Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` Petitioners
` V.
` Patent Owner
` Case No. IPR2021-00985
` Patent No. 7,292,835
` of
` (Taken by Petitioners)
` Wednesday, April 27th, 2022
` 10:02 a.m.
` Reported by: Leslie Christian Lentkowski
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
`On Behalf of the Petitioners:
` Edward J. Mayle, Esquire (via videoconference)
` Kristopher L. Reed, Esquire (via videoconference)
` Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton
` 1400 Wewatta Street
` Suite 600
` Denver, Colorado 80202
` 303-607-3368
`On Behalf of the Patent Owner:
` Stephanie Mandir, Esquire (via videoconference)
` Jason Charkow, Esquire (via videoconference)
` Daignault Iyer
` 8618 Westwood Center Drive
` Suite 900
` Vienna, Virginia 22182
` 202-270-5666
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` E X A M I N A T I O N S
` Witness Page
` Michael Steer, Ph.D.
` By Mr. Mayle 4
` E X H I B I T S
` Exhibit Page
` Exhibit 1 Declaration 158
` Exhibit 2 Michael Steer deposition transcript 158
` Exhibit 3 Order excluding expert testimony 158
` Exhibit 4 Final written decision 158
` Exhibit 5 Order 26 dated March 9th, 2017 158
` Exhibit 6 Declaration of Dr. Michael Steer 158
` Exhibit 7 Thacker patent 158
` Exhibit 8 Goldberg - Electronic Design 158
` Exhibit 9 ITU-T Recommendation J.83 158
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` THE REPORTER: Participating attorneys
`recognize that all parties, including the witness and
`court reporter, are participating remotely. In lieu of
`an oath administered in person, the witness will
`verbally declare that their testimony in this
`deposition is under penalty of perjury and will be the
`truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
` Dr. Steer, do you agree?
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I do.
` THE REPORTER: Counsel stipulate that
`all objections to the remote participation are waived.
`Please state your name and indicate your agreement on
`the record.
` MR. MAYLE: For petitioner, Ted Mayle,
`and we agree to that.
` MS. MANDIR: This is Stephanie Mandir,
`and we agree to that.
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Steer. My name is Ted
`Mayle. I'm an attorney with the law firm Kilpatrick
`Townsend & Stockton, and we represent the petitioners,
`TCL and Hisense. Kris Reed is also on our side --
`counsel on our side.
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` How are you doing this morning, sir?
` A. Doing very well. Thank you.
` Q. Just for the record, can you please state
`your full name.
` A. My full name is Michael Bernard Steer.
` Q. And what city do you live in?
` A. I live in Raleigh, North Carolina.
` Q. Are you at your home right now?
` A. Yes, I am.
` Q. Is there anyone else present with you in
`the room you're in?
` A. No. I'm on my own.
` Q. Are you using any notes today?
` A. I have no notes in front of me. I have a
`printed copy of my declaration, but that is all.
` Q. Thank you. That should be helpful.
` Do you have any applications open on your
`computer, phone, or other device besides the interface
`for this Veritext deposition?
` A. I have Adobe Acrobat open. That's the only
`additional thing.
` Q. Is that to view the exhibits?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. You had some of those exhibits stored on
`your computer already?
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` A. I have nothing on my computer related to
`this -- to the '835 matter.
` Q. Okay. Do you agree that you will not be in
`electronic communication with anyone else while your
`cross-examination testimony is going?
` A. I do not intend to be in contact with
`anybody. I will not be in contact with anyone related
`to ParkerVision or their attorneys.
` Q. Okay. Other than if there's a matter of
`privilege, the rules of the PTAB forbid you from
`conferring with your counsel about the substance of
`your testimony during the cross-examination. Do you
`understand that?
` A. Yes, I understand that.
` Q. And you understand that TCL and Hisense
`filed a petition for inter partes review on one of
`ParkerVision's patents called the '835 patent, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you have your declaration -- you said
`you have a hard copy of it?
` A. Yes, I have. And I've also downloaded a
`copy which is on Adobe Acrobat at the moment.
` Q. Did you download it from the Veritext File
` A. Correct.
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` Q. And you see that I've marked it Deposition
`Exhibit 1?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And will you agree with me that when we
`refer to the '835 patent, we're referring to Patent
`Number 7,292,835?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this document that I've marked
`Exhibit 1, that's your declaration for this IPR
`proceeding, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if you flip to the back before your CV
`back to Page 142, there's a signature there. Can you
`confirm that that's your signature?
` A. Yes, that is my signature.
` Q. And you submitted this declaration under
`penalty of perjury, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And you understand that TCL and Hisense
`filed a second IPR petition against another one of
`ParkerVision's patents, correct?
` A. I realize that they have filed a petition
`regarding the '444 patent.
` Q. Right. And that's the subject of your
`deposition for tomorrow, correct?
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` A. Correct.
` Q. And right now, you understand that you're
`testifying under oath?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Do you know of any reason that you can't
`give complete and truthful testimony today?
` A. No, I do not.
` Q. Do you know of any reason that your memory
`might be impaired today?
` A. No. There's no reason why it should be
` Q. And you've been deposed several times
`before, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you know about how many times?
` A. I think this is probably my eighth time.
` Q. Do you remember what the other seven times
`were generally?
` A. They were some IPR matters. There were
`some litigation depositions, and there was a trade
`secret matter maybe ten years ago.
` Q. That trade secret matter did not involve
`ParkerVision; is that correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Did the other depositions involve your work
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
`with ParkerVision?
` A. No, not all of them.
` Q. How many did not?
` A. Two. I think two.
` Q. You think two. So you've probably been
`deposed five times before today with respect to your
`work for ParkerVision?
` A. Five times. That is correct.
` Q. Have you ever testified live in a court?
` A. I have not.
` Q. Have you ever testified live in a tribunal
`that's not considered a court?
` A. No.
` Q. You're being compensated by ParkerVision
`for this deposition; is that right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And are you charging an hourly rate for
`your work in this deposition?
` A. Yes, I am.
` Q. And what's your hourly rate you're
` A. $440 an hour.
` Q. Is that your normal rate?
` A. It's probably gone up with inflation, but
`that's my normal rate.
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` Q. Okay. About how much time did you spend,
`if any, to prepare for this deposition today?
` A. Well, I wrote the declaration, and then
`preparing for this deposition would be perhaps
`20 hours.
` Q. When did you start preparing for this
` A. Maybe seven days ago.
` Q. So you spent about 20 hours in the last
`week preparing for this deposition; is that right?
` A. That would be correct.
` Q. And did you bill ParkerVision for that
`20 hours of time?
` A. I haven't billed them yet.
` Q. Do you intend to bill them for that
`20 hours of time?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. And I'm not asking for the substance of
`your discussions, but did you discuss this during your
`deposition preparation? Did you meet with anyone to
` A. I had phone calls. I guess that counts as
`a meeting.
` Q. Right. Without telling me what you talked
`about, can you tell me who you talked to?
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` A. I talked to counsel at Daignault Iyer. I
`talked to Ms. Stephanie Mandir and Mr. Jason Charkow.
` Q. Did you talk to anyone from ParkerVision?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you talk to any of the inventors to
`prepare for the deposition?
` A. No, I did not.
` Q. One of your prior depositions was in
`connection with an IPR filed by Intel on the '444
`patent, correct?
` A. That would be correct.
` Q. I'm going to introduce an exhibit here.
`Bear with me. It'll take it a minute to load.
` Okay. So you might have to refresh your
`Marked Exhibits folder. There should be something in
`there new now.
` A. Yes, Exhibit 2.
` Q. Okay. And you see it's marked "Transcript
`of Michael Steer, Ph.D."?
` A. I just wanted to download it. It's too
`small to read.
` Q. Okay. Are you able to download it to your
`hard drive or your mobile?
` A. It should go into my download folder.
` Q. Just tell me when you're ready.
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` A. Okay. I have it open at the moment --
`Exhibit 2, Transcript of Michael Steer.
` Q. Yes. And it indicates that the deposition
`was July 28th, 2021, correct?
` A. I can't remember the actual date, but
`that's the date on the transcript, yes.
` Q. Does that sound about right for the
`deposition from the Intel lawyers?
` A. Probably, yes. I would say it sounds
` Q. I will just note that every page of this
`document is marked "Confidential Protective Order
`Material," but this transcript was not filed under
`seal, and it is available publically on the patent
`office's website, which is where I obtained this.
` Dr. Steer, when you testified in your prior
`deposition with the Intel lawyers regarding the '444
`patent, you were under oath, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And when you testified in that deposition,
`did you testify truthfully?
` A. I would have thought so, yes.
` Q. Again, the patent at issue in that
`proceeding was the '444 patent, not the '835 patent,
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` A. I can't see that on the transcript. I did
`-- there was a deposition regarding the '444. I can't
`see that on this document.
` Q. Well, if you go to the second page under --
`after the cover page, do you see that it indicates
`Case No. IPR2020-01265?
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. I'll just represent to you that that was
`the IPR filed by Intel against the '444.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Fair? Okay.
` If you would direct your attention to
`Page 21 of this deposition transcript.
` A. Is that PDF Page 21?
` Q. Sorry. No. It's the actual Bates number.
` A. Okay. I've got that, so that is PDF
`Page 22.
` Q. That's right. Do you see around Line 3,
`there was a question about how many matters have you
`worked on for ParkerVision?
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. I just want to ask you that now. I want to
`phrase it this way -- how many patent matters have you
`worked on as an expert for ParkerVision?
` A. I've probably reviewed 200 patents at some
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
`time or another. By "matters," what counts as a
`matter? an IPR? Does that count as a matter?
` Q. So either an IPR, a district court case, an
`ITC case, or appeal. Any of those would be matters.
` A. I remember an ITC case. There was one
`which involved lawyers in Texas. That was one case. I
`didn't do an IPR there. I've done -- this would be --
`I've probably worked on four IPRs working with
`Daignault Iyer -- the law firm Daignault Iyer. And I'm
`preparing an expert report, which is for another
`district court, so I guess that's two district court
`cases, one ITC case, and then maybe six IPRs.
` Q. When you said you worked with lawyers in
`Texas, was that the McKool firm?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was that for a case against Qualcomm?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Was that the case that was in the Middle
`District of Florida?
` A. I'm not too sure what the district was, but
`I believe it was Florida.
` Q. Is that the case that just concluded
`summary judgment?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you said you prepared an expert report
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
`for a different district court case. Is that what you
` A. I haven't prepared it yet. I'm working
`towards one.
` Q. Which case is that?
` A. That would be a case handled by Daignault
`Iyer. I'm not sure where that is.
` Q. Is that against Intel?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Are you an infringement expert in that
` A. At the moment, yes, I'm working on
` Q. Are you also engaged as the validity expert
`in that case?
` A. I do not know whether I will be engaged in
`that. I haven't started working on that yet.
` Q. Are you aware that there's -- other than
`these IPRs, there's underlying litigation against TCL
`and underlying litigation against Hisense. Are you
`aware of that?
` A. I'm unaware of that.
` Q. So you're not aware that there's -- that
`these petitions were filed in response to district
`court location?
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` A. Well, I suspected that there was probably
`some underlying litigation, but I have not been
`involved in it at all.
` Q. I'm asking are you aware of it?
` A. I'm vaguely aware but not very aware of it.
`It's not on my consciousness at the moment.
` Q. Are you aware that the Western District of
`Texas issued claim construction on some of the patents
`that are in these IPRs we're talking about today
`and tomorrow?
` A. I'm aware that in my expert report I did
`use claim constructions from a district court. I can
`look it up in my declaration to find out which court it
`was. I can do that now. So I was aware at one time --
`I just don't -- my memory doesn't let me know which
`court it was.
` Q. All right. Well, we'll get to that later.
`We can put a pin in that.
` We're going to talk about your claim
`construction a little bit. I was just surprised that
`you seemed to be unaware that there was an underlying
` A. I'm vaguely aware that there is one. I
`would think that if an IPR is being filed, it's in
`response to some potential litigation.
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` Q. Let's go back to this Exhibit 2, which was
`your deposition transcript in your previous deposition
`with Intel. Can you go to Page 30, the actual page
` A. Yes.
` Q. And do you see towards the bottom of the
`page down on Line 19, they started asking you how much
`money you had billed in total to ParkerVision? On
`Page 31, you stated, "I imagine it's been maybe 700- or
`$800,000 over the years."
` Since that time, which was last July,
`you've billed additional invoices to ParkerVision,
` A. Since July of 2021?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Yes. I have billed additional invoices.
` Q. So as we're sitting here today, what's your
`best estimate of how much in total that you've billed
`ParkerVision over the years as an expert consultant on
`the various matters that you've worked with them?
` MS. MANDIR: I'm going to object to
`relevance. I've given a lot of leeway on these kind of
`background questions. I want to know where we're
`going, but I would instruct the witness not to answer
`that question.
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` MR. MAYLE: Ms. Mandir, the PTAB trial
`practice guide say that you can say "objection" and, at
`most, one word after unless it's privileged. And if
`you say more than that, that's a speaking objection and
`it's sanctionable. So I'm going to repeat the
` Q. Dr. Steer, over the years what's your --
`sitting here today, what's your best estimate of how
`much you've billed ParkerVision for all the matters
`that you've worked on as an expert?
` MS. MANDIR: I'm going to object to
`relevance and instruct the witness not to answer.
` MR. MAYLE: Ms. Mandir, he's answered
`before. It's in Exhibit 2. He's answered that
`question previously with no objection. I'm asking for
`an updated estimate. He's already testified that he's
`added additional money since then. Are you not going
`to allow him to answer this question?
` MS. MANDIR: Yeah. I believe that's
`privileged information, and I would instruct the
`witness not to answer.
` MR. MAYLE: Well, I'm going to reserve
`the right to call the PTAB today, maybe during the next
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` MS. MANDIR: That's fine.
` MR. MAYLE: I would ask that you abide
`by the practice guidelines of taking depositions in the
`PTAB and not do speaking objections.
` Q. Dr. Steer, are you going to refuse to
`answer that question?
` A. On the instruction from counsel, I will not
`answer that question.
` Q. I direct your attention to Page 36 of this
`Exhibit 2 transcript -- again, the actual page number.
` A. I'm at Page 36.
` Q. There was a discussion of a book series
`entitled "Microwave and RF Design." You're familiar
`with that book series, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Are you the author of that book series?
` A. Yes, I am.
` Q. That book series never mentions Jeff
`Parker, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And that book series never mentions David
`Sorrell, correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. And David Sorrell is the inventor on the
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
`'835 patent, correct?
` A. I believe he is one of the inventors.
` Q. And David Sorrell is one of the inventors
`on the '444 patent, correct?
` A. I believe so, yes.
` Q. And David Sorrell is named as an inventor
`on many other ParkerVision patents, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. The book series entitled "Microwave and RF
`Design" never mentions ParkerVision, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And the book series entitled "Microwave and
`RF Design" never mentions energy sampling, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And that book series never mentions energy
`transfer, correct?
` A. I believe the book series does mention --
`it says quite a lot about energy and power. Energy is
`an important concept so I doubt -- I mean, I can't
`remember every word that I wrote.
` Q. I would like to direct your attention to
`Page 44 of this transcript, the actual page.
` A. I'm there now.
` Q. If you start on Line 20, it says, question,
`"The book series never mentions the phrase 'energy
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
`transfer.' Correct?" The next page, the answer that
`you gave was, "That is correct."
` Were you asked that question -- or did you
`give that answer at your deposition?
` A. I was asked that question in the
`deposition, and that was my answer in the deposition.
` Q. And you testified under oath in that
`deposition, correct?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. And you testified truthfully in that
`deposition, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Dr. Steer, you have never written an
`article that mentions energy sampling, correct?
` A. I have not.
` Q. And you have never written an article that
`mentions energy transfer, correct?
` A. I've never mentioned an article that
`mentions energy transfer.
` Q. But the question is you have never written
`an article that mentions energy transfer, correct?
` A. I doubt that I have.
` Q. You are not aware of any ParkerVision
`product that was a commercial success, correct?
` A. I believe that there were Wi-Fi products
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
`that were sold commercially. I do recall reading a
`review in a trade magazine, I believe, of a
`ParkerVision product. I do not know of all
`ParkerVision products.
` Q. My question was not whether you're aware of
`their products. The question is you are not aware of
`any ParkerVision product that was a commercial success,
` MS. MANDIR: Objection. Outside the
`scope of Dr. Steer's declaration.
` MR. MAYLE: Again, Ms. Mandir, you're
`violating the PTAB's rules. You can say "objection"
`and, at most, one word. Don't coach him.
` THE WITNESS: So I think I would have
`to say that I haven't formed an opinion on that.
` Q. Let me direct your attention to Page 67 of
`Exhibit 2.
` A. I'm on Page 67.
` MS. MANDIR: Sorry. I would just like
`to put an objection on the record to the continuing use
`of this exhibit, which is outside the scope of the '835
`patent IPR. I just would like to put a standing
`objection to all questions related to this exhibit, and
`these are questions beyond the scope of Dr. Steer's
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` MR. MAYLE: Ms. Mandir, once again, I
`would ask you to -- are you willing to abide by the
`PTAB's rules on objections?
` MS. MANDIR: Yeah. And I believe I'm
`doing so.
` MR. MAYLE: Okay.
` Q. At Page 67, Line 3, it says, question, "Has
`any ParkerVision product been a commercial success?"
`Line 6, answer, "I really don't know."
` Were you asked that question and did you
`give that answer at your deposition?
` A. Yes, I did.
` MS. MANDIR: Objection to scope.
` MR. MAYLE: I thought there was a
`standing objection.
` MS. MANDIR: Yeah.
` MR. MAYLE: You don't have to repeat
`it then.
` Q. And, again, you were under oath during your
`deposition, correct, Dr. Steer?
` A. Yes, I was.
` Q. ParkerVision was not the first to invent a
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
`method of frequency down-conversion of a received
`electromagnetic signal, correct?
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Correct.
` Q. Dr. Steer, has your testimony or opinions
`ever been excluded in any court proceedings, IPR
`proceedings, ITC proceedings, or other proceedings?
` A. I do not know.
` Q. Has any court or other tribunal found your
`opinions to be unreliable?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. Are you aware that the ParkerVision versus
`Qualcomm case that you were working on is not going to
`have a trial because Qualcomm prevailed on summary
` MS. MANDIR: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I guess I really don't
`know the answer to that question.
` Q. And sitting here today, is it your
`testimony that you don't know whether any of your
`testimony in that case was excluded?
` A. I do not know.
` Q. Bear with me. I'm going to prepare another
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
` Okay. If you could please try to refresh
`your marked exhibits and tell me if you see Exhibit 3
` A. Yes, I see Exhibit 3.
` Q. Can you please go ahead and try to download
`it like before to make it easier for us to talk about
` A. Yes. I see a document which has "Sealed
`Order" in the document.
` Q. That's the one. And you see at the top, it
`says it's in the Middle District of Florida, Orlando
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. And you see at the top left, it's
`ParkerVision versus Qualcomm?
` A. ParkerVision versus Qualcomm Incorporated
`and Qualcomm Atheros, Incorporated.
` MS. MANDIR: I'm sorry, Counsel. Just
`give me a minute. This last exhibit is having a
`problem downloading.
` MR. MAYLE: Sure.
` MS. MANDIR: Okay.
` Q. Dr. Steer, if you go to, like, the last
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`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
`page before the signature page near the end, it's
`marked Page 34. Let me know when you see that.
` A. It's the page that's headed "Conclusion"?
` Q. Correct. Do you see at the bottom, it
`says, "Done and ordered in Orlando, Florida, on
`March 9, 2022"?
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. So that was last month, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you see in the last page, it was signed
`by the United States District Judge Paul G. Byron?
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. Have you seen this order before?
` A. No, I have not.
` Q. This order is from the case that you were
`-- that you testified earlier that you were working as
`an expert with some Texas lawyers from McKool. This is
`from that case, correct?
` A. I believe what you're saying.
` Q. Based on the parties and the dates, does
`that -- based on the fact that it was versus Qualcomm
`and the date that I showed you, that makes sense,
` A. Yes, it does.
` Q. Let's go down to Page 10 and direct your
`Page 26
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`TCL & Hisense
`Ex. 1016
`Page 26


`Michael Steer, Ph.D. - April 27, 2022
`attention to the first paragraph there. Do you see
`starting in the second sentence, it says, "As
`defendants correctly observe, plaintiff fails to offer
`a single scientific publication, test, or simulation
`that shows it's Tau off/T calculation reliably
`differentiates between an energy sampler and a voltage
` A. I don't know where we are. We're on
`Page 10; is that correct?
` Q. Page 10. It's the first paragraph, the
`second sentence of the first paragraph.
` MS. MANDIR: Again, I'm just going to
`also put a standing objection to all questions on this
`exhibit as well which appears again beyond the scope of
`Dr. Steer's declaration, and he's not prepared to
`testify today about the last two exhibits that you've
` MR. MAYLE: Ms. Mandir, your
`objections go far beyond what's allowed.
` THE WITNESS: I have not seen this
`document before. I'm not too sure what this is. It
`says it's a sealed order. Can you give me time to read
`this, please? I just don't know what this

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