed interface” that allows “you to easily access the different applications with
`simple sweeping gestures ... on the screen.” Ex. 2020 [N2 Advertisement Video]
`(00:27-00:35); see also id., (00:45-00:51) (“And you can easily access all of the


`Neonode N2’s content using the seven available sweeps.”). As Neonode explained,
`“there is nothing else you need other than your intuition.” Id., (01:25-01:27).
`39. From my review of Neonode’s promotional video and other materials,
`the “swipe” gesture of Neonode’s user interfaces in the N1 and N2 phones is covered
`by claim 1. The claimed inventions concern a user interface for a mobile handheld
`computer unit that includes a touch sensitive area that includes a representation of a
`function wherein the representation consists of only one option for activating the
`function wherein an object (e.g., a finger) touches the touch sensitive area where the
`representation is provided and then the “object,” the finger in our example, “glid[es]
`along the touch sensitive area away from the touched location, wherein the
`representation of the function is not relocated or duplicated during the gliding.” I
`have also reviewed the Shain Declaration (Ex. 2008), and his testimony further
`confirms that the N1 and N2 devices practiced the claim 1 limitations:
`Both the Neonode N1 and N2 presented three icons in a strip along the
`lower edge of the display immediately following unlocking of the
`phone. One of the icons represented the Start Menu, one represented
`the Keyboard Menu, and the third represented the Tools Menu. Each of
`the icons consisted of only one option for activating the associated
`function. Each of the icons were activatable by a gesture in which a
`thumb or finger touches the icon, and swipes up toward the center of
`the screen before lifting off of the screen. None of the icons were
`relocated or duplicated during the swiping gesture.


`40. The Applicant also equated the “gliding ... away” motion with
`“swiping.” Ex. 1002 [Prosecution-History] 273 (“the touch-and-glide thumb
`movement, variously referred to as ‘swiping,’ ... ‘gliding’ ...’”); 390 (similar). The
`Applicant also specifically referenced and provided a link to its promotional video
`for a commercial embodiment, the Neonode N2 phone, and asked the Examiner to
`“view the demonstration video … prior to reviewing Applicant’s arguments ….”
`Ex. 1002 [Prosecution-History] 214-215; Ex. 2020 [N2-Advertisement-Video]. As
`the screen shots below from the video show, the “gliding … away” gesture is similar
`to what many of today’s systems refer to as a “swipe” gesture and is distinct from a
`drag-and-drop operation. Specifically, the thumb is placed on a representation of a
`function (an arrow) and through a swiping motion, the menu screen opens:
`See Ex. 2020 [N2-Advertisement-Video ] (screenshots from 00:26-00:27).
`41. Such gliding corresponds to what is shown, for instance, in Figure 2
`which shows a thumb gliding along the touchscreen:


`42. Moreover, there is striking similarity between the ’879 Patent’s figures
`and Neonode’s N1 and N2 phones:
`Ex. 1001 [’879] Figs. 3, 13; Ex. 2039 [PhD-Dissertation] 9, Figure 11.


`I further have reviewed material showing praise for Neonode’s swiping
`user interface. For example, Pen Computing Magazine described Neonode N1
`phone’s swipe as “simple and brilliant” and different from the “dreaded gestures” of
`the pen computing devices (like Petitioner’s Hirayama-307):
`Swipe, swipe, swipe
`You see, instead of the usual menus and pulldowns, most operations are
`performed by sweeps of your finger—usually your thumb—across the
`surface of the Neonode’s display. […] If this sounds like the dreaded
`“gestures” that never really caught on in pen computing, it’s not. The
`swipes are much simpler, there are only a few, and they are consistently
`used throughout all applications. The idea here is to let you hold a
`phone in the palm of your hand and operate it entirely with your thumb.
`No need to push buttons, view tiny menus, pull out a tiny stylus, or use
`scroll wheels, rockers or other such vexing miniature controls. […]
`Neonode’s swiping interface is [] simple and brilliant.
`Ex. 2013, 2-3; id., 5 (“What’s the bottomline? The Neonode phone is quite
`obviously unique, ... The user interface is compelling and it’s easy to see how just
`a bit more development could provide almost total consistency and thus a user
`experience simpler than pretty much anything else that comes to mind. The speed
`is simply amazing. That’s the way a phone should operate.”).
`I have also reviewed material showing praise of Neonode’s swipe-based
`user interface by various technology observers. Exs. 2033, 1 (“I’ve been playing


`with my N1m on and off, and I’m very impressed! It’s definitely a best kept secret
`device – Neonode’s touch-based user interface with gesture recognition ... is
`extremely intuitive ...”); 2031, 1 (“[The N2] has the most advanced touchscreen
`available, and has no buttons ... ‘Neonode N2 is designed for advanced simplicity.
`You do everything on-screen, simply and conveniently, with just one finger,
`Infibeam says. ‘The combination of an optical touch screen and specifically
`designed user interface makes access to all features and content of your Neonode N2
`both quick and easy.’”); 2032, 2034; Ex. 2035 [iPhone-Killer] 2 (“the N2 from
`Neonode Inc. – is the strongest contender for the title of ‘iPhone killer,’ ... ‘They’ve
`come out with a kick-ass device’... the [N1’s] screen reacts to the intuitive passage
`of a finger over the screen to initiate basic phone, Web browser and multimedia
`I have also reviewed testimony that Senior management at Samsung’s
`mobile telecom division were extremely impressed by Neonode’s N1, and in early
`2005 began discussions with Neonode about licensing the N1’s gesture-based user
`interface and touch screen technology. Ex. 2055, ¶ 9. Ki-Tai Lee (K. T. Lee), head
`of Samsung’s mobile telecom division, presciently told Neonode that he believed
`Neonode’s intuitive user interface was “the future of mobile phones.” Id. Neonode
`had many hours of meetings with Samsung, including a meeting in London, attended
`by Marcus Bäcklund, Thomas Ericsson, and Per Bystedt. Id. Mr. Lee told


`Samsung’s negotiators—in Neonode’s presence—that “we need this,” referring to
`the Neonode’s N1 gesture-based user interface and the license for the user interface.
`Id. I further understand that Samsung subsequently signed a licensing agreement
`with Neonode in 2005, and the licensing agreement covered, among other things,
`the application that ultimately issued as the ’879 patent. Ex. 2014, ¶ 10; Ex. 2056,
`¶¶ 13-14.
`I have further reviewed evidence demonstrating the belief among the
`technology observers that when Apple introduced the first iPhone in 2007 (see Ex.
`2036)1, its swiping gestures resembled that of Neonode. For example, Pen
`Computing Magazine wrote:
`Listening to Apple’s claims of all the patents covering the iPhone’s user
`interface one might assume the iPhone broke completely new ground
`and went where no phone had ever gone before.
`That is not entirely so. Neonode, a small Swedish company ...
`announced the Neonode N1 back in 2002. ... It did not use a stylus
`either. Instead, it used a swipe and tap system on a novel touch screen
`that used a grid of infrared beams to sense finger movement.
`... And if the iPhone’s swipes and taps seem futuristic, they are not.
`Neonode has been using them since the first N1 came out. In fact, the
`company’s Neno user interface is based entirely on swipes and taps.
`1 The first commercial phone utilizing Petitioner’s Android operating system was not released until September 2008.
`Ex. 2037 [Wikipedia-Android-Operating-System] 1.


`Ex. 2024, 1. The author followed,
`[I]t must be vexing to see Apple essentially claim ownership of
`concepts the Neonode phone has been using for at least five years.
`Id., 9.
`I have also reviewed online videos made by the public about how
`Neonode’s “sweeping touch screen” was the “original,” to the iPhone “copycat”:
`Ex. 2038 [User-Video] (at 0:04, 0:06, 0:12, and 0:17).
`I have also reviewed a Ph.D. dissertation and a Master’s thesis that
`described Neonode as “the first smartphone to use a touchscreen as primary input


`and to support touch gestures for several functions,” (Ex. 2039, 9), and “The
`Neonode N1 was the first commercially available mobile device to make extensive
`use of swipe gestures appropriate for one-handed use, including a browser that
`scrolled content vertically with swipes,” (Ex. 2040, 8).
`I have also reviewed testimony about commercial sales of Neonode
`phones, explaining that Neonode sold tens of thousands of its N1 and N2 phones to
`various operators around the world, including Mexico, Belgium and India. Ex. 2054,
`¶ 6; Ex. 2010; Ex. 2014; Ex. 2055, ¶ 11; Ex. 2056, ¶¶ 8-10. I understand that, as a
`small startup company without the backing of any major carrier, and with limited
`manufacturing experience, Neonode phones were priced up to $1,000, which is
`many times more expensive than the typical luxury phones of its time. Id.
`50. The above evidence, showing praise by industry observers, competitors
`and users, further support my conclusions below that the claims were not obvious at
`the time of the invention.
`The Robertson-Grounds (Grounds 1-3).
`Robertson Is Not Analogous Art To The ’879 Patent.
`51. Grounds 1-3 rely on the Robertson reference to render the claims
`obvious. Pet., 1-2. Based on the law regarding analogous art as explained to me
`by Neonode attorneys and summarized below, it is my opinion that Dr. Wobbrock
`has not shown Robertson to be analogous art to the ’879 Patent.


`I understand that in order to be eligible as prior art and therefore form
`a reference in one of the instituted grounds, a reference must be analogous art to
`the ’879 Patent. I also understand that it is Petitioner’s burden to prove that
`Robertson is analogous art to the ’879 Patent. I am informed that in order to
`determine whether a reference such as Robertson is analogous art to the ’879
`Patent, a two-part test is applied as follows:
`Two separate tests define the scope of analogous prior art: (1) whether
`the art is from the same field of endeavor, regardless of the problem
`addressed and, (2) if the reference is not within the field of the
`inventor’s endeavor, whether the reference still is reasonably pertinent
`to the particular problem with which the inventor is involved.
`In re Bigio, 381 F.3d 1320, 1325 (Fed. Cir. 2004); see also In re Clay, 966 F.2d
`656, 658 (Fed. Cir. 1992).
`I have not seen any analysis in Dr. Wobbrock’s declaration to show
`that Robertson is analogous art to the ’879 Patent, and, therefore, there is no
`analysis for me to respond to in that respect. However, for completeness, I address
`below why Robertson is neither in the same field of endeavor as the ’879 patent
`nor reasonably pertinent to the problem with which the ’879’s inventors were


`Petitioner Has Not Shown That Robertson Is In The Same
`Field Of Endeavor As The ’879 Patent.
`54. The ’879’s field of endeavor is “user interfaces for mobile handheld
`computer units” and is directed at “inexperienced users” using such consumer
`devices. The ’879

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