1/19/2023 | 01-19-2023-Patent_Owner | |
11/21/2022 | 11-21-2022-Board | |
11/16/2022 | 11-16-2022-Board | |
11/9/2022 | 11-09-2022-Petitioner | |
9/23/2022 | 09-23-2022-Board | |
9/7/2022 | 09-07-2022-Patent_Owner | |
8/31/2022 | 08-31-2022-Patent_Owner | |
8/31/2022 | 08-31-2022-Petitioner | |
8/22/2022 | 08-22-2022-Board | |
8/4/2022 | 08-04-2022-Petitioner | |
8/4/2022 | 08-04-2022-Patent_Owner | |
8/3/2022 | 08-03-2022-Petitioner | |
8/1/2022 | 08-01-2022-Patent_Owner | |
7/26/2022 | 07-26-2022-Board | |
6/30/2022 | 06-30-2022-Petitioner | |
6/27/2022 | 06-27-2022-Patent_Owner | |
6/22/2022 | 06-22-2022-Patent_Owner | |
5/27/2022 | 05-27-2022-Petitioner | |
5/18/2022 | 05-18-2022-Petitioner | |
5/3/2022 | 05-03-2022-Board | |
4/18/2022 | 04-18-2022-Petitioner | |
4/12/2022 | 04-12-2022-Board | |
4/6/2022 | 04-06-2022-Patent_Owner | |
3/28/2022 | 03-28-2022-Petitioner | |
3/23/2022 | 03-23-2022-Petitioner | |
2/18/2022 | 02-18-2022-Patent_Owner | - Patent Owner Exhibit 2016: Final Written Decision (IPR2020-01265)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2017: Claim Construction Order, ParkerVision, Inc. v. Intel Corp., No. 6:20-cv-00108-ADA (W.D. Tex.)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2018: Claim Construction Order, ParkerVision, Inc. v. Intel Corp., No. 6:20-cv-00562-ADA (W.D. Tex.)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2019: Amended Claim Construction Order, ParkerVision, Inc. v. Intel Corp., No. 6:20-cv-00562-ADA (W.D. Tex.)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2020: Special Master���s Recommended Claim Constructions, ParkerVision, Inc. v. Hisense Co., Ltd. et al., No. 6:20-cv-00870-ADA (W.D. Tex.)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2021: Special Master���s Recommended Claim Constructions, ParkerVision, Inc. v. TCL Industries Holdings Co., No. 6:20-cv-00945-ADA
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2022: ���Transistor,��� The American Heritage College Dictionary (3rd ed. 1997)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2023: Donald Christiansen, Electronics Engineers��� Handbook (4th ed. 1996)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2024: Richard C. Jaeger, Microelectronic Circuit Design (1997)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2025: Rudolf Graf, Modern Dictionary of Electronics (7th ed. 1999)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2026: J. Crols, ���A 1.5 GHz Highly Linear CMOS Downconversion Mixer, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 30, No.7, pp. 736-742, July 1995
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2027: A. Rofougaran, J. Chang, M. Rofougaran, and A. Abidi, ���A 1 GHz CMOS RF Front-End IC for a Direct-Conversion Wireless Receiver,��� IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 31, No. 7, pp. 880-889, July 1996
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2028: B. Razavi, ���Challenges in Portable RF Transceiver Design,��� IEEE Circuits and Devices, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 12-25, Sept. 1996
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2029: U.S. Patent No. 6,061,551
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2030: B. Razavi, ���CMOS RF receiver design for wireless LAN applications,��� IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference, pp. 275-280, Aug. 1999
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2031: Qualcomm Email dated Aug. 11, 1998
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2032: Qualcomm Email dated Feb. 2, 1999
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2033: Qualcomm Email dated Oct. 7, 1998
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2034: Qualcomm Email dated Feb. 4, 1999
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2035: Thomas L. Floyd, Principles of Electric Circuits (5th ed. 1997)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2036: Martin Hartley Jones, A practical introduction to electronic circuits (3rd ed. 1995)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2037: SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics, ���General Purpose Single Operational Amplifier UA741��� (October 1997)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2038: Declaration of Dr. Michael Steer
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2039: McClaning, Wireless Receiver Design for Digital Communications (SciTech Publishing 2012)
2/10/2022 | 02-10-2022-Patent_Owner | |
11/22/2021 | 11-22-2021-Board | |
8/26/2021 | 08-26-2021-Patent_Owner | - Patent Owner Exhibit 2001: Complaint, ParkerVision, Inc. v. TCL Technology Group Corp. et al, Case No. 5:20-cv-01030 (CDCA)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2002: Proof of Service, ParkerVision, Inc. v. TCL Technology Group Corp. et al, Case No. 5:20-cv-01030 (CDCA)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2003: Complaint, ParkerVision, Inc. v. TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. et al., Case No. 6:20-cv-00945 (WDTX)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2004: Complaint, ParkerVision, Inc. v. Hisense Co., Ltd. et al., Case No. 6:20-cv-00870
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2005: Scheduling Order, ParkerVision, Inc. v. TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. et al., Case No. 6:20-cv-00945 (WDTX)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2006: Scheduling Order, ParkerVision, Inc. v. Hisense Co., Ltd. et al., Case No. 6:20-cv-00870 (WDTX)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2007: Relevant Excerpts of Defendant���s Preliminary Invalidity Contentions, filed in ParkerVision, Inc. v. TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. et al., Case No. 6:20-cv-00945 (WDTX)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2008: Relevant Excerpts of Defendant���s Preliminary Invalidity Contentions, filed in ParkerVision, Inc. v. Hisense Co., Ltd. et al., Case No. 6:20-cv-00870
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2009: Published Interview of Judge Albright, IAM (Apr. 7, 2020)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2010: Hearing Transcript from ParkerVision, Inc. v. Intel Corp., Case No. 6:20-cv-00108
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2011: Docket Order, Kerr Machine Co. d/b/a Kerr Pumps v. Vulcan Industrial Holdings, LLC, No. 6:20-cv-00200
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2012: Petition from Intel Corp. v. ParkerVision, Inc., Case No. IPR2020-01265 (PTAB)
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2013: Institution Decision from Intel Corp. v. ParkerVision, Inc., Case No. IPR2020-01265
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2014: Email from Robert Earle re Trial Dates (ParkerVision Inc. v. Intel Corp., Case No. 6:20-cv-00108).
- Patent Owner Exhibit 2015: Relevant Excerpts of Defendant���s Preliminary Invalidity Contentions, filed in ParkerVision, Inc. v. Intel Corp., Case No. 6:20-cv-00108
8/25/2021 | 08-25-2021-Patent_Owner | |
6/7/2021 | 06-07-2021-Petitioner | |
5/26/2021 | 05-26-2021-Board | |
5/20/2021 | 05-20-2021-Petitioner | - Petitioner Exhibit 1001: U.S. Patent No. 7,110,444
- Petitioner Exhibit 1002: Declaration of Dr. Matthew B. Shoemake
- Petitioner Exhibit 1002: Ex. 1002 - Executed Declaration of Dr. Matthew Shoemake
- Petitioner Exhibit 1003: U.S. Patent No. 7,110,444 patent File History
- Petitioner Exhibit 1004: U.S. Patent No. 6,230,000
- Petitioner Exhibit 1005: SN74CBT3253D Dual 1-of-4 FET Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
- Petitioner Exhibit 1006: U.S. Patent No. 5,937,013
- Petitioner Exhibit 1007: Circuit Techniques for Reducing the Effects of Op-Amp Imperfections: Autozeroing, Correlated Double Sampling, and Chopper Stabilization
- Petitioner Exhibit 1008: Haque et al, A Two Chip PCM Voice CODEC With Filters, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
- Petitioner Exhibit 1009: Declaration of Maureen M. Honeycutt
- Petitioner Exhibit 1010: May 7, 2021 email from WDTX clerk
- Petitioner Exhibit 1011: ParkerVision Inc. Disclosure of Preliminary Infringement Contentions vs. TCL
- Petitioner Exhibit 1012: ParkerVision Inc. Disclosure of Preliminary Infringement Contentions vs. Hisense
- Petitioner Exhibit 1013: Claim Construction Order, ParkerVision, Inc. v. Intel Corp.
- Petitioner Exhibit 1014: U.S. Patent No. 5,764,693
- Petitioner Exhibit 1015: U.S. Patent No. 5,742,641