Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` Petitioners
` V.
` Patent Owner
` Case No. IPR2021-00990
` Patent No. 7,110,444
` of
` (Taken by Petitioners)
` Thursday, April 28th, 2022
` 10:01 a.m.
` Reported by: Leslie Christian Lentkowski
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
`On Behalf of the Petitioners:
` Edward J. Mayle, Esquire (via videoconference)
` Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton
` 1400 Wewatta Street
` Suite 600
` Denver, Colorado 80202
` 303-607-3368
`On Behalf of the Patent Owner:
` Stephanie Mandir, Esquire (via videoconference)
` Daignault Iyer
` 8618 Westwood Center Drive
` Suite 900
` Vienna, Virginia 22182
` 202-270-5666
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`TCL & Hisense
`Ex. 1021
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` E X A M I N A T I O N S
` Witness Page
` Michael Steer, Ph.D.
` By Mr. Mayle 4
` E X H I B I T S
` Exhibit Page
` Exhibit 1 Declaration of Michael Steer, Ph.D. 53
` Exhibit 2 Transcript of Michael Steer, Ph.D. 53
` Exhibit 3 Final Written Decision 53
` Exhibit 4 Declaration of Dr. Michael Steer 53
` Exhibit 5 United States Patent '444 53
`5 6
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` THE REPORTER: Participating attorneys
`recognize that all parties, including the witness and
`court reporter, are participating remotely. In lieu of
`an oath administered in person, the witness will
`verbally declare that their testimony in this
`deposition is under penalty of perjury and will be the
`truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
` Dr. Steer, do you agree?
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I do.
` THE REPORTER: Counsel stipulate that
`all objections to the remote participation are waived.
`Please state your name and indicate your agreement on
`the record.
` MR. MAYLE: Counsel for petitioner --
`Ted Mayle -- and we agree to those stipulations.
` MS. MANDIR: This is Stephanie Mandir
`from the law firm of Daignault Iyer representing
`ParkerVision and the witness, Dr. Michael Steer, and we
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Steer.
` A. Good morning, Mr. Mayle.
` Q. So we met yesterday in connection with
`another IPR involving the '835 patent, right?
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` A. Correct.
` Q. Today we're here about an IPR involving the
`'444 patent, right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Can you just state your full name for the
` A. My full name is Michael Bernard Steer.
` Q. Are you at your home address right now?
` A. I'm at my home address.
` Q. And can you just tell us what city that is?
` A. 2421 Coley Forest Place -- that is
`C-o-l-e-y Forest Place -- Raleigh, North Carolina.
` Q. Is there anyone else that's physically
`present with you today?
` A. My wife is in the house currently. There
`is no one in the room with me.
` Q. Are you using any notes today?
` A. I am not. I do have a printout -- a
`printout of my declaration. Ms. Mandir sent that to me
`this morning, and I printed it off this morning.
` Q. Very well. I've already marked that as
`Deposition Exhibit 1.
` A. Yes.
` Q. You don't need to go to that now, but you
`can use your printout if you feel it's more efficient.
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` A. I think I need to answer in full. I don't
`have any other notes.
` Q. Okay. Do you have any applications open
`other than this deposition exhibit application on your
`computer or phone or anything?
` A. I don't have my phone. There's not much
`here. I have my download folder open. I have Exhibit
`Share open in Edge. I have Adobe Acrobat open and
`Zoom. That's it.
` Q. Okay. The rules of the Patent Trial and
`Appeal Board are that the witness is not supposed to
`talk to their counsel during the cross-examination. Do
`you understand that?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Well, with the exception of if there's a
`privilege issue, you can talk to your counsel about
`that. Okay?
` Do you agree that you will not be in
`electronic communication with anyone during this
` A. Yes, I agree.
` Q. If you just look at the front cover of your
`printed declaration, do you see that it lists the
`patent number for the '444 patent on there?
` A. Yes, I agree. I see that.
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` Q. When we refer to the '444 patent, can we
`agree that we're talking about U.S. Patent Number
` A. Yes.
` Q. As I stated, your declaration in this IPR
`is going to be Deposition Exhibit 1. If you could look
`back to your signature. I think it's on Page 147. Do
`you verify that that is indeed your signature?
` A. Yes. That is my signature.
` Q. And it says it was dated February 18th,
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you submitted this declaration under
`penalty of perjury, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you realize that you are now testifying
`under oath in this deposition?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you know of any reason that you can't
`give complete and truthful testimony today?
` A. There's no reason.
` Q. Is there any reason that you know of that
`your memory might be impaired today?
` A. No.
` Q. You're being compensated for ParkerVision
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
`-- you're being compensated by ParkerVision for your
`testimony today, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And was your rate 440 an hour? Is that
`your rate?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. And you're charging that for today's time
`as well?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And did you charge that rate to
`ParkerVision for any preparation you've done for this
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. About how much time did you spend preparing
`for today's deposition?
` A. I spent about 20 hours preparing for
`today's deposition.
` Q. When did you start preparing?
` A. I probably started preparing two weeks ago.
` Q. Did you prepare last night for today's
` A. I prepared late yesterday afternoon up
`until about 6:00.
` Q. In your preparations over the last couple
`of weeks of this deposition, did you have any telephone
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
`calls or meetings with any other people?
` A. Concerning this deposition, I talked to
`counsel at Daignault Iyer.
` Q. Did you talk to anyone else concerning this
` A. No, I did not.
` Q. In your preparation yesterday, did that
`involve counsel as well?
` A. I did talk to counsel yesterday after
`yesterday's deposition. During my preparation, I don't
`think I talked to them about today's deposition
` Q. So you've represented ParkerVision as an
`expert witness several times?
` A. Yes, several times.
` Q. There's this IPR, and there was the '444
`IPR filed by TCL and Hisense, right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And you were ParkerVision's expert in an
`IPR also against a '444 filed by Intel, correct?
` A. Yes, I was.
` Q. You were ParkerVision's expert in the
`second Qualcomm case that took place in Florida,
` A. That was to take place in Florida, yes.
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` Q. I don't mean "trial." I mean, there was a
`case in Florida that --
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you were ParkerVision's expert in an
`ITC case as well, correct?
` A. Yes, correct.
` Q. Are there any other matters besides those
`that we just talked about that you were ParkerVision's
` A. An expert on behalf of ParkerVision?
` Q. Yes.
` A. I don't think so. Not to my knowledge.
` Q. And you were deposed in several of those
`matters, right?
` A. There was a case involving the law firm of
`Mintz, which was the ITC case. I was deposed once in
`that. I was deposed twice in relationship to the
`ParkerVision II case managed by McKool. And that's all
`I recall.
` Q. And when you were deposed there, were they
`deposing you on an expert report?
` A. Yes, they were.
` Q. Okay. And I think you said yesterday, but
`correct me if I'm wrong, you've not testified live in a
`court or other tribunal in connection with your work
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
`with ParkerVision, right?
` A. That's right.
` Q. Do you remember yesterday we talked about a
`book series entitled "Microwave and RF Design"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you're the author of the book series
`"Microwave and RF Design," correct?
` A. Yes, correct.
` Q. That book series never mentions Jeff
`Parker, correct?
` A. No, it does not.
` Q. And that book series never mentions David
`Sorrells, right?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. And David Sorrells -- I don't know if he
`still does, but he worked at ParkerVision, and he was
`an inventor on many of their patents, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Do you know if he's still at ParkerVision?
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I have no knowledge.
` Q. David Sorrells is listed as an inventor on
`the '444 and '835 patents, correct?
` A. He's one of the inventors on those two
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` Q. And he's one of the inventors on the '551
`patent, right?
` A. Yes, he is.
` Q. The '551 patent is incorporated by
`reference into the '444 and the '835 patents, right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Going back to the book series "Microwave
`and RF Design," those books never mentioned
`ParkerVision, correct?
` A. They do not.
` Q. And the book series does not mention energy
`sampling, correct?
` A. I don't recall. I probably don't. It
`probably doesn't.
` Q. And the book series never mentions energy
`transfer, correct?
` A. Well, there's a good chance it does simply
`because Microwave and RF Design -- you know, we deal
`with transmission lines a lot. So I cannot recall
`whether I actually use that precise term, but the
`concept of transferring energy would certainly be
` Q. You were deposed by Intel's lawyers in an
`IPR involving in the '444 patent, correct?
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` A. Yes.
` Q. And when you were deposed, you testified
`under oath there, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And when you testified in that deposition,
`you told the truth, correct?
` A. As far as I know, I told the truth.
` Q. Please refresh your exhibit folder. I've
`uploaded Number 2. There's probably only going to be
`one question about this exhibit, so you might not need
`to download the whole thing.
` A. I have downloaded it.
` Q. Can you confirm that this Exhibit 2 is the
`transcript of your deposition in the Intel IPR and '444
` A. It certainly does look like the transcript
`-- the exhibit. That is what's written on the first
`page, "Transcript of Michael Steer on July 28, 2021,"
`in a case involving Intel and ParkerVision. I don't
`see '444 written on here, and I don't -- so I can't
`actually assign that date to a particular patent.
` Q. You remember seeing this exhibit yesterday,
` A. It would be very easy to find whether it's
`the '444 patent.
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` I actually -- I did see a transcript
`yesterday. I'm not sure it was this one.
` Q. If you go to the second page of Exhibit 2
`under the cover page, do you see where it says
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. I'll represent to you that that is the IPR
`filed by Intel against the '444 patent.
` A. Okay. I'll accept that.
` Q. Well, later today I'm going to introduce
`the final written decision from that case.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Yesterday you saw the final written
`decision from this IPR.
` A. I believe you presented it. I just -- my
`mind is a blank of yesterday.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Things were deleted at 4 p.m.
` Q. Fair enough. I'll direct your attention to
`Page 44.
` A. Of Exhibit 2?
` Q. Of Exhibit 2.
` A. That would be a page labeled 44?
` Q. Yes. On the top right, 44.
` A. Right.
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` Q. At Page 44, Line 20, the question was, "The
`book series never mentions the phrase 'energy
`transfer.' Correct?" The answer is, "That is
` Were you asked that question and did you
`provide that answer in your deposition in the Intel
`'444 patent IPR?
` A. That's what I said here, that I didn't
`mention the word -- the phrase "energy transfer."
` Q. You have never written an article that
`mentions the phrase "energy sampling," correct?
` A. I don't think so.
` Q. And you have never written an article that
`mentions the phrase "energy transfer," correct?
` A. I cannot be sure about that.
` Q. I'll direct your attention to Page 45 of
`Exhibit 2. You should be there already.
` A. Yes. I'm on Page 45.
` Q. If you look at Line 8, the question was,
`"Have you ever written an article that mentions energy
`transfer?" and the answer was, "I have not."
` Was that question asked and did you provide
`that answer in your deposition testimony?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. You are not aware of any ParkerVision
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
`product that was a commercial success, right?
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I am not aware of
`everything they have done. I am aware of a Wi-Fi
`router. I recall reading -- I think I was provided
`with a clipping from a trade magazine which reviewed a
`Wi-Fi product. Since it was in a trade magazine, I
`assume that it was a commercial product, but I would
`have no knowledge as to whether it was a successful
`product or not.
` Q. So you submitted in your declaration in
`this IPR some opinions on secondary considerations,
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. So you're not -- it's not your opinion that
`ParkerVision products were a commercial success,
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, form, and
` THE WITNESS: I need to refresh my
` Q. You can look at Page 94 of your
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` A. Yes. I'm on Page 94. Here I have two
`sections. One is "Praise by others" where Qualcomm
`praised ParkerVision's energy -- transfer energy
`sampling system. There are comments that were
`extracted from e-mails that were made publicly
`available -- e-mails from the ParkerVision people. And
`then I have a section on "Copying and commercial
`success." But an answer to your question, in here I do
`not talk about ParkerVision products.
` Q. Thank you. You say on Page 95 of your
`declaration that Qualcomm and others began to use
`energy transfer systems set forth in Claims 2-4 of the
`'444 patent. Do you see that?
` A. So which page? 94, did you say?
` Q. Page 95.
` A. Page 95. I didn't print it out. Okay. I
`need to look at the exhibit. Not everything got
`printed out. So Exhibit 1, Page 95. I'm on Page 95.
`What was the question again, please?
` Q. On Page 95, you mention -- you state that
`Qualcomm and others began to use systems set forth in
`Claims 2-4 of the '444 patent. Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. Has ParkerVision sued Qualcomm for
`Claims 2-4 of the '444 patent?
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I do not recall whether
`the '444 patent has been involved. I simply don't
` Q. And you don't show in your declaration
`anywhere which product Qualcomm allegedly uses that
`infringes any of ParkerVision's patents, correct?
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I believe I would be
`prevented to mention that because of protective orders.
`That's my understanding.
` Q. Well, I'm not asking you why. I'm just
`asking you -- correct me if I'm wrong, there's nothing
`in your declaration that shows any product of Qualcomm
`that supposedly infringes any patent, correct?
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Yes. My understanding
`is that I do not identify a particular Qualcomm product
`anywhere in the declaration.
` Q. ParkerVision was not the first to invent
`the method of frequency down-conversion of a received
`electromagnetic signal, correct?
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Down-conversion of a
`received electromagnetic signal was being done before
`the ParkerVision patents came about.
` Q. I'm going to introduce another exhibit.
`This should be a breeze if I do it right -- no
` Okay. Please refresh your folder.
` A. Yes. I see Exhibit 3.
` Q. Okay. Do you see that -- just to make sure
`we're looking at the same thing, Exhibit 3 is the final
`written decision from IPR2020-01265, correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. And that final written decision concerned
`the '444 patent, and it was based on a petition by
`Intel, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Now, you were ParkerVision's expert in that
`IPR proceeding, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you submitted a written declaration in
`that case, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you were deposed in that case, correct?
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` A. Yes.
` Q. Were you deposed only once?
` A. In respect to the '444 patent?
` Q. Yes.
` A. My recollection is that I was only deposed
`once in respect to the IPR.
` Q. I only found one transcript, so I was
`seeing if we missed one.
` If you look on Page 32, please. Let me
`know when you're there.
` A. Yes. 32 -- PDF 32 on the page and 32 on
`the exhibit. Two tables -- there are two tables on the
` Q. That's the page. We talked about this page
`in yesterday's deposition, right?
` A. Yes, I remember that.
` Q. So maybe we can move through this faster.
` You agree that the top table on Page 32 is
`directed to the term "storage element," and it stows
`ParkerVision's and Intel's competing proposed
`constructions of that term in the district court
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Right. And you see the district court,
`which was the Western District of Texas, issued a final
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
`claim construction, which is in the last column on the
`table at the top of Page 32, right?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Right. And you see that the district court
`-- the district court's final construction, among other
`things, included that phrase "of an energy transfer
`system," right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you see that the district court's final
`construction did not include the phrase "for driving a
`low impedance load," right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. The table at the bottom of Page 32
`shows the parties' competing constructions in the IPR
`proceeding for the '444 patent, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the bottom table shows that
`ParkerVision proposed -- ParkerVision's proposal in the
`IPR mirrored the district court's final construction,
` A. Correct.
` Q. And Intel's construction was different,
`among other reasons, for not including the phrase "of
`an energy transfer system," right?
` A. That's right.
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` Q. Let's go to Page 41, please.
` A. Yes. I'm on Page 41.
` Q. And the first full paragraph above the
`heading "B. Other Claim Terms" states that, "Based on
`our review of the complete record before us, including
`the intrinsic and extrinsic evidence, we determine that
`one of ordinary skill in the art would understand
`'storage element' to mean 'an element of a system that
`stores non-negligible amounts of energy from an input
`EM signal.'"
` That's what it reads, correct?
` A. Yes, that's right.
` Q. And so the Board ended up rejecting
`ParkerVision's construction insofar that the Board's
`construction does not include the phrase "of an energy
`transfer system," correct?
` A. I agree with that.
` Q. Now, we talked about this yesterday in your
`deposition, right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And yesterday was the very first time that
`you saw this final written decision, correct?
` A. I was aware of the Board's claim
`construction, but I had not seen the written
`description -- sorry -- the final written opinion.
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` Q. So were you aware that there was a
`construction and also aware of what that construction
`actually was, or were you only aware in general terms
`that there was some construction?
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I was aware that the
`PTAB claim construction for storage element did not
`include "of an energy transfer system."
` Q. You don't mention that fact anywhere in
`your declaration, correct?
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall. I would
`need to go back and look at what I actually said about
`claim construction.
` Q. Let's see if I can help you.
` A. You can take me to that page because
`obviously I didn't print everything out.
` Q. It's probably 36 in your declaration, which
`is Exhibit 1.
` A. It's not Page 36. Page 86?
` Q. 36.
` A. I'm looking at Page 36 of my declaration.
` Q. Right.
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` A. It describes I/Q modulation.
` Q. Hold on a second. Let me make sure I'm in
`the right -- sorry. I was looking at patent owners,
`not your -- I was looking at ParkerVision's paper, not
`your declaration. It looks like, yeah, 86.
` A. And then in Paragraph 226, I said that, "I
`have reviewed the construction of the Board in
`IPR2020-01265, which construed 'storage element' as 'an
`element of a system that stores non-negligible amounts
`of energy from an input electromagnetic signal.'"
` So I did mention the Board's claim
` Q. And that claim construction was for claims
`in the '444 patent, correct?
` A. That's correct. 2020-01265. That's the
`same number.
` Q. And your proposed claim construction is
`different than the Board's construction of storage
`element, correct?
` A. That's correct. There are two claim
`constructions going around, of course. The PTAB and
`this -- the Intel IPR related to the '444 is not the
`same as the one from the U.S. District Court.
` Q. And you've rendered some opinions in this
`declaration about the petitioners' proposed grounds for
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
`obviousness, correct?
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I do.
` Q. And your opinions as to obviousness in this
`IPR are not based on the Board's construction of
`storage module, correct? Storage element.
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: My recollection is that
`there's only one part of my report that relates to an
`energy transfer system. Every other part of the report
`upholds with the PTAB's construction.
` Q. Okay. So the parts of your report that
`relate to "of an energy transfer system" are not based
`on the Board's construction of storage element,
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I want to be careful in
`answering that so that I make sure that I understand
`it. So there is one part of my report that relates to
`-- well, actually, I describe an energy transfer system
`in the background of the report. There is only one
`part where I -- in regards to Tayloe where I consider
`energy being transferred to the load, but all of my
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
`other opinions hold with respect to either a claim
` Q. Right. Just to be clear, I'm not talking
`about the other parts. Let's focus for a minute on the
`parts of your opinions that relate to "of an energy
`transfer system" and only those parts.
` Your opinions are not based on the Board's
`construction of storage element, right?
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: There are a few
`negatives in there, and I -- and so I don't know -- I
`don't think I can answer that question directly, but
`there is one proof regarding Tayloe which addresses the
`concept of the energy transfer system, but all of my
`other opinions that I express hold with either a claim
`construction for storage module.
` Q. Let's go back to your declaration at
`page --
` A. Which page was that again, please?
` Q. I'll direct your attention to Page 86.
` A. Yes. I'm on Page 86.
` Q. You're not a lawyer or a registered patent
`issuer, correct?
`Page 26
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`TCL & Hisense
`Ex. 1021
`Page 26


`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 28, 2022
` A. No, I am not.
` Q. You don't mean to give any opinions on the
`law in your declaration, right?
` A. The only methods of law that I describe are
`the ones that were -- the opinions were given to me by
` Q. And do you mean, for example, in
`Paragraph 222, you state, "I understand," and then you
`state some understandings. Were those understandings
`given to you by counsel?
` A. Yes. They informed me of those matters,
`that claim construction is a matter of law, and that
`claim construction in this case will be determined by
`the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
` Q. Okay. And in these Paragraphs 222 and 223,
`you don't mention the concept of lexicography, correct?
` A. Well, my understanding of lexicography is
`it's the process of writing a dictionary, but I don't
`know whether it has a particular legal meaning or not.
`It seems using lexicography in the plain and ordinary
`meaning -- I don't know how it applies here. So if
`we're talking about the lexicographic definition
`related to claim construction, I think that must have a
`legal meaning that I'm not aware of.
` Q. In your response there, you mentioned
`Page 27
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`TCL & Hisense
`Ex. 1021
`Page 27



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